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Nishat Shalsabil Mim

Student Id: 170061030

Submitted to:
Naznin Akhter
Assistant Professor.
1. What are the different points should be kept in the mind while drafting notice and

Ans. Notice is the legal concept describing a requirement that a party be aware of legal process
affecting their rights, obligations or duties. There are several types of notice: public notice, actual
notice, constructive notice, and implied notice.
Agenda is usually sent along with the notice. Agenda is a statement of business or assignment to
be discussed in the meeting on which minutes and decisions are taken hereafter.

Some different points should be kept in the mind while drafting notice and agenda which are
given below:

For Notice :

1) Name of the Organization, Instituition or Office issuing it.

2) Date of issuing a particular notice.

3) The headline “NOTICE” to make it very clear.

4) A suitable description/eye catching caption to hold the immediate attention of the reader.

5) The purpose for which it has been written like calling a meeting, drawing attention, making an
appeal about some issue of concern etc.

6) Details of schedule; date, time, venue, programme, duration etc.

For agenda :

1) Create your meeting agenda 3 days in advance

2) Start with the simple details

3) The Meeting Objective

4) Time Per Topic

5) Keep the agenda to less than 5 topics

6) Include any other pertinent information for the meeting.

2.What procedure have you taken for conveying a meeting? Discuss.

Ans. A meeting is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for the
purpose of achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing
information or reaching agreement. Meetings may occur face-to-face or virtually, as
mediated by communications technology.
Meeting procedure:
Step 1 Clarify Objectives :
Ensure that all understand and are in agreement with the meeting objectives.
Step 2 Review Roles :
Review who will be timekeeper, recorder, leader, and facilitator. Decide at what intervals
feedback on time will be given.
Step 3 Review Agenda :
Review details of agenda items listed under step 4. Ensure that all team members understand
and are in agreement with the agenda items.
Step 4 Work Through Agenda Items
Step 5 Review Meeting Record :
Review the flipchart record on the walls but do not read all charts. Look for changes and
additions. Decide which charts should be kept and which should be discarded.
Step 6 Plan Next Steps and Next Meeting Agenda :
Decide who will do what before the next meeting. Decide what the objectives and agenda items
will be for the next meeting.
Step 7 Evaluate Meeting :
What did the team do well that it should continue doing? What could the team do differently to
improve the meeting, group, and continual improvement processes?
3.Draft a notice and agenda of the 5th Annual meeting of the Board of Directors of a car
manufacturing company
Ans. :

Uttara Automobiles
102, Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani,
October 10,2018

5th Annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the company will be held on Thursday, 18th
October,2018 at 3:40 PM at the register office of the company.

Kamal Hyder


Group Name: Team Power

Formate : Face to face
Date : 18-10-2018
Chair : Dewan Hossain dewanhossain.uttaramotors@gmail.com
Secretary : Mahir Hyder mahirsecretary.uttaramotors@gmail.com

1.Meeting Arrangements
18th October,2018,3:40 PM at the register office of the company.

2.Agenda Topic
i. Roll call
ii. Review and agree agenda
iii.Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting.
iv.Financial irregularities of company accountants.
v. Financial irregularities of company accountants.
4.How do you define minutes? Write an explanatory note on content of minutes of meeting.
Ans.Also known as minutes of meeting protocols or, informally, notes, are the instant written
record of a meeting or hearing. They typically describe the events of the meeting and may
include a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the participants, and related
responses or decisions for the issues.
Contents of minutes

 Discussion points
 The tasks assigned to individual members and groups.
 The recommendations made and
 The conclusion reached
5.Draft the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of Beximco
pharmaceuticals limited.

Beximco pharmaceuticals limited

An annual meeting of shareholders was held on 08 October,2018, Bashundhara Convention

Centre,for the purpose of electing the directors of the corporation and transacting all other proper
business. Notice was waved by all shareholders,and the waver was made a part of and proceeds
the minutes of this meeting. The President acted as chairperson and the Secretary acted as

The call of the list of shareholders and inspection of proxies showed that there were
represented at the meeting, in person or by proxy, holders of shares, constituiting a quorum. The
proxies, if any, were filed with the secretary and were included with the minutes of the meeting.

The minutes of the annual meeting held on 08 October,2018 were read and approved.

The following were nominated and seconded as candidates for the members of the board
of directors for the coming year.

1. Afrin Khondokar
2. Jinnatul Mumu
3. Syed Al Rafid

After completion of nominations from the floor, the nominations were closed by the
chairperson and the voice votes represented at the meeting were taken.
6.Draft the minutes of a Board meeting at which the following items were taken up:
(i) Appointment of Mr. ABC as the Deputy Manager.
(ii) Announcement of new branch opening.


Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited


An annual meeting of shareholders was held on 08 October,2018, Bashundhara Convention

Centre, Hall 2 for the purpose of electing the deputy manager.

Subjects of minutes Details of minutes

1. Chairperson of the Company Resolved: That Mr. ABC be and he is

hereby appointed Deputy Manager

of the Board and of the Company.

2. Announcements The official opening of our new branch

will take place on Sunday October 21,

Dated: Mr. Abu Khondokar, Mr Tahmid Iqbal,

08.10.2018 Chairperson Secretary

7.Draft the minutes of the second meeting of the Board of Directors of a telecom company.

Grameenphone Ltd

Second annual meeting of Board of Directors was held on 08 October,2018, Bashundhara

Convention Centre, Hall 2.


Rifat Bin Sultan

Rabib Masnun

Mr.Raiyan Hamza (Directors)

Mr. Abu Abedeen

Mr.Ehsan Haque

Mr. Rajib Hazra, Secretary

Mr. Khan, Solicitor

No. of Minutes Subject of Minutes Details of Minutes

1. Chairpersons of Meeting Mr. Shafiul Alam was

unanimously elected Chairperson

of the Meeting.

2. Chairperson of the Company Resolved: That Mr. Shafiul Alam be

and he is hereby appointed Chairperson

of the Board and of the Company.

3. Quorum Resolved: That three directors shall

constitute a quorum at the Board


No. of Minutes Subject of Minutes Details of Minutes

4. Appointment of Secretary Resolved: That Mr. Humayun Kabir, be

and is hereby appointed secretary of the

Company at a salary of Tk 25000 per

month to be terminable on three

months’ notice either side

5. Prospectus

6. Seal

7. Next meeting The next meeting of the Board was fixed

to be held on at Monday October 15, 2018

3.00 p.m.

Dated: Mr. Shafiul Alam, Mr. Rajib Hazra,

20.10.2018 Chairperson Secretary

8.Why media management is important for a company?

Media managers help their organizations capitalize on the surging popularity of media
platforms by creating and overseeing engagement, branding and marketing campaigns.


Given the high percentages of people who encounter new brands and become loyal to
them via electronic platforms, social media management is essential for businesses.
Although some businesses distribute their social media activities throughout several
departments, a social media manager creates the most value. Social media managers
commonly handle the following:

Brand awareness and brand loyalty do not happen magically. Engaging text and high-
impact visuals draw customers in and speak to their needs — or create them. Social
media managers develop and run social media content campaigns to accomplish these


Social media platforms are constantly evolving, and new ones appear all the time. To be
effective, branding content must be custom to each platform, while maintaining
consistency of message and design.


A business with a social media presence can attract an online community. People who
like or follow a product are likely candidates for brand loyalty, and a social media
manager’s targeted communications can reach out to even more potential community


Successful SEO ensures that a company’s content is visible and easy to find in search
engines. It is a vital part of social media for companies. Social media managers generally
understand SEO methods and best practices.


Metrics are a large part of social media. Social media managers can tell who is looking
and pinpoint many of their characteristics, such as where they shop, what they buy, where
they eat and who their friends are.

The bottom line is that you simply can’t do without social media management if you want to get
the most from your social networking.

9.How do business organizations take advantages from issuing press release? What are the
characteristics of good press release?

Advantages of using a press release :

1. You build links.

2. It will be picked up by other publications.

3.They refine your messaging.

4. They help journalists check information.

6.The best press releases provide content for other marketing channels.

Some important characteristics of good press release are:

1. It should be newsworthy.
2. It should be factually true.
3. It should be brief and precise.
4. It should be drafted in a simple language and conventional style.
5. It should be suitable for publication.
6. Making sure it’s relevant among the audience.
10.Your company has won a customer satisfaction award. Prepare a suitable press release.
Contact: John Smith
Tel.: (123) 456-7890
Cell Phone: (123) 456-7890
Email: john.smith@email.com
Website: www.smithauto.com


15TH OCT,2018
The UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI), published today by The Institute of Customer
Service, reveals that Company A tops UK supermarkets for customer satisfaction, having
climbed 37 places in the rankings since this time last year.

In a highly competitive sector, falling shortly behind Company A are a cluster of both discount
and high-end supermarkets, including Aldi, Lidl, M&S Food and Waitrose. Aldi and Waitrose
have topped the UKCSI in previous years but have lost ground in a highly competitive
marketplace which is set to see further change with the proposed impending Sainsbury’s and
Asda merger. Aldi's UKCSI score has dropped by 1.7 points compared to a year ago. The top 10
supermarkets in the July 2018 UKCSI are as follows:

1. Iceland
2. Waitrose 
3. Aldi 
4. M&S (food)
5. Lidl 
6. Sainsbury's 
7. Tesco 
8. ASDA 
9. Morrisons
10. Co-op (food)
The UK’s four biggest supermarket chains make up the bottom end of the top 10, with the
UKCSI report revealing Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Asda and Tesco are losing out compared to
competitors in areas including trust, transparency and reputation. Iceland customers have high
trust in the brand, scoring it 8.4 (out of 10) for transparency (in comparison the ‘big four’
received scores of 7.8 or 7.9). Waitrose and Iceland lead the way for ‘caring for customers’ with
a score of 8.3, whilst Asda and Tesco score 7.8. 

Iceland has made several moves over recent years to tap into the public consciousness with
customer-pleasing initiatives including the introduction of vegan ice cream, an affordable luxury
range featuring lobster, wagyu beef and venison, and was the first supermarket to pledge to
eliminate plastic packaging from all of its own-brand products by the end of 2023. Last month it
announced it was expanding its vegan range after sales of vegan products outsold non-vegan

Jo Causon, Chief Executive of The Institute of Customer Service, commented: “Maintaining

consistency will be key to building trust and sustainable success for Iceland and other brands in
the sector. In a highly competitive sector, organisations need to maintain a constant focus on
understanding their customers’ needs, high standards of employee helpfulness and competence,
quality and range of products and competitive pricing. At a time of dynamic change and intense
competition, it is worth remembering that over the last three years the supermarkets who have
outperformed the sector average for customer satisfaction have achieved the strongest revenue

The UKCSI is the national measure of UK customer satisfaction. It rates customer satisfaction at
a national, sector and organisational level across 13 sectors – incorporating the views of 10,000
consumers. More than 30 different considerations – such as staff professionalism, quality and
efficiency, and complaint handling – are factored into the results. It is published twice a year, in
January and July. To find out more, and to download the full UKCSI report, visit:


Notes to editors

For further information please contact:

Sophie Lanning, Rebecca Peck and Bethan Davies

E: ICS@kindredagency.com  

T: 0207 010 826 (Sophie), 020 7010 0877 (Rebecca) or 0207 010 851 (Bethan)
11.Your company has signed an agreement with a Japanese company for the production of I-
pod. Prepare a suitable press release to announce this tie-up.

Press Release


CUPERTINO, California—October 23, 2001—Apple® today introduced iPod™, a

breakthrough MP3 music player that packs up to 1,000 CD-quality songs into an ultra-
portable, 6.5 ounce design that fits in your pocket. iPod combines a major advance in
portable music device design with Apple’s legendary ease of use and Auto-Sync, which
automatically downloads all your iTunes™ songs and playlists into your iPod, and keeps
them up to date whenever you plug your iPod into your Mac®.

“With iPod, Apple has invented a whole new category of digital music player that lets you
put your entire music collection in your pocket and listen to it wherever you go,” said Steve
Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “With iPod, listening to music will never be the same again.”

“This endeavor can help both the party involved in reaching a higher standard and will
enable a new pathway to a more advanced technological production in the future” said the
CEO of the Japanese Production Company.
12.Your company organized a cancer awareness camp with the help of well qualified and
senior doctors. Prepare a suitable press release on the occasion.

October 15, 2018 – Dhaka, Health Commissioner is marking the start of “Cancer Awareness
Camp” by highlighting the infection control efforts of the campaign, right here in

The “Cancer Awareness Camp” is a public health campaign, whose slogan explains its
mission: “We’re Stronger Together”. This Campaign is targeted at re-educating healthcare
providers about safety and empowering patients to ask questions about the steps their
healthcare providers take to ensure that every procedure is a safe one.

Since 1999, more than 125,000 people in Bangladesh have been notified of potential
exposure to cancer in various forms. Many of these lapses involved healthcare providers
lack of knowledge and inability, resulting in numerous deaths.

“What’s important to remember is that these are curable diseases,” Health Commissioner
said. “When healthcare professionals always follow basic control procedures there should
be less occurrences of unwanted incidents.”

13.You have received a complaint from a valued customer from Chitrakoot, pointing out that
furniture he had ordered for a special occasion has arrived in a damaged condition. Though
the fault is of the transport company, you have decided to replace the damaged furniture
immediately. Draft a suitable reply to the customer.

Dear Sir,
It was upsetting to know that the furniture we shipped to your company previous week arrived
in bits and pieces. As per our telephonic conversation we are agreeing to your request, and
sending you a new shipment for the damaged ones. We assure you that it won’t be repeated
again and our packaging will be of high quality as always. The shipment left our dock this
morning itself and is scheduled for afternoon delivery to you on time. Meanwhile please return
over the damaged goods back to us.
I am sorry that this unfortunate incident occurred and sincerely appreciate your continued
patronage. Sorry again for the inconvenience caused.

14.As the Sales manager of Perfect Carpet, Raniganj, write a letter to Messrs. Pannalal & Co.,
Udaiganj, regretting your inability to accept their order of 10 carpets at the price quoted
byyou for order of 100 carpets and upwards. State your terms for accepting the present

Dear Sirs,

We refer to your Email of 12 August and ours of today regarding the supply of 10 Carpets.

As you perhaps know, demand for the above has been heavy since last year. We are
consequently fully committed at the moment and are unable to make you the offer as
requested as it is very hard for us to sell the product at the price quoted. Please note that we
will be willing to charge that price if you order 100 Carpets and onward.

We assure you, It is in our best interest to serve our customers. But it is very hard for us to
convey this message to you. So should you reconsider your order quantity we will be gladly
shipping your order in a timely manner.
Yours faithfully,
Perfect Carpet, Raniganj

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