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x * x k e oe Us S * * “ 7 * “ Dna eee es ode a ° - for practising yours. . “Enalch vocabulary’ ° * e “te ew eee kk kk a Ce Contents 2 at ; Page About this book i Shopping List 2 24 How to use this Book iv Doubles 2 25 Shopping List | ! Verb Game 2 2% Who? 2 What's the Weather like 27 Crossword | 3 Today? Where? 4 Help 2 28 The New House 5 Abbreviations 2 2 Food & Drink é Places 2 30 Places | 7 On the Road 31 Top Secret 8 A Business Trip 32 Holiday List 9 Categories Quiz | 34 Ac the Station 10 Allabout You 35 Verb Game | 12 Months 36 Abbreviations | 13 Opposites 2 37 Doubles | i4 Word Families | 38 Free Time 5 Crossword 3 39 Legs 6 Libland 40 \ Opposites | 17 Richard's Week 42 Help f 8 Word Families 2 8 What's the Mater? 19 Opposites 3 44 At the Hotel 20 Categories Quiz 2 45 The Circle Game 21 Hands 46 Crossword 2 2 Answers 7 Plurals 2 Word List oF roe CETTE TTT Shopping List| For example: pot ators: j = potatoes This is Joe's photo album. Who is who? for example: 1 This is my wife and son. me wens wife and son grandfather and grandmother sister father and mother brother dog Colours All the answers are colours. Across 7 3 Clouds Ww (sometimes) H ol j I — 5 Sunset (sometimes) Ty 2 ed 5 ts 5 TS 6 Sea GIR EY 7 Branch 6 of a tree Down 7 o inn Val 1 sow WW 2. Grass wth, SOF 4 sun aN 7 Night 8 An orange Jane is phoning the Brown family. Where are they? \Tello, ig A 2, there’ ee) S can dining reom bathroom — garage bedroom — garden sitting roam kitchen TheNew ‘House Mr and Mrs Williams have a new house. Can you help chem put everything in its right place? | Make one list for the kitchen and one for the bedroom. i For example: Kitcten BEPROOM cup Sheek cup sheet carpet _— fork bed knife plate fridge blanket.» spoon pillow teapot Peter, Diana, Ted and Ruth are in the Quick Food Café. What are they eating? soup of the day omelette chips orange juice soup of the day — omelette chips orange juice beer roast chicken cake ~— chocolate ice-cream banana rice cheese sandwich biscuits coffee = wine — tea PLACES | Margaret walked to eight places in this town — first Number |, then Number 2, etc. Look at the map and show the way she went. for example: Hotel Restaurant Bank Church Camping Site Police Station Café Park 00001 is a spy. Read his secret message. Go ley we PY, TRAIN wt foot. aa o whe There's a message om tie aan Pest! Look at the first letkers again. underground plane train bicycle — airport taxi station = on motorbike Donic FORGET! ( dress | blouse. | pair of jeans 2 pairs of Socks | pair of tighks apiderwear leoae | jackee | pullover | skir€ 2 pairs of shoes passpoce kickele Look at Susie's holiday list. Can you see it ail in her room? AT THE STATION = j Can you put each sign in its correct place? * . = i ‘ for example: 1 = Taxis When you've finished, close the book and write down all the signs you can remember. (There are 13) KR PAA AL < QF FFE PQ i eee eke | oe ree Ticket Office Lost Property Office Toilets Open Travel Centre Telephone g S ~ vl g 5 Ofw whale Ol E fa] 2 E> a <)O wi dio £ Zin —lbiwialrlole = 35 THe wil ol—lola =o. elf) Mle PDN ly $gOR8 EStsecee ees WOE > leis iN > ead § (FR Zl-iz vio/alole wae 229.9 Hloslofsiatatete| O eee i@lal>/S/<[-i-lalo Sc O OFRD Can you find the correct abbreviations? For example: (am ante meridiem (in the morning) Great Britain pound (weight) United States please turn over metre Sunday Friday. north Monday: post meridiem (in the afternoon) United States of America Saturday northeast kilometre United Kingdom [Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Veilogram United Nations UOWNes Many words in English are made of two words. Put the word from list A with the correct word from list B. For exounple: Fest NAME stg bey FIRST DEPARTURE TELEPHONE BUS CAMPING SHOPPING ORANGE GROUND TELEPHONE Mr Jones and Mrs Smith have many interests. Write two lists. dancing driving playing football waiking {earning foreign languages watching television — cooking = swimming reading _ listening to music -LEGS- Awe Count the number of legs Tor example: Three dogs twelve Legs /2 Four cats Legs One farmer & two horses Legs One bird Legs | One fh Legs One tourist guide & fourteen tourists Legs Two chairs _ Legs Four tables _ Legs Me & Mrs Brown & their three daughters Legs Total Legs _| wi RETA If you are right, the total is the same as the number of legs in five football teams. ornorntes f Here are 7 pairs of adjectives. ad - : | mea | Can you find the cofrect pictures? aa | Write the numbers beside the words. ig for example: a Bark) Light i Cheap Expensive : Quiet Noisy t High 7 Low f E Old} New | Young | Old i Light f HELP 1 Jack and Sally are staying ac Ye a the same hotel. He is on ese holiday and she is a journalist KZ A &) ARES |? Today he is going to the beach and she is working. Can you say what is his and what is hers? For exaunple : HERS ~ money HIS - ball money ball bottle of water = map boat book car keys notebook sunglasses pen — towel hat cheque book radio Ig Look at him... he's not happy, is he? Can you say why? Fill in the missing words. For example:1 He's tired. tired fallen pain ill, = broken ice __ finger | cold thirsty burnt = arm —s hand = hungry i cut back 9 AT THE HOTEL Look at the list. Can you give each service its name? % THE RITZ HOTEL: OUR SERVICES FOR GUESTS For example 4 BReAKkFAs from 6.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. 2 open for lunch and dinner for drinks ti 11.30 p.m dial ‘0’ for Reception for Traveller's Cheques only in Emergency ask at Reception To] i in every room 7 8 in double rooms only 9 fama free for guests’ cars [BE] 40 at 12,00 (midday) " can be guests too for £1 a day tell us the night before Breakfast Television Dogs Change — Restaurant Bar Check-out Doctor Radio = Wake-up Telephone — Parking 20 GIRGLE CAME Find the object and then find the correct verb. For exanple: pay a bill CROSSWUORD 2 tae loocyy All the answers are parts of the body. rh Vlwea/, Look at the singular form and write the plural. for example: 1 Women woman tooth = leaf = comb bus foot ~— watch flower child policeman island = car knife glass factory 23 Shopping List 2 Look at the shopping Mike has brought home. Write his list. For example: 4 a kilo of beans kilo bottle = loaf ~— scans packet piece aauwles J Many words in English are made of two parts. Put the word from list A with the correct word from list B. For example: TOOTHPASTE, CoPraé-PoT me > VERB GAME 2 Can you find 10 verbs hidden in this square? The pictures will help you. Do this C> or this : or example: A (iiRWIAPNKTATKIGIA RIIIVIPIE\MIT CiH]y) 7% QlplalRiAlbitiela|z [s|E|OIN V WiyiRiUIN DIAINICKE/CIL A F/B TIED X/GIO/F/BIt|H siwil iM) z[MiLiclulK AIRIRILIVIE YIALE|Q Q A 26 Whats he weath like today? s ® All round the world people watch programmes about the weather on TV. Look at the different countries and describe 5 the weather. for example: Tn Tndia ie is Ta Saudi Arabia it is doudy and hot Ha covets AMA ee Tn Scotland thece is tn co, free \ is cloudy hot dry wind = snow — sunny = fog_—rain RELP Mr & Mrs Davies are staying at the Sunny Days Hotel. Say what’s missing. for example: 1 Theres no water, water chair pillow key eating knife and fork lift light towel 26 Can you find the correct abbreviations? Tor eKampl e: Dec. December. Before Christ Parking _ Postscript south telephone television Avenue Square Doctor. nota bene (take special note off southwest Street water closet (toilet) Road ‘anno Domini (in the year of our Lord) week pence year PLACES 2 Tom is old now. When he was younger he worked in many different places. For example: 1 He worked in a makee. market hospital Post office cinema factory supermarket ticket office —_ office 30 « Do you know these traffic signs? for example: 1 No stopping 1 ALON 10 No stopping Children No entry Sheep No right turn No walking Traffic lights No cycling Menat work No left turn Picnic site 31 March Ist Mr Brown left London for example: Ind Ireland (260 _Zr#h _ pounds) 7th France (2,500_______franes) 10th Spain (47,000______pesetas) [Sth Italy (500,000 ____ lire) 19th Switzerland (680 francs) 28th Germany (850___ marks) 32 Last spring Mr Brown went round the world on a business trip. Show on the map the way he went and name the capital cities he visited. Fill in the blanks to show what money he spent. v April 3rd Greece (27,000 drachmas) 10th Saudi Arabia (1,100______riyals) \7th Egypt (300 pounds) 24th Australia Brasilia Mexico City (360 ____ dollars) Dublin 30th Japan London Bonn (77,400 _____——_ yen) Paris , May Sth Canada enev. Madrid (400 _______ dollars) hae [4th Mexico ens ia (60,200 _____ pesos) Ottowa 22nd Brazil Tokyo (83,000 cruzeiros) Canberra Riyadh 3lst Back to London. 33 CAVEGO RIES) Oy Put a [XJ next to the correct answer. or example: | Susan is a a surname a insect b first name x b aeroplane ¢ boy’s name ¢ airport 2° France is a 7 A kitchen is a a language “a room b nationality b sport © country . ¢ shop 3 A station is a 8 Ejghtisa a train a number b place b colour © country c date 4 A supermarket is a 9 A teacher is a a job a job b shop b person ¢ farm ¢ school 5 Coffeeisa 10 March is a a meal a day b drink b holiday ¢ place © month Sy Vou Judy is doing a quiz. Look at the pictures and fill in the answers for her. What Sort of Person are YOU?? Answer these questions and see. For example: 1 How do you eat? slowly quickly 2. How do you sleep? well badly How much do you read? Oa little alot Are you ever late for work? Olalways UO never When do you get up? early late Which season do you efer for holidays? summer winter Can you find the correct month? For example: takes its name from Julius Caesar. has the fewest days. . is the longest (number of letters). has Christmas on the twenty-fifth. . has thirty days and eight letters. starts with the letter O. has the letter | at the end. is a holiday for students in Britain. is the first month. . is the shortest (number of letters). is also a verb (soldiers do it). ._ is also a girl's name. L, Here are 7 pairs of adjectives. 3 ZS ONOKE UT ' Can you find the correct pictures? F \. Dr Is is Brossels Y- .. =} G ie 7 7 oy eS example: Eas Difficult 77 Right Wrony Big_|_ Small Fat Thin Soft’ Hard Fast Slow Tall Short, cs Which word is different from the others? \ for example: 1 Road Street Square 2 Book Magazine Television Newspaper 3 Arm Head Hand Hat Eggs Salt Pepper Mustard Gallon Bottle Litre Pint Boss Wife Son Daughter Doctor Medicine Taxi Ambulance Postcard Stamp Letter Travellers’ cheques TOLLS ICS Across Down } 1 13 un a 1 3" 9 60 3 40 3 Ix 2 9 5 \r" 15 2 4 Ik 12 4 7 10 v I2 6 6 3 2?” 8 0 8 ai Libland sells | alotof... 2 afew... Sieealitienn: 4 alittle... 5 alotof.. 6 alittle. Libland doesn't sell 7 much... 8 many. 9 much. For example LLibland sells a lo€ of wood. for example: ; 7. libland. doesnt sell much Coffee. 40 wood ships leather coffee gold gas Libland is a small country. * Look at what it sells and what it buys. f Libland buys 10 oil Il cars 12 cotton 13 wool 14 iron Libland doesn’t buy 15 iron 16 wine \7 cars For example: 10. Libland buys a lo& of oll. For example; alotof much a few 15. Libland doesnt buy alittle = many — any much iron. 41 42 Richard's Week Fill in what Richard is going to do this week. For example : SUNDAY 12.27 Don't Stop No 1.00 World ok One cinema good news programme on the radio _ party football Arabic class book tickets for the theatre out with friends Language - Signs - Picnic places Occupations - Hotel - Shopping Put these words into their correct families. There are 4 in each. speak pronounce understand = mean_— size lake nylon reception dentist. — exit student try on hill entrance — shop assistant —_ beach nurse = how much? single room pull fields push double room _ bill for example: LANGUAGE C2 Speak, Pronounce, understand, mean EON é ee Can you find the 6 pairs of verbs? CATEGORIES) Que 2 Put a LX] next to the correct answer. for example: Russian is a 5 a place b nationality x] ¢ job Trousers are a clothes b money ¢ food Dr is an abbreviation for a December b Doctor ¢ dear 8 Swimming is a a place b fish © sport 9 Mrs Brown is a a child b married ¢ not married Michael is a a woman's name b surname ¢ man's name A banana is a a fruit b vegetable c¢ meal The Nile is a a sea b river © mountain The finger is a a room b time © part of the body 45 What can you do with your hands? turn on turn off 46 For example: 1. tum on make steal ~— wash buy write cut break drive ANSWERS PIDVTTAITT III Shopping list i | Page | Potatoes, fish, milk, bread, cheese, butter, apples, meat, Page 2 | This is my wife and son. 2. This is my father and mother. 3. This is my grandfather and grandmother. 4 This is my brother. 5. Thisis my sister. 6 This is my dog cROSSUUOF 7 1 Page 3 She's in the dining room He's in the sitting room. He's in the bathroom She's in the bedroom He's in the garage Il 2 3 4 He's in the garden 5 6 7 She's in the kitchen The New House Page 5 Kitchen: cup, fork, knife, plate, fridge, spoon, teapot Bedroom: sheet, carpet. bed, blanket, pillow Food Dring Page 6 Diana: soup of the day, omelette, chips, orange juice Peter: cake, biscuits, tea Ruth: cheese sandwich, banana, beer Ted: roast chicken, rice, wine, chocolate ice-cream, coffee 47 dawles 4 Page 14 first name, departure lounge, telephone box, bus station, camping site, shopping list, orange juice, ground floor, telephone number Free Time Page 15 Mr. Jones: dancing, playing football, reading, cooking, watching television Mrs, Smith: walking, learning foreign languages, driving, swimming, listening to music -LEGS- Page 16 “Three dogs Tour cat ‘One farmer BT One bird One fy ‘One tours gude & fourteen tours Two chairs - Four a Tic & Mrs Brown & ther three daughters Total One hundred ornontes 4 Page 17 Dark [ tye —T ‘2 Thea [Expensive [3 Quet [Ney 10 igh | Low 14 oda -hew 13 "Young | Oid 13. U1 Heavy [tight HELP 1 Page 18 Hers: money, map, car keys, notebook, pen, cheque book His: ball, bottle of water, boat, book, sunglasses, hat, radio, towel He's tired. He's fallen on the ice. He's got a cold He's thirsty. He's hungry. He's broken his arm. He's got a pain in his back He's burnt his hand. \ 2 3 4 5 6 He's cut his finger. 7 8 9 0 He's. AT THE HOTEL Page 20 | Breakfast. 7 Radio 2 Restaurant 8 — Television 3 Bar 9 Parking 4 Telephone 10 Check-out 5 Change 11 Dogs 6 Doctor 12 Wake-up CIRCLE GAME Pay a bil, fy a plane, smoke a cigarette, book a hotel room, win a football match, send a letter, change a traveller's cheque, drive a truck 49 AT THE STATION =S ] PLACES I | Page 7 ie Page 10 1 Taxis 8 TravelCentre 2 Way Out 9 Closed 3 Toilets 10 Ticket Office 4 Telephones I! Waiting Room 5 Platform! 12. Lost Property Office 6 — Danger 13. Open 7 Bar = ne. VERB - * : GAME 1 i Page 12 i RT PTV [S Ly! INTRO plofaleli ti fe (syHle TOP viet fclols feluiv INJM[ult la ye fA Page 8 Alciay [ele |s KIA Ky Train, On (foot), Motorbike, Station, feo Plolc Airport, Taxi, Plane, Underground, ALL IBA |Z [1 MIE |H Bicycle. TOM'S AT THE PUB s|z{) |e lojolu lolalP lv [tlk Great tan 98 lessen ae tin Ses : [PO fatese wn ne an Go S| [Bua sedir Pei [rede foo | | ror Fmt | post mene fae sea) 1S A | umted sates of Amen 4 Sat. [Satay We asec Tk — UGSR ocant epiie Heit Page 23 1 Women 9 Watches 20 Cars 10 Policemen 3 Buses 11 Islands 4 Knives 12. Leaves 5 Teeth 13. Glasses 6 Combs 14 Flowers 7 Feet 15 Factories 8 Children EEC EVIE Shopping List Z Page 24 Akkilo of beans A bottle of wine A packet of tea A packet of biscuits A.can of beer \ domes 4 Page 25 Toothpaste, coffee-pot, weekend, football, livingroom, haircut, motorbike, toothbrush, bathroom, ice-cream, bedroom, postcard A piece of cake A loaf of bread A kilo of oranges A piece of cheese A packet of sugar waun Severe 50 Page 26 1 PRY {alk [Gla] Rf fv{efe IM{ticlH{ yj] q[pJalrfaju|t|elelz slefo|N]v wily DIAINICKENC\ [Al F |B T[E|D[x(G joyry 8 |i [H S [wt [MZ [MALI C|U} Kk] @ieiaiivigivialelo Page 27 In India it is cloudy and hot In Saudi Arabia it is dry and sunny. In Scotland there is rain and fog. In Alaska there is snow and wind. HELP 22 Page 28 There's no water. There's no lift There's no key. There's no light. There's no towel, There's no heating There's no chair There's no pillow. There's no knife and fork. woNauaun— Page 29 Deceriber Belore Cheat Park Paster Dector nota bene (ake paral nove southwest Sweet ater Covet Roll avo Dit (the year of ove Lord) meek Page 30 1 Nostopping 7 2 Sheep 8 3 Nogfling 9 4 Trafficlights 10 5 Menatwork II 6 Picnic site & q No right turn No walking No left turn No entry Children PLACES 2 Page 31 He worked in a market. He worked in a factory. He worked in a cinema He worked in a supermarket. He worked in a post office. He worked in an office He worked in a ticket office He worked in a hospital @eVonnwn— Page 32 March 2nd Irish, 7th French, 10th Spanish, |Sth Italian, 19th Swiss, 28th German, April 3rd Greek, 10th Saudi, 17th Egyptian, 24th Australian, 30th Japanese, May 5th Canadian, 14th Mexican, 22nd Brazilian Page 22 | HS ‘body | Women 9 Watches 2 Cars 10 Policemen 3 Buses I Islands 4 Knives 12 Leaves 5 Teeth 13 Glasses 6 Combs 14 Flowers 7 Feet 15 Factories 8 Children CCT ETT ST h Shopping List 2 Page 24 1 Akkilo of beans 6 Apiece of cake 2 Abottle of wine 7 A loaf of bread 3 Apacket of tea 8 Akilo of oranges 4 Apacket of biscuits 9 A piece of cheese 5 Acan of beer 10 A packet of sugar d “4 4 Lawes 4 Page 25 Toothpaste, coffee-pot, weekend, football, livingroom, haircut, motorbike, toothbrush, bathroom, ice-cream, bedroom, postcard 50 VERB GAME 2 Page 26 1 JAK] GIA] R]tfv[e fe |M[t{clH| y Qfojalrfafult|e/a[z s{EfoinNiy why y DIAINICKENCYL [alr [8 T[E[D[x€G JOyFy BI 1/H Swi [Mhz Mfificfulk RIR [TV AAWIAlE|Q Page 27 In India it is cloudy and hot. In Saudi Arabia it is dry and sunny, In Scotland there is rain and fog. In Alaska there is snow and wind. REL Page 28 There's no water. There's no lift. There's no key. There's no light There's no towel There's no heating There's no chair. There's no pillow. There's no knife and fork CoV ausun— le wraauRlas Page 34 1b, 2c, 3b, 40, Sb, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9b, 10c Sot we Dio w= YOUK Page 35 1 quickly 4 always 2 well 5 early 3 alot 6 winter , Monty, i Page 36 1 July 7 April 2 February = August 3. September 9 January 4 December 10 May 5 November 11 March 6 October 12 June OOMOONOS L. Page 37 For example Eas) Difficult Right Wrong Big_|_Small 1 13 | Fast_[ Slow 7 2 17 L 6 Fat Thin : : 3 Tall_[ Short 52 g S Soft | Hard _| Ee oO pss 7 Page 38 1 river 5 bottle 2 television 6 boss 3 hat 7 taxi 4 eggs 8 travellers’ cheques Page 40 1 Libland sells a lot of wood. 2 Libland sells a few ships. 3 Libland sells a little coffee, leather, gold. 4 Libland sells litte leather, coffee, gold, 5. Libland sells a lot of gas 6 _ Libland sells a little gold, leather, coffee. 7 Libland doesn't sell much coffee, leather. gold 8 Libland doesn't sell many ships. 9 Libland doesn't sell much leather, coffee, gold 10. Libland buys a lot of oil 11 Libland buys a few cars. 12. Libland buys a lot of cotton. 13 Libland buys lot of wool. 14 Libland buys a litle iron. 15. Libland doesn't buy much iron, 16 Libland doesn't buy any wine. 17 Libland doesn't buy many cars. Richard’s Week Page 42 Monday 28th: 8 p.m. cinema Tuesday 29th: || a.m. book tickets for the theatre Wednesday 30th: 7.30 p.m. out with friends. Thursday Ist: 3 p.m. Arabic class Friday 2nd: 10 p.m. party Saturday 3rd: 2.15 p.m. football Sunday 4th: | pm. good news programme on the radio Page 43 Language: speak, understand, Pronounce, mean Signs: entrance, exit, pull, push Picnic Places: lake, hil fields, beach Occupations: nurse, dentist, shop assistant, student Hotel: single room, double room, bill, reception ‘Shopping: try on, size, nylon, how much? OrVOones } Page 44 Come in and go out Win and lose ‘Ask and answer Sleep and wake up Put on and take off Go to bed and get up ouaen CATEGORIES) Page 45 Ib, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5b, 6¢, 7a, 8b. 9 AND Page 46 1 turn on. 6 write 2 drive, 7 make. 3 steal 8 break 4 wash, 9 turnoff 5 by. 10° cut | | WORDLIST The numbers beside each word are the page numbers where the word is used in a game. If the word is used often, you will see the first three page numbers followed by A abbreviation 13, 29, 45 about 27, 42 across 3, 22, 39 ‘AD (anno Domini) 29 adjective 17, 37 aeroplane 34 again 8 airport 8, 34 Alaska 27 album 2 all 3,9, 10. also 36 always 35 a.m. (ante meridiem) 13, 42 ambulance 38 answer 22, 34, 39.. any 42, 40 apple April 36, 42 Arabic 42 arm 19, 22 arrive 26 ask 20, 44 at 36, 42 August. 36 Australia. 32 Australian 32 ‘Avenue (Ave) 29 B back (n) 19, 22 back (adv) 21, 32 badly 35 ball 18 banana 6, 45 bank 7 bar 10, 20 bathroom 4, 25 BBC 42 BC (before Christ) 29 54 beach 43 bean 24 bed 5 bedroom 4, 5, 25 beer 6, 24 before "13, 20 Belgium 37 beside 17 bicycle 8 big 37 bil 21, 43 bird 16 bir biscuit 6, 24 black 3 blank 32 blanket 5 blouse 9 blue 3 boat 18 body 22, 45 book (n) "11, 18, 38 book (v) 21, 42 boss 38 bottle 18, 24, 38 box 14 boy 34 branch 3 Brazil 32, 42 Brazilian 32 bread 1, 24 break (broken) 19, 46 breakfast. 20 bring (brought) 24 Britain 36 brother 2 brown 3 Brussels 37 burn (burnt) 19 bus (buses) 14, 23 bus station 14 business 32 butter | buy 40, 42, 46 by 8 c café 6,7 cake 6, 24 camera 9 camping site 7, 14 can(n) 24 can(v) 5, 9, 10 Canada 32 Canadian 32 capital 32. car 18, 23, 40 carpet 5 cat 16 category (ies) 34, 45 chair 16, 28 change (v) 21, 20 cheap 17 check-out 20 cheese I, 6, 24 cheque book’ 18 chicken 6 child (children) 23, 31 chips 6 chocolate 6 Christmas 36 church 7 cigarette 21 cinema 30, 42 circle 21 citylies) 32 class 42 clean 12 close (closed) 10 clothes 45 cloud 3 cloudy 27 coat 9 coffee 6, 34, 40 coffee-pot 25 cold (n) 19 colour 3, 34 comb 23 come 26, 42 come in 44 cook (cooking) 15 correct 10, 13, 14 cotton 40 count 16 country (ies) 27, 34, 40 crossword 3, 22, 39 cruzeiro 33 cup 5 cut 19, 46 cycle (cycling) 31 D dance (dancing) 15, 26 danger 10 dark 17 date 34 daughter 16, 38 day 6, 28, 34 dear 45 December 29, 36, 45 dentist 43 departure lounge 14 describe 27 dial 20 different 27, 30, 38 difficult 37 dining room 4 dinner 20 do 31, 36, 42 don't 9 doctor 20, 38 Doctor + name (Dr) 29, 45 dog 2, 16, 20, dollar 32 double room 20, 43 down 3, 10, 22 drachma 32 dress 9 drink 6, 34, 42 drinks (n) 20 drive (driving) 15, 46, 21 dry sre) E each 10 ear 22 early 20, 35 easy 37 eat (eating) 6, 12 egg 38 Egypt 32 Egyptian 32 eight. 7 eleven 39 Emergency 20 end 36 England 42 English 42 entrance 43 every 20 everything 5 exit 43 expensive 17 eye 22 F factory (ies) 23, 30 fall 19 family (ies) 4, 43 farm 34 farmer 16 fast 37 fat 37 father 2 February 36 (a) few (fewest) 36, 40 field 8, 43 fillin 19, 32, 42 find 13,'17, 26... finger 19, 45 finish 11 first 14, 36, 39 first name. 34 fish 1, 45 floor ‘14 flower 23 fly (n) 16, 34 fly (v),_21, 26 fog 27 food 6, 45 foot (feet) 22, 23 football 16, 25, 42 football match 21 foreign 15 forget 9 fork 5, 28 forty 39 four 39 franc 32 France 32, 34, 42 free 15, 42, 20 French 32, 42 Friday (Fri.)| 13, 42 fridge 5 friend 42 from 25, 36, 38 fruit 45 G gallon 38 game 12, 21, 26 garage 4 garden 4 gas 40 GB (Great Britain) 13, 37 German 32 Germany 32 getup 35, 44 gil 36 give 12 glass (glasses) 23, 40 g0 8, 26, 42 gotobed’ 44 gout 44 gold 40 good 42 got 19 grandfather 2 grandmother 2 grass 3 Greece 32 Greek 32 green 3 grey 3 ground floor 14 guest. 20 guide 16 H hair cut 25 half 39 hand 19, 22, 38.. happen 18, 42 happy 19 hard 37 hat 9, 18, 38 have 15 he 18, 19, 32 head 22, 38 heart 22 heating 28 heavy 17 hello 4 help 5, 18, 28 her 9, 35 here 17, 37 hers 18 hide (hidden) 26 high 17 hill 43 him 19, 35 his 8, 18, 19 holiday 9, 18, 34 home 24 horse 16 hospital 30 hot 27 hotel 18, 28, 43 hotel room 21 house 5 hour 42 55 i how 35 how much 43 | hungry 19 hurry 42 ice 19 ice-cream 6, 25 in 19 insect 34 interest (n) 15 Ireland 32 Irish 32 iron 40 island 23 it 9, 20 its 36 fealian 32 Iealy 32 J jacket 9 i Japan 32 Japanese 32 jeans 9 job 34, 45 journalist 18 i juice 14 | July 36 i June 36 \ K key 18, 28 i kilogram (kg) 13, 24 i kilometre (km) 13 kitchen 4, 5, 34 knife (knives) 5, 23, 28 ; know 31 | kick-off 42 i L } lake 43 1 language 15, 34, 42 last 32 late 35 Ib. (pound weight) 13 leaf (leaves) 23 learn (learning) 15 leather 40 leave (left) 26, 32 56 left (adj) 31 leg 16 letter 8, 21, 38 letter (alphabet) 36 life 28 fight (n)_ 28 light (adj) (not dark) 17 light (adj) (not heavy) 17 like 27 lira (lire) 32 fist 1, 5,9. listen (listening) 12, 15 (a) little 35, 40 litre 38 livingroom 25 loaf 24 London 32 long (longest) 36 look at I, 7, 8... lose 44 lost property office 10 @) lot (of) 35, 40 low 17 lunch 20 M magazine 38 make 5, 14, 25 man 45 many 14, 15, 25 map 7, 18, 32 March "32, 34, 36 mark 32 market 30 married 45 matter 19 May 36, 42 me 2 meal 34, 45 mean 43 meat! medicine 38 message 8 metre (m) 13 Mexico 32 Mexican 32 midday 20 milk million 37 missing 19, 28 Monday (Mon.) 13, 42 money 18, 32, 45 month 34, 36 morning 13 mother 2 motorbike 8, 25 mountain 45 mouth 22 Mr 16, 28, 32 Mrs 16, 28 much 40 music 15, 42 mustard 38 my 42 N name (n) 14, 34, 36 name (v) 32 nationality 34, 45 NB (nota bene) 29 never 35 new 5,17 news 42 newspaper 38 next to 34, 45 night 3, 20 rine 39 ninety 39 no 28, 3! No Entry 3! No Stopping 31 noisy 17 noon 13 north (N.)_ 13 northeast (NE) 13 nose 22 not 45 notebook 1 November 36 number 14, 16, 17... nurse 43 nylon 43 ° object. 21 occupation 43 October 36 office 30 oil 40 old (not new) 17 old (not young) 30 omelette 6 on 8, 19,27... once 39 one 4,5, 13... only 20, 42 ‘open 10, 20 opposite 44 orange (n) 3, 14 orange (adj) 3 orange juice 6, 14 others 38 out 42 P packet 24 pain 19 pair 9, 17, 44 park 7 parking (P) 20, 29 part 22, 25, 45 party 42 Passport 9 pay 20 pen 18 pence (p) 29 Pepper 38 Person (people) 34, 27, 37 peseta 32 peso 32 Phone (v) 4 Picnic 43, 3/ picture 17, 26, 37 piece 24 pillow 5, 28 pint 38 place 5,7, 10.. plane 8, 2/ plate 5 platform 10 play (playing) 15 Please 4, 42 please turn over (PTO) 13 plural 23 Mm. (post meridiem) : 20, 42 policeman (men) 23 police station 7 Postcard 25, 38 post office 30 Potato (es) 1 pound (£) 32 Pound (Ib) 13 prefer 35 Programme 27, 42 Pronounce 43 PS (Postscript) 29 pull 43 Pullover 9 push 43 put 1, 5, 10 put on’ 44 Q quarter 39 question 42 quick 6 quickly 35 quiet 17 quiz 34, 35, 45 Ne. R radio 18, 20, 42 rain 27 read (reading) 8, 15, 35 reception 20, 43 red 3 remember 10 restaurant 7, 20 rice 6 ride 26 right (not left) 31 right (not wrong) 5, 16, 37 river 38, 45 riyal 32 road (Rd.) 29, 31, 38 roast 6 room 4,9 round 27 run 26 Russian 45 Ss salt 38 same 16, 18 sandwich ' 6 Saturday (Sat.) 13, 42 Saudi 32 Saudi Arabia 32 say 18,19 school '42 Scotland 27 sea 3, 45 season’ 35 second 39 secret 8 see 9, 35 sell 40 send 21 September 36 service 20 she 4, 18 sheep 3/ sheet 5 ship 40 shop 34 shop assistant 43 shopping 43 shopping list 1, 14 short (shortest) 36, 37 show 7, 20, 33 sign 10, 31, 43 sing 12 single room 43 singular 23 sister 2 sit 12 site 37 sitting room 4 six 39 sixteen 39 size 43 sleep 35, 44 slow 37 slowly 35 small 37, 40 smoke 21 snow 3, 27 socks 9 soft 37 soldier 36 sometimes 3 son 2, 38 sort 35 soup 6 south (S.) 29 southwest (SW) 29 Spain 32 Spanish 32 speak 43 spend (spent) 33 spoon 5 sport 34, 45 spring 32 spy 8 square (sq.) 26, 29, 38 sound 42 stamp 38 start 36 station 8, 10, 14.. say 18, 28 steal 46 stomach 22 stop 12 stopping 3 story 42 street (St.) 29, 38 student 36, 43 sugar 24 summer 35 sun 3 Sunday (Sun.) 13, 42 sunglasses 18 sunny 27, 28 sunset 3 supermarket 30, 34 surname 34, 45 swim (swimming) 26, 45 Swiss 32 Switzerland 32 T table 16 take 8, 36 take off 44 talk 12 tall 37 7 taxi 8, 10, 38 tea 6, 24 teacher 34 team 16 teapot 5 telephone (Tel.) 10, 14, 29 telephone box 14 telephone number 14 television (TV) 15, 38, 20 tell 20 ten 39 theatre 42 their 16, 43 them 4 then & there 4, 8, 10 there is 27, 28 these 31, 43 they 6 thin 37 think 12 third 39 thirsty 19 thirteen 39 this 7, 26, 42 Thursday (Thurs.) 42 ticket 9, 42 ticket office 10, 30 tights 9 il 20 time 42, 45 tired 19) today 27 toilet 10, 29 tooth (teeth) 22, 23 toothbrush 25 toothpaste 25 total 16 tourist 16 towel 18, 28 town 7. traffic lights 31 train 8, 34 travel centre 10 traveller's cheques 20, 21, 38 tree! 3 trip 32 trousers 45 truck 21 58 tryon 43 Tuesday (Tues.) 42 turn 31 turn off 46 turn on 46 TV (television) 27, 29 twelve 39 twice 39 wo 14,39 U underground 8 understand 43 underwear 9 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 13 United Kingdom (UK) 13 United Nations (UN) 13 United States of America (USA) 13 up 20, 32 us 20 v vegetable 45 verb 26, 36, 44 visit (visited) | 32 Ww wait 8, 12 waiting room 10 wake up 44 wake-up (n) 20 walk (walking) 7, 15, 26... wash 46 watch (watching) (v) 15, a 8) ( watch (watches) (n) 23 water 18, 28 way 7,32 way out 10 WC 29 weather 27 Wednesday (Wed.) 42 week (wk.) 29, 42 weekend 25 well 35 went (past of go) what 6, 18, 19 when 1'J, 30, 35 where 4, 8, 30 which 35, 38 white 3 who 2 why 19 wife 2, 38, 45 win 21,44 wind 27 wine 6, 24 winter ‘35 : with 14, 25, 43 worran (women) 23, 42 7,32 wood 40 wool 40 word 14,17, 19. work (n) | 3/, 35 work (v) 30 world 27, 32, 42 write 10, 15, 17 wrong 37 Y year (yr.) 29 yellow 3 yen 32 yes 9 you 9, 13, 16 young (younger) your 46 yours 42 Z zero 39 Libland is a small country. Look at what it sells and what it buys. va Libland sells Libland buys | alot of. 10 oil 2 afew.. HL cars 3 alittle 12. cotton 4 alittle 13 wool 5 alotof. 14 iron 6 alittle "tba Libland doesn’t sell Libland doesn’t buy 7 much. te ron aan 17 cars 9 much For example: For example: LLibland sells a [oe 10. Libland buys @ lok of wood. of oil. For example: 7 For exounple: 7. libland. doesnt sell wood leather gold alotof . much afew 15. bland doesnt buy much Coffee. ships coffee gas allitle many — any much iron. “0 A Last spring Mr Brown went round the world on a business trip. Show on the map the way he went and name the capital cities e us he visited. Ss Fill in the blanks to show what money he spent. T i @ April 3rd Greece . (27,000 ______ drachmas) Oth Saudi Arabia (1,100 ____riyals) \7th_ Egypt (300____ pounds) 24th Australia Brasilia . Q Mexico City (360____ dollars) larch_Ist Mr Brown left London B Dublin 30th Jay z pan for exancle: ¥ oS kerdon yar 5 2nd Ireland (260_Lr'8h__ pounds) Paris May Sth Canada 7th France (2,500 francs) Real (400 __ dollars) 1th Spain (47,000 eset ped 4th Mexico Pesetas) Athens (60,200____ pesos) 15th Italy (500,000 lire) Giro er BP Ottowa, 22nd Brazil th Switzerland (680 francs) Tokyo (83,000 cruzeiros) ‘Canberra 28th Germany (850 marks) Riyadh Bist Back to London. 2 2 Can you put each sign in its correct place? AT THE For example: 1 = Taxis When you've finished, close the book STATI N and write down all the signs you can remember. (There are 13) Ter RCT CSTR eT V7 . Z | (Wy é Taxis Waiting Room —Bar_—-Danger Ticket Office Lost Property Office Toilets Way Out Platform | Closed Open Travel Centre Telephone 10 1 kK we wwe we KKK Ok awa Ke KK we KKK * WORD ‘ ae a +e He ee WORD GAMES | 7 incacaly 150 os tary

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