Conversion Notes: "Dungeon Module A1: Slave Pits of The Undercity"

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d20™ System Conversion of:

“Dungeon Module A1: Slave Pits of the Undercity”

An ESD copy of the above product can be obtained from: []
This material was converted by: Mike Robilotti ( and is hosted at EN World in compliance with Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. ESD Conversion Agreement v1.0.

Conversion Notes
This conversion includes all the mechanics, creatures and NPCs needed to play this adventure using the revised (3.5 edition) D&D
rules. It does not convert treasure amounts to conform to the new rules system. As such, the treasure given in most (if not all) of
the encounters is not balanced for the given encounter level. Feel free to omit or substitute any treasure item you feel is

Stats for creatures listed on the Wall and Ruin Encounter Tables are not included in the original adventure. For the sake of
completeness stats are included here, following the equipment guidelines for NPC characters as listed in the DUNGEON MASTER’S

Wall Encounter Table:

Encounters occur 1 in 6 (on a d6). Check every 10 minutes. If an encounter occurs roll a d8 and consult the following table:

1. (EL variable) 2d4 ghouls, hp 13 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 119

2. (EL variable) 2d6 human commoner zombies, hp 16 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 266
3. (EL variable) 2d6 human warrior skeletons, hp 6 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 119
4.-6. Orcs (see below)
7. (EL variable) 1d10 stirges, hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 236
8. (EL variable) 1d4 harpies, hp 31 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 150

Orcs: Roll a d4 to determine the exact composition of any encountered orcs:

1. (EL variable) 2d4 orcs armed with short swords (+4 melee [1d6+3/19-20]) and light crossbows (+1 ranged [1d8/19-
20]), hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203

2. (EL variable) 2d6 orcs, hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203

Half-orc fighter (Ftr4), hp 30

Half-Orc Fighter: Male half-orc Ftr4; CR 4; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 4d10+4; hp 30; Init +4; Spd 20 ft. (armor);
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18, (+8 armor); BAB +4; Grap +7; Atk/Full Atk +9 melee (2d4+4/18-20, masterwork
falchion) or +5 ranged (1d8/19-20, masterwork light crossbow); SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; AL NE; SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will
+0; Str 16, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 6.
Skills & Feats: Climb -2, Intimidate +0, Spot +3; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Point Blank
Shot, Weapon Focus (falchion)
Possessions: Full plate, masterwork falchion, masterwork light crossbow, 20 bolts.

3. (EL variable) 2d4 orcs armed with halberds (+4 melee [1d10+4/x3]), hp 5 each; hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203
Half-orc fighter (Ftr5), hp 37
Human cleric/rogue (Clr3/Rog3), hp 30.

Half-Orc Fighter: Male half-orc Ftr5; CR 5; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 5d10+5; hp 37; Init +4; Spd 20 ft. (armor);
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20, (+8 armor, +2 shield); BAB +5; Grap +8; Atk/Full Atk +10 melee (1d8+4/19-20,
masterwork longsword) or +6 ranged (1d8/19-20, masterwork light crossbow); SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; AL NE; SV Fort +5,
Ref +3, Will +1; Str 16, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills & Feats: Climb +0, Intimidate +2, Spot +1; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Point Blank
Shot, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Possessions: Full plate, heavy steel shield, masterwork longsword, masterwork light crossbow, 20 bolts.

Human Clr/Rog: Male human Clr3/Rog3; CR 6; Medium humanoid (human); HD 3d8+3 plus 3d6+3; hp 30; Init +3;
Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14, (+3 Dex, +4 armor); BAB +4; Grap +5; Atk/Full Atk +8 melee (1d6+1/19-20,
masterwork short sword) or +7 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA Sneak attack (+2d6); SQ Rebuke undead 2/day,
trap sense +1, trapfinding, evasion; AL NE; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8.
Skills & Feats: Climb +3, Concentration +7, Disguise +2, Hide +7, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (religion) +6, Listen
+9, Move Silently +4, Search +3, Spellcraft +6, Spot +8; Alertness, Combat Casting, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse
Cleric Spells Prepared (4/4/3; save DC = 13 + spell level): 0 – detect magic, guidance, read magic, resistance; 1st –
bane, cause fear, disguise self*, protection from good; 2nd – inflict moderate wounds, invisibility*, summon monster II
*Domain Spell. Domains: Evil (cast Evil spells at +1 caster level), Trickery (Bluff, Disguise, and Hide are class
Possessions: Chain shirt, masterwork short sword, light crossbow, 20 bolts

4. (EL 6+) Half-orc fighters (2) (Ftr2), hp 18, 15

Half-orc fighter/rogue (Ftr1/Rog2), hp 20
Half-orc cleric/fighters (2) (Clr2/Ftr1), hp 20, 19

Half-Orc Fighters (2): Male half-orc Ftr2; CR 2; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 2d10+2; hp 18, 15; Init +4; Spd 20 ft.
(armor); AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15, (+5 armor); BAB +2; Grap +4; Atk/Full Atk +5 melee (2d4+3/18-20,
masterwork falchion) or +2 ranged; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; AL NE; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will -1; Str 15, Dex 11, Con 12,
Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 6.
Skills & Feats: Climb +1, Intimidate +1; Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Possessions: Breastplate, masterwork falchion

Half-Orc Fighter/Rogue: Male half-orc Ftr1/Rog2; CR 3; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 1d10+1 plus 2d6+2; hp 20; Init
+6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13, (+2 Dex, +3 armor); BAB +2; Grap +5; Atk/Full Atk +6 melee (1d6+3/19-
20, masterwork short sword) or +3 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA Sneak attack +1d6; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.,
trapfinding, evasion; AL NE; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 16, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Skills & Feats: Climb +5, Hide +8, Intimidate +0, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Open Lock +3, Spot +5; Alertness,
Improved Initiative, Stealthy
Possessions: Masterwork studded leather, masterwork short sword, light crossbow, 20 bolts

Half-Orc Cleric/Fighter (2): Male half-orc Clr2/Ftr1; CR 3; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 2d8+2 plus 1d10+1; hp 20,
19; Init +0; Spd 20 ft. (armor); AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16, (+1 Dex, +6 armor); BAB +2; Grap +4; Atk/Full Atk +5
melee (1d8+2, morningstar) or +3 ranged; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., rebuke undead 3/day; AL LE; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will
+3; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 10.
Skills & Feats: Concentration +4, Intimidate +1, Knowledge (religion) +0, Spellcraft +1; Combat Casting, Lightning
Reflexes, Power Attack
Cleric Spells Prepared (4/4; save DC = 12 + spell level): 0 – detect magic, inflict minor wounds, guidance, read
magic; 1st – bane, cause fear, enlarge person*, obscuring mist.
*Domain Spell. Domains: Evil (cast Evil spells at +1 caster level), Strength (as a free action gain an enhancement
bonus to Strength equal to clerical level for 1 round, 1/day)
Possessions: Splint mail, heavy steel shield, masterwork morningstar

Temple Description
The ruined wood/plaster walls in the temple rooms have a hardness rating of 5 and 60 hit points/10 ft. section. Ceilings are 10 feet
high unless noted differently. Intact sections of wall have a climb DC of 21. The masonry blocks of the temple proper have a
hardness rating of 8 and 90 hit points/10 ft. section. Climb DC for the blocks is 15. The ceiling in this area of the temple is 35 feet

Ruin Encounter Table:

Encounters occur 1 in 6 (on a d6). Check every 10 minutes. If an encounter occurs roll a d6 and consult the following table:

1.-2. (EL variable) Orcs (see below)

3. (EL 5 or 7) 1d2 basilisks, hp 45 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 24
4. (EL variable) 2d4 ghouls, hp 13 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 119
5. (EL 3) Wight, hp 26; MONSTER MANUAL p. 255
6. (EL variable) Slavers (see below)

Orcs: 3d6 orcs, hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203, with an additional chance of:
(10%) Human slaver fighter (Ftr6), hp 48
(25%) 1d3 ogres, hp 29 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 199
(50%) Half-orc fighter (Ftr3), hp 23
(30%) Half-orc fighter/cleric (Ftr3/Clr3), hp 29
Human Slaver Fighter: Male human Ftr6; CR 6; Medium humanoid (human); HD 6d10+12; hp 48; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.
(armor); AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16, (+1 Dex, +6 armor); BAB +6; Grap +9; Atk +11 melee (1d10+6/19-20,
masterwork bastard sword); Full Atk +11/+6 melee (1d10+6/19-20, masterwork bastard sword) or +8 ranged (1d8/19-20,
masterwork light crossbow); AL CE; SV Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +5; Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11.
Skills & Feats: Climb +5, Intimidate +7, Jump +6, Listen +4, Spot +4; Alertness, Cleave, Combat Reflexes,
Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Weapon Specialization (bastard sword)
Possessions: +1 breastplate, masterwork bastard sword, masterwork light crossbow, 1 doz. bolts.

Half-Orc Fighter: Male half-orc Ftr3; CR 3; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 3d10+6; hp 23; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15,
touch 11, flat-footed 14, (+1 Dex, +4 armor); BAB +3; Grap +6; Atk +8 melee (1d8+3/x3, masterwork double axe); Full
Atk +4/+0 melee (1d8+3/x3, masterwork double axe) or +4 ranged; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; AL NE; SV Fort +5, Ref +2,
Will +2; Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Skills & Feats: Climb +3, Intimidate +0, Jump +0; Exotic Weapon Proficiency (orc double axe), Improved Initiative,
Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Orc double axe)
Possessions: Chain shirt, masterwork orc double axe

Half-Orc Fighter/Cleric: Male half-orc Ftr3/Clr3; CR 6; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 3d10+3 plus 3d8+3; hp 29; Init
+4; Spd 20 ft. (armor); AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15, (+1 Dex, +4 armor, +1 shield); BAB +5; Grap +8; Atk/Full Atk
+10 melee (1d8+3/x3, masterwork warhammer), or +4 ranged; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., rebuke undead 4/day; AL CE; SV
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +7; Str 16, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 13.
Skills & Feats: Climb +0, Concentration +3, Intimidate +5, Jump +0, Knowledge (religion) +2, Spellcraft +2;
Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (warhammer)
Cleric Spell Prepared (4/4/3; save DC = 13 + spell level): 0 – detect magic, guidance, resistance, virtue; 1st – bane,
bless, doom, protection from good*; 2nd – death knell, desecrate*, inflict moderate wounds
*Domain Spell. Domains: Chaos (cast Chaos spells at +1 caster level), Evil (cast Evil spells at +1 caster level)
Possessions: Scale mail, light steel shield, masterwork warhammer

Slavers: Human fighter (Ftr8), hp 64

1d8+2 human fighters (Ftr1), hp 12 each
1d4 half-orc “fighter/thieves” (Ftr4/Rog2), hp 35 each; with an additional chance of a:
(50%) human cleric (Clr6), hp 40
(75%) human “magic-user” (Wiz5), hp 17

Human Fighter: Male human Ftr8; CR 8; Medium humanoid (human); HD 8d10+16; hp 64; Init +5; Spd 20 ft. (armor);
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20, (+1 Dex, +7 armor, +3 shield); BAB +8; Grap +11; Atk +14 melee (1d8+6/x3, +1
battleaxe); Full Atk +14/+7 melee (1d8+6/x3, +1 battleaxe), or +9 ranged (1d8/x3, masterwork composite longbow); AL
NE; SV Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +5; Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11.
Skills & Feats: Climb +4, Intimidate +6, Jump +3, Listen +6, Spot +7; Alertness, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus
(battleaxe), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (battleaxe), Weapon Specialization
Possessions: +1 banded mail, +1 heavy steel shield, +1 battleaxe, masterwork composite longbow, 1 doz. arrows.

Human Fighters (1d8+2): Male human Ftr1; CR 1; Medium humanoid (human); HD 1d10+2; hp 12 each; Init +1; Spd
20 ft.(armor); AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15, (+1 Dex, +4 armor, +1 shield); BAB +1; Grap +3; Atk/Full Atk +4 melee
(1d8+2/19-20, longsword), or +2 ranged; AL NE; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12,
Cha 9.
Skills & Feats: Climb -1, Intimidate +3, Jump -1; Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Possessions: Scale mail, light steel shield, longsword

Half-Orc Fighter/Thieves (1d4): Male half-orc Ftr4/Rog2; CR 6; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 4d10+8 plus 2d6+4; hp
35 each; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13, (+3 Dex, +3 armor); BAB +5; Grap +7; Atk/Full Atk +8
melee (1d8+2/19-20, masterwork longsword), or +9 ranged (1d6/x3, masterwork shortbow); SA Sneak attack (+1d6); SQ
Darkvision 60 ft., trapfinding, evasion; AL NE; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +3; Str 15, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha
Skills & Feats: Climb +7, Hide +9, Intimidate +4, Jump +6, Listen +3, Move Silently +10, Sleight of Hand +5,
Tumble +4; Alertness, Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, Stealthy, Spring Attack
Possessions: Studded leather, masterwork longsword, masterwork shortbow, 1 doz arrows

Human Cleric: Male human Clr6; CR 6; Medium humanoid (human); HD 6d8+12; hp 40; Init +0; Spd 20 ft. (armor);
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18, (+6 armor, +2 shield); BAB +4; Grap +5; Atk/Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+1, masterwork
heavy mace), or +4 ranged; SQ Rebuke undead 4/day; AL LE; SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +8; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 14, Int
10, Wis 16, Cha 12.
Skills & Feats: Concentration +7, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (religion) +8, Spellcraft +6; Brew Potion,
Combat Casting, Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell
Cleric Spells Prepared (5/5/5/4; save DC = 13 + spell level): 0 – detect magic, guidance, inflict minor wounds, light,
read magic; 1st – bane, cause fear, doom, inflict light wounds*, protection from good; 2nd – bull’s strength, desecrate*,
darkness, hold person, silence; 3rd – bestow curse, contagion*, invisibility purge, summon monster III
*Domain Spell. Domains: Destruction (smite attack 1/day: +4 attack/+6 damage), Evil (cast Evil spells at +1 caster
Possessions: +1 breastplate, heavy steel shield, masterwork heavy mace

Human Magic-User: Male human Wiz5; CR 5; Medium humanoid (human); HD 5d4+5; hp 17; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC
13, touch 12, flat-footed 11, (+2 Dex, +1 armor); BAB +2; Grap +2; Atk/Full Atk +2 melee (1d6, quarterstaff), or +5
ranged (1d8/19-20, masterwork light crossbow); SQ Summon familiar; AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5; Str 10, Dex
14, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 11.
Skills & Feats: Concentration +9, Craft (alchemy) +8, Decipher Script +7, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Listen +3,
Spellcraft +11; Spot +3; Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll
Wizard Spells Prepared (4/4/3/2; save DC = 13 + spell level): 0 – detect magic, mage hand, read magic, resistance;
1st – charm person, magic missile, obscuring mist, protection from good; 2nd – blur, darkness, web; 3rd – dispel magic,
lightning bolt
Possessions: bracers of armor +1, quarterstaff, masterwork light crossbow, 1 doz. bolts.

Wandering Monster Roster

Change all “giant” animals to “dire” animals. Use the half-orc Cleric/Rogue as listed under “Wall Encounter Table – orcs” above
in place of the cleric/assassin listed. Slaves are typically non-combatant commoners and experts. For the “slaver” and half-orc
character entries, use the NPCs as listed in the encounter tables above.

Key to the Temple Level

1. Secret Door and Spike Trap:

Trap (EL 2): Spiked Bar Trap: CR 2; mechanical; touch trigger (opening the door); manual reset; Atk +16 melee (2d6,
slam); Search DC 21; Disable Device 15.

Note: The trap is effective against Medium and larger creatures only. If a Small or smaller creature triggers the trap, the
bar will pass harmlessly over the creature’s head. The only way to disable the trap is by cutting the rope on the other side
of the door. When this is done, the bar will smash into the door inflicting bludgeoning damage to the door and if the door
breaks any character pressed up against it.

Any character standing in the inside exit (1b.) is subject to damage from the trap if it is triggered while standing in the arc
of the bar (5ft. directly in front of the door).

2. Bricked Up Room: No changes.

3. Collapsed Guard Room: This door (hardness 5, 10 hp; Break DC 8) is jammed shut and must be broken down to gain entry
to the room beyond. The door will give easily to a body thrown against it, necessitating a Reflex save (DC 10) from a
character successfully trying to bust through the door. If the character fails his save he stumbles through into the room
beyond, losing any Dexterity bonus to AC while he spends the next round regaining his balance. Allow characters entering
the room (not busting through the door) a chance for a Spot check. Any characters that fail to Spot the hiding ghouls and
ghasts are surprised.

Creatures (EL 8): Ghouls (8), hp 13 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 119

Ghasts (2), hp 27, 24; MONSTER MANUAL p. 119

Treasure: Substitute a potion of resist energy (fire) 10 for the potion of fire resistance.
4. Treacherous Floor: Characters attempting to cross the pit on the fallen beams move at half speed (x2 movement modifier)
and must succeed at a DC 10 Balance check.

Trap (EL 2): Open Pit Trap: CR 2; mechanical; location trigger; no reset; DC 20 Reflex save avoids; 30 ft. deep (3d6,
fall); Search n/a; Disable Device n/a.

If characters attempting to cross on the right ledge are roped together when the ledge gives out each character in the line must
make a DC 20 Reflex save until all the characters have fallen or a character makes his save.

5a. Alcove: The barrels each have hardness 5 and 3 hit points.

5b. Sundew’s Lair:

Creature (EL 5): Giant sundew, hp 44; see APPENDIX I: NEW MONSTERS.

Treasure: A successful DC 15 Search check will find the treasure hidden in the sundew’s glue.

6. Stable: If one of the half-orcs present blows the horn, reinforcements will arrive in 1d4+1 rounds.

Creatures (EL 5): Half-orcs (War1) (5), hp 6 each.

Doppelganger, hp 22; MONSTER MANUAL p. 67.

Half-Orcs (5): Male half-orc War1; CR ½; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 1d8+1; hp 6 each; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14,
touch 10, flat-footed 14, (+4 armor); BAB +1; Grap +3; Atk/Full Atk +3 melee (1d6+2/19-20, short sword) or +1 ranged;
SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1; Str 15, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 6.
Skills & Feats: Listen +2, Spot +2; Alertness
Possessions: Chain shirt, cloak, short sword.

7. Stonecutter’s Shed: The orcs in this room fight with halberds (+4 melee [1d10+4/x3]). The doors blocking the exits have a
hardness rating of 5 and 10 hp (Break DC 15). If the orcs in this room are surprised and prevented from escaping they will
fight with a +2 morale bonus on attacks out of sheer terror.

Creatures (EL 3): Orcs (6), hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203.

8. Cemetery: As characters move through the cemetery, roll a d6 every minute. An encounter occurs on a 1-3. If an encounter
occurs, roll a d8 and consult the following table:

1. Branches and weeds move to block the path behind the last person of the party. To return the way they came, a party
would have to cut through the overgrowth (x2 movement modifier).

2. A tree branch strikes at a random party member as if were a Medium animated object (+2 melee [1d6+1, slam]). Award
any character wounded by the branch experience for a CR ½ encounter.

3. The branch of a bush will attempt to pickpocket a random member of the party. Treat the bush as having 10 ranks in the
Sleight of Hand skill.

4. 2d4 giant worker ants attack the party.

Creatures (EL variable): Giant worker ants (2d4), hp 9 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 284.

5. Weeds will attempt to entwine the legs of the characters. Characters must succeed at a DC 20 Reflex save or become
entangled. Entangled characters can free themselves with a successful DC 20 Escape Artist or Strength check, or by
hacking at the weeds for 1 minute (10 rounds).

6. 1d4+1 ghouls attack the party.

Creatures (EL variable): Ghouls (1d4+1), hp 13 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 119.

7. Weeds and bushes will bend to block the way ahead of the party imposing a x2 movement modifier. Further progress
ahead must be done by cutting and hacking.

8. A tree will fall across the path, attempting to strike a random party member. The tree strikes as a Huge animated object
(+9 melee) and does 4d6 points of falling damage if it hits. Award any character wounded by the tree experience for a CR
2 encounter.

The heavy iron door to the crypt has a hardness rating of 10 and 60 hit points. It is not locked.

If the characters become extremely destructive in the cemetery, trees will animate as Huge animated objects and move (Spd 20
ft.) to block the exits. Each tree possesses a hardness rating of 5.

Creatures (EL 8): Huge animated trees (3 per exit), hp 52 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 14.

9. Inner Courtyard: A successful Search check (DC 20) will find the wight’s treasure hidden in the debris.

Creature (EL 3): Wight, hp 26; MONSTER MANUAL p. 255.

Treasure: Substitute gold or silver pieces for the electrum (ep) pieces awarded. Substitute gloves of Dexterity +2 for the
gauntlets of Dexterity listed.

10. Basilisks’ Den: Roll a d6 every round the party is in this area. A “1” indicates an encounter with a basilisk. If the party is not
taking precautions to be quiet, a successful Listen check will also attract the attention of the basilisks.

Creatures (EL 7): Basilisks (2), hp 45, 33; MONSTER MANUAL p. 24.

11. Burnt Dormitory: A successful DC 15 Search check will reveal the crushed bunks and charred furniture. A successful DC 10
Knowledge (architecture and engineering) check will show the walls in this room are unsafe.

Trap (EL 3): Collapsing Wall Trap: CR 3; mechanical; touch trigger (moving beams, knocking holes in the walls);
repair reset; Atk +10 melee (4d6, wood & plaster beams); multiple targets (can strike all characters in a 3-square [5 ft. to
15 ft.] radius from the origin of the collapse [roll 1d3 to determine the number of squares affected]); Search DC 25;
Disable Device n/a. Note: Characters hit by the collapse must also make a DC 10 Reflex save or be pinned under the
falling rubble.

12. False Slavers’ Lair:

a: The lock on the trap door in this room can be opened with a successful DC 20 Open Lock check.

Creatures (EL 10): Half-orcs (War1) (17), hp 6 each.

Half-orc “assassins” (Rog5) (2), hp 25, 23
Half-orc fighter/cleric (Ftr3/Clr3), hp 32

Half-Orcs (17): Male half-orc War1; CR ½; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 1d8+1; hp 6 each; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10,
touch 10, flat-footed 10, (no armor); BAB +1; Grap +3; Atk/Full Atk +3 melee (1d6+2/19-20, short sword) or +1 ranged;
SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1; Str 15, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 6.
Skills & Feats: Listen +2, Spot +2; Alertness
Possessions: Short sword.

Half-Orc “Assassins” (2): Male half-orc Rog5; CR 5; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 5d6+10; hp 25, 23; Init +7; Spd 30
ft.; AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 15, (+3 Dex, +2 armor); BAB +3; Grap +5; Atk/Full Atk +6 melee (1d6+2/19-20, +1
short sword) or +6 ranged; SA Sneak attack +3d6, SQ Darkvision 60 ft., trapfinding, evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny
dodge; AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +1; Str 15, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6.
Skills & Feats: Bluff +4, Disguise +2, Hide +13, Intimidate +6, Listen +4, Move Silently +13, Search +8, Sleight of
Hand +7, Spot +8, Tumble +9; Improved Initiative, Stealthy
Possessions: Leather armor, +1 short sword.

Half-Orc Fighter/Cleric: Male half-orc Ftr3/Clr3; CR 6; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 3d10+3 plus 3d8+3; hp 32; Init
+7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10, (+3 Dex); BAB +5; Grap +8; Atk/Full Atk +10 melee (1d6+4/19-20, +1
short sword), or +4 ranged; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., rebuke undead 4/day; AL LE; SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +7; Str 16, Dex
17, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12.
Skills & Feats: Climb +4, Concentration +3, Intimidate +5, Jump +4, Knowledge (religion) +2, Spellcraft +2;
Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (short sword)
Cleric Spell Prepared (4/4/3; save DC = 13 + spell level): 0 – detect magic, guidance, resistance, virtue; 1st –bless,
command, cure light wounds, protection from good*; 2nd – bull’s strength*, darkness, silence
*Domain Spell. Domains: Evil (cast Evil spells at +1 caster level), Strength (as a free action gain an enhancement
bonus to Strength equal to clerical level for 1 round, 1/day).
Possessions: +1 short sword

b: Two of the orcs here carry short swords (+4 melee [1d6+3/19-20]) and light crossbows (+1 ranged [1d8/19-20]). If the
third uses his whip in combat, he receives a -4 non-proficiency penalty on attack rolls with it (+0 melee [1d3+3 non-

Creatures (EL 2): Orcs (3), hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203.

13. Cloister Hall: A successful Spot check (base DC 10) will enable the harpies in the Cloister Garden to see any characters
looking through the hall windows.

14. Cloister Garden:

Creatures (EL 8): Harpies (4), hp 31 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 151.

15. Water-Filled Passageway: Characters attempting to swim to the far end of the hall must succeed at a DC 15 Swim check
every round they are in the water until they reach the other side. Because swimmers will be moving against the current, a full-
round action will enable the swimmer to move at one-quarter speed, and a move action will allow the swimmer to move at
one-eighth speed. If the dungeon doors are used as rafts, they can carry up to 650 lbs. each.

16. a. Main Courtyard: If not surprised the orcs will push the tables in the courtyard over take use them for low cover (+4 AC,
+2 bonus on Reflex saves). The half-orcs behind the pushcart have improved cover (+8 AC, +4 bonus on Reflex saves) due to
the mantlet mounted on the front.

The pushcart can fire a 5 ft. stream of flame once per round for 3d6 damage. The flame has a 15 ft. range increment, and a 30-
foot maximum range. The cart (large vehicle, 30 hit points [hardness 5], AC 4) can be pushed at a speed of 10 ft. with average
maneuverability and has enough fuel for three shots. Characters standing behind a person attacked by the cart receive cover
from the attacked character (+4 AC, +2 Reflex saves).

If the cart catches on fire (from the use of a fireball spell or other fire-based attack) while there is still fuel in the barrel, the
orcs may remain to put out the fire (as in the adventure). If the orcs abandon the cart it will explode and inflict 2d6 damage to
all in a 10ft. radius (DC 20 Reflex save for ½ damage).

The orcs carry shortspears (+4 melee [1d6+3]) and light crossbows (+1 ranged [1d8/19-20]).

Creatures (EL 4+): Orcs (3), hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203

Half-orcs (War1) (4), hp 6 each.

Half-Orcs (4): Male half-orc War1; CR ½; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 1d8+1; hp 6 each; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13,
touch 10, flat-footed 13, (+3 armor); BAB +1; Grap +3; Atk/Full Atk +3 melee (1d6+2/19-20, short sword) or +1 ranged;
SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1; Str 15, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 6.
Skills & Feats: Listen +2, Spot +2; Alertness
Possessions: Studded leather, short sword.
b. Outer Portcullis Winch:

Creatures (EL 4): Half-orc fighter (Ftr4), hp 32.

Slaves (Com1) (3), hp 2 each.

Half-Orc Fighter: Male half-orc Ftr4; CR 4; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 4d10+8; hp 32; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17,
touch 12, flat-footed 17, (+1 Dex, +5 armor, +1 deflection); BAB +4; Grap +7; Atk/Full Atk +8 melee (1d8+3/19-20,
longsword), or +7 melee (1d4+3/19-20 dagger), or +4 ranged; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; AL LE; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2;
Str 17, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 8.
Skills & Feats: Climb +0, Intimidate +2, Jump -3; Cleave, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Possessions: Chainmail, longsword, dagger, ring of protection +1

Slaves (3): Human Com1; CR ½; Medium humanoid (human); HD 1d4; hp 2 each; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, touch 10,
flat-footed 10, (no armor); BAB +0; Grap +1; Atk/Full Atk +1 melee (1d3+1 non-lethal, unarmed strike), or +0 ranged;
AL LG; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10.
Skills & Feats: Climb +5, Jump +5, Profession (GM’s choice) +7, Spot +4; Iron Will, Skill Focus (Profession)
Possessions: None.

c. Inner Portcullis Winch:

Creatures (EL 3+): Half-orc (War1), hp 6

Doppelganger, hp 22; MONSTER MANUAL p. 67.

Half-Orc: Male half-orc War1; CR ½; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 1d8+1; hp 6; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 10,
flat-footed 16, (+6 armor); BAB +1; Grap +3; Atk/Full Atk +3 melee (1d8+2/19-20, longsword) or +1 ranged; SQ
Darkvision 60 ft.; AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1; Str 15, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 6.
Skills & Feats: Listen +2, Spot +2; Alertness
Possessions: Splint mail, longsword.

17. Temple Doors: If the glyph is triggered, roll a base -10 DC Listen check for the occupants of the temple chamber to hear the

Trap (EL 3): Glyph of Warding Trap: CR 3; spell; spell trigger; no reset; spell effect (glyph of warding [fire blast], 6th-
level cleric, special, DC 20 Reflex save for half damage); multiple targets (all targets within 20 ft. by 10 ft. area); Search
DC 28; Disable Device DC 28. Note: If the glyph is triggered it will release its energy at the gargoyle statues, causing
them to be thrown into the hallway. All characters in the 20 ft. by 10 ft. area affected take 2d6 falling damage from each
gargoyle statue (DC 20 Reflex save for half damage).

18. Temple Chamber: If the cleric is alerted of the party’s presence (because of the glyph trap or other noise) she will cast the
spells as listed in the adventure (substituting resist energy (fire) for resist fire). Statistics for the stone of diminution are
included in APPENDIX II: NEW MAGIC ITEMS. The slaves are non-combatant bystanders in this encounter. If stats for the
slaves are needed, refer to area 16 b.

Creatures (EL 9+): Human cleric (Clr6), hp 30

Half-orc fighters (Ftr3) (3), hp 22 each
Half-orc “assassin” (Rog4), hp 20
Troll, hp 63; MONSTER MANUAL p. 247
Slaves (Com1) (10), hp 2 each, (non-combatant).

Trap (EL 3): Scything Blade Trap: CR 3; mechanical; touch trigger (opening the trap door); manual reset; Atk +15 melee
(3d6/19-20, large greatsword); Search DC 21; Disable Device DC 20. Note: The trap may be disabled by a successful
Disable Device check, or simply by discovering (DC 21 Search check) and locking the secret catch on the foot of the

Human Cleric: Female human Clr6; CR 6; Medium humanoid (human); HD 6d8+6; hp 30; Init +2; Spd 20 ft. (armor);
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18, (+1 Dex, +8 armor); BAB +4; Grap +5; Atk/Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+2, +1 heavy mace),
or +6 ranged; SQ Rebuke undead 4/day; AL NE; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +8; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 16,
Cha 12.
Skills & Feats: Concentration +8, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (religion) +7, Listen +4, Spellcraft +6, Spot
+4; Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved Turning, Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Cleric Spells Prepared (5/5/5/4; save DC = 13 + spell level, 14 + spell level for enchantment spells): 0 – detect
magic, guidance, light, read magic, resistance; 1st – command (x2), cure light wounds (x2), protection from good*; 2nd –
hold person, resist energy, silence, shatter*, spiritual weapon; 3rd – bestow curse, blindness/deafness, contagion*, prayer
*Domain Spell. Domains: Destruction (smite attack 1/day: +4 attack/+6 damage), Evil (cast Evil spells at +1 caster
Possessions: Full plate, +1 heavy mace, potion of haste

Half-Orc Fighter (3): Male half-orc Ftr3; CR 3; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 3d10+6; hp 22 each; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.
(armor); AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15, (+1 Dex, +5 armor); BAB +3; Grap +6; Atk/Full Atk +6 melee (1d10+4/x3,
halberd), or +4 ranged; SQ Darkvision 60 ft.; AL LE; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis
12, Cha 8.
Skills & Feats: Climb +1, Intimidate +3, Jump +1, Listen +2, Spot +2; Cleave, Improved Initiative, Lightning
Reflexes, Power Attack
Possessions: Breastplate, halberd

Half-Orc “Assassin”: Male half-orc Rog4; CR 4; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 4d6+8; hp 20; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15,
touch 12, flat-footed 13, (+2 Dex, +3 armor); BAB +3; Grap +5; Atk/Full Atk +6 melee (1d6+2/19-20, masterwork short
sword) or +5 ranged; SA Sneak attack +2d6, SQ Darkvision 60 ft., trapfinding, evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge;
AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 7.
Skills & Feats: Bluff +0, Disguise +3, Hide +10, Intimidate +1, Listen +4, Move Silently +10, Open Lock +7, Search
+6, Sense Motive +3, Sleight of Hand +5, Spot +4, Tumble +7; Iron Will, Stealthy
Possessions: Studded leather armor, masterwork short sword.

19. Ruined Chapel: A successful base DC 5 Listen check will enable the players to hear the stirge’s fluttering and squeaking. A
DC 20 Search check will find the jeweled dagger.

Creatures (EL 5): Stirges (10), hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 236.

Key to the Sewer Level

Sewer Encounter Table:
Encounters occur 1 in 6 (on a d6). Check every 10 minutes. If an encounter occurs roll a d10 and consult the following table:

1. (EL variable) 1d4 aspis drones, hp 33 each; see APPENDIX I: NEW MONSTERS.
2.-3. (EL variable) 2d6 orcs (see below).
4.-5. (EL variable) Slave band (see below)
6. (EL variable) 2d10 dire rats, hp 4 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 64.
7. (EL 2 or 4) 1d2 dire weasels, hp 13 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 65
8. (EL 4) Green slime; DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE p. 76
9. (EL variable) 1d3 doppelgangers, hp 22 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 67. (50% chance to be posing as orcs when
10. (EL variable) 1d6 crocodiles, hp 22 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 271.

Orcs: There is a 10% chance that an ogre (hp 29; MONSTER MANUAL p. 199.) will be present with any band of orcs. The orcs
carry short swords (+4 melee [1d6+3/19-20]), or battleaxes (+4 melee [1d8+4/x3]) and light crossbows (+1 ranged [1d8/19-20]).

Slave Band: A typical slave band will consist of 2d6 slaves (Com1, hp 2 each) being herded through the sewers by 2d4 orcs armed
with whips (+0 melee [1d3+3 non-lethal]) and short swords (+4 melee [1d6+3/19-20]). There is a 25% chance a 6th-level human
fighter will be present along with a 3rd-level half-orc fighter (use the stats included under “orcs” in the Ruin Encounter Table for
the Temple Level for the human and half-orc fighters).

Sewer Level Description

Three types of construction will be found throughout the sewers:
Dirt tunnels are normally 10 feet wide with 8-foot ceilings roofed with wooden planks and beams. The passageways are dug from
the soil and rock (hardness 8, hp 900/10 ft. section; Break DC 50, Climb DC 22), are slightly moist but sturdy. If a wooden ceiling
beam (hardness 5, 60 hp) is destroyed or removed, there will be a cave-in in a 10 ft. radius. Persons caught in this area take 5d6
points of damage and must make DC 20 Reflex save. Characters that make the save take half damage. Players that fail the save
take full damage, are caught in the cave in, and begin to suffocate (DMG p. 304). Players trying to rescue trapped characters may
dig 2 feet per round with their hands and 5 feet per round with a shovel. Cave-ins will completely block a passage.

Sewer tunnels are 20 feet wide and 10 feet high, arched and made of slimy brick and stone (hardness 8, hp 90/10 ft. section; Break
DC 35, Climb DC 20) with a 5-foot ledge to one side. The sewage current moves at a rate of 5 ft. /round to the southeast. Any
characters swimming in the sewage (DC 10 Swim check) may add this amount to their swim speed if moving with the current, or
subtract if moving against the current.

Passageways are 10 feet wide and 10 high and are made of dry smooth-finished masonry blocks (hardness 8, hp 90/10 ft. section;
Break DC 35, Climb DC 20).

All doors are heavy oak and bound in iron (hardness 5, hp 20, Break DC 23 [stuck], 25 [locked]).

1. Escape Ladder: No changes.

2. Grub Hatchery: Characters entering the room without taking precautions must succeed at a DC 20 Reflex save or fall into
the pit. The sewage in the pit is 5 feet 6 inches deep and mildly corrosive. Characters in the pit will take 1d4+1 damage per
round from the sewage, while characters standing on the ledge take 1d2 hit points per round. Small and smaller characters in
the pit must make a DC 10 Swim check each round to stay afloat, Medium and larger characters can stand and need not make
a swim check. Characters in combat in the sewage pit should follow the guidelines for underwater combat on p. 92 of the

The reflective surface of the sewage water and garbage floating on it gives the larvae improved cover relative to creatures on
the platforms and ledge (+8 AC, +4 Reflex saves).

The pit contains 5 aspis larvae of varying ages: one 2 HD, one 3 HD, two 4HD, and one 5 HD.

Creatures (EL 5): Aspis larvae (5), hp 26, 21, 20, 16, 10; see APPENDIX I: NEW MONSTERS.

Ad Hoc Experience Award: Award 150% the normal experience for this encounter due to the presence of the caustic

3. Egg Chamber: The three aspis drones in this chamber will attack any intruders with a +2 morale bonus and will not run or
flee as long as there are eggs to be defended. They will attempt to summon aid with loud clicks and whistles (Listen check
base DC 0). A successful DC 15 Search check will find the drones’ treasure under an egg. Each drone carries two battleaxes
(primary: +2 melee [1d8+2/x3], secondary: +2 melee [1d8+1/x3] and no shields (AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15).

Creatures (EL 8): Aspis drones (3), hp 35, 30, 27; see APPENDIX I: NEW MONSTERS.

4. Food Storage: A successful DC 15 Search check will discover the hidden leather sack. A successful DC 20 Knowledge
(nature) check will reveal the beneficial properties of the mold-covered apples.

Creatures (EL 4+): Grey ooze, hp 31; MONSTER MANUAL p. 202.

Rot grubs (15), hp 1 each; see APPENDIX I: NEW MONSTERS.

5. Aspis Chamber: A successful DC 22 Search check will find the trip cord for the nets. Each net covers a 5-foot square area
and will trap one Medium or Small creature with a successful ranged touch attack. Since the nets were soaked in the sticky
sap of the sundew any Escape Artist checks to break free are made at a -2 penalty. The aspis in this room carry two light
wooden shields and attack with two longswords.

Creatures (EL 10): Aspis drones (4), hp 36, 34 (x2), 30; see APPENDIX I: NEW MONSTERS.
Giant worker ants (5), hp 9 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 284.
Trap (EL 2): Net Trap: CR 2 mechanical; touch trigger (trip cord); manual reset; +10 ranged touch (see note); Search DC
22; Disable Device DC 20. Note: Characters successfully attacked are grappled by the net if they fail a DC 20 Reflex
save. The net can be broken with a DC 18 Strength check, or escaped from with a DC 20 Escape Artist check. See “net”
PHB page 119.

6. Breeding Chamber: All aspis drones will fight with a +2 morale bonus to attacks while in this chamber. The aspis drones
here carry two halberds each: Primary (+2 melee [1d10+3/x3]), secondary (+2 melee [1d10+1/x3]) and no shields (AC 17,
touch 12, flat-footed 15).

Creatures (EL 12): Aspis cow, hp 65; see APPENDIX I: NEW MONSTERS.
Aspis drones (6), hp 33 each; see APPENDIX I: NEW MONSTERS.
Giant soldier ants (10), hp 11 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 284.

Treasure: Substitute a potion of cure light wounds for the potion of healing, and a scroll of remove paralysis for the
scroll of protection from petrifaction.

7. Spare Food Chamber: A DC 21 Search check will find the catch on the underside of the trap door (hardness 5, hp 7), or it
can be broken with a DC 19 Strength check.

8. Giant Ant Lair: These tunnels are high enough for Small creatures to stand upright.

a. Nests:

Creatures (EL variable): 2d6 giant worker ants, hp 9 each; hp 9 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 284.
1d3 giant soldier ants, hp 11 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 284.

b. Queen’s Chamber:

Creatures (EL 10+): Giant soldier ants (10), hp 11 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 284.
Giant worker ants (10), hp 9 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 284.
Giant ant queen, hp 22; MONSTER MANUAL p. 284.

Treasure: The oil of slipperiness duplicates the effects of the 1st-level Sor/Wiz spell grease if rubbed on a person or

9. Ledge Trap: Characters that spend a round observing the runoff note that garbage floats in from both directions and collects
here, though the amount of trash never seems to increase.

Trap (EL 5): Tipping Floor Trap: CR 5; mechanical, location trigger; automatic reset; multiple targets (all targets in a 10
ft.-by-5 ft. area); DC 20 Reflex save avoids; no attack roll necessary (see note below); Search DC 20; Disable Device DC
20. Note: Characters thrown into the water must make a DC 15 Swim check each round. Attempts to use a rope to aid
trapped characters are difficult: suction from the drain will add on an extra 25% to the total weight of the person being

a. Sewer Bridge: No changes.

10. a. False Drum: The drum is quite loud (base Listen DC -5) and can easily be heard throughout this section of the sewers.
If it is moved, roll Listen checks for creatures before the start of a battle. If the check succeeds, the creature(s) heard the
drum stop and will be ready for an attack and cannot be surprised.

b. Secret Door: A DC 20 Search check will find the secret door concealed in the rubble.
11. Small Sewer Channels: Movement through these channels imposes a x2 movement modifier on Medium creatures. Small
creatures should follow the guidelines for “firm footing” in the underwater combat section of the DMG (p. 92).

12. Orc and Ogre Outpost: The ogres in this room will throw their rocks (60 ft. range increment) for 2d4+5 damage. The orcs
in this room wear scale mail (AC 14, touch 10, flat footed 14) and carry handaxes (+4 melee [1d6+3/x3]) and light crossbows
(+1 ranged [1d8/19-20]).

In order to confirm with the third edition spacing rules, expand the eastern passageways from 5ft. wide to at least 10 ft. wide
in order to accommodate 2 orcs abreast in formation on the stairs. Additionally, the room (30 ft. by 20 ft.) should be enlarged
to accommodate the large numbers of creatures present.

Creatures (EL 10): Ogres (3), hp 29 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 199

Orcs (18), hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203

Treasure: Substitute a +1 magical beasts bane dagger for the +1 dagger, +2 vs. magic-users and enchanted creatures.

13. Sewer Collapse:

Trap (EL 4): Falling Block Trap: CR 4; mechanical; touch trigger (moving the support beam); no reset; Atk +15 melee
(5d6); Search n/a; Disable Device n/a. Note: A DC 15 Strength check will allow a character to hold the block for one
round. The DC increases by one each subsequent round.

If the beam falls into the crevice, roll a DC 0 Listen check for any nearby creatures/wandering monsters. The stone may be
levered up with beams and stones, but this will require a DC 20 Strength check and 30 minutes to complete.

14. Orc Guard Post: The orcs in this room are armed with shortswords (+4 melee [1d6+3/19-20]) and longspears (+4 melee or
+1 ranged [1d8+3/x3]), and wear scale mail (AC 14, touch 10, flat footed 14).

Creatures (EL 3): Orcs (6), hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203

15. Orc Chambers:

a. Main Chamber: The orcs in this chamber are armed with shortswords (+4 melee [1d6+3/19-20]), longspears (+4 melee
or +1 ranged [1d8+3/x3]), daggers (+4 melee [1d4+3/19-20]), and handaxes (+4 melee [1d6+3/x3]).

Creatures (EL 9+): Orc males (6), hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203
Orc females (18), hp 4 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203
Orc young (20), hp 2 each; non-combatant.

b. Chief’s Den: The orc chief and his bodyguards will attempt to overrun (PHB p. 157) any characters entering the room
and trap them in the den. A DC 20 Search check will find the key to the chest hidden in the northwest corner of the room.

Creatures (EL 8): Orc chief (War3), hp 20

Orc bodyguards (War3) (8), hp 16 each
Ogres (2), hp 29, 25; MONSTER MANUAL p. 199

Trap (EL 4): Glyph of Warding (hold person): CR 4; spell, spell trigger; no reset; spell effect (hold person, 5th-level
cleric, DC 14 Willpower save); Search DC 28, Disable Device DC 28. Note: A remove curse is not necessary to
remove the paralysis.

Treasure: Substitute large scorpion venom (DMG p 297) for the “orcish poison” covering the daggers.

Orc Chief: Male orc War3; CR 2; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 3d8+6; hp 20; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 10, flat-
footed 16, (+4 armor, +2 shield); BAB +3; Grap +6; Atk/Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+3/19-20, longsword), or +3 ranged; SQ
Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL CE; SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 17, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 8.
Skills & Feats: Intimidate +5, Listen +1, Spot +2; Alertness, Power Attack
Possessions: Scale mail, heavy steel shield, longsword
Orc Bodyguards (8): Male orc War3; CR 2; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 3d8+3; hp 16 each; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16,
touch 10, flat-footed 16, (+4 armor, +2 shield); BAB +3; Grap +6; Atk/Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+3/19-20, longsword), or
+6 melee (1d8+3, flail), or +3 ranged; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; AL CE; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will -1; Str 17,
Dex 11, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 7, Cha 6.
Skills & Feats: Intimidate +2, Listen +1, Spot +1; Alertness, Power Attack
Possessions: Scale mail, heavy steel shield, longsword or flail

16. Witch-Doctor’s Camp:

a. The orcs here are armed with short swords (+4 melee [1d6+3/19-20]) and longspears (+1 ranged [1d8+4/x3]). The orcs
behind the rock wall on the ledge have low cover (+4 AC, +2 Reflex saves) vs. all creatures within 30 feet. A successful
DC 20 Search check will discover the small pit under the stone chest.

Creatures (EL 4): Orcs (8), hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203

b. The orcs here are armed with light crossbows (+1 ranged [1d8/19-20]) and three have pots of particularly vile sewage that
when thrown as a splash weapon (range increment 10 feet) all within a 5-foot radius of the burst must succeed at a DC 15
Fortitude save or become nauseated (DMG p. 301) for 2d4 rounds. As in a. above, any orc hiding behind a stone wall
receives low cover.

Creatures (EL 5+): Orc Witch Doctor (Clr2/Wiz2), hp 18

Orcs (6), hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203

Orc Witch-Doctor: Male orc Clr2/Wiz2; CR 4; Medium humanoid (orc); HD 2d8+2 plus 2d4+2; hp 18; Init +0; Spd 30
ft.; AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13, (+3 armor); BAB +2; Grap +3; Atk/Full Atk +3 melee (1d8+1, heavy mace), or +2
ranged (1d4+1, sling); SQ Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity, rebuke undead 3/day; AL CE; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7;
Str 12, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11.
Skills & Feats: Concentration +7, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (religion) +5, Spellcraft +7; Combat Casting,
Lightning Reflexes, Scribe Scroll
Cleric Spells Prepared (4/3; save DC = 11 + spell level): 0 – cure minor wounds, guidance, read magic, resistance;
1st – cause fear, cure light wounds, protection from good*
*Domain Spell. Domains: Chaos (cast chaos spells at +1 caster level), Evil (cast Evil spells at +1 caster level)
Wizard Spells Prepared (4/2; save DC = 11 + spell level, 15% chance arcane spell failure): 0 – daze, detect magic,
flare, ray of frost; 1st – hypnotism, shield
Possessions: Studded leather armor, heavy mace, sling, 12 bullets, scroll of prayer (DC 6 caster level check required
to read)

17. Gas Filled Room:

Trap (EL 6): Exploding Gas Trap: CR 6; mechanical; location trigger; automatic reset; gas; multiple targets (all targets in
a 20-ft.-by-20-ft. room); never miss (4d6 damage and blindness), onset delay (1 round); DC 20 Reflex save for half
damage (see note); No Search; No Disable Device. Note: Characters that fail their Reflex save are blinded (DMG p. 300)
for 1d4+1 rounds. Characters that take half damage are not blinded by the trap.

18. a. The Slave Pits: The two hiding aspis drones each carry 2 longswords (primary +2 melee [1d8+2/19-20], secondary +2
melee [1d8+1/19-20]), 2 light wooden shields (AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17) and 12 darts (+6 ranged [1d4+2]). As
long as the aspis are behind the pillars they have cover (+4 AC, +2 Reflex saves) from any frontal attacks.

Combat on the 6-inch wide beams requires a DC 15 Balance check every round. Any creature that takes damage while
balancing must immediately make another DC 15 Balance check to remain standing. Since the aspis have more than 5
ranks in Balance, they are not considered flat-footed (see Balance skill, PHB p. 67). Creatures falling into the slave pits
take 1d6 points of damage from the fall.

Creatures (EL 7): Aspis drones (2), hp 36, 32; see APPENDIX I: NEW MONSTERS.

b. Trap Door Control Booth: The drone aspis in this room is not armed or armored (AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15) and
has improved cover (+8 AC, +4 Reflex saves) if attacked from the slave pits due to the view-slit.
Creatures (EL 5): Aspis drone hp 33; see APPENDIX I: NEW MONSTERS.

Treasure: Substitute a periapt of Wisdom, +2 for the aspis’ pearl of wisdom.

19. a. Main Slave Chamber: The five orc guides/interpreters here are armed with longspears (+4 melee [1d8+4/x3]) and light
crossbows (+1 ranged [1d8/19-20]).

Creatures (EL 9): Human merchant (Exp4), hp 14

Human fighter (Ftr7), hp 52
Human “magic-user” (Wiz6), hp 15
Orcs (5), hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203
Slaves (Com1) (11), hp 2 each
Human fighter (Ftr4), hp 30
Doppelganger, hp 22; MONSTER MANUAL p. 67

Human Merchant: Male human Exp4; CR 3; Medium humanoid (human); HD 4d6; hp 14; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10,
touch 10, flat-footed 10 (no armor); BAB +3; Grap +3; Atk/Full Atk +3 melee (1d4/19-20, dagger), or +3 ranged; AL LE;
SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 9.
Skills & Feats: Appraise +6, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +8, Gather Information +4, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (local) +6,
Listen +5, Profession (merchant) +11, Sense Motive +10, Spot +6; Negotiator, Persuasive, Skill Focus (Profession
Possessions: Dagger

Human Fighter: Female human Ftr7; CR 7; Medium humanoid (human); HD 7d10+14; hp 52; Init +5; Spd 20 ft.
(armor); AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+1 Dex, +5 armor); BAB +7; Grap +10; Atk +11 melee (1d8+6/x3, battleaxe);
Full Atk +11/+6 melee (1d8+6/x3, battleaxe), or +8 ranged; AL LE; SV Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14,
Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.
Skills & Feats: Climb +6, Intimidate +9, Jump +4, Listen +2, Spot +3; Cleave, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning
Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (battleaxe), Weapon Specialization (battleaxe)
Possessions: Chainmail, battleaxe, stone of good luck (luckstone)

Human “Magic-User”: Male human Wiz6; CR 6; Medium humanoid (human); HD 6d4-3; hp 15; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC
14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 armor); BAB +3; Grap +3; Atk/Full Atk +3 melee (1d6, quarterstaff), or +3
melee (1d4/19-20, dagger), or +5 ranged; SQ Summon familiar; AL NE; SV Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +8; Str 10, Dex 14,
Con 8, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 13.
Skills & Feats: Concentration +8, Craft (alchemy) +10, Decipher Script +11, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Listen +4,
Spellcraft +12, Spot +4; Combat Casting, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Toughness
Wizard Spells Prepared (4/4/4/3; save DC = 13 + spell level, 14 + spell level for Enchantment spells): 0 – daze,
detect magic, light, read magic; 1st – burning hands, expeditious retreat, magic missile (x2); 2nd – invisibility, spider
climb, Tasha’s hideous laughter, web; 3rd – dispel magic, summon monster III, slow
Possessions: Robes, bracers of armor +2, quarterstaff, dagger, ring of shooting stars

Slaves (11): Human Com1; CR ½; Medium humanoid (human); HD 1d4; hp 2 each; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, touch 10,
flat-footed 10, (no armor); BAB +0; Grap +1; Atk/Full Atk +1 melee (1d3+1 non-lethal, unarmed strike), or +0 ranged;
AL LG; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10.
Skills & Feats: Climb +5, Jump +5, Profession (GM’s choice) +7, Spot +4; Iron Will, Skill Focus (Profession)
Possessions: None.

Human Fighter: Male human Ftr4; CR 4; Medium humanoid (human); HD 4d10+8; hp 30; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11,
touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex); BAB +4; Grap +7; Atk/Full Atk +7 melee (1d4+3 non-lethal, unarmed strike), or +5
ranged; AL LG; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Skills & Feats: Climb +7, Intimidate +3, Jump +8, Spot +2; Cleave, Dodge, Iron Will, Power Attack, Point Blank
Shot, Quick Draw
Possessions: None

b. Storerooms: No changes.
c. Machine Room: The aspis drone in this room is armed with two longswords (primary +2 melee [1d8+2/19-20],
secondary +2 melee [1d8+1/19-20]), and one light wooden shield (AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16) is strapped across its

Creatures (EL 5): Aspis drone, hp 34; see APPENDIX I: NEW MONSTERS.

20. Trick Stairs: A DC 20 Search check used with a dwarf’s stonecunning ability will allow a dwarf to detect the shifting
masonry stones used in this trap. A successful DC 25 Search check is required to find the secret catch.

Trap (EL 1): Trick Stairway Trap: CR 1; mechanical; touch trigger (opening the door); automatic reset; no save; no
attack roll necessary (see note below); multiple targets (all targets standing on the stairway); Search DC 25; Disable
Device DC 0 (locking the secret catch disables the trap). Note: If the trap is triggered, all characters currently on the
stairway will fall prone and slide down the stairway. Sliding characters will loose any Dex bonus to AC for the first round
after they stop, and must spend a move action to stand up again.

21. Slave Lord’s Den: The orcs in this room are armed with short swords (+4 melee [1d6+3/19-20]) and light crossbows (+1
ranged [1d8/19-20]). The slave lord carries 8 potions of invisibility which he will use to sneak attack any characters he can.

Creatures (EL 9+): Slave Lord (Rog7), hp 35

Dire weasels (5), hp 13 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 65
Orcs 10, hp 5 each; MONSTER MANUAL p. 203

Slave Lord: Male human Rog7; CR 7; Medium humanoid (human); HD 7d6+7; hp 35; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch
13, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +2 armor, +2 deflection); BAB +5; Grap +6; Atk/Full Atk +6 melee (1d6+1/19-20, short
sword), or +8 ranged (1d4+1, sling); SA Sneak attack +4d6; SQ Trapfinding, evasion, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge; AL
NE; SV Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills & Feats: Balance +10, Climb +11, Disable Device +10, Escape Artist +10, Forgery +7, Handle Animal +4,
Hide +15, Intimidate +9, Listen +7; Move Silently +15, Search +12, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +10, Spot +7;
Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Stealthy
Possessions: Leather armor, short sword, sling, 20 bullets, ring of protection +2, 8 potions of invisibility.
Appendix I: New Monsters


Aspis Drone Aspis Larva Aspis Cow

(Medium Aberration) (Small Aberration) (Large Aberration)
Hit Dice: 6d8+6 (33 hp) 2d8 (9 hp) 10d8+20 (65 hp)
Initiative: +6 +1 +0
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 10 ft. (2 squares), swim 15 ft. (3 squares)
15 ft. 20 ft.
AC: 19 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, 14 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 12 (-1size, +3 natural),
+2 two light wooden natural), touch 12, flat- touch 9, flat-footed 12
shields), touch 12, flat- footed 13
footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+6 +0/-4 +7/+15
Attack: Longsword +6 melee Bite +1 melee (1d4) Bite +11 melee (1d8+6)
(1d8+2), or slam +6
melee (1d4+2)
Full Attack: Primary longsword +2 Bite +1 melee (1d4) Bite +11 melee (1d8+6)
melee (1d8+2/19-20)
and longsword +2
melee (1d8+1/19-20), or
2 slams +6 melee
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft./5 ft. 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: None None Acidic slime
Special Qualities: Aspis immunities, fire Aspis immunities, fire Aspis immunities, fire
resistance, darkvision 60 resistance, tremorsense resistance, tremorsense
ft., multi-shield 15 ft., immune to mind- 30 ft.
proficiency influencing effects
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6 Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +1 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Str 11, Dex 13, Con 10, Str 19, Dex 10, Con 15,
Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 9 Int –, Wis 9, Cha 5 Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 7
Skills: Balance +6, Hide +4, None Hide +6, Swim +16
Listen +6, Move
Silently +3, Spot +5
Feats: Alertness, Improved None Cleave, Great Cleave,
Initiative, Multiweapon Power Attack, Weapon
Fighting Focus (bite)
Environment: Any temperate and Any temperate and Any temperate and
underground underground underground
Organization: Solitary, gang (2-4) or Group (1-10) (in nest) Solitary (in nest)
nest (12-24 + 10-60
larvae and 1 cow)
Challenge Rating: 5 1 7
Treasure: Standard None None
Alignment: Always neutral Always neutral Always neutral
Advancement: 7-10 HD (Medium) 3-5 HD (Small) 11-15 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: - - -

Aspis Immunities (Ex): All aspis are immune to acid, cold, electricity, and stench attacks. Larvae and cows are immune to visual
or sonic-based attacks. Additionally, aspis larvae are immune to mind-influencing effects.
Fire Resistance (Ex): Aspis take half damage from all fire effects. If a save is allowed for half damage, aspis take no damage on a
successful save.
Acidic Slime (Ex): An aspis cow’s skin exudes a milky acidic slime that will deal 2d10 points acid damage on any successful hit
from or against the aspis cow.
Multi-Shield Proficiency (Ex): Aspis drones are adept at using two shields for defense. As such, an aspis drone may wield two
shields and stack the shield bonuses to armor class. Armor check penalties for shields carried are cumulative.
Medium Plant
Hit Dice: 8d8+8 (44 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 5 ft. (1 square)
AC: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+8
Attack: Slam +9 melee (1d4+2 plus 1 acid)
Full Attack: 6 slams +9 melee (1d4+2 plus 1 acid)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, sap, suffocation
Special Qualities: Plant, tremorsense 5 ft., immunities
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +3
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills: Hide +15
Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Hide), Weapon Focus (slam)
Environment: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or patch (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 5
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 9 HD (Medium), 10-12 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: -

Improved Grab (Ex): If a giant sundew hits an opponent with a slam attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a
grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Each successful grapple check it makes during successive
rounds deals slam damage.
Sap (Ex): A giant sundew is coated with a thick, acidic sap. Any creature or object that makes physical contact with the monster
is smeared with this sticky sap, which deals 1 point of acid damage per round until removed. Thus, any successful hit from or
against the giant sundew automatically deals acid damage to the opponent or the opponent’s weapon, depending upon the point of
contact. Sap cannot be scraped off, but it can be washed off with a full-round action and at least 1 gallon of water, vinegar or
Suffocation (Ex): A successful critical with a slam attack indicates the sundew’s tendril(s) have covered its opponent’s mouth and
nose, clogging them with its sap. In addition to taking acid damage, its opponent will begin to suffocate on the next round unless
the sap is washed away.
Immunities (Ex): Giant sundews are immune to fire and acid.
Plant: Immune to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), poison, sleep effects,
paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Fine Vermin
Hit Dice: ¼d8 (1 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 5 ft. (1 square)
AC: 21 (+8 size, +3 Dex), touch 21, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-21
Attack: Bite +3 melee (1 hp)
Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1 hp)
Space/Reach: ½ ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Attach
Special Qualities: Vermin, blindsight 5 ft.
Saves: Fort+2, Ref +3, Will +0
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 16, Con 11, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 5
Skills: Hide +19
Feats: -
Environment: Any land and underground
Organization: Colony (5-20)
Challenge Rating: 1/8
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -

Attach (Ex): If a rot grub successfully deals damage to an opponent, it latches onto its opponent’s body in the same round and
begins to burrow inside. The burrowing process takes 1 round to complete, during which the grub is considered to be helpless (AC
9). Once a grub succeeds in burrowing into its opponent’s flesh, it travels to the heart (reaching it in 10-30 minutes (add one
minute for each size category over Large) killing the infested creature. Grubs that have burrowed into an opponent’s flesh can be
killed by an application of flame to the wound (dealing 1d6 points of fire damage to the opponent as well as the grubs per
application). A remove disease instantly kills all grubs infesting a host. Note that fire must be applied within one round of a
successful burrowing attack. After that, the grubs are too deep for it to be effective.
Vermin: Immune to all mind-influencing effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, and morale effects).

Appendix II: New Magic Items

Stone of Diminution: The stone can shrink its wielder and his or her possessions up to four size categories (Large to Diminutive,
for example). The effect lasts for 5 rounds or until the user lets go of the stone (whichever is shorter). Each use requires one
charge. A stone will have 1d6 charges when found. Shrinking and unshrinking each require a standard action.
Moderate Transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, shrink item; Price 13,125 gp.

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Dungeon Module A1: Slave Pits of the Undercity, © 1980 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
d20™ System Conversion of Dungeon Module A1: Slave Pits of the Undercity, ©2003 Mike Robilotti.

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