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MGT 301 Grand Quiz

1. Within the organization, buying activities consists of two major parts the buying power
and buying decision process. True
2. The research and development department just released the report and commented that’
define the problem and research objective. True
3. Marketing management is interested in serving all customers in every way to remain
competitive…. False
4. Social classes are society are relatively permanent and order division….. True
5. The simplest definition of modern marketing is managing profitable customer
relationship. True
6. Secondary data provides good starting points and often help to define problem statement
and research objective…. True
7. Human needs are shape by culture and indivsually personality. True
8. Strategic market planning is the task of selecting an overall company strategy… True
9. Demarcating is the marketing philosophy upon product differentiating.. false
10. The order-routine specification includes the final order with the chosen supplier… True
11. Product, price, place, and promotion make up the elements…. True
12. Holiday inn has divide the total customer market into smaller segment…… False
13. As an employ of banker enterprises, you market wild and crazy game… False
14. Gatekeepers have formal and informal power to select or approve the final supplier…
15. When baked by buying power, wants become demand.. True
16. Derived demand refers to the business demand that ultimately… True
17. Sarwar incorporation wants to use the latest technology in marketing research…. True
18. Your firm faces determined marketing intelligence effort by competitor… False
19. When a consumer learns about a new product for the first time and makes…. True
20. Marketing mix is the set of uncontrollable marketing tools that the firm can….False
21. Marketers of products, services, and ideas only practice marketing…. True
22. The different between human needs and wants is that need… True
23. The newer the buying task, and the more complex and costly the items… False
24. The macroenvironments consist of factors close to the company that effects its ability to
service its customer…… False
25. An SBU can be a company division, a product line within a division …… True
26. In the general needs description of the buying process, the buyer describes…..True
27. Mission statement should be realistic and general in nature…True
28. According to Engel,s laws. Consumer tend to spend a smaller percentage…False
29. The first step is strategic planning is to define the compny mission… True
30. When your marketing manager discussed factors and forces outside marketing… True
31. In the proposal solicitation stage of the business buying process, the buyer invite
qualified supplier… True
32. Marketing strategy is the marketing logic by which a company hope to achieve
profitable.. True
33. Who is our target market and whats our value proposition are two important questions….
34. Smart markets look beyond the attributes of the products and services they sell… True
35. In the Boston consulting group approach, relative market share provides a measure of
market… True
36. After carefully questioning your major supplier and reseller. You ascertain they do not
from….. False
37. Five characteristics are especially important in influencing an innovation rate of
38. Most household income is used up in purchasing food, housing and transportation. False
39. In the performance review stage the seller or the buyer may modify, continue or cancel..
40. Once the research problem and objective has been define researcher must determine the
exact information….. True
41. At times, it become necessary to reduce demand for some products and services…
tobacco… True
42. Strategic control involves looking at whather a company basic stretagies are well
matched.. True
43. A person’s buying choices are further influence by four major psychological factors,
motivation, perception, learning….. True
44. Too much information can be as harmful as too little… True
45. Each culture contains groups of people with shared value of system……. True
46. The production concept and product concept are two philosophy both lead marketing
myopia. False
47. A market segment consist of consumer who respond in different way to give…. False
48. After conducting formal marketing research your department you make an oral
presentation with notes….. false
49. The owner of 21st- store chain of bicycle explain to the store manager of recent sale
meeting,…. True
50. The collection of business and products that makes up a company called marketing
strategy. False
51. A company with limited resources might decide to serve all segment of market. False
52. Selling is managing profitable customer relationship. True
53. Marketing research firms advertising agency, media frims…… True
54. Most of the firms follow the production cconcept… False
55. A motive exist when consumer are highly involve with an expensive…. False
56. The main difference b/w business and consumer market in market structure and
demand… True
57. Strategic control involves looking at weather a company basic strategy well match..
58. Marketer all agree questionnaires are the most common research instrument… True
59. At air online we create customer creativity anywhere is product oriented…. False
60. The twofold goal of marketing is the attract new customer by promising superior
value….. False
61. In the business buying process the buyer and seller are relatively less dependent… False
62. A company buying a product and services for the first time…. True
63. When firms aggressive to the affect the public and forces in marketing environment…
64. Customer relationship managements (CRM) is nothing more than…. False
65. Alternative evaluation is how the consumer process information to arrive at brand
choice… True
66. Today market recognized the importance of working with their intermediaries…False
67. The early majorities are deliberate.. although they rarely are leaders…. True
68. Making more sales to current customers without changing a firms product… True
69. Although the consumer in different countries have different value, attitude, and
behaviors… True
70. Significance reason for business law to be enacted include protecting the interest of
society…. True
71. Customer perceive value depends on the products perceive performance… True
72. No single competitor marketing strategy is best… True
73. Good source of marketing intelligence information include competator, annual report….
74. Today market must be good at building relationship in order to connect….. True
75. Your manager asked you go through three of your competitor….. False
76. Guided by marketing strategy, the company design a marketing mix made up of
factors…. True
77. Business buyers are subject primarily to economic influences when they make their…
78. The selling concept holds that consumers will not buy enough of the firms products
unless it undertakes a large scale…. True
79. Mission statement must fit the market environment as indicated here by Girl Scouts a
sion… True
80. Five characteristics are especially important in influencing….. True
81. Marketing research can conduct their own searches of secondry data sources today…
82. In the supplier selection stage, the buyer reviews supplier performance.. True
83. ABC fortune has just developed a formal statement of its purpose…. True
84. Early adopters are guided by respect; they are opinion leaders in their communities and
adopt new ideas…. True
85. Influencers often help define specification and also provide information…True
86. Consumer organization such as environmental and minority groups may questions…
87. An effective MIS ( Marketing information system) assesses information needs,
develop….. True
88. At Nike we sell shoes’ is a market oriented business definition… False
89. In general innovators tend to be relatively older…. False
90. The demand for many business goods tend to change more slowly than the demand…
91. An exchange is the core concept of marketing. Whereas a transaction is marketing…
92. Marketing research is conducted to systematically design, collect and report data…
93. People differ greatly in their readiness to try new products, in each product area,… False
94. In general need description of the buying process, the buyer describe the
characteristics…. True
95. Almost all major purchases results in cognitive dissonance or discomfort caused… True
96. Most businesses that manufacture products for the consumer market also sell… False
97. Environmental concern have been on the decline in the past decade. More govt…. True
98. The elements of the marketing mix commonly known as the Four Ps…True
99. When railroad companies thought that user wanted trains than transportation and
overlook…. False
100. A belief is the specific mix of human traits that may be attribute to a….. False
101. When you collect information from your company accounting and sales…. True
102. Marketing offers are limited to physical products. True
103. The late majorities are skeptical, they adopt an innovation only… false
104. The buying center is a fixed and formally identified unit…. True
105. Dissonance- reducing buying behavior occure when consumers are highly
involved….. True
106. The central question for marketers is…… False
107. The Image of a product reflects in the minds of consumers…. False

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