State 301 Grand Quiz

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1. In a lottery, there are 10 prizes and 25 blanks. A lottery is drown random. 2/7
2. Probability of an impossible event is. Zero
3. The chart, which consists of horizontal and vertical bars of equal width. Simple bar
4. In how many ways a team of 11 players can be chosen from 16. 4368
5. Best describes the data that were originally collected at earlier time by different persons.
Primary data
6. Marks between 60 and 69? 7
7. A list of pulse rate is 70, 64, 70, 80, 74, and 92. What is mode? 70
minimum and maximum value
9. If the mean of two observation is 11.5 then the medium of these two. 11.5
10. A coin is tossed and a single 6-sideed die is rolled. Find the probability. 1/12
11. In measure of relative dispersion, unit of measurement remains. Square of units
12. In a class there are 15 boys and 10 girls. Three students selected random. The probability
of one girl and 2 boys. 21/46
13. Suitable average for averaging the shoe sizes for the children is. Mean
14. The classical definition of probability is not applicable when the assumptions. Mutually
exclusive events/ equal likely events
15. Quartile deviation is based on: not all values
16. A list of 5 pulse rates is; 70,64,80,74,92. Median. 74
17. Used to draw an OGIVE? A cumulative frequency distribution
18. What is the value of class mark for given class 10-12? 11
19. It is recommended that the number of classes in frequency distribution be between.a
5 and 20
20. A histogram contain a set of: adjacent rectangles
21. Half of the observations is always larger then: median/ mean
22. When data are collected in a statistical study for only a portions r subset of all elements.
A sample
23. What types of curve you will obtain if you draw a death rates of adult male. J shape
24. Mean deviation, variance and stand red deviation of value 4,4,4,4,4 is: 0
25. Not a graph of quantitative variables. Pie chart
26. For empirical rule all observation fall within. X= 3a
27. Let A and B two dependent event. P (B)= 1/3 P (A/B) = ½. ½
28. If 6 is the leading digit in 647 then traveling digit will be: 47
29. When we smooth the frequency polygon, it become: frequency curve
30. To determine the class interval. Divide the class frequency by number of
31. Greater then mean in for symmetrical distribution. 50 percentile
32. True about the median. Middle value
33. Two dice are thrown simultaneously. What’s probability? ½
34. A teacher ask 10 of her students how many books they have read. 0,1,2
35. For a discrete probability distribution sum of P(x). greater then 1
36. The probability are drawing a red queen card from well-shuffled pack of 52. 4/52
37. The number of way in which 4 books are arrange on a shelf. 24
38. Intensity of symptoms will be treated. Discrete variable
39. A fair coin is tossed 4 times. One till. 4/16
40. Take deviation around mean a square form. Square deviation
41. A bag contains 3 red balls, 4 green balls, and 5 blue balls. 12/98
42. In a box and whisker plot, box is divide into: 2 parts
43. Simple value expected and estimate value of parameter is called. Contradiction
44. If A = {h,t} which is power set. [{} {H} {T} {H,T}]
45. In absolute measure of dispersion our answer is expressed in the. Same
46. What is mode. D
47. When the median deviation is calculated by taking deviation around median. Median
48. When the frequency distribution or curve depart.
49. When an event is likely to others. Equally likely event
50. Range is a --- measure of dispersion. Both absolute and relative
51. A tabular arrangement for classifying data into different groups. Frequency distribution
52. A club consist of 4 members. How many ways. 24
53. A bag contain 12 red, 12 blue balls. Drown at random. ½
54. Method of least square in linear regression sun of squares of the verticals distance
between the points. All of these
55. For a non-systematic distribution median is ---- then mean. Equal
56. A set which is sub set of every set is: empty set
57. The conditional probability of the event A when event B has occurred. P(A/B)
58. Half of the difference between upper and lower quartiles is called: quartile deviation
59. A player well shuffles the pack of 52 playing card. Black card. 13/52
60. Statistics deals with. Individuals
61. For a certain distribution 24 automatic mean is. 24
62. According to empirical rule (mean 38 d Mean + 3s). 95%/
63. Pearson’s coefficient of skewness cannot when SD is. 0
64. 52 cards. The card drown is face card (jack, Queen). 3/13
65. The extremely positive skewed curve. U-shaped curve
66. A bell shaped distribution also known. Symmetrical
67. For a symmetrical data set mean value is 150 and SD 25. 125 & 180
68. According to chebychev’s rule at least ¾ of data. Mean + sd and Mean SD
69. Quartile deviation is also defined. Interquartile range
70. For stem and leaf display; leaf value from smallest to largest
71. The number of classes is a frequency distribution depends. Range
72. Grouping error is less serious in case of. Mean deviation
73. Card which is not a diamond. 13/52
74. 5 girls and 2 boys. 5/7
75. If P(A)=0.45 P(B)= 0.35. 0.714
76. We use general rule of multiplication to combine. Not independent
77. Right skewed distribution. Xm –Q3 greater then Q1-Q0
78. Data for population censes. Grouped data
79. SD divided by mean is. Coefficient of variation
80. P(2<X<4) equal to. 5.36
81. 5C5 equals to. 1
82. Range of data is 28 and number of classes is 6. 4
83. In case of frequency distribution the 2 quartile. 1+2hf (n/2)
84. For a certain distribution A.M= 136.74, median= 148.37 and mode= 152.80.
positively skewed
85. Measure of dispersion is used to compare variation between two series. C.V
86. By two vowels and 3 components taken from 4 vowels. 720
87. 20,13,27,0, -8 G.M will be. Negative
88. If y= 3X+5then S.D of Y. 3sd(X)+5
89. According to the property of perimeter. Variable
90. Frequency distribution involves in open-end classes. Medium
91. Scale use to measure the temperature. Interval scale
92. If we flip a coin five time the possible outcome of. 16
93. Harmonic mean is very useful in averaging. Ratios
94. The range of the series -1-4, -9,-7,-6. -1
95. Probability of drawing 2 clubs well shuffled 52 cards. 1/17
96. In a box and whisker plot, if the medium line is closer to the left of the box.
97. Branches of statistics. Both applied and mathematical
98. Which cannot be calculated when one number is zero. G.M and H.M
99. The mean of distribution is 23, medium is 24, and mode is 25.5. negative
100. The mode data can be obtain from raw data. Pie chart
101. ---- is the measure of more than one value. Mode
102. For systematic distribution b1 is always. Equal to zero
103. Mound-shaped and symmetric. Empirical rule
104. If distribution is negative skewed what order lowest to highest. Mode, medium,
105. Branch of statistics concerned with procedures and methodology. Inferential
106. If we calculate the probability of an event turn out -7. We made mistakes
107. If P(b)=0.75 P(A)= 0.35 P(A and B)= 0.20 0.32
108. For platykurtio. B2 is. Less then 3
109. Conducting a survey means. Collecting information
110. When a toss of fair coins four times the sample space is. 16
111. Harmonic mean is the reciprocal of. Arithmetic mean
112. Ranking scale also includes the properties of which scale. Nominal scale
113. Calculate P(X<3). 7/8
114. Frequency of variable is always in: integer form
115. Value in data set is negative which is imposable. GM
116. More weightages to smaller value. HM
117. Two dice are toss the probability that the total score is a prime number. 5/12
118. Identity law A U S is equal to. S
119. The concept of five number summery directly linked. Box and whisker
120. Group of 5 men and 2 women out of 7 men and 3 women. 63
121. Scale best to use for measurement the salary of employee? Ratio
122. Relationship among the averages. HM<=GM,=AM
123. Has not an equal importance in a data then average used. Weighted
124. Statistics is ….. quantity
125. Histogram is consist of set of adjutancy rectangular. Class boundaries\
126. The difference of mod and mean is equal. 3(mean- medium)
127. Five number summery gives good idea. Shape
128. Mean of 6 number is 41. 246
129. DE cumulative frequency is…. Less than ogive
130. Deviation taken from mean. Both negative and positive
131. Number of classes in a frequency distribution is obtained. Class interval
132. Empirical relation which one is true. 3medium= 2 mean=mode
133. In frequency distribution categories must be. Mutually exclusive
134. Chebychev,s inequality does not hold. 1
135. Difference between observe and true value. Random error
136. Relative measure of dispersion can be used. Two data set
137. If A and B are sets and AUB =AUB. A=b
138. Component of event B will be. P(B)

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