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August 14, 2020 • Volume 106, FRESHMAN GUIDE • nique.


Design by Anushri Kumar Student Publications

2 • August 14, 2020 • technique FRESHMAN SURVIVAL GUIDE //WELCOME

The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper

Taylor Gray

Jannat Batra
you leave as. This school molds ever do in your life.” Three years be sure to take care of yourself NEWS EDITOR:
TAYLOR GRAY you into the best version of your- later I can tell you that he was while you are here. Remember Sophia Tone
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF self. It forces you to learn from right. to not skip meals, drink your OPINIONS EDITOR:
your mistakes. It encourages you There have been multiple water and most importantly, do
Journey Sherman
To my dear freshmen: I am to grow in your passions. It sup- nights where I’ve sat in the not forget to shower. Do not be
sorry a pandemic has overshad- ports you to become whatever CULC and wondered if I could so hard on yourself. Remember
Hannah Jane Baumann
owed your first semester here at four-year-old you wanted to be do this. There have been so many that while you are ultimately
Tech. Despite the precautions when you grew up. hell weeks, projects and exams here to get an education, it is
and apprehension that sur- This school is full of opportu- that pushed me further than I okay to have fun sometimes too. Maya Flores
rounds this particular semester nities. Do not let anything stop could have ever imagined. In fact, if you do not have SPORTS EDITOR:
on campus, I sincerely hope you you from seizing them. Do not But after I finished every fun, you will not last here too Timothy Ryan
can still make the best of it, and be afraid to go to that event you single one of those assignments, long. Get involved! Go on those DESIGN EDITOR:
I know you will. really want to go to because no- I felt an incredible sense of ac- spontaneous trips to Waffle Anushri Kumar
I know every single one of body wants to go with you. You complishment, and that is what House at two in the morning! PHOTO EDITOR:
you is adaptable, strong-minded will make friends there. I think keeps us all going here. Share a hammock with a strang- Allie Ghisson
and yearning for the traditional Do not be afraid to study When you come face to face er on Tech Green! Don’t be ONLINE EDITOR:
first semester on campus. You abroad on an exchange program with those challenges, embrace afraid to say yes, and go with the Abigail Gutierrez-Ray
are able to overcome any chal- alone. It will all work out and them. You will come out on top flow. Some of my best memories TECHNOLOGY EDITOR:
lenge life throws at you. Where hey, you might find the love of even stronger than you were be- at Tech have come from unex- Jahziel Villasana-Espinoza
there is a will, you will find a your life while you are there, or fore. I will not tell you it gets pected opportunities that came HEAD COPY EDITOR:
way. I know all of this about you better yet, maybe you will find easier with each obstacle you my way. Avni Shridhar
because you are here at Tech. yourself. make your way over, but you do You are all going to do amaz-
The next four to five (or six) When my parents dropped learn how to approach them bet- ing things during your time
years of your life will prove to be me off on my first day at Tech, ter and they become a little bit here. I believe in all of you, and
Founded in 1911, the Technique is the
some of the most transformative. my stepfather clapped me on the more bearable as you travel the with open arms and the biggest student newspaper of the Georgia In-
The person you come into Tech shoulder and said, “This is go- path toward your degree. smile that is hidden under my stitute of Technology and is an official
as will not be the same person ing to be the hardest thing you’ll Real talk — Tech is hard, so mask, I welcome you all to Tech. publication of the Georgia Tech Board
of Student Publications. The Technique
publishes on Fridays weekly in the fall

The History of the Technique

and spring and biweekly in the summer.
ADVERTISING: Information can be
found online at The dead-
line for reserving ad space is Friday at
The ‘Nique, as we call ourselves, had its humble 1920 to the peaceful, voluntary desegregation of the 5 p.m. one week before publication. To
beginnings on Nov. 17, 1911. Apparently, we were Institute in 1961. Of course, we have kept up faith- place a reservation, for billing informa-
tion or for any other questions please e-
just as preoccupied back then as we are now with ful coverage of Tech sporting events, including the
mail us at You may reach
our football rivalry against U[sic]GA — our first issue 222–0 whopper of a football victory (the largest col- us at (404) 894-2830, Monday through
revolved around an upcoming game against our old lege football victory in history) over Cumberland Col- Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
foe (a game that we lost, incidentally) and featured an lege in 1916.
article by legendary coach John Heisman. Today, we are published monthly during the sum- COVERAGE REQUESTS : Requests for
At the time, we were Tech’s second student news- mer and weekly during the fall and spring semes- coverage and tips should be submitted to
paper, preceded by The Georgia Tech. In 1916, the ters, with the exception of “Dead Week,” Finals Week, the Editor-in-Chief and/or the relevant
papers merged, and since our name survived, we like Spring Break and the occasional pandemic. Around section editor.
to pride ourselves on being Tech’s longest running 30 students keep our paper running year-round, and
Copyright © 2020, Taylor Gray, Editor-
student newspaper. of course, we always welcome new writers, photogra- in-Chief, and the Georgia Tech Board
We have chronicled everything from the first ap- phers and editors, so please come check us out and of Student Publications. No part of this
pearance of George P. Burdell on Tech’s rosters in email if you are interested. paper may be reproduced in any man-
ner without written permission from the

Fast Facts: Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of

Student Publications. The ideas expressed
herein are those of the individual authors
• Circulation: 7,000 papers/week • We want you to join us! and do not necessarily represent the views
of the Board of Student Publications, the
students, staff or faculty of the Georgia
• New issues come out every Friday • Check us out at Institute of Technology or the University
System of Georgia. First copy free — for
additional copies call (404) 894-2830


“Hi, I’m running for... you know.. the thing” -Joe Biden
jeez just how many amazon basics mice have I bought
Live Action Samurai Jack starring Keanu Reeves (woah)
Never trust a psychic that hasn’t won the lottery at least twice.
I am sad gorl
not gonna lie, i like working from home
don’t be evil until you can
has trump ever retweeted a Shrek meme?
Geoffrey Epstein: no coverage, fake russia collusion (no longer
talked about): tons of coverage
Yo mama so classless, she could be a Marxist utopia
are you guys gonna post the list of graduating anak members?
yeah at some point bro
‘you can’t lie if what you say doesn’t even make sense’ -Joe Biden
I’d love to see Elizabeth Warren do a cover of “Colors of the
Hello there sir
hey!! do you have the anak graduates for spring 2020? pls post
it’s out of our control, chief
look at me! I am a sociopathic virtue signaler!
From Android app
anak members that graduated? pls? am very curious!
omg stop ASKING, maybe they want to be a secret or something
supporting trump is known to cause cancer in the state of Cali-
in Skeletor’s eyes, everyone must be morbidly obese.
//RESOURCES FRESHMAN SURVIVAL GUIDE technique • August 14, 2020 3

OSCAR to make your schedule

WILL FUSS and register for any classes, so it
STAFF WRITER remains the best individual re-
source. To know what classes you
Learning to navigate Tech can should take next though, Degree-
be harrowing at first. However, a works is an extremely valuable
large number of helpful resources resource. It allows you to look at
are accessible via phone or laptop. all the classes you have credit for,
Beyond the Technique, a resource are signed up for and the ones you
you may be using digitally right need to graduate. It also helps
now, here are some of the most es- you create potential tracks if you
sential digital resources. want to add or change a degree.
Most of the physical resources For specific courses, Courseoff is
available to students have online a solid schedule builder that has
portals where you can sign up access to course times and loca-
for time slots. Examples of this tions at Tech. It can allow you to
include the free tutoring sessions build a tentative schedule, though
offered to students, mental health OSCAR will always have the de-
resources at the CARE center finitive class times and locations,
and physical health appointments so make sure to double check. Fi-
at the Stamps center. All portals nally, Rate My Professor has dif-
can be accessed at a website with ficulty and personality ratings as Photo by Dani Sisson Student Publications

a keyword plus, e.g. well as reviews for a majority of Pictured above is the Counseling Center in the Smithgall Building. The Counseling Center pro- for Stamps. the professors on campus, allow- vides a variety of mental health resources to students and members of the Tech community.
ing you to try and pick a professor
ACADEMICS that better fits your learning style. JANNAT BATRA the lookout for more updated in- demic career. The center was pre-
OSCAR is the almost all- MANAGING EDITOR formation on https://lgbtqia.gat- viously located in room 115B in
encompassing resource for Tech, SAFET Y Smithgall, but a new VRC opened
with the ability to access campus To make sure you stay as safe As incoming freshmen in gen- The Women’s Resource Center up in the BioQuad this August.
services like dining and hous- as possible, there are a couple eral, but especially as incoming (WRC) is a safe place for women Virtual appointments and office
ing. Its most essential services more apps worth downloading. freshmen in the chaos of 2020, to seek information about issues hours can be made online.
are the academic resources, from The LiveSafe app gives safety it can be difficult to find your like personal health, academics, The Counseling Center is
a comprehensive class list to a alerts, has access to a number of place in the world and on campus. safety, career guidance and more. located on the second floor of
weekly schedule easily available emergency options and allows Nevertheless, the various resource Women on campus can reach out Smithgall and provides a variety
with complete information on all you to have someone track your centers that Tech offers aim to to the center for personal sup- of services to support the “per-
classes you sign up for. Once you trip home to ensure you make it help students navigate their way port, crisis intervention or simply sonal, academic, developmental,
actually begin your classes, hav- back without any problems. The through life and college. a sense of community and com- career, and general mental health
ing a handful of apps will make Stingerette app allows you to call The LGBTQIA Resource Cen- radery on Tech’s male-dominat- needs,” of everyone on campus.
your life easier. Most classes will a campus van to come pick you ter is located on the first floor of ed campus. The resource center Students can find licensed psy-
give assignments and updates via up and bring you to your destina- Smithgall, otherwise known as is closed to in-person visits for chologists, counselors and more in
Canvas, so add the Canvas app to tion between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. the Flag building, in Suite 140. now, but appointments can still the center to meet their personal
your Georgia Tech folder. Along The free service extends across The center strives to create a safe be made virtually. Fall program- needs. All services provided by the
with that, many classes will use the entirety of campus and select space for LGBTQIA students ming will begin virtually as well center are free and confidential for
TurningPoint to assign atten- destinations within a few blocks. through educating the campus, on August 12 with their “Tips for students, but those seeking assis-
dance questions, making that app For digital security, Tech uses programming and community Success” Panel. tance should also visit the Center
potentially useful as well. the Duo Mobile app for mobile building. The Veterans Resource Center for Assessment, Referral & Edu-
authentication to ensure you as a Due to COVID-19 restric- (VRC) strives to serve students on cation (CARE) for a primary as-
SCHEDULING student are the only one accessing tions, the staff will be working campus who are “veterans, mili- sessment and referral to additional
The scheduling process can your account. At some point early with a hybrid-remote schedule tary, reservists, guard members, resources. Students can also refer
be a bit frantic, but luckily there in the year you will likely need the and will not be open to drop-ins and dependents.” They provide a their peers to CARE if they recog-
exist a few ways to expedite the app to access your account, so it’s for now. Fall programs will po- variety of support services to aid nize that someone is in the need of
process. Ultimately you will use worth downloading now. tentially be in-person, but be on students throughout their aca- personal assistance.
4 • August 14, 2020 • technique FRESHMAN SURVIVAL GUIDE // TIPS&TRICKS

bring elevation and excellent over- looking to flavor up their week- Perhaps now is not the time attend office hours or set up a
JACK CRONIN looks for sights. Further outside ends. to take smaller discussion and meeting, professors might never
ENTERTAINMENTEDITOREMERITUS the region sit National Forests to teamwork-based classes if you are have the chance to form any sort
the west, north and east that are MARKETPLACES passionate about connecting in- of relationship with you.
Although the pandemic con- full of more places to explore. Local marketplaces offer a lot person with classmates. Not all Talking with your professors
tinues to pose public health and of fun for both local and new resi- students have the option to delay may make class expectations more
safety risks, there are still many THE BELTLINE dents of the Atlanta area. Ponce taking certain classes, but if you clear and gives you a more person-
ways to take advantage of some The Atlanta BeltLine was for- City Market and Krog Street do, this could save you the chal- alized way to ask questions about
safe amenities and activities that merly a railroad that ran around Market — two busy indoor desti- lenges of trying to succeed in course content and stay in contact.
the Institute and the Atlanta re- the city but has since been repur- nations — are chock-full of excit- classes specifically designed for
gion have to offer. posed into a bike path that con- ing foods, shops and goods. face-to-face interactions. GET IN THE ZONE
nects several neighborhoods and In a pre-pandemic world, they Make sure you know in ad-
PIEDMONT PARK communities. would have been an excellent HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE vance where you will complete as-
Piedmont Park is a large public Many shops and restaurants sit way to kill a few hours, getting Procrastinating on complet- sessments. If possible, find some-
park between Midtown and Vir- along various parts of the path, drinks and bites. But even in the ing work for online classes can be where you will be undistributed
ginia Highlands that is only about such as Krog Street Market or current circumstances, they offer very easy. With no in-person in- and able to fully focus. Determine
ten minutes away from Tech’s Ponce City Market. It also runs some outdoor shops and curbside teractions and more independent how you will be expected to sub-
campus. The park is full of open alongside the aforementioned pickups for people looking to get work, it becomes tempting to put mit your tests. Will it be fully on-
space for anyone to take advan- Piedmont Park. a taste of the market experience. off work for weeks. To hold your- line, or will there be portions you
tage of. Even for those without bikes, Other markets exist beyond self accountable, stay organized must show you work? By figuring
Walkways weave through the the BeltLine is a great way to get those tourist destinations, how- by keeping a calendar of impor- out these logistical details before
whole park, including around fresh air and see different parts of ever, such as Municipal Market tant dates and when assignments your exams, it will give you more
Lake Clara Meer. There are fields the city, either on rentable scooters and the Buford Highway Farmers are due. Additionally, be sure to time to focus on the material it-
and facilities for sporting activities or on foot. Market. Get out for some fresh air keep a list of any questions you self.
from sand volleyball and tennis to at these locations and buy some have during an online lecture or
soccer and basketball. A dog park INTERNATIONAL FOODS fresh produce or goods to spice up while doing assignments so you MENTAL CHECK-INS
rests on its eastern edge, along One observation newcomers your grocery routine. can ask your questions to fellow Starting your college experi-
the BeltLine. At the northwestern might have about the Atlanta re- classmates or to your professor. ence in the middle of a pandemic
corner, the Botanical Gardens of- gion is just how surprisingly inter- can be frightening and isolating.
fers some gorgeous sights. From national both the city and Tech’s Tips & Tricks UTILIZE RESOURCES The Center for Assessment, Re-
physical activities to sight-seeing campus are. At every turn, there The Center for Academic Suc- ferral and Education (CARE) of-
and picnics, Piedmont Park is an are locations to try new cuisines. HOPE WILLIAMS cess offers online one-to-one tutor- fers initial assessments and refer-
excellent (and safe) destination for Decatur, a city about 25 minutes ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR ing appointments, virtual peer-led rals to various resources and the
any Atlanta newcomers. east of campus, has restaurants undergraduate study sessions for Counseling Center offers virtual
with cuisine from India, France, Although taking online classes certain courses via BlueJeans, and individual counseling sessions to
HIKING Mexico and Latin America. might sound like an easier and academic coaching. The Com- in-state students, as well as virtual
Despite being in an urban Further northeast, the Buford more flexible version of in-person munication Center (CommLab) group counseling sessions that
center, the Atlanta and North Highway area boasts many Asian classes where you can attend lec- offers online consultations to help will begin this fall.
Georgia areas boast some excel- businesses focusing on Malaysia, tures as you lounge in your paja- students with written, oral and
lent outdoors and hiking destina- Vietnam, Korea, China, Japan mas, this is almost always not the visual projects as well. The Insti- REMEMBER TO UNPLUG
tions within reasonable proximity. and even Colombia and other case. tute Diversity, Equity, and Inclu- Staring at a screen and sitting
While cars might be necessary, a Hispanic regions. Online classes do offer more sion, LGBTQIA Resource Center in the same spot all day can be tir-
trip with friends can provide some While these destinations offer options for when and where you and Center for Student Diversity ing, both mentally and physically.
needed escape from academics an abundance of options, one does complete your work, but the and Inclusion all offer academic Take a few minutes everyday to
and urban sprawl. not have to travel so far to expand amount of work and difficulty resources and support for under- move away from your computer
Just 20 miles west of Tech’s their palate. Food Terminal, for of the course content does not represented minority groups and and rest your eyes. If you tend to
campus, Sweetwater Creek State example, is an Asian-fusion res- change. Here are a few tips to ad- women students through various do work at night, try using soft-
Park offers excellent waterside taurant with a location in West just to online learning: programs. ware such as f.lux, which helps re-
trails. Likewise, several hikes run Midtown. duce the impact of blue light from
along the famous Chattahoochee Likewise, local marketplaces THINK STRATEGICALLY GO TO OFFICE HOURS screens on your sleep quality.
River, such as the East Palisades have foods from all over the world. Depending on your personal Unlike in-person classes with Finally, remember that this
Trail and the Powers Island Trail. Although it might not be safe to graduation plan and course selec- weekly face to face interactions, semester will be a new experience
For some mountainous ter- personally sit in their stores, inter- tion, try to take classes this semes- some online courses are struc- for everyone. Together, we will
rain, Blood Mountain, Kennesaw national foods pose fun takeout ter that you are willing to experi- tured with limited interactions learn how to best succeed in such
Mountain and Pine Mountain and delivery options for anyone ence online. with your professors. Unless you challenging circumstances.
//SPORTS FRESHMAN SURVIVAL GUIDE technique • August 14, 2020 5

and bigger wins. John Heisman, one of the The current football stadium, a staple of years, with golf winning a number of con-
WILL FUSS great figures in college football history, was both Tech’s campus and the city of Atlanta, ference championships and volleyball con-
STAFF WRITER head coach of the Jackets from 1904-1919. is named in his honor. sistently in the running at the conference
Heisman was a pioneer of the forward All in all, Tech football has won four and national level.
“To HELL With georgia!” (THWg) is pass and a driving force behind its official national titles, with the most recent one in At the individual level, several Jacket
the cry of Jackets’ fans everywhere in the addition to the rules of the game in 1906. 1990. The men’s basketball program has alumni have found professional success in
rivalry known as “Clean, Old-Fashioned Under Heisman, Tech never had a losing two Final Four appearances, one in 1990 recent decades. The baseball team has pro-
Hate.” The signature phrase of Tech fans at season, and they claimed their first national and one in 2004. The 2004 team made it all duced at least one draft pick 40 years in a
every sporting event, it embodies the feel- title under him in 1917. The legendary Heis- the way to the NCAA title game, but fell to row, including Mark Teixeira, a three-time
ings of our student body for our in-state ri- man Trophy, given every year to the best UConn by nine points. All Star and winner of five Gold Glove and
val. The rivalry with Georgia is one of the player in college football, is named in his Tech baseball and softball have also three Silver Slugger awards.
longest standing traditions at Tech, dating honor. emerged as consistently strong teams in Tech consistently has plazyers selected in
back to 1893, when the two teams first met While Heisman was coaching the Jack- recent decades, with baseball heading to the NFL draft as well, most notably Calvin
on the gridiron. Including that initial meet- ets, the program set the record for the most the College World Series in 1994, 2002 Johnson, an elite receiver who was on a Hall
ing, the rivalry has been played 114 times points scored in a game, which still stands and 2006, and softball qualifying for the of Fame trajectory before his abrupt retire-
on the football field as well as countless to this day. After Cumberland College was NCAA tournament every year from 2002- ment in 2016, and Harrison Butker, the
more times across other sports. allegedly caught using professional players 2012. The women’s tennis team won a na- Chiefs’ current Super Bowl-winning kicker.
The THWg mantra is prominent enough in a baseball game against the Jackets, Heis- tional championship in 2007, and both the Tech’s basketball program has also pro-
to make its way into many of Tech’s game- man decided he wanted revenge. men’s and women’s teams have produced duced two-time NBA champion Chris Bosh
day traditions, most notably our fight song, The Cumberland football program had several strong players. and international star Stephon “Starbury”
which is played whenever Tech scores a agreed to play Tech in football during the Men’s golf and women’s volleyball have Marbury along with current players Derrick
touchdown. In addition to the fight song 1916 season, but their program had since become perennial contenders in recent Favors, Josh Okogie and Thaddeus Young.
are several other gameday classics such as folded. However, Heisman insisted that the
“Budweiser” and “The Horse.” school fulfill their commitment and play
Budweiser is a long-standing Tech tradi- the game as scheduled, and even paid them
tion, playing between the third and fourth $500 to come play. What followed was the
quarters while everyone in the stadium bobs most lopsided massacre in the history of the
up and down in tandem. The Horse can be sport, with Tech beating a cobbled-together
heard at every Tech event where the band Cumberland team 222-0, setting the re-
is present. cords for most points scored and largest de-
In addition to the songs, Tech’s two mas- feat in a college football game ever.
cots take center stage on game days. Buzz, In 1945, nearly two decades after Tech
the Institute’s resident six-foot yellow jack- football’s second national title in 1928,
et, is a regular sight in the stands at every Tech hired Bobby Dodd to be the head
game. Joining Buzz at every football game coach. Dodd was arguably Tech’s most suc-
is the Ramblin’ Wreck, the white and gold cessful coach, compiling 165 wins over his
1930 Ford Model A which leads the team career and bringing home another national
onto the field at every home game. title to North Avenue in 1952. He led the
It can often be seen driving around cam- Jackets to the longest winning streak in the
pus or parked at other campus events as history of Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate for
well. Freshmen are advised to be wary of ­the either team, taking eight straight contests
Wreck though —­legend has it that we will from 1949 to 1956. Following Dodd’s time
lose to Georgia if one of them touches it. as Tech’s coach, he served as the athletic di- Photo by Taylor Gray Student Publications

Tech’s football program has a long and rector and oversaw the racial integration of The Wreck has led the football team onto the field since 1961. One member
rich history that includes some big names Tech athletics. of the Ramblin’ Reck Club is picked to be the designated driver every year.
6 • August 14, 2020 • technique FRESHMAN SURVIVAL GUIDE // SILVERLINING

JOURNEY SHERMAN likely online first) will be fewer bies and finish the semester better ing to see the entire class at once. they have worked all the kinks out
OPINIONS EDITOR and in turn have more depth. than you started it. Take solace in the fact that you and your classes will be smooth
When it is safe to meet up with One piece of advice I was given will probably never see your pro- sailing.
Although this is not the start them in person, it will be super about college was to treat it as if fessor face to face or most of the COVID-19 has been extremely
to college you have dreamt about worth it to both of you. it is a job, and your dream job at students in your class in person. detrimental to every aspect of life
and pictured in your head, there So you may not end up with 30 that. Put yourself on a schedule So the stakes are low for em- and continues to change our ev-
are still some silver linings to be- new surface-level friends and in- and wake up at the same time barrassing yourself. If you are eryday lives. This fall will look dif-
ginning college at this time. For stead might have five quality ones each day and get online as if you stressed about your classes being ferent than any semester at Tech,
starters, you get to tell your chil- at the end of the semester, but that are clocking in to your dream job. online, then at least you won’t be but this season is entirely what
dren and grandchildren that you is a good thing because, hello, we This is a unicorn semester and a guinea pig for your professors. you make of it. It is easy to com-
graduated high school and started are in the middle of a pandemic. you will most likely never have the When we were forced online plain and be frustrated with the
college during a pandemic and If you were lucky enough to freedom and flexibility that you in the spring, my professors had current situation, but if you want
that in itself is no small feat. have a class schedule that is a ma- do now. Do not waste it! no idea how to use virtual learn- to truly be successful and get off
Going into college, one of the jority remote or hybrid learning, Another pro for those that are ing technology, and it showed at to a fantastic start, then focus on
most nerve wracking things for then this will give you so much doing hybrid or remote learning is times. Here’s hoping that by now the silver linings.
me was wondering how I would more flexibility and time than a that you will have increased time
make friends and long-lasting re- normal in-person schedule would. to access your professor. If you did
lationships at that. Because it may By not having a residential (in not entirely understand a topic,
be unsafe to meet new people in person) schedule, you cut down there is nothing stopping you
person for a while, suggest mak- on risk of being exposed to the from sending a followup email as
ing a class group chat. Try to be virus all while staying in the com- soon as class ends.
active and responsive in it and you fort of your own space. You have For those like me that find
will be talking to new people in the freedom to have class any- face-to-face office hours beyond
no time. where you want! awkward, there is now a much
During typical orientation and Go outside, turn on your better way to get one-on-one help
numerous welcome events, you hotspot and explore the beautiful that is more attainable through
would most likely meet tons of greenery Atlanta or your city has video calls. For those that are not
new people, but only few would to offer. Of course, online classes ones to usually raise their hand in
actually stick. In these types of will still be difficult, but you will class or speak up during discus-
events it is hard to weed through have so much more time on your sions, online learning may be a
who is going to be a true friend hands. If you don’t know already, blessing in disguise for you.
simply because you meet so many. learn how to cook for yourself! You will automatically feel
In the age of COVID-19, the It is an easy, but very neces- more relaxed by being in a com-
relationships that you build (most sary skill. Pick up some more hob- fortable environment and not hav- Design by Anushri Kumar & Jannat Batra Student Publications
//ADVICE FRESHMAN SURVIVAL GUIDE technique • August 14, 2020 7

JOURNEY SHERMAN Whether it is your mental or phys- MAYA TORRES unexpectedly taken from us. No pen this semester or in the years
OPINIONS EDITOR ical health, put it first. That grade CONTRIBUTING WRITER amount of virtual celebrations or ahead. College is unpredictable,
will not matter forever. free donuts will make up for that. regardless of whether or not there
I finally understand why every- Be upfront and honest with So maybe 2020 hasn’t quite But as Barack Obama put it in is a pandemic taking place outside
one says that these four(ish) years your professors. The truth of the been our year. his May commencement speech, of the classroom.
will fly by. matter is, they won’t all show We were supposed to graduate “not that many people look great But I can say with confidence
The first piece of advice I compassion for situations you high school. We were supposed in those caps.” This year and the that we will get past this. The pan-
would give to incoming freshmen have no control over, like being to attend prom, have senior night rest of high school will inevitably demic will eventually end, and we
is to live in the moment. Remem- sick. It is up to you to know when and attend as many graduation end up as hazy memories by the will eventually have a degree in
ber that you belong here and there you need to press pause. Listen to parties as we were invited to. And time the next decade begins. our hands and we can say we sur-
is a reason you were admitted. We your body over anyone else. the COVID-19 outbreak has tak- In reality, 2020 was not re- vived a pandemic as well as four
need you. Also, do not be afraid to reach en that from us. ally going to belong to any of us. (or more) years at Tech.
I can say with 100% certainty out for help from your friends and But for me, senior year never Popular or otherwise, we were We have survived high school.
that your time here will be as aw- peers. We have most likely been in really belonged to me in the first not supposed to peak during high We have gotten into the Institute.
ful or as fantastic as you make it. a similar situation and are more place. I was not going to have the school. We are headed to one of We have made it. And while there
So, do not put things off. Apply to than willing to offer advice and most expensive prom dress or the the best institutions in the coun- might not be all of the pomp and
that leadership position. Change resources. most party invites, and there are try to pursue our passions. circumstance we deserve, we will
your major twice, hell, even three As I said, you won’t get along more than a few senior events that Regardless of what our path make it through this too, and we
times if you want. Start that club. with every professor you have, but I’m not unhappy to be skipping. at Tech may be, there are so will be okay.
Do not be afraid to challenge when you do, make sure to use But I get it — ­ this sucks. I many years ahead, which will Class of 2024, welcome. Wear
this institution and stand up for them as a resource. miss my friends and I was look- be so much more thrilling than a mask, stay safe and we will be
what is right. Most importantly, Maintain rapport with a hand- ing forward to seeing my relatives any prom could ever be. This is out of this before we know it. Pre-
do not be afraid to fail. Look- ful of professors. This will be ben- at graduation. I wanted to wear just the beginning. I cannot say I pare for the next chapter of our
ing back with regret and realiz- eficial when you need academic my Tech gear to school during have any idea what’s going to hap- lives.
ing what you could have done or letters of recommendation for senior spirit week, and I was ex-
could have been would truly be internships and jobs. You can also cited about my last year of sum-
the biggest failure. learn a lot from them and gain mer camp.
Also, pick the major YOU love. more expertise in areas of study We are all missing out, in big
Do not let your parents, your you are interested in. ways and small. Many of you
roommate or a random kid on the Everyone goes into Tech with are lamenting over missing com-
trolley who is belittling your ma- a plan of what they want to get mencements. Others will never be
jor, dissuade you. out of their time there, but it will able to thank their favorite teach-
You may hear certain majors almost never go exactly their way. ers in person.
dubbed ‘easy.’ Easy majors do not And that is okay! Go in open- I’m not going to say that there
exist! Everyone has their strengths, minded about your career goals are not bigger problems in the
and it is more than okay to have a and even what types of friends world — there are. It is impossible
different skill set than the people you want to make. not to watch the news and feel
sitting next to you in class. College is your time to explore that gaping sense of grief, know-
Not everyone will have the the opposite side of the spectrum ing parents and grandparents are
same path, but everyone will end on all things. Sure, this semester is dying every day.
up where they need to be. Do not going to look much different than Our circumstances are fleet-
let the insecurities of others dim a typical semester at Tech, but ing relative to the immense loss of
your talents. make it count. life and economic security around
Although the idea of putting You will regret not putting the world, but that doesn’t make
Photo Courtesy of Maya Torres Student Publications
your health before your grades is yourself out there even if that does our pain any less valid. This mile-
taboo at Tech, it is the most im- mean through the lens of your stone, the one we’ve been prom- Maya Torres, first-year LMC, decorated her high school gradu-
portant advice you will ever get. laptop. ised all throughout our lives, was ation cap with a fitting reference to “Falsettos,” the musical.
8 • August 14, 2020 • technique FRESHMAN SURVIVAL GUIDE //TRADITIONS

HANNAH JANE BAUMANN nically is “criminal activity.” So, the late 1890s, and many whistles of the most exciting and enter- ways’ grave for good luck on their
LIFE EDITOR make sure to think about the con- were re-installed in its place as taining events during homecom- exams.
sequences before trying this tradi- it was stolen by students several ing week.
Tech, like many other univer- tion for yourself. times (although this tradition is TOUCHING THE WRECK
sities, has its own set of supersti- not as famous as stealing the “T”). PI MILE Most Tech fans already know
tions and traditions unique to its RAT CAPS The current whistle you hear to- The Pi Mile Road Race is a 5K about our adored mascot, the
community. These traditions car- You may have seen the gold day was installed in 2004. race that is run during the Spring Ramblin’ Wreck. However, many
ry on from generation to genera- caps in pictures of freshmen on campus every year. The first might not know about the tradi-
tion uniting current students with throughout Tech’s history. These FRESHMAN CAKE RACE race was 3 miles in 1973 but was tion behind touching it. Fresh-
the graduates who came before caps are known as “RAT caps” The Freshman Cake Race then lengthened to 3.14 miles 2 man are not allowed to touch the
them. Because of the importance which stands for “Recruit At is a half-mile foot race that be- years later. In 2002 the length Wreck until after their last final
of our community’s traditions, we Tech.” The caps are tradition- gan in the early 1900s. The race went back down to 5 km. The has been completed during their
at the Technique compiled some of ally adorned with their student’s takes place in the early morning race is partly run along the Tyler spring semester. Legend has it that
our favorites to explain their his- name, major, hometown, ex- (around 6 a.m.) on the day of the Brown Pi-Mile Trail which gives if a freshman touches the Reck be-
tory and significance. pected graduation date and “To homecoming football game. It be- the race it’s name. Tyler Brown fore their first year at Tech is com-
HELL With georgia” written with gins near Russ Chandler Stadium was a member of Tech’s ROTC plete, they will cause us to lose the
STEALING THE “T” that exact punctuation for empha- and ends around Bobby Dodd program who was later killed in rival game against UGA. To this
Everyone who has ever visited sis. The tradition, which began in Stadium. Winners receive cakes action in 2004. The trail was dedi- year’s freshman class, although we
our campus has most likely seen 1915, was that freshmen would baked from various faculty and cated to his honor in 2005. will not be playing against UGA
Tech Tower, one of our most wear the RAT caps until we beat alumni and all participants receive this year, try not to touch the
historic buildings on campus UGA during the rival game, and a cupcake after crossing the finish SIDEWAYS’ GRAVE Reck until completing your spring
which is adorned with the letters for the rest of the year if we lost. line. Although the race used to be Sideways was a black and white finals for tradition’s sake.
“TECH” on each side of the tow- Freshman who were found with- mandatory for all freshmen, it is terrier who was found in rough
er. The tradition of “stealing the out their caps on would be hazed, now only encouraged. However, it condition near Tech’s campus. ANAK
‘T’” began in 1969 when a group so of course this tradition is no is a fun experience you don’t want Her injuries caused her to walk Serving as Tech’s only official
of students removed the letter “T” longer enforced in that regard. to miss! sideways, giving her the nickname secret society, ANAK was cre-
from the East side of the tower. she is known for today. Sideways ated in 1908. The ANAK society
The East side was chosen as it is THE WHISTLE MINI 500 was taken care of by many stu- has had a hand in creating many
the most visible from the Down- If you haven’t heard the loud The Mini is a tricycle race held dents, sleeping in different dorms important student organizations,
town Connector. The “T” was roar of the campus steam whis- during homecoming week every and wandering into various lec- including the Technique and the
stolen on several occasions and tle yet, you certainly will when year. Participants complete nu- ture halls. Once Sideways passed Student Government Association.
always ended up being returned, classes start this fall. The whistle merous laps around Peters Park- away, she was buried near Tech ANAK traditionally taps in a
sometimes even on the lawn of the blows throughout the day mark- ing Deck. Each team consists of Tower with a plaque telling her select amount of students from the
president’s mansion. Although the ing the end of each class period. seven members, each team must story. The headstone is rotated junior and senior class. Member-
administration used to avoid tak- The whistle is also blown during build their own tricycle and each 90 degrees so that it is also “side- ships remain a secret until gradu-
ing action against students who football games when Tech scores member must take part to validly ways” in her memory. During fi- ation, where members’ names are
stole the “T”, measures are taken a touchdown or wins the game. compete in the race. The race is nals week each semester, countless published in the last issue of the
today to prevent this since it tech- The first ever whistle was built in certainly a sight to see and is one students leave pennies on Side- Technique for that semester.

time to go to sporting events? made in dorms or classes, and get get to experience when you are years, just to name a few. There
JAHZIELVILLASANA-ESPINOZA First, going to games supports some fresh air while you’re doing graduated and maybe have more are even some club sports, like
TECHNOLOGY EDITOR the school. Whether we like it or it. Also, most sporting events re- time. Don’t let the chance to ex- rugby, that compete against other
not, our sports teams are a repre- quire cheering from the audience. perience that go to waste! schools and could definitely use
Tech has a checkered relation- sentation of our school to the rest Whooping your head off during Finally, while many of my ex- the support.
ship with sports. Our football of the world. They are part of our the Budweiser Song or running amples have been about football, At the end of the day, whether
team has 4 national titles and was brand and identity as an institute. around after the game for it’s not the only sport on campus. or not you enjoy sporting events
once mentioned in the same sen- Going to games shows that you The Horse can be a great way There are lots of sporting events is a personal choice. Some people
tence as powerhouses like Notre support Georgia Tech’s communi- to work off some stress with your all year long. just aren’t into it, and that’s fine!
Dame, Clemson and Alabama. ty! If you got into Georgia Tech, friends in a fun and exciting at- Lots of student athletes need Don’t feel pressured into being
Our men’s basketball team odds are you could have gone al- mosphere. Some of my favorite your support, so find a couple of something you’re not. However,
has produced quality profes- most anywhere. Choosing Geor- memories from my time at Tech sports you haven’t tried before and don’t write off sporting events
sional players such as Chris Bosh. gia Tech means that you’re choos- have come from celebrating excit- show up for their games! Tech has without giving them a try first.
Yet Tech’s focus has only grown ing to be part of the community ing victories with my friends. had strong baseball, volleyball and There is lots of fun to be had if you
stronger on academic excellence. that we have here, and it would be This leads to my next reason for softball teams over the past few are willing to try new things.
It’s the reason most of us came to a huge waste of time and money going to games: you never know
this school in the first place. to not spend time investing in that what you might see (or miss out
While our sports teams might community. on if you aren’t there)! While Tech
not be why you chose to come Our student athletes get their sports can definitely be a roller-
to Tech, I really hope that you energy to compete from the fans coaster sometimes, there are genu-
consider supporting them dur- cheering them on in the stands. If inely great moments that happen
ing your time here. When I was a the stands are empty, we are really at our stadiums and arenas.
freshman, I couldn’t wait for foot- signalling that we don’t really care One of my biggest regrets of
ball at Bobby Dodd on Saturdays. about our community. my college career is leaving the
I grew up watching football If you have not ever been to a “Miracle on Techwood” home-
every week, and I was excited to college sporting event before and coming game against Florida
have a team that was truly my are a little intimidated by the State early my first year. If you
own to support. However, not ev- prospect, I want to reassure you have not heard of that game, defi-
eryone shares this interest. Maybe that some of your best college nitely look up the last play on You-
your family was not big on sports memories can be made at these Tube. You’ll see why I’m still kick-
as you grew up. games. They are meant to be fun! ing myself to this day that I didn’t
Maybe you even chose Georgia Even people that aren’t inter- stay the whole game. You don’t get
Tech in part because it does not ested in the sport itself can have the opportunity to attend matches
emphasize sports as much as other fun by going with friends. Go- as a student very often.
big schools in the United States. ing to Bobby Dodd on a nice fall There is a great energy and at- Photo by Taylor Gray Student Publications
Why should you care about sports Saturday can be a great way to mosphere in the student section, Cheerleaders run onto the field during the 2019 UGA game. The
at all, or use your precious free hang out with new friends you’ve which is something you will not team splits into groups to cheer from different parts of the stadium.

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