Athough Despite

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Concessive 1 contrast clauses

1. Match the sentcnces in column A and column B, then join thenr using
I I bave r lot of frie¡ds he's very boring to tal( to.
2 He had a heal attack last year st¡e c¿n Sill look after herself.
3 Shes very old now I sorretirnes feel lonely.
4 }le's very intelligent he seenrs to be quite bcalthy.
5 She works very hard she doesnl eam muctr ¡nor¡ey.

Although I have a lot of friends, I sometinrs feel lonely.

In spite of having a lot of frieods, I son¡efimes feel lonely.

2. Rewrite thsse sentences using ALTH0UGH, EYEN TEouGH or DEspI'rE,

shown in the example.

The fees re higt¡ but they ser¡d üeir chilrl¡en to private sct¡ools
They scnd their childrcnu priwte schools although the fea are higlt
Even though the fccs arc hig\ they send thci¡ childr¿n to pri*ttz schooLs.
Thcy scnd th¿ir cúldrcn u priwte shools dqiu the high
Thcy send their cúldren to priwte xhools dapiu the
fcu bci,r hielL
a) The wages are low but I like my
-iob. I

b) Ihe weather was yery bad but we played football.

c) The news was bad br¡t he continued to smile

d) I{is ideas a¡e ol<l-fashion«1, but he is very popular.

e)'lhe service was bad but we enjoyed ou¡ meal.

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