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This report assignment is

based on organization
motivational theories
studied in the course.
Strategies implemented by
Fiji Airways are discussed
with further
recommendations based on
S11101278 literature by xxxx

Lautoka Campus
Semester 2, 2019
Dennish Chand

Assignment 2
Statement of Originality Course: MG201: Organizational Behaviour

Major Assignment 2

Student name: Dennish Chand

Student No: S11101278

Campus: Lautoka

I have read and understood the University of the South Pacific’s, School of Tourism and Hospitality
Management, Faculty of Business and Economics policy on academic misconduct and plagiarism. I am
aware of the following: The view taken by the Head of the School of Tourism and Hospitality
Management, Faculty of Business and Economics is that failure to acknowledge or inadequate
acknowledging the work of another will result in a student receiving an official written warning and a
mark of 0 for that piece of work. If the plagiarism case is regarded by the Head of School/Department as
substantial (for example a significant failure to acknowledge a source) it will be forwarded to the
Student Development Committee of Senate (the Discipline Committee). The School of Tourism and
Hospitality Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, has introduced a database of those
students who have been reported to the Head of School/Department for plagiarism and the penalty that
was imposed and that repeat offenders (regardless as to the extent of the plagiarism) will be
automatically referred to the Discipline Committee. I confirm that the work contained in the attached
item of assessment is entirely my own work except where I have specifically acknowledged another’s
work and the source of that other’s work.


S11101278 Dennish Chand Lautoka Campus

Research Design......................................................................................................................................5
Research Approach..................................................................................................................................5
Sampling method....................................................................................................................................5
Data Collection Method...........................................................................................................................5
Data Analysis Method..............................................................................................................................5
Publication Summary...................................................................................................................................6
What is motivation?................................................................................................................................6
Intrinsic Motivation.............................................................................................................................6
Extrinsic Motivation.............................................................................................................................6
Development of motivational strategies.................................................................................................6
Burger King Fiji’s Motivational Strategies and its impact.............................................................................7
1. Job Enlargement..............................................................................................................................7
Employee Perspective.........................................................................................................................7
Organization Perspective.....................................................................................................................7
2. Annual Wage Increment..................................................................................................................8
Employee Perspective.........................................................................................................................8
Organization Perspective.....................................................................................................................8
3. Maintaining High OHS standards.....................................................................................................8
Employee Perspective.........................................................................................................................8
Organization Perspective.....................................................................................................................9
1. Recognize and praise employees.....................................................................................................9
2. Engaging employees........................................................................................................................9
3. Introduce frequent team building activities....................................................................................9
4. Promote worthy staff.....................................................................................................................10
5. Incentivise......................................................................................................................................10
Questionnaire for Crew Staff of Burger King Fiji....................................................................................12

S11101278 Dennish Chand Lautoka Campus


An employee’s phycological bonding and commitment to their firm is based on motivational factors.
With the rapid increasing rate of industrialization, daily workforce duties must be executed in a timely
manner and be efficient to cope up with competition. It becomes the employee’s duty to execute roles
and responsibilities entrusted onto them for the best results, this would not be possible with employees
who do not have any sense of motivation towards their jobs.

Mark Twain, the father of American literature once said “The secret of success is making your vocation
your vacation”. Today organizations have introduced motivation building strategies into their workforce
to ensure there are positive bonding between an employee and the organization. [ CITATION Med18 \l
1033 ]

A state where a worker does not feel motivated to work is simply called demoralized employee. This is a
condition when the employee loses their willing inspiration to work. The lack of interest will result in
numerous disasters for the organization. The demotivation of an employee can be linked to various
psychological and financial issues.
So how can a Manager get hints that their team member(s) are demoralized? Often the employee would
showcase lower level of obligation to work, unusual arrivals or unexplained no shows, negative work
ethics and disregards of warnings and repeating the same mistakes are a few to discuss.

Any organizations main motif is to provide top of the range goods and services to its customers that in
return generates happy customers and profit for the organization. It is essential to keep the employees
motivated so that what ever tasks they execute is up to standards of the customer. Motivated
employees would generally strive to work harder and identify solutions to problems that would
generally improve the productivity levels and boost efficiency.

Moreover, knowing how to implement motivational strategies and using strategies effectively would in
no doubt bring out the best from any employee. There are various ways in which effective motivational
strategies can be used and this report will identify Burger King, an American fast food chain with
franchise office based in Singapore. The report will demonstrate motivational strategies studied in the
course MG201: Organizational Behaviour with links to how the firm operates in Fiji.

The report will introduce the topic of motivational strategies with relation to course material to
generate a conscience understanding; further discussing the methodology used to gather relevant
information that has been essential for this report; with links to a thesis by Aryeetey Loretta Naomi from
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology the report will further develop discussions on
motivational strategies; moreover with the idea of debating a local organization namely Burger King Fiji
the report will discuss three motivational strategies used by Burger King and its impact on employees
and organization; based on the same organization the report has recommendations on how effective
motivational strategies can be used and eventually end the report with a summary of the report. The
outline of the report is respectively as mentioned above.

Research Design

S11101278 Dennish Chand Lautoka Campus

The purpose of this report is to gain extensive knowledge on motivational strategies at organizations.
With relation to text book motivational theories, the research should develop how effective strategies
are and how can they be improved.

Research Approach
The research will include organization officials from Human Resource department and floor staff of
Burger King Fiji. Data collection will be via questionnaire and interviews.

Sampling method
The in-depth interview and questionnaire recipients will be limited to Burger King Fiji Head office only
since it is only reasonable to avoid over head costs and stick to timeliness.
Moreover, since there are two modes of getting information the researcher will need to decide on how
this will be decided upon.

Data Collection Method

The primary data will be collected from the employees of Burger King Fiji. Moreover, these data will be
gathered directly from the respondent through an in-dept interview and detailed questionnaire.

Data Analysis Method

The data analysis of this research will be represented using mostly qualitative figures; this due to the
organization not being fully able to share confidential numbers. Nonetheless, there will be detailed
interviews and effective questionnaire.

Publication Summary
What is motivation?
The publication used for the purpose of this report is by Aryeetey Loretta Naomi. It is based on a thesis
of Motivational Strategies of Ghana Airports Company Limited submitted to Institute of Distance
Learning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology on Ghana.

S11101278 Dennish Chand Lautoka Campus

With growing interest in of how positive employee psychosocial health can be a source of major
competitive advantage; it would become common in another few years for organizations to influence an
employee’s obligation. [ CITATION Mar08 \l 1033 ]
Employee motivation is a communal strategic system that is used by most organizations in the recent
years to maintain high moral and low employee turnover rates.

According to a book on Organizational behaviour by American writers Robert Kreitner and Angelo
Kinicki, motivation defined is the psychological process that is responsible for the development,
direction, and persistence of self-willing work that have a reward form of goal. [ CITATION Kre01 \l
1033 ]

Often categorized into two paths, Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation. Below are their
respective definitions.

Intrinsic Motivation
This form of motivation is linked to the jobs an employee executes. Upon successfully completing their
tasks employees get feelings of relaxation, achievement, and confident. This is generally having the
interest to execute the job successfully. [ CITATION Nao11 \l 1033 ]

Extrinsic Motivation
This form of motivation is given by supervisors or managers and mainly includes an incentivized form of
reward. Although the reward might not always be in monetary terms, the feeling is mutual to intrinsic
motivation. [ CITATION Nao11 \l 1033 ]

Development of motivational strategies

Going back in time, initial form of motivation was separated into three stems. Although these stems
have been manipulated for personalization, the main three theory is still being used in the present day. [
CITATION Wre87 \l 1033 ]

Firstly “carrot” was the terms used to describe the motivation system where employees would be given
a pay rise through wage increment. This would generally mean that an employee’s wage rate would be
calculated according to their productivity. However, the idea by businessmen was to keep wages low to
keep the workforce motivated to work harder. [ CITATION Esl12 \l 1033 ]

Secondly, Adam Smit who contradicted the “carrot” strategy and strongly believed that incentives in
monetary terms would motivate employees to work the hardest. This ideology introduced jobs with
incentives that an employee would achieve based on their commitment and determination to task
completion. [ CITATION Esl12 \l 1033 ]

Thirdly, a general idea was built on work ethics being linked to religion. All religion teaches positive
moral values, religion enforced employees to abide to certain rules and regulations that benefited the
organization and kept good karma for the employees. [ CITATION Esl12 \l 1033 ]

S11101278 Dennish Chand Lautoka Campus

Burger King Fiji’s Motivational Strategies and its impact
Motibhai Group of Companies LTD ventured into the fast food business in 2015 by purchasing franchise
rights of Burger King Inc. Initially starting with one restaurant based in the leisure hub of Nadi, Martintar
the company in another 3 years opened up 5 stores located at Nadi Airport, Nakasi, and Suva city.
The branch of Motibhai handling Burger King Fiji duties officially documented as Victus LTD employs
around 150 staff in their restaurants and head office.
It is essential for Victus LTD to maintain low staff turnover as it is the staff who make food and
consistency plays a very integral role in successful running and achieving customer satisfaction.
To ensure staff turnover is minimum, Victus LTD has implemented various motivational strategies that
are over looked by head office staff. Below is detailed discussion on these strategies.

1. Job Enlargement
Victus LTD has approximately 30 employees designated to each of its restaurant. At each restaurant
there are several job stations that must be operated by crew member effectively. Victus LTD
management uses job enlargement to train each staff to operate all work stations. For example, Timoci
who is employed at the Martintar restaurant is trained to work on fry station, make bench, prep station,
broiler station, take over the counter and drive thru order and maintain hygiene standards.

Employee Perspective
Having a versatile workforce knowledge makes Timoci easy to work with, and Timoci will be able to
showcase all of his duties on his resume that can help him further in his life.

Timoci at time will have to more than one station at a single shift due to no shows by other staff, this
would eventually tire of Timoci and result him feeling tired and unable to show at work the next day.

Organization Perspective
With versatile crew staff, managing work stations on breaks and no shows can be easily handled.

Having versatile crew can turn out to be less cost effective than having crew who are trained to work
their own stations. There might be variations in the work that might annoy customers.

2. Annual Wage Increment

Victus has a general firm wage increment every year in the month of July. The increment baseline is
made up of employee performance. Performance throughout the year is studied and a percentage
increase amount is then decided upon board meeting with Executive Managers and Human Resource

S11101278 Dennish Chand Lautoka Campus

Executives; minutes of which are shared to the company directors who then have their final say with
each employee.

Employee Perspective
Each employee is given the opportunity to showcase their commitment and capabilities that will ensure
them an increment.

Since the increments are done annually, employees often feel demoralized to work within the year with
zero performance appraisals.

Organization Perspective
Since June and July are often much lazier months of the business year, sales are usually difficult. With
the wage review scheduled in July, employees realized that they must step up their participation and
participate efficiently to get that wage increment. This turns out beneficial to the organization that
maintains high staff motivation and therefore maintain high sale figures within lazy business periods.

Upon releasing wage rate figures employees often feel like they deserve better increment, after
discussions most employees decide to look for better opportunities at competition companies.

3. Maintaining High OHS standards

All Burger King outlets conduct constant maintenance within to kitchen to maintain a safe environment
to work in. All staff are given company compensated safety shoes that they can keep when exiting the
company, and can have exchanged once worn out. This builds a trust relationship with the crew
members and management staff.

Employee Perspective
With high importance to OHS, all employees can feel safe and cared for. Employees benefit from the
OHS care by having the opportunity to work in safe kitchens.

Organization Perspective
Maintaining high OHS regulations ensures there are minimum work injuries. This can be a major
insurance investment for the company since workmen compensation becomes very costly.

With giving of company paid safety shoes and equipment, many employees take the equipment for
granted only because they are not paying for it. Often employees play around with expensive equipment
and destroy them in the process. It becomes a cost on the company to be constantly purchasing new

S11101278 Dennish Chand Lautoka Campus

1. Recognize and praise employees
Praising results in humans feeling good about themselves or feeling proud of a task that they have
successfully completed. Feelings of pride, pleasure and increasing self-esteem are phycological feels
post praising. However, these feelings are short-lived and must be regularly offered to ensure the
feelings are persisting in an employee. [ CITATION The14 \l 1033 ]
Victus LTD must implement such strategies within their crew staff to ensure high moral of staff are on
duty at all times. This can also be beneficial as it does not cost the organization to praise and showcase
that staff are recognized for their hard work and commitment.

2. Engaging employees
Employees enjoy feeling wanted, by any group of people. By creating employee engagement
organizations can share their vision and mission with the employees and this would create a sense of
belonging within the employee; employee turnover would decrease since employees generate a feeling
that the company is in a way their own.
Victus LTD has both office staff and staff who endure the elements, HR managers must ensure that a
certain company culture is present at both sites. This will ensure staff understand that they are cared for
and will maintain high standards.

3. Introduce frequent team building activities

Team building activities can bridge a positive communication between employees. It can further more
increase an employee’s motivation to perform remarkably with the team. Often it is noted that teams
who have better understanding bond perform tasks much effectively than compared to teams who
basically “work together”. The team building process ensures that team members build strong bonds
and create a sense of belonging to the organization, thus keeping turnover rate at minimum.
Victus LTD must introduce team building activities more frequently to have team bonding done
effectively. This can effectively be done by holding sport days, friendly meet and greets that gather staff
from all across the restaurants.

4. Promote worthy staff

Often promoting employees to job position that require more responsibility and/or authority work as
great motivation for staff. The idea of being promoted strikes a sense of high moral with the workforce,
employee start to focus on their goal of stepping up the ladder in their organization.
Victus LTD can introduce promotion strategies within the restaurants where crew members who are
found to be working above expectations to be promoted to supervisor, shift manager, restaurant
manager respectively.

5. Incentivise
Incentives and rewards based on performance at any organization be of benefit to both the employee
and the employer. While incentives and rewards motivate staff to execute tasks effectively,
organizations on the other hand gain high quality products or services. This result high levels of
productivity and eventually sales revenue would increase. Victus LTD must include incentive to cashiers
who meet target goals and upsell goals. Incentives can be in a form of a meal or monetary.

S11101278 Dennish Chand Lautoka Campus

To sum things up, the main idea of this report was to form better understanding of motivational
The literature by Naomi has showcased various ideas that helps understand motivational strategies
upon discussion.
With links to Burger King Fiji t/a Victus LTD we have built the understanding on how local businesses
operate, and what are the strategies lacking that must be implemented to improve workforce


S11101278 Dennish Chand Lautoka Campus

Available at:
[Accessed 18 September 2019].

 Eslami, J. & Davood, G., 2012. Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction. ARPN Journal of
Science and Technology, 2(2), pp. 85-91.

 Kreitner, R. & Angelo, K., 2001. Organizational Behaviour. 5, illustrated ed. Pennsylvania :

 Magloff, L., 2019. How to Motivate Your Employees' Team Building. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 18 September 2019].

 Marchington, M. & Wilkinson, A., 2008. HRM at Work: People Managment and Development.
Research Manchester, p. 554.

 Medrut, F., 2018. Goal Cast. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 September 2019].

Nkrumah: Institute Of Distance Learning ,Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and

 The Toolkit for Managers, 2014. The Power of Praise and Recognition. Training Journal.

 Wren, A. D., 1987. Management History: Issues and ideas for Teaching and Research. SAGE
Journals, 13(2), pp. 339-350.

S11101278 Dennish Chand Lautoka Campus

Questionnaire for Crew Staff of Burger King Fiji
Store Location:
Please tick ( ) or provide the appropriate response to each question:

1. Sex: Male ( ) Female ( )

2. Age: 20-30( ) 31-40( ) 41-50( ) 50 and above( )

3. What is your level of education?

A level ( ) Diploma ( ) 1ST Degree ( )Masters Degree ( ) others (specify)……………

4. How long have you been working with the organization?

0-5 years ( ) 6-10 years ( ) 11-20 years ( ) 21-30 years ( ) 30 years and above ( )

5. What is your position?


How many years have you held this position?


6. Are you aware of the motivational strategies in the organization? Yes( ) No( )

7. Have you ever benefited from it? Yes( ) No( )

8. Do you need to be motivated? Yes( ) No( )

If yes, what are your expectations in terms of motivation?


9. How would you rank the following motivational factors in order of preference as to what motivates you.

Good Wages

Opportunity for Advancement

Good working Conditions

Interesting/ Challenging work

Relationship with employees


Involvement/Participating in things

10. How would you rank the motivational level of your organization?

Very High ( ) High ( ) Fair ( ) Low ( )

S11101278 Dennish Chand Lautoka Campus

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