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’Once upon a time’

1. 1 A Robert Bruce was King of the Scottish Tribes.

B He lived six hundred years ago.
C He was fighting against the English soldiers.
D He hid in the cave because soldiers were looking for him.
E He felt hopeless and he almost gave up.
F The spider was trying to make a web.
G After the each time wind destroyed web, spider tried again, never
giving up.

2. 3 I have chosen the story about the Devil’s Town (Đavolja Varoš). One of
the most famous legends tells us that there, a long time ago, lived
generous people. These people were kind and devil didn’t like the
atmosphere and harmony between them, so he made a plan. He
ordered from locals to marry brother and sister there. They set the
church and fairy didn’t know how to stop the tragedy and incest so she
prayed to God. He listened to her and the wind blew very fast, followed
with the rain and then the storm flip wedding guests into stones, so the
incest didn’t come.
3. 5 About one thousand years ago, there was a boy living in the village.
One day, after he had finished his duty on the farm, he went for a walk.
While he was having a walk, he saw something unexpected happening,
warriors came to that calm and peaceful place, so he hid in the forest.
While he was hiding at the forest, he started crying and praying to God
to save his family from the knights. Every time a tear that fell to the
ground became a pearl and he stopped crying immediately afther the
11th pearl. He made the chaplet out of the pearls and prayed. He had
become brave and got courage to go home and fight but he saw that
everything is already okay, and his chaplet dissapeared.

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