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Standard: lll ENGLISH Time:2 Hrs

Name of the student : -----,------- rlo. Activity Grade

1 Activity I

2. Activity ll
3. Activity lll
4. Activity lV
5. ActivityV
6. ActivityVl
Overall Grade

Answer any five activities

Activity - | Conversation
Billu went to the forest to see
hls friend, the fox. On the way
a tiger stopped him. The tiger
was angry. He€s3Pd, "Why
are you here?r' ..: o

Write the conversation

between Billu and the tiger.

Billu :

- Tiger:

Billu :

Tiger :

Billu :


A- 308 U5

*SV QSVI 7XYH] QEXIVMEPW -RWXEPP &-3 :-7-32 7',330 %44 JVSQ 4PE] 7XSVI
Activity - ll Description
The farmer, his wife, baby and Biilu
went to Kesavan,s house. This is
picture of Kesavan,s house. the
Write a description based on the picture.

Activity - lll Adding Lines
Billu and his friends played and danced together. While dancing they sang

Billu dog, Billu dog

Where do you live?
Little friends, little friends
I live in b kennel.

Add more lines

A-308 315

*SV QSVI 7XYH] QEXIVMEPW -RWXEPP &-3 :-7-32 7',330 %44 JVSQ 4PE] 7XSVI
Activity - lV Can you?
"l can fly" said the white butterfly.
Help the monkey say the things
which he can do.

A;- 309
Activity - V Find the correct names
Mowgli collected many fruits for his friends.
Do you like fruits? Spme fruits are given in
jumbled letters. Write the correct names of the fruits,

1. elpap

2. onagm

3. geoarn

4. serapg

5. nipelpape

Activity - Vl
Arrange the events in the story in proper order.
Suddenly it started raining.
"The white one, you can stay with me" said the white lily.
They looked for a shelter.
The sun dried the butterflies'wings.
Three butterflies lived in a garden.
The sunflower said "Red and yellbw one, you €n stay with me"

A- 308

*SV QSVI 7XYH] QEXIVMEPW -RWXEPP &-3 :-7-32 7',330 %44 JVSQ 4PE] 7XSVI

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