13 Define You

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Assignment 13 – Define You

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Your Name:

1. How are you unique? What makes you different to others

Your Answer:

2. What reason would people remember you for?

Reason 1:

Reason 2:

Reason 3:

Add more if you have more reasons.

3. What are you naturally good at? And have always been good at?

Your Answer:

4. What do people say about you that’s good?

Your Answer:

5. What could you talk about forever and would never ever get tired of in your work life?

Your Answer:

Speak to a Fortune | Arfeen Khan

6. What could you talk about all day and never get tired in your personal life?

Your Answer:

The Action Step: Write to 5 or more people you know and ask them to

A. Provide you with- The top five best things about your character?

Your Answer:

B. Ask for fun or unique experience they’ve had with you - tell you about the amazing
experiences you have had

Your Answer:

C. Tell them to be brave and not to be shy.

Speak to a Fortune | Arfeen Khan

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