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Learners Assessment Submission and Declaration

1. Complete all of the details below and sign

2. No assignment will be accepted unless this form is completed in full, signed and dated
3. Hand this in to ACBT reception together with your assessment

Learner ID: HND1902MOI Learner name: Imdaad Mowlana

Batch No: HND1901/PT Programme: Higher National Diploma in Business

Unit Name: Unit 36 Human Resources- Value and Contribu8on to Organiza8on

Assessor Name: Mr. Anbhu Nirushan

Title/ Topic of the Assignment: Organiza8on Design and Development


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QACF009 – ACBT Last Updated 13/10/2018

"Plagiarism” means to knowingly or unknowingly present as one's own work the ideas or writings
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Paraphrasing text without adequately stating the source;

Paraphrasing text inadequately with acknowledgment of the source;
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Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources
used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Learner signature: Imdaad Mowlana Date: 31/5/2020

Higher Nationals
Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF) Higher National
Diploma in Business

Student Name /ID Number

Unit Number and Title Unit 36 Human Resources- Value and Contribution to Organization Success

Academic Year 2020 (HND1809/PT, HND1901/PT & HND1903/PT)

Unit Assessor Mr. Anbhu Nirushan

Assignment No. Assignment 01

Assignment Title Organization Design and Development

Issue Date 19/04/2020

Submission Date 31/05/2020

IV Name Ms. Ann Pintoe

Date 14/04/2020


The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal
business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs
and subsections as appropriate and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.
The recommended word limit is 2000–2,500 words, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the
total word limit.
Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Evaluate the importance of Organizational design to the delivery of Sustainable Performance
LO4 Evaluate the relationship between Organizational design and Change Management
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
Assignment Scenario:
As a newly appointed Human Resource Analyst for an Organization of your choice, you
have been tasked with Leading on the restructuring of the department as a part of
Organizational change.
Human Resource Director will restructure the Organization based on the findings of your
review report, which you have been asked to complete. Your review report should include the
below with the recommendations & justification.

Pearson Education 2016

Education Qualifications
1. An Overview of the Organization and the existing Structure.

2. Organizational design theory is important in the context of Organizational

structure and fulfilling Organization strategy. Explain this statement using Agile
Organization with specific Organizational examples. (P1)

3. Critically evaluate the importance of Organizational design using suitable theory/model

using specific organizational examples. (M1)

4. Corporate strategy includes the Sustainability policy, since Organizations wants be

a responsible citizen of the Country. Critically analyze the Sustainability policy of
the Organization with examples & provide recommendations on how to improve it.

5. Introduction to Change Management.

6. Critically evaluate the relationship between Organizational design and Change

management using the examples of selected Organization. (D4)

7. Organizational design should respond and adopt to change management. Explain

this statement using appropriate cases from the Organization. (P4)

8. Evaluate how the Organization managed the transformational & psychological change
& How it affected the Organizational design. (M4)

9. Conclusion

10. References
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Evaluate the P1 Evaluate the M1 Apply appropriate D1 Make appropriate
importance of importance of theories and concepts to recommendations
Organizational design to organisational design critically evaluate the supported by
the delivery of theory in the context of importance of justification based on
sustainable performance organisational structure organisational design, a synthesis of
and fulfilling using specific knowledge and
organisational strategy, organisational examples information to show
using specific how to improve the
organisational examples. delivery of sustainable
LO4 Evaluate the P4 Evaluate how M4 Evaluate the D3 Critically evaluate
relationship between Organizational design different types of the relationship
Organizational design has to respond and changes that can affect
and change adapt to change organizational design,
management management and the including Organizational
relationship that exists transformational and design and Change
between the two using a psychological change. management
specific organizational

Pearson Education
2016 Higher
Assignment Brief


Student Name /ID Number: HND1902MOI

Unit Number and Title Unit 36 Human Resources- Value and Contribu8on
to Organization Success

Academic Year 2020 (HND1809/PT, HND1901/PT & HND1903/PT)

Unit Assessor: Mr. Anbhu Nirushan

Assignment No. : Assignment 01

Assignment Title Organization Design and Development

Issue Date 19/04/2020

Submission Date 31/05/2020

IV Name Ms. Ann Pintoe

Date 14/04/2020

Introduction to the Assignment.............................................................................................................13
Introduction to the Organization............................................................................................................13
The Vision and Mission of Mobitel Sri Lanka.........................................................................................13
The Organizational Design of Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd.....................................................................................14
About Mobitel Sri Lanka’s organization Overview.....................................................................................15
Importance for a Good Organization Structure.........................................................................................18
What is an Agile Organization?..................................................................................................................19
How an Organizational Design helps to achieve the Business Strategy.................................................26
Importance of an Organizational Design to Mobitel..............................................................................26
What has the organizational design helped Mobitel to achieve their strategy.....................................28
Sustainability policy of the Organization...................................................................................................28
What is Change Management?.................................................................................................................32
The Process on how Change occurs in a Management..........................................................................32
Critically evaluate the relationship between organizational design and change management.............33
Evaluate how organizational design has to respond and adapt to change management......................34
The Unfreeze stage................................................................................................................................36
The Change Stage..................................................................................................................................36
The Refreeze Stage................................................................................................................................36
Evaluate how transformational and psychological change can affect organizational design................37

Introduction to the Assignment

This report covers the Organizational design and Development of Mobitel Sri Lanka
which is one of the leading telecommunication organizations. This report includes the
entire organizational structure, roles and working culture, the organizations functional
units on how they all work towards achieving the company goals and objectives.
Providing the vision and mission statement where it would lead to identify the current
and future activities where the company would be benefitting in the internal and external
environment. Also providing conclusions where decision making should be done
effectively which would give the organization to maintain sustainability and the criteria’s
which take place due to change management

Introduction to the Organization

Mobitel is Sri Lanka’s National Mobile Service Provider and a fully-owned subsidiary of
Sri Lanka Telecom. The company offers mobile telephony services, high-speed
broadband, Enterprise Solutions, IDD Services, Mobile Money (mCash) and a host of
Value Added Services.[ CITATION Mob192 \l 1033 ]

Starting the operations in the year 1993 mobitel which attempts be the first mobile
service provider in Sri lanka they had started their journey with the first generation
cellular technology advanced mobile phone system and time division multiple access
which they were operating efficiently the name Mobitel became a fully owned subsidiary
of Sri Lanka Telecom. Growing tremendously Mobitel was successful in launching its
fully-fledged EDGE/GPRS enabled 2.5G GSM network, which is designed to operate on
dual band where they were dominating in the mobile telecommunication sector.
Becoming the first ten mobile service providers in the world was when the launch 3.5G
HSPA network in 2007 and currently the country’s first mobile service equipped with
4G/LTE equipment.

Having a large customer base over 5 million Mobitel continued with its strategy
positioned around value innovation and customer centricity, making the best out of the
technology being used, distribution systems, product portfolio and value added services
with heightened acumen focused on customer needs and interests.

The organization operates in a Matrix organizational structure and a more formal base
where all the employees gain responsibility and questionable in every decision making
criteria when objective achieving is considered.

The Vision and Mission of Mobitel Sri Lanka

The Vision

 To lead Sri Lanka towards an info-com and knowledge rich society
through our service offerings
o Every employee has a role to play in our vision to lead, helping us
to focus our efforts and remain a truly dynamic and successful

The Mission

 To Care, Share & Deliver

o These are the 3 key ingredients in our relationship with our
Shareholders, Employees, and Customers. Committing to these 3
principles as an individual and as a team and by regularly practicing
them as an organization, we can truly achieve our vision to
lead[ CITATION Mob193 \l 1033 ]

The Organizational Design of Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd.

Every Organization has a design which is a step-by-step methodology which identifies

abnormal operating aspects of the work flow, procedures, structures and systems and
realigns them to fit current business realities/goals and then develops plans to
implement the new changes.

According to Mobitel they operate in a Matrix Structure where the span of control is
diverse. The process of decision making and approvals has to go across a line of
Managers for the job to be completed, where the employees at Mobitel are answerable
to more than one boss. This structure has made Mobitels process more descriptive but
tends to consume time.

Due to the Matrix organization structure Mobitel is driven by the CEO where all strategic
investment decisions are made and configured with the Board of Directors. Through
having internal divisions matrix projects are established and through such activity
conducted the decision making process has been efficient. The Mobitel organizational
hierarchical communication method facilitates this decision making process which is
attached below

[ CITATION Ama16 \l 1033 ]

About Mobitel Sri Lanka’s organization Overview

What is an Organizational Structure?

An organizational Structure is meant to be an hierarchical arrangement of lines of

authority, communications, rights and duties of an organization. The structure
determines how the roles and responsibilities are assigned, controlled, coordinated &
how does the information flow to all management levels. Structure depends on the
Organizations objective and strategy. According to many organizations which we take
into consideration it is a centralized structure where the decisions made by the Top level
management tends to control over departments and divisions.

In a decentralized structure which I personally feel more effective and efficient the
decision making and levels of responsibility is distributed among departments and
divisions which certainly has a different impact. [ CITATION Bus191 \l 1033 ]

According to the chosen organization Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd. They operate in a Tall
organizational structure where goal and objective making is done by the Top level
management and followed accordingly.

1. Organization (Industry)

Mobitel being Sri Lanka’s national telecommunication service provider operates as a
efficient example in the telecommunication industry being the National Mobile Service
Provider and a fully-owned subsidiary of Sri Lanka Telecom the organization tends to
operate in a centralized organization structure also consisting of an oligopoly market
model which the parent company Sri Lanka telecom undergoes an immense of
structural changes with the advent of advance technology and retaining a higher
demand of Mobile phone and Internet services.

Mobitel provides as an organization is:

 International services with GSM roaming coverage of over 200 countries.

 GPRS roaming coverage of over 120 countries
 Carrying out bilateral partnerships with global carriers which provide a
broad base of investment.

In terms of the company design and operations carried out Mobitel has a varied product
line up where the service is offered at an acceptable rate basically featuring customer
convenience. The company offers mobile telephony services, high-speed broadband,
Enterprise Solutions, IDD Services, Mobile Money (mCash) and a host of Value Added

The products Mobitel offers;

 Pay Bills and recharge accounts online

 eChanneling
 mCash
 Self-care app
 SriFlix OTT App
 mTunes
 Datamart
 Broadband Services
 X-station [ CITATION Mob201 \l 1033 ]

2. Type ,Size & Existing structure of the Organization

Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd. is the second largest mobile telecommunication company in Sri Lanka
with more than 6Mn subscriber base. The company operates in a highly competitive
operational environment with a high demand for innovative products and new
technology to support it with the existing Matrix Structure. As the company needs to
respond for challenging demands of the market, Mobitel has adopted a flexible
management practices to achieve its strategic objectives.

Mobitel offers mobile telephony service, internet service and value added services to
the customer at their convenience. They are in the process of expanding its network to
add 1,800 new base stations island which would initially increase the numbers from
3500 to 100% population coverage of the island. Mobitel currently operates a 4G
network with LTE support and download speeds of 100Mbit/s and uplink speed of 50

The organization tends to take measures with regard to the current pandemic situation
of covid-19 while offering of convenient data packages with high network quality by
promoting the concept of Work & Learn from Home due to safety precautions. This
decision making mechanisms is made from Mobitels top management communicated
with all stakeholder parties. [ CITATION Mob20 \l 1033 ]

According to Mobitels process of activities they current operate according to a matrix

structure. The organization is steered by the senior management team headed by the
Chief Executive Officer. Strategic investment decisions are taken by the board of
directors. The internal divisions are established in a matrix project organization structure
to enable fast decision making. The matrix organizational structure indicates the
importance of projects in the organizational levels. Direct communication to the relevant
function instead of hierarchical communication facilitates the faster decision making.

Importance for a Good Organization Structure

Good organization structure is essential for better management. Properly designed

organization can help improve teamwork and productivity by providing framework within
which the people can work together effectively. While building the organization
structure, it is essential to relate the people to design.

In order to be profitable every business needs to have a structure in operating the

business. Planning the structure ensures there are enough human resources with the
right skills to accomplish the company's goals, and ensures that responsibilities are
clearly defined. When the structure is organized every employee would know what
his/her job description and duties and each job occupies its own position on the
company organization chart as show below is Mobitels (Pvt) Ltd. Organizational
structure which consists how the job positioning is aligned to their employees on a
departmentalized structure;

[ CITATION Ama16 \l 1033 ]

We are able to visualize that Mobitel aligns the Tall Structure and the they operate in
the Matrix organizational design therefore it is more important for an large scale
organization to be structured

The Organization benefits from such structure is

 Flow of information is essential to an organization’s success; the organizational

structure should be designed to with clear lines of communication in mind.
Example when Marketing activities are need to be conducted the related
marketing strategy and plan should be shared and approved by the Finance
division of Mobitel because the members of the top management team depend
on information and reports provided by financial planning division.
 The Employees are in more contact with many people which they tend to
understand the work flow of the organization
 The Staff would lead to work autonomously and do self –management tasks
when they prefer to report and grow.
 According to the Tall structure, decision-making occurs at the senior
management level and is then clearly communicated to the rank-and-file to
implement. When a defined hierarchy is in place, your company is better
equipped to make important decisions and adjust practices to meet the demands
of competition. [ CITATION Sam19 \l 1033 ]

Due the current COVID-19 pandemic the organization has taken social responsibility
measures in overcoming the current situation. Working on projects such as;

 Being the national network provider, Mobitel introduced numerous packages

ranging from special Pre-Paid plans to Bonus Data add-ons, Free Health
Advisory services, Digital Payment solutions, Data extensions and many more to
help its customers to carry out their day to day activities.
 Supporting the nation’s fight against COVID-19, Mobitel, Sri Lanka’s National
Mobile Service Provider introduced the latest Body Cameras to Sri Lanka Police
 Mobitel offers the highest anytime data for its pre-paid customers through their
Datamart app. [ CITATION Mob202 \l 1033 ]

Therefore such activities were conducted successfully since the organization structure
was more informative to all levels. In regard from the CEO to lower management level
employees tend to be informed on the organizations prevailing tasks. This conveys how
Mobitels organization structure gives an important aspect to the entire organization and
their operations.

What is an Agile Organization?

Organizations which tend to quickly react according to the environment or marketplace
change is considered as an agile organization. These type of organizations are mainly
considered to be Consumer oriented. The organization is focused on its customer's
needs which they call for customized rather than standardized offerings.

A highly agile organization uses advanced processes, tools, and training which enable
successful reactions to the emergence of new competitors, rapid advancements in
technology and sudden shifts in overall market conditions. They commonly thrive in
non-hierarchical organizations without a single point of control. [ CITATION Tal20 \l 1033 ]

According to Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd. they operate in a more structured and detailed process
where quick adjustments or decisions aren’t made. The current business process tends
to be;

 Enhance Service by encapsulating their broadband connectivity

 Focuses on Five Hubs in development
o Maritime
o Energy
o Knowledge
o Commercials
o Aviation
 Each sector is develops the connectivity therefore they face a ICT literacy in SL
which has raised from 30% to 75 %

On a whole the Matrix structure operations are being conducted in each and every
sector. According to Mobitel they operate on a Consumer oriented basis as mentioned
on the slogan “We care always”[ CITATION Mob201 \l 1033 ], even though the company
objective tends to be so, the system operated by the management tends to be different
which confirms they aren’t practicing Agile organization features.

If Mobitel adapts to the Agile Organization structure the operations under digitalization
or Management changes would not affect the ongoing processes of the organization.

According to Mobitel the Board of Directors are initially appointed and controlled over
the ruling government party whereas according to the Sri Lankan Law as the
government shifts Board of Directors in such institutions would also change. Due to
such law the current decision making or approval process tends to stay constant till the
new board is appointed. This makes certain projects delayed and also ensures the
Competitor to overtake at such point.

If Mobitel operates as an Environment or Marketplace which is quick adapting, the

organization would;

 They would be successful in creating a quickly evolving working environment

where the Customers, partners, and regulators have complex needs. Would be
able to attract Investors who are demanding for growth. Competitors and

collaborators demand action to accommodate fast-changing priorities. Mobitel
prioritizes the local community where they initiated customer relief steps on the
prices of their Data packages inorder to motivate the work from home model due
to COVID-19, accordingly within the organization they tend to have many
pending projects such as the VR Gaming, Xstation etc. which needs flexibility
within the management if delegation of authority is been provided they would be
promoting the brand upfront.
 The Telecommunication would seek growth where the available Businesses and
industries are replaced through digitization. As an example Mobitel would
introduce and develop their Self-care and SRIFlix App, Introduce e-Learning
platforms etc.
 Since the available Data has expanded in volume, transparency and distribution
which expects the associations to quickly take part in a multi-directional
communicative process and complex joint effort with clients, accomplices, and
partners. If the organization adjusts to digitization new technological platforms
would be introduced where the company would be able to attract new business
models in a short term.
 The currently working employees would improve work responsibility and organize
their rate of work. This would benefit the organization to have an effective labor
force and also organizations such as Mobitel would gain new ideas and business
knowledge which would benefit them in the long run.
 They can adapt quickly to new challenges and opportunities which would result in
overcoming competition. For example Mobitel implementing the SRIFlix App
which is their OTT platform that has a diverse competition with Dialogs VIU App
where both fall under the same category. If Mobitel adapts to quick changes and
overcome the opportunities such as approval of new marketing strategies,
providing the employees the decision making authority, working according to
consumer convenience etc. they would likely attract a enormous user rate which
is one of the Main project KPI.
 According to the recent pandemic Mobitel intends to alter its organization
structure in further accelerate decision-making, strengthen management
oversight, and boost business innovation. Therefore they introduced an
environment responsible plan which is to empower Sri Lankan Tri- with Hi- Tech
Body Cameras and providing financial support has been an agile favorable act
towards the organization.[ CITATION Mob20 \l 1033 ]

How an Organizational design does affect Organization Structures

Organizational Design is a step-by-step process which identifies aspects which do not
operate properly in the work flow, procedures, structures and systems, realigns them to

fit current business realities/goals and then develops plans to implement the new
changes. The process focuses on improving both the technical and people side of the

According to Mobitel they tend to operate in a Matrix Org. structure and preferably
would be relating to the below mentioned theories

Star Model
This organizational design is the foundation on which a company bases its design
choices. The framework consists of a series of design policies that are controllable by
management and can influence employee behavior. The policies are the tools with
which are used by the management must become skilled in order to shape the
decisions and behaviors of their organizations effectively which was designed by

Star model helps companies holistically create the organization necessary to sustain a
company’s business models and value proposition over time. It acknowledges the
necessity of the organization to adapt over time in response to changes in strategy, in
market forces, or in the rest of the external business environment, thus it treats the
formal organization as an ongoing design challenge .

[ CITATION JAY20 \l 1033 ]

It relates to the goals and objectives to be achieved as well as the values and missions
to be pursued; it sets out the basic direction of the company. The strategy specifically
delineates the products or services to be provided, the markets to be served, and the
value to be offered to the customer. It also specifies sources of competitive advantage.

 According to Mobitel they tend to operate with a strong focus on their customers
and increasing the base of it which emulates through the credo “We Care
Always” the business strategy to the showcase the 5G Network deployment

through their shaped ICT landscape which they predict to seek further growth
which is the business plan for the year 2020.

The organization structure which explains the character of an organization and the
values it believes in. Mobitel has a Matrix organizational structure which is more
appropriate according to the culture they adapt to in terms of decision making and
strong management it has a clear vision towards their business goals and objectives.
Mobitels company structure in which the reporting relationships are set up as a grid, or
matrix, rather than in the traditional hierarchy. In other words, employees have dual
reporting relationships, generally to both a functional manager and a project manager
when decision making or approval is required.

Mobitel operates in a Tall structure where the information flows on a vertical basis. The
goals and objectives set by the CEO and analyzed by the Board of Directors which is
advised to the Operational and lower level management employees. The projects and
operations carried out by organization the Top board ensures the information flows
across the Engineering, Finance, Legal and IT divisions to have a complete process.

For Mobitel being an Service related organization the compensation and rewards
techniques work on three dimensions which is the Employee Salary/Remuneration ,
Every 6 month bonus criteria and according to the employee performance an appraisal
is being conducted on an annually basis and the salary and benefits (Transport, Medical
and Allowances) would be altered accordingly. At Mobitel every employee’s
performance and service is being recognized and appreciated. Even with regard to the
COVID-19 crisis the employees were paid in full and also provided reimbursements for
the Internet Data where they intended the employees to Work from Home. This
structural decision mainly motivated the employees and ensured their responsible task
and duties were to be performed as assigned.

This section mainly covers the Human resource management’s division of work which
they tend to make the Employee realize and educate them that the management with
respect for people, namely, providing all employees with opportunities to achieve social
contribution and self-realization through their work, and enabling them to exercise their
abilities to think, to be creative, and to perform. To achieve this, a relationship of mutual
trust and mutual responsibility between labor and management is essential. The
company gives the highest priority to ensuring stable employment and strives to
improve labor conditions, while all employees execute their duties and responsibilities
for the prosperity of the company. At Mobitel they follow a structural recruiting/hiring

method along while providing on-job training and feedback from the employee. The
process tends to be

 The CV/Resumes are being collected through the mail portal for presented job
 Candidates to be short listed for the available requirements needed and informed
through mail/call
 They short listed employees are called and an interview is being conducted
 The employee is being put into 3 interview panels which consists of one written
and verbal examination
 The remunerations and benefits are being discussed and Job confirmation is
informed on an Email and Letter format to the candidate
 The employee is given a 6 months to 1 year training period prior to confirmation
of the Job title
 If Employees intend to resign or end of his/her contract Mobitel processes with
Questionnaires and feedback forms from the parties in order to develop existing
working conditions.

Therefore relating to the all aspects in the Star Model I intend to also relate it to
Mintzberg organizational theory which I find more appropriate

Mintzberg organizational theory

Henry Mintzberg is a renowned management theorist who developed a list of five basic
organizational types. The theorist identified the various organizations which have a
result of their blend of strategy, environmental forces and the organizational structure.
The five organizational types are entrepreneurial, machine, professional, diversified and
adhocracy. Mintzberg’s Model of Five Parts of the Organization, divides the organization
into the following basic parts:

 Ideology - shared values, vision and culture

 Strategic Apex - top management setting strategy and objectives…
 Middle Line - middle management ensuring communication up and down, and
relationships with suppliers and customers…
 Techno-structure - professionals responsible for the development, innovation,
production, marketing…
 Support Staff - professionals responsible for human resources, finance,
knowledge, assets…
 Operating Core - provides production and operation [ CITATION Man15 \l 1033 ]

The Five types of organizations in the theory which we would be relating to the Selected

• Entrepreneurial
• Machine
• Professional
• Divisional
• Innovation

According to Mobitel they operate according to Divisional structure which by product

involves organizing the business into departments, each of which focuses on a different
product. Similarly a business may be divided by the type of customer each team targets.
Employees too, regardless of the type of their duties, are also assigned according to the
product or customer their work assigned. The goals and working objectives set by the
top level management (Strategic apex) is being divided among the centralized functions
which are the HR, IT, Finance etc. which they advise and assign work frames to the
executive and operation level (Operating Core). Therefore at Mobitel they tend to
Facilitates senior management's attention to strategy & Encourages general
management developments which they abide according to the working framework.

Through such structure the organization also witnesses of some divisions grow too
large which results in conflicts internally. Arising of complexity of co-operation may exist
if there are too many divisions. [ CITATION Lew17 \l 1033 ]

How an Organizational Design helps to achieve the Business Strategy

According to Mobitel they operate with a Business Strategy on Becoming the most
popular national service provider while focusing on customer value according to the
credo (We Care Always) while for 2020 the business strategy is to implement the 5g
network connection and ensure their top market position. Therefore according to such
strategies they tend to operate in a diverse structure where the information of the
projects are aligned from stakeholder to stakeholder. According to the Star Model
Mobitels Long term plan which is an achievable target on their rate of work and
consumer focusing strategy. The implemented organizational design would help them to
achieve the business strategy their management would have to utilize more steps like
the Mobitel Cash bonanza which Is conducted monthly on marketing and
acknowledging the consumers on their offers and available service ranges across the
island these steps are initiated successfully through an structural organization design.
By the help of organizational design it can be useful on figuring out responsible parties
for projects and product launches and how many positions needed to be opened and
where in the reporting structure has to start from. By the use of organizational design
Mobitel can draft these changes into a formal organizational chart so that everyone
involved can clearly understand the changes and how each divisional and department
roles need to acknowledged.

Importance of an Organizational Design to Mobitel

According to Mobitel they operate in a Functional and Divisional organization design

even the Organizational structure. The design helps the organization to keep records
and track on the processes detailed which is conducted from to lower level
management. The design translates the goals and desires of business into actual,
tangible plans. Organizational design serves as the foundation on which the company
operations are built, including such vital factors as the grouping of employees within
different departments and the formal managerial hierarchical within a company. From
the initial stages Mobitels organizational design choices were created for a foundation
for success and in the motive to serve the nation with telecommunication, it helped the
organization to develop a strong company culture, grow in response to increase the
demand and adapt to changes in the market place. The Matrix approach combines
aspects of both functional and divisional structures simultaneously. The functional
hierarchy of authority runs vertically and the divisional hierarchy of authority runs
horizontally. The vertical structure provides traditional control within functional
departments and the horizontal structure provides coordination across departments.

An organization design consists of five components which are departmentalization,
chain of command, and span of control, centralization or decentralization, work
specialization and the degree of formalization.

Chain of Command: Since Mobitel has a matrix structure, a single person reporting to
dual lines of authority introduces role conflicts between functional and project
managers, which leads to miscommunications and issues generated within the activities
of the teams.

Span of Control: At Mobitel, there are five senior general managers reporting to chief
executive officer representing five major functions in the organization. Altogether there
are fourteen general managers reporting to the senior management.

Leadership/Accountabilty: Mobitel being a technology driven organization, technical

knowledge and intelligence has become a building block in all leadership layers. CEO of
Mobitel, Mr. Indika Amarasuriya who has years of expertise as a professional Engineer,
promotes training and development of the leaders in all levels to gain the required
technical knowledge in their disciplines

The existing designs influences more favorable to a leadership structure of the

organization, where they set goals and objectives in a detailed criteria to all
stakeholders who come across a setting of reporting relationships and lines of authority
reaching from the executive level to the front line. It is important to design a structured
map of the managerial responsibilities and accountability process in order to ensure
company functions run smoothly. With a convenient organizational design Mobitel
authority, employees and stakeholders are able to witness a clear understanding on the
company area and policies and be mindful on the chain of command. Where this would
benefit the organization on being misguided or confused since they operate with high
levels of supervision. Moreover organizational design have choices in the early stages
which would also help businesses on configuring their roadmap to the future growth
plans. It also helps to easily accommodate new managers and employees at different
levels of the organization can add new positions without making significant structural

The organization design relating to Mintzbergs theory which is Functional and Divisional
helps Mobitel to gain competitive advantage with the available resources and product.
By the use of organizational design the business can continuous monitor changes within
the company and their global market, they can address for opportunities to adapt and
develop new competitive advantages. Whereas Mobitel is a fever complex
organizational structure compared to the old hierarchical structure which was a strongly
centralized structure, with the current structure which is divisional the company can find
it easier to shift employees around, reward managerial hierarchies and redesign job

descriptions for exiting employees, all of which can increase efficiency or productivity in

What has the organizational design helped Mobitel to achieve their strategy

Due to an balanced organization which is well designed in terms of Span of Control,

Management and Employee Responsibility, Structured delegation, Chain of command
and Accountability Mobitel has being implementing there Customer based and focused
service on a wide range.

For example introducing packages such as “Upahara” which provides a certain bonus of
talk time/Internet and structured discounts on telecommunication products to the
government serving employee base, Supporting the Work from home concept due to
COVID-19 by providing consumer favorable data connection packages etc.

These activities are long and short term either which is being successfully performed by
Mobitel due to the Work Rate and structure flow of information to all employees.
Operating in a Divisional model they have a high focus on the business vertical which
results in Facilitating of measurement of the units performance which promoted
divestment of units.

Sustainability policy of the Organization

Sustainable performance helps an business achieve their current and set targets in the
long run, while also ensure market presence. Sustainability is recognized as a key
business objective which motivates to drive both cost savings and value creation. Many
Organizations have a strategy and structure in operating and growing the business in
terms of operational excellence, risk management, product innovation, growth and
governance.[ CITATION sbp19 \l 1033 ]

Mobitel conducting CSR projects such as E- Waste which the strategy is to hand over
the broken phone and accessories to Mobitel with regard to world environment day,
Mobitels & Thuru’s tech a reforestation project etc.

As the National Mobile Service Provider, Mobitel, has established a strong takes its
corporate stewardship seriously and in its latest Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
innovation, Mobitel has embarked on ‘Shelter in Our Hands’, a project to install bus
shelters in remote rural areas re-processing. A well-designed, comfortable and
conveniently located bus shelter is essential to protect against the harsh sun, inclement
weather and long waits, making travel a stress-free experience. Many routes have
inadequate bus shelters. Responding to this need, Mobitel conceptualized the ‘Shelter
in our Hands’ project to benefit both the community and the environment. [ CITATION
Mob194 \l 1033 ]

Conducting such CSR policies are an adaption of the guiding principles at Mobitel and
brings in focus with the relationship with stakeholders, Mobitel’s aim is to build a brand
image and build trust within the society and consumers through ensuring that all
employees, including those at consolidated subsidiaries recognize and act on the
sustainability policy. They also expect their business partners to embrace the spirit of
their CSR policy and act in accordance with it.

When the organization tends to act responsible and also gain sustainability they have to
be conscious on the pillars such as Environment, Social and Economic.

Mobitel working on Environment projects which Mobitel partnered with Thuru’s
intriguing digital reforestation innovation startup by being the technology and
communication partner for Thuru and by co-innovating together to introduce many
services and features with newest technology trends to make this initiative a game-
changer. This is mainly focused on the eco system and environmental consciousness.
Reforestation initiative through Technology’ is one of the many under the preview of
Mobitel’s green initiatives, as it breaks new ground in other sustainable areas such as
utilizing renewable energy for its base station operations and promoting E-bill with a
catchy campaign by planting trees for each E-bill registration of its subscribers along
with Thuru. Mobitel plants trees in Mobitel base station locations to promote urban
forestation and to offset/minimize the carbon dioxide emission caused by entire
network. As the National Mobile Service Provider, Mobitel has taken on the mantle of a
mentor to nurture tech entrepreneurs and innovative startups that can succeed as
successful businesses. The organizations tends to gain recognition and consumer
prefer ability where when they work and invest on such CSR projects it would decrease
the pollution of environment. Such investment and thoughtful initiatives would attemplty
prefer the domination of Mobitel towards the society which they would progress further
in their terms of sustainability

The impact on society is one of the main features which the organization has lead their
concern upon. Where the idea of reducing the level of e-waste in the society which has
being increasing with the advancement of technology. Conducting a project which they

conducted featuring World Environment Day “E-Waste Ruins our Planet” the CSR
project was featuring on steps to reduce e-waste and overcome. Deciding to only take
the broken and unusable mobile phones which the mission of this was where all the
mobiles collected will be sent to a central location and handed over to an e-waste
recycler for proper disposal. This recycler will be one who is registered with the central
environmental society. This project gave the society an different idea on how they could
restrain from the available product and the products they used. With regard to society
the stakeholder parties mainly affected would be the Employees, Investors and

The Employees: Mobitels employee plays a major role in the sustainability in the
operational process. According to Mobitel they have an employee base of 3500 which
operate and perform duties in each working sector. The aim of the Mobitel in Human
Resources Management is to realize management with respect for people, that is,
providing all employees with opportunities to achieve social contribution and self-
realization through their work, and enabling them to exercise their abilities to think, to be
creative, and to perform. The managements tends to demonstrate an good
interpersonal relationship with all employee levels. It is essential, in which the company
gives the highest priority to ensuring stable employment and strives to improve labor
conditions, while all employees execute their duties and responsibilities for the
prosperity of the company. This strategy is shared by the Mobitel management where it
is reflects and implemented in management and various policies based on the features
of each region. It happens to believe that these initiatives will lead not only to
management with respect for people, but also to customer satisfaction and social
contribution, and thus the sustainable growth of the company and society.

Relating to the COVID-19 the employees were not implemented with any salary
reductions and this ensured they operated to fulfill the organization duties to the best
where the employees remain faithful and satisfied to perform their duties which initially
develops the organization to sustain in the long run by proper decision making.

The Investors: Investors are treated as another major stakeholder group. These
stakeholders are interested in business profitability. Mobitel addresses these interests
through emphasis on global business strength. According to Mobitels investment they
majorly seek the Parent company SLT as the investor where they ensure the ongoing
projects tend to succeed with stable revenue. Sri Lanka Telecom PLC has decides to
invest Rs.5 Billion in equity of Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd, a solemnly owned subsidiary of Sri
Lanka Telecom PLC.[ CITATION SLT11 \l 1033 ] This investment which will be on staggered
basis and is expected to be made within a period of 06 months. Funds of this
investment will be used by Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd for expansion plans in terms of coverage,
capacity and Network Modernization. The organization was able to come up with new

strategies and introduce new ideas and innovations which they have being benefitting
up to date.

The Customers: According to a service related firm it is important to implement where

the customer is valued to a certain extent according to the implemented strategy of the
firm. According to Mobitel they have been Sri Lanka’s no. 1 telecommunication provider
for the network coverage and data plan packages where the customer doesn’t
overcome issues when the service is in use. Such proper implementations help the
organization to overcome competition and stable longevity. They are successful in
capturing customer value where In order to sell a product or service to the potential
customers, a business needs to create value which captures or caters the exact need or
want accordingly. Satisfied customers will feel happy and will return to use your service
again. This as mentioned mobitel provides the feedback system and customer care
websites to solve consumer requirements on an effective basis. According to Mobitel
the major project for their rate to sustain in the market is the Mobitel giving out
packages to the Government employees which is known as the upahara package and
providing such initiative they able to cover a large consumer base to serve.

The economic pillar of sustainability is where most businesses feel they are on firm
ground. To be sustainable, a business must be profitable. It is mentioned that the profit
cannot trump the other two pillars. In fact, profit at any cost is not at all what the
economic pillar is about. Activities that fit under the economic pillar include compliance,
proper governance and risk management. According to Mobitel they believe that
adhering to this principle helps to fulfill our duties in corporate social responsibility and
ensure compliance. In accordance with basic internal control policies, Mobitel promotes
creating a framework to adopt and enforce the Code of Conduct as well as other means
of human resource development, including training. They also have established
consultation hotlines; any concerns that are reported are carefully addressed to ensure
that no potential problem is missed.

Therefore we are able to witness the steps the organization has taken to increase their
level of sustainability and while coping with social responsibility. Performing new
innovative ideas and projects they have a wider scope to cover since Mobitel has
gained a large subscriber base. They operate with a consumer convenience motive and
also conduct appropriate steps to give the message to the society on social
responsibility. Example the upahara package, the e-waste project, conducting
reforestation projects has been an key success to the society as well as the

What is Change Management?
Change management is a systematic approach to dealing with the transition or
transformation of an organization's goals, processes or technologies. The purpose of
change management is to implement strategies for effecting change, controlling change
and helping people to adapt to change. Such strategies include having a structured
procedure for requesting a change, as well as mechanisms for responding to requests
and following them up

To be effective, the change management process must take into consideration how an
adjustment or replacement will impact processes, systems, and employees within the
organization. There must be a process for planning and testing change, a process for
communicating change, a process for scheduling and implementing change, a process
for documenting change and a process for evaluating its effects. Documentation is a
critical component of change management, not only to maintain an audit trail should a
rollback become necessary but also to ensure compliance with internal and external
controls, including regulatory compliance. [ CITATION Mar20 \l 1033 ]

The Process on how Change occurs in a Management

According to Organizations change of could occur in various dimensions. The most

common changes which occur are;

• The Development Change: Any change that improves previous processes

• Transitional Change: The change which totally shifts the organizations current
dimension to a new state which solves problems and treats
• Transformational Change: Change that radically and fundamentally alters the
culture and operation of an organization. In transformational change, the end
result may not be known. For an example, a company may pursue to entirely
different products or markets.

Change Management builds a business framework for people, processes and

organizations where it increases the success rate of critical projects and Improves
Company’s ability to adapt faster. The business change is constant when it is poorly
managed they create a potential to organizational stress.

The change management processes when it is applied to business concepts and

tools. From a process perspective, change management is the set of steps followed
by team members on a particular project or initiative. For the given transformational
effort, it is the strategy and set of plans focused on moving people through the
change when everyone of the organizations has to prepare, Manage and reinforce
the change.[ CITATION Pro19 \l 1033 ]

Critically evaluate the relationship between organizational design and change
The purpose of the organizational design is to create the right structure that fits the
requirements of the strategy to be implemented. Organizational change is meant to
modify existing structures that have gone wrong over a period of time and no longer fit
the requirements of the strategy being implemented.

Due to new concepts or market adaptation certain organizations tend to change the
mode of operation which they mostly find challenging is the communication among the
stakeholder parties and ensuring the information flows accordingly. This is mainly
experienced by the management when they tend to overcome this issue when
conceptual announcements or strategies are made and to be explained or said to the
stakeholders. The issues which they fear maybe being answerable to stakeholder
questions and responding to them, organize an uninterrupted communication flow etc.

Organization design is very much concerned while drafting a clear communication or

business plan it is useful to list down everything that must be communicated to
employees and the investors about the organizational changes, it is important to have
an organizational design so that the information’s regarding to the changes which is
made in the company can be made and passed easily. The effectiveness of the change
made within the organization depends on the design of the company because if the
design is too complex it takes time to adapt to changes and continue the business
activities if it’s a short span of control it is much easier and convenient for the
organization to adapt to the changes

Mobitel’s organizational design provides freedom and flexibility to differentiate from

similar organizations and respond quickly to the changing demands of the environment.
Prevailing the divisional design it and operating in an matrix structure it facilitates
efficient use of resources compared to other organizational structures and designs. This
occurs due to the fact that the departments share highly specialized employees and
equipment. For example, if the expertise of a Radio Network Development (RND) team
is needed in solving a customer complaint, customer care department can easily obtain
support through the organization design.

Since the Mobitel’s structure promotes democratic and participatory approach, it results
in improved motivation. The specialist knowledge that possessed by each member,
leads to better judgments, decision making and goal congruence. However, it was
noticed that these frequent structural changes have not been properly communicated to
other divisions of the organization. Therefore even if any change of decision tends to

occur the organization would have to abide by it since all decisions and delegation of
authority is conducted by the top management of Mobitel.

At Mobitel the change management technique is a more familiar to such organization.

When the employees experience change of managements in the organization and
parent company due to shift of Government and political policy’s.

The stakeholders have adapted and also prepare the projects accordingly which has
being occurring through the past years. We are able to experience that the organization
functions at all circumstances and is prepared to face competition and threats from the
outside market.

Through change management, Mobitel is able to plan and present future concepts to
the senior management and conduct operations which they tend to relate more on IT
and Telecommunication in the view of change management which is used to process in
order to obtain the scope, timeline or budget of the project or 3 rd party investments.
These actions could only be structured due to an strong design in the organization.

Evaluate how organizational design has to respond and adapt to change


When organizations do not perform in terms of revenue and market place performance
the management starts to introduce changes to the current model in order to minimize
the rate and recover the debt.

According to the lack of managerial frameworks companies adapt to change, therefore it

helps telecommunication companies like Mobitel to implement effective changes and
organizational practices since all change management frameworks are are general in
nature and and cannot be used to deal with the complexity and nature of change in the
telecommunication sector since it’s a large and sensitive base.

Change Management consists of 2 levels which an organization needs to be aware of

firstly, individual change management where individuals are supported and managed in
how to transit change successfully by teaching them good tools and techniques and
understanding their roles through the change process. It includes the managerial level
to help the employees focusing and shifting to the change especially resistant ones,
determining diagnose gaps in the program of managing change for each department,
and identifying corrective actions which are based on desired results

The second levels is from the managers/senior management perspective how they look
over to the organization the main concern is the skills and practices that help the

organization navigate the needed change easily and successfully. It includes using
individual change management tools with organizational tools like communications, and
training the overall culture of the organization

The Change management framework which they mostly relate to is the ADKAR Model.
It explains the situation when employees are not always happy with these changes and
change therefore often encounters resistance. It stands for awareness of employees,
their desire to change, their knowledge about change, ability to change, and
reinforcement to keep change in place. This model can help managers to determine
where their employees are in the change process. Where it also deals with leveraging
employee’s capabilities to support the change, and it does not cover organizational
aspects in the change process.

According to Mobitel they tend to operate at a more centralized format with rules and
regulations aligned. The psychologist Kurt Lewin developed the “Unfreeze-Change-
Refreeze” model (Lewin’s change model) in the 1950s. The Lewin’s change model
describes the change in three stages and is about change in general. Nevertheless, it is
widely used within companies. Lewin’s model visualizes the change as the process
which keeps the forces that affect the behavior of the system stable.

The Unfreeze stage

This system tends to recognize and determine the need for the change. At this stage it
is encouraged to replace of old behaviors and attitudes and ensure there is a strong
management support where the doubts and concerns are understood and managed. At
this stage people realize that something is going to change and they are dealing with
strong emotions such as denial, impatience, uncertainty and doubt. It is essential for a

business to fully disclose the state of affairs and to explain why a change process is put
into force. As a result of clear communication employees are more willing to accept to
the new change of direction and they can let go of old customs. During this stage, it is
advisable to involve employees so that they can take a constructive approach to the
change process. In terms of the organization they have implemented superior steps to
overcome the Corona pandemic where they have trained and informed the employees
proirly saying such effect and concepts would be applied in fture this method would
make sure the employees and the stakeholders to give their thoughts and convey the
ideas. They initiated concepts and working shifts according to the situation and
government rules . where currently the organization and the employees are safe from
the virus it is because Mobitel was able to recognize needed steps to the structure the
operating pattern.

The Change Stage

It is of crucial importance that the change which is implemented within a short time. The
longer the change process takes, the more employees are inclined to relapse into old
habits and rituals. This stage is sometimes referred to as the “move stage” because it
causes a ripple effect within an organization. By acting vigorously and implementing the
change within a short time, the employees will become aware of the importance of this
change more quickly. At this point they basically Plan the changes and implement it
while it helps the employees to learn new concepts or point of views.

The Refreeze Stage

At this stage they tend to refreeze the change where after the introduced change has
already being implemented also when the employees are advised to work as usual.
Therefor the changes are reinforced and stabilized the employees would be
knowledgeable on how change occurs and what would be the organization operating
design according to it. They would integrate changes into the normal way of doing the
tasks and tend to develop modes for this to sustain.

Due to COVID-19 the whole Mobitel organization has being advised to stay closed and
operate from their homes or a socialized distant manner. Therefore the entire working
from home concept has being initiated and prior systems of employee tracking
software’s and platform application have being created to ensure the assigned tasks are
performed. Mobitel stepped to be Customer and user convenient by featuring new
business solutions according to the change management COVID-19 presents. The
management prior informs their stakeholders on the actions to be taken and seeks the
availability on it. Currently they offer exclusive data packages to make the customer

base productive, offering business solutions such as Cisco Webex which helps to
conduct online meetings (it is a platform with flexible payment plans and rates), the
mLink mobile VPN broadband which they use to access to office systems remotely and
securely, The Msms enterprise which is a bulk SMS facility for continued contact with
employees and customers etc. [ CITATION Mob203 \l 1033 ] Therefore this system might be
new but the employees and customers are said to adapt according to the current nature
in order to stay safe from the pandemic. This system change of the organization
operations might be for a short time period while after it the normal in-person operations
would continue in future since it is estimated as a short term change.

The Change management at Mobitel also explains in another scenario where to reduce
the waste and be eco-friendly they promote online reloads and bill payments where
certain stakeholders show a conflict of interest where it tends to effect their small scale
businesses due the reload card sale and the also the sales sector employees face the
difficulty in promoting this concept. Therefore such concept is long term and since its
structured the employees would have to work accordingly.

Lewin's model is based on three steps: unfreeze, change, and refreeze. In this case, all
employees know that a change is needed, thus, they are more likely to embrace a
change. Mobitel has even begun the unfreeze phase by beginning to prepare all
employees for the management changes in such crisis situation. Furthermore,
according to government and the management advise they are working on the change
phase successfully by reorganizing their management hierarchy and transforming how
they make organizational decisions how it used to be. This model could be incredibly
beneficial for Mobitel to use while undergoing their change process.

Evaluate how transformational and psychological change can affect

organizational design

According to every organization they experience certain changes

 Revolutionary changes
 Evolutionary changes
 Transformational changes
 Psychological changes

According to this we would be basically speaking about the Transformational and

Psychological change.

Transformational Change: It is a shift in the business culture of an organization

resulting from a change in the underlying strategy and processes that the organization
has used in the past. A transformational change is designed to be organization-wide

and is enacted over a period of time. Change that radically and fundamentally alters the
culture and operation of an organization. In transformational change, the end result may
not be known. For example, a company may pursue entirely different products or
markets. [ CITATION Bus192 \l 1033 ]

Mobitel being an telecommunication organization adapts to a digitization change for a

example When they sustained their lead at the forefront of the mobile commerce
revolution in the country by pioneering the Digital Recharge System for the first time
ever in the country. Mobitel’s new Digital Recharge System enhanced customer
convenience in optional ways. Currently, Pre-Paid Mobile customers are using
Recharge Scratch Cards & Reloads to top up their accounts. With the Launch of
Mobitel’s Digital Recharge system, retailers can use a POS machine and print their own
recharge cards to issue to their customers. This POS Machine enables the retailer to
have one wallet for both recharge cards & reloads. The machine also facilitates various
promotions, discount programs and other initiatives to be conducted. Customers can
even make Post-Paid bill payments through the POS machines and retail partners can
print out Data and IDD Cards as needed. [ CITATION Mob17 \l 1033 ]

This transformation change gave positive and negative outcomes in this scenario where
the positive outcome was the POS machine, which is similar to a phone, can be easily
carried on the go directly to the customer without waiting for the customer to visit the
outlet itself. This will offer greater customer convenience, while providing inclusion and
connectivity for all equally.

It was carrying a negative reaction where in the market some customers weren’t
knowledgeable enough to operate such feature and the small scale business owners
faced losses due to they would be losing their sales from the Scratch reload cards. Also,
the company had to face loses on the early stages in investing and promoting the
machine across the island.

The outcome from such transformation was mainly treated on environment

consciousness and consumer convenience, even it did effect a certain crowd the rest of
the process is being conducted positively even due to the current situation people tend
to Reload and perform Mobitel payments through the Website or Self Care App

Transformational change involves an organization creating a shift in its business model,

usually requiring changes in company structure, culture and management. Firms might
bear transformational changes in response to crisis, or so as to reposition themselves
within the market. A transformational change happens in response to changes in
technology, or as firms adapt to require advantage of latest business models. The
objective of structure amendment management is to change organization members and
alternative stakeholders to adapt to a sponsor's new vision, mission, and systems,

furthermore on establish sources of resistance to the changes and minimize resistance
to them. The Organizations area unit nearly has a very state of a new change, whether
or not the change which has happened is continuous or episodic. Amendment/Change
creates tension and strain in a very sponsor's social organization that the sponsor
should adapt to so it will evolve. Transformational designing and structure amendment
is that the coordinated management of amendment activities moving users, as
obligatory by new or altered business processes, policies, or procedures and connected
systems enforced by the sponsor. The objectives area unit to effectively transfer data
and skills that change users to adopt the sponsor's new vision, mission, and systems
and to spot and minimize sources of resistance to the sponsor's changes.

Psychological change: The psychology of change management. Companies can

transform the attitudes and behavior of their employees by applying psychological
breakthroughs that explain why people think and act as they do.

The psychological change leads employee behavior and work rate because every
modification initially creates a resistance to the organization. Due to such change in the
organization they create a new system for them, it can be said that every change
management programmer is the change itself. psychological change creates a new
system where the employees go through a process which is new to them and which
they have to learn and adapt accordingly where fear and inconvenience is experienced
when such change is implemented. An economic change would also occur in order to
the new situation and in the latter stages it also symbolizes a threat to the interpersonal
relationships that they built in their organizational life. The implemented system would
create new rules and regulations which they would have to integrate themselves to the
new procedures. Due to such change the stakeholders have a mentality of fear in failing
of certain tasks and also the fact of group norms and role prescription the employee
status might change within the organization which happens due to such change. the
employees will face a different aspect of their own organization, their habit and their
group norms will change and there will be multiple effects on their psychology. That is
the reason why employees will show some kind of a reaction called individual resistance
to the implication of the change management. The resistance can even cause the
failure of the implementation since employees are the most important assets of the

Relating to an psychological change in the Mobitel employees point of view is when the
organization created the mLocator Application in order the track the employees work
rate and performance due to the pandemic. This caused a panic and fear on the
employee’s point of view but ensured the assigned task was successfully conducted. In
terms of such change the Work from Home concept turned out to be more effective and
organization operation had no hassle. [ CITATION Mob204 \l 1033 ]

The psychological change tend to effect many employees in the COVID-19 crisis due
the salary cuts, the employees wasn’t able to make targets etc. this leads to de-
motivation and lack of productivity which certainly be an effect to him/herself. Therefore
if the organization structures the upcoming process and consider the hassle of the
employee while performing small changes the change would react more effectively.

Therefore the Due to any Transformational or Psychological Change it would basically

effect the organization process/design which they have to being conducting through out

 The Employees would react and start fear on points such as job security, the
promotions, bonuses etc.
 The flow of information would be smooth at time if the organization tends to
adapt according to the digitization fact. This would be more cost and work
 The employees would learn to work under all working lines and gain responsibly
on assigned jobs.
 The management would have to be aware on the stakeholder mentality at a
overview in order to process the future decision making mechanisms.

This report contains about the organization structure and design of Mobitel and their
importance of adapting and analyzing them with relation to the organization. I have
included the Star model and mitzbergg has been explained has how the design effects
the structure model of Mobitel. In order to the changes in the organization and how
changes take place the Lewis model was configured more appropriate. Steps taken on
the CSR projects and the how Mobitel overcomes sustainability is a major concept
reported. This report t also consists on how the Mobitel adapts to an Agile organization
and the steps they would put in practice.


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