20190513-01 Reparations Morning

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Reparations theory
Auteur Sandew Hira
Datum 21-08-20
Versie 1

52 Se chapter 14, p. 52
Pan-Africanism is an ideology and movement to promote solidarity between
Africans in the Diaspora and the continent, and has forged the links through
ideas of black pride, the value of African heritage, the common origin of
racism and colonialism, the legacy of slavery and concepts of historical
injustice including the concept of reparations.

Brazil imported more captive Africans than any other country in the Americas.
The recognition of their rights is now entrenched in Brazilian law since 1988.
In 2003 president Lula da Silva expanded the definition of “Quilombo” in a
presidential decree to include any descendent of enslaved Africans. The result
was that any black community could become certified as a Quilombo if a
majority of residents wanted it. In 2003 there were 29 recognized Quilombos.
Ten years later the number had climbed to a staggering 2,400 comprising more
than one million people.
In 2001 Brazil introduced affirmative action in higher education. The
universities now have quota systems in place to ensure access to higher
educations for blacks.

Differences During slavery Black people in the southern USA were a minority while in
many islands in the Caribbean they were the majority of the population. In the
Caribbean many owners of the plantations were absentee proprietors who lived
in Europe, while in the USA the owners lived in the same country. The wealth
from slavery was located in the USA and benefited the whites, while in the
Caribbean the wealth of slavery was largely transferred to Europe and
benefited European societies as a whole.
In the USA 930 enslavers got reparations in the District of Columbia for the
freedom of 2,989 enslaved. At the end of the Civil War General William
Tecumseh Sherman issued a famous military order to confiscate 400,000 acres
(1,600 km2) of land along the Atlantic coast of South Carolina, Georgia, and
Florida and divide it into 40 acres (0.16 km2) parcels to 18,000 freed slave
families and other Blacks living in those areas. The order could not be enforced
because President Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Abraham Lincoln after his
assassination, revoked the order. The idea is known as forty acres and a mule.
Third, in the USA, the struggle of Black people was mostly a struggle to get
equal treatment in the same country. In the Caribbean, the issue was
independence from the colonizer. The call for reparations in the USA is
directed towards the whites and the USA administration as a whole. The call
for reparations in the Caribbean is directed towards governments in Europe.

Pagina 1 van 2

Policy on resistance: link with Curacao

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