Best Inventions and Innovations From Egypt

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Meaning ng Egypt,

History ng Egypt, ilang years ito sinakop

Who were the pharaohs and the pyramids

Best inventions and Innovations from Egypt

1. Breath mints and Toothpaste

Many Ancient Egyptians had to deal with deteriorating teeth, partly because of their
diet which included plenty of honey and sugar. Bad breath was a problem, especially for
the nobles and royals who considered themselves “pristine”. The solution came in the
form of the first breath mint, made from a combination of myrrh, cinnamon and
frankincense. These ingredients were often boiled together in a honey base and then
shaped into pellets for easy consumption. While the breath mint pretty much just
covered up some bad breath, the ancient Egyptians knew that they actually had to clean
their mouths too. The world’s oldest known recipe for toothpaste comes from Egypt.
According to the recipe that dates from around 5000 BC, the earliest known toothpaste
was made of powdered ashes of ox hooves, myrrh, powdered and burnt eggshells and
Along with the Babylonians, , ancient Egyptians are also credited with inventing the first
toothbrushes, which were frayed ends of wooden twigs.
2. Door locks
- Oldest known evidence of a door lock comes from the ruins of an ancient Egyptians palatial
complex, dating from around 4000 BC
- The design entailed a simple but effective pin tumbler lock. The bolt that secures the door is
made out of wood. It has a slot with several holes on its upper surface. A device attached to
the door contained wooden pins which drop into the holes and secure the bolt.
- The key is also wooden, a large toothbrush-shaped object, with ‘bristles’ that were actually
pegs that matched the holes and pins of the lock. To open the door, the key would be
inserted into the keyhole located below the pins and lifted, raising the pins and allowing the
bolt to be slid out.
- The core design element of the pin tumbler lock is still in use today.
- The first all-metal locks appeared between the years 870 and 900
3. Papyrus
- Along with the Mesopotamians, the Egyptians were one of the first people to develop their
language into a codified form of writing.
- All early forms of writing were pictograms – pictures.
- Pictographic Writing System emerged on 6000 BC
- They use papyrus as something to write on. The word “paper” comes from the Greek Word,
‘papyros’ or as we write it today, ‘papyrus’
- Made from the tough and fibrous interior of a stiff, reed-like plant grew and still grows in
marshy along in the banks of Nile.
- They also used this to make ropes, sandals, sails, mats and other assorted items
4. Ink
- Mixed with soot, vegetable gum and beeswax to make black ink. To get other colors, they
replaced the soot with organic materials, such as ocher, which made red-colored ink.
5. Irrigation system
- To make the best use of the waters of the Nile river, the Egyptians developed systems of
irrigation that allowed the Egyptians to use the Nile’s waters for a variety of purposes.
- Irrigation granted them greater control over the land. They were able to divert flood water
away from cities, gardens to keep them from flooding.
- Egyptians workers are known to organize one of the first recorded labor strikes in history.

6. Basin Irrigation
- A form of water management
- This practice allowed them to control the rise and fall of the river to best suit their
agricultural needs. A crisscross network of earthen wall was formed in a field of crops that
would be flooded by the river.
7. Clocks
A. Sundial – device that uses the sun to measure time.
- One of the best-preserved sundials from ancient Egypt consisted of a flat base with twelve
lines projecting from a hole that held an upright wooden or metal bolt. As the bolt shadow’s
moved across the lines, the time could be told. As sundial technology continued to be
improved, the Egyptians were able to tell which are the longest and shortest days of the

B. Water Clocks – they use this clock at night.

- Made from a stone vessel shaped like an inverted cone, that had a tiny hole at the bottom
to allow water to drip, the water dripped from the hole to an almost constant rate. Along
the inside of the vessel, columns of equally spaced markings allowed a person to tell what
the hour was by the level of water.

8. Calendars
- To determine feast and famine. And to determine their farming practices
- Without a calendar, ancient Egyptians had no way of knowing when the annual flooding of
Nile River begins. Without that knowledge, their entire agricultural system would be put at
risk, so a few thousand years before the common era, they developed their own calendar.
- A solar calendar with a 365-day year. Their calendar was so closely tied into farming that the
Egyptians divided up into three main seasons: inundation, growing and harvest. Each season
had four months, with each month divided into 30 days. However, if you add it all up, you
only get 360 days a year, so the Egyptians added 5 days between the harvest and inundation
- These extra 5 days were designated as religious holidays set aside to honor the children of
the gods
9. Farming tools
- Ancient Egyptians famously farmed the black soil of Nile Delta, an area with little rainfall
that was irrigated by seasonal floodwaters.
- These tools are some used until today, such as: sickles, hand plows and pitchforks.
- Shaduf – a lesser-known tool was important for irrigation
- The Egyptians and Sumerians were among the first societies to employ the use of the plow
around 4000 BC. Built from modified hand tools, the plows were so light and ineffective that
they are now referred to as “scratch plows” for their inability to dig deep into the ground.
The whole concept of the plow change around 2000 BC, when the Egyptians first hooked
their plows to oxen. The new plow, combined with steady rhythm of the Nile River,
essentially revolutionized the process and made farming much easier for the Egyptians
10. Scissors
- A lot of people mistaken that Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors. But the scissors were
around for a long time before he came. The Ancient Egyptians created a scissor-like device
around 1500 B.C
- A bronze made into two blades that were controlled by a metal strip. The strip kept the
blades apart until they were squeezed together, and each blade was sharp enough to do the
11. Make up and Wigs
- Egyptians appeared to care a great deal about their looks. Pharaohs had their own
hairdressers and manicurists, and cosmetics were apparently big business back then. They
considered hair very unhygienic and fount it was uncomfortable in the heat.
- It was widely used by both men and women.
- Black eyeliner was applied daily and ocher was applied for rouge. Oils and creams, often
scented, kept skin moist in the dry climate. Sometimes cosmetics were even given as part of
their wages.

- Make up alone wasn’t enough and wearing a wig signaled a person’s rank in Egyptian’s
society. Although a shaved head was a sign of nobility during most of the Egyptian
kingdoms, the majority of Egyptians kept their heads covered
- Wigs were worn in place of headdresses or for special occasions, with elaborate
headdresses, its base was a fiber-netting skullcap, with strands of human hair, wool, flax,
palm fibers, felt or other materials attached.
- The wig hair often stuck straight out from the skullcap, creating large, full wigs that offered
wearer protection from the heat of the sun.
- Eye makeup was invented as early as 4000 BC.
- They put on eye makeup to cure infection, ward off bad luck and to stay in style.
12. Prosthetics
- Two artificial Egyptian toes were found and researchers have suspected that those are the
world’s oldest known prosthetics body parts.
- One of the toes is a 3000 year old wooden prosthesis, which was found attached to a
female mummy in an ancient Egyptian grave site near Luxor and was determined to be from
between 950 to 710 BC.
- The toe is made from cartonnage, a sort of papier mache mixture made using linen, glue and
- The reason of having prosthetics is make the toe look natural as possible and comfortable to
- Some Egyptians used prosthetics as sandals.
13. Surgery
- The Edwin Smith papyrus is a comprehensive medical text on surgery that was written
around 1600 BC. It describes how to treat injuries such as fractures, wounds and
dislocations. This is world’s oldest known surgical treatise.
- The papyrus addressing injuries to the head, and continues with treatments to arms neck
and torso
- They also found surgery tools, wherein during mummification, the doctors remove the
brains before proceeding. This was through their nose.

14. Bowling
- 3rd Century A.D, 19th Century, explorers discovered round stones and wooden pins on the
south of Cairo,

15. Sailboats
- Used them for transportation, fishing, trading, and for war.
- It was believed that Egyptians were the first one to trade overseas
- Egyptians were the first one to trade overseas
16. Black Ink
- Mixture of vegetable gum, bees wax and soot.
- The ink on the walls are still there even after 5k years.

17. Airco
- To have a breathable environment. So they designed their homes with small open gaps to
allow the air to pass through the building.
- This is the reason why pyramids have vent areas.

18. Mathematics
- The Greeks learned how to use mathematics and astronomy because of Egyptians. Egyptian
geometry and arithmetic were primarily used for practical applications, measurements,
business transactions, how to construct pyramids and cut rocks.
- They introduced the earliest basic numeration system of ten numbers as early as 2700 BC
- Oldest Mathematical texts is the Moscow Papyrus, discovered around 2000 BC
19. The Sickle
20. Police/Noblemen/Guards
- They were hired to protect the lands and goods. The elites hired them to keep the peace
within their zones full-time, which was the first form of police force.
22. Trading
- It is believed that Egyptians were the first to t

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