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The Digital Investment Space – Furthermore, technology in the past few years has enabled retail clients to become

more and more independent from their product advisors in banks or advisory firms.

Spanning from Social Trading Clients simply start applying their digital behaviour from the e‐commerce sector
to their financial needs and thus are open to digital financial offers. These digital
to Digital Private Banking – behaviours changed more quickly than banks could adapt their services offer,

A FinTech Sector Made for especially because post financial crisis they had to focus on saving the industry by
adapting to a new regulatory regime rather than keeping up to date regarding their

Disruption? digital offerings. Digital challengers have jumped onto the opportunity and the early
movers among the FinTech start‐ups have attracted substantial attention because

Capital and Investment

By Michael Mellinghoff  of this, and continue to drive the change in the FinTech sector, which is complex by
Managing Director, TechFluence definition, as the regulatory environment is more demanding than in other sectors.

In the mid-1990s the mutual fund industry introduced distribution fees to reward Extrapolating these trends, it is fair to assume that available assets are going
their distribution partners for promoting their own mutual funds to private investors. to increase for digital challengers and thus increase the margin pressure for
The reduction in margin for mutual fund providers was immense. A fund which at traditional players that will be forced to cut costs and re‐focus their business
that time charged a management fee of 1% suddenly had to pay on a recurring models. The first digital challengers to traditional players in the field of digital
basis half of the management fee to the distributor, who sold the fund to the client. investment were social trading companies and companies offering automated
This decreased the margin of the product provider by at least half. This marked the investment advisory services (“robo advisors”) both focusing on retail investors.
starting point of a negative market development for product manufacturers, and The first market entrants in the robo advisory field innovated by business model
especially investors in these products, in favour of product distributors. Clients over and did not compete over price. As robo advisory enables all market participants
time paid the bill via higher management fees, as product manufacturers increased to compete for the private client, many players in the financial universe will tap the
their management fees, and thus charged even higher distribution fees, since the market of automated investment advice: banks, online brokers, asset managers
fee level very often was expressed as a percentage of the management fee of the etc. will start offering robo advisory services for free. The US market unsurprisingly
investment fund: a vicious circle decreasing the yield of the investor and increasing started to move first into this direction as Charles Schwab counters Wealthfront’s
the profit of the industry. successful market entry by offering robo advice for free. Similar developments are
now being witnessed in other markets, for example in Germany where ebase, a
These high profit margins are one of the reasons why digital competitors entered subsidiary of Commerzbank, entered into the robo advisory business in July 2015.
the field of wealth and asset management and why they have a chance to capture A question mark for the moment remains, whether non‐financial players will enter
enough market share to survive even fierce future competition between the the automated advisory space, as they did successfully in other areas, for example
traditional and the digital world, which will most likely lead to an overall reduction the supermarket banks in the UK like Tesco Bank, M&S Bank, or Harrods’ Bank.
of fees. Moreover, decades of underperformance by active mutual funds have led These developments are likely to result in reduced margins in the retail space and
to a massive outflow from the category to the benefit of low‐cost passive and ETF traditional players will focus their activities on more complex areas of the market (for
options as well as alternative asset classes and instruments. At the same time, example, private banking), which will foster competition here and lead to a market
client demand changes rapidly as the very low interest rates across the globe foster concentration in this part of the market over time, too.
the need of savers and investors to act more proactively than in the past, i.e. take
higher risks and invest more than previously or start investing in risk‐bearing asset The more robo advisory models mushroom – white‐label versions are already
classes. available for example from start‐ups in Germany – the more different algorithms

The FinTech Book: The Financial Technology Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs and Visionaries Edited by Susanne Chishti and Janos Barberis
© 2016 Susanne Chishti and Janos Barberis
will be competing in future and will align over time. The independent robo advisory Techfluence assumes the number of automated advisory services to at least rise
providers are forced to continue striving for innovation and will over time offer more tenfold globally in the next few years. Advisory services become a commodity. More
connected services like a concept that can be labelled as the “talking portfolio”. sophisticated tools, which allow investors for example to exclude certain product
The Internet of Things will create completely new business models and markets in providers from the portfolio or single asset classes or even single stocks, will be
all aspects of our current lifestyle. Money matters are not excluded from this. For able to offer this as a fee‐generating premium service, which can be paid in fiat
example, self‐driving cars, plus the Internet of Things, plus insurance will in the currency or social currency, i.e. personal data sharing models.
future allow a bunch of tailored solutions in the InsuranceTech space.
148 The traditional competition among portfolio managers on the best (risk‐adjusted)
The Internet of Things will also have an impact on our savings and investment performance will at least partially be replaced by competition of the best algorithms
Capital and Investment

culture. The investment world will see similar developments as the insurance world: of the automated analysis providers. The technological developments thus impact
why should only petrol stations and hotels be shown on Google Maps? Why not all parts of the value chain of wealth management. Successful sophisticated
the next available (human) investment advisor? Why should a navigation system investment algorithms will also be offered through B2B channels as robo advisory
in a rental car not offer the option to choose a portfolio‐optimized route? Such with a human touch. UBS is already using smart data verified by client advisors
a service would provide information on companies that are directly or indirectly to optimize portfolio returns. As more social trading platforms emerge and grow
linked to the current portfolio holdings of the investor: only Royal Dutch Shell gas more user profiles, advisory services – online and human – will be added to the
stations, no other fast food locations than Starbucks would be displayed, and of platforms, helping investors to select the best user mix in their social trading
course respective vouchers would be given to shareholders first, etc. As self‐driving portfolio.
cars are connected to fridges and other household appliances, the “driver” has
time to consider decisions about whether today he would like to optimize his daily As robo advisory services entered the market only recently, especially in the next
household spending on optimization of his short‐term trading portfolio, or instead few years, there is going to be direct competition between automated advisory and
the long‐term investment portfolio. Based on the global real time and projected human advisory services, be they branch‐based or online. Over time, this will lead
drive thru waiting times at McDonald’s, the portfolio itself will issue buy or sell to hybrid models as it is fair to assume that the growing complexity of algorithms will
recommendations on McDonald’s stock. Also the connected fridge or freezer will lead to the need for human support, thus creating new job opportunities, too. The
have a button to order portfolio‐optimized food only, telling you every morning that if investment advisor of the future does not pick stocks or asset classes on behalf of
you and all other users of this service use this service, the joint financial gain will be the client but consults on algorithms or even helps tailor them.
“x” % p.a. on invested capital. The portfolio holdings and its expected return will be
automatically readjusted based on the aggregate buying activity of all connected In summary, the FinTech industry is set to disrupt the digital investment area as
smart fridges. Such a trend could result in the formation of special interest groups/ a whole, starting with B2C business models, with B2B to follow soon. The whole
communities based around investment styles. Analysis of investors’ private and value chain of wealth management will be under tremendous pressure to change
business lifestyle through smart appliances will certainly result in buy or sell and adapt. The new competitors have the ability and agility to offer products and
recommendations for certain asset classes or securities. services digitally and the successful players will continue to innovate. The Internet
of Things and wearables will boost this development. Traditional players should use
While these developments seem like fiction today, we currently see only the their grace period as they still earn high recurring fees from the past by investing
beginning of robo advisory structures that enable start‐up companies to enter these wisely and try to compete with the new FinTech players and actively seek
a high margin business. In the US robo advisors are mushrooming already. collaboration with tech companies.

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