Before You Start The Exercise Watch A Video On Youtube:: People Say A Lot of Things About Michael. For Examples

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Teacher: _______________________ Boo:k: ___________________

Student: _______________________ Date: ___________________

Before you start the exercise watch a video on youtube:
 Sometimes “it is supposed to...” = it is Said
to...  Let’s go and see that movie. It’s supposed to be
very good.(= it’s said to be very good).
 Mark is supposed to have kicked a police
officer. (=He is said to have kicked).
 Sometimes supposed to has a different EX:
meaning. It means supposed to happen = it is  I’d better hurry. It’s almost 8:00 and I’m
planned, arranged or expected. Often this is supposed to meet Anna t 8:15. (=I have arranged
different from what really happens. to meet Ann).
 You’re NOT supposed to do something = it is EX:
not allowed or advisable for you yo do it.  Mr. Hansen is much better after his operation,
but he’s still not supposed to do any heavy work.
(=his doctors have advised him not to do any
heavy work).

People say a lot of things about Michael. For examples:

a. Michael eats spiders.
b. He is very rich.
c. He has 12 children.
d. He knows a lot of famous people.
e. He robbed a bank a long time ago.
Nobody knows for sure whether these things are tru or not. Write sentences about Michael using
supposed to
a. Michael is supposed to eat spiders.
b. ___________________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________________________
e. ___________________________________________________________________________
Now use supposed to with its other meaning. In each example what happens is different from what is supposed
to happen. Use (be) supposed to + one of these verbs:
Arrive Be Block Call Come Park Start
1. You are not supposed to park here. It’s for private parking only.
2. The train ____________________________________________ at 11:30, but it was one hour late.
3. What are the children doing at home? They _________________________________ at school now.
4. We ________________________________ work at 8:15, but we rarely do anything before 8:30.
5. This door is a fire exit. You _________________________________________________it.
6. Oh, no! I _____________________________________________Ann, but I completely forgot!
7. They came very early – at 2:00. They ____________________________________ until 3:30.

a. example
b. He is supposed to be very rich.
c. He’s supposed to have twelve children.
d. He’s supposed to know a loto f famous people.
e. He’s supposed to have robbed a banka long time ago.

2. Are supposed to be
3. Was supposed to arrive
4. Are supposed to start
5. Are not / aren’t supposed to block
6. Was supposed to call
7. Were not/ weren’t supposed to come

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