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(Based on a true story)

Cynthia Ann Parker was a pioneer girl. She lived

with her family in Texas in the 1830s. They lived in
a fort because there were many Indian attacks in the
One day, the men were working in the fields when
the Indians attacked the fort. Only the women and
children were inside the fort. The women were
cooking and the children were playing. The Indians
burned the houses and took five children, including Cynthia.
After some months, the Indians returned the children to their families. But
they didn´t return Cynthia.
When Cynthia woke up, she was lying in a tent. “Where am I ?” she thought.
She looked out the door. She was in a Native American camp.There were lots
of people and horses. Women were washing clothes and making food.
Children were playing.
Cynthia was thinking about her family when a young woman came into the
tent and gave her some food. She washed Cynthia and gave her new clothes.
The woman took Cynthia to the biggest tent in the camp. Inside the tent, there
were some men and women . They were all talking when a tall man entered
and sat down. He was wearing a headdress with many feathers. He was the
chief of the tribe. He pointed at Cynthia . Naduah, he said. Then he pointed at
a man and a woman . They stood up and took Cynthia´s hands. They were her
new parents, and Naduah was her new name.
At first, Cynthia was very unhappy. But her new parents were kind. Soon she
learned their language and their customs. After many years, Cynthia forgot
her other family.
Cynthia grew up with her Native American family. Then one day she fell in
love with a brave young man called Nocona. He was a chief of a group of
Comanche Indians.
Nocona and Cynthia got married. Soon they had three children, two boys and
a baby girl called Topsannah.
One day, Nocona and the boys were hunting far from the camp. Cynthia was
collecting plants when she heard a noise. She saw some white soldiers. They
were burning the camp. Cynthia picked up her daughter and jumped on a
horse. She was riding across a river when the soldiers caught her.
The soldiers knew Cynthia wasn´t a Comanche Indian because she had blue
eyes. They took Cynthia and Topsannah to a fort. Cynthia couldn´t speak
English, but she pointed to herself and said, “Me , Cynthia Ann”
Cynthia didn´t want to live in the fort. She wanted to return to her Native
American family, but the soilders told her that Nocona and her sons were
Cynthia was crying when her uncle arrived at the fort. He recognized Cynthia
and took her and Topsannah to Texas.
Cynthia lived with her white family, but she wasn´t happy. She tried to retun
away many times, but she never saw her Indian family again.
Four years later, Topsannah died.Cynthia was heartbroken, and she died the
next year.
Cynthia´s oldest son, Quanah, became a great Indian chief. He made peace
with the white people.He said, My mother loved the Indian life. She did not
want to return to the white people.But Indians and white people are the same.
In the end, we will all be together.

I. Read the story and answer the questions. .

1. Where did Cynthia Live?

2. Why did she live in a fort?


3. When the Indians attacked the fort, what were the men doing?

4. What did the Indians do?


5. When Cynthia woke up, where was she?


6. What did the woman give Cynthia?


7. Where did the woman take Cynthia?


8. Who was in the biggest tent?


9. What was Cynthia´s new name?


10. Was Cynthia unhappy?


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