Medicult Case Study

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University of the People

Master's in Business Administration

Marketing Management
MediCult Case Study

Submitted by Randy C. Ambog

In an article published on the website of the World Health Organization, infertility and
subfertility affect a significant proportion of humanity (n. d.). To address this problem, Assisted
Reproductive Technology or ART came into play. Some ART methods are intrauterine
insemination, Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, Gamete intrafallopian tube transfer (GIFT), in
vitro fertilization, or IVF (Rebar, 2019) and in vitro maturation or IVM. For this case analysis,
let us look at In vitro fertilization (IVF) and In vitro maturation (IVM). We will compare the two
in terms of cost, availability, and market options.

According to an article in MSD Manual written by Dr. Robert W. Rebar, IVF has four
stages. First is stimulating the ovaries; in this stage, the woman's ovary will undergo stimulation
with human gonadotropins, with or without clomiphene. A gonadotropin-releasing hormone
(GnRH) is given to prevent ovulation from occurring until after several eggs have matured. As a
result, many eggs usually mature. Then, human chorionic gonadotropin is given to stimulate
ovulation. This stage is expensive and may cost roughly $3,000. There is also a risk of
developing OHSS or ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome at this stage. The second stage is
retrieving released eggs; the ovulated eggs are then retrieved using a needle or tube. The
retrieved mature egg will then be ready for the third stage, which is fertilizing the eggs; the
mature egg will be placed in a culture dish and fertilized with sperm. The fertilized eggs will
then stay in a laboratory for 2 to 5 days and allowed to grow until the final stage of implanting
back the embryos in the woman's uterus (2019). The cost of the entire cycle is roughly estimated
to more or less than $20, 000 (Uffalussy).

IVM is similar to IVF but "the eggs undergo the maturation process outside the body in a
petri dish whereas, in IVF, the maturation is induced inside the woman's body and involves
injectable hormones" (Juno Fertility, n.d. para. 2). Once the maturation process is complete, it
will be fertilized with sperm and allow it to grow until it is ready to be implanted back to the
woman's uterus. Current clinical data shows that success rates are similar with a slight advantage
for IVF 40% vs. 32% (Juno Fertility).

According to a new report by Reports and Data, the Assisted Reproductive Technology
(ART) Market is expected to reach USD 50.71 Billion by 2026. The growth mainly associated
with the continuous growth in infertility rate, increasing knowledge, and acceptance of assisted
reproductive technologies socially, which are expected to (2019) accelerate the market growth
further globally. Based on statistics, the rise in ovulation disorders, increasing unhealthy eating
habits which in turn results in obesity are also some of the factors that help to grow the size of
the global market (2019). The report has shown a chance for MediCult to expand especially to
Japan, India, and China (Report and Data) where the populace is becoming open to technology,
and the fertility rate is declining since the last 50 years (Stevenson, 2011).

MediCult should highlight the advantages of IVM in the health of the patient like
avoiding the risk of OHSS and better options for women recovering or in remission from cancer.
The hormonal stimulation in IVF could also stimulate cancer cells and the risk of relapse. The
lesser hormone utilizes by IVM also lessens the likelihood of relapse (Juno Fertility). Next to be
highlighted is the time requirement. The lesser time required in the IVM procedure translates to
women's freedom and productivity. Moreover, the last to be highlighted is the price. Customer
buys a product they trust even priced higher than the competitor, but in IVM, the product
offering is trustworthy at a lower price.

As technology advances and economic progress, developing countries are experiencing a

decline in fertility rate amongst its citizens. As projected by Reports and Data, the Assisted
Reproductive Technology market will grow more or less $50 billion by 2026. The company
MediCult should take advantage of the opportunity. It will be a good marketing strategy to focus
on the advantages in the health of the customer, affordability, and more flexible movement
during the procedure.

Assisted Reproductive Technology ART Market To Reach USD 50.71 Billion By 2026 (2019,
May 14). Retrieved

Gras, R. M. L. (2017, December 5). Reproductive Psychology and Infertility. Acta

Psychopatologica. Retrieved

Infertility is a global public health issue (n.d.). WHO.

Uffalussy, J. G. (2014, February 6). The Cost of IVF: 4 Things I Learned While Battling
Infertility. Forbes.

Rebar, R. W. (n.d.) Assisted Reproductive Techniques. MSD MANUAL Consumer Version.

Retrieved from

Stevenson, J. (2011, January 15). Asia Experiences Huge Birth-Rate Decline. VOA News.
Retrieved from

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