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INTERIOR ACCESSORIES are furniture items which are easy to replace and easy to
move, and include almost any items that are not strictly functionally necessary in a
decorated space. These accessories include such items as:-

 Interior fabrics
 Decorative craft products
 Sculptures
 Wall hangings
 Clocks
 Paintings
 Indoor plant and trees
 Lamps
 Mirrors
 Collections
 Miscellaneous accessories

Home accessories, as movable decorations, reflect the owner's taste and create a
personal atmosphere where they are placed. Home accessories vary according to the
size and shape of the room space, the owner's living habits, hobbies, tastes, and their
financial situation.
Fabric adds colors to the interior, whether home or office. The colors can vary according
to the place – bright, warm colors for homes and dark, subtle hues for offices normally
offices go for plain, solid colored fabrics whereas one can expect fabrics of
different patterns and designs for homes. The designs can vary from traditional,
embroidery, cross-stitch, etc.

Fabric is used as covers for

furniture like sofa, chairs,
mattresses, etc. They can be
used as drapes i.e. curtains as
well as bed sheets. It can be
used as cushion and pillow
covers, sheets that cover
dining tables, napkins, towels,
 Fabrics regularly used in Interior Design:
 Rayon:  Rayon is one the most commonly used fabrics. It acts as an alternative
to silk, with the addition of having a great texture. However, it can get wrinkled easily
and should thus be used in places where it won’t be subjected to stress.
 Silk: Silk is another popular choice of fabric, mostly used at homes. Silk gives a
rich feel to the surroundings and is mostly used in upholstery and as cushion covers,
bed sheets,  etc. Silk is soft to touch and has a shiny texture. However, it is delicate and
prone to stains, so it cannot be used all over the house.
 Cotton: Cotton is extremely light and cheap to use, which makes it a popular
choice to use for interior design. It can be used in many places and is very good when it
comes to dealing with extensive use as it is highly durable. However, like silk, it is prone
to stains and therefore, cotton blend is used instead of pure cotton.

 

 Nylon: Nylon is a versatile fabric that has many uses. Being synthetic, things like
resistance to wear and tear as well fading are taken in account during manufacture.
Nylon can also hold colour well. However due to its, strong nature, it is used in blends
and not in its pure form.
 Polyester: Polyester is a strong fabric that is normally used as curtains, bed
sheets, etc. It is wrinkle free and thus can be used in many places. Like other synthetic
fabrics, it is also used as a blend and not its pure form.
 Leather: Leather, like silk, adds a rich feel to the interior. Leather can mostly be
seen being used in offices. Leather is used as sofa and chair covers. Leather requires
attention, since it is natural. Leather can be ruined by water as well as being placed in
direct sunlight. Leather can also be scratched and torn easily (that is, if a thin layer is
 Upholstery
Upholstery is the work of providing furniture, especially seats,
with padding, springs, webbing, and fabric or leather covers. The term is equally
applicable to domestic, automobile, airplane and boat furniture, and can be
applied to mattresses, particularly the upper layers, though these often differ
significantly in design.. Traditional upholstery uses materials like coil springs,
animal hair (horse, hog and cow), coir, straw and hay, hessians, linen scrims,
wadding, etc., and is done by hand, building each layer up. In contrast, today's
upholsterers employ synthetic materials like Dacron and vinyl, serpentine
springs, and so on.
 Rugs
A floor covering consisting of a piece of heavy
 fabric, especially one that does not cover the 
floor's entire surface. They can create a visual
pathway that draws the eye to any connecting
rooms. This means you can have fun and introd-
-uce pattern and color with your chosen rug. By
placing similar style/colored rugs in connecting
spaces, you unify and create a visual connection
between the two rooms.
 Wallpaper
Wallpaper is thick colored o r pattern
ed paper that is used
for covering and decorating  the walls
of rooms.
 Brighten a Lamp Shade

No need to buy a new shade if your current

one's looking the worse for wear. Simply
size a piece of wallpaper to its circumference and height, and
tape or hot-glue it to the old shade.

 Add Style to Stairs

Line the risers with a bold pattern. Just make sure to use coated
or vinyl paper so that you can easily wipe away scuffs
 Craft a Privacy Shade

Cut paper to your window's width and its length plus 2 feet, and
fold accordian-style. Punch a hole 1 inch from the edge on either
side, then unfold. Wrap and glue the top of the shade around a
dowel, and thread the holes with string, knotted at both ends.
Screw eyes into the dowel
and suspend from

 Line

Cut prepasted vinyl paper to

fit inside a drawer, then moisten
to adhere for a splash of
color that quickly wipes

A support for the head of a reclining person consisting of a cloth bag filled with feathers, down,
sponge rubber, or plastic fiber.
Curtains are a form of window treatment, and complete the overall appearance of the
house. Window treatment helps control the ambiance and flow of natural light into the
room. The effect of drapery or curtains is best seen in daylight, and with proper indoor
light positioning, can look attractive even at night.
Bed sheets come in two main varieties: flat and fitted. A flat sheet is simply a rectangular sheet of cloth, while a fitted sheet has its
four corners, and sometimes two or four sides, fitted with elastic, to be used only as a bottom sheet. The fitted sheet may also be
secured using a drawstring instead of elastic. The purpose of a fitted bottom sheet is to keep it from slipping off the mattress while
the bed is in use.
Indoor plants are very popular, especially among those with little outside
gardening space and those with limited ability to cultivate a traditional garden
or flower bed. The best indoor trees and plants are
those that require less sunlight than outside plants.
Indoor light, temperature and humidity are things
to consider when choosing appropriate indoor

Hawaiian Umbrella Tree
Hawaiian umbrella trees are a type of bonsai tree. The small size of the dwarf
variety makes it one of the best indoor trees. This tree requires little light,
which adds to its ability to thrive indoors. Hawaiian umbrella trees are easy to
care for and maintain.
 Gardenia
Gardenias are bushy plants with thick, deep-green, glossy foliage and fragrant
white blooms. Plant them in loose, moist soil and take care to not overwater.

 Pothos
Pothos, sometimes called variegated philodendron, is popular indoors in
hanging baskets. Native varieties of this plant can grow to be 40 feet tall, but
the indoor varieties are small and trailing. Pothos is hardy, easygoing and
virtually maintenance free, making it a perfect plant for first-time

 They help purify air
 They can reduce stress.
 They can be pretty house decors.
 They can help fight colds.
Wall décor - including wall art, wall accents, and wall mirrors - can brighten and bring life to a room.  However, bare
walls can leave the room feeling bland and boring. Wall décor is the perfect option to create a focal point in the room,
all while adding a finishing touch to the room's style.

There are many reasons to hang large wall art; maybe you painted something yourself or purchased a special piece
while traveling. You may also be going for a more modern style, which tends to emphasize minimalism. Large wall art
is a surprisingly great way to optimize small spaces. By focusing on a few large elements, you leave the space
looking more open and less cluttered.

 It Provides an Instant Color Palette

 It Creates a Focal Point

 It Brings a Sense of Texture

 It Makes the Room Appear Finished

A mirror is a decorator’s secret weapon. Far from simply being a practical object in which to check your
face, a beautiful mirror can be used to amplify light, add drama, create interesting reflections and frame
views. It’s astounding how the addition of a mirror can transform your space, resolving any interiors
dilemma in an instant. Think beyond the bathroom and take a look at our top ten design tips for using
mirrors in your home.

1. How to use mirrors to brighten a room

To let the light in, simply place a mirror opposite or next to a window to increase the amount of natural
light cast into the room. A mirror will harness any daylight possible (no matter how gloomy the sky is
outside) so the bigger the mirror, the brighter the space.

Mirrors effectively double up your light sources. If you’re challenged with decorating a cavernous space,
place your mirrors near a lamp or window.

The Hilde Mirror is the perfect piece for a bedroom and will make the space feel lighter and more open,
especially when placed above a mirrored chest of drawers.
2. You can use mirrors to enhance a room

Mirrors are a cunning way to deceive the eye. They can be used to enhance something or deflect
attention away from it. Awkward spaces, such as rooms with a sloping ceiling or a gap too small to fit a
piece of furniture, can be repurposed with a mirror.

Did you know that mirrors are a brilliant way to boost the atmosphere in your entertaining space? Placing
a large mirror against a wall can create the illusion that there are more guests at a gathering.

3. When to make a mirror your focal point

In rooms where there isn’t a fireplace or mantelpiece to position your furniture around, a mirror is a great
tool for dictating the centre of the room. And in homes where there does happen to be a fireplace, it only
serves to exaggerate the impact of the mirror’s presence.

In fact, a mirror with an ornately carved frame works just as well as a

painting when it comes to choosing
decorative art for your home.

4. How to use mirrors to illuminate dark corners

Maximise the amount of light in a space by placing a mirror behind a switched-on lamp, or pair with
mirrored furniture to reflect all sources of light (both natural and artificial) and brighten up your scheme in

As you can see, the Trois Mirror is ideal for adding a pocket of light to a dark corner.
5. Choose different shaped mirrors

The right shaped mirror will optimise natural light flooding into a room (when positioned in the correct
place).Don’t just stick to traditional rectangular mirrors. Consider the shape or style of your room and
reflect that in the frame of your chosen mirror.

Mirrors don’t always have to be practical. An unusually shaped one will certainly create a talking point
whilst giving a room the wow-factor. The Oranssi Mirror has the most spectacular bevelled border.

6. Use mirrors to double your space

Adding a mirror will double the space in an instant. Small spaces benefit from introducing a mirror:
transform a storage cupboard into a small work area or use a slim pier mirror make a narrow hallway
appear much longer.

When it comes to updating your interiors, place a mirror on your largest wall to reflect as much light as
possible back into the room.

Square-shaped mirrors – such as the Hercule Mirror – look great placed above a mantelpiece or console
table. Alternatively, they can be used in multiples to create a wall of mirrors.
7. How to use mirrors outdoors

That’s right – mirrors are not just for inside the home. Use mirrors to introduce more natural light in a
North facing terrace, a basement level garden or a shady courtyard.

If you live in an urban area, you might want to choose a mirror which will expand the horizon of an
enclosed garden. In a country setting, the use of mirrors is a lovely way to catch a glance at the wildlife
and fauna residing outdoors, and create the illusion of even more greenery.

This kite-shaped mirror evokes connotations of blue skies and being outdoors. The Airadee Mirror is
heavily antiqued, so is suitable solely for decorative purposes. However, it will work in an indoor or
outdoor setting.
 Paintings both reflect the artist’s point-of-view and possess an independent voice which speaks a
unique message to each beholder. Some collectors focus on media, such as oil paintings on
canvas, or watercolors. Others specialize in a particular style, be it fine art, street art, or
expressionist paintings.
 Painting includes all sort of creative impression. The real purpose of painting has been to
communicate a message.
 During ancient time, art has been used to express ideas that were not acceptable in society.
Many messages are conveyed through colors, symbols, artwork, and also by way of quotes in

Choosing the perfect painting as a wall decor to complement the style, theme and colour, can greatly
enhance the aesthetic appeal of the living room. A lot of thinking goes into making sure that the painting is
well harmonized with the interior of the living room. Moreover, a painting is like a mirror to the soul. Our
taste, character and story are illustrated by the painting we choose for our home. 

A bedroom needs a relaxing art, but abstract art is full of conflicting ideas and never help you to relax.
There is a fine line drawn between the paintings that can relax you and drains you. All you need is to
understand where that line is. Once you know this, you can never go wrong in using art paintings for
your bedroom.

Romantic Paintings: If you decide to pick something out of the hat, it has to be romantic paintings. These
paintings can be relaxing as well as amorous. When you return home after a days work, these romantic
paintings can inflict you with absolute tranquility.

Landscape Paintings offer Comfort: Nature is always a place to cultivate peace of mind. If you bring an art
painting depicting beautiful landscapes, seascapes or the serene nature, it is sure to make your bedroom the
place to relax.

Avoid Paintings with Dark Colors: The story of colors is not over yet! Keep in mind that you are choosing art
paintings for your bedroom and therefore, completely avoid paintings with dark colors. Bedroom is supposed to
be a place to relax and dark or bright colors are mostly associated with royalty and liveliness. So, use light and
relaxing colors like light shades of blue, green, pink etc.

Avoid Emotional Paintings: What

worse can you do to your bedroom than hanging a scary art painting? Apparently, nothing! The art painting
might go with the painting of the room and might be one of your favorites too. Still, the best thing you can do is
to keep it out of the bedroom. It is the same with art paintings, which drool emotion. The bottom line is, use art
that helps you to relax. After all, bedroom is supposed to be a place to relax.

Art doesn't only have a place in the living room or bedroom. A well-decorated bathroom often features artwork to
go along with its decor style. Adding bathroom art can create a sense of thoughtfulness and beauty, turning the
bathroom from a purely functional space to somewhere you look forward to spending time.
 Bring the outside in with photos of forests & other greenery.
 Detail photos from a favorite vacation can be both calming and be a great conversation piece.
 Photos without a lot of contrast also can have a calming effect.
 Word art can be great for a serene bathroom. Print an inspirational quote, mantra, or poem on photo paper
or as a metal print.

Sculpture is the branch of the visual arts that

operates in three dimensions.

It is one of the plastic arts. Durable sculptural

processes originally used carving and modeling in stone, metal, ceramics, wood and other
materials but, since Modernism, there has been an almost complete freedom of materials and

Stone sculpture is an ancient activity where pieces of rough natural stone are shaped by
the controlled removal of stone.  Alabaster or mineral gypsum is a soft mineral that is
easy to carve for smaller works and still relatively durable. Engraved gems are small
carved gems, including cameos, originally used as seal rings.

Bronze and related copper alloys are the oldest and still the most popular metals
for cast metal sculptures; a cast bronze sculpture is often called simply a "bronze".
Specific techniques include lost-wax casting, plaster mould casting and sand casting.
Glass may be used for sculpture through a wide range of working techniques, though
the use of it for large works is a recent development. It can be carved, with considerable
difficulty; the Roman Lycurgus Cup is all but unique.

Pottery is one of the oldest
materials for sculpture, as well as clay being the medium in
which many sculptures cast in metal are originally modelled for casting. Sculptors often
build small preliminary works called maquettes of ephemeral materials such as plaster
of Paris, wax, unfired clay, or plasticine.

Wood carving
Wood carving has been extremely widely practiced, but survives
much less well than the other main
materials, being vulnerable to decay, insect damage, and fire. It therefore forms an
important hidden element in the art history of many cultures.[3] Outdoor wood sculpture
does not last long in most parts of the world, so that we have little idea how the totem
pole tradition developed.


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