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Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method by

Bill Munro – 685 Testimonials
June 4, 2019 by Deirdre Layne  // 2 Comments

The hydrogen peroxide inhalation method from Bill Munro has been one of the most
popular natural remedies on Earth Clinic for over 15 years. Articles on this page
include detailed instructions on the hydrogen peroxide inhaling method and
testimonials from hundreds of our readers who have tried this method for viruses,
COPD, lung issues, chronic coughs, asthma, cancer, herpes, and more.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method

1. Empty out the contents of a saline nasal pump and sterilize the bottle with hot
soapy water. Make sure you then rinse out all the soap.
2. Fill the empty, sterilized nasal pump with 3% peroxide. Use 3% food grade
peroxide if you can get it in your country.
3. Point bottle at the back of your throat and, on a sharp inhale, pump the
spray 6 times. DO NOT INHALE IT UP THE NOSE!! (People misread Bill’s
instructions from time to time and spray it up the nostrils!!)
4. Do this 4-6 times a day. If you are trying to get rid of a virus, pump every 2
hours or so.
5. It should take about 36 – 48 hours to get rid of a virus. If it’s an insipid virus
that’s been in your system for some time, it may take up to 2 weeks. For other
conditions like cancer, please read the feedback in our table of contents section
on this page and on our cancer remedy pages for more information from our
Note: Before you start this technique, see how little of the peroxide you are actually
inhaling by pumping 6 times into a teaspoon. It’s a tiny amount.

We do not suggest the use of peroxide higher than 3% solution for this inhaling
method. H202 is dangerous at dosages higher than 3% if not properly diluted.

Also, always use food grade peroxide if you can obtain it. When we first published
this method in 2004, you could not get 3% food grade peroxide, only 35%. Bill Munro
never used food grade. Rather, he used 3% plain peroxide from the pharmacy for
many years until his death at age 90 in 2014.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

We have received over 600 testimonials on hydrogen peroxide inhalation over the
past 15 years, the most extensive feedback on the web. You can read all of the
posts about this method under the topics listed below this article.

Bill Munro
This is the first email that Bill Munro sent to Earth Clinic in 2004, introducing his
inhalation method:

“I have been inhaling 3% peroxide for over 13 years. And had a bout with Melanoma
and Prostate cancer at the same time. At no time would I let anything like a salve be
on my open Melanoma because that would take away the oxygen needed to heal
from the outside. The peroxide I inhale would supply the oxygen on the inside. I
increased the times that I inhale the peroxide into my mouth to 7 or 8 times a day. I
used a nasal spray pump. With each inhale I would pump the pump about 10 times.
This went on for four months. I now pump 5 times with each inhale and 7 inhales
every day. My PSA blood tests say I am clean now.”

Bill believed that you need to give the peroxide at his dosage (5 pumps, 6 times a
day) 2-4 weeks to see results for viruses that have been in the bloodstream for
some time (ie., lingering viruses). Cancer takes about a month, but you would
need to continue the therapy for 3-4 months. Apparently any and all viruses cannot
survive in an oxygen enriched environment. If you try Bill’s technique for cancer,
general health, sore muscles, etc., please make sure to see our side effects section
for reviews from readers who experienced side effects.
In 2004, Bill Munro was kind enough to let us copy this amazing testimonial on
hydrogen peroxide from his website.

“Hydrogen Peroxide is the most over looked chemical used by man. New uses of it
are coming to light every day. Bad bugs be they, in your garden or your body, they
cannot live in an oxygen rich environment.

At 69 years old my muscles were so tight that to get out of bed I would lay on my
stomach and back out on to the floor, push down on the bed and stand up. I knew
there was something to correct this bad situation. One morning while having coffee
with a friend, I noticed he had brought a small stack of books with him. Being
curious, I asked if I could look at the books. The one that stood out to me was
“O2xygen Therapies”. As I was scanning it, it became more interesting to me. I
asked him if I could take it home. It was a week before returning the book. Being
convinced Hydrogen Peroxide was what I was looking for, it was now going to into
my system? The book gave three choices. Put 8 to 10 drops in an 8 oz cup and drink
it, four times a day. Next was, put a pint of 35% in the bathtub and soak for 1 hour
once a week. Or go to a doctor for intravenous infusion once a week. None of these
had any appeal to me.

After a week or two I decided that the easiest, and most efficient way was to inhale
the 3% peroxide into my mouth and on into my lungs. I just happened to have a
“Nasal Spray Pump” (see sample picture below). I dumped the contents out, put in
the 3% peroxide as it comes from the drugstore. Now, how many times do I pump? I
settled for one pump per inhale, and 4 times a day. That went on for about a month.
As I was laying down for a short rest, I noticed that I was breathing freely. No forced
inhale or exhale. That was the first thing that I noticed while inhaling the peroxide. I
then changed the time when to inhale the peroxide. Now I inhale 2 times in the
morning and at night. While deep inhaling I pump the pump as many times as I can,
usually 8 to 10 pumps each inhale. Another thing I noticed was, I sleep all night with
my mouth closed. I used to have heart aches that were very uncomfortable, no more.

My wife and I have been inhaling peroxide for 9 years now and no colds, sore
muscles, aches or pains. I take no medication or vitamins. I am less than two years
to 80 years old. My lungs don’t give out when I work in my garden or other things
around the house. My house is 160 years old, so the work never stops. Peroxide
keeps our oxygen blood count in the high 90%’s.

One of the first people that used the peroxide as I do was very interesting. He had a
low self-esteem. I found out that he was on kidney dialysis. I discussed the peroxide
several times with him. Finally one day I went to his house with a nasal spray pump.
He opened it and poured out the contents and filled it back up with 3% peroxide. He
sprayed it in to his mouth and into his lungs. I said you know how to do it, and I left.
Three days later I called him to see if anything had happened. He said that he could
breath easier. Four days later he called me, he was so excited all he could say was
“It’s working, It’s working”. I asked “What did it do?”. He said he was waking up about
an hour and a half before normal and that he was coughing up all the bad stuff that
was in his lungs. He went back to bed and when he woke up, he said he had not felt
that good in years. From that time on his spirit was always good and his voice was
up beat.

A couple of people told me after four or five years of using the peroxide they
stopped. I ask why and both said they did not get sick, and they don’t think it was
working. You can make that judgment. One friend of ours goes to the doctor for
pacemaker check ups and the doctor tells him the peroxide will not help him but it
will not do him any harm. He is using his second pacemaker. He has told me several
times; if it were not for his inhaling the peroxide he would not be here today.

Bill Munro”


** Sadly, Bill Munro passed away in January, 2014 at age 90, more than 10 years
after first contacting Earth Clinic to share his method.

Interesting in viewing detailed instructions of the hydrogen peroxide inhalation

method on YouTube? See Deirdre Layne’s video on the subject. Deirdre is the
Founder of Earth Clinic and has been using Bill’s inhalation method for over a
decade for early onset of viruses.

Continue reading for testimonials from hundreds of Earth Clinic readers who have tried the
hydrogen peroxide method  over the past 15 years. Please let us know how this method
worked out for you!

Add Your Feedback

Reader Interactions
Remedy Reviews From Our Readers

1. Mary Beth from Felton, CA

January 8, 2020 at 12:47 am
Would this work using a nebulizer?

 Reply to Mary
2. Joseph from Coronado, California
December 25, 2019 at 9:59 pm
I am using the H2O2 inhalation ( page 82 of 1 minute cure ) method for 4 weeks now ( 8
pumps 6 times per day or every 3 hours ) The first week I used 4 pumps 4 times a day (every 4
hours ) starting at 6 am..I sleep great at night after using this at 9 pm..I wake up 1 hour earlier
then before..not tired…
I feel great ! Better then 15 years ago ..alert and energized..have lost my craving even for
healthy sweets like sweet fruits…AND after 3 weeks a jaw infection below lower front teeth is
GONE..saved 4 teeth from the oral surgeon…

Previously drinking the drops 17 drops 4 times daily..( 3 weeks ) only little improvement and a
big hassle..And I did not want to try the intravenous injections…So Bill Munro’s H2O2
inhalation caught my attention.

I will continue inhaling 8 pumps 6 times per day for 2 more months and then cut back to 5
pumps 5 times daily..for the rest of this life ! Never felt like I was 29 again until this came along
in my life..

 Reply to Joseph

Peroxide Inhalation for Allergies

Remedy Reviews From Our Readers
1. Allergies
Ann from Celeste, Texas
January 27, 2018 at 3:25 pm
My sister sent me your link. I started inhaling the peroxide 2 times a day in hopes to ward off
my cedar allergies. I do believe it has already helped in just four days. I could not find your side
effects list. Thank you for all your awesome knowledge.

 Reply to Ann
2. Allergies
September 19, 2007 at 12:00 am
My Ragweed Allergy can get pretty ugly. completely stuffed up nose at night, post nasal drip,
scratchy throat, uncontrolled sneezing and general feeling of being run down. H2O2 was giving
me bloating, when drinking it in water. This time I bought a nasal pump. Put 3% HP (h2o2) in it,
and pumped it in my mouth. To my surprise, the post nasal drip stopped almost immediately
and the sneezing stopped. I carried my nasal pump to work, and did the same, as soon as I
found, a big sneeze is on its way. And it worked almost every time. So the oxidative therapy of
HP is working far better than all the Vitamin C, Vitamin E, NAC, Zinc, b-complex I was taking in
hopes of combating the allergies.

I am really thankful to you, cause had you not written posiitve things abt HP, I would have had
no courage to try HP. You motivated me. Although I tried Bill Munro’s method and I am also
going to thank him personally.
Please note: spraying HP in nostrils is really irritating. But spraying it insides of the mouth/
under the tongue, can literally stop and allergy attack. ( It has at least in my case). With allergy
symptoms under control, I feel I have more energy and need less sleep, get less tired. Apart
from spraying, I am also taking like 2 drops of 35% HP in a glass of water in the morning. I
really wanna kill all the bugs out there. I am really impressed… thankyou.

 Reply to Sandhi
o Scott from Revelstoke, B.c.
July 1, 2010 at 8:00 pm

About the bloating when you drink it, I had the same problem until I mixed 10 drops hydrogen
with a quarter teaspoon baking soda. This resolved the issue well. hope this helps.

 Reply to Scott
o Asmfshr from Paulden, Az. U.s.
September 13, 2010 at 9:51 am

The bloating comes from eating too much acidic food and or drink [orange juice, tomatos,
sugar, coffee, ect].. Try drinking only water for the whole day then using the H2o2, no more

 Reply to Asmfshr
o Juanita from Northport, Mi
December 24, 2014 at 9:12 am

I've had allergies to certain foods and have had stuffy nose forever, even had deviated septum
surgery, but didn't help. Is this hydrogen peroxide the type you buy at a store, and how or what
do I mix to use for my sinusis, they are always stuffy. What is H202, is that over the counter
hydrogen peroxide?

 Reply to Juanita
 Linda from British Columbia
March 10, 2016 at 6:07 pm

I was the very same way, since small. Back in 2015, I changed my milk type from regular cow's
milk to Almond milk. What a difference. I could breathe much easier at night time and no more
stuffed up nose.

To make the inhaler liquid, mix 11 parts filtered water to 1 part H2O2 – must be 35% Food
Grade. If you use H2O2 from the brown bottle, you should not. There are stabilizers in it, which
could harm you. Then put the liquid into a small dark plastic bottle with an atomizer on top. The
darker the color, the better as H2O2 is light sensitive.

I use it topically for varicose and spider veins. Also, it makes the skin super soft too. If you want
to, you can put it on your face but first spray it on your cupped hand, then close your eyes and
rub it on your face.

 Reply to Linda
o Jane from Oxford
February 22, 2017 at 2:11 pm
Always mix h.p. with distilled water only!

Take care. All the best.

 Reply to Jane
o John from Pennsylvania
January 14, 2018 at 12:25 pm

Can someone tell me if there is a benefit of gaining oxygen in the blood by diluting H2O2 in
steam distilled water in a cool mist type humidifier while sleeping at night?

I need to know the amount of H2O2 3% to put into how much steam distilled water.

Would it be beneficial (if the humidifier idea is any good) to buy one of the blood O2 sensors at
a pharmacy (the kind the nurses use to test O2 level on a fingertip)? Just to know my blood O2
levels before and after application of the humidifier. Would the O2 sensor be of any value just
to know blood O2 level when before and after use of the inhaling of mist from a spray mist
dispenser for nasal use, but used for inhaling H2O2 through your mouth?

 Reply to John
3. Allergies
September 18, 2007 at 12:00 am
Hi Bill: I am really glad I talked to you that day and tried HP inhalation. It has brought my
Ragweed Allergy so much under control. I just pumped HP 4-5 times in my mouth and it
literally stopped the sneezing and post nasal drip. You are my inspiration. Now I think I can say
something is WORKING against my allergies, when even the famous Vitamin C did not work.
thankyou. God bless you and your family.

 Reply to Sandhi
o Druid from Vancouver, Canada
November 14, 2010 at 7:13 pm

Has anyone experience with adding H202 to the humidifier of CPAP machines, and if so what
strength, and any results? Thanks

 Reply to Druid
o Andy from Toronto, Canada
December 9, 2010 at 8:17 pm

Thats a really good question, I dont think it could hurt in any way. Please someone correct me
if I am wrong.

 Reply to Andy
o Kb from Atlanta, Ga
March 17, 2011 at 11:55 pm

YES, I use peroxide in my vaporizer. It REALLY helps when your sick and if you smoke.
Always look for food grade hydrogen peroxide.

you must always use care when handling food grade hydrogen peroxide as it can burn your
skin. Lastly, it must be diluted, using distilled water, to a minimum 3. 5% solution before it can
be used for therapeutic purposes.

Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy through your Lungs

Mix 16 oz (2 C) of 3. 5% diluted hydrogen peroxide solution with 128 oz (1 gallon) of water in a
vaporizer. Use this mixture in your vaporizer nightly.

Nasal Spray
Mix 1 Tablespoon of 3. 5% diluted hydrogen peroxide solution with 8 oz (1 C) of distilled water
for use as a nasal spray. Use 2-3 squirts of this nasal spray throughout the day when you start
experiencing signs of congestion. Better yet, try it daily and see if it helps ward off congestion
during the cold and flu season.

 Reply to Kb
o Cristina from Atlanta, Ga
October 4, 2011 at 10:53 am

Be careful not to mix food grade HP in your vaporizer, my mother had me do this last year
when I got sick and it ended up highlighting my hair. I didn’t realize it for a few days, because I
don’t spend a lot of time in front of the mirror. A friend pointed it out.

 Reply to Cristina
o Mike from Seabrook, Tx
February 13, 2017 at 11:29 pm

I have started recently adding about a quarter teaspoon peroxide to my cpap machine at night.
I also have been mixing colloidal silver and peroxide in my Nebuliser. It makes such a fine mist
that I have no problem breathing it through my nose. I also cup my hand around it to let it flow
into my ears.

 Reply to Mike

Peroxide Inhalation for Asthma 

Remedy Reviews From Our Readers
1. Asthma
Jude from Fremont, California
May 30, 2015 at 7:21 am
I have been doing Bill's 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, Inhalation Method because I have full blown
Asthma, Cough a lot, cough green stuff. Now using the 3% Hyd. Peroxide 1/2 water, 1/2 3%
Peroxide for about 2 months and no more coughing a lot, no green stuff. I do a spray bottle in
my mouth like Bill showed.

Now though I have a Black tongue this past week. What to do? Was this caused by the
Peroxide? I spray 6 sprays, 2 times a day. I may cut spraying down, or stop for a while and see
what happens. Thank you.

Have not read anyone else having this problem? If does not get better, I'll see my doctor, she
knows I'm doing this, but never heard of doing this for Asthma.

 Reply to Jude
o Mama To Many from Tennessee
May 30, 2015 at 4:13 pm

Dear Jude,

It would seem odd that you could use the peroxide for 6 months and then it would cause
trouble. I am not saying impossible, I don't really know, but I am wondering if there could be
another cause.

For example, Pepto Bismol can cause a black tongue. Even just one or two doses. So, I am
wondering if you have taken anything new that could be related.

~Mama to Many~

 Reply to Mama
o Jude from Fremont, California
May 31, 2015 at 7:16 am

Hi Mama to Many,

No other new stuff taken since been using 3%. Husband Googled black tongue, so I had one
cup of coffee today instead 2-3, also did 3 pumps of the 3% instead of 6 today, husband said
tongue looked a little better. So I'll see what happenens by Monday. I know strange, but was
scary when I saw my tongue that way. I don't know when the tongue started to turn black.
Thanks for you reply and concerns.

New update: Yep! It's the Peroxide that has been causing the Black tonuge, Dental Hygienist
said. after talking th the Hygienist, my wife cut down from 6 pumps 2 time a day to 3 pumps 2
times a day.

I found on line to use pineapple on the tonuge for 40 seconds and then chew it, told the
hygienist too, she said that will work and other types of fruit too. Wife been doing the pineapple
treatment for about a week, tonuge is looking a lot better. Hygienist said some people talking
different med's may repspond different to them on a reaction, so my wife is, with the black
tongue. Hyienisttold us of some kind of medical term which to hard to explain things about the

We where at at a funeral reception yesterday, people that know my wife of having her Asthma,
ask her how come she is not coughing, she told them about the H2O2 on using it, they said it's
a big BLESSING! Thanks to Bil we owe all to him.
 Reply to Jude
o Leana from South Africa
June 9, 2015 at 1:16 pm

Hi there. I got exactly the same issue with a brown, hairy tongue. I don't want to stop using the
H2O2 though. I hope someone can give some advice?

 Reply to Leana
o John from Jacksonville, Nc
August 18, 2015 at 8:13 am

Moderation until you get a working balance or your body adapts. I have been using H2o2 for
about 18 years now in many ways and was glad to see a posting by someone using it in their
ears. That's the process I use the most. I haven't had a cold, the flu, thrown up or had the runs
since I started. When I feel something coming on, if I can, it's into a hot bath with a book and a
bottle of food quality, 35% H2o2 that's been reduced down to 3%. I pour the liquid into my ear
and wait for it to quit foaming, dump it out and put some fresh in. Keep at it until there's no
more fizzing.Do both ears although sometimes it will be just one ear you'll get a reaction from.
If you watch it late, it will mitigate and shorten symptoms. Use whole cloves for any kind of
stomach upset (which is usually a light case of food poisoning…we really are all a little slobbish
in the kitchen) take several cloves and let them soften in mouth…then chew and swallow. It's
from the “old” days when there was no refrigeration and they were eating a whole lot of rotten
meat. If you really feel like chucking it up, brew a quick tea and drink that. Amazing how well it
works. Peace, out…JV

 Reply to John
o Ron F. from Kansas
March 7, 2017 at 12:13 am

I was swirling 3% hydrogen peroxide around in my mouth for 10 minutes a day based on an
article I read that it would help whiten teeth. After doing this about 3 days my tongue turned
blackish. I stopped swishing it and within a couple days the black tongue went back to normal.
When I inhale 3% HP, I always have a little water after to rinse the HP out of my mouth. Never
any tongue issues that way for me.

 Reply to Ron
o Lucretia from Oregon
December 29, 2019 at 11:46 am

Jude, I would think a blakk tongue may be due to mold in your home. Such not only can cause
Asthma but can cause candida and then thrush. Have you had your home tested for such?

Candida does not smell and the ERMI mold tests do not test for it. I suggest immunolytics- just
$3 per dish and $35 to analyze the type of mold in your home – and you only send it in if there
are more than 3 or 4 mold growths after it sits in a dark spot for 3-4 days. Sadly, my folks
bought a high end house but the candida was “too numerous to count” and my father
developed a bad cough, lost his hearing, his mental acuity and energy quite readily within just
months of moving in their home. I think this was also due to the home being build in the winter
and then the tight building sick syndrome.
 Reply to Lucretia
2. Asthma
Darren from London, UK
March 2, 2015 at 12:11 pm
 Side effect reported

Hello there. I really need some advice/Help. I have for a long time been suffering from asthma.
After a long time researching online about hydrogen poroxcide 3% ( food grade) having great
result when inhaled using a nasal spray bottle, I then decided to give it a go.

i used 3% HP ( food grade) from a good supplier. I inhaled one puff in the morning and one
puff later in the day.

At first I felt I could breath better but that evening when I got home from work I found my
breathing was tighter than normal. This was 3 days ago and it's no better. I haven't used HP

I'm really scared that I've damaged my lungs even more. Is this normal? Was the dose right?
( all the info on line says it is) or is it just a reactiion that will pass?

My lungs don't feel sore, just tight.. Please help. many thanks Darren x

 Reply to Darren
o Bill from San Fernando
March 2, 2015 at 10:02 pm

Hi Darren…You are not doing anything dangerous using the HP inhalation Method. Here is a
video by Bill Munro who used the HP inhalation protocol every day for over 20 years without
any problems. He also used the cheaper pharmacy-bought version of 3% HP and used that
strength for inhalation.

Here are some instruction video on how to take Bill Munro’s HP inhalation Protocol. Please
also note that he advises 5 inhalations per session.

Bill Munro’s HP Inhalation Video

EC Video on HP Inhalation Method

If you are sensitive to HP and cannot handle the 3% HP strength then you should dilute the 3%
HP down to 1% or 0.5% strength.

To dilute 3% HP to 1%

Mix 1 part 3% HP to 3 parts water

To dilute to 0.5% HP

Mix 1 part 3% HP to 6 parts water.

When you used the HP inhalation method its also very likely that it would have acted to kill bad
pathogens already in you lungs. So your tight chest might be due to the pathogen die-off
effect(due to released waste poisons from the pathogen die-off) and this is quite normal.
What’s more, after the hydrogen peroxide has acted — it breaks down to just water and
oxygen and these waste products should not be a problem for your body.

For more information on HP use you can explore this website:

 Reply to Bill
o Hoopy from Berea, Kentucky
July 31, 2015 at 12:12 pm

Hello, did you get better and the tightness go away? I'm wanting to use it also but been
researching first so was wondering how that turned out for you. Thanks.

 Reply to Hoopy
3. Asthma
Peter from Pontypridd, Uk
July 17, 2012 at 7:00 pm
48 Male, 32yrs of chronic asthma

Hospitalised many times, many very close calls.

daily medication taken, Ventolin inhaler 2-3 a month, Clenil modulite 200mcg 1 puff twice a
day, Salmeterol 50mcg 1 puff twice a day, Montelukast 10mg tab one at night.
3% FG HP method in use, ( Bills very own inhaler method )
DAY 1,
3.30pm' 1 puff (straight into the lungs every time) – ( Test, Never died, no side effects )
4.30pm, 3 puffs ( never died, no side effects )
12am, 5 puffs ( still alive, no side effects )
= Let's reason until I say different, that I survive all inhalations 🙂 =

Day 2,
6. 30am 6 puffs into lungs ( no side effects )
10.30am 6 puffs into lungs ( no side effects )
2. 30pm 6 puffs into lungs ( no side effects )
6. 30pm 6 puffs into lungs ( no side effects )
10.30pm 6 puffs into lungs ( no side effects )
2. 30am 6 puffs into lungs ( no side effects )

Day 3, same as day 2, = 6 puffs into lungs ( no side effects )

Day 4, stepped up to 8 puffs each time, ( no side effects )

Day 5, back to 6 puffs a time ( no reasons for this action )

Medication was used days, 1, 2, 3, 4 ( 2hrs in-between doses )

Ventolin hardly used throughout 5 days treatment.

4th night, never took night time medication Salmeterol or Montelukast.

Benefits …
Still smoking, but way less, strange don't feel the need so much.
Ok, long way off from being cured 🙂
but I'm feeling and seeing things that make it clear I'm on the very best path.
massive reduction in ventolin inhaler
tightness in chest gone
still getting lots of crap of my chest, white / green
1st time in over 10yrs I jogged around the shop floor and was hardly puffing at all,
only a short jog ( 1min – ) but if I did this before treatment of 3% hp started I would need
ventolin and would be in a very bad way without it.
sleeping better
skins looking younger and skin under pinch test on back of hands springs back straight away,
this was not the case by a long shot a month ago.

NOTE 1 = I have also been putting drops of 3% in my ears once a day

NOTE 2 = We are all different and react in different ways, do not just dive in taking lots of puffs
1st time
Try a single puff an hour later try 2 puffs, let your body know what's coming give it time to
NOTE 3 = I will carry my ventolin for at least a year maybe more, its better to have it than not
need it than not have it and… Safety 1st

Thanks to Bill and all posters, you may have saved my life, you have made my future brighter.

 Reply to Peter
o Peter from Pontypridd, Uk
July 19, 2012 at 8:09 pm

Bills inhalation method, I love it, but the style of the pump and chunky fingers can impede air

Get a ventolin case cut the front away with a hack saw so your left with just the front and the
mouth part, clean up the edges. Just pop the spray pump through ventolin mouth part and take
a deep lung full.

 Reply to Peter
o Peter from Pontypridd, Wales
February 26, 2015 at 12:07 pm

Thought I would give an update after nearly 2 1/2 years. Sadly I need to start with an apology,
After trying Bill's method of hydrogen peroxide inhalation with great results, I used my new
found lung space to up my smoking habit by about 50%, but did it change my life as hoped, OH
YES. Ok, things are not perfect but if you knew the amount I smoked you would understand, I
have no doubt if I quit smoking I would have no problems at all.

The first thing is I no longer wake up fighting for my life and I can now sleep all night without
the fear of it happening.

Second, I never get any colds or flu and my life was one chest infection after another, I have
not had a single chest infection since starting 3% HP foodgrade.

I also take a teaspoon of Turmeric in a glass of warm milk before bed to fight inflamation.
And I use Magnesium chloride as a foot bath but if I feel chesty I will spray it all over my body
after a bath – 50%MC, 50% water for fast relief.

The 1st time I used that mix I itched like mad and had some stingy nettle type lumps but it does
not bother me anymore and I don't wash it off untill the next day.

So thanks to Bill's method and this great site, you did really change my life and I spread the
news every day in every way I can.

 Reply to Peter
o Lessley from Nj
January 9, 2017 at 1:41 am

Dear Peter~

A shout out of THANKS to you for your hilarious but ESSENTIAL info. you shared on the
FGH2O2!! WOOT! I am using this inhalation method now for the past 3 days and my lungs are
loving me again 🙂 What a miracle source this is and let's continue to share our success and
health with our world.

Bless and cyber hugs XO ~Lessley

 Reply to Lessley
4. Asthma
Scott from Leduc, Alberta
December 18, 2011 at 11:53 pm
This technique has worked for my 10 year old son. This has been a 5 year journey for us to get
off steroids. The only time he got sick was when I weaned him off the stuff. The doctors told me
that is evidence he needs it. Hmmm, I guess when a crackhead gets psychosis from
withdrawal from crack, this is evidence he should be on crack all the time.

I have tried several alternative treatments with varying levels of success. This includes the
Butekyo Method which helped us cut down the amount of steroid to one puff a day or less. It
seemed to be related to yogic breathing so I reseached that subject and found a book, “The
Science of Breath. “

It’s an important read if you have breathing problems.

When I found Bill Monroe’s HP inhalation method I tried it on myself for a couple months. It
didn’t kill or maim me so I tried it on my son. On the last inhale of hp I did a rapid drum rhythm
on the front and back of his chest. I had him hold the breath for as long as he could while I did

I weaned him off the steroids and kept up the hp treatment. After about one weak he coughed
up brown old blood. When the mucus turned to clear I stopped the hp. He got a cold that
turned to asthma. I resumed the treatment and the asthma went away. He been off steroids for
3 months.

There is much more detail to the story but I thought I’d share this much.
Incidentally, I called Bill Monroe about this and only have good things to say about him. I can
tell he’s a kind man. He’s my honorary grandfather.

Regards, Scott

 Reply to Scott
o Joanna from Edmonton, Ab
January 24, 2012 at 11:35 am

Hi Scott, My 11 year old daughter is currently using an aerochamber for taking 3 puffs of
Flovent 250 mcg twice a day. I want to start her on hydrogen peroxide inhalation. Can she use
the aerochamber that she uses for taking her Flovent or would it not really work given that
H2O2 is liquid and not powder? Does she need to use a nebulizer or will it work for her to use
Bill Munroe’s nasal spray approach? I’m just concerned that she might not get the H2O2 into
her lungs properly. We have 3% hydrogen peroxide 10 volume WITHOUT stabilizers (30
mg/mL Hydrogen Peroxide and purified water) that I obtained at Safeway (also available at

 Reply to Joanna
o Karen from Vestavia, Alabama Usa
July 11, 2012 at 2:10 pm

Thank you Kimosabi for a fantastic relivate article! I have searched high and low for an article
on how to nebulize H202. I needed precise measurements. I greatly appreciate you taking the
time to study and experiment with nebulizing H202. You have helped other people to do the
same but in a very safe way. Thank you sooooo much! God Bless your heart for giving of your
time and expertise!!

 Reply to Karen
o Scott from Leduc, Alberta
July 30, 2012 at 9:47 pm

Hello Joanna: I haven’t visited this site for several months. I just saw your message regarding
HP inhalation. If you want to email me you can at aasms7(at)

Regards, Scott

 Reply to Scott
o Jessica from Kingston, On, Canada
January 10, 2013 at 8:48 am

Hi there my son is 4 years old and has cystic fibrosis. Since he was one year old we have
spent a good portion of his little life in hospitals on antibiotics for a bacteria he grew in his lungs
called pseudomonas. I was reading about hydrogen peroxide inhalation benefiting the lungs.
He already takes an inhaled antibiotic twice a day everyday, as well as ventolin and hypertonic
saline. I am wondering if it H2O2 therapies could benfit him and his damaged lungs. I would
also like to know what method you would suggest I try. The spray, nebulizer or vaporizer?
Thank you so much and I am so glad I stumbled apon this article. Jessica

 Reply to Jessica
 Erin from Austin, Tx
March 4, 2017 at 6:34 pm

Hi Jessica,

I was wondering if you had success with the H2O2 therapy and any tips to share? My daughter
is 4 years old and also has CF. Thanks! Erin

 Reply to Erin
o Timh from KY
January 7, 2015 at 2:40 am

If I am not mistaken, nebulizing n-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is effective for cystic fibrosis.

 Reply to Timh
o Janet from Arkansas
January 21, 2015 at 5:36 pm

I have COPD, been in the hospital for pneumonia about five to six times. I would like more info
on putting in in a updraft machine. please email me or comment below. erstine808 (at)

 Reply to Janet
o Timh from KY
January 22, 2015 at 1:10 am

J: Do read the E.C. pages for remedies on COPD here


 Reply to Timh
o M. from Ireland
February 16, 2015 at 11:06 pm

After quitting smoking how long would I have to wait before I start H202 Hydrogen Peroxide
Therapy inhalation for asthma? I am 40 years, old smoking 20 years. Is the nicotine dangerous
if you try this while still smoking or is it the tar in the lungs? Would be very thankful for a reply.
Thank you.

 Reply to M.
o Timh from KY
February 17, 2015 at 2:58 am

M: Start w/ a very minimum dose of H2O2 presently, and slowly increase the drops of H2O2 to
eventually maximum recommended.

 Reply to Timh
5. Asthma
Kimosabi from Perth, Wa, Australia
December 17, 2011 at 3:13 pm
I have been looking all over the Web for Specific Information on Nebulizing Food Grade
Hydrogen Peroxide and haven’t had much success finding very good quality information, I
have decided to write up what I have been doing in regards to Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide

I have had quite severe Asthma for over 30 years and have had my fair share of trips to the
Emergency Department, one trip in the back of an Ambulance to Hospital after 5 Ventolin nebs
one after another didn’t work!!! I’ve been on the Steroids, Ventolin, Preventers and all the other
stupid stuff that the Medical Industry of $$$ motivated incompetence has provided us with.

I have been able to get on top of my Asthma in the past few years by Cleaning up my diet
(Mostly Organic food), Lung Herbs, Doing repeated Dr Schulze Bowel, Liver and Kidney
Cleanses, some Juice Fasting etc, etc…

Just recently I had been having quite a few problems with my chest for the past two months
which started with some sort of Cold/Flu which got into my chest and then a particularly bad
Hayfever season we have had this year. I even had to start using Ventolin again which I
haven’t used for the past 3-4 years.

Well after a few months of my chest messing me around and me starting to get annoyed
because it wasn’t getting better, so I decided to do something about my chest. One of the
things I started researching was Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy so I decided to try it for

Now for me, Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide makes the most sense because it’s going to
penetrate most deeply into the lungs and help wipe out any nasties that may be lurking in
there, but the question is, how much to Hydrogen Peroxide to use without irritating the already
sensitive lungs.

So this is what I did, over 3 – 4 days, I nebulized 5ml of Distilled Water plus 5 – 10 drops of 3%
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide whenever I started wheezing and experimented with taking a
puff of Ventolin Inhaler 10 Minutes Before or After a H2O2 Nebulizer if I felt I needed it.

What I did find is the Hydrogen Peroxide Nebs did seem to make the Ventolin more effective
and my consumption of Ventolin did decrease quite significantly once I started the H2O2 Nebs.

The only useful instructions I could find on the web about Nebulizing H202 was on Curezone
which was 5 – 7 drops of 3% Food Grade H202 in 5ml’s of distilled water which is what I have
been doing.

I have tried 10 drops of 3% H2O2 but did find it slightly irritating so I would recommend 5 – 7
drops of even start with 1 drop of 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and work up to 7 drops.

For a Chest Infection with lot’s of Mucous I’d possibly try 10 Drops of H2O2 to help try to break
up the Mucous as quick as possible, but if your suffering from Allergy/Lung Irritation as I was,
would stick with 1 – 7 drops of 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.

First of all, if you have 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, lock it away in a cupboard a long,
long way from your nebulizer to make sure there are no Accidents!!!
Only have 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide near your Nebulizer, and pay attention if your
going to try this stuff, because 3% Hydrogen Peroxide is still going to be quite irritating to the
lungs if you breath it in using a Nebulizer.

Now for the Maths, this was the most annoying part of my Foray in Nebulizing Food Grade
Hydrogen Peroxide, because I wanted to know what Percentage of H2O2 was I taking by
adding 5 – 10 H2O2 Drops to a 5ml Neb.

From my research 1 drop can equal 0. 045 – 0. 055 ml, but I am going to assume that 1 drop =
0. 05 ml

So then we can say 1 drop or 0. 05 ml of 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide contains 0.

0015ml of Hydrogen Peroxide.

So in the Table Below I’m going to show how much Hydrogen Peroxide is in a 5ml Distilled
Water Neb up 10 drops.

5ml Neb 1 Drop 3% H2O2 = 5.05ml Total 0. 0015ml or 0.029% H202

5ml Neb 2 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.10ml Total 0. 0030ml or 0.058% H202
5ml Neb 3 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.15ml Total 0. 0045ml or 0.087% H202
5ml Neb 4 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.20ml Total 0. 0060ml or 0.115% H202
5ml Neb 5 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.25ml Total 0. 0075ml or 0.142% H202
5ml Neb 6 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.30ml Total 0. 0090ml or 0.169% H202
5ml Neb 7 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.35ml Total 0. 0105ml or 0.196% H202
5ml Neb 8 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.40ml Total 0. 0120ml or 0.222% H202
5ml Neb 9 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.45ml Total 0. 0135ml or 0.247% H202
5ml Neb 10 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.50ml Total 0. 0150ml or 0.272% H202

So from the above Table, we can see that percentage of Hydrogen Peroxide is very low and is
well below the 0.5% used in the Rats with Cancer Experiment.

To do a 0.5% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Neb, then add 20 drops of 3% Food Grade
Hydrogen Peroxide to 5ml of Steam Distilled Water.

To do a 1% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Neb, then add 50 drops of 3% Food Grade
Hydrogen Peroxide to 5ml of Steam Distilled Water.

So for my experience with Nebulizing 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and 5ml of Steam
Distilled Water. My Peak Flows had ranged from 260 on my worst day to 450 on the last day
and were quite Variable. I would cough up little bits of almost clear phlegm after each Neb. A
week later I was able to blow 490 on the Peak Flow and have been able to go back to Bikram
Yoga and haven’t had to take Ventolin since.

I did take Peak Flow Readings Before and After each neb, but never had any conclusinve
results. I found that sometimes the H2O2 Neb lowered my Peak Flow Readings afterwards and
sometimes they increased.

What I did find is that when I did take my Ventolin Inhaler, it did seem to be more effective and
which meant I wasn’t having Ventolin as offen as I was before I started H2O2. Also I couldn’t
feel the other things(side Effects) Ventolin does to me when I take it.
So now we have some structured information on Nebulizing 3% Food Grade Hydrogen
Peroxide in 5ml of Steam Distilled water, I’d love to hear what other people experience if they
try this.

 Reply to Kimosabi
o Scott from Leduc, Alberta
December 22, 2011 at 7:47 pm

Hello Kimosabi: I followed your schedule and put 4 drops of 3% HP into 5mls of distilled water.
It had a dramatic effect on his peak flow right after the treatment.

Thanks for the info.


 Reply to Scott
o Sweetberry from Ny
January 16, 2012 at 4:35 pm

I started to use fghp 3 percent last sunday the mucus turned watery the nose started running
like a faucet and filled my lungs and I started my neb which stops my the runny nose. Now I
started my rescue maxair and after a week I am back to control but want to know how to
proceed. The amount I took was neb inhaler 6 puffs x 2 times a day hp fg 3 percent is that to
little and I have to start larger dose. I fear it will make my mucus water and nose run and this is
my biggest fear. Please, please do help me. Thanks

 Reply to Sweetberry
o Quint from Wales, Uk
January 24, 2012 at 9:18 am

 Side effect reported

Hi. I am similar to yourself. I tried the HP (food grade) 3% and watered it down a little with
medical purified water to see how I reacted. So far, I have had four puffs once a day over two
days. Since this, I have not stopped producing clear phlegm that I am having to cough up and
my asthma seems to be aggravated.

Do I continue? Is this normal for some people? Should I cut out the extra water and just do the
3%? I would be grateful for any advice please, because at the moment, I don’t fancy carrying
on, but I see so many benefits from others testimonials.
Many thanks

 Reply to Quint
o Sweetberry from Ny
February 13, 2012 at 12:30 pm

Follow exactly what Bill writes — it helps.

 Reply to Sweetberry
o Curiousman from Valpo, In, USA
July 15, 2012 at 6:28 am

Hi how many times a day should I do this for mucus in my lungs and shortness of breath, how
drastic will this change peak flow readings? I need about 100 more. Also at what strength for
great results?

 Reply to Curiousman
o |tony from Snellville, Georgia
November 25, 2012 at 7:46 am

How many puff do you take from the mechanical Neubulizer or do you wait and nebulize the
entire 5 ml – mixture?

 Reply to |tony
6. Asthma
Thundir from San Francisco, California, Usa
March 21, 2011 at 3:33 pm
Hi to all reading this Post. I got verry sick back in october of 2010. Turned out I had contracted
an upper respiratory infection in my lungs. I was perscribed antibiotics at 1 pill a day for 10
days. I cant remember what type of Antibiotics. Anyway my Xray showed that the spot on my
lung eventually cleared. I remained with heavy mucous and wheezing. Doctors gave me 2
different types of inhalers for the symptons and all kinds of over the counter and perscribed
meds that didnt even do anything. I went back 8 to 9 times to complain of this condition. They
said I was going to be Asthmatic for the rest of my life and that sometimes it comes late in our
lives. I refused to believe this.

I accidently found this web site that talked about Inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide. As God is my
Witness I was scared as hell to do this. I purchased everything I needed from Rainbows
Supermarket here in San Francisco and began My therapy as perscribed. 11 ounces of
distilled water with 1 ounce of h202 35% making it 3 % when combined together. Poured some
in a spray bottle and began my Inhaling. 4 pumps of spray while inhaling 5 times a day. Also
tried a little tad up my nose in case bugs were harboring there. 2 weeks Later cured. No more
Inhalars no more over the counter meds. I also do a few drops of the 3% peroxide in 8 ounces
of water. This stuffed cured me. I am Living proof. Best regards and wishes to all reading my

 Reply to Thundir
o Verna from Austin, Texas
April 9, 2011 at 4:44 pm

Thundir from San Francisco are you still well? I am thinking of trying the 35% H202 myself. I
was so excited to read your testimony. 15 years ago I had a similar experience like yours – the
doctors told me I would have asthma for the rest of my life. I also refused to believe this and
have been on a long journey searching for something to heal my body. I’m going to try it. Did
you have any bad side effects? Thank you for sharing your story. I’m at the point where I’m
thinking I might never find anything to help me. My life has changed so much since this all
happened. Before I go to another doctor I plan to try this. Thanks again.

 Reply to Verna
o Bill from San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines
April 10, 2011 at 11:11 am

Hi Verna… The liver is perhaps the major culprit with allergies and in auto-immune diseases —
the liver should remove foreign protein bodies causing the allergic reactions, but when the liver
becomes insufficient and cannot remove or neutralize or store these allergens, then it starts to
produce larger amounts of histamines and histidines which causes all the inflammatory allergic
problems. The lungs also have a special relationship with the liver, so that when you have a
congested liver, your lungs are also usually weak. So here are some options.

Here is one successful testimony, with the cure, of a person(a doctor) who cured her own
asthma allergy and serious arthritis problems with liver-detoxing herbs.

Notably, an insufficient liver causes ‘dirty’ blood because the liver cannot take out all the trash
from the blood — this can give rise to a whole host of other problems including weak immune
system, allergies and arthritis. She tells the story of her own cure at this link here:

Another protocol I recommend for both detoxing and repairing the liver is found here:

Dr Gerson, from the famous Gerson Cancer Therapy said this about the use of larger dose
lugol’s iodine in his therapies.

“At the same time 5 times one grain of thyroid and 6 times three drops of lugol solution, ½
strength. That’s 18 drops of lugol which is a large dose. Nobody was observed to develop heart
palpitations from that, even if some patients told me that they could previously not take thyroid
because they would develop heart palpitation. And all allergies disappeared! Some patients
claimed that they could previously not take one teaspoonful of lemon juice or orange juice –
they were allergic. But when they are well detoxified and have plenty of potassium, they are not
allergic. Allergies and other hypersensitivities are eliminated.”

In his research with The Iodine Project, Dr Flechas has found that supplementing larger dose
iodine is very beneficial to the body regarding the following problems: fibrocystic breasts,
hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts, attention-deficit disorder, pregnancy, IQ, senility, bromide,
fluoride, obesity, depression, constipation, detoxing (from bromide, fluoride, arsenic, mercury,
lead, aluminum), cancer (prostate, thyroid, breast), diabetes (blood sugar control), receptors
(hormones, neurotransmitters), testosterone, itching, sweating, histidine and
histamine[allergies], heart disease (especially arrhythmias, abnormal heart beats).

Dr Flechas makes the following points about iodine’s effect on the body:

Recommended Iodine Protocol. 50 mg/day of iodine in the form of Lugol’s or Iodoral. Plus
1500 mg, twice a day, of Vitamin C (ester C or buffered C). If high bromide, add one teaspoon
per day of Celtic sea salt or Potassium chloride (KCl).

Getting Off Thyroid Hormones. First, start the iodine supplementation. Then, if there are
symptoms of HYPERthyroidism (nervousness, insomnia, sweating in palms, oily skin), you can
reduce the thyroid hormones in half. Do not reduce the thyroid hormones until symptoms of
hyperthyroidism occur. They may occur 3 or 4 weeks after starting iodine supplementation, or 3
or 4 months later, or a year later. Or it may not occur at all.

Why may the iodine enable you to reduce your thyroid hormones? Iodine will increase the
sensitivity of the thyroid RECEPTORS to the hormone. Thus, less thyroid hormone is needed.

Hormone Receptors and Iodine. All hormone receptors are dependent on iodine, which
increases the sensitivity of the receptor to the hormone it is designed for. For example, it can
increase the sensitivity of insulin receptors and thus help with diabetes. Similarly, it can
increase the sensitivity of the receptors for neurotransmitters (e. G. , serotonin, dopamine,
GABA) in the brain. Thus, depression may lift after taking iodine. It can also increase the
sensitivity of receptors for testosterone and FSH/LH.

Thyroid Hormones and Iodine. If you take supplemental thyroid hormones, you inhibit the
ability of the body to absorb iodine. That is why they recommend to patients about to received
radioactive-iodine scans that they go off all thyroid hormones for two to three weeks prior to the
scan. Women who take thyroid hormones have a much higher risk of breast cancer than other

Histidine and Histamine. Histidine is the precursor for histamine. Anti-histamines are used to
control runny noses, hives, and itching. Iodine inhibits the conversion of histidine to histamine,
thus reducing itching, hives, etc.

Iodine and Heavy Metals. When taking iodine, there is GREATLY increased excretion in the
urine of arsenic, mercury, lead, aluminum, and other toxic metals. Iodine is selective in that it
leaves the essential metals (e. G. , iron) and removes the toxic ones.

Iodine and Cancer. In many cancers, the mechanism for getting iodine into the cells (the NIS
symporter) is not working. The cells can’t absorb Iodine. Absence of iodine is a promoter of
thyroid cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.

Bromide. Bromide builds up in the Central Nervous System and results in many problems. In
the 1920s Bromo-Seltzer was a bromide-based medicine that used to be used for hangovers,
calming the stomach, and headaches. It often resulted in acute paranoid psychosis with large
doses. Today, beverages (Mountain Dew, Fresca, and citric Gatorade) contain bromide in the
form of “brominated vegetable oil”. It is used as an emulsifier in citrus-flavored soft drinks. The
bromide functions as a CNS depressant and triggers a number of symptoms like paranoia.
Bromide is also found in flour and bread. Brazil recently outlawed bromide in flour products.

When iodine gets into the cells, it kicks the bromide out. Bromide then increases in the blood
stream and goes to the kidneys. Chloride pushes bromide into the urine, thus getting rid of it.
That’s why taking salt is helpful in moving bromide out of the body

Iodine in the Skin. 20% of the body iodine is in the skin. Iodine in the skin helps your body be
able to sweat.

Iodine and Pregnancy. IQ is mostly set by the age of two. Adequate iodine during pregnancy
and the first two years of life can increase IQ by 15 points. If there is low iodine but high
fluoride, it can result in cretinism (severe mental retardation).
Iodine and Salt. 50% of American households are now using salt without iodine. Moreover,
the AMA is going to recommend reducing salt consumption by 50% over the next 10 years.
Iodine has been removed from bread and greatly reduced in milk. Fewer and fewer Americans
are getting sufficient iodine. 25-30% of people over 60 who become senile are hypothyroid due
to low iodine, often because of low salt prescribed for hypertension.

Iodine and the Breast. Iodine is very important to the breast. Iodine deficiency results in
fibrocystic breasts, which can be cured with adequate iodine. If left without iodine, the
fibrocystic breasts can develop breast cancer.

Iodine Sensitivity. If you can take iodized salt, you can take Lugol’s or Iodoral. If iodized salt
gives you hives, avoid iodine. Less than 1/2% of the population is iodine sensitive.

Iodine Loading Test. It is a good idea to take the Iodine Loading Test before supplementing
with iodine. Then, repeat the test in about 3 or 4 months to be sure your body is absorbing the
iodine appropriately. If it is not, your practitioner can help you make changes so that your body
will absorb it.


Iodine and Disease:

Iodine and Hormones:

Iodine and Bone Health:

 Reply to Bill
7. Asthma
Wanda from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
March 22, 2010 at 10:50 pm
HP really works for asthma breathing difficulties & gave me a burst of energy! I was scepticle of
it but did try, & wow i’m amazed,! why no one knows this? Thanks to this website i can breathe
again. First time user, can’t thank mr.monro enough!wow,wow,wow. is right.

 Reply to Wanda
8. Asthma
Ron from City Of Kawaetha Lakes , Ont. Canada
September 21, 2009 at 11:02 pm
i woud like to thank you for making my life soooo much better. i had a blue pump and i had a
red pump and still my asthma got worse. i am an asbestos worker and cat scan showed i had 3
spots. i know theyre gone now don’t want to go back to verify. hp inhalation is a life saver.
thank you mr monroe.

 Reply to Ron
o Windysky65 from Brattleboro, Vt, Usa
December 10, 2009 at 4:43 pm

oh please do go back to your Drs & get another X-ray! If not for the proof that H202 works, but
to tell us how funny the Drs look scratching their heads in disbelief…
 Reply to Windysky65
o Ivy from Pluckley, Kent, England
January 2, 2010 at 9:30 am

I’ve just joined this great site but have been visiting for some time. Has anyone tried usibng
H202 at 3% in a nebulizer? Thanks

 Reply to Ivy
o Tom from Woburn, Massachusetts, Usa
January 6, 2010 at 4:35 pm

for Ivy from Pluckley, Kent, England

Hello to everyone and bless you all!

I have used H2O2 in a medicine nebulizer, works fine for me however I found 3% kind of
strong (in the nebulizer)so I diluted it to 1 1/2 percent. I only use about a quarter of a teaspoon
(of 1 1/2 percent) at a time.

I’ve been using Bill’s method for around 3 years and I think it may have helped save my life.

I’m 56 with many past injuries and illnesses and I hate to admit it but I still have not overcome
smoking. Sometimes I experience some slight discomfort when I use these methods but I think
that’s to be expected giving the condition of my lungs. Ten years ago I went through
“conventional” cancer treatments and had a “resection” (that means they surgically removed
some lung)!…it stopped the cancer but sickened many other parts of my body. All things
considered I’d say the h2o2 has done nothing but help me! Hope this helps!

 Reply to Tom
o Scottb from Silver City, NM
July 16, 2014 at 9:36 pm

I smoked for 45 years, couldn't physically exert myself much without gasping for breath (breath
shortness accompanied by a frighteningly pounding heart). I reduced the many toxins I was
inhaling by switching to organic tobacco. I felt much better and smoked less, but still was
sucking in tar and carbon monoxide. Then I started "vaping" electronic cigarettes. That was
over five years ago. Now the only thing slowing me down is my aging joints…my lungs feel
great even while Nordic pole hiking.

I started using H2O2 (3% straight pharmaceutical) in a nebulizer many years ago (while I still
smoked). I definitely noticed a difference, but obviously not enough to keep up with it. I recently
dug out the old nebulizer and started with HP again. Let me assure you, without tar-clogged air
sacs, the difference is immediate and amazing.

I'll post again after I've been at it a while.

 Reply to Scottb
o Norma from Illinois, US
August 14, 2014 at 11:31 am
I was wondering when doing the H2O2 method (I am doing the inhaler with H2O2) do you use
the plain hydrogen peroxide in brown bottle that is common or do you use food grade? I have
food grade but personally cannot see the difference it makes. I have shortness of breath (from
smoking) walking just a short distance, but not when laying down, and also is the plain brown
bottle safe to use, so many say it is poison and yet others say it will not hurt you. I don't know
what to do. Please advise. Thanks. I also tried Jacks Tea for about 4 days and that did nothing
for me.

 Reply to Norma
o Mama To Many from Tennessee
August 14, 2014 at 9:20 pm

Dear Norma,

We have used hydrogen peroxide from the grocery store in a nebulizer. We dilute it to 1%. We
put 1 dropper of peroxide (3%) and 2 droppers of distilled water into the medicine cup. It might
be wise to use even less to begin. Maybe make it .5% (1/2 dropper peroxide plus 2 droppers
distilled water.) Also, try just a few inhales and see how you do. It seems to make one want to
cough that say, colloidal silver does, but wow, it has been so helpful when we use it.

~Mama to Many~

 Reply to Mama
9. Asthma
L R from Pretoria, South Africa
February 20, 2009 at 12:00 am
Is H2O2 inhalation safe for my son who is on asthma medication?

This concerns H2O2 and particularly inhalation. I read the whole post on inhalation including
the warning to smokers and individuals who have had medication via inhalers. My son was
diagnosed with asthma a week back and as I have previous good experiences with drinking
H2O2 (it eliminated my chronic sinusitis) I gave him a very dilute solution in fruit juice.
Immediately his colour picked up and he says he feels great – but he is 7 and a sunshine, and
says that of every medication I give him. He takes his cortisone by inhaler 2x per day as per
prescription, but he coughs chronically and suffers from constricted chest, and as he is very
active he was also prescribed Ventolin (a bronchodilator). With him regularly inhaling cortisone
and having inhaled the Ventolin, would I cause a dangerous situation giving him H2O2 by
nebulizer? Should I rather keep giving it to him in juice?

 Reply to L
o Phil from Barcelona, Spain
March 25, 2009 at 12:00 am

Hi, I just discovered h2o2 and quickly bought some FG 35%, now I am planning on inhaling it
but i can’t locate the warning for smokers you have mentioned (as you would imagine I am a
smoker), would you bee kind enough to direct me to it ?

Many thanks,

 Reply to Phil
 Davy Davison from Scotland
August 20, 2018 at 11:06 am

Do not inhale or drink 35% h2o2! any grade any bottle, don't touch 35% don't even think about

 Reply to Davy
o Ty from Columbus, OH
April 26, 2009 at 12:00 am

I try to learn about natural health remedies because I teach a Health Class. I was an asthma
sufferer as a child and seasonally as an adult. The main onset of my asthma would be exercise
or weather. I participated in a nutrition class that eliminated certain foods from my diet (sugar,
dairy, red meat/port, artificial flavors, sodas, fried foods) and noticed that during my training I
did not have a need for my inhaler. Please try eliminating certain foods from your child’s diet
and making dairy the first. Many people are suffering from this disease and its all because of a
food allergy. Also my daughter was diagnosed with eczema and I eliminated dairy from her diet
VOILA!!! No more eczema. Please find a natural alternative for your child first! Allergies doesn’t
necessarily mean a skin rash or severe reaction. God Bless!

 Reply to Ty
o Redcairo from Miami, Ok
November 20, 2011 at 9:34 pm

You might want to try a gluten-free diet for him for a couple months. I used to use inhalers and
such (with ‘severe asthma’ and ‘severe allergies’ and ‘severe acid reflux’) even when they
really helped, I’d still be coughing and obviously, in need of them as well. When I dropped
gluten from my diet for awhile (by accident sort of), all of that just vanished. Since then I’ve
heard the same report from hundreds of people in online areas I hang out in, as well as from
friends and family. It’s possibly the most undiagnosed “intolerance” there is. – PJ

 Reply to Redcairo
o Bl from Ca
August 23, 2018 at 12:45 am

Earth Clinic or any one who really knows if the oral % changed for 35% peroxide?

The one minute cure states up to 25 drops of 35% peroxide diluted in 8-10oz of distilled

Getting frustrating seeing all the different opinions. Anyone know if it has changed?

 Reply to Bl
10. Asthma
Marci from Wilmington, NC
April 16, 2008 at 12:00 am
I was desperate to find something other than my rescue inhalers (7-8x/day), steriods, Adviar,
Singulair, Albuterol nebulizer and whatever else I’ve tried throughout the 11 years since I was
diagnosed with severe asthma and allergies.
I recently quit my job because my attacks had gotten so bad, I couldn’t function. No health
insurance, no money, I had to rely on friends’ prescriptions, samples and $4 drugs from

I found this just yesterday and tried the HP therapy in my nebulizer. INSTANTLY no more
wheezing – no more coughing! I was sure I had gone nuts. I got my first solid night’s sleep in
ages! I woke up this morning feeling better than I had in years. I will do it again every 2 hours
and see how I am tomorrow, but this is so encouraging.

Thank you so much for this site. I will read everything I can find. I hope it lasts.

 Reply to Marci
o Greg from Toronto, Canada
October 24, 2010 at 11:39 am

I was wondering what strength of H2O2 you use in your nebulizer… The regular 3% FG? I
would also like to try the nebulizer… Please let me know what strength you use… Thanks in
advance, Greg

 Reply to Greg
 Linda from Abbotsford, Bc
March 11, 2016 at 9:32 am

In order to use Hydrogen Peroxide for the inhaler, it must be in a ratio of 10/1 – 10 parts filtered
water to 1 part H2O2. I have been using it for a black varicose vein that was not normal. It took
time but it is almost gone from my ankle. It also works on tiny varicose veins. A good side
effect – softer skin!!

 Reply to Linda
o Rrcruse from Boca Raton, Fl
June 15, 2011 at 10:51 pm

I would also like to know what you use in nebulizer, I have been through the same thing you
have and I need help bad. I purchased the 35% food Hydrogen Peroxide and I all so have the
3% over the conter one. I need to be able to breathe I am so full of flem and dont want to go on
another 10 days of Steroids.

 Reply to Rrcruse
o Roxanne from Arizona
March 11, 2016 at 3:15 pm

Is that 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide (fghp) or 3% h202?

 Reply to Roxanne
11. Asthma
Catherine F Clark from Chicago, Illinois
October 15, 2007 at 12:00 am
Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy. I had a terrible bout with Asthma last weekend and
couldn’t breathe without wheezing. Albuterol wasn’t helping, even the kind using my nebulizer.
I got no sleep last night and couldn’t go to work today, I was so exhausted from the effort just
to breathe. I got online and went to Earth clinic and did a search on Asthma. I saw the
Hydrogen Peroxide inhalation and tried it. I can now breathe without wheezing. I am so glad to
find something affordable as my asthma meds are so expensive, even WITH insurance! I am
hoping that tonight I will be able to actually lay downn in bed instead of sitting up all night on
the couch because of the wheezing and coughing. The cough isn’t gone yet, but as I am at
home today I plan on nebulizing with Hydrogen Peroxide several times today. Thank you for
providing this forum. I will also try this method with ACV today and see what my results are.

 Reply to Catherine
12. Asthma
Blanca from San Francisco, California
August 15, 2007 at 12:00 am
My friend in El Salvador found out that her kids had asthma. The docotor gave her kids some
medication that was literally poison for such small kids….I told her about this page that I had
found, and told her about the inhalation procedure, she did not think twice, the next day she
bought it and came home with it. She gave it to the kids and waited, within 0 minutes the kids
got out of the bed, started walking around the house without getting exausted, the sound on
their chests was gone within the next day! On the second day the kids did not have
anything,nothing! She took them to the on the third day and he assumed that the medication
had “healed” them, she told the doctor that she had suspended the medication already for 2
days and that she had given them 3000 milligrams of vitamin c (on the night I spoke to her) and
that the next day she had given them the Hydrogen Peroxide….The doctor scratched his head,
his face, and not admitting failure said that the medication must have worked a little. This thing
is a miracle, a miracle, my friend says that the kids on the second day looked happy, animated
and hungry. No more asthma attacks. Thank you very much for this page. Blanca, from San
Francisco, Ca.

 Reply to Blanca
13. Asthma
Vasalisa from Boulder, CO
May 5, 2007 at 12:00 am
I have a nebulizer which was prescribed for albuterol . I now use it for inhaling the peroxide and
that seems to do an even better job. You can also put acv in the cup and inhale that also. It is a
very convenient delivery system so I thought I would share it.

 Reply to Vasalisa
o Melissa from Kingman, AZ
September 15, 2008 at 12:00 am

I have to ask exactly how do you use H202 in a nebulizer? I have been looking at these bottles
of store bought and food grade H202, and am not sure what to do with them. Was told I have
Cystic fibrosis, and am at the doorstep of mortality with it. Which means that CF patients have
a life span of 37yrs/I am 38. NEED HELP NOW, PLEASE!

 Reply to Melissa
o Leonard Roque from Cape Coral, Fl.
October 28, 2014 at 1:39 pm

Are you still with us Melissa? I am an engineer and pretty good with figures. Do you need any
help with dilution ratios ?
Good luck and GOD Bless.


 Reply to Leonard
o Kathy from Usa
January 11, 2016 at 10:56 am

If you are still on here would you please say how to reduce 35% to 3% please. I have read a
couple different amounts of water. Thanks

 Reply to Kathy
o Robert Henry from Ten Mile , Tn
January 11, 2016 at 8:03 pm

HI U KATHY, , , , , , , , , there are 2 Tbsp to 1 oz. To go from 35% to 3% you need 1 0Z of 35%
to 12 oz of distilled water. So measure out 12 oz of distilled water and add 2 Tbsp of 35%
H2O2 and mix. You now have a 3% solution.

Since all know I's a story teller , let me tell you my latest. Our Preacher's wife's father has
emphysema and could only walk a about 10 steps and was exhausted. I suggested he do 1
1/2% H2O2 in a nebulizer. He did and it made his life miserable. She contacted me and I told
him to stop the protocol. After a few days he coughed up black phlegm for a day or two and it
scared his mule. About a week later he was able to walk all over his house with no problem. I
have heard of this reaction before. She has always known that I was a character , but now she
knows I's a pretty smart character.

An employee of mine in yester year had lung cancer and had 90% of one lung removed. He
then had pneumonia about 3 times a year and each time spent weeks in the hospital. I
suggested he do Bill Munro's exhalation protocol with Walmart 3% H2O2 . He did and after
awhile he called me mad as a hornet. " Bob, are you trying to kill me? I have been coughing up
black stuff for a week. " I told him to stop the procedure. Several years later he called me back
and thanked me because he no longer got pneumonia.

You ask this on a Asthma thread and I can't help you on that topic, but I'd give it a try.

Wish you well. =====ORH=====

 Reply to Robert

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