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RCD – Interaction Diagram & Long Column


It can be seen that the analysis of columns using static

equations is very tedious or complicated as the number of
interval forces increases. A better approach in providing
the basis for practical design is to construct a strength
interaction diagram defining the failure load and failure
moment for a given column for the full range of
eccentricities from zero to infinity. For any eccentricity
there is a unique pair of values Pn and Mn that will
produce the state of failure. The pair of values can be
plotted as a point on a graph relating Pn and Mn as
shown. A series of such calculations, each corresponding
to a different eccentricity will result in a curve having a
shape typically as shown in the figure. On such a diagram,
any radial line represents a particular eccentricity e=M/P. for that eccentricity, gradually increasing the
load will define a load path, as shown and when that load path reaches the limit curve, failure will result.
Note that the vertical axis corresponding to e=0 and Po is the capacity of the column if concentrically
loaded. The horizontal axis corresponds to an infinite value of e (i.e. pure bending at moment capacity
Mo.) Small eccentricities will produce failure governed by concrete compression while large
eccentricities give a failure triggered by yielding of the tension steel.


A 300mm x 500mm column is reinforced with 4-28mm diameter bars of area 645.2mm2 each, one in
each corner. Concrete strength is 24.13 MPa while that for steel is 344.75 MPa. Determine:

1. The load Pb, moment Mn corresponding eb for balanced failure.

2. Load and Moment for a representative point in tension zone.
3. Load and Moment for a representative point in compression zone.
4. Axial load strength at e=0
5. Sketch the interaction diagram.
RCD – Interaction Diagram & Long Column


1. At balanced failure:

Pb= Cc = 0.85fc’abb = 0.85(24.13)(236.17)(300)(10)-3 = 1453.20 kN.

=[1453.2(131.91)+2(645)(344.75)(187.5)(2)](10) -3 = 191.69+83.41+83.41= 358.51 kN.m

2. Pn and Mn at representative point in tension zone

Let C= 125mm  smaller than Cb:

Then, a= 106.25, C-62.5 = 62.5 mm

=[0.85(24.13)(106.25)(300) + 645.2(2)(300) - 645.2(2)(344.75)](10)-3

Pn= 653.77+387.12-444.86= 596.03 kN.

Where: e=

3. Pn and Mn @ compression zone

Let: c=450mm, then a= =382.5mm
Check fs & fs’

RCD – Interaction Diagram & Long Column

=[0.85(24.13)(382.5)(300) + 645.2(2)(344.75) - 645.2(2)(16.67)](10)-3

Pn= 2351.73+444.86-21.51 = 2774.35 kN

Mn= 2351(58.75) + 444.86(187.5) + 21.51(187.5) = 221.57, e=

4. Pn when e=0

Pn=Po= 0.85fc’(Ag-Ast)+Ast(fy)


=3023.64+889.73 = 3913.37 kN

5. Values solved shown on daiagram.


Previous discussion presented pertained to concentrically or eccentrically short columns, for which the
strength is governed entirely by strength of materials and the geometry of the section most columns in
presented day practice fall in this category. However with this increasing use of high strength materials
and of dimensioning members, it is now possible for a given value of axial load with or without bending
to design a much smaller cross section than in the past. This clearly makes for more slender members.

A column is considered section if its cross sectional dimensions are small compared with its
unsupported length. This degree of slenderness is generally expressed in beams of slenderness ratio,

Where: K= effective length factor

lu= unsupported length taken as the distance between floor slabs, beams or other members of
providing lateral support for the columns

r= radius of gyration = 0.3h  rect. Members; 0.25D  circular members


To determine whether a frame is braced or unbraced, the commentary on ACI 318-83 states that a
frame may be considered braced if the bracing elements, i.e. shear walls, shear trusses or other means
of resisting lateral moment, of a storey, have a total stiffness of at least six times the sum of the stiffness
of all the columns resisting lateral elements in that storey.
RCD – Interaction Diagram & Long Column

Consideration of Slenderness Effects:

According to sect. 410.11.1, slenderness effect shall be permitted to be neglected in the following cases:

1. Compression members not braced against sideway when: kl/r ≤ 22

2. Compression members braced against sideway when: kl/r ≤ 34-12(m1/m2) ≤40

Where m1 is the smaller end moment (positive if bent in the single curvature) and m 2 is the larger end

Alignment Chart for K:

Effective length factor k is to be obtained from the alignment chart shown. A parameter for end A of
column AB and a similar parameter must be considered for end B. the parameter at one end of the
column equals the sum of the stiffness summation of EI/L of the column meeting at that joint (including
the column in question) divided by the sum of all the stiffness of the beams meeting at that joint. Once
and are known, k is obtained by placing a straight edge between and . The point where the
straight edge crossed, the middle monograph is k

RCD – Interaction Diagram & Long Column

Moment Magnifier Method

The effect of the slenderness in long columns can be accounted for in design by amplifying (increasing)
the factored design moment. Sect. 410.B in NSCP 2010 Edition, states that compression members shall
be designed using the factored axial load Pa from concentric frame analysis and A magnified factored
moment defined by:

Where: Mc= magnified moment

M2b= value of larger factored end moment in compression member due to loads resulting in
appreciable sideway calculated by conventional frame analysis

M2s= value of larger factored end moment on compression members due to loads that result in
appreciable sideway (lateral loads) calculated by conventional elastic frame analysis.

= moment magnification factor that takes into account the effect of member curvature in a
frame braced against sideway and is equal to:

= moment magnification factor that takes into account the lateral drift of a column caused by
lateral and gravity loading, the frame not being braced against sideway and is equal to:


Summation of Pc and Pu for all columns in a storey

RCD – Interaction Diagram & Long Column

Ig and Is = moment of inertia of cross section and steel reinforcement about centroidal axis of
member criss section

Es & Ec = modulus of elasticity of steel and concrete reinforcement

Cm= 0.6 + 0.4 but not less than 0.4; for all cases Cm shall be taken as 1.0

The ratio shall be determined be either of the ff.:

1. When computed and eccentricities are less than (15+0.3H) mm, computed end moment shall be
used to evaluate .
2. If computations show that there is essentially no moment at both ends of a compression
member, the ratio shall be taken as 1.0.


A rectangular tied column, 300mm x 300mm in cross section, 4.50 m in length is to be used in the frame
braced against sideway. K can be taken as 1.0 and EI= 34 mn.m 2. the column is loaded and bent in single
curvature by the ultimate moment of 110kN.m at its top and 120kN.m at its bottom end. The column
carries a factored axial deadload of 150kN and factored Liveload of 350kN. Calculate the magnified
moment, Mc.


NOTE: M1b is positive as it is bent in single curvature. Problem does not cite which side or axis the
moment id applied but particularly for columns subject to bending on one axis, H should be larger than

r= 0.3H =0.3 (380) = 114

34-12 = 34-12(0.917) = 22.996 < 39.47; consider slenderness effect


Pu= 150 + 350 = 500kN

RCD – Interaction Diagram & Long Column

Cm= 0.6 + 0.4

Mc= M2b = 120(1.0103) = 121.24 kN.m


Using the result in the above example, select the steel area required for the column using b=300mm,
h=380mm and d’=47.5 mm, with bars in two faces of the column only. Assume fc’= 20.7MPa and
fc’20.7MPa. Use interaction diagram.


Mu=Mc= 121.24 kN.m

Pu= 500kN

e= 121.24/500 = 242 mm

e/h = 242/380 = 0.64

= 285/380 = 0.75

Pn= Pu/ = 500/0.70 = 714.28KN

Using Ineraction Chart (graph A.11)

As = = 0.015(300)(380)= 1710 mm

Using 25mm diam.:

RCD – Interaction Diagram & Long Column


1. The column shown has an unsupported length of 8.00m and subjected to moment along the
600mm side. Assume fc’=28MPa and fy= 345MPa. The column is to be used in a frame braced
against sideway and is bent in single curvature. CALCULATE Mc.

2. The 350mm x 350mm column shown of a braced frame structure has an unsupported length of
6.25m. Analysis indicates the critical loading results in the following service loads. Pdl= 667kN
and Pll=400kN, Mdl (top) = 39.3 kN.m, Mdl (bottom) = 19.65kN.m, Mll (top) = 67.8kN.m, Mll
(bottom) = 33.9kN.m, K= 0.90, d’= 50mm, fc’= 27.6 MPa and fy= 413.7 MPa. USING MOMENT

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