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Computer Aided Design

Course for Solid works

(Parametric Modeling Software for Mechanical Engineers)

By Eng Dr.: Fredrick Sanga 30 November 2015

1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Computer description:............................................................................ 4
1.2 Computer Classification ........................................................................ 5
1.3 CAD Requirement ................................................................................. 5
1.4 Definition: .............................................................................................. 6
1.5 Origins and terminology ........................................................................ 6
1.6 The CAD process ................................................................................... 7
1.7 History Of CAD ..................................................................................... 7
1.8 Software providers today ....................................................................... 8
1.9 Software technologies ............................................................................ 8
1.10 Hardware and OS technologies .......................................................... 8
1.11 Using CAD ......................................................................................... 9
1.11.1 3D wireframe .................................................................................. 9
1.11.2 3D "dumb" solids............................................................................ 9
1.11.3 3D parametric solid modeling ........................................................ 9
1.11.4 Mid range software ....................................................................... 10
1.11.5 Top end systems ........................................................................... 10
1.11.6 The CAD operator's ultimate goal ................................................ 10
2 Modeling With S Works(Multidimensional software ) .............................. 12
2.1 Description ........................................................................................... 12
2.2 Starting the Program ............................................................................ 14
2.3 Setting User Interface .......................................................................... 15
2.4 Sketching ............................................................................................. 17
2.4.1 Line sketching .............................................................................. 17
2.4.2 Rectangle sketching ...................................................................... 18
2.4.3 Circle sketching ............................................................................ 18
2.4.4 Ark sketching................................................................................ 19
2.4.5 Fillet .............................................................................................. 19
2.4.6 Chamfer ........................................................................................ 20
2.4.7 Trimming ...................................................................................... 20
2.4.8 Pattern ........................................................................................... 21
2.4.9 Mirror ........................................................................................... 21
3 Featuring ..................................................................................................... 23
3.1 Base Extrude ........................................................................................ 23
This is the process where by the base is sketched and then extruded ........ 23
3.1.1 Simple base extrude ...................................................................... 23

3.1.2 Simple Cut extrude ....................................................................... 23
3.1.3 Section View (pattern function, plane view) ................................ 23
3.2 Thin Feature Modeling ........................................................................ 24
3.3 Development ........................................................................................ 25
3.4 Insetting the configuration ................................................................... 25
3.5 Loft Feature (Adaptor-Reducer) .......................................................... 26
3.6 Circular pattern .................................................................................... 28
3.6.1 Linear Pattern ............................................................................... 29
3.7 Spiral Sweep Rotational (Revolving and Sweeping) ........................... 29
3.8 Normal Sweep...................................................................................... 31
3.9 Revolves............................................................................................... 32
4 Assembly, ................................................................................................... 33
4.1 Bottom-up Design ................................................................................ 33
4.2 Top-down Design ................................................................................ 34
4.3 Simple Assembly ................................................................................. 34
4.4 Creating complex solid models: .......................................................... 37
4.5 Creating a Sub-assembly ..................................................................... 42
4.6 Modifying a Sub-assembly .................................................................. 42
5 Computer Aided Analysis .......................................................................... 44
5.1 Why Analyze?...................................................................................... 45
5.1.1 Stress Analysis.............................................................................. 46
5.1.2 Finite Element Method ................................................................. 46
5.1.3 Stress Analysis.............................................................................. 46
5.1.4 Finite Element Method ................................................................. 47
6 Using COSMOSXpress .............................................................................. 48
6.1.1 Analysis Steps .............................................................................. 48
6.1.2 Using COSMOSXpress for Multiple Documents ........................ 48

1 Introduction
1.1 Computer description:

Figure 1 Computer Set Up

Is a programmable machine. The two principal characteristics of a computer are:
 It responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner.
 It can execute a pre-recorded list of instructions (a program).

Modern computers are electronic and digital. The actual machinery -- wires,
transistors, and circuits -- is called hardware; the instructions and data are called

All general-purpose computers require the following hardware components:

i. Memory: Enables a computer to store, at least temporarily, data

and programs.
ii. Mass storage device: Allows a computer to permanently retain
large amounts of data. Common mass storage devices include
disk drives and tape drives.
iii. Input device: Usually a keyboard and mouse, the input device is
the conduit through which data and instructions enter a computer.
iv. Output device: A display screen, printer, or other device that
lets you see what the computer has accomplished.
v. Central processing unit (CPU): The heart of the computer, this
is the component that actually executes instructions.

In addition to these components, many others make it possible for the basic
components to work together efficiently. For example, every computer requires
a bus that transmits data from one part of the computer to another.

Not only this but computers consists of software. Software is grouped in two the
operating system (OS) and application software.

 Operating System
o An Operating System (commonly abbreviated to either OS or
O/S) is an interface between hardware and user; an OS is
responsible for the management and coordination of activities
and the sharing of the resources of the computer.
o The operating system acts as a host for computing applications
that are run on the machine
 Application software is a computer program that functions and is
operated by means of a computer, with the purpose of supporting or
improving the software user's work. In other words, it is the subclass of
computer software that employs the capabilities of a computer directly
and thoroughly to a task that the user wishes to perform

1.2 Computer Classification

Computers can be generally classified by size and power as follows, though

there is considerable overlap:

i. Personal computer: A small, single-user computer based on a

microprocessor. In addition to the microprocessor, a personal
computer has a keyboard for entering data, a monitor for
displaying information, and a storage device for saving data.
ii. Work-station: A powerful, single-user computer. A workstation
is like a personal computer, but it has a more powerful
microprocessor and a higher-quality monitor.
iii. Mini-computer: A multi-user computer capable of supporting
from 10 to hundreds of users simultaneously.
iv. Main-frame: A powerful multi-user computer capable of
supporting many hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously.
v. Super-computer: An extremely fast computer that can perform
hundreds of millions of instructions per second.

1.3 CAD Requirement

Today most CAD computer workstations are Windows based PCs; some CAD
systems also run on hardware running with one of the Unix operating systems
and a few with Linux. Generally no special hardware is required; however for
complex product design, machines with high speed (4GHz and possibly
multiple) CPUs and large amounts of RAM 8 GB, are recommended. The
human-machine interface is generally via a computer mouse but can also be via
a pen and digitizing graphics tablet. Manipulation of the view of the model on
the screen is also sometimes done with the use of a spacemouse/SpaceBall.
Some systems also support stereoscopic glasses for viewing the 3D model.

1.4 Definition:

Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of a wide range of computer-based

tools that assist engineers, architects and other design professionals in their
design activities. It is the main geometry authoring tool within the Product
Lifecycle Management process and involves both software and sometimes
special-purpose hardware. Current packages range from 2D vector based
drafting systems to 3D solid and surface modellers.

CAD is sometimes translated as "computer-assisted", "computer-aided

drafting", or a similar phrase. Related acronyms are CADD, which stands for
"computer-aided design and drafting", CAID for Computer-aided Industrial
Design and CAAD, for "computer-aided architectural design". All these terms
are essentially synonymous, but there are a few subtle differences in meaning
and application.

1.5 Origins and terminology

CAD originally meant Computer Aided Drafting because in the early days CAD
was really a replacement for the traditional drafting board. Now, CAD usually
means Computer Aided Design to reflect the fact that modern CAD tools do
much more than just drafting.

Figure 2 Summary of CAD Processes

1.6 The CAD process

CAD is used to design, develop and optimize products, which can be goods
used by end consumers or intermediate goods used in other products. CAD is
also extensively used in the design of tools and machinery used in the
manufacture of components, and in the drafting and design of all types of
buildings, from small residential types (houses) to the largest commercial and
industrial structures (hospitals and factories).

CAD is mainly used for detailed engineering of 3D models and/or 2D drawings

of physical components, but it is also used throughout the engineering process
from conceptual design and layout of products, through strength and
dynamic analysis of assemblies to definition of manufacturing methods of

CAD has become an especially important technology, within CAx, with

benefits, such as lower product development costs and a greatly shortened
design cycle, because CAD enables designers to lay out and develop their work
on screen, print it out and save it for future editing, saving a lot of time on their

1.7 History Of CAD

Designers have long used computers for their calculations. Initial developments were carried out in the 1960s within the
aircraft and automotive industries in the area of 3D surface construction and NC programming, most of it independent of
one another and often not publicly published until much later. Some of the mathematical description work on curves was
developed in the early 1940s by Isaac Jacob Schoenberg, Apalatequi (Douglas Aircraft) and Roy Liming (North
American Aircraft). Robert A. Heinlein in his 1957 novel The Door into Summer suggested the possibility of a robotic
Drafting Dan. However, probably the most important work on polynomial curves and sculptured surface was done by
Pierre Bezier (Renault), Paul de Casteljau (Citroen), Steven Anson Coons (MIT, Ford), James Ferguson (Boeing), Carl
de Boor (GM), Birkhoff (GM) and Garibedian (GM) in the 1960s and W. Gordon (GM) and R. Riesenfeld in the 1970s.

It is argued that a turning point was the development of SKETCHPAD system in MIT in 1963 by Ivan Sutherland (who
later created a graphics technology company with Dr. David Evans). The distinctive feature of SKETCHPAD was that it
allowed the designer to interact with his computer graphically: the design can be fed into the computer by drawing on a
CRT monitor with a light pen. Effectively, it was a prototype of graphical user interface, an indispensable feature of
modern CAD.

First commercial applications of CAD were in large companies in the automotive and aerospace industries, as well as in
electronics. Only large corporations could afford the computers capable of performing the calculations. Notable
company projects were at GM (Dr. Patrick J.Hanratty) with DAC-1 (Design Augmented by Computer) 1964; Lockhead
projects; Bell GRAPHIC 1 and at Renault (Bezier) – UNISURF 1971 car body design and tooling.

One of the most influential events in the development of CAD was the founding of MCS (Manufacturing and Consulting
Services Inc.) in 1971 by Dr. P. J. Hanratty[6], who wrote the system ADAM (Automated Drafting And Machining) but
more importantly supplied code to companies such as McDonnell Douglas (Unigraphics), Computervision (CADDS),
Calma, Gerber, Autotrol and Control Data.

As computers became more affordable, the application areas have gradually expanded. The development of CAD
software for personal desk-top computers was the impetus for almost universal application in all areas of construction.

Other key points in the 1960s and 1970s would be the foundation of CAD systems United Computing, Intergraph, IBM,
Intergraph IGDS in 1974 (which led to Bentley MicroStation in 1984)

CAD implementations have evolved dramatically since then. Initially, with 2D in the 1970s, it was typically limited to
producing drawings similar to hand-drafted drawings. Advances in programming and computer hardware, notably solid
modeling in the 1980s, have allowed more versatile applications of computers in design activities.

Key products for 1981 were the solid modelling packages -Romulus (ShapeData) and Uni-Solid (Unigraphics) based on
PADL-2 and the release of the surface modeler CATIA (Dassault Systemes). Autodesk was founded 1982 by John
Walker, which led to the 2D system AutoCAD. The next milestone was the release of Pro/ENGINEER in 1988, which
heralded greater usage of feature-based modeling methods and parametric linking of the parameters of features. Also of
importance to the development of CAD was the development of the B-rep solid modeling kernels (engines for
manipulating geometrically and topologically consistent 3D objects) Parasolid (ShapeData) and ACIS (Spatial
Technology Inc.) at the end of the 1980s and beginning of the 1990s, both inspired by the work of Ian Braid. This led to
the release of mid-range packages such as SolidWorks in 1995, SolidEdge (Intergraph) in 1996, and IronCAD in 1998.
Today CAD is one of the main tools used in designing products.

1.8 Software providers today

This is an ever-changing industry with many well-known products and

companies being taken over and merged with others. There are many CAD
software products currently on the market. More than half of the market is
however covered by the four main PLM corporations Autodesk, Dassault
Systemes, PTC, and UGS Corp., but there are many other CAD packages with
smaller user bases or covering niche user areas. See also list of free and open-
source CAD software.

Packages can be classified into three types: 2D drafting systems (e.g. AutoCAD,
MicroStation); mid-range 3D solid feature modelers (e.g. Inventor, TopSolid,
IronCAD, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Alibre Design, VariCAD); and high-end[7]
3D hybrid systems (e.g. CATIA, NX (Unigraphics), Pro/ENGINEER). However
these classifications cannot be applied too strictly as many 2D systems have 3D
modules, the mid-range systems are increasing their surface functionality, and
the high-end systems have developed their user interface in the direction of
interactive Windows systems.

1.9 Software technologies

Originally software for CAD systems were developed with computer language
such as Fortran, but with the advancement of object-oriented programming
methods this has radically changed. Typical modern parametric feature based
modeler and freeform surface systems are built around a number of key C
programming language modules with their own APIs. A CAD system can be
seen as built up from the interaction of a graphical user interface (GUI) with
NURBS geometry and/or boundary representation (B-rep) data via a geometric
modeling kernel.

1.10 Hardware and OS technologies

Today most CAD computer workstations are Windows based PCs; some CAD
systems also run on hardware running with one of the Unix operating systems
and a few with Linux. Generally no special hardware is required; however for
complex product design, machines with high speed (4GHz and possibly
multiple) CPUs and large amounts of RAM 8 GB, are recommended. The
human-machine interface is generally via a computer mouse but can also be via
a pen and digitizing graphics tablet. Manipulation of the view of the model on

the screen is also sometimes done with the use of a spacemouse/SpaceBall.
Some systems also support stereoscopic glasses for viewing the 3D model.

1.11 Using CAD

CAD is one of many tools used by engineers and designers and is used in many
ways depending on the profession of the user and the type of software in
question. Each of the different types of CAD systems requires the operator to
think differently about how he will use them and he must design their virtual
components in a different manner for each.

There are many producers of the lower-end 2D systems, including a number of

free and open source programs. These provide an approach to the drawing
process without all the fuss over scale and placement on the drawing sheet that
accompanied hand drafting, since these can be adjusted as required during the
creation of the final draft.

1.11.1 3D wireframe

3D wireframe is basically an extension of 2D drafting. Each line has to be

manually inserted into the drawing. The final product has no mass properties
associated with it and cannot have features directly added to it, such as holes.
The operator approaches these in a similar fashion to the 2D systems, although
many 3D systems allow using the wireframe model to make the final
engineering drawing views.

1.11.2 3D "dumb" solids

3D "dumb" solids (programs incorporating this technology include AutoCAD

and Cadkey 19) are created in a similar fashion to the way you would create the
real world object. Each object and feature, after creation, is what it is. If the
operator wants to change it, he must add "material" to it, subtract "material"
from it, or delete the object or feature and start over. Due to this, it doesn't
matter how the initial operator creates his components, as long as the final
product is represented correctly. If future modifications are to be made, the
method used to make the original part will not, in most cases, affect the
procedure used to make the new modifications. Draft views can easily be
generated from the models. Assemblies generally don't include tools to easily
allow motion of components, set limits to their motion, or identify interference
between components.

1.11.3 3D parametric solid modeling

3D parametric solid modeling (programs incorporating this technology include

Autodesk inventor, Alibre Design, TopSolid, SolidWorks, and Solid Edge)
require the operator to use what is referred to as "design intent". The objects and
features created are adjustable. Any future modifications will be simple,
difficult, or nearly impossible, depending on how the original part was created.
One must think of this as being a "perfect world" representation of the

component. If a feature was intended to be located off of the center of the part,
the operator needs to locate it off of the center of the model, not, perhaps, off of
a more convenient edge or an arbitrary point, as he could when using "dumb"
solids. Parametric solids require the operator to consider the consequences of his
actions carefully. What may be simplest today could be worst case tomorrow.
Draft views are able to be generated easily from the models. Assemblies
usually incorporate tools to represent the motions of components, set their
limits, and identify interference. The tool kits available for these systems are
ever increasing, including 3D piping and injection mold designing packages.

1.11.4 Mid range software

Mid range software was integrating parametric solids more easily to the end
user: integrating more intuitive functions (SketchUp), going to the best of both
worlds with 3D dumb solids with parametric characteristics (VectorWorks) or
making very real-view scenes in relative few steps (Cinema4D).

1.11.5 Top end systems

Top end systems offer the capabilities to incorporate more organic, aesthetics
and ergonomic features into designs. Freeform surface modelling is often
combined with solids to allow the designer to create products that fit the human
form and visual requirements as well as they interface with the machine.

1.11.6 The CAD operator's ultimate goal

The CAD operator's ultimate goal should be to make future work on the current
project as simple as possible. This requires a solid understanding of the
system being used. A little extra time spent now could mean a great savings

Starting the late 1980's, the development of readily affordable CAD programs
that could be run on personal computers began a trend of massive downsizing in
drafting departments in many small to mid-size companies. As a general rule,
one CAD operator could readily replace at least three or five drafters using
traditional methods. Additionally, many engineers began to do their own
drafting work, further eliminating the need for traditional drafting departments.
This trend mirrored that of the elimination of many office jobs traditionally
performed by a secretary as word processors, spreadsheets, databases, etc.
became standard software packages that "everyone" was expected to learn.
Another consequence was that since the latest advances were often quite
expensive, small and even mid-size firms often could not compete against large
firms who could use their computational edge for competitive purposes.
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (1997) was one of the first buildings designed by
a system known as CATIA. Providing a platform to integrate conceptualization,
design and manufacture, CATIA belongs to a new generation of advanced
computer-aided technology. This technology makes shapes possible that ten
years ago would have been unthinkable.

The adoption of CAD studio or "paper-less studio," as it is sometimes called, in
architectural schools was not without resistance, however. Teachers were
worried that sketching on a computer screen did not replicate the skills
associated with age-old practice of sketching in a sketchbook. Furthermore,
many teachers were worried that students would be hired for their computer
skills rather than their design skill, as was indeed common in the 1990s. Today,
however, (for better or worse, depending on the authority cited) education in
CAD is now accepted across the board in schools of architecture. It should be
noted, however, that not all architects have wanted to join the CAD revolution.
Glenn Murcutt, an Australian architect and the 2002 winner of the prestigious
Pritzker Architecture Prize has a small office with minimal CAD capacity.

2 Modeling With S Works(Multidimensional software )
2.1 Description

The SolidWorks® application is mechanical design automation software that

takes advantage of the familiar Microsoft® Windows® graphical user interface
This easy-to-learn tool makes it possible for mechanical designers to quickly
sketch ideas, experiment with features and dimensions, and produce models and
detailed drawings.

Figure 3 Exploded View in Solid-Work

i. A Solid-Works model consists of parts, assemblies, and drawings, referred

to as documents.

ii. Typically, you begin with a sketch, create a base feature, and then add more
features to your model. (You can also begin with an imported surface or
solid geometry.)
iii. You are free to refine your design by adding, changing, or reordering
iv. Associatively between parts, assemblies, and drawings assures that
changes made to one view are automatically made to all other views.
v. You can generate drawings or assemblies at any time in the design
vi. The Solid-Works software lets you customize functionality to suit your

vii. Click Tools, Options on the main menu to display the available System
Options and Document Properties tabs.

viii. The Solid Works software saves your work for you
ix. The auto recover option automatically saves information about your active
part, assembly, or drawing document so you do not lose your work in case
of a system crash. To set this option, click Tools, Options. On the System
Options tab, click Backups and select Save auto recover info every <n>
changes. Specify the number of changes that should occur before
information is automatically saved

In the SolidWorks application, each part, assembly, and drawing is referred to

as a document, and each document is displayed in a separate window. (Each
drawing document can contain multiple drawing sheets, though.)

i. You can have multiple part, assembly, and drawing document windows
open at the same time. Also, you can have multiple views of the same
document visible at the same time.
ii. To arrange the windows, you can drag them by their title bars, and you
can resize them by dragging a corner or border. Also, from the Window
menu, you can select Cascade, Tile Vertically, or Tile Horizontally
iii. To organize your SolidWorks window, you can minimize open
documents. Click Minimize in the upper right corner of the document
border. An icon appears in the lower part of the SolidWorks window. If
the icon is not visible, it may be behind another open document. Resize
any open documents as necessary. Click Window, Arrange Icons to
arrange them at the bottom of the SolidWorks window.
iv. Click Window, Close All to close all open documents. You are
prompted to save any unsaved documents.

A triad appears in part and assembly documents to help orient you when
viewing models. The triad is for reference only; you cannot select it or use it as
an inference point. You can hide the triad, and you can specify its colors.

2.2 Starting the Program

i. Power on
ii. Starting a program
a. The Start Menu and Start Button are user interface elements
used in the Microsoft Windows operating systems.
b. The Start Button provides a central launching point for
application and tasks.
The Start Button consists of the word "Start" and the Windows Logo. In
Windows Vista's new themes, the word "Start" has been replaced by a blue
Windows "orb" logo.

Figure 4 Start Bar in Explorer

Figure 5 Org in The Vista

In the program group select solid-works, the Solid-work icon below can be
found on the desktop. By clicking this one can open the solid-works program

By double-clicking this icon the Solid-works software window opens. Use the
file pull down menu to open a new document. Normally three alternative of new
document do appear for the user to choose:
i. Part; giving an option of creating a new part to be used in making an
assembly, or dummy model for analysis.
ii. Assembly; giving ability to create a functional assembly

iii. 2D Engineering drawings; the forum for preparation and even exporting
technical drawings for conversional uses

2.3 Setting User Interface

Solid-work window have two major panels, the left panel consists of the
i. Feature manager design tree; List of structures of parts, assembly and
drawings. When you select an element in the feature manager design
tree, you can edit the underlying sketch, edit the feature, suppress or un-
suppress the feature or

ii. Property Manager: Display relevant information along with user

interface capabilities for many functions such as sketches, fillets,
features, assembly mates and so on.
iii. Configuration manager; helps create, view, select various configuration
of parts and assemblies in the documents.

Customise the working tools:

Sometimes when one opens the working window can’t find needed tools, in this
case use the tool menu and choose the customise command, in the customise
command check all the tools that you want to use in the window. In this
professional course the goal is shift to the parts modelling

2.4 Sketching

The modelling of the part starts with opening of the software, then new file and
then part modelling. Decide on the proper orientation of the part and choose the
plane to work on.

Figure 6 Plane Selection

The modelling of the part consists of two parts; the sketching part and there
after featuring. For good progression of learning it is good to discuss the
sketching techniques before going into featuring.

2.4.1 Line sketching

In the part model select the plane to sketch on, this should be thought properly
for proper orientation. In the sketching tools chose the line command, pick the
starting and the last point of the line.

Figure 7 Line

2.4.2 Rectangle sketching

In the part model select the plane to sketch on, this should be thought properly
for proper orientation. In the sketching tools chose the rectangle command, pick
the two opposite corners of the rectangle.

Figure 8 rectangle

2.4.3 Circle sketching

Select the plane to sketch, pick the sketch the circle tool in the tool bar or pull
down menu. Sketch the circle starting with the centre point

Figure 9 Circle Sketching

2.4.4 Ark sketching

The centre point arc or three point arcs are the common commands.

Figure 10 Arc Sketching

2.4.5 Fillet

Fillet simply means rounding the corner to remove sharp edges. After one has
drawn an object with the sharp corner, the fillet can be introduced in the fillet
tool in sketch tool bar

2.4.6 Chamfer

Chamfer is on the method of removing a sharp corner from the abject. Use the
chamfer tool and insert required parameters in the sketch dialog box.

Figure 11 Chamfer

2.4.7 Trimming

Trim has scissor icon, it is used to remove unwanted portion of the object. There
are four options for trimming command; power trim, corner, trim away inside,
trim away outside and trim to the closet.

Figure 12 Trimming

2.4.8 Pattern

With pattern command one object can be quickly multiplied into a well defined
pattern using the sketch step and repeat dialogue box.

2.4.9 Mirror

The production of the morror image of an object just needs an object and the
line to mirror about.

Parametric Dimensioning

This chapter discusses some basic concepts and terminology used throughout
the SolidWorks software. It provides an overview of the Following Topics

x. A Solid-Works model consists of parts, assemblies, and drawings.

xi. Typically, you begin with a sketch, create a base feature, and then add more
features to your model. (You can also begin with an imported surface or
solid geometry.)
xii. You are free to refine your design by adding, changing, or reordering
xiii. Associatively between parts, assemblies, and drawings assures that
changes made to one view are automatically made to all other views.
xiv. You can generate drawings or assemblies at any time in the design
xv. The Solid-Works software lets you customize functionality to suit your
xvi. Click Tools, Options on the main menu to display the available System
Options and Document Properties tabs.
xvii. The SolidWorks software saves your work for you
xviii. The auto recover option automatically saves information about your active
part, assembly, or drawing document so you do not lose your work in case
of a system crash. To set this option, click Tools, Options. On the System
Options tab, click Backups and select Save auto recover info every <n>
changes. Specify the number of changes that should occur before
information is automatically saved

In the SolidWorks application, each part, assembly, and drawing is referred to

as a document, and each document is displayed in a separate window. (Each
drawing document can contain multiple drawing sheets, though.)

 You can have multiple part, assembly, and drawing document windows
open at the same time. Also, you can have multiple views of the same
document visible at the same time.

 To arrange the windows, you can drag them by their title bars, and you can
resize them by dragging a corner or border. Also, from the Window menu,
you can select Cascade, Tile Vertically, or Tile Horizontally
 To organize your SolidWorks window, you can minimize open documents.
Click Minimize in the upper right corner of the document border. An icon
appears in the lower part of the SolidWorks window. If the icon is not

visible, it may be behind another open document. Resize any open
documents as necessary. Click Window, Arrange Icons to arrange them at
the bottom of the SolidWorks window.
 Click Window, Close All to close all open documents. You are prompted to
save any unsaved documents.

A triad appears in part and assembly documents to help orient you when
viewing models. The triad is for reference only; you cannot select it or use it as
an inference point. You can hide the triad, and you can specify its colors.

3 Featuring
3.1 Base Extrude

This is the process where by the base is sketched and then extruded

Figure 13 rectengle sketch

3.1.1 Simple base extrude

3.1.2 Simple Cut extrude

3.1.3 Section View (pattern function, plane view)

3.2 Thin Feature Modeling

 Creating a sheet metal profile

 Extrude into a sheet metal
 Bending definition

3.3 Development

3.4 Insetting the configuration

In the configuration manager right-click

the part and click add configuration, give the description and name,

let say a development; the name can be dev and description
development. While selected the development configuration activate
the development by right-clicking the flat pattern in the feature
manager design tree and save

3.5 Loft Feature (Adaptor-Reducer)

 Select the first plane

 Draw the first profile on this plane
 Insert the symmetry relationship after drawing the centre lines
 Draw the line at a distance or angle that will help you to split the
 Rebuild
 Go to isometric projection (space bar)
 Insert the second plane parallel to the first one at a desired

o Select the reference plane eg (Top)
o Insert, reference geometry,

o Add the distance

 Draw the second profile on this plane

 Insert the symmetry relation ship after drawing the centre lines
 Draw the line at a distance or angle that will help you to split the
 Rebuild

 Insert the sheet metal

o Pick the two sketches (profiles) and insert the sheet

metal lofted bent.

3.6 Circular pattern

 In the circular pattern feature you need to show a centre line

 Insert a sketch for the circular pattern
 Copy the feature if necessary
 Develop the feature (cut or extrude of base)
o Rebuild the mode the model,
o insert the reference centre line by picking two planes
 Insert a circular pattern
o Pick the reference center line
o Pick the feature
o Using the dialog box to decide on other parameters

Figure 14 Circular Base Extrude
Figure 15 Cut Extrude DRG

Figure 16 Circular Extrude Model

3.6.1 Linear Pattern

a. Sketch a rectangle
b. Base extrude ay 10mm
c. On the surface Sketch the circle

c. Copy the sketch in a preferred direction and in the preferred


d. Cut extrude these holes

e. Insert the linear pattern, you will need to select the direction
of the patter

3.7 Spiral Sweep Rotational (Revolving and Sweeping)

a. Sketch the p.c.d. of the spiral.

b. Insert curve, spiral, this can be used for springs and threads
c. For one to build a spring/Thread, base/Cut, sweep is needed. i.e.
the sketch of (spring wire diameter)/(thread profile) in the spiral
pierced plane,
d. Spiral centre line and profile on a proper plane are necessary.
e. It is a good practice to state at what angle does the spiral starts so
that the profile plane can be easily developed /selected.

3.8 Normal Sweep

One need a profile and a path for the profile to follow.

Sketch the profile and rebuild the sketch, then sketch the path to be

followed. E.g offset cycle.

Insert the sweep profile.

3.9 Revolves

add or remove material by revolving one or more profiles around a

centerline. You can create revolved boss/bases, revolved cuts, or
revolved surfaces. The revolve feature can be a solid, a thin feature,
or a surface.

To create a revolve feature, use the following guidelines:

 The sketch for a solid revolved feature can contain multiple

intersecting profiles. With the Selected Contours pointer
(available when you click Selected Contours in the Property
Manager), you can select one or more intersecting or non-
intersecting sketches to create the revolve.
 The sketch for a thin or surface revolved feature can contain multiple
open or closed intersecting profiles.
 Profiles cannot cross the centerline. If the sketch contains more than
one centerline, select the centerline you want to use as the axis of
revolution. For revolved surfaces and revolved thin features only, the
sketch cannot lie on the centerline.
 When you dimension a revolve feature inside the centerline, you
produce a radius dimension for the revolve feature. When you
dimension across the centerline, you produce a diameter dimension
for the revolve feature.
 You must rebuild the model to display the radius or diameter
dimension symbol.
 To create a revolve feature:
 Create a sketch that contains one or more profiles and a centerline,
line, or edge to use as the axis around which the feature revolves.
 Click one of the following revolve tools:
 Revolved Boss/Base on the Features toolbar, or Insert, Boss/Base,

 Revolved Cut on the Features toolbar, or Insert, Cut, Revolve
 Revolved Surface on the Surfaces toolbar, or Insert, Surface,

4 Assembly,

You can build complex assemblies consisting of many components. The

components of an assembly can include both individual parts and other
assemblies, called sub-assemblies. For most operations, the behavior of
components is the same for both types. Components are linked to the assembly
file. Assembly documents have the .sldasm extension.

 click File, Make Assembly from Part

 An assembly opens with the Insert Component Property Manager active.

You can create an assembly using bottom-up design, top-down design, or a

combination of both methods.

4.1 Bottom-up Design

Bottom-up design is the traditional method. In bottom-up design, you create

parts, insert them into an assembly, and mate them as required by your design.
Bottom-up design is the preferred technique when you are using previously
constructed, off-the-shelf parts.

An advantage of bottom-up design is that because components are designed

independently, their relationships and regeneration behavior are simpler than in
top-down design. Working bottom-up allows you to focus on the individual
parts. It is a good method to use if you do not need to create references that
control the size or shape of parts with respect to each other.

4.2 Top-down Design

Top-down design is different because you start your work in the assembly.
You can use the geometry of one part to help define other parts, or to create
machined features that are added only after the parts are assembled. You can
start with a layout sketch, define fixed part locations, planes, and so on, then
design the parts referencing these definitions.

For example, you can insert a part in an assembly, then build a fixture based on
this part. Working top-down, creating the fixture in context, allows you to
reference model geometry, so you can control the dimensions of the fixture by
creating geometric relations to the original part. That way, if you change a
dimension of the part, the fixture automatically is updated.

When you place a component (either an individual part or a sub-assembly) in an

assembly, the component file is linked to the assembly file. The component
appears in the assembly; the component data remains in the source component
file. Any changes you make to the component file update the assembly.

4.3 Simple Assembly

Figure 17 Assembly Development

For one to build an assembly one at least one part is required, in normal
circumstances all skeleton parts need to be drawn before starting an assembly

Figure 18 Base Figure 19 Bearing Cover

Figure 22 Hub
Figure 20 Bearing

Figure 23 Main Shaft

Figure 21 Handle

Figure 24 View Tile

By opening a new document and select the assembly type of document then the
first, normally fixed component of the assembly is inserted as the first assembly
component. In this example the base is picked and put in the right place. The
window can be tiled and other components added by mating relaitons

Figure 25 Assembly Document with Parts

T o p P l a n e

F r o n t P l a n e

R i g h t P l a n e

Figure 26 Base is picked


Figure 27 Components are Inserted but Not Mated

The components above are ready for inserting relations to get a meaningful
 Pick the surface of the base and the lower surface of the bracket, mate
 Add more relations

4.4 Creating complex solid models:

i) Creating assemblies merging objects into a



c) Multiple parts
i) Avail the multiple parts (Bottom up, top down)

There are many ways to add components to a new or existing assembly:

 Use the Insert Component PropertyManager.
 Drag from the File Explorer tab in the Task Pane.
 Drag from an open document window.
 Drag from Windows Explorer.
 Drag a hyperlink from Internet Explorer.
 Drag within the assembly for additional instances of existing
 Drag from the Design Library in the Task Pane.
 Use Insert, Smart Fasteners to add bolts, screws, nuts, pins, and

Mates create geometric relationships between assembly components. As you

add mates, you define the allowable directions of linear or rotational motion of
the components. You can move a component within its degrees of freedom,
visualizing the assembly's behavior.

Some examples include:

 A coincident mate forces two planar faces to become coplanar. The faces
can move along one another, but cannot be pulled apart.
 A concentric mate forces two cylindrical faces to become concentric.
The faces can move along the common axis, but cannot be moved away
from this axis.

4.5 Creating a Sub-assembly

There are several ways to create a sub-assembly:

 You can create an assembly document as a separate operation, then

make it a sub-assembly by inserting it as a component in a higher-level
 You can insert a new, empty sub-assembly at any level of the
assembly hierarchy while you are editing a top-level assembly, then add
components to it in a variety of ways.
 You can form a sub-assembly by selecting a group of components
that are already in the assembly. This creates a sub-assembly and adds
components to it in a single step.

4.6 Modifying a Sub-assembly

As you develop an assembly, you can modify its sub-assemblies in these ways:

 You can dissolve a sub-assembly into individual components, thereby

moving the components up one level in the assembly hierarchy.
 You can edit the assembly structure by moving components up or down
in the hierarchy, or to a different branch of the hierarchy. There are two
ways to do this:
 Drag and drop the components to move them from one
assembly to another.

 Click Tools, Reorganize Components. This method can be easier
to use when the FeatureManager design tree is very long, and
therefore requires a lot of scrolling.
 You can change the order of the components within a level of the

5 Development of Technical Drawings

Many people good modeling but the fail to produce a good technical drawing, It
is advised all students should read the drawing basics so that they can exploit
the power of solid work in developing technical drawings. Solid work can all
things that you know in technical drawings, e.g. interpenetration, thin sheets
development, sectioning, auto assembly numbering development of part list and

5.1 Selection of the paper

The first step in developing the drawing is to open the model (part or assembly).

Figure 28 Kuna Nazi Assembly

Figure 29 Kuna Nazi Base
The next step is to open drawing in documents and select the size and standard
of paper to use, here scale becomes an important factor and also the type of
printer to be used

Figure 30 Drawing document

Figure 31 Selection of the type of paper

Figure 32 A3 Selected

6 Computer Aided Analysis

6.1 Why Analyze?

After building your design in SolidWorks, you may need to answer questions

 Will the part break?

 How will it deform?
 Can I use less material without affecting performance?

In the absence of analysis tools, these questions can only be answered by
performing expensive and time-consuming product development cycles. A
product development cycle typically includes the following steps:

1. Build your model in the SolidWorks CAD system.

2. Prototype the design.
3. Test the prototype in the field.
4. Evaluate the results of the field tests.
5. Modify the design based on the field test results.

This process continues until a satisfactory solution is reached. Analysis can help
you accomplish the following tasks:

 Reduce cost by testing your model using the computer instead of

expensive field tests.
 Reduce time to market by reducing the number of product development
 Optimize your designs by quickly simulating many concepts and
scenarios before making a final decision, giving you more time to think
of new designs.

6.1.1 Stress Analysis

Stress or static analysis calculates the displacements, strains, and stresses in a part
based on material, restraints, and loads. A material fails when the stress reaches
a certain level. Different materials fail at different stress levels.
COSMOSXpress uses linear static analysis, based on the Finite Element
Method, to calculate stresses. Linear static analysis makes several assumptions
to calculate stresses in the part.

6.1.2 Finite Element Method

The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a reliable numerical technique for

analyzing engineering designs. FEM replaces a complex problem with many
simple problems. It divides the model into many small pieces of simple shapes
called elements.

 .

6.1.3 Stress Analysis

Stress or static analysis calculates the displacements, strains, and stresses in a part
based on material, restraints, and loads. A material fails when the stress reaches
a certain level. Different materials fail at different stress levels.
COSMOSXpress uses linear static analysis, based on the Finite Element
Method, to calculate stresses. Linear static analysis makes several assumptions
to calculate stresses in the part.

Von Misses theory

The maximum strain energy predicts that failure by yielding occurs when the
total strain energy in the nit volume reaches or exceeds the train energy in the
same volume corresponding to the yield strength in tension or compression.

6.1.4 Finite Element Method

The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a reliable numerical technique for

analyzing engineering designs. FEM replaces a complex problem with many
simple problems. It divides the model into many small pieces of simple shapes
called elements.

CAD model of a bracket

Elements share common points called nodes. The behavior of these elements is
well-known under all possible support and load scenarios. The motion of each
node is fully described by translations in the X, Y, and Z directions. These are
called degrees of freedom (DOFs). Analysis using FEM is called Finite Element
Analysis (FEA).

A tetrahedral element. Red dots represent the

element's nodes. Element edges can be curved
or straight

COSMOSXpress formulates the equations governing the behavior of each

element taking into consideration its connectivity to other elements. These
equations relate the displacements to known material properties, restraints, and

Next, the program organizes the equations into a large set of simultaneous
algebraic equations. The solver finds the displacements in the X, Y, and Z
directions at each node.

Using the displacements, the program calculates the strains in various

directions. Finally, the program uses mathematical expressions to calculate

7 Using COSMOSXpress

Click Options to select your preferred default system of units and specify a
folder for saving analysis results.

If COSMOSWorks is installed on your machine, you must clear it from the

Add-Ins list of compatible software products in order to access

For lessons on COSMOSXpress, see COSMOSXpress in the Online Tutorial.

7.1.1 Analysis Steps

There are five steps to complete analysis using COSMOSXpress as follows:

1. Define material of the part

2. Apply restraints
3. Apply loads
4. Analyze the part
5. View the results

7.1.2 Using COSMOSXpress for Multiple Documents

You can use COSMOSXpress only on the active part document. If you create a
new part document or open an existing document with COSMOSXpress active,
COSMOSXpress automatically saves the analysis information and closes the
current analysis session.

5) Graphic Data structures and software

a) Pixel Matrix
6) Computer Aided Design Analysis
a) Finite element representation
b) Boundary Conditions
c) Choice of elements and formulation
d) Technique foe Data presentation & handling
e) Application to 2D – 3D stress and Strain,
f) Heat transfer,
g) Vibration Analysis
h) Analysis for finite element for non linear and dynamic problems
i) Evaluation of commercial software
j) Application on Engineering Component

7) Program Development for an Engineering Calculation

a) Development of interactive program for calculation in such areas as:
i) Stress analysis
ii) Deflection
iii) Shaft
iv) Beams
v) Springs and Mechanical Linkages

8) Commercial Soft Wares

a) Compare features
b) Use case studies Drawing layout, pipe works, part assembly.
c) Appraisal with account taken in relationship to NC, CNC, Process plant
control etc
d) Simulation of machining of simple

9) References
a) Norton K (1992) Machine Design John Wiley Inc.
b) Bes and C.B (1990) Computer Aide Design and Manufacture. Ellis
c) Groover and Zimmes (1995): CAD/CAM. Prentice Hall


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