Astrological Notes

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 Chara Rasis aspect Sthira Rasis, Sthira Rasis aspect Chara Rasis and Dwiswabhava

Rasis aspect the Dwiswabhavas.

 If two or three planets obtain the same Ka/as or degrees and minutes, they are all
merged into one Karaka or Lordship over some event in the human life. The
vacancies caused by the merges of two or three planets into one have to be supplied
by Rahu in the reverse of order. The other Karaka will be supplied by the Naisargika
Karakas or permanent lords.

 Rahu and Ketu have no houses but, Jaimini gives lordship of Kumbha to Rahu and
Vrischika to Ketu.

 In Brihat Jataka, Ravi, Chandra, Sani and Sukra are given different Karakaships:
Diva arkasukrow pitru. matru soungnitou. This means that persons born during the
day have the Sun and Venus as lords of the father and mother respectively.
Sanaischarendu nisi tadviparyayat.For persons born during the nights, Sani becomes
Matrukaraka and Indu or Chandra becomes the lord of father.

 The planet who gets the next highest degrees will be Amatyakaraka. Probably when
the Amatya or Mantrikaraka is powerful and well combined and aspected the person
will become a great Minister or Councillor. But when he is ill combined and badly
aspected and debilitated he becomes an evil Councillor or an adviser who brings
disgrace on himself and also on those to whom he offers his counsel.

 If the Bhratrukaraka is debilitated, joins evil planets and has malicious aspects then
there will be ruination to brothers. He, will have no brothers or, if he gets them, they
will die or become wretched, poor and disgraceful. If, on the other hand, the
Bhratrukaraka is exalted, well combined and well aspected there will be plenty of
brothers and prosperity and success will attend on them. In the world we have
experience of various sorts and all these are indicated by the astrological authors.
There are various yogas specified in the Indian Astrology.These yogas play a vital
role in an individuals life.They are based on the position of the planets in an
individuals hororscope.The main yogas are

1. Gajakesri yoga
    When moon is in kendra from the Jupiter Gajakesari yoga is formed. Gajakesari
yoga is a powerful one which gives long life, wealth, prosperous and leadership

2. Gurumangal yoga 
When Mars combines with Jupiter Gurumangal yoga is formed. The effect of this
yoga is, the native will be wealthy, good health, extragavant and leader of a state.

3. Budhaditya yoga
    When mercury combines with sun Budhaditya yoga is formed.The effect of this
yoga is, the native will be intelligent, knowledgable and will be a respected person.

4. Bhadra yoga
    When mercury is in its own house,Gemini or exalted this yoga is formed.The
effect of Bhadra yoga is the native will have long life, intelligent and good looking.

5. Ruchaka yoga
    When mars is in its own house in Aries and Scorpio or exalted in Capricorn this
yoga is formed. Ruchaka yoga will give a person leadership qualities and strong
developed body.

6. Hamsa yoga
    When Jupiter is exalted in Cancer or in its own house of Sagittarius and Pisces,
hamsa yoga is formed. This will give a person beauty, comforts,self-respect,pure
mind and peaceful life.

7. Sasa yoga
    When Saturn is exalted in Libra or in its own house of Capricorn and Aquarius,
sasa yoga is formed. This yoga will give a person name, fame,leadership
qualities,head of a state and wealth.

8. Kemadruma yoga
    When there is no planets on either side of the moon, kemadruma yoga is
formed.Kemadruma yoga will give a persons poverty. It will get cancell if a planet is
occupied in Kendra from the chandra lagna or natal lagna.

9. Ashtalakshmi yoga
    Ashtalakshmi yoga is formed when Jupiter is in 1st,3rd, 4th and 10th house and
Rahu in 6th house. Ashtalakshmi yoga will give the individual name,fame,
prosperity, and peaceful, enjoyment in life.
10. Chandermangal yoga
    When mars combines with moon chandramangal yoga is formed. The yoga will
give intelligence, wealth, finance and success to the native.The nagative effects are
restless mind, hatred mind, mother health will be affected, lack of peace of mind.

11. Anapha yoga

    When there are planets other than sun in the 12th house from the moon, anapa
yoga is formed. The yoga will give good status, personality, name,fame and all kinds
of pleasure.

12.Sunapha yoga
    When there are planets other than sun in the 2nd house from the moon sunapa
yoga is formed. The yoga give self-earned property, leadership quality, intelligent,
wealthy and reputation.

13.Kalasarpha yoga
    This yoga is formed when all the planets are outside the body of Ketu and Rahu.

14.Kalasarpha dosha
    This yoga is formed when all the planets are within Rahu and Ketu.

15.Guru chandala yoga

     This yoga is formed when Jupiter is combined with Rahu.The effect of this yoga
is the native's child will be affected.

16.Parivardhana yoga
    This yoga is formed when two planets are in opposite house.The effects of this
yoga is the native will have the effects of both the planets.


A planetary combination producing a long life of affluence formed by Leo, Scorpio,

Aquarius or Taurus as ascendant, making Jupiter rule either the 5th or the 11th house in a
natal chart. The yoga also assumes that the rulers of the 2nd, 9th and 11th houses from the
Moon are strong.


A planetary combination formed by the lord of the 7th house placed in the 9th house, and
the lord of the 9th in the 7th house while both these planets are in strength. It bestows to
the native long arms, big eyes, knowledge of law and religious scriptures. His wife is
faithful to him and he leads a pure and moral life.

Positive yogas
Buddhmaturya yoga The 5th house lord, as a benefic, is aspected by a benefic or
is placed in a benefic sign (Sarvartha Chintamani 5/32). Result : The person is a
person of great intelligence and character. Ubhayachari Yoga Any planets, other
than Moon, occupy the 2nd and the 12th house from Sun. Result : The person has a
strong physique, equal to a king, capable of shouldering great responsibility, great
learning, balanced outlook, wealthy, handsome and blessed with numerous objects
of pleasure. This is particularly the results if benefics form this Yoga. Kahala
Yoga Lords of the 4th and the 9th in mutual Kendras, and the lord of Lagna is
strong. Result : The person is aggressive, courageous, ignorant, commander of an
army, owner or ruler of several villages. The person has material possessions, and
ownership of land, houses and vehicles. Mangal-Budha Yoga Mars and Mercury are
conjunct in the same house. Result : The person is adept in making medicines,
eloquent, not very rich, looks after a widow or a base woman, versed in metalcraft or
fine arts, a wrestler or boxer. Mangal-Guru Yoga Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in
the same house. Result : The person is learned, revered, wealthy, very intelligent,
skillful lecturer, a sculptor, skilled in the use of weapons, memorizes by mere
listening, a leader. Budha-Guru Yoga Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct in the same
house. Result : The person is eloquent, learned, amiable, handsome, wealthy, well-
versed in dance, song and music, very virtuous, and fond of perfumes. Mangal-
Budha-Guru Yoga Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house.
Result : The person is honored by his own family, given to poetry, music and drama,
attached to young women, husband of a fine woman, engaged in doing good to
others. Karmajiva Yoga The lord of the Navamsha occupying the 10th lord is Mars
(Brihat Jataka 10/2). Result : Wealth and livelihood will come to the person through
minerals, fire (fireworks, kitchen, engine driving or any work connected to heat or
fire), weapons, adventures and physical strength. The person might acquire income
through an enemy (Mars). Karmajiva Yoga Mars rules the 10th house from Lagna,
Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka). Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva
Yogas) This combination could support other combinations indicating a profession of
Mars, connected to minerals, fire (fireworks, kitchen, engine driving or any work
connected to heat or fire), weapons, adventures and physical strength. Karmajiva
Yoga Mercury aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun
(Brihat Jataka). Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This
combination could support other combinations indicating a profession connected to
Mercury, like a mechanic, painter, sculptor, engraver, architect or scent-maker.
Karmajiva Yoga Jupiter aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon
or Sun (Brihat Jataka). Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This
combination could support other combinations indicating a profession connected
Jupiter, like involvement with educated classes, knowledge, law, religion, temples,
charities, discipleship, pilgrimage and spiritual pursuits. Karmajiva Yoga Venus rules
the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka). Result : (To a lesser
degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support other
combinations indicating a profession of Venus, connected to gems, silver, cows,
buffaloes, or anything of great value or sensory pleasure or relates to beauty.
Karmajiva Yoga Saturn aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon
or Sun (Brihat Jataka). Result : (To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This
combination could support other combinations indicating a profession connected to
Saturn, like labor, such as carrying loads, and low trades that go against family
tradition. Dattaputra Yoga The lord of the 5th house is weak and in no way
connected with the lords of the Lagna and the 7th (Phala Deepika 12/8). Result : A
child will be adopted by the person. Matrudirgayur Yoga The lord of the Navamsha
sign holding the 4th house lord is strong and is located in a Kendra from Lagna or
Moon (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/132). Result : The mother of the person will have a
long life. Sarira Sukhya Yoga The Lagna lord, Jupiter or Venus are placed in a Kendra
(Sarvartha Chintamani 2/98). Result : Longevity, wealth from and alignment with
political powers are bestowed upon the person. Purnayu Yoga The 6th or the 12th
lord are placed in the 6th house or in the 12th house or the 8th house or the Lagna.
Result : This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years. Dhana
Yoga (dasha) The 9th house lord is conjunct the 5th house lord (Brihat Parashara
Hora Shastra 43/2). Result : The person will enjoy great wealth in the Dasha periods
of the planets making this Yoga. Dhana Yoga There is a relationship between the
2nd house lord on the one hand and the 5th, or 9th or 11th lord on the other hand.
Result : The person will be wealthy. Dhana Yoga There is a relationship between the
5th house lord on the one hand and the 9th or 11th lord on the other hand. Result :
The person will be wealthy. Dhana Yoga There is a relationship between the 9th
house lord on the one hand and the 11th lord on the other hand. Result : The person
will be wealthy. Svaveeryaddhana Yoga The 2nd lord occupies a Kendra or Trikona
from the Lagna lord, or a naturally benefic 2nd lord is exalted or conjunct an exalted
planet (Sarvartha Chintamani 3). Result : The person will accumulate his wealth
through his own effort. Akhanda Samrajya Yoga One of the lords of the 11th, 9th
or the 2nd houses are in a Kendra from Moon, while Jupiter is the lord of 2nd, 5th or
the 11th house (Jyotisharnava Navanitam 5/30). Result : The person will have a
wide kingdom. Vahana Yoga The lord of the 4th house is exalted and the lord of the
exaltation sign is in a Kendra or a Trikona (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/152). Result :
The person will come to own vehicles and other material comforts. Uttamadi
(Dhana) Yoga Moon is in a Apoklima (3,6,9,12) from Sun. Result : The person's
wealth, learning, efficiency and fame will be (uttama) plenteous. Raja Yoga A
mutual relationship exists between the Lagna lord on the one side and the lord of the
4th or 5th or 7th or 9th or 10th on the other. Result : This elevates the status of the
individual in terms of success, recognition and status.Raja Yoga A mutual
relationship exists between the lord of the 4th house on the one side and the lord of
the 5th or 9th on the other. Result : This elevates the status of the individual in
terms of success, recognition and status. Raja Yoga A conjunction or mutual aspect
between the lord of the 5th house and the lord of the 9th house (Brihat Parashara
Hora Shastra 41/33-34). Result : This yoga leads to kingship or royal status (In
modern context this means a high governmental status). Raja Yoga Lords of the 4th
or the 10th are in conjunction with the lords of the 5th and the 9th (Brihat Parashara
Hora Shastra 41/37). Result : The person will share a kingdom. This leads to
kingship or royal status (In modern context this means a high governmental status).
Raja Yoga The lord of or the planet that would be exalted in a sign holding a
debilitated planet is in a Kendra from Moon or Lagna (Sarvartha Chintamani 9/13).
Result : The person will become a ruler or equal to a ruler of high rank. Raja Yoga
The lord of the Navamsha sign which the Moon occupies, resides in a Kendra or
Trikona from Lagna or Mercury (Sarvartha Chintamani 9.28). Result : The person is
or becomes a commander or equal to a ruler. Raja Yoga One of the lords of the 11th,
the 9th and the 2nd houses, is in a Kendra from Moon, while Jupiter is the lord of
either 2nd, 5th or 11th house (original source unknown). Result : The individual
becomes a great man or a respected ruler. Viparita Sarala Raja Yoga The 8th lord is
in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/65). Result : This confers learning,
longevity and prosperity. The person will be successful in all ventures, conquerer of
foes and a great celebrity. Bandhu Pujya Yoga The 4th house or it's lord are
associated with or aspected by Jupiter (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/65). Result : The
person has the respect of his family and friends. Satkirti Yoga The lord of the 10th
house is a benefic and is located in it's sign of exaltation, friends sign or in it's own
sign and divisions or in a benefic Shastiamsha (Sarvartha Chintamani 8/22). Result :
The person will get fame in life. Maha-Parivartana Yoga The Lagna lord exchanges
houses with the 2nd lord, or the 4th lord, or the 5th lord, or the 7th lord, or the 9th
lord, or the 10th lord, or the 11th lord. Result : This combination promises wealth,
status and physical enjoyments, plus beneficial influences from the houses involved.
Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter in a Kendra from Moon. Look out for another texts dealing
with the particular version of this Yoga. Result : The person is illustrious,
overpowering, virtuous, wealthy, intelligent, scholarly, of royal bearing and enjoys
lasting fame. Kalpadruma-Bhanga Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent,
there are planets in a Kendra from Lagna. Result : This Yoga cancels the evil of
Kemadruma Yoga and bestows all comforts on the person. Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga
While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, there are planets in a Kendra from
Moon. Result : This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga. Kemadruma-Bhanga
Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, Moon is associated with a benefic
or aspected by Jupiter. Result : This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga.
Nicha-Bhanga Raja Yoga The debilitated planet is conjunct an exalted planet. Result :
This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet and yielding
benefic results instead, being elevated to a Raja Yoga status. Arishta-Bhanga Yoga
Rahu is placed in the 3rd, or the 6th, or the 11th from Lagna. Result : This
combination cancels or neutralizes Balarishta Yoga which threatens death to the
newborn child.

Negative yogas

Jada Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is placed in the 10th along with malefics or the
2nd house is occupied with Sun and Mandi or Lord of the 2nd house conjunct Sun or
Mandi (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/34). Result : The person becomes nervous and loses
the balance of his mind when speaking in front of a group of people. Kemadruma
Yoga Absence of any planet, except Sun, in the 2nd and 12th house from Moon.
Result : The person is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, spouse, progeny
and mental peace. The person suffers misery, failures, physical illness and
humiliation. This is said to reduce a prince to a pauper (look for Kalpadruma Yoga or
Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga for cancellation). Nissva Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is
in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/59). Result : The person will be harsh
in speech, remain in bad company and will have ill formed teeth and eyes, bereft of
intelligence, children, learning and power, wealth being taken away by foes. Mriti
Yoga The lord of the 3rd house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/60).
Result : The person will be annihilated by his/her enemies, devoid of (younger)
siblings, shame, strength and wealth. The person will be tired by indulging in
unseemly activity and will be of excitable temperment. Kuhu Yoga The lord of the 4th
house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/61). Result : The person will
be bereft of mother, conveyances, friends, happiness, ornaments, relations. The
person will be unemployed and without a place of living having lost the one owned
by him/her associating with low people of the opposite sex. Pamara Yoga The lord of
the 5th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/62). Result : The
person will be indiscriminate and have a miserable life, a liar, a cheat, childless or
suffering from the loss of children, associating with mean and wicked people, lacking
the faith in God and will be a glutton. Nirbhagya Yoga The lord of the 9th house is in
the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/66). Result : The person will lose all
parental property, such as lands, house etc. the person will have no regard from
good people and elders and will be irreligious, dressed in old and worn out clothes,
poor and miserable. Duryoga The lord of the 10th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th
house (Phala Deepika 6/67). Result : The person will be of no importance, a traitor
and very selfish, only earning to satisfy own hunger, constantly away from home and
lives abroad. Dainya Parivartana Yoga The 6th house lord exchanges houses with the
Lagna lord, or the 2nd lord, or the 3rd lord, or the 4th lord, or the 5th lord, or the
7th lord, or the 8th lord, or the 9th lord, or the 10th lord, or the 11th lord, or the
12th lord. Result : This combination leads to a wicked nature, persistent trouble from
opponents, and ill health. Bandhubhisthyaktha Yoga The lord of the 4th house is
connected to malefics or holds bad Shasthiamshas or is placed in enemy or
debilitation signs (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/68). Result : The person will have trouble
with his close relatives, due to misunderstanding or be deserted by them. Matrunasa
Yoga Moon is hemmed between malefics, or conjunct or aspected by malefics
(Sarvartha Chintamani 4/133). Result : The mother of the person dies early.
Vishaprayoga Yoga The 2nd house holds or is aspected by malefics and the 2nd
house lord is in a cruel Navamsha aspected by a malefic (Sarvartha Chintamani
3/143). Result : The person is vulnerable to be poisoned by others. Arishta Yoga The
Lagna lord is in conjunction or mutual aspect with the 6th, or the 8th, or the 12th
house lords (If the lords of the 2nd and 7th houses are involved the effects are more
severe). Result : The person will suffer from bad health (the planets that constitute
this Yoga will give more specific information). Arishta Vrana Yoga The lord of the 6th
house is a malefic and is placed in the Lagna, the 8th house or the 10th house
(Sarvartha Chintamani 5/2/2). Result : The person might suffer from ulcer, tumor or
cancer. Arishta Matibhramana Yoga The lord of the 6th house is conjunct or aspected
by a malefic, the 6th house itself holds or is aspected by malefics, Mercury and Moon
are in Trik houses or aspected by malefics (Major S.G. Khout). Result : The person is
vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder. Arishta Matibhramana Yoga
Mercury is weak and conjunct a malefic in the 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th house (Major
S.G. Khout). Result : The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental
disorder. Arishta Khalvata Yoga The Lagna is identical to Saggitarius or Taurus or be
a malefic sign, aspected by malefic planets (Major S.G. Khout). Result : The person
is vulnerable to the loss of hair and becoming bald. Alpayu Yoga No benefics in
Kendras, and a benefic placed in the 8th house. Result : This combination indicates a
short life span for the person or upto the age of 32. Alpayu Yoga The 3rd lord and
Mars are combust or afflicted by malefics. Result : This combination indicates a short
life span for the person or upto the age of 32. Alpayu Yoga The 8th lord and Saturn,
are combust or afflicted by malefics. Result : This combination indicates a short life
span for the person or upto the age of 32. Daridra Yoga The lord of the 11th house is
in a Dusthana (the 6th, 8th or 12th houses). Result : The person will attain huge
debts, suffer poverty, will have hearing troubles, have a mean temperament, and
indulge in sinful and unlawful activity. Daridra Yoga The lord of the 11th house is in
the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/68). Result : Incoming debts will
constantly be the way of life for the person, suffering from diseases of the ear,
deprived of good siblings, engaged in cruelity and sins, indecent in speech and work
like a menial. Daridra Yoga Lagna lord and 6th lord exchange houses and Marakas
influence either or both of them. Result : The person might suffer from poverty,
misery and ill-health. Daridra Yoga Lord of Lagna associated with a Dusthana lord or
with Saturn, unaspected by benefics. Result : The person might suffer from poverty,
misery and ill-health. Daridra Yoga The lords of the houses occupied by the Dusthana
lords, are in the Dusthanas themselves and conjunct or aspected by Malefics.
Result : The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health. Daridra Yoga
Benefic planets are located in malefic houses, and malefic planets in benefic houses.
Result : The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health. Bandhana Yoga
Malefics in Cancer Lagna, Leo Lagna or Pisces Lagna (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/57).
Result : This configuration makes the person vulnerable to confinement or
imprisonment ''in a fort''. Mleccha Yoga Saturn is in Lagna and Sun in the 7th house
(Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/33). Result : The person, although possibly well placed in
the beginning of life, will become somewhat of an outcast. Dasi-prabhava Yoga Sun
and Moon are debilitated, or they are both in opposition with Saturn (Sambu Hora
Prakasha 14/65). Result : The person might be the child of a female slave or a maid.

Mixed yogas

Musala Yoga If Lagna is in a Sthira sign and several planets also in Sthira signs then
the effects of Musala yoga can be felt. Result : One born in this Yoga is proud,
learned, wealthy, liked by ruler, famous, of stable nature, and blessed with several
sons. He/she is trustworthy, has stability and durability, is fixed and determined.
However, the person might be obstinant, inable to take quick decisions and might
have difficulty adapting to change. Sankhya Pasha Yoga All planets distributed over 5
houses in the chart. Result : The person has a large family, is adept in work, skillful
in earning wealth, crafty, impolite, fond of dwelling in forests, having numerous
drawbacks. Bahu Stri Yoga The Lagna lord and the lord of the 7th house are conjunct
or in mutual aspect with each other (original source unknown). Result : The person
will have a number of spouses. Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter 4th house from Moon.
Result : This combination should be very favorable for domestic comforts and the
mother of the person. But according to Mansagari this Yoga deprives one of comforts
at home, leads to troubles in respect of the mother, and confers an attitude to work
for others. Sodaranasa Yoga Mars and the lord of the 3rd house are in the Trik
houses (6, 8 and 12th houses), conjunct or aspected by malefics (Sarvartha
Chintamani 4/11). Result : The person will have no younger siblings, and few or no
siblings at all. Madhyayu Yoga Lagna lord and the 8th house lord, both occupy a
Dvisvabhava sign, or one in a Chara sign and the other in Sthira sign. Result : This
combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years. Madhyayu Yoga
The Lagna and the Moon, both occupy a Dvisvabhava sign, or one in a Chara sign
and the other in Sthira sign. Result : This combination is an indication of a medium
life span up to 70 years. Madhyayu Yoga The Lagna and the Hora Lagna, both occupy
a Dvisvabhava sign, or one in a Chara sign and the other in Sthira sign. Result : This
combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years. Mukabadhiramdha
Yoga Malefics in the 7th house without a benefic aspect (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
Result : The person might have damaged teeth.

Dainya Yoga

If the lord of the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth or eleventh house mutually
changes place with any of the lords of houses grouped above, it is a Maha Yoga. For example,
the lord of the first in the eleventh and the lord of the eleventh in first or lord of the second in
the eleventh and lord of the eleventh in the second; or lord of the fourth in the tenth and lord
of the tenth in the fourth, and so on. There is increase in respect of good luck pertaining to the
houses involved. 

(b) If any lord of the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth or the eleventh house
changes place with the lord of the third, it is called Khala Yoga. For example, the lord of the
tenth is in the third and the lord of the third in the tenth; or the lord of the third in the fourth
and lord of the fourth in the third. This is a bad Yoga called Khala. 

(c) If the lord of a house stated in caluse (a) above changes place with the lord of the sixth,
eighth or twelfth house, it is called Dainya Yoga. 

The sixth, eighth and twelfth houses are called Trik. They are also called Dusthanas. So if the
lord of the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth or the eleventh house exchanges
place with the lord or a Trik, it will constituted Dainya Yoga, a pulling down weight for luck and
prosperity. Dainya Yoga is worse than Khala Yoga. 

Thus by permutation and combination there will be 66 yogas. 

(i.) Lord of the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth or eleventh house mutually
changing places: 28 yogas (Maha Yoga). 

(ii.) Lord of the twelfth changing places with lords of the remaining eleven houses; 11 yogas
(Dainya Yoga). 

(iii.) Lord of the eighth changing places with lords of houses from first to eleventh: 10 Yogas
(Dainya Yoga). 

(iv.) Lord of the sixth changing places with lords of any house from first to eleventh (except
8th covered by (iii) above): 9 Yogas (Dainya Yoga). 

(v.) Lord of the third changing place with lords of the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh,
ninth, tenth or eleventh: 8 Yogas (Khala Yoga). 

Thus we get 28 Maha Yogas, 8 Khala Yogas and 30 Dainya Yogas. In the delineation of effects,
the sign positions, whether by changing places a planet will be occupying his sign of exaltation
or own sign or a sign of debilitation should be attached due weight.

Siva Yoga

Shiva Yoga is caused when:

1. The Lord of the 5th is in the 9th house,
2. The lord of the 9th is  in the 10th house, and
1. The lord of 10th in the 5th.
 Fruits: The person will be a big trader, a conqueror and commander of armies. He will also possess
divine wisdom and will lead a virtuous life.

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