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1Inductive Method

1. Observation Method

Observation method consists in actual observation of political phenomenon. The political investigation observes
the working of political institution and finds out its conclusions. The observation method is very useful, practical
and has reality in it. The political conditions can be verified and conclusions are drawn on the basis of facts.
Limitations: Observation must be profound and not superficial, and should be always free from personal
prejudices. The observer must have penetrating insight. The observation method in itself is incomplete unless it is
supplemented by other methods

. 2. Comparative Method
In this we collect much material, arrange and classify it, and come to a certain conclusion by comparing the
different historical facts and political events. It is the oldest method in Politics. It may be a comparison of the
present with the past or of the contemporary institutions in different countries. In Inductive Method Deductive
Method (Philosophical) (Statistical) (Observational) (Historical) (Comparative) (Experimental) 10 modern times,
the comparative method is followed by Bryce and Montesquieu. Indian constitution also bears the impact of the
comparison of different constitutions. Prof. Garner maintains that either to “establish a general theory or to test
specific hypothesis comparative method is by far the best one”. Limitations: But, comparative method is difficult
and must be used with great care. Moreover what is suitable to one country may not be suitable for another
country. Thus it has its own limits.

3. Historical Method- Historical method is propounded by Montesquieu, Seelay, Maine and others.They explain
the political institution with reference from historical records. It implies that to study political theory one must
understand the time, place, circumstances in which it is involved.

4. Experimental Method- Political experiments can be conducted and desired results may be secured. The
government continues with the changes if they are accepted by the people and proved successful. The organization
U.N.O is a bold experiment at the international level. Gilchrist says, “Every change in the form of government,
every new law passed, is an experiment in Political Science”. According to J.S Mill and Lowell, Political Science
is not an exact science, thus it does not contain the element of probability, hence no experiment can be conducted

. 3.2Deductive Method

1. Philosophical Method- This method is deductive in its approach and starts with a certain self-evident general
propositions and then confirms or denies the facts. It starts with some abstract view of human nature and draws
conclusions from that view concerning the nature, functions and aims of the state.

2. Statistical or quantitative Method- In modern times, statistical method occupies an important place in the study
of political science for the compilation of voting figures, analysis of the government finance. The statistical
figures indicate the conditions prevailing in the different fields. Scaling techniques and sociometric techniques are
used to measure non- qualitative and qualitative phenomenon. This method like other methods is also not free
from drawbacks. The exact measurement of qualitative technique is not possible.

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