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For a better marketing outcome, research is the first thing that should be performed by the marketers,

to know about the consumer behavior towards a particular brand and product and then accordingly the
strategies should be formed and implemented:

Hence, customer behavior analysis is utmost important which consists study of various components:

 Customer Demand
 Value
 Cognitive action (Social cognitive/ cognitive dissonance)
 Mental Consciousness
 Stimulus
 Organism
 Response
 Influence

Determining the value:

Purchase decisions are based on the value the product or service brings to consumers. Hence defining
the value equation is really important, whether you are a brand or service, create and OWN your value
equation. Leverage where you feel you have, or would be able to create, a sustainable differentiation
among similar brands

Cognitive action:
By observing the behavior one can bring the desired outcomes, the different cognitive theories
emphasize on the cognitive components of observational learning and the way behavior, cognition, and
the environment interact to shape people.

Through which marketers can impact consumers’ ability to learn by illustrating product usage by models
and the resultant/outcome; marketers could depict what happens when their brands are used and/or
what happens when their product/brands are not used.

Cognitive dissonance: marketers can pinpoint the micro-influencers that may help alleviate the tension
and sway their belief towards a feeling of satisfaction with the purchase and possibly even advocacy. 

The companies can make use of monitoring software’s and natural language processing to discover
online conversations that would indicate which groups of consumers are experiencing cognitive
dissonance that would negatively affect purchase decisions to their favor, it has become as a new
frontier for influence marketing.

Mental consciousness (Black Box, SOR):

When a person is given certain input or stimulus, that stimulus affects the person's actions, hence the
art of understanding human psyche in terms of stimulus and response can help marketers to accurately
provide consumers with exactly what they want, when and where they are prepared to make a

With tracking and accumulation of unimaginable amounts of data from search terms, online purchases,
posted comments and other online behavior, this data can be analyzed to isolate stimulus-response on
even an individual basis.

Stimulus Accomplish
Organism Behavior
Situation ment

Extensive and limited problem solving:

Need to design strategies in a such a way that the consumer perceives a product’s features or beliefs as
providing an answer to a perceived problem and felt needs. Hence marketing strategies need to adopt
both creativity and strategically to the different decision processes and models, its crucial for marketers
to constantly understand their customer’s growing demands in order to serve them in the best way
bearing that each product and consumer is different than the other.

Elaboration Likelihood Model:

The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) explains how persuasion message works in changing
the attitude of reader or viewer
For example, there might be some advertisements that we hate, we don’t want to learn or
remember the message from the advertisement and we are not being persuaded by it. Hence, it
is very much important for corporations and advertisement agencies, in designing their market
strategies and understanding the attitudes of peoples, so as to have better persuasion and long-
lasting effect

Better understanding of consumer behavior Better outcomes

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