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Diagnosis of transverse problems

Chun-Hsi Chung

Traditionally, maxillary and mandibular skeletal widths and buccolingual

inclination of posterior teeth are evaluated by using posteroanterior (PA)
cephalogram and dental casts. However, it is difficult to identify the land-
marks and make a diagnosis due to the superimposed structures on the PA
cephalogram. As for the dental casts, they can neither reveal skeletal dimen-
sions of maxilla and mandible, nor the root positions in the alveolar bone.
Nowadays, the advent of CBCT enables clinicians to view craniofacial struc-
tures in three planes of space without any obstruction or superimposition of
structures. In this article, a CBCT analysis on the transverse dimension is
introduced. The maxillary and mandibular skeletal widths at different tooth
levels, buccolingual inclination of each tooth, and their root positions in the
alveolar bone can be determined. Thus, a proper transverse diagnosis can be
made. (Semin Orthod 2019; 25:16–23) © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction lacrymomaxillary, nasomaxillary, ethmoidomax-

illary, zygomaticomaxillary, intermaxillary (mid-
n orthodontics, among the three planes of
I space - sagittal, vertical, and transverse, the
transverse is the least studied. In the orthodontic
palatal), and vomeromaxillary. Bjork and Skiel-
ler1 conducted a longitudinal study on the maxil-
lary transverse growth of 9 boys. Subjects had
literature, there are plenty of articles related to
implant pins inserted in left and right zygomatic
sagittal and vertical dimensions of the face, but
crests at age 4. At age 1011, implant pins were
few related to the transverse dimension. Trans-
inserted in the apical areas of incisor on both
verse facial growth and diagnosis and treatment
sides. Annual posteroanterior (PA) and lateral
planning deserve a lot more attention. The trans-
cephalograms were taken from age 4 to adult age.
verse facial growth normally completes before the
On the PA cephalogram, the increase in distance
sagittal and vertical growth. Understanding the
between the left and right implants was reported
transverse growth is important in making proper
as sutural growth. They found that in the maxil-
diagnosis and treatment planning of the trans-
lary molar region, most transverse skeletal growth
verse problems. Thus, a brief review of transverse
is from sutural growth, with a small amount from
growth of maxilla and mandible is presented first,
periosteal growth (bone remodeling). In addi-
and then the diagnosis will follow in this article.
tion, more sutural growth was found in the molar
region than in the incisor region. Thus, there was
Transverse skeletal growth of maxilla and a rotation of the two halves of maxilla.
mandible Ricketts et al.2 reported the transverse
growth changes from age 9 to 16, for both gen-
Maxillary growth ders, on PA cephalograms. The maxillary skele-
There are two components of maxillary growth - tal width was determined as the distance
sutural and periosteal. The sutures involved in between the left J (Jugale) and right J (Jugale),
the maxillary growth are - frontomaxillary, which increased from 62 mm to 66.2 mm
(0.6 mm per year). The J point was located at
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, Univer- the jugal process, the intersection of the outline
sity of Pennsylvania, 240 South 40th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104- of the tuberosity of the maxilla and the zygo-
6303, USA. matic buttress. In a later study, Ricketts and
Corresponding author. E-mail:
Grummons3 reported in males, from age 3 to
© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
21, an increase in J-J distance from 55 mm to 73 mm or1 mm per year.

16 Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 25, No 1, 2019: pp 1623

Diagnosis of transverse problems 17

In a longitudinal study on PA cephalograms of year for both sexes. The Ag point was located at
subjects from age 5 to 18, Cortella et al.4 the antegonial notch. Later on Ricketts and
reported that males had greater maxillary trans- Grummons3 reported for males from age 3 to 21,
verse dimensions than females. In addition, the the Ag-Ag distance increased from 68 to 94 mm
maxillary transverse growth (J-J) for females com- or 1.5 mm per year. Cortella et al.4 reported
pleted at age 14, but for males it continued to from age 5 to 18, for mandibular growth (Ag-Ag)
about age18. Wagner and Chung5 found that on PA cephalograms, females completed growth
there was a relationship between the transverse at around age 16, and males continued to age 18.
growth and vertical facial type. At age 6, the doli- Wagner and Chung5 reported at age 6, the high-
chofacial (high mandibular plane angle) subjects angle group had smaller mandibular (Ag-Ag)
had smaller maxillary (J-J) widths than the bra- widths than the low-angle group. This trend con-
chyfacial (low mandibular plane angle) subjects. tinued until age 18. It should be noted that the
This trend continued until age 18. Ag is located at the angular area of ramus, which
is far from dentition and should not represent
the mandibular basal bone.
Mandibular growth
There are two types of growth in the mandible -
Transverse growth of maxillary and
cartilaginous and periosteal. The condyles are
mandibular dental arches
the only places in the mandible having cartilagi-
nous growth, the rest of mandibular growth is In their longitudinal study, Moyers et al.6
periosteal growth and remodeling. The basal reported the arch width development of maxilla
bone under dental arch almost completes its and mandible on canines, premolars and molars
width development at the end of pubertal from age 6 to 18 for male and female (Table 1).
growth. However, the condyles continue to grow They found that the mandibular intermolar
and the rami continue to remodel after the width at the first molars was established at age 12
growth spurt. for girls with no more changes after age 12; for
Ricketts et al.2 reported from age 9 to 16, on boys, the increase was only 1 mm to age 18. For
PA cephalogram the distance between the left maxillary intermolar width, it was established at
Ag (antegonion) and right Ag (antegonion) age 12 for girls; for boys it increased 1.4 mm
increased from 76 mm to 85.8 mm or 1.4 mm per from age 12 to 18. For intercanine width, it was

Table 1. Mean arch width measurements (longitudinal). Data from Moyers RE, et al.6
Mean arch width measurements*
AGE Canine First premolar First molar Canine First premolar First molar
Maxillary Arch
6 27.53y 32.26y 41.85 26.88y 31.67y 41.34
8 29.7y 33.69y 43.12 29.06y 33.04y 42.38
10 30.47y 34.35y 44.46 29.77y 33.62y 43.52
12 32.54 35.66 45.34 31.52 35.11 44.64
14 32.45 35.98 45.86 31.30 34.93 44.32
16 32.25 36.55 46.63 31.43 35.16 45.01
18 32.31 36.66 46.69 31.18 34.64 43.94
Mandibular Arch
6 22.33y 28.68y 40.15 22.19y 28.43y 39.96
8 24.31y 29.73y 40.93 23.95y 29.46y 40.33
10 24.55y 30.18y 41.47 24.06y 29.72y 40.98
12 25.14 32.52 42.08 24.81 31.62 41.80
14 24.73 32.25 41.13 24.39 31.03 41.11
16 24.66 32.34 42.77 23.90 30.98 41.46
18 24.81 32.83 42.96 23.08 30.83 41.68

* Millimeter distance between centers of teeth.

Primary predecessor.
18 Chung

established for maxillary and mandibular arches occlusal than lingual cusps. Thus, the curve of
at age 12 for both genders (Table 1). Wilson is maintained.
Another longitudinal growth study on the Yang and Chung12 evaluated the buccolingual
transpalatal width was conducted using the meas- inclination of the long axis (whole tooth) of first
urements from the gingival margin of lingual molars on Caucasian children and adults using
groove of the first molar to the contralateral side. coronal sections on their CBCT images. The
McNamara and Brudon7 reported that, genders authors reported that for children from ages
combined, the transpalatal width increased only 69, each maxillary first molar exhibited about
2.6 mm from age 7 to 15. The mean value was 11° of buccal inclination, but for adults, the
32.7 § 1.4 mm at age 7, 33.2 § 1.5 mm at age 8, molars exhibited about 5° buccal inclination. In
33.2 § 1.4 mm at age 9, 33.7 § 1.5 mm at age 10, the mandible, each first molar revealed about
34.5 § 1.4 mm at age 11, and 35.2 § 1.4 mm at 17° lingual inclination, but for adults, the lingual
age 12. After age 12, there was no change on the inclination was about 13°. Clearly, the molars
transpalatal width. become more upright with growth. Alkhatib and
Chung13 in their CBCT study, concluded that in
Caucasian adult normal occlusion, there was a
Buccolingual inclination changes of
curvature to the first molars in untreated adults,
molars with growth
where the long axis of maxillary molars had a
Wilson8 was first to report on the buccolingual slight buccal inclination (about 5° each) and the
inclination of the grinding teeth, the mandib- long axis of mandibular molars had a slight lin-
ular molars being inclined lingually and the gual inclination (about 13°). Tong et al.14
maxillary molars being inclined buccally. This reported, for a group subjects from age 12 to
occlusal curve on the coronal plane has been 36 years (mean 21.5 years) combined with a few
referred to as curve of Wilson. Dempster et different races, the long axis of maxillary molar
al.9 studied the arrangement of the roots of showed about 4.5° of buccal inclination and the
the teeth in skulls with typical dentition and long axis of mandibular first molar showed about
confirmed the lingual inclination of the man- 8° of lingual inclination on their CBCT images.
dibular posterior teeth. The buccal inclination of the maxillary first
Interestingly, the buccolingual inclinations of molars and lingual inclination of the mandibular
molars are not stable throughout life. Bjork and first molars (whole tooth) are demonstrated in
Skiller’s1 implant study showed that from ages Fig. 1.
1011 to 20 the posterior suture opening aver-
aged 3 mm, yet the intermolar width increased
by only 1.8 mm. These results demonstrate that
with growth, maxillary molars become more
upright with buccal root torque. The authors
also reported that from ages 1011 to 20, the
anterior suture opening was 0.9 mm, but the
intercanine width almost stayed the same. These
results also demonstrate that with growth, maxil-
lary canines become more upright with buccal
root torque.
Measuring clinical crowns of molars on dental
casts, Marshall et al.10 and Sayania et al.11 showed
that buccolingual inclination changes with
growth. Normally, maxillary molars erupt with
buccal inclination and become more upright
with age; mandibular molars erupt with lingual
inclination and become more upright with age.
Figure 1. A coronal section on first molars of CBCT
In adults, the lingual cusps of maxillary molars image of a subject with normal occlusion. The maxil-
are more occlusal than the buccal cusps, and the lary molars show buccal inclination and mandibular
buccal cusps of mandibular molars are more molars show lingual inclination.
Diagnosis of transverse problems 19

Interestingly, the mandibular basal bone inclina- not be an accurate landmark to be used to deter-
tion frequently aligned with the lingual inclina- mine the skeletal transverse width of the basal
tion of the lower molars (Fig. 1). Studying the CT bone. In addition, there was no consensus on
scans on male Asiatic Indians, Kohakura et al.15 what the norms of transverse skeletal widths (J-J,
reported a similar relationship between the tooth Ag-Ag) are for males and females determined
axis and the bone axis, where lower first molar from PA cephalogram. Several reported studies
averaged about 10° of lingual inclination and the show different values.2-5 Nevertheless, the diffi-
bone inclination was averaged about 8°. culties for landmark identification of J and Ag on
A potential link between buccolingual inclina- a PA cephalogram posed other problems. Studies
tion of molars and vertical facial type has been have shown that this analysis was not sensitive
studied, but the results are scattered and incon- enough to detect the transverse problems.21-24
sistent in the literature. Janson et al.16 found that
there was no statistical variation between low-
Transpalatal width
and high-angle subjects in mandibular posterior
tooth inclination, but maxillary molars had The transpalatal width, determined from the gin-
greater buccal inclinations in high-angle sub- gival margin of lingual groove of the first molar
jects. Conversely, Tsunori et al.17 found that to the first molar of the other side. As mentioned
short facial types had more lingual molar inclina- earlier, McNamara and Brudon7 reported the
tion in the mandible. mean normal values from age 7 to 15. The
patient’s transpalatal width can be compared
with the reported values to determine if the
Diagnosis of transverse problems
upper arch is normal. For example, a 12 years-
Clinically, posterior crossbite is a common and old patient with a transpalatal width of 32 mm.
valid indicator of transverse problems, used by Compared to the mean normal value of 35 §
most clinicians. However, there are many 1.4 mm at the same age, the upper arch of this
patients with transverse problems that do not patient can be diagnosed as narrow.
show a posterior crossbite. The dental compensa- Cautions should be made when using this
tion may obscure the skeletal and dental trans- method, since the norms are combined with
verse problems.18,19 both genders and the dental compensations
There have been several reported methods to (buccolingual inclination) are not considered.
diagnose the skeletal and dental transverse prob- Moreover, the transpalatal width may be affected
lems: by vertical facial types. Isaacson et al.25 reported
that the width of palate (distance between the
mesiolingual cusp tips of the first molars)
Maxillomandibular transverse differential
increased as the mandibular plane angle (MP 
In 1999, Vanarsdall proposed the use of a Maxillo- SN) decreased. Forster et al.26 reported male
mandibular Transverse Differential as a diagnostic arch widths were significantly larger than those
tool for diagnosing transverse skeletal problems.20 of females. For both males and females, there
The method was based on the Ricketts et al’s2 was a trend that as MP  SN angle increased, the
norms of maxillary and mandibular growth mea- arch width decreased.
sured from PA cephalograms. The maxillary skele-
tal width (J-J) and mandibular skeletal width
Andrews’s WALA ridge
(Ag-Ag) of patient are measured on a PA cephalo-
gram and compared with the norms of Ricketts’ When evaluating the dental casts, Andrews27 sug-
et al. The maxillomandibular width difference gested that the primary landmark for assessing
(Ag-Ag and J-J) of the patient and difference of mandibular arch width and shape is the WALA
Ricketts’ norms of the same age (Ag-Ag and J-J) Ridge. The WALA is an acronym for Will
were calculated and compared. Normally the dif- Andrews and Larry Andrews, who defined the
ference should be within 5 mm. If it is more than ridge as the most prominent portion of a mandi-
5 mm, a transverse skeletal problem exists. ble’s mucogingival junction.27
The limitation of this method is that the land- Andrews28 suggested that when an optimal
mark Ag is far back from the dentition and may mandibular arch is viewed from the occlusal
20 Chung

perspective, the distance of FA point (center of

facial axis of the crown) of the first molar to
WALA Ridge should be 2 mm. In this position,
the mandibular first molars are decompensated,
and the arch width between the central fossae of
the mandibular first molars is the optimal man-
dibular arch width. For the maxilla, the occlusal
plane on the maxillary first molars should be par-
allel to the transverse plane of the head from the
frontal perspective. In this position, the maxillary
first molars are decompensated and the distance
between the mesio-lingual cusp tips of the right
and left maxillary first molars should be equal to
the distance between the mandibular right and
left central fossa.
It should be noted that since the diagnosis is
made on the dental casts, the root positions in
the alveolar bone are not known unless a Figure 2. A coronal section on first molars of CBCT
image of the same subject. The roots of maxillary and
3- dimensional image such as a CBCT is taken. mandibular molars are positioned in the center of the
medullary bones.
CBCT evaluation
In the literature, most studies on maxillary and bones, the maxillary molars slightly incline buc-
mandibular skeletal (basal bone) widths and buc- cally and mandibular molars slightly incline lin-
colingual inclination of posterior teeth were eval- gually (Fig. 1, 2). Miner et al.19 reported that in
uated with PA cephalograms and dental casts. It normal occlusion, at the mid-alveolar bone levels
is well known that the limitations of the PA ceph- of lingual surfaces of the first maxillary and man-
alogram includes the overlapping of structures dibular first molars, the maxillary width is about
and difficulty to identify the landmarks. In addi- 1.2 § 2.9 mm less than mandibular width with a
tion, there is an inherent error of magnification wide range.
on the film. Using dental casts for evaluation, For a narrow skeletal maxilla without dental
they cannot reveal the basal bone and the root crossbite, the maxillary posterior teeth tend to
positions in the alveolar bone. In addition, the compensate and incline buccally, and mandibu-
long axis of the tooth is hard to determine due lar posterior teeth tend to compensate and
to the uneven occlusal wear and irregular crown incline lingually. The palatal width at the mid-
morphology. Thus, a new method that can ana- root level of maxilla is significantly less than that
lyze the skeletal and dental structures in 3 planes of mandible (Fig. 3A). As a result, a significant
of space without obstructed views is critical. With curve of Wilson takes place. The normal curve of
the advent of cone beam computed tomography Wilson allows for proper occlusal function, how-
(CBCT), the transverse dimension of dentofacial ever, excessive curve of Wilson results in balanc-
structures can be visualized and measured. As a ing interferences.29 In making diagnosis and
result, the widths of maxillary and mandibular treatment planning of this case, the molars
basal bones and their relationship, the buccolin- should be de-compensated first and their roots
gual inclination of each whole tooth, and their must be in the alveolar housing. In addition, a
root positions in the alveolar bone can be visual- mild curve of Wilson should be maintained
ized and analyzed and a proper diagnosis can be (Fig. 3B). In this position, the molars become in
made (Figs. 1, 2). crossbite. The treatment objective is to expand
When examining using CBCT on the trans- the maxillary basal bone, so the lingual cusps of
verse dimension, normally there should be maxillary molars occlude on central fossae of
proper skeletal widths of maxilla and mandible mandibular molars. The needed amount of
and a harmonious relationship. The roots of expansion would be the difference between the
teeth are positioned in the center of alveolar inter-lingual cusp width of maxillary molars and
Diagnosis of transverse problems 21

Figure 3. CBCT images of a 12 years 9 months girl. (A) Pre-treatment radiograph showing transverse skeletal defi-
ciency and significant dental compensations. (B) In diagnosis and treatment planning, when maxillary and man-
dibular molars were de-compensated, the molars resulted in posterior crossbite, (C) Post-expansion radiograph
showing corrected molar relationship. Patient was expanded with a TADs supported RPE. (Courtesy of Dr. Nor-
man Boucher).

the inter-central fossa width of the mandibular The buccolingual inclination of posterior teeth
molars (Fig. 3B). This case was treated with a and the root positions in the alveolar bone can
TADs supported RPE. The dental de-compensa- only be detected with 3D images. Fig. 5 shows an
tion and skeletal expansion can be see on Fig. 3C. adult with missing upper canines and crowding on
For a wide maxilla without crossbite, the max- mandibular anterior teeth. The roots of mandibu-
illary posterior teeth tend to compensate and lar posterior teeth were prominent on palpation,
incline lingually, and mandibular posterior teeth and posterior teeth were in edge-to-edge bite. Pan-
tend to compensate and incline buccally. The oramic film shows normal periodontal bone level.
palatal width at the mid-root level of maxilla is But the CBCT image shows limited bone coverage
significantly wider than that of mandible (Fig. 4). on buccal surfaces of mandibular premolars and
As a result, a reverse curve of Wilson appears. molars. The maxilla is narrow and the mandibular
For this patient, the roots were very prominent molars are not in the alveolar housing and show
and the root apices of maxillary premolars could significant lingual tipping (Fig. 6).
be palpated. The conventional PA cephalogram It should be noted that CBCT has limitations
cannot detect these problems. on identifying dehiscence and determining the
thickness of buccal or lingual bony plates when
the most popularly used voxel size of 0.3 or
0.4 mm is used.30,31

The knowledge of transverse growth of maxilla
and mandible is crucial in the diagnosis and treat-
ment planning of transverse problems. The maxil-
lary transverse growth is mainly from the sutural
growth. The transverse growth of mandibular basal
bone completes at around the end of pubertal
growth. As presented in this article, after 12 years
old, almost no change for females and very little
increase (about 1 mm) should be expected on the
intermolar widths of maxilla and mandible. The
intercanine widths of maxilla and mandible tend
to decrease slightly after age 12 for both males and
Figure 4. Clinical photos and CBCT images of a
patient with no posterior crossbite but with significant
females. Thus, caution needs to be taken when the
dental compensations due to wide maxilla. (A, B) Buc- arches are significantly widened through dental
cal views of the dentition, (C) Coronal section on first expansion during treatment to avoid periodontal
molars, (D) Coronal section on first premolars. complications and instability.
22 Chung

Figure 5. Intraoral photographs and panoramic x-ray of an adult patient with edge-to-edge bite on posterior
teeth. No significant periodontal findings were found except root prominence on palpation.

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