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Lingual orthodontics: Understanding

the issues is the key to success with

lingual mechanics
D1X XChristopher RioloD2X X, D3X XSamuel A. FinklemanD4X X, and D5X XCali KaltschmidtD6X X

Clear aligners disrupted the orthodontic marketplace almost twenty years

ago.1 The result of this disruption has been a significant increase in the
demand for adult esthetic orthodontic treatment.2,3 Today, we are in the
midst of another disruption in orthodontics; direct to patient orthodontic
care. Direct to patient care is a result of the evolution of digital orthodontics,
which has led to the development of custom orthodontic appliances. Besides
the disruption of the orthodontic marketplace, custom appliances also offer
an opportunity to add value to the care that we offer our patients through
the development of appliances systems that are superior in esthetics and in
certain circumstances offer biomechanical advantages4 In this paper, we will
present issues related successful lingual mechanics, one of the custom appli-
ance opportunities available to us that add value to the care we offer our
patients. We will consider the problem associated with lingual mechanics
and the solutions offered by custom lingual appliance systems. (Semin
Orthod 2018; 24:271–285) © 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Introduction In this paper, we will first present why lingual

orthodontics is challenging. Then, we will discuss
ingual orthodontics has traditionally been
how modern, custom lingual systems are
considered difficult for practitioners and
designed to overcome these difficulties. Modern,
patients, alike.5 7 This is a result of experience
lingual appliance systems are an example of how
gained using stock lingual systems, without using
orthodontics is changing today.
a treatment setup to accurately “build in” or “cus-
tomize” the system of brackets and wires. An
orthodontist, who bonds stock brackets to the lin-
Why is lingual orthodontics difficult?
gual surface of teeth to conventionally treat a
patient, will quickly acquire an appreciation for The reasons why lingual orthodontics is difficult
the issues associated with lingual orthodontics. A can be broadly organized into four categories: 1)
“stock” lingual appliance is not practical for the Biomechanical issues; 2) Bracket design
correction of any, but the most basic orthodontic choices/constraints; 3) Lingual anatomy and 4)
problems. The key to success with lingual ortho- Logistical issues. As I mentioned above, the bio-
dontics is to understand why lingual mechanics mechanical difficulties associated with lingual
are difficult and how these challenges can be mechanics arise from either anatomical issues or
overcome with modern custom appliance constraints imposed by bracket design choices;
systems.8,9 all these choices involve tradeoffs. Understand-
ing these choices and their consequences is the
key to understanding the strengths and weak-
nesses of the various lingual systems you have
University of Washington, School of Dentistry, Department of chosen and, thereby, being on the “road of evi-
Orthodontics, Seattle, WA, USA; Private Practice in Seattle, WA,
dence based clinical experience” to your destina-
Corresponding author. E-mail: tion “clinical expertise” with lingual mechanics.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc.
We will categorize the biomechanical issues
1073-8746/12/1801-$30.00/0 that are imposed by the lingual anatomy of the teeth into five categories: 1st order problems,

Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 24, No 3, 2018: pp 271 285 271

272 Riolo et al

2nd order problems, 3rd order problems, prob- order problems. If you consider the anatomy of
lems involving the point of force application vs. the buccal surfaces of the teeth, there are similar-
the center of resistance, and problems related to ities from tooth-to-tooth (see Fig. 1); all the teeth
inter-bracket distance. Let us begin with 1st have convex surfaces. Thus, if we apply a zero Rx

Figure 1. Illustrates the similarity of the buccal anatomy of teeth. The differences in the buccal-lingual dimension
of teeth requires a buccal lingual “offset” to align the buccal surfaces of the teeth.
Lingual orthodontics: Understanding the issues 273

Figure 2. Demonstrates the alignment of the dental arches possible by using stock brackets on the buccal surface
of the teeth with a natural arch formed stock wire. This is not possible using stock bracket on the lingual surface of
the teeth without a buccal-lingual “offset” to align the buccal surfaces of the teeth.

Figure 3. Shows the three common lingual arch wire configurations: Completely customized with a unique bend
between each tooth, the Fujita “mushroom archform, and a straight wire. Each of these arch wire configurations
has biomechanical implications.

bracket, in a reasonable position, to the buccal mushroom-shaped arch form is still available
surface of teeth and insert a generic arch formed today from wire vendors. Other systems, such as
wire, the teeth will generally align (see Fig. 2). the “lingual liberty” system, use similar composite
This is not the case for the lingual appliances. bases to achieve a “straight wire” lingual appli-
The lingual surfaces of the teeth are concave, ance (see Fig. 3).
convex, and frequently both concave and con- The required buccal-lingual offsets are
vex. Furthermore, the teeth are highly variable affected by the choice of the wire plane. For
in terms of their buccal lingual dimension. As example, when the wire plane is placed more
we are trying to align the buccal surfaces of these cervical, the required “canine offset” can fre-
teeth not the lingual surfaces, an “offset” (see quently be minimized. The choice of the wire
Fig. 1) is needed when working from the lingual. plane is also dictated by the occlusion and the
This buccal offset can be place in the bracket, amount of crown available due to crown anat-
the wire, or both. omy, altered passive eruption, and/or hyper-
Dr. Fujita published the first description of an plastic gingiva. In general, bracket placement
attempt to compensate for this 1st order discrep- that minimizes buccal-lingual compensations
ancy using “straight wire mechanics”.13 Small also results in a wire plane in which the amount
compensations were placed in the base of the of occlusal interferences with the brackets is min-
bracket with composite, allowing the use of a imized. When bracket placement choices are
mushroom-shaped wire on the lingual. This made, considerations of the trade-offs between
274 Riolo et al

Figure 4. Shows a completely customized wire; the heighted areas indicate portions of the wire that are “Unbend-
able” by the wire bending robots. These wires bending limitations effect bracket placement, frequently bracket
position choices must be considered in the context of wire bending limitations when using a lingual system with
completely customized wires.

1st order discrepancies, 2nd order discrepancies, buccal surface, even when a more incisal ori-
and occlusal interferences with brackets must be ented wire plane is used versus a more gingivally
considered. In addition, robotic wire bending oriented wire plane. A common illustration of
limitations must be considered (see Fig. 4). this issue on the buccal involves canine torque;
The 2nd and 3rd order lingual problems are most of us have experienced adverse canine tor-
related.14 This relationship is due to differences que due to extreme incisal or gingival bracket
in both the anatomy of the lingual and buccal placement when using a buccal fixed appliance.
surfaces of the teeth and the topology of the lin- This is because of the relatively extreme convex-
gual surfaces of neighboring teeth (consider ity of the buccal surface of the canine, at least
the lingual surface topology of the canines rela- compared to the incisors, and the amount of slot
tive to that of the first premolars, see Fig. 1a). play that is invariably present in our buccal appli-
Following a particular wire plane from tooth-to- ances.15 To understand why adverse anatomical
tooth the lingual surfaces may change from con- torque is not usually expressed when using a buc-
cave to convex (see Fig. 1). This variation in lin- cal fixed appliance,16 consider the mathematics
gual topology may cause the slot orientation to of the slot-wire interface shown in Fig. 6 and the
be quite different from one tooth to the next. resulting values shown in Table 1. This equation
These extreme differences in slot orientation is a simplified mathematical representation of
due to individual lingual surface anatomy is the wire-bracket interface. This simplified equa-
complicated further if you allow the wire plane tion assumes ideal wire and bracket slot geome-
to vary in the incisogingival dimension (See try. These assumptions are unrealistic for all
Fig. 5). As displayed in Fig. 5, if the wire plane is bracket systems.17 21 In Fig. 6, u represents the
varied by 1 mm with a buccal appliance, you engagement angle of the wire with the slot of the
may experience a difference in slot orientation bracket.
of perhaps 5°. As the size and shape of the wire varies, the
This is well within the amount of slot play nor- engagement angle, u varies. Cash et al. showed
mally present when using a 19 £ 25SS and the us that bracket geometry varies considerably.17
most precise buccal, fixed appliance.15 In other Only 27% of brackets that they examined had
words, it is extremely rare to notice these differ- parallel slot walls, thus brackets with parallel slot
ences in slot orientation when working on the wall are the exception not the norm. Brackets
Lingual orthodontics: Understanding the issues 275

Figure 5. Shows the difference in bracket slot orientation (torque expression) with a small change position in an
incisogingival direction. On the buccal surface a small change in position may result in up to a 5° change the ori-
entation of the bracket slot while on the lingual this same change in position can result is a slot orientation change
of 20°.

slots are invariably oversized by as much as 24%; geometry and our brackets are among the 27%
the best brackets were 5% oversized. If we do the that have decent slot geometry and 2) the wire
math assuming that 1) our wires have perfect slots of our brackets are only 5% oversized, the

Figure 6. Illustrates the geometry associated “slot play”. The equation shown here describes the relationship
between the engagement angle, u and wire size (a and b) for a given slot size, c.
276 Riolo et al

Table 1. Best case theoretical engagement angle with rectangular wire is placed in a stock lingual fixed
5% and 15% oversized slots (Assuming ideal appliance system, the adverse anatomic torque
geometry) will begin to express. In addition to the adverse
Wire Slot size 5% 10% anatomic torque, other complicating factors,
such as decreased interbracket distance, further
16 £ 22 0.018 8° 13°
17 £ 25 0.018 4° 9° increases the difficulty of using stock lingual
19 £ 25 0.022 10° 16° brackets, bending the wires by hand, and engag-
ing said wire!
So far, we have considered what I refer to as
“anatomical torque”, but there is another type of
engagement angle or amount of slot play is, at torque problem that needs to be managed when
best, 10° (see Table 1). In reality, under the best treating patients with a lingual appliance system.
of circumstances, the engagement angle is, at I will refer to this as the “bio-mechanical torque”
least, 15° due to wire geometry variation.15 problem (See Fig. 8). Unfortunately, with a stock
Therefore, a 5° change in the orientation of the lingual system these two types of torque prob-
bracket slot due to anatomical variation or a lems can only be addressed by mutually exclusive
change in the incisal-gingival wire plane is rarely solutions.
expressed with buccal appliances. However, con- With a stock system, the more you “fill” the
sider a 20° change in slot orientation, which is bracket slot (minimize the engagement angle),
not uncommon when using a stock lingual fixed the more problems you will have with anatomical
appliance due to either variation in topology of torque and the more complicated the wire bend-
the lingual surfaces of neighboring teeth or ing requirements become. At the same time, due
changes in the vertical position of the wire plane to the decreased interbracket distance, it is very
(see Fig. 7). difficult to engage these full size rectangular
The clinical implications of these facts are wires with numerous 1st, 2nd and 3rd order
clear. A standard prescription can work for our bends. One may be tempted to think that
patients using stock buccal fixed appliances but smaller, less slot filling wires will make a stock lin-
trying to use a stock lingual fixed appliance will gual system more manageable from a wire bend-
invariably results in an unmanageable problem ing and engaging perspective. This is true and is
involving anatomical torque. Once the first exactly why, when a stock lingual system is used

Figure 7. Illustrate the “anatomical torque” problem. Along a fixed wire plane on the lingual, difference in the
lingual surface anatomy from tooth to neighboring tooth result in large differences in slot orientation and there-
fore torque expression when using a stock lingual brackets.
Lingual orthodontics: Understanding the issues 277

Figure 8. Shows the different force vectors associated with incisor intrusion and retraction using lingual and buc-
cal mechanics. There is a well-documented22,33,24 increased tendency for “torque loss” through lingual tipping
and extrusion when implementing lingual mechanics versus conventional mechanics.

for limited treatment (say alignment relapsed on this issue; when using a lingual fixed appli-
lower anterior teeth), it is best to stay in round ance system, there is a significantly increased ten-
wire. The use of round wire will facilitate align- dency for both extrusion of the anterior teeth
ment of relapsed lower anterior teeth, the wires and torque loss during space closure and during
are simple to bend and engage, and there is no the use of Cl II mechanics.
chance of expressing adverse anatomical torque. This means that we must pay special attention to
The problem with this solution, in general, is the expression of torque in these types of treat-
there is no torque control. As we are about to ments. The most obvious means to maintain excel-
see, excellent torque control is especially impor- lent torque control is the use of full-sized wires that
tant in lingual mechanics. fill the brackets slots, but as we have seen this will
The “biomechanical torque problem” is aggravate the anatomical torque problem! So here
related to the point of force application in lin- we are with two types of torque issues, one that ide-
gual mechanic compared to the center of resis- ally requires slot filling wires and one that certainly
tance of the teeth (see Fig. 8). This relationship does not! Early lingual practitioners dealt with this
results in an increased tendency for extrusion contradiction when using stock systems, which is
and lingual “dumping” when either retracting exactly why lingual orthodontics has a reputation
anterior teeth in extraction treatments or using for being difficult. The solution to reconcile these
heavy Cl II mechanics with a lingual fixed appli- two torque issues is customization of the lingual
ances system. This biomechanical issue is well appliance to each individual patient, thereby elimi-
documented in the literature; these papers can nating the anatomical torque problem (not to
be categorized into two types; Mathematical mention, at the same time, deal with the first order
modeling papers22 and finite element analysis issue presented earlier) and allowing the ortho-
(computer modeling) papers.23,24 The literature dontist to use a slot filling wire for biomechanical
is replete with papers examining the difference torque control.
in biomechanics between lingual and buccal Decreased interbracket distance is a major
appliance systems and there is no disagreement issue when working from the lingual surfaces of
278 Riolo et al

the teeth. The difference between buccal and lin- implement solutions with indirect supervision by
gual interbracket distance was outlined by the orthodontist.
Moran, in 1987.25 Moran measured the lingual Training in lingual mechanic for the ortho-
interbracket distance to be 35.4% less than the dontist is a problem. Most residencies do not
buccal interbracket distance in the maxilla and have either the resources or the time to compre-
27.7% less in the mandible. This decreased inter- hensively prepare residents in lingual mechanics.
bracket distance significantly effects how the There are four university based post-doctoral lin-
wires behave. Specifically, the decreased inter- gual orthodontic programs in Europe and one in
bracket distance results in a 3-fold increase in North America. All of the European programs
the stiffness of the wire for 1st and 2nd order dis- admit qualified orthodontists for training using
placements and a 40% increase in the stiffness of with lingual appliances.10 The European pro-
the wire for 3rd order displacements. grams are the master’s degree program (MAS)
The biomechanical difficulties of lingual in lingual orthodontics at the University of Basel,
mechanics in five categories: 1st order problems, Switzerland, the program offered by Hanover
2nd order problems, 3rd order problems, prob- Medical School, Lingual Post-Graduate Course,
lems involving the point of force application vs. Paris V. University, Paris, and the Master of Lin-
the center of resistance, and problems related to gual Orthodontics post doc program at the Uni-
inter-bracket distance. Let us begin with 1st versitat de Valencia, Spain. In North America,
order problems. The first three categories of the University of Texas at San Antonio, School of
problems result in the need for additional 1st, Dentistry offers an 18-month post doc fellowship
2nd, and 3rd order bends to compensate for the in lingual orthodontics.
anatomical issues outlined above. At the same Each year, there are several international
time, extra torque is required to compensate for meetings each year dedicated to lingual ortho-
the increased tendency for lingual crown tipping dontics.11,12 The European Society of Lingual
due to the point of force application vs. center of Orthodontics (ESLO) and the World Society of
resistance issue. On top of these difficulties, the Lingual Orthodontics (WSLO) hold their bien-
wires that behave as if they are extra stiff because nial meetings. In North America, lingual meet-
of the reduce interbracket distance. All these fac- ings tend to be corporate sponsored (for
tors combined make it almost impossible to use example, annual Incognito users meetings and
stock brackets bonded directly to the lingual sur- SureSmile user meetings). These meetings fre-
faces of the teeth and hand bend wires to treat quently offer hands on sessions for orthodontists
patients. The solution is to customize the appli- and staff, covering common techniques
ance by building as much correction into the employed for the specific lingual system
brackets and wires as possible. This is exactly involved.10
what modern lingual appliance systems do so Scheduling can also be difficult for established
well. These systems employ custom brackets, cus- practices. Lingual procedures tend to run longer
tom composite bases for the stock brackets, and/ than buccal those involving traditional, buccal
or custom robotically bend wires.9 Each system fixed appliance procedures and broken lingual
has its own strengths and weaknesses, which we appliances most often result in an emergency
must understand. appointment due to tissue irritation. Of course,
I will briefly outline some of the logistical if you choose to only train your most talented
issues but will not consider them in depth in this assistants in lingual orthodontics, then your
paper. Logistical issues include but are not lim- emergency lingual appointments will tie up
ited to: training both staff and orthodontist, either you or your most talented assistants. The
scheduling difficulties, cost issues, and patient solution. . . is to train all your assistants to be at
management issues. The learning curve for lin- least minimally competent with your lingual
gual orthodontics can be steep for both ortho- appliance of choice. That means, all your assis-
dontists and staff. Staff training is critical because tants in your office should be able to do a basic
for most busy orthodontic practices the ortho- lingual retie and deal with basic lingual emergen-
dontist cannot afford to be randomly tied up for cies to get the patient comfortable. Most of the
30 40 min to deal with a lingual appliance emer- lingual orthodontic practices, with which I am
gency. It is critical that there is staff trained to familiar, train all their staff in lingual
Lingual orthodontics: Understanding the issues 279

orthodontic procedures just like any other com- Direct Club and Candid Co, are disrupting the
mon procedure employed in their office. As in orthodontic profession. It is “digital orthodon-
with all change, this training will take some tics” that has made possible mass production of
effort, but it will pay off in the long run allowing custom orthodontic appliances. I am going to
your practice to thrive. define Digital Orthodontics as “the planning and
The cost of providing orthodontic treatment execution of orthodontic treatment using digital
with a custom, lingual orthodontic system is sig- orthodontic records”. Digital orthodontics only
nificantly higher than a buccal stock system. The requires that we are using digital radiography,
lab cost of the custom appliance is just the begin- photography and intraoral scanning when col-
ning; Unlike a stock buccal fixed appliance sys- lecting records on our patients. It is only a matter
tem, there is a significant amount of work of time before 100% of orthodontists are
involved in the setup and planning of treatment completely “digital”. Although digital orthodon-
with a custom lingual appliance. Lingual ortho- tics can be as simple as taking digital records, it
dontic appointments tend to be longer than buc- can be as involved as using these records to digi-
cal appointment, depending on the lingual tally “setup” a patient’s treatment, manufactur-
system. Furthermore, you and your team should ing a custom appliance, and 3D printing the
be compensated for the skills that you so dili- final intraoral scans to fabricate Essix type
gently worked to obtain with lingual systems. Do retainers. I have referenced “custom appliances”
not hesitate to charge a premium for your serv- throughout this paper; what are custom applian-
ices using lingual fixed appliances. Not only do ces and what is custom orthodontics? I am going
these patients expect to pay, but they also will to define Custom Orthodontics as “the use of a
often demand the highest level of customer ser- pre-programmed, orthodontic appliance to treat
vice and they can be difficult patients to manage. a patient to a precisely predetermined occlusal
For example, we rarely extract first premolars in outcome”. The preprogrammed orthodontic
the maxillary arch without a plan to deliver provi- appliance referred to in the previous definition
sional pontics that will be reduced as the space is is a “Custom Appliance System”.
closed; lingual patients will demand that these All custom appliances are fabricated using a
spaces be managed with pontics. Patients choose treatment setup. This is true of clear aligner sys-
a lingual appliance because of their esthetic con- tems such as Invisalign and Clear Correct, buccal
cerns and they will demand the highest level of systems like SureSmile and Insignia, and lingual
esthetic treatment. Patients that demand the systems like Incognito and Lingual Liberty. The
highest level of esthetic orthodontic treatment treatment setup is used to fabricate the custom
will consume a disproportionate percentage of appliance, incorporating individualized correc-
your time and the time of your staff. Do not tion either in the brackets, wires, or both. In lin-
resent this! On the contrary, enjoy providing the gual orthodontic system this customization is
best possible clinical care and highest level of ser- used to compensate for issues such as the “ana-
vice using the most esthetically appliances avail- tomical torque” problem. Using a treatment
able. Providing esthetic orthodontic treatment is setup has other benefits for the patient and the
one aspect of functioning at the highest level of practitioner. The treatment objectives are implic-
our profession. itly described by the setup itself. The treatment
setup also serves to describe essential detail of
the planned treatment, such as IPR (amount and
Implicit and explicit design choices in
surfaces), expansion, tooth inclinations, torque
lingual orthodontic appliance systems
requirements, space appropriation issues, and
Custom orthodontics is changing the way ortho- anchorage requirements. In many instances, the
dontists provide and think about treatment.4 process of developing the treatment setup allows
The resurgence of lingual orthodontics using the orthodontist to consider the plausibility of
custom lingual appliances is an example of how the proposed correction as well as examine treat-
custom appliances are changing the profession.8 ment alternatives. With interdisciplinary treat-
The most common custom appliances in ortho- ment, a treatment setup is an essential tool to
dontics are clear aligners. However, clear align- effectively collaborate with the other providers
ers such as Invisalign and their storefronts, Smile and communicate with patients.26 Digital
280 Riolo et al

orthodontics has made custom orthodontics pos- demand for esthetic, adult orthodontic treat-
sible and custom orthodontics is driving the para- ment options. These efforts raise awareness of
digm shift from “Reactive Treatment Planning” esthetic orthodontic treatment options and drive
to “Proactive Treatment Planning”. Proactive patients desiring these types of treatments into
treatment planning involves a treatment setup. our orthodontic practices.3 One of the obvious
This treatment setup has many benefits, treatment options for a patient who desires an
including: esthetic appliance, but is not a candidate for
clear aligner therapy, is treatment with a lingual
 Implicitly codifying the treatment objectives. appliance system.
 Communication with patients. It is useful to discuss the various custom lin-
 Communication with other care providers/ gual systems in context of the choices that are
Interdisciplinary treatment. universal with the systems. These choices remain
 Facilitating an understanding of the mechan- as appliances system change; there is no perfect
ics/ anchorage requirements of the proposed appliance system for all patients and there never
treatment. will be. However, these systems will continue to
improve, and the day is coming in which the
Reactive treatment planning does not involve treatment setup will be used to design custom
a “treatment setup”. It involves a general treat- treatment for every patient. Orthodontists that
ment plan, perhaps specifying extraction vs. non- ignore lingual orthodontics will be giving up a
extraction, IPR, and Cl II or Cl III mechanics. powerful tool that differentiates us from the gen-
Decisions are made step by step throughout eralist by adding value to what we offer patients.
treatment; each decision tends to reduce the In the previous section, we reviewed why lin-
degrees of freedom that the orthodontist has gual orthodontics is difficult. Modern lingual sys-
with respect to the remaining treatment. For tems have evolved to deal with these challenges
example, if lower incisor proclination occurs as a through “customization”. The reasons why lin-
result of Cl II mechanics during treatment, the gual orthodontics therapy is difficult to accom-
orthodontist may decide to compromise the plish with stock appliances are invariant, whereas
overjet or perform additional IPR. These types of these custom appliance systems are not. In the
decisions are made at each appointment, usually future, lingual systems will change. They will
with minimum of consideration. Reactive treat- improve both with respect to the physical tech-
ment planning is employed by default and, in nology, such as the brackets and the wires, but
general, it works well when treating children and also with respect to the software that is used to
adolescents. However, reactive treatment plan- design these appliances. In the last section of this
ning does not tend to produce optimal results paper, we will review the choices that are made
when treating patients with debilitated, severely when selecting and designing a custom lingual
worn or highly restored dentitions or the appliances system. We will discuss the implication
instance of complex orthodontic treatment, such of using a treatment setup to design these appli-
as interdisciplinary treatment. ances and discuss the how these setup force us to
Digital orthodontics has allowed the develop- start planning proactively, rather than reactively
ment of custom orthodontics and it is custom when implementing orthodontic treatment.
orthodontics that has made lingual orthodontics In the literature, people have tried to present
possible for the average orthodontist. Digital indications and contraindications for the use of
orthodontics has driven the resurgence of lin- lingual orthodontics.27,28 Virtually all patients
gual orthodontics as well as custom, clear aligner can be treated with a custom lingual appliance
systems.1 It was Invisalign that first disrupted the system. The limiting factor is the knowledge of
orthodontic profession in the early 2000’s by the practitioner regarding the strengths and
marketing of their clear aligner system to weaknesses of the particular system employed,
patients and general dentist. At that time, ortho- not the system itself. In other words, excellent
dontists did not realize that Invisalign was creat- clinical results29 can be obtained with all the
ing the esthetic, adult orthodontic market. modern custom systems. There are numerus sys-
Through its national and international market- tems that have been developed around the
ing efforts, Invisalign has been driving the world. Some systems are more popular in Europe
Lingual orthodontics: Understanding the issues 281

Table 2.
Brackets Wires Software
SureSmile  Stock brackets used. Stock  Unlimited included with  Digital indirect bracket placement, Indirect trans-
bracket choices unlimited. case fer tray printing
Any bracket can be used on
any tooth. All customization
is placed in the wires.
 1st, 2nd, 3rd order bends  Overlay and sophisticated metric and analysis
in Niti, TMA and elgiloy available
 Each wire can be  Control over individual tooth movement
completely customized
 Export STL files, No specialized communication
 Integration of roots and Alveolar bone from CBCT
data in treatment setups
 Coordinate Buccal, Lingual and Clear Aligners
Incognito  Custom cast base, SL on  Charged per wire  TMP Software for digital case submission/
in lower anterior for 012 N ordering
and 014N
 Vertical slot in anterior,  1st order bends in Niti  Basic overlay and 3D model manipulation
Horizontal slot in Posterior,
25 £ 18
 1st, 2nd and 3rd order  Dental metrics available with analysis
bends in TMA and SS
 Wires can vary in terms of  Some communication features/ export STL files
customizing the wire bends
 Only setup lingual fixed appliances at this time, no
ability to integrate Clear Aligners or Buccal fixed

and Asia, such as Win, Alias, eBraces and the Lin- the tooth by the custom base? With the Sure-
gual Liberty systems. We compare two of the Smile system, you will need to choose a stock
more popular systems in North America, Sure- bracket system; this bracket system may be self-
Smile by Orametrix and Incognito (3 M Unitek) ligating or not. You can choose combinations of
in Table 2. Each system has its advantages and stock systems on a single case. You may decide to
disadvantages (see Table 2); when selecting a lin- use a self-ligating bicuspid bracket on the second
gual system, both implicit and explicit design molar due to the lingual anatomy of a particular
choices will be made. For example, with Incog- tooth. Again, there are consequences to these
nito, you are implicitly choosing to use a ribbon explicit choices. A self-ligation bracket may have
arch wire and vertical slots in the anterior, rather a larger mesio-distal dimension and, thereby,
than the traditional edgewise wire/slot interface reduce the interbracket distance. While the non-
seen most commonly in lingual brackets. There self ligating bracket may be problematic for an
are implications to this choice; for example, it office where the staff has limited experience with
may be easier to engage a full-sized wire for bio- lingual ligation techniques.
mechanical torque control in a system with ante- All major, fixed lingual systems have custom
rior vertical slots. However, it is more difficult to features in one or more of three essential compo-
control angulation and place bends by hand in nents of the system: 1) Brackets, 2) Wires and 3)
ribbon arch wires with vertically oriented slots. Software. This variation makes each system
There are also explicit choices that must be unique with respected to one another. In Table 1,
made when using these lingual systems. For we compare two popular North American sys-
example, with Incognito, do you want a hook or tems with respect to brackets, wire, and software.
no hook on a particular first or second molar?
Do you want a tube or a bracket on a particular
tooth? Do you want to cover the lingual surface
of the tooth with the custom base or do you want There are significant differences between the
half occlusal, or even full occlusal, coverage of brackets used by SureSmile and Incognito.
282 Riolo et al

SureSmile employs stock brackets. There are a A unique strength of the SureSmile system is
myriad of stock lingual brackets in their library the fact that 1st, 2nd, and 3rd order bends can
from which to choose, including multiple be placed in NiTi wires, in addition to stainless
examples of both self-ligating and conventional steel, TMA, and elgaloy. The software allows the
ligating brackets. If, by chance, your brackets orthodontist to easily make changes to the wires
or prescription is not currently available in and the overall plan. This may be the ideal sys-
their library, it can be added. Almost any stock tem when finishing details cannot easily be esti-
lingual bracket that you choose to employ with mated before treatment is initiated. One of the
SureSmile will be manufactured using metal disadvantages of the SureSmile system is the fact
injection molding (MIM). SureSmile has con- that you are forced to employ stock brackets. It
centrated its innovation into their wires and can be difficult or impossible to bond to non-
software; currently, their technology in these enamel surfaces with stock orthodontic brackets.
areas is unsurpassed. SureSmile puts 100% of Therefore, a patient with a heavily restored or
the customization into the wires. Therefore, debilitated dentition may not be an ideal candi-
each bracket will have a small compensating date for this system.
bend to the mesial and distal of the bracket. Alternatively, the Incognito system employs
While custom brackets allow the use of straight custom brackets with custom bracket bases. This
wire mechanics; they rarely result in treatment allows bonding to virtually any surface including
that does not require some compensations in gold, amalgam, non-precious metal, composite,
the wire. This is especially true in the correc- ceramic, as well as a combination of materials.
tion of gingival balance issue (see Fig. 9a). Properly designed brackets minimize the

Figure 9. A shows an altered gingival balance due to extrusion of the maxillary anterior teeth. Fig 9b is a image of
a corrected gingival balance.
Lingual orthodontics: Understanding the issues 283

frequency of debonded brackets on even the SureSmile wire robots can also place all three
most difficult surfaces. The custom bases can be orders of bends in stainless steel, TMA, and elga-
extended to maximize surface area on the lin- loy wires. Alternatively, Incognito compensates
gual and occlusal surfaces. The bases can even for anatomical torque discrepancies using their
extend to the buccal surfaces of the posterior custom brackets. Other approaches are
teeth. While all lingual appliance systems employ employed by other systems. With Lingual Liberty,
a 018 slot size, the brackets of the Incognito sys- the anatomical torque (see Fig. 6) issue is
tem are different than most lingual systems with addressed through a custom composite “pad”
respect the their slot orientation. Incognito uses between a stock lingual bracket and the tooth
a ribbon arch wire and vertically oriented slots in surface. In fact, Lingual Liberty also uses this cus-
the anterior and horizontal slots in the posterior. tom composite pad to make first order compen-
There are similar systems to Incognito, such as sations, which allows the use of a “universal” arch
eBrace and Winn, that employ an anterior verti- wire. This “straight wire” technique allows the
cal slot. The lower anterior Incognito brackets orthodontist to operate in a familiar way in unfa-
do have a quasi-self-ligating feature that allows miliar territory, the lingual surfaces of the teeth.
012NiTi and 014NiTi wires to be inserted behind On the other hand, Incognito employs a ribbon
the bracket wings of the six lower anterior teeth. arch wire. It can be very difficult to place post
Self-ligating brackets are a huge advantage for hoc torque in the 16 £ 24SS ribbon arch wire
busy practices without staff trained in the various due to existing robotically bend compensations
ligation techniques employed with horizontal in the wires in addition to the tight fit between
and vertical slot lingual bracket systems.30 Most the anterior custom bracket slots and the full size
self ligating lingual brackets are made using ribbon arch wires. Due to these difficulties, when
Metal Injection Molding, MIM and we have dis- using a 16 £ 24SS ribbon arch wire to retract
cussed the limitation of these brackets with anterior teeth, it is recommended to request that
respect to the accuracy of the slot and its effect extra torque is placed robotically. Incognito
on the engagement angle of the wire.17,19,21 wires are charged ala cart and not all wires have
Therefore, if extra biomechanical torque is the same bends. The initial round and rectangu-
required, it must be added by hand. The Incog- lar NiTi wire will have 1st order bends, while 2nd
nito brackets are not MIM’ed. Instead, Incognito and 3rd order bends are not placed until stain-
3D prints the patterns, casts the brackets using a less steel and TMA wires. The choice of a particu-
lost material technique, then finishes the slot of lar lingual system for a patient should also
the anterior brackets using an Electronic Dis- depend on the treatment objective and the
charge Machining (EDM). These anterior brack- required tooth movements. For example, if a
ets tend to have tight tolerances (low treatment objective is to correct a  4 mm mid-
engagement angles) at the bracket/wire inter- line discrepancy in the upper arch, a system that
face. In theory, this should translate into more employs a horizontal slot rather than a vertical
predictable torque expression15 and, in turn, less slot in the anterior may be advantageous. Let’s
need to place post hoc torque into the maxillary again consider the smile in Fig. 9a, we have a sig-
stainless steel wires during space closure and nificant disturbance in the gingival balance due
when using heavy Cl II mechanics. to extrusion of the upper anterior teeth and
probably also altered passive eruption. It is not
possible to know exactly how much intrusion will
be required, until after crown lengthening. Addi-
The SureSmile system does 100% of the custom tionally, the apical migration of the gingiva is not
compensations in the wires, using stock lingual 1:1 with intrusion of the crown; intrusion of
brackets. Currently, there is only company that 1 mm may result in 0.8 mm of gingival migration.
has the ability to place 1st, 2nd and 3rd order Therefore, it is not possible to fabricate a custom
bends in NiTi wires. The ability to place 3rd appliance system that will achieve an optimal
order bends in NiTi wire allows SureSmile to treatment result without modification of the orig-
compensate for the anatomical torque problem, inal treatment setup. In situations like this, a lin-
facilitating the transition from round to rectan- gual appliance system that allows flexibility
gular NiTi wires using stock lingual brackets. The should be selected to be able to make the
284 Riolo et al

required modifications easily and inexpensively. orthodontic treatment, but are also used to plan
For a treatment involving correction of gingival the restorative phase of treatment. In this case,
imbalance, a system with a horizontal slot, the the software performs a crucial function in com-
ability to modify wires either digitally or by hand, munication with both other dental professionals
and excellent software to interface between the as well as the patient. Each of the lingual appli-
setup and the lab is desired. ance systems employs software to develop and
present the treatment setup. SureSmile uses Ele-
mentrix, whereas Incognito uses TMP.
The third component of a custom lingual appli-
ance system is the software. At first, the impor- Conclusions
tance of the software associated with a custom While all lingual systems have strengths and
appliance system is easy to overlook. However, weaknesses, the choice of a particular system is
the software is as important as any of the other secondary to having a proper understanding of
components of the system. As the sophistication the system used; as well as, the proper armenta-
of these programs improve, we will be able to rium and clinical experience to implement the
integrate buccal fixed appliances and clear align- treatment plan. In this paper, we have outlined
ers with lingual fixed appliance into a custom sys- the basic knowledge required to evaluate and
tem to optimize orthodontic treatment for our select a lingual system that best fits the patient,
patients. Elemetrix, the software system orthodontist and his or her team. With the cur-
employed by SureSmile, can be used to integrate rent disruption in the orthodontic marketplace
these three treatment modalities, today. 3 M it is important that orthodontic specialists
claims that their Clarity Aligners will be inte- employ the benefits that digital orthodontics and
grated with their fixed lingual system, Incognito, custom orthodontic appliance system offer in
very soon. Software is used to communicate with order provide the best possible care in the com-
the lab to produce the treatment setup, which, in petitive environment in which most of us prac-
turn, is used to fabricate the custom appliance tice today. Lingual mechanics provides added
system. The communication with the lab is criti- value for our patients that truly differentiates the
cal. It is not possible to create a custom appliance orthodontic specialist from the generalist as well
without excellent communication and control as direct to patient modalities.
over the treatment setup. The treatment setup
can also be used as a platform to communicate
with other dental professional for interdisciplin- Reference
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