Exam#2 CE123-2 Questionnaire

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Exam # 2

Given is the data of a certain city's residential and commercial characteristics per zone for the years
2019 and 2029
Residential Data for 2019
Area No. of Ave. No. of Ave. Annual No. of Non-working
(sq.m.) Households Members / HH Income / HH Members
A 24000 110 7 ₱59,000.00 5
B 29000 220 8 ₱59,000.00 5
C 21000 210 3 ₱54,000.00 2
D 28000 140 6 ₱59,000.00 4
E 32000 see table below

Zone E
Total Home-Based Work & Non-Work Trip Rates
Vehicles / Persons per Household
Type of Area
HH 1 2 3 4
High Density 0 0.6 1.1 0.9 1.3
1 1 1.1 1.5 1.5
2 1.9 2 2 2.3
Low Density 0 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.4
1 1.7 2 1.7 2.2
2 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.3

Zone E
Number of Households in 2019
Vehicles / Persons per Household
Type of Area
HH 1 2 3 4
High Density 0 17 25 38 18
1 20 30 29 36
2 10 22 32 40
Low Density 0 12 12 21 37
1 28 19 28 34
2 11 10 27 17

Commercial Data for 2019

Commercial No. of Retail Office Space No. of Nearby
Space (sq.m.) Employees (sq.m.) Offices Competition
A 10200 76 11300 104 17
B 11500 82 12000 103 8
C 16700 99 9400 119 15
D 15200 63 12300 105 9
E 16200 80 10500 118 13

Residential Data for 2029

Area No. of Ave. No. of Ave. Annual No. of Non-working
(sq.m.) Households Members / HH Income / HH Members
A 24000 115 7 ₱68,000.00 5
B 29000 220 10 ₱69,000.00 4
C 21000 220 3 ₱61,000.00 1
D 28000 152 6 ₱68,000.00 4
E 32000 see table below

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Zone E
Number of Households in 2029
Vehicles / Persons per Household
Type of Area
HH 1 2 3 4
High Density 0 20 25 38 20
1 22 33 35 38
2 10 25 34 46
Low Density 0 13 13 24 38
1 29 21 29 36
2 12 12 32 18

Commercial Data for 2029

Commercial No. of Retail Office Space No. of Nearby
Space (sq.m.) Employees (sq.m.) Offices Competition
A 12700 89 13700 112 22
B 13100 93 13100 110 12
C 18300 113 11600 124 16
D 17500 69 14600 113 12
E 18200 91 12900 132 16

1.1 Compute for the total number of trips produced per zone for 2019 and 2029 considering
shopping trips, recreational trips and work trips if:
Zone A
Shopping Trips: = 0.10 + 0.09 + 0.016 − 0.15
where: = " #$% ℎ$'(
= )**%+' ,*-$ .* 1000
= / .( * .+' 0 * . 1 .* 2 $* " 3. .
Recreational Trips: = 0.09 + 0.015 + 0.012 + 0.11
where: = " #$% ℎ$'(
2 = )**%+' ,*-$ .* 1000
= 4$. $5 4$* − 6$ 7.*8 ,*(.9.(%+'

Zone B
Shopping Trips: = 0.17 + 0.15 + 0.015 − 0.07
Recreational Trips: = 0.07 + 0.010 + 0.015 + 0.18

Zone C
Shopping Trips: = 0.12 + 0.14 + 0.015 − 0.14
Recreational Trips: = 0.08 + 0.022 + 0.015 + 0.20

Zone D
Shopping Trips: = 0.15 + 0.05 + 0.018 − 0.06
Recreational Trips: = 0.12 + 0.023 + 0.020 + 0.20

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1.2 Compute for the total number of trips attracted per zone for 2019 and 2029 considering
shopping trips and office trips if:

Zone A
Shopping Trips: = 0.20 + 1.15 + 2.38 − 0.07
where: = / +.' : "'$1 *
= ;$ -.+' ) + .* 100 3. .
= ;$ " . .$*
Office Trips: = 0.19 + 1.10 + 2.91
where: = 4$. $5 <55.-
= <55.- ) + .* 100 3. .

Zone B
Shopping Trips: = 0.12 + 1.12 + 4.22 − 0.06
Office Trips: = 0.17 + 1.26 + 2.21

Zone C
Shopping Trips: = 0.20 + 1.05 + 4.52 − 0.09
Office Trips: = 0.11 + 1.05 + 2.39

Zone D
Shopping Trips: = 0.18 + 1.01 + 2.87 − 0.09
Office Trips: = 0.20 + 1.02 + 3.99

Zone E
Shopping Trips: = 0.11 + 1.15 + 3.09 − 0.13
Office Trips: = 0.15 + 1.26 + 2.93

2.1 Given the following percentage distribution of produced trips to each point of destination,
create a trip distribution table between the zones for the year 2019.

Percentage of Produced Trips Going to Each Zone

A 11.8955% 14.9440% 26.2586% 29.1829% 17.7191%
B 16.3754% 16.6118% 27.4723% 19.9120% 19.6285%
C 14.6035% 28.7176% 16.7042% 13.4525% 26.5221%
D 13.5136% 24.9597% 11.8753% 26.0826% 23.5687%
E 16.9414% 12.6368% 31.7013% 22.4489% 16.2716%

2.2a If the general growth factor is equal to the future total number of trips / present total number
of trips between all the zones, solve for the trip distribution table for the year 2029 using Constant
Factor Method.

2.2b Solve for the trip distribution table for the year 2025 using Constant Factor Method.

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2.3 Solve for the trip distribution table for the year 2029 using Average Factor Method.
Iterate until you achieve a percent error of less than 5%

2.4 Solve for the trip distribution table for the year 2029 using Fratar Method.
Iterate until you achieve a percent error of less than 1%

2.5 Solve for the trip distribution table for the year 2029 using Furness Method.
Iterate until you achieve a percent error of less than 1%

2.6 Solve for the trip distribution table for the year 2019 and 2029 using Gravity Method.
Achieve a percent error of less than 5%.
Zone-to-zone adjustment factor
A 2.03 0.32 0.95 0.83 0.64
B 1.82 0.43 0.83 1.13 0.57
C 1.82 0.55 0.80 1.15 0.78
D 2.00 0.52 0.96 1.37 0.86
E 1.15 0.44 0.73 1.08 0.45

Skim Table: Relative Impedances, c = 2.0

A 6 3 12 12 8
B 10 8 6 7 7
C 8 9 14 12 9
D 10 6 18 8 11
E 7 14 12 19 10

3.1a Determine the number of trips going to each zone using automobiles in the year 2019 via
Direct Generation Model. Use: % = 0.0105 + 0.065 + 7.75
Where: = / .( * .+' 0 * . 1 .* 2 $* " 1000 3. .

3.1b Determine the number of trips going to each zone using transit (assuming the only modes of
transportation available is automobiles and transits) in the year 2029 via Direct Generation Model.
Refer to your final answer in item 2.5 for the total number of trips per O-D pair.

3.2a Determine the percentage of trips using automobiles from Zone E in 2019 of 1 Auto
Households and 2 Auto Households via Trip End Model.
Use: ℎ$% ℎ$'( " $*
=>? = ∗
+% $ 1000 3. .
% = −0.021=>? + 83.6

3.2b Determine the percentage of trips using automobiles from Zone E in 2029 of 1 Auto
Households and 2 Auto Households via Trip End Model.

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3.3 Using Trip-Interchange Model, determine the number of trips using automobiles and transits in
2029 from the following O-D pairs: (Refer to answer on item 2.4 for total number of trips between

a. Zone B to Zone C
b. Zone A to Zone C
c. Zone D to Zone E
d. Zone C to Zone B
e. Zone D to Zone A

Assume that it takes 5 minutes to walk to and start a car.

There are 250 working days per year, 8 hours of work per day.
The cost of using a private vehicle is 30 cents per minutes, and the cost of using
any public transportation is 25 cents per minute.

Also refer to the following tables:

Public Transport Time Table in Min.

Walking Time Waiting Time
A 5 10
B 6 15
C 5 12
D 4 8
E 10 6

Interzonal Travel Time for Any Public Transit in Minutes

Zone A B C D E
A 5 15 15 22 27
B 11 6 12 16 24
C 15 10 5 13 19
D 23 15 12 6 12
E 28 25 17 10 6

Interzonal Travel Time for Private Vehicle in Minutes

Zone A B C D E
A 8 12 17 20 25
B 13 7 11 17 23
C 12 9 9 12 20
D 25 12 12 5 14
E 30 20 15 11 4

." -$
,ABC = +9 ' . .* − 9 ℎ.-' , .*% + 2.5 E- . , .*% + 3( )
.*-$ + * (" .*%
per household

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3.4 Using Logit Model, determine the number of trips using vehicles, jeepneys and LRT in 2029
from the following O-D pairs: (Refer to answer on item 2.4 for total number of trips between zones)

a. Zone B to Zone C
b. Zone A to Zone C
c. Zone D to Zone E
d. Zone C to Zone B
e. Zone D to Zone A

use: =HIJAKLI = −0.46 − 0.35> − 0.08> − 0.002;

=BIIM = −0.07 − 0.45>1 − 0.08>2 − 0.005;
=NOP = −0.21 − 0.50>1 − 0.10>2 − 0.002;
where, > = > +9 ' >. ( .*% )
> = 6+. .*8 >. ( .*% )
; = ;$ (; * )

Assume that it takes 5 minutes to walk to and start a car.

Also refer to the following tables:

Public Transport Time Table in Min. Cost per Trip

Mode Cost
Walking Time Waiting Time Car 40 PHP
A 5 10 LRT 20 PHP
B 6 15 Jeep 10 PHP
C 5 12
D 4 8
E 10 6

Interzonal Travel Time for Any Public Transit in Minutes

Zone A B C D E
A 5 15 15 22 27
B 11 6 12 16 24
C 15 10 5 13 19
D 23 15 12 6 12
E 28 25 17 10 6

Interzonal Travel Time for Private Vehicle in Minutes

Zone A B C D E
A 8 12 17 20 25
B 13 7 11 17 23
C 12 9 9 12 20
D 25 12 12 5 14
E 30 20 15 11 4

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4.1 Using Wardrop's Principle on User Equilibrium, determine the following for trips from Zone B to
Zone C using automobiles. (Refer to your answer in 3.3a)

a. Travel times on each route

b. Traffic volumes on each route
c. Total system travel time

The highway performance functions for routes 1 and 2 can be written as:
= E1 + 4E1 + 10
= 2E + 7

where: = )9 +8 +9 ' . .* +-ℎ $% .* .*%

E = +55.- 5'$Q .* 100 9 ℎ.-' " ℎ$%

4.2 Using Wardrop's Principle on System Optimization, determine the following for trips from Zone
B to Zone C using automobiles. (Refer to your answer in 3.3a)

a. Travel times on each route

b. Traffic volumes on each route
c. Total system travel time

The highway performance functions for routes 1 and 2 can be written as:
= E1 + 4E1 + 10
= 2E + 7

where: = )9 +8 +9 ' . .* +-ℎ $% .* .*%

E = +55.- 5'$Q .* 100 9 ℎ.-' " ℎ$%

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