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Assignment front sheet

Learner name Assessor name

CATHERINE Teacher Daw Myint Myint Kyi

Commencement date Completion date Submitted on

14.7.2019 8.9.2019 21.9.2019

Qualification Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 7 Extended Diploma in Unit 17 – Project Development and Implementation for Strategic
Strategic Management and Leadership (QCF) Managers

Assignment title Project Report

In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.
Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that
Task no. Evidence
reference the student is able to:

1.1 Analyze the factors that contribute to the process of project selection 1 5-12

Develop outline of project specifications for the implementation of a

1.2 1 12-13
new product, service or process

Produce a specification for an agreed project to implement a new

1.3 1 14-15
product, service or process

2.1 Produce a project plan for an agreed project 2 15-18

2.2 Match appropriate resources to a project 2 18-19

2.3 Cost all resources required for implementing a project 2 20

Agree timescales for the management and implementation of a

2.4 2 20-21

2.5 Plan an appropriate strategy for the implementation of a project. 2 21-22

3.1 Implement a project in accordance with an agreed specification 3 22-25

Develop appropriate measures to monitor and evaluate progress and

3.2 3 25

3.3 Monitor the implementation of a project 3 26-28

Analyze the outcomes of a project in term of the original project

4.1 4 28-29

4.2 Evaluate the outcomes of a project 4 29-32

4.3 Make justified recommendations for improvements to the project 4 32-33

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Learner signature: CATHERINE Date: 21.9.2019

Table of Contents
Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Factors that contribute the process of project selection.........................................................5
1.2 Develop outline of project for the implementations of a new service..............................12
1.3 Produce a specification for an agreed project to implement a new product, service or
process......................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.1 Produce a project plan for an agreed project........................................................................... 15
2.2 Match appropriate resources to a project................................................................................. 18
2.3Cost all resources required for implementing a project........................................................20
2.4 Timescales for the management and implementation of a project....................................20
2.5 Appropriate strategy for the implementation for a project.................................................21
3.1 To implement a project in accordance with an agreed specification................................22
3.2 Appropriate measures to monitor and evaluate progress and outcomes.......................25
3.3 Monitor the Implementation of a project................................................................................... 26
4.1 Analyze the outcomes in terms of the original project specification................................28
4.2 Evaluate the outcomes of a project.............................................................................................. 29
4.3 Make justified recommendations for improvements to the project..................................32
Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................. 33
Reference.................................................................................................................................................... 34

Executive Summary

This paper will examine about five major components of project development that
include selection, specification, planning, implementation, and evaluation. In the selection
portion of the project, it will display elements that contribute to the project selection
procedure. The definition of the agreed project will be included, and the scheduling part will
include the timetables, expenses and various resources for project implementation. The risk
that the project can be controlled and uncontrolled will be analyzed. It will present the
development plan and operation in the implementation and evaluation part according to
the agreed measurement. Following implementation, it will present adequate measures to
track and assess progress and results.

1.1 Analyses the factors that contribute to the process of project selection

Project Selection
Selecting a project is the process of choosing a project or set of projects that the
organization will implement. Because projects usually need considerable financing in terms
of money and sources, both of which are limited, it is important that projects chosen by an
organization result in correct returns on the assets and investment in resources [ CITATION
Ahm16 \l 1033 ].

Company profile

The Green land Hotel possessed by Khin Yadarnar Myint. Green land’ concept is to
become the provider and facilitator of vacation and leisure experience so they create a
natural sanctuary as well as provide service exercise natural, cultural, farm and fishing.
There are hundreds employees and local people are also employed as part time job when so
many visitors especially come on public holiday or weekend. It is located on the Pathein
Road, 22 miles from Yangon, near Mezali-Dalla village, Nyaungdon, Ayeyawaddy division,
Myanmar. One hour and forth five minutes’ drive from Yangon city and three hours’ drive
from Pathein city. Their contact phone number is 09952204547 and email address is
Greenland9418 @Gmail .com .


To be widely recognized a remarkable destination for local and foreigner.


To providing personalized and flexible serviced in a luxury modest environment.

Bringing change in attitude to maximize level of satisfaction of guest and members of


Core value

We offer better customer service with what they really need.

Our motivation was based on a business passion.


 To offer 3 training programs for develop qualified human resources and training and
development program within one year
 To obtain 20% to 30% customer satisfaction rate in the year 2019 to 2020.
 To be able to achieve 500,000,000 revenues in the year 2019 to 2020.

Sources of capital
All the funding comes from the private sector, since this organization, which has
shares and ownership, is a private organization.
Project Manager
The project manager name is Moe Thu San who is already graduated Diploma of
hospitality and business management and her work experience is almost 5 years in the hotel
industry. The email address is

Competitor Analysis
Table 1: Competitor Analysis Table

key success indicators Weighting Shwe Pyi Resort Sein Lea Thin Green Land
Hotel & Resort

Rating weighte Rating weighted Rating weighted


Customer Service 0.3 5 1.5 7 2.1 5 1.5

Price reasonable 0.2 6 1.2 5 1 7 1.4

Cleanliness of Room 0.15 4 0.6 6 0.9 7 1.05

Clean and Healthy 0.15 5 0.75 7 1.05 8 1.2

Food Service

Accommodation 0.2 7 1.4 7 1.4 7 1.4

Provide and

Total 1.0 5.45 6.45 6.55

In the above table, in the area of Green Land Hotel & Resort organization, there are a
limited number of hotels in the area of Green Land Hotel & Resort organization. To this end,
the Green Land Hotel & Resort organization compares with the other Hotel area because
they are perhaps one of the Green Land Hotel & Resort's main competitors. Compared to
the industry's main success factors with the rivals, Green Land Resort is in a state of greater
weighting than the rivals because of its powerful faculty teams and all team members are
effectively supporting the Resort in the progress phase.

Scoring Method

Table 2: Scoring Table

Factors for Project 1 2 3 4 5

Market size potential
More than 20% of the rate of profit margin
Project Risking
Impact on awareness of the brand
Ability to manage the present human resource

1 = very poor

2 = poor

3 = neutral

4 = good

5 = very good

The table includes 5 raters. Using a weighted project scoring model, several criteria
can be achieved as a result. The committee includes 5 raters in the weighted. They are CEOs

of Green Land, operations manager, director of the HR, finance manager and shareholder
representative. For the weighted factor value, the organization applies a 5-point scale.

Table 3: Rating Table

Ability to
More than Impact on manage the
20% of the Project awareness present
Rater size
rate of profit Risking of the human
margin brand resource
CEO 5 4 2 5 5
4 4 2 5 4
HR 5 5 3 4 4
Manager 5 5 3 4 4

3 2 2 4 3
Total score 22 20 12 22 20
Mean value 22/5=4.4 20/5=4 12/5=2.4 22/5=4.4 20/5=4

Table 4: Result Table

Factor Weight Mean Weighted Score

Market size potential 0.1 4.4 0.44
More than 20% of 0.3 4 0.12
the rate of profit

Project Risking 0.3 2.4 0.72
Impact on awareness 0.2 4.4 0.88
of the brand
Ability to manage the 0.1 4 0.4
present human
resource project
Total 1 2.56

The total score of the project is 2.56 for the above table result. The project selection
committee team scored at 2.5 and the project score was greater than the standardized
score. The project is therefore better suited to achieving the corporate goals and objectives.

Stakeholder Analysis

Table6: Likely Map

Low interest High interest

High Keep Satisfied Key Players
 The general public  Founder (+)
 Government  BOD (+)
 shareholders(-)
 Media
 Admin Manager(+)
 Customers
Low Minimal Effort Keep Informed
pow  Marketing manager (-)
 Security Officers
er  HR manager (-)
 Team Member

 Cleaners  Finance manager (-)
 Project manager (-)

Table7: Preferred Map

Low interest High interest

High Keep Satisfied Key Players
 The general public  Founder (+)
 Government  BOD (+)
 shareholders(+)
 Media
 Admin Manager(+)
 Customers
Low Minimal Effort Keep Informed
pow  Marketing manager (+)
 Security Officers
er  HR manager (+)
 Team Member
 Finance manager (+)
 Cleaners
 Project manager (+)

Founders, Admin Manager and BOD are key players in stakeholder. This project is a
big responsibility of the Founder and of the Board of Directors. The founder is responsible
for the approval of the detailed plans, strategies and financial reviews. Founders,
administrators and BOD are prepared to promote the project, but the shareholders are not
prepared to support it. The organization, therefore, holds a meeting on the project and
discusses the benefit of the projects and the increase in the rate of revenue and the
shareholders can support the project. Marketing manager, HR manager, project manager
and financial manager are kept informed by low power and powerful interest. However, the
bank has a favorable view of this change as the bank is supporting the change process in
raising deposits with the online payment system's requirements. But the marketing
manager, HR manager, project manager and finance manager have negative perception. As
a project manager, project managers have negative perception, because the Resort and as a
marketing department must put fresh and complicated characteristics in place, they must
conduct marketing campaigns aimed not only at the local customers but also at the global
client. As an HR department, HR recruits and provides necessary training for many fresh,
Security Officers and skilled employees. But in this stage, the map is likely informed and the
map preferred, including the marketing manager, HR director, project manager and finance
director, because of the risk-taking in the organization, are unwilled to assist the project.

At likely map stages, one of Green Land Company's vital persons is the general
public, government, and clients. To maintain the satisfied phase of the preferred map,
clients and government want to be satisfied with the organization. Finally, Security Officers
and some of the staff do not have the power to impact the organization and they are also
not interested in the organization. However, we must promote the participation of some of
our staff in the training necessary to enhance client service training, coordination and
training support with overseas companies.

Social Case

Resort is one of the best locations to go on a creation trip where individuals can have
a mental break in order to build resort. Such as Special regions where individuals can
appreciate their refreshments or be less formal. Simple things in life bring comfort and
happiness to individuals in order to promote people's mental and spiritual requirements. So
it means people can spend their time together in one location, not just for hotel luxury, but
also for resort.

Expected Outcomes

It can increase profit and income and attain association brand awareness and loyalty.
And the advantages for the customers are that they can be comfortable because of the
arrangement of hotel and resort. In this way, they may not waste through their time moving
between various places So Green Land organization can gain its goals in order to develop
this project.

Green Land's main aim is to build it’s to raise consumer interest and brand
awareness. Green Land creates a hotel to transform the resort in accordance with its
purpose. With the end goal of all the analysis reason, the association actualizes to make
Green Land inn and Resort.

1.2 Develop outline of project for the implementations of a new service

The two projects that will allow an innovative idea to support its target. They are to
transform the hotel into a resort and to transform the hotel into a combination of hotel and
mini zoo.

Table8: General Specification

Specification Resort Combine Hotel and Available?

Mini zoo
Time 1 year 1 year 6 months Yes
Cost 250 lakhs 500 lakhs Yes
Scope Simple project Simple project New Yes
Employees need to skilled zookeepers,
be recruited and zoologists or animal
more security curators need to be
officers need to be recruited

Quality Serving the highest Serving the Differentiation
value clients, enhanced facility to strategy
including the best clients.
facilities, with the
highest service.
Target Segment All clients located in All the clients who
Yangon and want to relax.

After all the evaluation, the Green Land organization was selected to introduce the
Resort. The reasons for choosing to implement the Resort are that it doesn't need a lot of
cash to use and implement the Resort and it can section most clients from the division of
Yangon and Ayeyarwaddy, getting further benefits than any other project and
Implementation into Resort does not take much time for the corporation.

1.3 Produce a specification for an agreed project to implement a new product, service or

Figure1: Organization Structure

In order to attain its objective, the organization’s structure assigns its daily
operations and co-ordinates its employees ' operations. There are seven departments in
Green Land Hotel and each has a manager who carries out his or her duties. Green Land
Hotel utilizes a functional organizational structure and a centralized decision-making
process. Department manager uses the general manager reporting system. They have
formally procedure and followed processes and regulations. Thus, the formalization of it is
high. The chain of control is wide, according to its organizational structure; the chain of
control is flat. It is made up of 100 staff in the Green Land Organization. There are many
external specialists to hire for the resort's opening

The total cost of the resort is 250 lakhs. Green Land serves its clients with the best
possible quality care with technological enhancement. Green Land aims at all clients located
in the division of Yangon and Ayeyarwaddy.

Project Team

Many organisations, teamwork is increasingly being utilized to improve performance,

showing that the relationship between team effectiveness and project success is
scarce[ CITATION Ass14 \l 1033 ] . Gido and Clements (2011) concluded that effective team
characteristics include high degree of collaboration, confidence, open timely effective
communication and ethical behavior. Such features were important factors for the success
of the project [ CITATION Gid11 \l 1033 ].


Supervisor Project Engineer

Construction Operation
Manager Team

Since the new project is for Green Land Hotel, the project team will include the project
manager and supervisor to handle the entire project effectively, a technician capable of
creating excellence designs to meet the needs and needs of customers, engineers and
construction managers who are capable of building a quality project and operation team to
handling of the waste and cleaning process.

2.1 Product a project plan for an agreed project

Table 9: Activity Analysis Table

Activity Activity Immediate Pessimistic Most Optimistic

Description Predecessor (weeks) Probable (weeks)
A Creating - 2 3 5
idea design
B Plan to - 1 2 5
C Consult A 1 3 6
D Prepare A 1 2 5
E Prepare cost C 1.5 3 6

F Plan to buy E 3 5 9
G Complete B,D 3 5 9
H Complete to F 2 3 6
buy all of
I Prepare G,H 1 2 4
final report
J Prepare to I 2 4 6
K Launching J 1 2 3

The table is shown to determine which job assignment will be done after which assignment
to establish the activity analysis table.

Table 10: Work Breakdown Structure

Founde sharehol Designe Engine Constru supervis Operatio

r and der r er ction or n Team
BOD manage
Creating 6 5 3 3 4 3 4
Project idea
Making WBS 6 3 3 3 5 3
Prepare cost 6 6 1
estimates &
Prepare pricing
Buying 5 5 3 3 4 1 4
Serve to the 2 2 5 6

Security system 3 3 3 4
Cleaning and 1 2 5 6
touch up works
Quality review 6 6 5 5 4
and correction

Prepare final 4 4 4 3 6
1= Responsible person, 2= Supervision, 3= Must Consultant, 4= Maybe consulting, 5= Must
be notified, 6= Approver

A work breakdown shape (WBS) for managers to prepare their work extra efficiently.
A project is characterized via time-limited activities and is assigned fixed time frames and
prices [ CITATION Mar19 \l 1033 ].

In Green Land, project team includes the Project Manager and Supervisor for the
effective management of the project, a designer capable of creating excellence designs that
meet customers, engineers and construction managers ' needs and requirements that are
skilled to build a quality project and operation team to clean up waste .For founder and
BOD, people in the organization are mostly approved and notified.

Table11. Deliverables and milestones

Results of Work Person
Time(milestone es Specifications to
Completion(Deliverabl responsible
) Comple be checked
es) to check
Need market
2months from Operation research to be
A, B, Making research
start manager checked because it
is available or not?

Consult with Qualifying and
End of first technicians, designers working
C Founder
phase and construction employees time
managers available
Cost estimate and list Market survey and
End of second Founder and
D,E,F the materials to be equipment Budget
phase BOD
purchased and equipment

Complete market
75% of work Operation
G,H,I,J survey and all
completion plan manager
purchasing facilities

100% of work
K Launch the Resort Founder Quality of service
completion plan
The structure of the project organization is already stated. And the owner of
this organization is the organization's project manager, therefore making an innovative
service by full power. The obligation of the project manager is to consult with technician,
construction managers and engineers to allow the organization time and to test the service
quality of the organization. The communication channel is full power to regulate the
organization as a whole.

2.2 Match appropriate resources to a project

Table 12: Cost all resources required for implementing a project

Type of resources Requirement Remark

Time 6 Months Available
Financial Resource 80 lakhs Available
Human Resource Project Manager - 1 Available
manager- 1 Available

engineer- 1 Available
Designer - 5 Recruit externally
Carpenter - 12 Recruit externally
Cleaners - 5 Available
(Total – 25)

The organization may recognize about the requirement of assignment after creating
the cost all resources table. And the organization can also get the estimated price of
assignment for the purchasing resources.

2.3Cost all resources required for implementing a project

Table 13: Resources estimation Table

Activities Resources From who
A,B,C Market paper 2 lakhs
D Marketing pamphlet 4 lakhs
E,F,G computer 10 lakhs
H equipment Owner 100 lakhs
I,J Paper 2 lakhs
F Foods and snacks Owner 6 lakhs
Total 124 lakhs

Total cost for implementing the project is budgeted as 50 lakhs. The financial department
should arrange some extra cash to avoid the further financial shortage problem.

2.4 Agree timescales for the management and implementation of a project

To develop the project Resort, Time scale is set as below to create the resort project.
Completing the project requires 1 year.

Table 14: Timescales Table

Activity Schedule Schedule Stakeholders Methods of Decision Remarks

Start Date End date communication
A,B,C June 2018 August2018 Operation Meeting Yes
D August201 August Marketing Advertising Yes
8 2018 manager
E,F,G August Dec2018 Operation Presentation Yes
2018 Manager
H Dec 2018 Jan2019 Shareholders Invitation Yes
I Jan2019 Jan2019 Operation Presentation Yes
J, K Feb2019 May 2019 Shareholders Meeting Yes

2.5 Plan an appropriate strategy for the implementation of a project

Handover Meeting Agenda

The project's aim is to construct Hotel into Resort. The scope of the job is to serve
clients with the highest quality care with improved technology to deliver good service to
clients. The communication lines in the Green Land Corporation are that decentralized
organization, so it is not just concentrated on the department head. It decides to begin
exploring the project on June 2019 and on May 2019 this project will be agreed.

Table 15: Output Table from Handover Meeting

Activity Responsible To whom to be Who will Who is under

Person reported support supervision
A,B,C Operation Owner Marketing Nil
manager manager
D Marketing Finance manager Staffs Nil
E,F Finance Manager Managing Operation Nil
director manager
G Marketing Operation Staffs Nil
manager manager
H Operation Managing Marketing Nil
manager director manager
I Operation Managing Finance Nil
manager director manager
J, K Operation owner, and Marketing Nil
manager managing manager

After analyzing the table, the organization understands that who is accountable for
which part and to who to report and this can permit the workers not to be confused on their

3.1 To implement a project in accordance with an agreed specification

First, Green Land Hotel starts building a project team and implementing the project.
There are project managers, supervisors, technicians, construction managers and
developers in the project team. The first is the construction and implementation of the
project by Green Land Hotel. The project team consists of project managers, supervisors,
technicians, building managers and developers. To begin with, project manager exhibited a
written proposition on the economic and benefit points of the project that Green Land can
get to finance manager from this effort before the assignment is updated. The project
manager then told the owner of the different price sets which vary with the quality of the
use of the product before the plan was initiated. Among the various price sets, however, the
owner chooses to complete the project with a high cost and quality choice since they need
the particular luxury design of the resort. Green Land also wanted to offer resort members a
discount after implementation of the project to develop stronger relations in future.
Consequently, the requirements for competitive analysis are also fulfilled. Furthermore,
Project Manager often allows suppliers to provide discount rate services to meet the
estimated cost of product purchase before entering into a contract with them. So, the profit
margin can also be expected to be achieved, which means obtaining a profit margin of at
least 10%.

Leadership style
Leadership is the art of motivating individuals to work towards a shared objective. The
leader is the activity's motivation and director and has a mix of personality and
management abilities that require others to follow their direction. [ CITATION War191 \l
1033 ].

Autocratic leadership
Autocratic or authoritarian leadership style emphasizes the role of management in decision-
making. The leader won't include or recommend the team in the selection of the following
strategy or even advise it [ CITATION Gue16 \l 1033 ].

Democratic leadership
Democratic leadership in this system is still essential for official decisions, but the leader
seeks and empowers engagement rather than expelling the subordinates ' commitment. The
subordinates are therefore increasingly included in the duties or methods, despite the
reality that they are not likely to have a lawful capacity to choose [ CITATION Mar17 \l 1033 ].

Laissez faire leadership

The subordinates have a full capacity to choose how to accomplish the advanced vision of
the leader in laissez-fair leadership style. The leader's activity is essentially to give the
subordinates the right resources and direction, if necessary [ CITATION Mar17 \l 1033 ]

5 types of power

In 1959, John R. P. French and Bertram H. Raven, social psychologists, recognized five
sources or types of power from which a person gains power. These sources are now known
as the Five Power Bases of France and Raven.

Reward Power

Power of reward is contrary to power of coercion. The leader attempts to motivate

supporters to enhance their efficiency with the assistance of reward force. This power
allows the leader to supply extra equipment, increase pay, and promote the
subordinates[ CITATION Akr11 \l 1033 ].

Referent Power

This power comes separately from each leader. It's a person's personality that attracts
followers. People obey because the leader's magnetic character influences or attracts them.
[ CITATION Akr11 \l 1033 ].

Legitimate Power

Legitimate power is also known as the authority of place and the power of government. It
comes from the superior power. A manager receives authority in an organization because of
his role or position [ CITATION Akr11 \l 1033 ].

Expert Power

Expert Power is closely linked to Informative Power when an person has in-depth data,
knowledge or expertise in the field for which they are responsible. Often this form of power
is the most efficient form of power [ CITATION Pre15 \l 1033 ].

Coercive Power

The ability to punish others or pose a danger to others is coercive power. Coercive power is
motivated by fear [ CITATION Akr11 \l 1033 ].
Green Land influence a group to achieve organizational objectives, leadership is
essential. Three main kinds of leadership style are democratic, laissez-fair, and autocratic
leadership style. General Managers and department heads use democratic and autocratic
leadership style at Green Land Hotel & Resort. As the style of democratic leadership style,
general manager and department head use it to decide to complement their jobs; they are
exchanging ideas and sharing their power with their subordinates to make decisions.
Subordinates are supervised as autocratic leadership style, general managers and
department heads to perform team function.

Maslow’s theory

Maslow (1943) acknowledged five levels in his need hierarchy. Once a level of needs
is met, the theory explains that it no longer works to inspire. It is therefore important to
enable the next higher level of need in order to motivate and thus fulfill the individual
[CITATION Lut05 \l 1033 ] .Maslow highlighted the importance of self-actualization as a phase
of growth and development as a human to fulfill personal capacity [ CITATION Che19 \l
1033 ].Maslow's concept of the motivation of the employee to a degree of understatement
as to how the employees were inspired, it is normal and understandable. It is essential for
both It is important for both intеr-реrѕоnаl аnd intrа-реrѕоnаl of variations in human
beings[ CITATION Mar181 \l 1033 ].

Hersey-Blanchard Model

The Hersey-Blanchard model shows that there is no greater-than-other single
leadership style. In addition to concentrating in conditions in the workplace, the model
suggests that leaders adapt their styles and skills to followers [ CITATION Ken191 \l
1033 ].According to Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, a manager will have to modify the style

to the maturity level of the employee . As the maturity grows, so does the employee's
independence. Therefore, within the situational leadership, four leadership styles are
created; Telling, Selling , Participating and Delegating [CITATION Mul19 \l 1033 ].

3.2 Appropriate measures to monitor and evaluate progress and outcomes

The project of Green Land with the following factors ;

Time – Green Land scheduled 1 year to complete the resort project. This project began in
early June and in the first week of June, the owner intends to hold the Resort opening
ceremony. Therefore, time management is very critical for implementation to complete the
project on schedule.

Budget – Green Land is scheduled to use 50 lakhs for general expenditures for this project,
including labor salaries, purchase and installation of materials. The project manager can
therefore use the earned value assessment (EVA method) to measure the price difference
between the real quantity and the quantity of the budget.

Quality- Quality is of great importance to Green Land at all stages of its implementation as
the organization's task is to provide the best quality service to the competitive advantage.
As a fact, the project must have high quality standards for all Green land resource. Project
managers would therefore need to evaluate and track the need for a Quality Management
System to monitor the quality of supplies and to schedule conferences multiple days a week
to update and measure the performance of the ongoing process.

Inflation – While inflation may occasionally increase the price of materials, it cannot do
much harm to the project as it will only take about 1 year to implement this project.
However, project manager should always be observant about the inflation rate .

3.3 Monitor the Implementation of a project

Project monitoring plays a key role in project management as well as in the selection of
strategies by the project manager. It is, however, a strategy that is often ignored and used in
order to meet the criteria of the project management program. However, if implemented,
project monitoring can help project managers and their teams to foresee potential risks and
limitations that may want to disrupt the project if left unresolved. This clarifies the project's
objectives, connects the tasks to the goals, sets the target, reports progress to the
management, and keeps the management aware of the issues that arise for the duration of
the project's implementation. This helps and motivates management to accomplish the
financial and timely mission [ CITATION Kno17 \l 1033 ].  

Table 16: Cost Variances

Activity Planned cost(kyats) Actual Cost (kyats) Differences(kyats)

A 505,000 500,000 5,000
B 100,000 100,000 -
C 120,000 120,000 -
D 100,000 120,000 (20,000)
E 50,000 40,000 10,000
F 70,000 50,000 20,000
G 80,000 100,000 -
H 11,100,000 11,000,000 100,000
I 50,000 50,000 -
J 150,000 300,000 -
K 300,000 320,000 (20,000)

Green Land Hotel provides the planned expenses for resort development. But there
are some differences between planned costs and actual costs. Overall, the actual costs of
Green Land were more favorable than the expected costs.

Table 17: Time variances

Activity Critical Scheduled Actual Differences(days)

Time(days) Time(days)
A Yes 15 15 -
B No 45 45 -
C Yes 7 8 (1)
D No 7 6 1
E Yes 20 15 5
F Yes 110 100 10
G No 21 20 2
H Yes 23 25 (2)
I Yes 7 5 2
J Yes 30 30 -
K Yes 90 90 -

The schedule and real time of the schedule have not always been the same in all
companies and some business needs to end on time, because after this activity the other
activity can begin.

4.1 Analyze the outcomes in terms of the original project specification

Table18: Compare Planned and Actual Specifications

Planned Specification Meet or Not What Changes Remarks

Place (Downtown) Yes No

Time( June 2019to Yes No
October 2020)

Cost (150 Lakhs) Yes No

Quality(High-Quality Yes No

Recruit employees Yes No

Consulting with Yes No
designer and

Project Team Yes No

Green Land's locations on Pathein Road, 22 miles from Yangon, close the village of
Mezali-Dalla, Nyaungdon, district of Ayeyawaddy, Myanmar. One hour and five minutes’
drive from Yangon City and three hours’ drive from Pathein City And the organisation is at
first Hotel and is now turned into a resort, the time-consuming development of Resort is
one year. The estimated price of changing from hotel to resort is 50 lakhs after that. And
Green Land Corporation desires to deliver high-quality customer care with improved
technology. Green Land Corporation is testing the individuals in the organization for
recruitment. And Green Land Corporation consults with consultants to serve clients through
quality care and customer knowledge. Green Land Corporation set up a project team to
develop Hotel to Resort. After all, Green Land Corporation meet all planned specifications
And there are no changes to make after the specification has been planned.

4.2 Evaluate the outcomes of a project

Table19: Evaluation on Outcomes

Project Management Stages Weaknesses Suggestion for Next Project

Selection Less in market analysis Pre-statistical surveys should
be carried out before the
decision is made
Planning There are many technicians in After selection, the
Myanmar who will provide the organization directly needs to
organization with time. contact technician.

Implementation Most equipment is ordered by Green Land must prioritize the

the Green Land organization equipment and request the
from foreign countries and is equipment as it may take
longer than expected. longer than expected outside
Evaluation The Green Land organization For the launch opening start-
makes the planned budget for up budget, the Green Land
the opening of the Green Land Corporation requires to
organisation and the real costs undertake market research.
are higher than expected.

Table20: Feedbacks from stakeholders

1 2 3 4 5
1: Highly dissatisfied

2: Dissatisfied

3: Normal

4: Satisfied

5: Highly Satisfied

Green Land selects five raters to offer feedback on the growth of the organization.
They are CEOs, operations managers, HR, Finance and the representative shareholders of
Green Land organization. For the feedback form, the organization applies 5 points liker.

Table 21; Rating Table

Rater Cost Time Quality General

CEO 4 4 5 4
Operation 5 4 5 4
HR 3 4 4 3
Finance 5 4 5 4
Representative 5 5 5 4
Total 22 21 24 19

Table22: Result feedback table

Satisfaction mean
Cost 4.4
Time 4.2
Quality 4.8
General Outcomes 3.8

Green Land Corporation provides feedback to stakeholders and stakeholder result

provides feedback, and the mean feedback obtained is more than 3, making the feedback

4.3 Make justified recommendations for improvements to the project

Table23: Weak point in this project management process

Project Management Stages Weaknesses Suggestion for Next Project
Selection Less in market analysis Before project selection, pre-
market research should be
carried out.
Planning There are many technicians in After selection, the
Myanmar who will provide the organization directly needs to
organization with time. contact technician.

Implementation Most equipment is ordered by Green Land organization must

the Green Land organization list the equipment earlier and
from foreign countries and is order the equipment earlier as
longer than expected. foreign transportation can take
longer than expected.
Evaluation The Green Land organization For the launch opening start-
makes the planned budget for up budget, the Green Land
the opening of the Green Land Corporation requires to
organization and the real costs undertake market research.
are higher than expected.

Green Land Corporation has some weakness in all stages of project management
after all stages of project management. Overall, Green Land Corporation needs premarket
assessment to be created before choosing the project. And Green Land Corporation must
first check with technician when the project is to be designated by the corporation. And
after selecting the project, Green Land Corporation will also need a list of buying equipment,
as carrying can be slower than anticipated. At the stage of the evaluation, which is the
organization that expects to do research and need to schedule more launch budgets.


This report examines a large number of examining tools the innovative project. And
the time and cost utilization of the project is also analyzed. For this project, the company

discusses the innovation project with stakeholders. Finally, the organization is already
investigating the project and the real outcome of time and cost is shown. Thus, the
organization evaluates the data and the information of the assessment and essentially
discusses the weakness of the assessment information and must be prevented for the next

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