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 •    Ingredients and active components

Thymex syrup and drop is made from standardized extract of the aerial parts of garden thyme
(Thymus vulgaris L.)

 Syrup: Each 100ml of the syrup contains 22mg total phenolic compounds based on
thymol from standardized extract of Thymus vulgaris L.
 Oral drop: Each 100ml of drop contains 50mg total phenolic compounds based on thymol
from standardized extract of Thymus vulgaris L.
The extract of garden thyme is an essential oil. The essential oil is yellow and its amount varies
between 1-2%. The most important constituents of the essential oil include thymol, carvacrol and
paracimol. The extract of the plant also contains tannin, flavonoids, saponin, and also bitter
compounds. Furthermore, this product contains honey, which has antitussive and expectorant
properties standardized extract of Thymus vulgaris L.
•    What THYMEX is used for :

 Cough,
 Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract,
 Expectorant.
•    How THYMEX works 
In traditional medicine, thyme is used as an expectorant, diuretic and anti-flatulent.
The antitussive and expectorant effect of Thymex is possibly due to volatile essential oils that
increase respiratory ciliary movement and mucus in the respiratory tract.
•    Before you use THYMEX
When NOT to take it 

 Concurrent use of this medicine with antacid drugs is prohibited.

 History of allergy to thyme.

 Due to the presence of sucrose in this product, its use is not recommended for diabetic
 Presence of severe GI tract complaints, inflammation of urinary tracts, inflammatory
Use during Pregnancy and Lactation
NOT to be taken during pregnancy and lactation.
•    Taking THYMEX
How and when to take it 

 Syrup:

1. Children 4-6 years old: 1/2 teaspoonful (2.5ml), three times a day
2. Children 6-12 years old: 1 teaspoonful (5ml), three times a day
3. Adults: 1 tablespoonful, three times a day

 Oral Drop:

1. Children 4-12 years old: 10-15 drops, three times a day

2. Adults: 15- 20 drops, three times a day

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