(123doc) - Ke-Hoach-Giang-Day-Tieng-Anh-10-Co-Muc-Tieu

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1. Knowledge: Students know the importance role of English Teacher:
today, some methods of studying and testing to get the best textbook,
result document
1 Introduction 2. Skills: Explanation, asking and answering Students:
3. Have good attitude to English textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1.Knowledge: Students will be able to read a passage of 190- Teacher: Không
230 words for general or specific information about farmer’s textbook, cassette dạy task
1 Unit 1 : A day daily activities and tapes 3
(28/8- 2 in the life of.... 2.Skills: Reading comprehension, scanning for the main ideas Students:
02/09 ) Reading 3. Attitude: have knowledge on people’s lifestyle textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1.Knowledge: Students will be able to talk about daily Teacher:
activities textbook, sample
Unit 1 : A day
2. Skills: asking and answering, discussion sentences/model
3 in the life of....
3. Attitude: express love to life Students:
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using textbook
language; self-managing; creation.
4 Unit 1 : A day 1. Knowledge: Students will be able to listen to a monologue Teacher:
in the life of.... for general or specific information about cyclo driver’s textbook, cassette
Listening activities and tapes
2. Skills: listening for specific information Students:
3. Attitude: have knowledge on driver’s life textbook
2 4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using

language; self-managing; creation.
04/09- 1. Knowledge: Students will be able to write a narrative Teacher:
09/09 within 100-120 words using suggested word cues and a frame textbook, sample
Unit 1 : A day
2. Skills: writing a narrative sentences or
5 in the life of....
3. Attitude: express the value of life model writing
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using Students:
language; self-managing; creation. textbook
1. Knowledge: Pronunciation: /i/; /I/ Teacher:
Grammar: Tenses: The present simple, past simple; Adverbs textbook, sample
of frequency sentences or
Unit 1 : A day Vocabulary: Words about daily activities, working time, model writing
6 in the life of.... working day, timetables of children and adults Students:
Language focus 2. Skills: explanation textbook
3 3. Attitude: have knowledge on people’s lifestyle
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
16/09) 1. Knowledge: Students will be able to read about some small Teacher:
SCHOOL talks of some people for general or specific information textbook, cassette
7 TALKS 2. Skills: reading comprehension, scanning for the main ideas and tapes
Reading 3. Attitude: have good attitude toward school activities Students:
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using textbook
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to start, continue and Teacher:
close a conversation textbook, sample
2. Skills: Asking and answering, discussion sentences or
3. Attitude: have knowledge on way of communicating model writing
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using Students:
language; self-managing; creation. textbook
4 9 UNIT 2: 1. Knowledge: Students will be able to listen to some students Teacher:
SCHOOL for general or specific information textbook, cassette
(18/09- TALKS 2. Skills: listening for specific information and tapes
23/09 Listening 3. Attitude: have good attitude toward schooling Students:
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using textbook

language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to fill in a personal form Teacher:
UNIT 2: 2. Skills: filling in form textbook, sample
SCHOOL 3. Attitude: have good attitude toward schooling sentences or
TALKS 4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using model writing
Writing language; self-managing; creation. Students:
1. Knowledge: Pronunciation: / / ; /a/ Teacher:
Grammar: gerund and to-infinitive, wh-questions textbook, sample
Vocabulary: words related to school sentences
11 2. Skills: explanation Students:
3. Attitude: have good attitude toward schooling textbook
Language focus
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
5 UNIT 3: 1. Knowledge: Students will be able to read a passage about Teacher: Phần
PEOPLE’S Marie Curie’s background, study new words and do task 1 textbook, cassette Reading
(25/9- BACKGROUN 2. Skills: Reading comprehension, scanning for ideas and tapes dạy
30/9) 12
D 3. Attitude: have good attitude toward people’s background Students: trong 2
Reading 4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using textbook tiết
language; self-managing; creation.
UNIT 3: 1. Knowledge: Students will be able to translate the passage Teacher:
PEOPLE’S and do task 2, 3 and after you read textbook, cassette
BACKGROUN 2. Skills: Reading comprehension, scanning for the main ideas and tapes
13 3. Attitude: have good attitude toward people’s background Students:
Reading (cont) 4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using textbook
language; self-managing; creation.
14 UNIT 3: 1. Knowledge: Students will be able to introduce oneself; talk Teacher: 15’ test
PEOPLE’S about people’s background, express likes and dislikes textbook, sample
BACKGROUN 2. Skills: asking and answering, discussion sentences or
D 3. Attitude: have good attitude toward people’s background model writing
Speaking 4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using Students:
language; self-managing; creation. textbook

1. Knowledge: Students will be able to listen to a monologue Teacher:
about Sally’s background and do tasks textbook, cassette
2. Skills: listening for specific information and tapes
3. Attitude: have good attitude toward people’s background Students:
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using textbook
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to write about people’s Teacher: Không
background within 100-120 words using suggested word cues textbook, sample dạy task
and a frame sentences or 1
16 2. Skills: writing a profile model writing
3. Attitude: have good attitude toward people’s background Students:
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using textbook
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: /e/; / æ / Teacher:
UNIT 3: Grammar: Tenses: past perfect; past perfect vs past simple textbook, sample
PEOPLE’S Vocabulary: Words to describe people’s background: name, sentences or
BACKGROUN age, place/date of birth, education, jobs, interest model writing
D 2. Skills: explanation Students:
6 Language focus 3. Attitude: Notice the lesson textbook
(02/10 4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
7 1. Knowledge: Students practice skills through exercises: Teacher:
listening about Martin Luther King, reading about Lindsay textbook, cassette
09/10 Lewis; Writing a reply and tapes
-14/10 TEST
18 2. Skills: reading, speaking, listening, writing Students:
3. Attitude: have knowledge on people’s background textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
19 Periodical 1. Knowledge: check students’ knowledge Questions and
Test1 2. Skills: reading and writing keys
3. Attitude: notice the test
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using

language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to read a passage of 190- Teacher:
230 words about a special class for general or specific textbook, cassette
information and tapes
20 2. Skills: reading comprehension. Scanning for ideas Students:
3. Attitude: have good attitude toward special education textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to talk about some types Teacher:
UNIT 4. of special education, talk about school life textbook, sample
SPECIAL 2. Skills: asking and answering, discussion sentences
EDUCATION 3. Attitude: have good attitude toward special education Students:
Speaking 4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using textbook
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to listen to about a Teacher:
8 UNIT 4. photograph club for general or specific information textbook, cassette
SPECIAL 2. Skills: listening for specific information and tapes
16/10 EDUCATION 3. Attitude: have good attitude toward special education Students:
-21/10) Listening 4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using textbook
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to write a letter of Teacher:
complaint within on 100-120 words using suggested word textbook, sample
cues and a frame sentences or
23 2. Skills: writing letter model writing
3. Attitude: have good attitude toward special education Students:
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using textbook
language; self-managing; creation.
9 24 UNIT 4. 1. Knowledge: Pronunciation: /ɒ/; /ɔ:/ Teacher:
SPECIAL Grammar: used to + infinitive; the + adjective Vocabulary: textbook, sample
(23/10- EDUCATION words to describe special education, school life of disabled sentences or
28/10) Language focus children; words to write a letter of complaint model writing
2. Skills: explanation Students:

3. Attitude: have good attitude toward special education textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students get feedback from teacher and correct Questions and
their mistakes keys
25 2. Skills: explanation
Test correction
3. Attitude: notice the feedback
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to read a passage of 190- Teacher: Phần
230 words about computers, study new words and do task 1 textbook, cassette reading
2. Skills: reading comprehension, scanning for ideas and tapes dạy
26 3. Attitude: have knowledge on technology and take its Students: trong 2
advantages textbook tiết
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to translate the passage Teacher:
and do task 2, 3 and after you read textbook, cassette
10 UNIT 5. 2. Skills: reading comprehension and scanning for the main and tapes
(30/10- TECHNOLOG ideas Students:
Y AND YOU 3. Attitude: have knowledge on technology and take its textbook
Reading (cont) advantages
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
28 UNIT 5. 1. Knowledge: Students will be able to talk about new Teacher: Không
TECHNOLOG technology in daily life and uses of modern inventions, give textbook, sample dạy task
Y AND YOU instructions sentences or 3
Speaking 2. Skills: asking and answering, discussion model writing
3. Attitude: have knowledge on technology and take its Students:
advantages textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.

1. Knowledge: Students will be able to listen to a monologue Teacher:
about an old company director talking about his experience of textbook, cassette
UNIT 5. learning how to use computer and tapes
TECHNOLOG 2. Skills: listening for specific information Students:
Y AND YOU 3. Attitude: have knowledge on technology and take its textbook
Listening advantages
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
11 1. Knowledge: Students will be able to write a set of Teacher:
instructions of 100-120 words following a suggested model textbook, sample
(06/11- UNIT 5. and word cues sentences or 15’ test
11/11) TECHNOLOG 2. Skills: writing instructions model writing
Y AND YOU 3. Attitude: have knowledge on technology and take its Students:
Writing advantages textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Pronunciation /u/; / ʊ / Teacher:
Grammar: present perfect tense; present perfect passive; textbook, sample
relative pronouns: Who, Which, That sentences or
UNIT 5. Vocabulary: Words to talk about modern technology: parts, model writing
TECHNOLOG functions, instructions of radio, telephone, computer, TV Students:
31 2. Skills: explanation textbook
Language focus 3. Attitude: have knowledge on technology and take its
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
32 UNIT 6. AN 1. Knowledge: Students will be able to read a passage of 190- Teacher:
EXCURSION 230 words about an excursion for general or specific textbook, cassette
Reading information and tapes
2. Skills: reading comprehension, scanning for ideas Students:
3. Attitude: have knowledge on places and experience good textbook
time with family, relative and friend

4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to give opinions, make Teacher: sample
arrangements for an excursion sentences or
UNIT 6. AN 2. Skills: asking and answering, discussion model writing
33 EXCURSION 3. Attitude: have knowledge on places and experience good Students:
Speaking time with family, relative and friend textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to listen to a monologue Teacher:
about a picnic in the Botanic Garden textbook, cassette
2. Skills: listening for specific information and tapes
34 3. Attitude: have knowledge on places and experience good Students:
time with family, relative and friend textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to write an appointment/a Teacher:
confirmation letter of 100-120 words following a suggested textbook, sample
model and word cues sentences or
2. Skills: writing a confirmation letter model writing
3. Attitude: have knowledge on places and experience good Students:
12 time with family, relative and friend textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
(13/11- language; self-managing; creation.
18/11) 36 UNIT 6. AN 1. Knowledge: Pronunciation / /; / / Teacher:
EXCURSION Grammar: present progressive and be going to textbook, sample
Language focus Vocabulary: words to talk about outdoor activities or sentences or
activities in an excursion: planning for a trip, preparation, model writing
entertainment activities Students:
13 2. Skills: explanation textbook
3. Attitude: have knowledge on places and experience good
(2011- time with family, relative and friend
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using

language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students practice skills through exercises: Teacher:
listening about a place in England, reading about homework textbook, cassette
of students in America, writing about permission and tapes
TEST 2. Skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing Students:
37 3. Attitude: have knowledge on places and students’ life, raise textbook
love to nature and life
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Check students’ knowledge Questions and
2. Skills: reading, and writing keys
38 Periodical test2 3. Attitude: notice the test
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
14 1. Knowledge: Students will be able to read a passage of 190- Teacher:
230 words about the mass media for general or specific textbook, cassette
(27/11- information and tapes
02/12 UNIT 7. THE
2. Skills: reading comprehension, scanning for main ideas Students:
3. Attitude: have knowledge on the mass media and take its textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to talk about different Teacher:
types of the mass media; comprehend newspaper articles, Students:
radio news; talk about advantages and disadvantages of the textbook
UNIT 7. THE mass media
40 MASS MEDIA 2. Skills: asking and answering; discussion
Speaking 3. Attitude: have knowledge on the mass media and take its
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
41 UNIT 7. THE 1. Knowledge: Students will be able to listen to the radio Teacher:

news story for general or specific information textbook, cassette
2. Skills: listening for specific information and tapes
MASS MEDIA 3. Attitude: have knowledge on the mass media and take its Students:
Listening advantages textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to write about advantages Teacher:
and disadvantages of the mass media of 100-120 words using textbook, sample
a suggested model and word cues sentences or
UNIT 7. THE 2. Skills: writing about advantages and disadvantages model writing
42 MASS MEDIA 3. Attitude: have knowledge on the mass media and take its Students:
Writing advantages textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
UNIT 7. THE 1. Knowledge: /e /; /a / / ɔɪ / Teacher:
04/12- MASS MEDIA Grammar: present perfect; Because of/In spite of textbook, sample
09/12) Language focus Vocabulary: Words to talk about the media: Kind of the mass sentences or
media, advantages/disadvantages of the mass media, model writing
programs of radio, TV.. Students:
43 2. Skills: Explanation textbook
3. Attitude: have knowledge on the mass media and take its
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.

1. Knowledge: Students get feedback from teacher and correct Questions and
their mistakes keys
2. Skills: explanation
44 Test correction
3. Attitude: notice the lesson
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
45 UNIT 8. THE 1. Knowledge: Students will be able to read a passage about Teacher:

the changes of the village, study new words and do tasks textbook, cassette
STORY OF 2. Skills: reading comprehension, scanning for the main ideas and tapes
MY VILLAGE 3. Attitude: have good attitude to the life Students:
Reading 4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using textbook
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to talk about changes of Teacher:
(11/12- life in the community; talk about plans; give direction textbook, sample
16/12) 2. Skills: asking and answering; discussion sentences or
3. Attitude: have good attitude to the life model writing
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using Students:
language; self-managing; creation. textbook
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to listen to a monologue Teacher:
about the changes of the writer’s hometown of 120-150 words textbook, cassette
for general or specific information and tapes
47 2. Skills: listening for specific information Students:
3. Attitude: have good attitude to the life textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students will be able to write an informal letter Teacher:
of 100-120 words to give directions using suggested model textbook, sample
and word cues sentences or
48 2. Skills: writing an informal letter model writing
3. Attitude: have good attitude to the life Students:textbook
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
17 49 UNIT 8. THE 1. Knowledge: Pronunciation: /əʊ/; /aʊ/ Teacher:
STORY OF Grammar: Conditional sentence: type 1Vocabulary: Words to textbook, sample
(18/12- MY VILLAGE talk about the changes of life in the community: development, sentences or
23/12 Language focus plans, result, opinions, words to give directions model writing
2. Skills: explanation Students:
3. Attitude: have good attitude to the life textbook

4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
18 1. Knowledge: Students practice skills through exercises: Teacher:
Listening about Sheila Brooks say about her village, Reading textbook,
(25/12- about television, Writing about the direction Students:
30/12) TEST
50 2. Skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing textbook
3. Attitude: have good attitude to the life
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Ss revise basic grammar and do exercise Teacher:
2. Skills: explanation textbook, and
51 Revision 3. Attitude: notice the lesson exercises
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using Students:
language; self-managing; creation. textbook
1. Knowledge: Students revise basic knowledge and do Teacher:
exercise textbook, sample
2. Skills explanation sentences and
52 Revision
3. Attitude: notice the lesson exercises
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using Students:
language; self-managing; creation. textbook
1. Knowledge: Check ss’ knowledge in the 1st term Questions and
2. Skills: do test keys
53 First term test 3. Attitude: notice the test
4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.
1. Knowledge: Students get feedback from teacher and correct Questions and
their mistakes keys
19 2. Skills: explanation
54 Test correction 3. Attitude: notice the lesson
06/01 ) 4. Ability: self-solving; communication; cooperation; using
language; self-managing; creation.


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