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Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

M.Sc. ??? Engineering Thesis Proposal

Title of Research (Write Title of your research here)

Name of Student: Mr A B C
Registration No: 20??-MS-???-00
Date of Registration: (Please give exact date)

Supervisor: Dr A B C
Co-Supervisor: Dr A B C
1 Problem Statement
(Maximum 500 words)
(This Thesis Proposal is Standard for Mechanical Engineering Department; Students are not
allowed to change format or Font type or style. Any other format will be rejected. Please remove
the Green and Red text after writing proposal)

2 Objectives
(To be attained in points form)
 Write first objective
 Write second objective
 Write third objective

3 Literature Survey
(Maximum 2000 words)
(Brief survey of past work done on the topic and any related work with reference, developing
need for present study).

4 Methodology
(Maximum 500 words)
(Brief description of how research will be conducted)

5 Utilization of Research Results

6 Research Time Table

(Showing the period for the start of work and expected time for each stage like, literature
review, time for experimental set up, experimentation, analysis of results and submission of
thesis etc. Minimum number of weeks are 16 for MSc Thesis.)

Email: version. 1.2 (April 2019) 1

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Literature Review
Gap Analysis
Task 3
Task 4

Thesis Write up

Email: version. 1.2 (April 2019) 2

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
7 References
(Use EndNote Numbered Style to add references. The proposal will not be accepted without
EndNote. References should be from 15 to 20 preferably from last ten year.)

Email: version. 1.2 (April 2019) 3

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
8 Comments of Supervisor

________________________ ________________________

Signature of Supervisor Signature of Student

Endst. No. Univ:______________ Dated: _____________

The above proposal duly recommended by the Departmental Board of Studies/Committee of Post-
Graduate Studies in its meeting held on _____________ is forwarded to the Director ORIC for obtaining the
approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

________________________ ________________________

Dean of the Faculty Chairman of the Department

Email: version. 1.2 (April 2019) 4

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