English Literature.: (William Shakespeare)

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English literature.

(William Shakespeare)

1- Hussein Ali Kazem.
2- Jaafar Jabbar Fayhan.
3- Mustafa Khader Abdel Abbas.
4- Hiba Ali Abd Alzahra.
English literature, the body of written works produced in the English
language by inhabitants of the British Isles (including Ireland) from the
7th century to the present day. The major literatures written in English
outside the British Isles are treated separately under American literature,
Australian literature, Canadian literature, and New Zealand literature.

William Shakespeare:
A poet, playwright and prominent English actor in English literature in
particular and international literature in general, he was called "The
Poet of Patriotism" and "The Avon Epic Poet" His works exist and
consist of 39 plays, 158 short poems (his sonnet), two poetry stories
(two long narrative poems) and some poems His plays and works have
been translated into all living languages and have been performed
much more than the books of any other playwright.

His literary talent began to appear between 1585 - 1592 when he

began working as a writer and theater actor in local theaters. His first
literary work was revolving around comical and historical topics, and
then he turned to tragedy and tragedy, and it is believed that the
death of one of his three sons influenced him and caused him to write
tragedy, although his works did not include any reference to this.
The best works of Shakespeare were written between 1589- 1613, and
his complete and well-known works to this day include 38 plays of 185
Sunnets and are poems, in addition to other poetry and poems. Most
of his works have been translated into most of the world's languages
used today, and many of his works are among the best written in the
English language and perhaps all of the world's languages.

Shakespeare began his work in cooperation with a company he

established with his fellow actors since 1594 AD, and named it "Lord
Chamberlain's Men" which became the leading company in London,
and in 1599 AD the company became its own theater, as the members
of the company built the theater on the south bank of the Thames, and
they launched With the name of the Globe Theater, and the company
was honored in 1603 AD by obtaining a royal patent by King James I,
the king who assumed the throne after the death of Queen Elizabeth,
and the name of the company was changed to “King’s Men”. It is
worth noting that
Shakespeare’s partnership in the “King’s Men” company brought him
to wealth, as records indicate that Shakespeare bought and invested in
a large number of real estate, including his purchase of the second
largest house in Stratford County in 1597 AD, in addition to investing
his share of the ten tax in Stratford County.

His literary talent began to appear between 1585 - 1592 when he

began working as a writer and theater actor in local theaters. His first
literary work was revolving around comical and historical topics, and
then he turned to tragedy and tragedy, and it is believed that the
death of one of his three
sons influenced him and caused him to write tragedy, although
his works did not include any reference to this.

The best works of Shakespeare were written between 1589- 1613, and
his complete and well-known works to this day include 38 plays of 185
Sunnets and are poems, in addition to other poetry and poems. Most
of his work has been translated into most of the world's languages
used today, and many of his works are among the best written in the
English language and perhaps all of the world's languages.

William Shakespeare's best plays

1 _ Romeo and JulietIt is not only one of the best plays of

Shakespeare, but one of the best classical plays in the world and the
most famous and well-known, and was represented in many theaters
around the world as well as turned into huge cinematic productions,
and its events are a tragic love story in every sense of the word that
occurs in Italy between the lovers Romeo and Juliet. This is apart from
turning the lovers of the play lover into a role model in love and

What gives this play more importance is its effect on literature in

general afterwards, as before this play there was no form of literature
that combined love and tragedy, and this did not happen until after
this Shakespeare play.
2_A Midsummer Night's Dream

William Shakespeare's most famous comic plays, as it mixes

humor and broad intellectual imagination to discuss a number of issues
that were of Shakespeare's interests at the time through several
dreams within the play, as well as the play includes another play within
it. The main idea of the play is that a man asked the king to execute his
daughter for refusing to marry the man her father wanted.

3_ Macbeth
A play by Shakespeare from the famous tragedy of the English
writer, it tells the story of Scottish commander Macbeth when he
assassinates the King of Scotland to replace him on the throne. It
is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy, and has been repeatedly
produced as cinematic, television, and theater works.

In the eyes of many, Macbeth is considered one of the best that

Shakespeare wrote, as it is in their view that the personality of
Macbeth appears linked to man and clearly shows the impulses
of the human soul, and also shows how evil originates from
within man and is not coming to him from outside .

4 – Hamlet
One of the longest plays of Shakespeare and got widespread thanks to
the number of times print, publishing, acting and film production. The
story tells of Hamlet of Denmark, who seeks revenge for the killing of
his father, who was the king, and this happens in a series of
interconnected tragedies.

Perhaps Hamlet's personality is what makes the play one of the best
plays of English literature, and this is because of Hamlet's philosophy,
his way of thinking and his opinions that are presented throughout the
scenes of the play, where his ingenious genius and philosophy appear
even in situations where he pretends to be mad
5_ Othello

The tragic plays of Shakespeare and its stage in Venice and Cyprus,
through the story of four figures of Othello, the Moroccan general in
the army, his wife, his assistant, and the flag-bearer. The author
discusses the issues of hypocrisy, betrayal, racism, love and jealousy in
a tragic dramatic setting. The play was presented in various works
between cinema and theater, and despite the presence of a personality
of Arab origins among the characters of the play, the writer did not
address the Arabs despite what was rumored about them in Europe
during that period.


1_Source: The Easy Arabic Encyclopedia, 1965

2_Source: Al-Mawred Encyclopedia, Munir

Al_Baalbaki, 1991.

3_Source: William Shakespeare's Full Plays, Nazeer

Abboud 1988

4_ Source: His book, Alaa Jarrar, 26_DEC_2019.

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