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Quelle ‘Ausgabe Seite 07-08/2004 26 Simon Poulton A performance additive with a number of features that offer significant ben efits to formulators of waterborne systems is welcome. The base strength of “Bisomer Amine D 700", 77% aque> ous dimethylaminohydroxypropane (DMAHP), enables effective pH adjustment and neutralisation whilst the volatile nature improves early water resistance, gloss, and scrub resistance. Also when used in an opti= mised formulation, it Is shown In this paper that DMAHP can reduce pri- mary dispersant levels and hence re- duce formulation costs. In addition, the tertiary amine structure enhances bio- cide efficiency. Aqueous dispersions ate often an intermedi ae step for pigment manufacture; aqueous Pigment sluries are an important raw mate- rial with the increase in waterbased systems: ‘and for waterborne decorative coatings the pigment dispersion i typicaly the most time ‘consuming and costly process step during pant ‘manufacture. For all these applications, the choice of dispersing agent can directly im pact the cost and performance of a given formulation. With a complex combination of pigments and extenders-floceuation contol, homogenous dispersion and hence colour re- roducibility are important benefits to for- mutators Experiment: dispersant demand procedure The experimental work was designed to measure and compare the dispersing effi ciency of ammonia, 2-amino-2-methyl-1- propanol and OMANP (Figure 1)35, ‘a co-dispersant with an anionic polyacry- late primary dispersant in a standard deco- rative paint millbase and, ‘+ asa sole dispersant {amino aleohet only in Vincents Verlag European Coatings Journal Vincentz Verlag Multifunctional additive - improving dispersion efficiency a titanium dioxide slury formulation, The standard tool for determining the levet of dispersant required in a given formulation cr viscosities and excellent stability against flocculation compared to the other amines tested, isthe dispersant demand.urve.This procedure Results: TiOz slurry dispersant plotsviscosityehange of a millbese against in demand cremental increase in dispersant to deter ‘mine the optimum dispersant level As the pig iment is dispersed the viscosity decreases to a ‘minimum. The resistance to flocculation can be judged by the rate of viscosity increase past the minimum, i, minimal viscosity in crease is indicative of a resistance to face lation. For this work the viscosity was measured at 20°C using a "Brookfield Viscometer’ spindle Nod, 20pm, Acrylic eggshell millbase is formulated Using the acrylic eggshell milbase in Tablet, ‘the amines were incorporated at a set level and the dispersant demand practically meas- ured following the above procedure using 2 standard anionic polyacrylate dispersant. The ammonia and 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol levels ae typical for this typeof formulation, The DMAHP was incorporated at various fixed levels to establish the dispersing efficiency, 10; slurry formulation The utlty of DMAHP, compared with 2-amino- 2-methyl-1-propanol as a sale dispersant as assessed in the 76 598 solids IO, sutryfor= mulation shown in Table 2 Results: Acrylic eggshell dispersant demand The results ofthe acrylic eggshell dispersant demand work ae shown in igure which plots each amine result according to its percentage by active weight on total pigment content Figure 2 clearly demonstrates the higher effi ciency of DMAHP as a co-dispersant. At a given active weight on totl pigment, DMANP facilitates lower primary dispersantleves lon ‘Schifgyaben 3 0.30175 Hannover Te results of the TiO, dispersant demand are shown in Figure 3. DMAHP achieves 3 more clearly defined optimum level and lower vis- cosities than the 2-amino-2-methyl-1~ propanol, . LIFELINE © Simon Poulton with Laporte Performance Chem ‘85 UK Southampton, and 8 espursie or he Techie Seie 0 range of matt din the ato ade indies Since becoming 3 Che rise rahatein 1988 has wordnet ay on t | N ot ec “aes Hy Hy Fue Dimethylaminohyéroxypropane structure Table 2: 11, slurry formulation 2-Amino- — DMAHP 2-methyt- Aepropanol Demin Water 139 i387 “Tioxide TR92" 45.0 4530 2-Amino-2-methyk . 1-propano| DMAHP 2 Kevtosippies _ a1 Hunter ise Tel: +49, 11) 2910-000 Quelle ‘Ausgabe Seite 07-08/2004 26 European Coatings Journal ‘Armonia 2-Amino- 2emetbyl 1-propano! Amine weight as or oOsT Supplied on pigment % Active amine oss weight on pigment Demin water vay 1487 “Foamstopper 101" 10 0 ‘Ammonia 21 2Z-Aming-2-methy-1 24 propanat OMAHP “Tioxde TR92"" 82 2382 “Microdol Extra" 13001300 Anionic Plyacre Dispersant 21 atm Chemical Co 1) HortamanTige Oona Vincentz Verlag Figure 2: hig 3 Dispersane Ea} DMAHP DMAP DMAHP Aaa Or OT ox om oss vaya) Naeem Sates sa m2 a2 282 mmo a0 1300 ? ? ? Cory (050%) an Pss 12g [ae lea 68 (55 (69 a (032%) 0 70 SS 4%) D700 | === (055%) D700 C f us [a9 ho [mPa] “4 ler ia ea ‘Arming aed to TIO, sory fe} Figure 3:71, slurry amine dispersant demand Vincents Verlag ‘Schifgraben «3 (20175 Hannover Tel: +49, 11) 2910-000 Quelle European Coatings Journal Ausgabe _07-08/2004 Sale 28 Vincentz Verlag DMAHP isan extremely useful co-aspersant for waterborne systems providing a synerg's- sic effect with typical primary espersants. The tests have shown that this versante amino alconot enables the reduction of the primary dispersant in an optimised formulation. By baiancing levels ofthe costly primary dispersant with the cost effective DMAHP in an op- tiised formulation The overall formulatwon cost is reauced. Physica! film performance, eg. water ana scrub resistance. can be improved. The non volavle primary dispersser remains within the flim as a hydrophilic centre whist the ‘latte DMAHP co-aispersane wil eiease during fim formation DDRIAHP s particuialy suited for use 28 a volatile co-dspersant for both pigment produc tion ang the mtbase sage of pat and ink manufacture Other applications where this “ispersng effect fs benefieal include pigment slurries, pigment concentrates ard at areas where flocculation prevention is required, VincetzVerag -—Sehifgyaben 43 —««DLSDI7S Hannover ——_‘Tel:+49(5 11) 9910-000,

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