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The Manille, 17 Mai 2017

To Whom It May Concern

On behalf of the NGO Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC), this letter serves
to support the application for a visa for The Philippines by:

Mr. Kitio Janvier

Legal Consultant
Centre d'Accueil et de Vol ontariat pour Orphelins, Abandonnés et Handicapés
du Cameroun (CAVOAH -CAM)
Passport Number: 0552691
Country of Issuance: Cameroon
Expiration Date : 04/01/2022

We are pleased to have invited Mr. kitio to attend the fifteenth session of the Assembly
of States Parties (ASP), and CICC ASP preparatory meetings, to take place from 26 jun
- 20 September 2017 in The Manille, The Philippines.

Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Tessa Bakx,
Programme Assistant at

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Kirsten Meersschaert
Director of Programs
Coalition for the International Criminal Court

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