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MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF ‘THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS “i VISA APPLICATION FORM (To be completed in BOLD CAPS in Black or Blue Ink) (To be completed by the Applicant) VISA TYPE: ENTRY TYP! | Visitor Diplomatic offcia O crew O Transit Single Entry [Multiple Entry C) [oeeReGnacbetats: = nee Bee | surmame FirstName ‘Mie Namie) Nona Piace & County of ith Date of Bah [DOMATPYT “alana Fy pane Way 1 o6Ie Ea ae [SReMRLOvMENT DETAES GR ee ‘Occupation Tio of ears Employed] Employer's Name, Address, and Tolephons (7 HTCABE] Termes Occupation ameter | Woo Years Employed Employers Wate, ABs and TalpRane (7 =p] Marl Situs Sng CMamea C) — Ovorees] — idowea )— Separated] Comman taw [1 ‘Spouse Wate (Eva F Gerad or separate radon | ate of With (DOINHOYVY) | De you have ny ehiren?™ ame ve Neo Tat aT names oT Bape ISTSRIB TS ABTSSRT Ts Spouse waving wih you? Vos CTW CT [Bs pas Waving WR Vou Vee TT RET Taha Pal Name Naonsiy ‘Wainer Fall ame Navonay Case ot Eergeney, Cont Name Relationship to Aontcant sarees Telephone vaa0 7 ‘5. PASSPORT OETAICS: Passpor Nomber Die Tasuod (ODAMIYYYY) | Date Expiry (DOMNYYYY) | Place & Country af aeus 6. TRAVEL DETAILS: Purpose of Vit Yocation C] Business [Diplomatic (J OfiaSerice [] Conference'Seminar C Crew O Enterainment C] Spontsatniete C) Religious [ Student C] visting Family (Spouse C) Chisren CJ Parents C) SistersiGroiners ther (I. Hether femiy member, prove relaonship Titeided Leng of Stay ‘ate of rival (OOMMYYYY) ame of Persantioiel ‘ress a Personal “Telephone No.of PareoniHoral | How much mney is avalabe for your aay? 2: SaNGIAL RTRs “ike is p9ying for your rp to The Bahamas? 8. CRIMINAL DETAILS: Ee i [Do you Rave any criminal convictions? | Piease provide Deseripton of fence ( convted) ye O nod ‘offence Dst(convted) Place af Ofence(ycamcieg) analy eonvted) ave you ever been involved in the omimission, preparation, organizalion o support of cts of eraram aller within oy aulaide ‘The Bahamas or have you ever beens member of ery orgalzaion which has beam Involved in or advocated terorism W yes, Please provise dette ‘Yes C1 No [1 I¥es, please provide deta: Famer Resident PemanontResisent O citzon | Mote Resident PomanentResent EC] Gitzon Srase Resicon, PemanentReaaewt [} Cazen Sbings Resicent Permaneat Readent ©) Gtzen chicos esisont Permaneat Resident Eten ave you ever vistad The Bahamas? | Hove you ever applod fora Bahamas Visa? | Have you ever been deporied, remanded Yes [1 No Ol tyes, dateotiast | Yer C] No CI ityes,whenand where? | oF required to leave The Bahamas? wal oar Yes No ‘What was the outcome of your application? Vea Granted ss Denies 10. DECLARATION OF APPLICANT: | Teerily that ave read and understood allo the questions in is aplication snd the anewors Nave glven ae Ws and coreet {2 the best of my knowledge and belie. understand that possession ofa viea does not automatleallyentile one to eter The Bahamas ata por of ny. Signature of person preparing form: Date | Slonature of applicant: at vaso

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