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Tonal No.of Questions: 5} Note: La b) ° a) a ») oval Ho. ofPrined Pages 3 RGPVONLINE.COM EE - 503 B.E. V Semester Examination, December 2015 Signals and Systems Time: Three Hours ‘Maximum Marks : 70 |) Answer five questions. Ineach question par A,B,C is ‘compulsory and D part has intemal choice ‘Allpars ofeach question reo be atempted at one pace. if) All questions cary equal marks, outof which pat A andB (Max. 50 words) cary 2 mars, parC (Max. 100 words) ary 3 marks, par D (Mix. 400 words) cay 7 mars. iv) Except numerical, Derivation, Designand Drawingete. What is causality wrtasystem? ‘What you mean by singularity function.? Compare continuous time and diserete time signals. ‘What doyou understand by discreteconvolution?Listits properties. oR What are the steps involved in realization of LTT system? Explain with an example. ‘What istime domain and frequency domain representation of asignal? What are the limitations of Fourier transform? 2 ® a » 9 » ° ® a List the properties of Fourier transform. ‘What do youmean by Parsevals theorem and where itis used. Explain in detail. oR ‘What are the properties of continuous ime LTIsystems? ‘What is DFT? Express itmathematically, [Express the relationship between DFT and the Fourier transfer. ‘Whatare the properties of discrete Fourier series? Explain indetal, ‘What do you understand by Frequency response of discrete ime LTI system? Explain with an example, oR Define the Discrete Fourier Transform (DET) and also mention its important features. Whatistinear and non-linear system? List the properties of Laplace transform ‘Whatdoyouunderstand by Region Of Convergence (ROC). Give anexample. Find the transform of x{n]=-a"u-nI] OR Find the inverse Laplace of 24 25e +46 Pedse3 Re(s) > x(5) a 8) Whatdo youmean by quantization step size? ')- Whats sample and hold circuit ©) What isthe conditions for sampling frequency? Discuss. ©) What are he steps involved in reconstruction of signa fomits samples? Discuss with asuitable block diagram, oR \Whai do you mean by Natural and flat-top sampling? Deserbe along with diagrams. RGPVONLINE.COM

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