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Jorge Humberto Torres Vargas

Universidad Internacional San Isidro Labrador

Escuela de Educación

Medición y Evaluación de los Aprendizajes

Bachillerato en Ciencias de la Educación I y II Ciclos con Énfasis en la

Enseñanza del Inglés como Segunda Lengua

Campus Sede Buenos Aires, Puntarenas

Carlos Andrés Arias Vargas

16 de julio del 2020

KNOWLEDGE TO ASSESS.................................................................................4
EVALUATION METHODOLOGY.........................................................................6

For countries in which English is not widely spoken, it is rather important

to build a firm and efficient learning curriculum taking into account the necessity

for proficient language speakers to incorporate in the ever-growing international


In Costa Rica, this necessity has been translated into a new way of

teaching, assessing and practicing English. The main importance of this new

strategy relies on student and teacher roles and how they interact with the

material. Also, there is a greater focus on the integral process of significant

learning behavior through ability acquisition. This is what is called “active

learning”, The Ministry of Public Education [ CITATION Min20 \l 22538 ] follows

up on this in the following lineament:

Pedagogical mediation for the development of skills requires the design

of more dynamic, diverse and creative educational environments and

didactic activities, focused on the integral development of the person.

This progressively addresses basic and higher cognitive structures,

values and attitudes necessary for continuous learning throughout life.

Students learn more effectively when they do so in a context of

collaboration and exchange with others. Previous knowledge constitutes

the origin of new knowledge, therefore, learning is essentially active.

This is why in the following scope and sequence; it has been decided to

work a virtual class upon the lineament of a first grade class in their third week

of instruction. The topic is “The Way I Look and Feel” in a Socio-Interpersonal

Domain. This class is completed with the help of technology such as recorded

video and audio.


 Domain: Socio-Interpersonal

 Scenario: All about me

 Theme: The Way I Look and Feel


 Enduring Understanding: Our names, the way we look, and the way we

feel make us special.

 Essential Question: What makes us special?

 Identifying personal traits and feelings.

 Showing self-awareness by describing self


 Grammar & Sentence Frames

o Yes/No Questions
 Are you a student? Yes
 Are you in first grade? Yes
 Are you tall? Yes/No (use appropriate)
 I feel happy and you?
 See you later alligator!
 (S-V-C) sentences
o I am______ (name, age, country, physical description)
o I feel _____ (happy/sad).
 Vocabulary
o Physical Appearance
o Short, tall, handsome, pretty
 Colors
o Red, blue, green, yellow
o Phonemic Awareness
 /t/ /e/ (ten, tall,egg, elephant
Term: 1 Level: First Unit: 1 Week: 3

Domain: Socio-Interpersonal Scenario: All about me Theme: The Way I Look and Feel

Enduring Understanding: Our names, the way we look, and the way we feel make us special.
Essential Question: What makes us special?
1. Ways of thinking ( X )
2. Ways of living in the world ( X )
3. Ways of relating with others ( X )
4. Tools for integrating with the world ( X )

Learn to Know Learn to Do Learn to Be and Live in Community

Grammar & Sentence Frames Function Psycho-social

Yes/No Questions  Identifying personal traits and feelings ─ Showing self-awareness by describing self

 Are you a student? Yes

 Are you in first grade? Yes Discourse Markers Socio-cultural
 Are you tall? Yes/No (use appropriate)
I feel happy and you? idioms/ phrases
(S-V-C) sentences See you later alligator!
 I am______ (name, age, country, physical
 I feel _____ (happy/sad).

3.The way I look and I feel
Physical Appearance
 short, tall, handsome, pretty

red, blue, green, yellow
Phonemic Awareness
/t/ /e/ (ten, tall,egg, elephant)

Strategies &
Evidences of Goals Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence Time
(Diagnostic, formative,
Learner… Learner can - Teacher greets students and introduces Essential Question and goals for the day.

Warm up 15 minutes
─ Teacher uses the video, “Counting from 1 to 10“
v=85M1yxIcHpw ”

Activation of Prior Knowledge

─ Teacher activates students ‘prior knowledge about colors using the video, “The
Rainbow Colors Song”

─ Teacher uses a video of themselves to introduce vocabulary and sentence frames.
─ Students participate in choral repetition.
L.2. recognize often
spoken words similar Clarifying
to the languages with ─ Teacher asks questions to students to clarify the new meanings and phrases using a
simple personal
which they are familiar power point presentation.
(, age, 20/25
country of origin,
personal traits)
Oral Comprehension
Pre-task: Identification of personal information

─ Teacher introduces the goal of the lesson.

─ Teacher introduces to learners toys and puppets including name, age, country of
origin and personal traits. ( see )
─ Teacher models and learners listen and repeat.
─ Teacher asks questions to learners about the characters to check comprehension and
Task rehearsal
─ Students listen to people introducing themselves and identify each person by pointing
or circling.
─ Task completion
─ Students listen to personal information related to their classmates or imaginary
people and point to the person being described. (Example: She is tall. She is seven
years old. She´s from the Costa Rica. She is Lucia).

Task assessment
─ Students do a matching game with Learn Colors Preschool Chant Colors Song for
Preschool by ELF Learning ELF Kids Videos
─ Teacher provides feedback to students´ answer using puppets or realia.
─ Whole group assesses their performance.
R.PA2. Identify the R.PA.2. identify
initial phoneme of a sounds of letters /t/ /e/ Goal: Approaching Good Excellent
spoken word. of the alphabet in 30/40
order with a concrete ─
item or picture minutes
representing the

1. The acquisition of competences like language learning are essential for

human development, especially the ability of describing oneself, which

comes intuitively to children when learning a language.

2. Learning language in other codes of expression for describing emotions

builds emotional intelligence and gives tools for communicating thoughts

and opinions.

3. Common idioms and expressions in foreign languages are easily acquired

through games, videos and audiovisual material in a participative

environment where the teacher acts like a guide.

Ministerio de Educación Pública. (2020).
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