Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi: Pir Mehr Ali Shah

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Pir Mehr Ali Shah


Synopsis for Bsc (hons) Degree in Agriculture Sciences


Name of the Student: Ayesha Khan

Registration Number: 15-arid-4305
Date of Admission: 28thSeptember, 2015
Date of Initiation: 22nd December, 2020
Probable Duration: Four year


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Advanced Studies
Pir Mehr Ali Shah


Synopsis for Bsc(Hons) Degree in Agriculture Science


Name of the Student: Ayesha Khan

Registration Number: 15-arid-4305
Date of Admission: 28thSeptember, 2015
Date of Initiation: 22ndDecember, 2019
Probable Duration: Four year


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Advanced Studies

A pot experiment will performed in PMAS Arid Agriculture University Attock Campus

with three replications. We will use the wheat variety sehar for sowing. Sowing will

done in mid of November. Potassium sulfate will use as fertilizer for potassium source.

In each pot we will add 0.4g potassium after calculation. And control pots also sow to

see the effect of potassium on wheat.

Wheat is annual, self pollinated long day cool weather cereal crop. It ranks among the

cereal crops in Pakistan. They belong to family poaceae. Pakistan spends major of its

wealth on wheat farming both directly and indirectly. Requirement of wheat in Pakistan

is rising day by day because of rise in population. To fulfill the necessary demand more

area should bring under farming to boost production.

In this study and efforts was undertaken to clarify the result of potassium on the dry

matter that buildup nutrient through uptake and efficiency of wheat under irrigated

conditions. Wheat requires potassium for their best growth, enlargement and maturity.

Sufficient potassium gives better quality of the entire plant due to enhance competence

of photosynthesis, improve resistance to some disease and also improve water use

efficiency. It helps to stability between carbohydrate and protein content in plant.

Adequate potassium give stronger wheat straw and help in grain filling.

According to economic survey of Pakistan 2017-18 wheat cultivated on an area of about

8,734 thousand hactares which show a decrease of 2.6% compared to 8,972 thousand

hactares during last year. Production of wheat during 2017-18 is 25.492 million tonnes

with a decline of 4.4% over the production of 26.674 million tonnes last year. Wheat

adds 9.1% share in agriculture and 1.7% share of GDP in Pakistan.

It is observed that potassium give better relation as well as output of many different

crops. Water stress (JOHNSON 1983, ISLAM et al. 2004). MENGEL and KIRKBY

(1987) analyzed that a number of biochemical pathways, osmotic potential, translocation

process and growth and maintenance of cell are depend on potassium ion in the cell sap.

We can increase the yield of wheat by using newly developed high yielding, diseases

resistance verities. Soil applied nutrients are less effective as compared to foliar

application because of effective utilization by plant and less cost per unit area (Narang et

al., 1997)

Potassium deficient wheat show many problems. Wheat deficient plant show weaker

growth of straw, decreased growth and increased in lodging. Mostly potassium

deficiency appear in older leaves even growth of hole wheat plant with leaves having

spindly appearance. Sever potassium deficiency cause necrosis in older leaves which

spread fastly from tip and margins. Potassium deficiency in wheat reduces drought and

water resistance and also 1000-grain weight of wheat crop. So balanced used of

potassium increases the efficiency of salt tolerance and drought resistance (Mujeeb et

al., 2004)

Problem Statement

One of the main reasons for less yield of wheat in Pakistan is less amount of available

water during winter season. Rainfall pattern is also change due to climatic condition

which is highly unpredictable.


1. To study the effect potassium on wheat germination.

In order to overcome this problem we need more dams for irrigation of wheat crop. Most

of the water is loosed through flooding during rainy season which save most of rain

water that is used for irrigation. In this way requirement of water is fulfilled.


Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is one of the major cereal crop of Pakistan and is ranks first

among all cereals. In Pakistan wheat is the main source of food for whole population and

its remaining straws after harvesting are used as fodder for animal during scarcity period

when green fodder is not available. Potassium is primary micronutrient and it have a

great effect on growth of wheat because it increase the efficiency of water use and

increase the growth of plant as well as number of tiller which increase our grain yield.

Muneer khan and Munawer aziz (2013) performed and experiment in pots in the

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Sargodha, to find out the consequence

of potassium (K) on wheat under saline and non-saline conditions. Foliar spray of K (0,

300, 600 mgL-1) was applied on wheat underneath completely different salinity

levels (0, 150 mmol). They conclude that salinity reduce shoot and root growth as well

as plant height as well as hole wheat plant. 600mgL-1 foliar applied potassium increased

fresh and dry weight of shoot in saline condition.

Saha et al 2010 conducted a field experiment in Rabi season 2001-2002 at the

Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute’s Agricultural Research Station (BARI ARS)

farm, they assess a high dose of K (66 kg K/ha) for obtaining higher yield of wheat and

maintain soil resident K level for wheat in north-western (NW) region of Bangladesh.

Three levels of K (T1= K0, T2 = K66, and T3= K38 were studied. T1= K0 and T2 =

K66 were studied under soil test based (STB). T1 and T2 were compared with the
farmers’ own fertilization practice (T3). They conclude that the treatment (T2) i. e. K66

with STB dose give the better yield of wheat. From this experiment we conclude that

potassium have a significant effect on growth which ultimately increased the yield of


Potassium also effect protein content in wheat for example the experiment was

conducted at the Farming Systems Research and Development (FSRD site, Pushpapara,

Pabna during the rabi seasons of 2003-04 and 2004-05 to determine the result of

potassium application on wheat. Five different levels of potassium (K) were studied on

wheat crop. Yield increasing characters and yield expected difference due to use of

different K level was noted when 36 kg K/ha was applied. Result shows the increased in

grain straw and biomass. Highest protein content with concerning the quality of wheat

grain, from 36 kg K/ha, which was 6.86% and 4.98% higher over exception of K

(control) and recommended dose (100% estimated K) was obtained.

Water deficiency also causes severe yield loss of wheat in Pakistan. If we are not applied

sufficient potassium then water use efficiency is also reduced of wheat crop an study

was proposed to determine that potassium improves the efficiency of water under stress

condition according to growth and yield of wheat crop by using Satabadi a popular

variety of wheat in Bangladesh, experiment was performed in pots by using nutrient

poor media within a plastic green house with using three level of potassium low medium

and high (39.0, 156, and 312 kg ha-1) and three level of moisture control with less than

25%, mild stress 37.5% depletion and sever stress 50%. Water stress severely reduces

dry matter in leaf, roots, stem, and spike which reduce the grain yield and fodder

production after harvesting. Scientist concludes from this experiment that potassium will
improve the water use efficiency as well as nutrient uptake of crop which ultimately

increased our grain and fodder yield.

Balance use of fertilizer is necessary because deficiency of potassium cause severe yield

loss due to different symptoms K. Snowball and A.D. Robson write a book on Nutrient

Deficiencies and Toxicities in Wheat (A Guide for Field Identification). They study the

deficiency of potassium in wheat plant. In his book he wrote the visual symptoms of

potassium deficiency in wheat crop. Potassium deficiency always appears on the older

leaves, whole plant growth may be effected with leaves having spindly appearance.

Necrosis in older leaves appear when sever deficiency of potassium occur and it spread

quickly from tip to whole plant of wheat. Chlorosis in tissues occur which lead to

necrosis and ultimately death of plant occurs. Wheat plants prematurely dried due to

drought stress which cause reduction in 1000-grain weight. Deficiency of potassium

specially associated with those areas where field associated with sand having deep

leaching losses, removal of hay and other grasses from land and left fallow. Used land

cover and add organic matter in soil to increase nutrient holding capacity of soil as well

as water holding capacity of soil.

Another study was carried out on Effects of different phosphorus and potassium

fertilization on contents and uptake of macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) in winter

wheat by Renata GAJ and Dariusz GÓRSKI. They find out the influence of potassium

and phosphorus fertilizers at different level on nutrition of winter wheat. They study

different stages of wheat like elongation of stem and flowering stage along with content

of macronutrients. The research was carried in 2007-2010 on soil with different content

of potassium and phosphorus. Results show that there is no significant effect on nitrogen
content in wheat with different rates of phosphorus and potassium but they have great

influence on wheat grain and straw which shows the importance of potassium on wheat.

Our soils are deficient with primary micronutrient potassium. To fulfill the need of

potassium in soil for good plant growth is necessary. For this purpose commercially

prepared potassium fertilizers are used. In Pakistan imbalance nutrients are used, mostly

potassium. A field experiment was conduct in Soil Salinity Research Institute, Pindi

Bhattian during (2000-2001) in salt-affected (pH 8.6, EC 5.2 dS m" SAR, 24.6 and Kext

86 mg kg") sandy loam soil on wheat to detect the reaction of K-fertilizer. They were

studied five treatments (0, 75, 150,225,300 kg KzO ha") with the prevalence of

140kg ha" N and 110kg ha" PzOs . All cultural practices were done with irrigation from

tube well for each replication. The results show that higher application of potassium give

more tillers per plant along with grain and straw yield. In wheat grain and straw

potassium also effect sodium concentration being controlled. Potassium fertilizer

increased the concentration of potash in soil as well as in wheat plant.

Potassium play a vital role in chemical composition of wheat several experiment and

studies was written on effect of potassium on wheat chemical composition. One of the

experiment is performed by (Hussain et al,. 2013). They studied the role of potassium

and influence of sodium on wheat (Iquilab-91) growing in two fields where salinity is

varying. The soil is calcareous; structure is weak and irrigated with ground water with an

ECiw 2.4 ds m-1. In both site 0, 50, and 100 kg potassium were apply K 2SO4 fertilizer.

From this experiment results show that 14-30% increased in yield of grain and 35-54%

increased in dry matter in both sides. Use of potassium fertilizer significantly decreased

sodium content in leaf and increased potassium in plant which increased crop yield.
Potassium application also has great effect on wheat rice growing system experiment

performed by Rahmatullah et al,. 2004-2005. The essential dose of N at 120 kg, P2O5

at 90 kg ha -1 was applied with K levels to both wheat and rice crops.

Wheat selection Naseer 2000 and rice selection IRRI half-dozen were utilized in the

study. The experiment was administered in R.C.B design with three replications.

Potassium application considerably hyperbolic the grain yields of wheat giving an

increase of 13 % over control. The number of tillers, spikes, and spike length and

plant height of wheat were also significantly increased by K application. The

rice additionally showed positive response to K application and thence each yield

and yield parameters were considerably larger within the K than within the check

treatment. Paddy yield was exaggerated considerably by K application up to 50%

over control.

The number of spikes plant-1, spike length and 1000 grain weight were also

significantly increased by K application over control. The application of

K considerably exaggerated the amount of spike m-2 and plant height over control,

but differences among K treatments were non-significant. Potash applied to previous

wheat increase paddy yield by 30.9% over control.

Potassium has different effect on different stages of wheat like maximum tillering

stage, flag leaf stage and an experiment was performed by Roshani et al. (2009).

They divide the pots in two set giving the basal dose of 50 mg kg -1 K and 50 mg kg -1

to top dressed after sowing and without potassium. They give the optimum dose of

N, P and other macro and micro nutrients to plants. They check the rate of

germination at different stages and calculate the root diameter, total root length and
root length density. Form this experiment we conclude that dry matter of wheat

increases with potassium.

Foliar application of potassium is more effective as compared to soil applied

potassium. Experiment was conducted on Effect of foliar application of nitrogen

potassium and zinc on wheat growth by Hasina et al,. 2003 at Agriculture Research

Institute Turnab- Peshawar Pakistan. The record the data of emerging plants there

number of tillers m -2, plant height (cm), number of days to anthesis and number of

number of spikes m-2. More germination will record in those plots where foliar

sprays are used as compared to control plots. Result shows the increase in wheat

growth due to the use of spray of potassium, zinc and nitrogen.

Under control condition potassium sulphate improves the quality of grain and also

increased the growth of wheat. A.A. Aliloo performed an experiment on Potassium

sulfate improved early growth of wheat under controlled conditions. They conduct

the experiment to see the effect of NPK fertilizer on wheat growth; they grow Azar-2

wheat variety. They use three chemical fertilizers including urea, triple super

phosphate and potassium sulfate along with control replications. From his

experiments results shows that chemical fertilizer cannot alter the percentage of seed

germination but they affect seedling emergence performance. Growth of seedling

under potassium sulfate applications was considerably improved; follow by triple

superphosphate, but urea decrease the readings. Root to shoot ratio was increased by

potassium sulfate and decreased the ratio in all concentration. Triple superphosphate

did not have any considerable effects on seedling characters, but urea decrease the

seedling performance. They concluded that the response of wheat to different

fertilizers was not same and from all record values potassium sulfate could be
effective on seedling growth of wheat. Zare et al,. 2009 study the effect on potassium

on wheat. Effect of potassium element on boron toxicity reduction in wheat was

evaluated at Agriculture Research Station placed in Jahrom, Iran, during 2009. An

experiment was conducted during a factorial experiment in complete randomized

design (CRD) in three replications. The treatments were four levels of B (0, 20, 40

and 60 mg) and 4 levels of K (0, 25, 50 and 75 mg). The studied traits

were variety of spikes plant -1, variety of kernels spike-1, a 1000-seed weight,

biological yield, harvest index and seed yield. The results incontestable that each

one of traits except biological yield were exaggerated once K part was applied.

Results from analysis, shows the 1000-seed weight had the best correlation with seed


Potassium fertilization improves physiological traits and nutrient uptake of wheat

crop. Samar et al,. 2013 they write a research paper on Potassium applied under

drought improves physiological and nutrient uptake performances of wheat (Triticum

Aestivun L.). They grow two wheat varieties (Lasani-2008 and Auqab-2000) they

applied foliar potassium at the rate of 1% potassium at different stages. They conducted

trails under water limited environment in a wire house experiment in Nuclear Institute

for Agriculture and Biology, Faisalabad. They create drought stress through withholding

irrigation at three growth stages and potassium sprayed with carboxymethyl cellulose as

a sticking stage. Results show that drought stress cause severe damage in nutrient

uptake, water potential, osmotic potential and turgor potential of wheat plants. Under

drought stress application of potassium enhances the growth of wheat through reducing

toxic nutrients uptake and improving the physiological efficiency. Another experiment

was performed by Alam et al,. during the rabi seasons of 2003-04 and 2004-05. They
conduct the experiment in at the Farming Systems Research and Development (FSRD

site, Pushpapara, Pabna. They tested five different level of potassium on wheat crop.

They see the yield contributing characters and yield promoting variations after applying

potassium to wheat crop. They record the increased value in grain, straw and total

biomass yield in treatment. They see the increased in protein content of wheat after

applied the potassium.

Potassium plays a vital role against abiotic stresses. Hasanuzzaman et al,. 2018 write a

review on Potassium a Vital Regulator of Plant Responses and Tolerance to Abiotic

Stresses. In his paper they write potassium provide tolerance against abiotic stresses.

Potassium help in adopting drought stress condition through regulating stomatal

opening. K increased the antioxidant defense in plants and protects them from oxidative

stress under various environmental conditions. In this review, we summarized that K

increased uptake of nutrients, its translocation, and play vital role in abiotic stress

tolerance. Potassium also helps against weed resistance to wheat crop during

germination. An experiment was performed by Becket and Stade on spring wheat. They

study the influence of seaweed ‘Kelpak’ on growth and production of wheat groing in

fluctuating potassium levels. Experiment was performed in glass house in which natural

lightening was supplied through florescent tubes. Under given conditions no tiller was

formed. 8 pots in each treatment with the arrangement of randomized block design.

From this experiment the conclude the result that kelpak has no effect on wheat yield at

sufficient potassium supply but production was effected when supply is unadequate.

From review of all the literature we conclude that potassium has great effect on

growth, grain yield, as well as biomass. Potassium deficiency decreased the grain

and fodder yield through decreased disease resistance in wheat and also reduces
water use efficiency and crop will premature diseases effected grains are produce.

Toxicity of potassium is also harmful for wheat. So we will need to apply balance

potassium fertilizer in our crops along high yielding and resistant varieties are used.



We will perform the experiment in pots with three replication. We will take medium

texture sandy soil in pots. This sandy soil will take from our campus site which is under

construction. Sowing should be completed in November.


After taking soil from site we will allow the soil to air dry. This medium textured soil

will test for nutrient analysis. Then we will sieve the soil in 2mm sieve. While filling

each pot we will measure the weight of each pot then fill the soil in pot according to the

requirement of pots.


We will use potassium sulphate fertilizer for potassium. Before adding fertilizer in each

replication we will calculate potassium sulphate for pot. In each 5kg pot we will require

0.4g potassium sulphate. After calculation we will add fertilizer in each pot before

sowing and mix it well.


Then we will irrigate the soil for proper mixing of soil and fertilizer. After irrigation we

will leave the soil for two to three days. When wattar condition will achieve in soil then

we will sow the seed in pots and after sowing first irrigation will be done. Irrigation will

be done after week on same day. In each pot we will sow four seed and after

germination we will remove two plants and maintain only two plants.
Now we will collect data randomly from each replication length of each plant will be

measured. Root and shoot dry weight will be measured by using electrical balance. Then

area of each pot will be measured.


Statistical analysis or Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) will be analyzed and calculated

by using CRD design at 5% probability level. Islam


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