Week 1 Introduction To Confucianism

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MPU33293 / ULUE1003

Confucianism and Modern Society


Week 1

(1) Course Introduction.

(2) Introduction to Confucius and Confucianism I

(3) Q & A
• Why you prefer this course and what is your expectation for this course?

Course Synopsis
• historical knowledge of Confucianism from ancient to modern times

• fundamental understanding of Confucian core values

• analytical appraisal of Confucian relevance to personal development, family,

community, state and the world in modern and Malaysian society.

Introduction to Confucius and Confucianism I

A. Clarify some keywords/ terms 厘清一些关键词:

• 孔子(Kŏng zi), Confucius( 551–479 BC )

• Latinized name of Kongfuzi ( K'ung Fu-tzu 孔夫子)
“Kong the master.”
• Chinese philosopher/ Educator/ Politician
• His ideas about the importance of practical moral values, collected by his
disciples in the Analects 《 论 语 》 , formed the basis of the philosophy known as

• 论语》The Analects
• Students recorded what Confucius said and compiled them
• Dialog between Confucius and his students

• Confucianism儒学(rǔ
Confucianism xué)
• A system of philosophical and ethical teachings founded by Confucius and
developed by Mencius.
• In China/ in Chinese society, Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism are the main
spiritual traditions of society.

• 孟子(Mèng
孟子(Mèng zi), zi),Mencius;
• 372-289 BC
• who was honour as Confucius’s successor.
• During the Warring States period, he travelled China for 20 years to offer
suggestions (his political opinions) to reform.
• 《孟子》The Mencius
• Chinese idioms: “Mencius’ mother, three moves” (孟母三迁)
• Mothers have moved many times in order to educate their children in choosing a
good environment.
1. Graveyard--learning how to run a funeral
2. Market - learn to sell pork
3. School--learning

• 荀子( Xun zi )《荀子》The Xunzi

• 《大学》(Da xue) The Great Learning
• 《中庸》(Zhong yong)The Doctrine of the Mean

• 《四书》(Sì shū)The Four Books:

The Analects of Confucius,
The Mencius, = The Confucianism/
The Great Learning, Confucian Philosophy
The Doctrine of the Mean
B. Confucianism

Q: Why do we need to know/learn Confucianism?

• Personal cultivation

• Learning the knowledge of the Confucianism, look as something closely related to

our own life.

Human Qualities
• What is maturity?
• What is the highest human virtue?
• What is the best way to behave?
• How can one be a cultured person?
• How can one best govern?

Human Relationships
• Self
= the center of all relationships and is constantly changing and growing towards maturity.

• Family
= each person has a clear sense of place and purpose. Good behavior and respect for
elders are important in the family.

• Government
= the leader has acquired the moral perfectionm needed to lead by the power of example.

• Heaven
= represents the ultimate moral force that guides and nurtures humanity.

The Analects as “the Oriental Bible"

• Confucianism is the wisdom of the ancients; These human wisdom and
thought/thinking can provide us with some directions to solve our current problems in
• Everyone's life will be "thirsty", "unsatisfied", "lack of something".
• To get the knowledge and wisdom of Confucianism, its practical methods are
honesty, and no self-deception (Do not deceive yourself.). Being honest with
yourself is actually introspection (the examination or observation of one's own
mental and emotional processes),
• Confucius said that he knew when he knew it. If he didn’t know, he said that he
didn’t know; If he doesn't understand, he asks, he does not hide his fault;
• Zengzi did self-examination three times a day;
• Zilu hears others telling his fault, he just happy.
• Basically, Confucianism teaches us:
• Being a good person
• Confucius called it “Noble person” and “the Benevolent/kind man(jun zi君子).
• You must be mentally prepared:
being a good person is a lonely way.

Stars Stars
Stars Stars
Stars Stars
Say Say
Say Say
You are not lonely
We keep you company
The moon
Thank you I know
But all along there is only me in the night sky
(by Helen Lew)

• To practice Confucian values, be a person with love and morality, and you need to
endure loneliness.
• On the way in “being a good person", actually, you are not alone.

C. Who was Confucius?

-Confucius is a Great Teacher(至圣先师)

15.38 The master said,” In education there should be no class distinctions”(有教无类)
- “ Sage for the Ages” (万世师表)

none who care as much about learning as I do

 5.28 The Master said,
“In a town of ten households, there must certainly be those as loyal and trustworthy as I,
but none who care as much about learning as I do.”
 (十室之邑,必有忠信如丘者焉,不如丘之好学也)。” (5.28〈雍也〉)

so stirred with devotion that he forgets to eat

 7.19 The Duke of She asked Zilu about Confucius, and Zilu did not answer him. The
Master said, “Why did you not simply say, ‘This is the sort of person he is: so stirred
with devotion (发愤)that he forgets to eat, so full of joy that he forgets to
grieve(悲伤), unconscious even of the approach of old age’?”
 “女奚不曰,其为人也,发愤忘食,乐以忘忧,不知老之将至云尔。”(7.19)

learning without tiring, instructing others without weariness

learning without tiring, instructing others without weariness
 7.2 The Master said,
 “Knowing it in silence, learning without tiring, instructing others without weariness
– which of these may be found in me?”
 子曰:“默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦,何有于我哉?”(7.2〈述而〉)

loves the past and is diligent in seeking it

 7.20 The Master said,
 “I am not one who was born with knowledge; I am one who loves the past and is
diligent in seeking it.”
 子曰:“我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也。”(7.20)

Q &A
• Why you prefer this course?
• What is your expectation for this course?

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