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Acharon Compound, Cahilsot St., Salvacion Cawa, Dad. West, General Santos City
Tel. # (083) 552-0620
Accreditation No. NIIO PNP 2008-0086


Control No. 5467

Purpose of Examination: FOR CLINICAL ASSESSMENT Date: January 30, 2020

Name: JAMES RAID Age: 32 Sex: MALE Civil Status: MARRIED
Address: BRGY. APOPONG, GENERAL SANTOS CITY________________________
Occupation: ____________ Religion: ROMAN CATHOLIC
Educational Attainment: Relevant Training: ____________
Purpose/date of previous examination: _________________________________________
Date of present examination: May 20, 2020______________________________________
Referring Agency: Regional Trial Court-XII_____________________________________



To determine the personality dynamic of the Subject


Marriage History w/ Marriage Certificate
Mr. James Raid January 14, 2020
Mr. Folice Raid January 15, 2020


James at the early stage of his marriage shows strong manifestation of being not responsive

towards his obligation even at the very start of Nadine’s pregnancy he already shows unfavorable

behavior such as shouting at his wife due to his drunkenness. He refuses to cooperate

responsibilities at home and always stays with his friends all night and almost every day. He

enjoys his life as if he is still single and not minding that Nadine needs his presence at night in

order to gain comfort and security on her stage of pregnancy. He always gets angry when

confronted for some questions that he needs to answer. He shows no planning for the future of his

family not even contributing his share for financial support at home. He was very dependent to his

parents and even his responsibilities were being left to them. He never give his time event at least

a moment of support emotionally to his developing child as if he see’s nothing, knows nothing and
felt single all the way. He felt desperate in his life as if he never felt excited of becoming a father.

He was so senseless as a husband because he always abandoned his wife at the height of her deep

emotional struggle for motherhood. He neglected his family in everything that they need. He was

not even mindful during the time of giving birth of Nadine at the Hospital instead her parents took

care of her and assists her of everything that she needs, Nadine was so frustrated from the very

start of her marriage and failed her expectation of having a happy family. It was later known that

he was flirting another woman who spends for his needs. He was found out later that he just

deceive Nadine and give his too many excuses. He shows no commitment, never stands on his

words and shows no proper disposition in life. He did not share any participation towards his child

and not even compensate Nadine all the wife needs from a husband. He was useless and senseless

being a father and husband.


James is irritable by nature and has lack of concern. He shows full jealous without valid reasons.

He is toxic to be with his family, lack of satisfaction, noted for his inferiorities and strive for

affection and recognition. He never accepted reconciliation, instead continued being arrogant and

often seek for self-importance.

He has a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging

behaviors. He needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of his life. He has as a

grandiose sense of self-importance. He has a sense of entitlement. He is interpersonally

exploitative where he takes advantage of others to achieve his own ends. He lacks empathy

where he is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings of his wife. And he showed

arrogant behaviors.


Base on the available information gathered, the marriage of James and Nadine failed for the
following reasons:

1. James failed to give his full commitment as husband and father to his child but remains
immature in accepting his responsibility.

2. He never plans ahead for the future of his family instead he goes on his own way and
ignores his family.

3. He never gives importance to his family, not even honor or respect his marriage instead he
chooses to be with friends and remains selfish with his undertakings.
4. He’s non-conforming, no support (morally, spiritually not even physical appearance).

5. He continued being manipulative, egoistic and becomes more deceptive.

6. His grandiosity persists with his haughty attitude.

7. He never expresses his empathy in marriage, non-logical in making decisions and remains
dependent and immature in dealing with relationships.

8. He lacks initiative in upholding the integrity of his family and continued exploiting and
violating the rights of his family member and others as he created trauma.

9. He shows consistent irresponsibility, reckless, impulsive, and irritable and lacks remorse.

His inability to do so is primarily due his flaw of personality make-up. James is suffering from a
personality disorder classified as a Dependent Personality Disorder and Narcissistic
Personality Disorder which is serious, permanent and incurable which made him
psychologically incapacitated in performing the essential obligation of his marriage. His
personality disorder pre-existed his marriage to the petitioner.


PRC No. 60606060

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