The First Person You Lead Is You

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Know yourself. Gather information about yourself from people you know.

Let them
assess you as a person. Don‘t be defensive and reactive on their assessment. Reflect and
make some necessary improvements.

Give away the credit. Lift the morale of your team. Recognize their contributions. This
will improve the organization.

Get some help. Seek professional help if you cannot fight insecurities on your own. Be
honest with yourself.

Leader Qualities # 18: [SELF – DISCIPLINE]

The first person you lead is you.

Action points to follow:

 Develop and follow your priorities;
 Make a disciplined lifestyle your goal;
 Challenge your excuses;
 Remove rewards until the job is done;
 Stay focused on results

Self – Discipline can be improved by doing the following:

Sort out your priorities. Identify the areas in your life that are important to you.
Develop a plan where you can practice self – discipline so that you can improve those

List the reasons. Make a list why self – discipline is important and beneficial to you. Let
this be your reminder to achieving your priorities.

Get rid of excuses. Dismiss all excuses that arise in order for you to achieve your goals.
Always think of the benefits that you will harvest and the consequences you might
encounter when having a lot of excuses.

Leader Qualities # 19: [SERVANTHOOD]

To get ahead, put others first.

A true servant leader embodies the following:

 Puts others ahead of his own agenda;
 Possesses the confidence to serve;
 Initiates service to others;
 Is not position-conscious;
 Serves out of love

Servanthood can be improved by doing the following:

Perform small acts. Perform small acts of kindness to others. Show them that you care.
Others greatly appreciate small things beneficial to them.

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