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26 Strategies To Increase Your Gig Sales On Fiverr


Fiverr is a service market place of more than 14 million

active buyers and sellers of different services. In it, you
will always find somebody that is interested in what you
are offering. It’s indeed a good place to make a living.

While some people are making good money on Fiverr

everyday, others hardly make $5 in a year and that’s the
reason for this book. This book outlines, in a very simple
language, the techniques and strategies used by Fiverr’s
top ranking sellers. I am very confident that the
information contained in this book, if properly applied,
will immediately improve your results by 95 percent. You
don’t need to take my word for it, just apply the simple
strategies outlined here and see the outcome for

This book is written for both beginners and professionals

offering different services on Fiverr. In writing this book,
I have deliberately avoided the use of complicated and
confusing technical terms. My goal is to help you succeed
as a service-provider on Fiverr and to leave a trail of
loyal, satisfied and happy customers as you build your
Fiverr business.

If you are new on Fiverr, you will need just two

1. A Fiverr account. Sign up HERE to get one.
2. To receive your payment, you will need a
PAYONEER account, click HERE to open a
payoneer account.
1.Add Your Profile Picture

It is really important to add an illustration to your Fiverr profile,

because it tells your customers that you are a legitimate seller.

Some buyers won't buy your  gig if you don’t have a profile

picture. Not having a profile picture makes your profile suspicious.

Make sure you pick a nice picture with an open and honest


2.Know Your Skills

Be a master of your skills, and you will easily choose the category
of the services you want to offer. This is very important as
choosing the wrong category will make your gig not to be visible.
For instance, if you are an SEO expert then you can offer your gig
under SEO category.

3.Look At Your Sales Analytics Every Day


Constantly look at your gig impressions and clicks and compare

these to the orders you get. This click through ratio( CTR) will

reveal the bounce rate of your gigs. This information will make

you work more on your gig. In some cases, just adding more

information on your gig's description can bring in more sales.

4.Improve The Keywords On Your Gig

Buyers search for services by typing key words in the search box.
If you want your gig to do well and be exposed to more people in
the Fiverr market place, it's very important that you work on
improving your gig's keywords. One simple and very effective
technique is to search for a top seller of the same gig you are
offering, copy his keywords, and use it in your description.

5.Check The Demand For Your Chosen Gig


Offering gigs that are in high demand is the secret of increased

gig sales on Fiverr, so carefully choose the gig you want to offer.
Gigs like website design, logo design, wordpress, articles writing,
troubleshooting, voice-over, transcriptions, 3d video animations,
explainer videos, ghost writing, etc., sell more. Do a google
search of the most on-demand services, learn and master them
and offer them. When your gigs and their pricing is appealing,
your sales will go up.
6.Exude A Professional Image

A Fiverr buyer basically believes he is dealing with an expert until

you disappoint that expectation. Do know what top rated sellers
do? They don’t disappoint that expectation. They conduct
themselves like professionals, they communicate like professions,
and they make their profile look professional. When they are in
conversation with a prospective buyer they are respectful and
accommodating and they careful select their choice of words. If
you do same, you will get their results.

7. Offer Something Unique

Fiverr has over 14 million users and there are literary thousands
of people offering the very service you are offering. How do you
get noticed? Be unique! Make your service very unique and add a
touch of excellence to all your service delivery. Having a long list
of satisfied customers is the secret of making money on Fiverr,
and business in general.
8. Offer Surprising Value

Always remember that people work hard to make their money and
they are not going to throw it away on something that holds little
or no value to them. Offer value. Offer an exceptional service at a
ridiculous low price, make your offer so appealing and irresistible
that they will have no choice but to place an order. And deliver
what you promised.

9. Offer Upsells and Extras

Knowing how to offer upsells and extras is a money making

secret only few people take advantage of on Fiverr. It’s possible
to offer a gig for just $5 and end up making $80 to $120 on the $5
gig. Extras are additional services that enhance the ultimate value
of the main gig. The additional service can be speedy delivery of
order, custimised service, maintainance and running of ordered
service,etc. For example, if you are into website design, your
extras can be website maintainance, updating and posting,
website app, etc. You will see that a gig you offered for $30 will
eventually rake in $250. Creativity and mastery is the secret of
making money on Fiverr. It’s so important that you offer a service
you understand very well. This is because your client believes you
are an expert, and so you have to prove to him that you really are,
not just an expert but a competent one.

10. Solicit Excellent Feedback

Positive feedbacks always bring in more sales. Before a potential

buyer even contacts he will check your reviews to see the
satisfaction level of your previous buyers. If he sees more positive
comments and 4.5 to 5 stars ratings, he may likely place his own
order. But if your customer feedback is poor, he is most likely to
look for another seller of the same gig. The best way to get a
great customer feedback is to surpass the expectations of your
buyers. And to do this you need to listen to them and ask
questions to make sure you both are on the same page. On your
requirement page clearly state the information you want your
potential buyer to supply before ordering your gig. I tell my
potential buyers to contact me first before placing their orders.
Doing this will drastically minimize your cancelled orders and
negative customer feedbacks.

11. Offer a Guarantee

Offering a guarantee increases buyer’s confidence. When a

potential buyer knows that he will get his money back should the
gig fall below his expectation, he will likely buy from you. Of
course in some cases, Fiverr will cancel the order and refund the
buyer’s money should the seller object the order cancellation.
While many buyers know they have this window, not all buyers
like to go through the stress of contacting Fiverr’s Customers
Service Department to cancel their orders. Let your potential
buyer know you will respectfully make refund show he not be
satisfied, of course that means order cancellation and you must
be very careful how you cancel orders because you may lose
your account. I will take about this later.

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