Cambridge Test 4 (Speaking)

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Cambridge Test 4 (speaking)


The website that I’m going to talk about is a blogging site belongs to Bill Gates. As you know he is the 2 nd
richest man all over the world and in spite of that he never gives up reading. The site is exactly about the
books or articles that he read or work on it. I found this blog by use of you-tuber called Baris Ozcan,
video’s name should be …….

This website contains notes and recommendations of him. Articles about COVID-19, winter or summer
book recommendations are some of them.

About why it was useful to me I want to talk about the interview of him. One time a journalist asked him
that “how can you process so much information?” –because he’s really addicted reading-

And he answered like that “after reading so much, filters start forming in my head” -it was the part that I
really impressed.

And using this site I began to search for what he reads and I found really good sources that worth it (to
be read).


Nowadays people always use social media for communicating and the internet is the most important
thing for social media. The effect of it is that people could communicate each other wherever they want.

By using internet for communicating they don’t need to meet for every single thing and as a matter of
course nobody says no to comfortable communication. also if we consider pandemic too the internet
had a lot of benefits to us about communicating.

People always have indecision about sites. How could they know if the source is reliable? Because with
internet access and a little basic knowledge they can post anything they want on the internet. But if we
first check the quality and reliability of source we can easily read sth from it. It’s also contain news, if we
want to read real news we can read them from sites that are known or worldwide.

Internet shopping is easier than traditional shopping as known that’s why almost all people prefer it. But
they are some people who doesn’t trust internet and prefer traditional shopping as well.
For example wearing, books, electronic devices are easy to sell because they haven’t that kind of weight
and they are easy to carry. About buying, buying furniture or decoration stuffs are easy to buy online
because they are really heavy and it could take more effort to choose by traditional shopping.

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