Your Candle Loses Nothing When It Lights Another

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Create an edge.

Since you had identified your strengths and weaknesses, you can
proceed to the next level. Think of the new tools that you need, to go to the next level.

Leader Qualities # 9: [GENEROSITY]

Your candle loses nothing when it lights another.

 The quality of being generous.
 Giving freely.

The following will cultivate the quality of generosity in your life:

Be grateful for whatever you have. Contentment seems to be very ideal. A person
cannot become generous if he is not contented with what he has. There are things that we
must be grateful for and be contended with. Be generous in your own small ways.

Put people first. Giving becomes easier when generosity comes in. A leader is measured
not in terms of the number of people who serve him but rather, to the number of people
he is serving.

Don’t allow the desire for possessions to control you. Let your heart be in charge
within you, not the material things that you possess. There would never be satisfaction if
your material desires are endless.

Regard money as a resource. Man has been a slave of money. The only way to win over
money as J. C. Maxwell states is to hold it loosely and be generous with it to accomplish
things of value.

Develop the habit of giving. There is a time when all things come in abundance, and it is
also a time of redistributing it for those in need. For those who don‘t have material things
to share, let this saying be their guide: ―Richness, I have nothing, but I can help through
loving, with my life worth giving.‖

Generosity can be improved by doing the following:

Give something away. There are things that are important to you that can be replaced.
Try giving this to people who will really benefit from it. As they say, giving it
anonymously would be better.

Put your money to work. Use your money to improve other‘s lives. Money as resources
can be put into work to outlive your expectations for better people, community, and
Find someone to mentor. A time will come when you had reached the peak of your
leadership. It would be good if you have someone whom you would train to be a good
leader like you.

Leader Qualities # 10: [INITIATIVE]

You won‘t leave home without it.

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