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Cemat V 8.

Function Block Library ILS_CEM
Function Description Edition 07/16

Counter C_COUNT
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Reference Manual Objects Counter C_COUNT


Description of C_COUNT 4
Type/Number 4
Calling OBs 4
Function 5
Operating principle 7
Input interfaces 7
Process values 10
Input/Output interfaces 10
Output interfaces 11
Time characteristics 13
Message characteristics 13
Commands 13

I/O-bar of C_COUNT 14

OS-Variable table 16

Variable details 17

Copyright Ó Siemens AG. All Rights Reserved. 3

Counter C_COUNT Reference Manual Objects

Description of C_COUNT

Module name: C_COUNT
Module no.: FB1015

Calling OBs
C_COUNT must be called in every cycle (e.g. OB35 (100MS_TASK)).

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Reference Manual Objects Counter C_COUNT

The Counter module C_COUNT can be used to acquire counter values and to make it available
for the visualization. Depending on the parameterization the following options can be selected:
a) Pulse acquisition (via input CNZS or structure input PV_Puls)
b) Reading an accumulated value as differential value (via input VAL_CNT). After reading the
value, the data source is deleted.
c) Reading an accumulated value as result of a measurement (transfer function)
(via input VAL_CNT or the structure inputs PV_Int or PV_Real)
The counted pulses/accumulated value is multiplied with factor PULS_VAL and the result is
available at output RT_OS_O and structure output PV_Out.

Note: In case of using pulses or counter values from input cards, you have to read the inputs from
! the process image and never directly from the periphery.
Direct connection to the periphery input leads to permanent entries into the diagnosis buffer in
case of periphery failure.

Pulse acquisition:
MODE_V = 0
It the pulse evaluation is enabled (1-Signal at REL_PULS), each positive edge at input signal
CNZS or PV_Puls increments the pulse counter by 1. The pulse counter is multiplied with factor
PULS_VAL and transferred to the output RT_OS_O (REAL format) and to the output PV_Out
The input signals must be so structured that the pulse duration and the pulse pause are each
longer than the cycle-time of the calling OB.

t > cycle-time of the OB-task t > cycle-time of the OB task

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Counter C_COUNT Reference Manual Objects

Read summation value as differential value:

MODE_V = 1
From input VAL_CNT the differential value is read and added to the existing "old" accumulated
value. After reading the differential value from the source data area is deleted.
The new calculated accumulated value is multiplied with factor PULS_VAL and transferred to the
output RT_OS_O (REAL format) and to the output PV_Out (Structure).

This is only possible if input VAL_CNT is used. With the new structure inputs PV_Int and PV_Real
! this function is not possible.

Read summation value and overwrite "old" value:

MODE_V = 1
From input VAL_CNT or from the structure inputs PV_Int or PV_Real the actual accumulated
value is read and the existing "old" accumulated value us overwritten. The data soured is not
deleted in this case.
The actual accumulated value is multiplied with factor PULS_VAL and transferred to the output
RT_OS_O (REAL format) and to the output PV_Out (Structure).

In this case resetting the counter value via RESET button is not possible because the input is
! permanently available and the program will immediately overwrite the counter value.

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Reference Manual Objects Counter C_COUNT

Operating principle
Input interfaces
CNZS Pulse signal (digital input)
The pulse signal which is to be acquired has to be connected to the interface CNZS. With each
positive edge the internal pulse counter value is incremented by 1.

Caution: If the structure input PV_Puls is connected, CNZS will not be evaluated any more
PV_Puls Pulse signal (digital input)
For function description, see CNZS. This interface can be connected with a structure output, e. g.
with the output of a PCS7 Driver block.

The structure input PV_Puls has higher priority than input CNZS.
Structure variables:
PV_Puls.Value Signal Basic state 0-signal
Format BOOL
PV_Puls.ST Signal status Default: 16#FF
Format BYTE

REL_PULS Release pulse acquisition Basic state 1-signal

Format BOOL
A release condition for pulse acquisition can be connected to interface REL_PULS. If a 0-signal is
connected to REL_PULS, then no pulses are acquired.

MODE_V Pulse acquisition / import value Basic state 0-signal

Format BOOL
The MODE_V interface can be used to set whether the counter is to count pulses or import
counter values.
MODE_V = 0-signal:
The counter block acquires pulsed from binary input CNZS or via structure PV_Puls
MODE_V = 1-signal:
The counter block reads a counter value via input VAL_CNT or via Structure PV_Int or PV_Real.

! The structure inputs PV_Int and PV_Real can only be used if NEW_VAL = 0-Signal.

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Counter C_COUNT Reference Manual Objects

NEW_VAL New value overwrites old value Basic state 1-signal

Format BOOL
The NEW_VAL interface has significance only when the counter is used to import an accumulated
value (not for pulse acquisition). When a 1-signal is applied, the old value is overwritten with the
new counter value. For a 0-signal, the new value is added to the old value.

! In the "overwrite mode" resetting the counter value via RESET button is not possible because the
input is permanently available and the program will immediately overwrite the counter value.

DSIG_BQ Driver Signal(s) Bad Quality Basic state 0-signal

Format BOOL
If a driver block is, the information "driver blocks bad quality" can be displayed in the counter
faceplate and in the block icon of the counter.
In order to achieve this, the outputs QBAD of the driver block must be connected to Interface

VAL_CNT Counter value (already counted pulses)

Format ANY
Interface to import the accumulated value.
Type of data: WORD, INT, DWORD, DINT, REAL is allowed, otherwise ENG_ERR=1
Area: DB, Memory otherwise ENG_ERR=2

Attention: When NEW_VAL = 0, the data source will be deleted.

When VAL_CNT = REAL, the maximum counter value is 8.388.607.
If one of the structure inputs PV_Int or PV_Real is connected the input VAL_CNT is not evaluated
any more.

PV_Int Counter value (already counted pulses)

If a structure is given which contains the accumulated counter value in INTEGER format, the
structure output must be connected to PV_Int.

! Input PV_Int has higher priority than VAL_CNT and PV_Real.

Structure variables:
PV_Int.Value Value Default: 0
PV_Int.ST Signal status Default: 16#FF
Format BYTE

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Reference Manual Objects Counter C_COUNT

PV_Real Counter value (already counted pulses)

If a structure is given which contains the accumulated counter value in REAL format, the structure
output must be connected to PV_Int.

! If the structure input PV_Int is connected the input PV_Real is not evaluated any more.

Structure variables:
PV_Real.Value Value Default: 0.0
Format REAL
PV_Real.ST Signal status Default: 16#FF
Format BYTE

PULS_VAL Value of one pulse Default: 1.0

Format REAL
This is the value of one pulse

Additional input as Interface to the OS:

COMMAND Command word Default: 16#00
Format WORD
Interface to OS
For more information see Variable details.

Copyright Ó Siemens AG. All Rights Reserved. 9

Counter C_COUNT Reference Manual Objects

Process values
The process values can be set during engineering and they can be changed online from the OS.
To permit the modification of the process values from the faceplates, they must not be connected
in the CFC.

UNIT Unit Default: ‘%‘

Format STRING (8 characters)
Unit of the counter value.

Input/Output interfaces
RES_RTOS Date/Time for counter reset from OS Default: 16#00
Format DWORD
Interface to OS

RT_OS Counter value Default: 0.0

Format REAL
Interface to OS

RT_H Counter value refreshed every hour Default: 0.0

Format REAL
Interface to OS

RT_MIS Counted pulses (32 bit long) Default: 16#00

Format DWORD
Result of thecounted value (raw value) in DWORD format. The variable will only be filled if pulse
input (CNZS or PV_Puls) is available. If the accumulated counter value is read, RT_MIS remains
Prepared as interface to OS (can be transferred to the OS if required).

RT_MIH Counted pulses (refr. every hour) (32 bit) Default: 16#00
Format DWORD
Result of the counted value (raw value) in DWORD format. The variable will only be filled if pulse
input (CNZS or PV_Puls) is available. If the accumulated counter value is read, RT_MIH remains
Prepared as interface to OS (can be transferred to the OS if required)

10 Copyright Ó Siemens AG. All Rights Reserved.

Reference Manual Objects Counter C_COUNT

Output interfaces
RT_OS_O Counter value Default: 0.0
Format REAL
Interface to OS

PV_Out Counter value

The structure contains the counter value in REAL format.
Structure variables:
PV_Out.Value Value Default: 0.0
Format REAL
PV_Out.ST Signal status Default: 16#80
Format BYTE

RT_H_O Counter value refreshed every hour Default: 0.0

Format REAL
Interface to OS

PV_OutH Counter value refreshed every hour

The structure contains the counter value in REAL format. In difference to PV_Out this value is
refreshed every hour.
Structure variables:
PV_OutH.Value Value Default: 0.0
Format REAL
PV_OutH.ST Signal status Default: 16#80
Format BYTE

RT_MIS_O Counted pulses (32 bit long) Default: 16#00

Format DWORD
Result of the counted value (raw value) in DWORD format
Prepared as interface to OS

RT_MIH_O Counted pulses (refr. every hour) (32 bit) Default: 16#00
Format DWORD
Result of the counted value (raw value) in DWORD format
Prepared as interface to OS

Copyright Ó Siemens AG. All Rights Reserved. 11

Counter C_COUNT Reference Manual Objects

ENG_ERR Engineering Error

Format BYTE
0 = no error
1 = wrong data type with parameter VAL_CNT, look to VAL_CNT
2 = wrong area of data with parameter VAL_CNT, look at VAL_CNT

RES_OUT Reset Counter

Format BOOL
With the reset command from the OS the output RES_OUT gets 1-Signal for 1 cycle.
This signal can be used to reset external counters from the OS.

12 Copyright Ó Siemens AG. All Rights Reserved.

Reference Manual Objects Counter C_COUNT

Time characteristics
The run sequence for the counter can be chosen as desired.

Message characteristics
The C_COUNT has no Messages.

Refer to Variable details for the assignment of the command word.

Copyright Ó Siemens AG. All Rights Reserved. 13

Counter C_COUNT Reference Manual Objects

I/O-bar of C_COUNT

Element Meaning Format Default Type Attr. HMI

CNZS Pulse signal (digital input) POINTER 0 I

PV_Puls Pulse signal (digital input) STRUCT I

PV_Puls.Value Signal BOOL 0 I U +

PV_Puls ST Signal Status BYTE 16#FF I U

REL_PULS Release pulse acquisition BOOL 1 I

MODE_V Mode: 0 = Pulse / 1 = value BOOL 0 I

New value overwrites old


DSIG_BQ Driver Signal(s) Bad Quality BOOL 0 I

Counter value
(already counted pulses)
Counter value
(already counted pulses)

PV_Int.Value Value INT 0 I U +

PV_Int.ST Signal Status BYTE 16#FF I U

Counter value
(already counted pulses)

PV_Real.Value Value REAL 0.0 I U +

PV_Real.ST Signal Status BYTE 16#FF I U

PULS_VAL Value of one pulse REAL 1.0 I +

COMMAND Command word WORD 16#00 I U +

UNIT Unit ‘%‘ I +

Date/Time for counter reset

from OS

RT_OS Counter value REAL 0.0 IO +

Counter value
RT_H REAL 0.0 IO U +
(refreshed every hour)
Counted pulses
32 Bit DWORD
Counter pulses
(refreshed every hour)

14 Copyright Ó Siemens AG. All Rights Reserved.

Reference Manual Objects Counter C_COUNT

Element Meaning Format Default Type Attr. HMI

RT_OS_O Counter value REAL 0.0 O

PV_Out Counter value STRUCT O

PV_Out.Value Value REAL 0.0 O U +

PV_Out.ST Signal Status BYTE 16#80 O U +

Counter value
(refreshed every hour)
Counter value
(refreshed every hour)

PV_OutH.Value Value REAL 0.0 O U +

PV_OutH.ST Signal Status BYTE 16#80 O U +

Counted pulses
32 Bit DWORD
Counter pulses
(refreshed every hour)

ENG_ERR Engineering Error BYTE 16#00 O

RES_OUT Reset Counter (1 cycle) BOOL 0 O

Copyright Ó Siemens AG. All Rights Reserved. 15

Counter C_COUNT Reference Manual Objects

OS-Variable table

PLC Data
OS Variable Description OS Data Type

PV_Puls#Value Signal BOOL Binary variable

PV_Int#Value Value INT Signed 16-bit value

PV_Real#Value Value REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754

PULS_VAL Value of one pulse REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754

COMMAND Command word WORD Unsigned 16-bit value

UNIT Unit Text variable 8-bit character set
Date/Time for counter reset
RES_RTOS DWORD Unsigned 32-bit value
from OS
RT_OS Counter value REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754

Counter value
RT_H REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
(refreshed every hour)

PV_Out#Value Value REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754

PV_Out#ST Signal Status BYTE Unsigned 8-bit value

PV_OutH#Value Value REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754

PV_OutH#ST Signal Status BYTE Unsigned 8-bit value

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Reference Manual Objects Counter C_COUNT

Variable details
Internal structure of the Commands word:

OS- Msg Fault

Parameter Function Designation German Designation English
Addr. Class Class

COMMAND Kommandowort Commandword

COM_B20 0
COM_B21 1
COM_B22 R_RTOS 2 Zähler löschen Reset Counter for OS Op. Inp.
COM_B23 3
COM_B24 4
COM_B25 5
COM_B26 6
COM_B27 7

COM_B10 8
COM_B11 9
COM_B12 10
COM_B13 11
COM_B14 12
COM_B15 13
COM_B16 14
COM_B17 15

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