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Prepare a human resource 5 (2021-2026) year plan for your

[Hinze: Estimate various vacancies like job turnover, quite the job, reignitions,
dismissal death etc. and future expansion, define shortage or surplus, then what
will be decision.]


Inspiring Success


The University’s Strategic Plan identifies that having a ‘Great Community of People’ is
key to our future success. Our People Strategy has been developed to support the
achievement of the University’s strategic objectives: • An Excellent Education and
Experience. • Leading Research and Academic Enterprise. Our people are key to our
success and we aim to provide a positive working environment which is both supportive
and challenging. We aim to encourage excellent performance, clarifying responsibility,
reducing bureaucracy and maintaining our sense that Leeds Beckett is a great place to
work. This plan outlines how we will deliver our new People Strategy 2021-2026 to drive
performance and enable the delivery of our University’s Strategic Plan. It is framed
around three key strategic aims:

Attract: We will attract and retain great people to help us deliver our strategy.

Grow: We will enable our people to fulfil their potential.

Succeed: Together we will succeed in delivering excellence.

This plan has been informed by insights from our Schools and Professional Services and
ensures that HR will have a significant impact on the achievement of our University and
local KPIs and, in particular, overall staff engagement and satisfaction, student
satisfaction and CSE Accreditation.

External Context.

In developing this 5-year plan, there are many external changes which will impact on the
sector including the HE Bill and the Teaching Excellence Framework. In addition, the
uncertainties caused by Brexit, rising pension costs, the apprenticeship levy and an
unresolved pay dispute at national level will all need to be managed carefully. The HR
team will need to be responsive in dealing with these challenges as well as responding to
any changes in employment legislation.

Our early priorities will include:

 Flexible Recruitment. In order to identify, attract and secure the best candidates, we
will develop innovative and flexible approaches to recruitment and selection informed by
further research to gain a greater understanding of employment markets. We will also
review and streamline the recruitment and selection, and vacancy review process.

 Employer Brand. We will develop a strong brand to enhance our reputation as an

employer and attract and retain high-calibre applicants. This work will be rooted in our
recruitment and induction processes. It will also extend to other touch points that we have
with our people, including learning and development, career progression, reward and
benefits through to their exit from the organization and beyond. We will strengthen how
we present the unique selling points of our culture, personality and values through our
recruitment advertising and documentation, onboarding practice and learning and career
development offer, following consultation with key stakeholders. HR Strategic Plan

 Academic Qualifications. In discussion with the University Executive Team we will

review the qualification requirements for academic roles to provide greater flexibility
where industry or professional experience might be preferable and review the use of the
Lecturer role as an entry grade. This will include clarifying doctoral requirements by
subject group.

 Apprenticeships. We will consider opportunities to expand the use of apprentice roles

across our University and support Schools and Services in exploring opportunities arising
from the introduction of the new employment levy. Our future priorities will include:
 Pension Options. We will develop initiatives to help potential candidates and our staff
understand their pension benefits and options and target guidance on scheme and
regulatory changes to affected members. Our overall pension provision will be kept under

 Onboarding Process. We will introduce an ‘onboarding’ process to ensure that we

present an integrated and user-friendly approach to our new people. This will enable new
staff to acquire the necessary knowledge and information they need before starting,
ensure appropriate induction and support when they arrive, and provide a platform for us
to capture essential information online.

Our future priorities will include:

 Management Development. We will design and deliver a focused and relevant

development programmed that will provide managers with the skills to drive
organizational performance. A return on investment strategy will be devised to
demonstrate our investment in leadership programmed and inform future direction.

 Talent and Succession. We will develop and implement a framework for making the
best use of our talents and planning for succession. This will include a more strategic
approach to talent management and succession planning.

 Staff Survey. We will continue to seek and act on feedback from our community of
people through our regular staff survey.


Measure: Our colleagues are supported and enabled to give their best.

KPI: 90% overall satisfaction in Staff Survey.

Measure: All colleagues contribute directly to an excellent student experience.

KPI: 88% NSS overall satisfaction.

Measure: Colleagues seek continually to improve our service to stakeholders.

KPI: CSE Accreditation in Compliance Plus in S5


 Number of appointable candidates per vacancy.  Percentage of vacancies filled first

time.  Reduce the average time taken to fill vacancies.  Monitoring of retention rates in
the first year of employment.  Increased positive feedback from new starters re
onboarding process.  Percentage of new staff attracted by University’s reputation.


 Percentage of people on Leadership Management programmed who are promoted

internally.  Improved balance of academic promotions through the full range of
career pathways.  Demonstrable return on investment for staff development
programmed.  Participation rates in appropriate staff development activity. 
Improvements in relevant staff satisfaction indicators.


The structure and operating model of HR is currently under review. It is anticipated

that changes will be made to ensure that our services are easier to access and that
there is greater clarity on how to access HR support.

The aims of this review are:

 To ensure that the HR team has a clear focus on serving and enabling our Schools
and Professional Services to deliver their strategic objectives.  To ensure that our
policies and processes are efficient, fit for purpose, carried out in the right place and
reflect best value for money.  That we make best use of technology in delivering our
services (reducing our reliance on paper-based processes).  That we provide a timely
and flexible HR service to respond to the different needs of Schools and Professional
Services.  That we provide a coherent and ‘joined up HR service’.

Reward and Recognition.

We will review our approach and develop new options for rewarding and recognizing
contribution and success. This will include consideration of senior and professorial
pay arrangements, the contribution points and the Living Wage. We will monitor our
pay and reward arrangements to ensure they are applied fairly and consistently
including regular equal pay audits and gender pay gap reporting.

Policy and Process Review

We will review and streamline our policies and procedures to make them more user-
friendly, flexible and effective. We will also review our operational HR processes to
ensure that they are efficient and reduce bureaucracy as far as possible.

Career Pathways.

We will review our academic career pathways, including teaching, learning and
research roles, and implement an annual academic promotion process. We will
continue to enhance the use of developmental roles including the use of Graduate
Teaching Assistants.

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