Siemens C - STORAG - 009 Manual

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Function 1

Operating principle 2

Time characteristics 3
Message characteristics 4
Storage Module C_STORAG 5
Module states

Operator Commands 6
Function Manual

Feature Bits 7

OS Permissions 8

I/O-bar of C_STORAG 9

OS-Variable table 10

Variable details 11

Legal information
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This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
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Table of contents

1 Function........................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 General Function description...................................................................................................6
1.2 Change of operation mode.....................................................................................................10
1.3 Storage locked.......................................................................................................................11
1.4 Sequence Test.......................................................................................................................12
1.5 Visualization...........................................................................................................................13
2 Operating principle.....................................................................................................................................15
2.1 Input interfaces.......................................................................................................................15
2.1.1 Interfaces for mode change...................................................................................................17
2.1.2 Inputs for testing and as Interface to the OS..........................................................................20
2.1.3 Process Parameters...............................................................................................................20
2.1.4 Process Parameter for Simulation.........................................................................................21
2.1.5 Process Parameters for alarm/warning limits.........................................................................21
2.1.6 Process Parameter for delaying outgoing fault/warnings.......................................................22
2.1.7 Storage Parameters...............................................................................................................23
2.1.8 Material Parameters...............................................................................................................25
2.1.9 User Faceplate call................................................................................................................27
2.1.10 Batch Parameters..................................................................................................................27
2.1.11 OS Permissions and Features:..............................................................................................28
2.2 Group and Object links...........................................................................................................30
2.2.1 Example of a circuit:...............................................................................................................33
2.3 Output interfaces....................................................................................................................34
2.3.1 Outputs for testing and as Interface to the OS.......................................................................34
2.3.2 Output status for connection to other blocks..........................................................................39
2.4 Engineering Errors.................................................................................................................42
3 Time characteristics....................................................................................................................................43
4 Message characteristics.............................................................................................................................45
5 Module states.............................................................................................................................................47
6 Operator Commands..................................................................................................................................49
7 Feature Bits................................................................................................................................................51
8 OS Permissions..........................................................................................................................................53
9 I/O-bar of C_STORAG................................................................................................................................55
10 OS-Variable table.......................................................................................................................................61
11 Variable details...........................................................................................................................................63
11.1 Variable details COMMAND...................................................................................................63
11.2 Variable details MSG8_EVID.................................................................................................64

Storage Module C_STORAG

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Table of contents

11.3 Variable details STATUS.......................................................................................................65

11.4 Variable details PV_STAT#STATUS......................................................................................66

Storage Module C_STORAG

4 Function Manual, 07/2016
Function 1

Module name: C_STORAG

Module no.: FB1037

Calling OBs
All CEMAT Functions must be installed in the same OB, which is preferable OB1. The System
Chart SYSPLCxx contains infrastructure blocks which must be called at the Beginning
(Runtime group OB1_START) and at the End (Runtime group OB1_END) of this OB.
The application program must be called between OB1_START and OB1_END.
Calling of the CEMAT blocks in a cyclic interrupt OB (OB34 or OB35) is possible, but only if
the complete program is called in the same cyclic interrupt OB. In this case the infrastructure
blocks must as well be moved to the cyclic interrupt OB (see Engineering Manual chapter

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 5
1.1 General Function description

1.1 General Function description

Block C_STORAG provides the Operator with status information of the storage locations and
gives information about the contained material and the filling level. The storage type definition
defines whether it is a bunker, a silo, a multi chamber silo, a pile, or a water tank (visualization
In addition to that, there is the possibility of calling external applications like Stockpile manager,
Multi chamber charging or homogenization modules directly from the Faceplate.
As standard interfaces are used:
● analog value of the silo filling level,
● an enable, filling, and discharge signal
● static parameters like limits or timers.
The following Values are evaluated and announced depending on the enable of the
corresponding Storage Symbols:

● current storage filling level as digital value with a corresponding dimension

● current storage filling level as bar
● Storage full
● Storage empty
● alarm limit full
● warning limit full
● warning limit empty
● alarm limit empty
● Storage locked
● charging on
● discharging on
● no dedusting
● material differs from assigned material
● homogenization on

Storage Module C_STORAG

6 Function Manual, 07/2016
1.1 General Function description

● material name
● brief name storage

Block functions are only active in automatic mode. If the block is switched to Out of Service,
operation of the storage block is inhibited, the outputs are set to "0", all messages are
suppressed and only the status words are updated. All memorized functions are reset.

Limit Supervision:
If an external level instrument is available, supervision is possible for two binary inputs "Storage
empty" and "Storage full".
The analog process value of the filling level is monitored for 4 limits. With violation of Value L
limit L_Lim or Value H limit H_Lim a warning message is generated. With violation of Value
LL limit LL_Lim or Value HH limit HH_Lim, a fault message is created. The status "limit
violated" is additionally available as block outputs PV_L, PV_H, PV_LL and PV_HH.
● With interface DynFltEn alarms and dynamic faults can be suppressed in general. (In case
of a limit violation the block shows only static indications).
This behavior can be desired during the start-up or for non running equipment.
● The interface enable messages MsgEn can be used in order to prevent an onrush of
messages in case of power failure. As long as MsgEn has 0-Signal the message generation
in the block is frozen and neither incoming nor outgoing messages are created.
● Via interface GrFltLck the block can be deselected for the summarizing indication in group
and route. In the status call the fault and warnings can still be seen.
● Via interface GrStaLck the block can also be deselected form the summarizing indication
in group and route. In this case the block faults and warnings are not entered in the status
● Through configuration of a hysteresis at parameter Hysteres it can be prevented that a
process value which is very close to the limit (sometimes below, sometimes above)
continuously creates incoming and outgoing messages. The outgoing message will only
be created if the value goes above the hysteresis value.
● Via parameter LZDelTi the live zero message can be delayed. If the Value is invalid for
a short time, no message is created.

Additional Supervisions:
Additionally to the limits the following supervisions are possible:
● Dedusting running: If the group is running the dedusting must be ON (DedustOn must have
1-Signal). Missing dedusting leads first to a warning message and after expiring of time
DedDelTi it leads to an alarm message.
● Different Material: If the charging material is different from the assigned materiel the storage
block creates a warning message.
● Storage locked: If the storage is locked it leads to an alarm message.

Storage Module C_STORAG

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1.1 General Function description

Enable, block or simulation functions:

Under certain circumstances it can be necessary to switch the storage block to simulation
mode. Switching to simulation requires an OS Permission:

BitNr. Function/OS Permission Default value

15 1 = Operator can change to simulation TRUE

● If the block is switched to simulation, instead of the input value the simulation value is
displayed and transferred to the output PV_Out.
The change to simulation is carried out via diagnosis window or automatically if the AS is
switched to sequence test mode.
OS_ Perm.bit15 must be TRUE to enable switching to simulation via OS.

Process parameters for storage level supervision:

The following values can be configured online:

● Value HH limit HH_Lim Violation for the HH limit generates a fault

● Value H limit H_Lim Violation for the H limit generates a warning
● Value L limit L_Lim Violation for the L limit generates a warning
● Value LL limit LL_Lim Violation for the LL limit generates a fault
● Time delay Live Zero (s) LZDelTi Message for Live Zero will be suppressed for
this time
● Hysteresis (%) Hysteres Outgoing message will be suppressed
● Simulation value from OS SimPV Value for internal simulation
The following process parameter can be configured only in the CFC:

● Unit for Storage level UNIT Physical unit for filling level of the storage

Storage parameters
The following values can be configured online:

● Storage height Height Storage range high value

● Storage width StoWidth only for information
● Storage length Length only for information
● Storage diameter StoDiam only for information
● Storage capacity Capacity Storage capacity in tons
● Time delay for Dedusting DedDelTi Message for Dedusting off will be suppressed
for this time
The following process parameter can be configured only in the CFC:

● Scale low ScaleLo Storage range low value

● Unit for Material quantity MQ_Unit Physical unit for charging and discharging ma‐

Storage Module C_STORAG

8 Function Manual, 07/2016
1.1 General Function description

● Chamber number ChambNo Chamber number of multi chamber silo

● Storage hour StoHour hours for filling or emptying completely

Material parameters
The following values can be configured online:

● Material quality MatQuali Quality of charging material

● Charging material quantity MQ_IN Material quantity for storage charging
● Discharging material quantity MQ_OUT Material quantity for storage discharging
● Assigned Material Material Name of Material assigned to the Storage
● Charging Material ChargMat Name of currently charged Material
The following values can be configured with APF (function not yet implemented)

● Material class ASMatCl Material class storage

● Material type ASMatTy Material type storage
● Material ASMat Material storage
● Storage class ASStoCl Storage class
● Storage ASStora Storage No.

Batch parameters
The following values can be configured online:

● Batch enabled BatchEn Enable batch information

● Batch ID BatchID Batch number
● Batch name BatchName Batch name for this storage

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1.2 Change of operation mode

1.2 Change of operation mode

Possible Operation modes

Two operation modes exist:
● Automatic mode
● Out of Service mode

Mode change options

Mode change is possible via Operator Faceplate or by Program:
Mode change via Operator Faceplate does not require any Feature bit or OS Permission.
Mode change via Program is possible via interfaces AutModOn and OoSModOn
● Rising edge at Interfaces AutModOn changes the storage block to Automatic mode and 0-
Signal at OoSModOn forces the storage block to Out of Service mode.
● An option for mode change via GR_LINK interface does not exist.

Out of Service mode

Switching the storage block to Out of Service mode disables the entire block functions.
● If the selection block was set to Out of Service mode via Operator Station, switching back
from Out of Service mode to Automatic, Manual or Local mode needs to be done via
Operator faceplate as well.
● 0-Signal at program interface OoSModOn forces the selection block into Out of Service mode
at any time.
In this case switching back from Out of Service mode to Automatic mode is possible via a
rising edge at input AutModOn or via Operator faceplate.

Feedback of the Operating mode

Indicating the "Out of Service" status of the storage block in the summarizing indication of the
group block icon can only be achieved via GR_LINK interface. No output OsSAct available for
the mode feedback of the storage block.
The following feature bit is used to enable the function:

BitNr. Function/Features Default value

26 GR_LINK Interface used for mode feedback from C_STORAG TRUE

If Feature.bit26 = TRUE the operation mode of the storage block is included in the
summarizing indication of the group block icon.

Storage Module C_STORAG

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1.3 Storage locked

1.3 Storage locked

Storage locked
The storage can be locked via Operator command or by program (via input StoLocked). In
this case output Ready will be reset, which can be used in order to disable filling.
The Storage locked function must be enabled via Feature bit setting:

BitNr. Function/Features Default value

0 Storage locked TRUE

Feature.bit = TRUE enables the Storage lock function

For the lock/unlock via Operator Faceplate the following OS Permission is needed:

BitNr. Function/OS Permission Default value

4 1 = Operator can change to Storage locked TRUE

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1.4 Sequence Test

1.4 Sequence Test

Via a setting in the System chart SYSPLCxx all Storage blocks within the AS are switched into
Simulation. Instead of the input value the simulation value SimPV is transferred to output
PV_Out. Output SimActQ indicates that the simulation is activated.

Storage Module C_STORAG

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1.5 Visualization

1.5 Visualization
In the block icon of the storage block the most important operation status are displayed (ok,
fault, warning, simulation). Refer to Variable Details. Control functions and detail information
are only available after opening the faceplate.
For status information the following variables exist:

STATUS General Running and Status Information

PV_STAT.STATUS General Running and Status Information
FeatureOut Status display for Feature Word
OS_PermOut Status display for OS_PermOut Word
OS_PermLog Status display for OS_PermLog Word (includes add. AS
connection code)

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1.5 Visualization

Storage Module C_STORAG

14 Function Manual, 07/2016
Operating principle 2
2.1 Input interfaces


StoType Storage Type Default: 1

S_TYP define the Storage Type.
1 = normal Silo, Bin
2 = Multi chamber silo
3 = Stockpile
4 = Water tank, Well
2 means, the Storage module is a "Multi chamber Silo" and will send his information via struc‐
ture output CHA_OUT to the C_STO_MA module.
The Storage Type will only be shown.


APF_ACT APF data structure in use Basic state 0-Signal

Format BOOL
1-Signal means, the Storage Faceplate is enabled and all module parameters can be stored
in to the APF User archive Data structure.


GroupON Group is completely running Basic state 1-Signal

Format BOOL
1-Signal at input GroupON mean the Group is running completely.


StoLocked Storage locked Basic state 0-Signal

Format BOOL
StoLocked is a general lock signal which can be connected on the CFC Input or from the OS.
It will be shown in the Symbol and Faceplate.

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Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces


Interlock Storage interlock Basic state 1-Signal

Format BOOL
Process related interlock signals can be connected to Input Interlock. If Interlock has 0-
Signal the Storage is not ready to fill up. 0-Signal will also reset the output Ready.


ChargOn Charging is running Basic state 0-Signal

Format BOOL
1-Signal at ChargOn means that Storage charging is running.


DisChaOn Discharging is running Basic state 0-Signal

Format BOOL
1-Signal at DisChaOn means that Storage discharging is running.


HomogOn Homogenization is running Basic state 0-Signal

Format BOOL
1-Signal at HomogOn is just an indication and means that the homogenization is running.


StoEmpty Storage external empty signal Basic state 1-Signal

Format BOOL
Input StoEmpty can be used for the connection of an empty signal from an external Level
Instrument. 0-Signal at StoEmpty means "Storage empty".


StoFull Storage external full signal Basic state 1-Signal

Format BOOL
Input StoFull can be used for connection of a full signal from an external Level Instrument.
0-Signal at StoFull means "Storage full".

Storage Module C_STORAG

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Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces


DedustOn Dedusting is running Basic state 0-Signal

Format BOOL
1-Signal at DedustOn means that the Storage dedusting is running.


DiffMat Different material Basic state 0-Signal

Format BOOL
1-Signal at DiffMat means that the charging material is not the assigned material but allowed.

DynFltEn (SAMV)

DynFltEn 1 = Enable dynamic fault Basic state 1-Signal

Format BOOL
If a 0-signal is connected to this interface, the alarm, the horn and the blinking at the group
fault/warning indication is suppressed. In this case the group shows static indications for fault/
warning. When making a status call the faults/warnings are indicated there.
Typical application:
If under stand still conditions of a group and affiliated storage block should not generate an
alarm, one can connect DynFltEn with output RunSig of the group. In case of a fault or
warning it is indicated by a continuous red/yellow at the group fault/warning indication. With
the status call one can look for the cause. As soon as the group is running completely the
alarms become active.

2.1.1 Interfaces for mode change

Interfaces for mode change

Beside the mode change via the faceplate, the operating mode can be changed by program,
via interfaces AutModOn and OoSModOn.


AutModOn 1 = switch to automatic mode Basic state 0-Signal

Format BOOL
A rising edge at interface AutModOn switches the storage block into the automatic mode. This
interface is normally connected with group output AutModOn, in order to transmit the pulse
which is created through a button in the group faceplate.
Switching from Out of Service mode to Automatic mode via AutModOn is only possible if the
block was not set to Out of Service mode via Operator faceplate.

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Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces


OoSModOn 0 = force to out of Service mode Basic state 1-Signal

Format BOOL
0-Signal at interface OoSModOn forces the storage block to the Out of Service mode.

MsgEn (SMFR)

MsgEn 1 = Enable message Basic state 1-Signal

Format BOOL
With 0-signal at this interface the annunciation function is blocked.
Typical application:
In case of a control voltage failure for MCC or field signals, an alarm message would be
triggered for each sensor signal. To prevent this, you have to connect the control voltage signal
to the enable message interface MsgEn of the storage block.
If MsgEn has 0-Signal, the storage block does not create any incoming or outgoing message.
The fault message for "control voltage failure" must be generated by an additional annunciation
module, which has to be engineered for this purpose.

If MsgEn has 0-Signal the storage faults/warnings are not shown in the summarizing indication
of group and route and not listed in the status call.

GrFltLck (SMZS)

GrFltLck 1 = don't include in group summarizing ind. Basic state 0-Signal

Format BOOL
A 1-signal on GrFltLck prevents that the dynamic and static fault/warning is passed to the
group. In the status call the storage fault/warning can still be seen. This can be useful in case
of selections. If the function is not selected it is not considered for the summarizing indications
of the group.

GrStaLck (GFSO)

GrStaLck 1 = don't incl. in group sum. ind.+status call Basic state 0-Signal
Format BOOL
1-Signal at GrStaLck completely deselects the storage block for the Group Summarizing fault
and for the Group Status Call.
The function is similar to interface GrFltLck but the storage block is excluded from status
call as well.

Storage Module C_STORAG

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Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces

Ack (SQIT)

Ack 1 = acknowledge (additional) Basic state 0-Signal

Format BOOL
The acknowledgement of the storage block is normally carried out together with the acknowl‐
edgement of any alarm within the same AS (default setting). Interface Ack is only needed for
individual acknowledgement (via push-button) or in case of group-wise acknowledgement.
A signal change from "0" to "1" at Ack acknowledges the storage block (resetting flag
In case of a conventional control desk, a push-button can be connected to Ack (for individual
acknowledgement) or to the acknowledgement interface at block C_PUSHBT can be used (for
AS-wise acknowledgement).

Using Ack for individual acknowledgement, the acknowledgement interface at the C_PUSHBT
must not be connected.

For group-wise acknowledgement connect the output AckGr of the corresponding group to
interface Ack of the storage block. See Engineering Manual, chapter AS-Engineering.

Process value for filling level


PV Process value
Interface PV must be connected with the process signal of the filling level. Input PV can be
connected to output PV_Out of a PCS 7 channel driver block Pcs7AnIn or to a physical value
in REAL format.

Structure variables:
PV.Value Value Default: 0.0
Format REAL
PV.ST Signal status Default: 16#FF
Format BYTE


UNIT Unit Default: %

Format STRING (8 characters)
Unit for the process signal of the filling level.
The configuration is only possible in the CFC.

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Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces

2.1.2 Inputs for testing and as Interface to the OS


MSG8_EVID1 Message ID Default: 16#00

Format DWORD
Interface to OS


MSG8_EVID2 Message ID Default: 16#00

Format DWORD
Interface to OS


COMMAND Command word Default: 16#00

Format WORD
Interface to OS
For more information see Variable details.

2.1.3 Process Parameters

The process parameters can either be set in the CFC during engineering and/or modified by
the operator, if the Operator has the corresponding OS Permission:

BitNr. Function/OS Permission Default value

31 1 = Operator can modify process parameters TRUE
20 1 = Operator can enter HH Limit TRUE
21 1 = Operator can enter H Limit TRUE
26 1 = Operator can enter L Limit TRUE
27 1 = Operator can enter LL Limit TRUE

To permit the modification of the process values from the faceplates, they must not be
connected in the CFC.

Storage Module C_STORAG

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Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces

2.1.4 Process Parameter for Simulation


SimPV PV Simulation value from OS Default: 0.0

Format REAL
Parameter SimPV is used for entering the simulation value via the faceplate of C_STORAG.
This value is not available as a block output and no connection to the channel driver is needed,
because internal simulation in the C_STORAG has the highest priority.
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the simulation value.

2.1.5 Process Parameters for alarm/warning limits


HH_Lim Value HH limit Default: 100.0

Format REAL
This is the value of upper limit 2. If this limit value is overshot, then the module generates an
alarm message and sets module output PV_HH.
The default tooltip text "Value HH Limit" can be modified via property "Identifier".
The operator is only permitted to change the value for HH limit if OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE
and OS_Perm.bit20 = TRUE.


H_Lim Value H limit Default: 100.0

Format REAL
This is the value of upper limit 1. If this limit value is overshot, then the module generates an
alarm message and sets module output PV_H.
The default tooltip text "Value H Limit" can be modified via property "Identifier".
The operator is only permitted to change the value for H limit if OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE and
OS_Perm.bit21 = TRUE.

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Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces


L_Lim Value L limit Default: 0.0

Format REAL
This is the value of the lower limit 1. If this limit value is undershot, then the module generates
an alarm message and sets module output PV_L.
The default tooltip text "Value L Limit" can be modified via property "Identifier".
The operator is only permitted to change the value for L limit if OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE and
OS_Perm.bit26 = TRUE.


LL_Lim Value LL limit Default: 0.0

Format REAL
This is the value of lower limit 2. If this limit value is undershot, then the module generates an
alarm message and sets module output PV_LL.
The default tooltip text "Value LL Limit" can be modified via property "Identifier".
The operator is only permitted to change the value for LL limit if OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE
and OS_Perm.bit27 = TRUE.


LZDelTi Time delay Live Zero Default: 3

Format INTEGER (0 - 999) Value in seconds.
When a live-zero fault occurs, the corresponding alarm message and the module output LZ is
delayed by the set time value.
TV = 0s means: no delay
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the time delay Live Zero.

2.1.6 Process Parameter for delaying outgoing fault/warnings


Hysteres Hysteresis Default: 0.0

Format REAL (0.0 - 9.9)
To avoid constant coming and going of a limit value alarm message - if, e.g. the process value
"varies" around a limit value - one can enter a hysteresis value from the OS. The hysteresis
value in Percent is entered at parameter Hysteres. If a limit value is undershot or overshot
(value < Lower limit 1/2 or value > Upper limit 1/2), a fault is reported if the appropriate con‐
nection is available. This fault is corrected only when the limit value (including hysteresis) is
once again overshot or undershot (value > Lower limit 1/2 + hysteresis, or value < Upper limit
1/2 - hysteresis).
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the hysteresis value.

Storage Module C_STORAG

22 Function Manual, 07/2016
Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces

2.1.7 Storage Parameters


Height Storage height Default: 0

Format REAL.
The Parameter Height can be
● the Storage height in meter
● or the Storage filling level as %
● or the Storage amount in tons
The value will be used internal as parameter ScaleHigh
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the storage height.


StoWidth Storage width Default: 0

Format REAL.
Storage width in meter. Only for information.
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the storage width.


Length Storage length Default: 0

Format REAL.
Storage length in meter. Only for information.
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the storage length.


StoDiam Storage diameter Default: 0

Format REAL.
Storage diameter in meter. Only for information.
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the storage diameter.


Capacity Storage Capacity Default: 0

Format REAL.
Storage Capacity in tons.
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the storage capacity.

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Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces


StoHour Storage hours to full or empty Default: 0

Format REAL.
Time that will be used to fill up complete or emptying complete the Storage.
That calculation is related to Input values MQ_IN and MQ_OUT.
The configuration is only possible in the CFC.


ScaleLo Start of Scale Default: 0.0

Format REAL
Start of scale for process value filling level (Physical value).
The configuration is only possible in the CFC.


DedDelTi Delay time dedusting fault Default: 10

Format INTEGER (0 - 999) Value in minutes.
If input GroupOn has the 1-Signal and input DedustOn changes from 1-Signal to 0-Signal a
warning message will be generated for "No dedusting warning".
After the timer DedDelTi is elapsed the output Fault will be set and a fault message will be
generated for "No dedusting switch off".
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the delay time for dedust‐
ing fault.


ChambNo Chamber Number (only for StoType = 2) Basic state 0-Signal

Chamber Number of Multi chamber silo.
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the chamber number.

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Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces

2.1.8 Material Parameters


MatQuali Material quality Default: 0

Quality of charging material
● 0 = ok identical with the assigned Material
● 1 = < worse as the assigned Material
● 2 = > better as the assigned Material
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the material quality.


MQ_IN Charging Material Quantity

Material quantity for storage charging, e.g. from a weigh feeder.

Structure variable:
MQ_IN.Value Value Default: 0.0
Format REAL
MQ_IN.ST Signal status Default: 16#FF
Format BYTE
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the charging material


MQ_OUT Discharging Material Quantity

Material quantity for storage discharging, e.g. from weigh feeder.

Structure variable:
MQ_OUT.Value Value Default: 0.0
Format REAL
MQ_OUT.ST Signal status Default: 16#FF
Format BYTE
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the discharging material

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Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces


MQ_UNIT Unit Default: %

Format STRING (8 characters)
Unit for the material quantity.
The configuration is only possible in the CFC.


Material Assigned Material Default: 0

Format STRING (32 characters)
Name of Material assigned to the Storage
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the assigned material.


ChargMat Charging Material Default: 0

Format STRING (32 characters)
Name of Material which is currently charged to the Storage
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the charging material.


ASMatCl Material class storage Default: 0

Memory of Material class from APF Database
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the material classl.


ASMatTy Material type storage Default: 0

Memory of Material type from APF Database
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the material type.


ASMat Material storage Default: 0

Memory of Material No. from APF Database
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the Material No.

Storage Module C_STORAG

26 Function Manual, 07/2016
Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces


ASStoCl Storage class Default: 0

Memory of Storage class from APF Database
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the Storage.


ASStora Storage Default: 0

Memory of Storage No. from APF Database
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the Storage No.

2.1.9 User Faceplate call


SelFp1 Call User Faceplate 1

Format ANY
The Input UserFace can be interconnected to any module which has an OS interface (Face‐
plate). A button "U" (user) is shown in the Faceplate if the interconnected exist and can be
used to open the external Faceplate.

The button description for the User Function button in the standard faceplate is fixed, but the
tooltip text can be entered via Property 'OS additional text'. Default value can not be configured
as a property of the block input. Value can only be defined in the CFC.

2.1.10 Batch Parameters


BatchEn Batch Enabled Default: 0

Format BOOL
Enable Batch Operation
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the Batch enable.

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 27
Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces


BatchID Batch ID Default: 0

Format DWORD
Show the Batch Number which belong to these Storage
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the Batch ID.


BatchName Batch Name Default: 0

Format STRING (32 characters).
Show the Batch Name which belongs to this Storage.
With OS_Perm.bit31 = TRUE the operator is permitted to change the Batch name.

2.1.11 OS Permissions and Features:

OS Permissions and Features:

Via Feature bits certain functions of the Cemat block can be enabled and disabled and the
behavior of the block can be configured.
Via OS Permissions operator actions can be enabled or disabled.
Feature bits and OS Permissions of block C_STORAG can be modified at any time but we
recommend switching the block to Out of Service mode.
A Feature Master block does not exist.


OS_Perm Operator Permissions

Via OS Permissions operator actions can be enabled or disabled.
Chapter OS Permissions contains a list of all available Permission bits. The function of the
individual permission is described with the corresponding interfaces.

It is not allowed to connect any logic to OS_Perm input.

Storage Module C_STORAG

28 Function Manual, 07/2016
Operating principle
2.1 Input interfaces


OpSt_In Enabled Operator Station Default: 16#00

Format DWORD
Input parameter for a local operator panel. This input must be connected with output Out of
block OStations. Via input OpSt_In the damper block receives the information, which Operator
Stations are enabled for the operation of the damper.


Feature Status of various features

Via Feature bits certain functions of the Cemat block can be enabled and disabled and the
behavior of the block can be configured.
Chapter Feature bits contains a list of all available Features. The function of the individual
feature bits is described with the corresponding interfaces.

It is not allowed to connect any logic to Feature input.

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 29
Operating principle
2.2 Group and Object links

2.2 Group and Object links

Group/Route links
Each storage block must be linked to a group or route in order to collect the status of the objects
for summarizing indications.
The group link is essential for control and diagnosis and comprises the following functions:
● All objects, linked to the group (or route) are listed in the group (or route) object list.
● All objects, linked to the group (or route) are highlighted in the process picture with button
"Show related objects".
● The faults of all objects, linked to the group (or route) are included in the summarizing fault
indication of the group (or route).
● The warnings of all objects, linked to the group (or route) are included in the summarizing
warning indication of the group (or route).
● In case of a dynamic fault during the startup of the group, the group start will be interrupted.
A storage block can be linked to two groups or routes via GR_LINK1 and GR_LINK2. If a
storage block belongs to more than two groups or routes the additional block C_MUX must be
inserted, which provides 5 additional link interfaces.

The main group (or main route) should be connected to GR_LINK1! This is the one which is
opened with a click on button "Main group" in the faceplate of the storage block.

Via additional feature bit settings, control commands can also be transmitted through the group/
route link interface.

BitNr. Function/Features Default value

26 G_LINK Interface used for mode feedback from C_STORAG FALSE

With Feature.Bit26 = TRUE the mode information of the storage block is automatically
transmitted to the allocated group.

This is the only way of transmitting the mode feedback from the storage block to the group. In
difference to the drive blocks the C_STORAG block has no output OoSAct for connection to


GR_LINK1 Link to group or route

The GR_LINK1 interface of the storage block must be connected with the R_LINK interface
of the route or with the G_LINK interface of the group.

Storage Module C_STORAG

30 Function Manual, 07/2016
Operating principle
2.2 Group and Object links

GR_LINK1 must be used for the main group!

Structure variables:
GR_LINK1.Link Link Default: 0
GR_LINK1.Command Group / Route Command Default: 16#00
Format WORD


GR_LINK2 Link to group or route

If the storage block with the second route/group:

Structure variables:
GR_LINK2.Link Link Default: 0
GR_LINK2.Command Group / Route Command Default: 16#00
Format WORD



If the storage block belongs to more than two different routes or groups, the C_MUX module
must be series-connected. C_MUX has 5 inputs (GR_LINK1 to GR_LINK5) for connection with
the groups/routes and one output (MUX_OUT) for connection with the MUX_LINK interface of
the storage block.

If a C_MUX block is used, the programming order is very important. The C_MUX must be called
before the storage block!
If the same C_MUX block is connected to more than one object (e. g. the drive and
annunciations and measures of the same equipment), it is essential that no different group link
(or C_MUX) is programmed between those objects.

Structure variables:
MUX_LINK.Point_GRL PointerDefault: 0

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 31
Operating principle
2.2 Group and Object links

MUX_LINK.Command Group / Route Command Default: 16#00
Format WORD

Storage Module C_STORAG

32 Function Manual, 07/2016
Operating principle
2.2 Group and Object links

2.2.1 Example of a circuit:

Check the runtime sequence! The C_MUX module must be called before the storage block.
For the other modules the run sequence is as follows: first the annunciation blocks, measures
and drives/devices, then the associated routes and finally the associated groups.

Some people use one C_MUX block and connect its output to a number of drives/devices,
annunciations and measurements.
If you do so, make sure that the C_MUX is called before all the other objects and that no other
C_MUX call comes in between.
We don't recommend using the same C_MUX if the blocks are located in different runtime

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 33
Operating principle
2.3 Output interfaces

2.3 Output interfaces

2.3.1 Outputs for testing and as Interface to the OS



Structure output CHA_OUT contains the Chamber values for transmitting of the information of
a single chamber to the Multi Chamber Master module.

Structure variable:
Format DWORD
Status information
CHA_OUT.PV_Out_Value Process value (Analog Output)
Format REAL
Corresponds to input PV_Out.Value
CHA_OUT.ST Process value Signal status
Format BYTE
Corresponds to input PV_Out.ST
CHA_OUT.PV_Stat_UNIT Process value Unit
Format STRING (8 Characters)
Corresponds to input PV_Stat.UNIT
CHA_OUT.PV_Stat_STA‐ Process value status
Format DWORD
Corresponds to input PV_Stat.STATUS
CHA_OUT.V_HH_O Value HH Limit
Format REAL
Corresponds to input HH_Lim
CHA_OUT.V_H_O Value H Limit
Format REAL
Corresponds to input H_Lim
CHA_OUT.V_L_O Value L Limit
Format REAL
Corresponds to input L_Lim
CHA_OUT.V_LL_O Value LL Limit
Format REAL
Corresponds to input LL_Lim

Storage Module C_STORAG

34 Function Manual, 07/2016
Operating principle
2.3 Output interfaces

CHA_OUT.HEIGHT Storage height

Format REAL
Corresponds to input Height
CHA_OUT.WIDTH Storage width
Format REAL
Corresponds to input StoWidth
CHA_OUT.LENGTH Storage length
Format REAL
Corresponds to input Length
CHA_OUT.DIAM Storage diameter
Format REAL
Corresponds to input StoDiam
CHA_OUT.CAPAC Storage capacity
Format REAL
Corresponds to input Capacity
CHA_OUT.STORH Storage hours to full or empty
Format REAL
Corresponds to input StoHour
CHA_OUT.SCB Start of scale
Format REAL
Corresponds to input ScaloLo
CHA_OUT.DD_TIM Time delay dedusting
Corresponds to input DedDelTi
CHA_OUT.S_CHAMB Chamber No.(only for StoType 2)
Corresponds to input ChambNo
CHA_OUT.Q_MAT Material quality
Corresponds to input MatQuali
CHA_OUT.MQ_IN Material quantity IN Value
Format REAL
Corresponds to input MQ_IN.Value
CHA_OUT.MQ_IN_ST Material quantity IN Status
Format BYTE
Corresponds to input MQ_IN.ST
CHA_OUT.MQ_OUT Material quantity OUT Value
Format REAL
Corresponds to input MQ_OUT.Value
CHA_OUT.MQ_OUT_ST Material quantity OUT Status
Format BYTE
Corresponds to input MQ_OUT.ST

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 35
Operating principle
2.3 Output interfaces

CHA_OUT.MQ_UNIT Material quantity Unit

Format STRING (8 Characters)
Corresponds to input MQ_UNIT
CHA_OUT.MATERIAL Assigned Material
Format STRING (32 Characters)
Corresponds to input Material
CHA_OUT.CA_MAT Charging Material
Format STRING (32 Characters)
Corresponds to input ChargMat


STATUS Interface to OS
Format DWORD
Interface to OS
For more information see Variable details.


PV_Out Process value (analog output)

Output PV_Out contains the actual storage level. This value can be used for connection to
another block.

Structure variables:
PV_Out.Value Value
Format REAL
PV_Out.ST Signal status
Format BYTE


PV_Stat Process Value Status + Unit

Output PV_Stat contains the Status and the Unit of the Storage level. This information can
be used for connection to another block.

Structure variables:
PV_Stat.UNIT Unit
Format STRING[8]

Storage Module C_STORAG

36 Function Manual, 07/2016
Operating principle
2.3 Output interfaces

PV_Stat.STATUS Status
Format DWORD


HH_LimQ Value HH limit Out

Format REAL.
Output HH_LimQ contains the value of HH limit HH_Lim.


H_LimQ Value H limit Out

Format REAL.
Output H_LimQ contains the value of H limit H_Lim.


L_LimQ Value L limit Out

Format REAL.
Output L_LimQ contains the value of L limit L_Lim.


LL_LimQ Value LL limit Out

Format REAL.
Output LL_LimQ contains the value of LL limit LL_Lim.


MV_I Measured value (Input value)

MV_I contains the raw value of the analog input without simulation. The value is directly derived
from input PV.
MV_I is only used for indication in the faceplate of the storage block. It gives the operator the
real picture about the status of the process value during simulation.

Structure variables:
MV_I.Value Value
Format REAL
MV_I.ST Signal status
Format BYTE

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 37
Operating principle
2.3 Output interfaces


ALARM for Test

Format WORD
For more information see Variable details.


DelayCon Delay Counter

Interface to OS


FeatureOut Feature word to OS

Format DWORD
For more information see Table Feature bits.


OS_PermOut Operator Permissions to OS

Format DWORD
For more information see Table OS Permissions.


OS_PermLog Operator Permissions: Output for OS

Format DWORD
For more information see Table OS Permissions.


OpSt_Out Enabled Operator Stations

Format DWORD
Output OpSt_Out provides the value of the input parameter OpSt_In and can be used for
the connection to other blocks.
Bit 31 contains the information of Feature.bit24 'Local authorization active (1=evaluate
permission from OPStation)'.

Storage Module C_STORAG

38 Function Manual, 07/2016
Operating principle
2.3 Output interfaces

2.3.2 Output status for connection to other blocks


Ready Ready
Format BOOL
The output Ready will be set, if:
- the storage is not locked (input StoLocked has 0-Signal or lock via Operator command)
- Interlock signal is ok (input Interlock has 1-Signal)
- no high alarms are present
- annunciations are acknowledged


PV_HH Overshoot limit HH

Format BOOL
If the storage level overshoots limit HH_Lim, the output PV_HH is set.


PV_H Overshoot limit H

Format BOOL
If the storage level overshoots limit H_Lim, the output PV_H is set.


PV_L Undershoot limit L

Format BOOL
If the storage level overshoots limit L_Lim, the output PV_L is set.


PV_LL Undershoot limit LL

Format BOOL
If the storage level overshoots limit L_Lim, the output PV_LL is set.

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 39
Operating principle
2.3 Output interfaces


LZ Live Zero
Format BOOL
In case of a card/channel failure for the analog input (signal status PV.ST = 16#00), the
process value is interpreted as being faulty and, after the live zero delay time has elapsed, bit
LZ is set and an alarm message for "Bad Quality" is created.


DedFlt Dedusting fault

Format BOOL
After expiry of the waiting time DedDelTi this output is set and an alarm is generated.


Ready Ready
Format BOOL.
The Output Ready will be set, if:
● the Storage is not locked (input StoLocked has 0-Signal)
● Interlock signal is ok (input Interlock has 1-Signal)
● no high Alarms are present
● Annunciations are acknowledged


DedFlt Dedusting fault

Format BOOL
After expiry of the waiting time DedDelTi this output is set and an alarm is generated.


DynFlt Dynamic fault/warning (not acknowledged)

Format BOOL
When a fault or warning occurs at the analog process value, in case of Storage full or empty,
in case of a dedusting fault or in case of wrong material the dynamic fault/warning bit
DynFlt is set and a fault or warning message is created. DynFlt remains set until the fault
is acknowledged.
Dynamic fault/warning and message can be disabled by connecting a 0-Signal DynFltEn (e.
g. it the plant section is not running).

Storage Module C_STORAG

40 Function Manual, 07/2016
Operating principle
2.3 Output interfaces


Fault Static Fault/Warning

Format BOOL
1-signal means that a fault or a warning is present.


SimActQ 1 = Simulation activated

Format BOOL
Output SimActQ has 1-Signal if the C_STORAG block is switched to simulation. In this case
the value at parameter SimPV is transmitted to output PV_Out.

Simulation at the channel driver block has no influence on SimActQ!


ReadAPF Read APF Input Values

Format BOOL
Command to read stored values from APF (function not yet implemented).


ST_Worst Worst Signal Status

Format BYTE
For all structure interfaces the status information (Simulation, Bad quality etc.) is displayed in
the diagnostic window:
MQ_IN, MQ_OUT, PV, internal simulation
The worst status of these signals is transmitted to output ST_Worst and always displayed.
Via feature bit setting it can be decided whether the Signal status is visible in the block outputs
as well:

BitNr. Function/Features Default value

22 Write quality code ST_Worst to module output FALSE

If Feature.bit22 = TRUE, the worst status is additionally transmitted to the block outputs
(and via this to the next block).
The worst status of the analog values MQ_IN, MQ_OUT, PV and the 'internal simulation' is
transmitted to output PV_Out.
The worst status of the analog value PV is transmitted to output MV_I.

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 41
Operating principle
2.4 Engineering Errors

2.4 Engineering Errors


ErrorNum Error Number Default: -1

In case of an invalid connection or an invalid feature bit setting the functionality of the block
can not be guaranteed any more. If the error number is different than -1 you have to check the
application program or the feature bits and correct it:

Error number Fault description

1 No operation mode enabled
3 The storage block is not linked (GR_LINK1, GR_LINK2, MUX_LINK, O_LINK)
→ Check GR_LINK1, GR_LINK2, MUX_LINK, O_LINK connections

Only one error number can be indicated at a time!

Storage Module C_STORAG

42 Function Manual, 07/2016
Time characteristics 3
All CEMAT storage blocks must be called before the associated route or group.
If C_MUX blocks are used, the C_MUX blocks must be called before the storage block.

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 43
Time characteristics

Storage Module C_STORAG

44 Function Manual, 07/2016
Message characteristics 4
The module uses an ALARM_8P module to generate annunciations.

Variable details MSG8_EVID1:

Message ID Event Message class Priority Fault class

SIG1 HH Limit @1%-1.2f@ Alarm - high 0 P
SIG2 H Limit @2%-1.2f@ Warning - high 0 P
SIG3 L Limit @3%-1.2f@ Warning - low 0 P
SIG4 LL Limit @4%-1.2f@ Alarm - low 0 P
SIG5 Live Zero / Bad Quality Alarm - high 0 E
SIG6 Storage locked Alarm - high 0 P
SIG7 Storage full Alarm - high 0 P
SIG8 Storage empty Alarm - high 0 P

Variable details MSG8_EVID2:

Message ID Event/Operator Input Message class Priority Fault class

SIG1 Different Material Warning - high 0 P
SIG2 No dedusting warning Warning - high 0 P
SIG3 No dedusting switch off Alarm - high 0 P
SIG4 Homogenization on Operating message - Standard 0 O
SIG5 Storage charging start Operating message - Standard 0 O
SIG6 Storage charging stop Operating message - Standard 0 O
SIG7 Storage discharge start Operating message - Standard 0 O
SIG8 Storage discharge stop Operating message - Standard 0 O

Each message is classified (Fault class).

This shows whether an electrical fault (E) or a process fault (P) applies, or whether it is an
operation message (O).
● An electrician does not always need to be called first.
● The production operator can give specific instructions.
Through connection of the control voltage signal to interface enable messages MsgEn, the
messages of the block are suppressed in case of a power failure (in order to avoid misleading
alarms and annunciation storm).

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 45
Message characteristics

Storage Module C_STORAG

46 Function Manual, 07/2016
Module states 5
Status indications for the filling level:

Status / Text Display Text Presentation Bar display Icon Display

OK Black on grey Green Black on grey
HH limit exceeded / OK Black on grey Red White on red
H limit exceeded / OK Black on grey Yellow Black on yellow
L limit exceeded / OK Black on grey Yellow Black on yellow
LL limit exceeded / OK Black on grey Red White on red
Live Zero / Bad Quality White on red Black Yellow on black

Additional indications:

Status / Text Display Text Presentation Icon Display

No dedusting Black on yellow Additional element
Different material Black on yellow Additional element
Substitution value Black on yellow Additional element
Last valid value Black on yellow Additional element

Also refer to the Variable details.

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 47
Module states

Storage Module C_STORAG

48 Function Manual, 07/2016
Operator Commands 6
Refer to the Variable details for the assignment of the command word COMMAND.
In case the block receives two commands in the same CPU cycle, the command from interface
COMMAND has higher priority.
Operator commands are restricted by the following criteria:
● Feature bit settings:
Via feature bits the complete function can be enabled or disabled.
● OS PermissionLog:
Via OS Permission it can be decided to allow or not to allow operator action.
The OS PermissionLog is build dependent on the OS Permissions and the actual status of
the object. (Example: Group start is enabled via OS Permission, but if the group is already
running completely the OS_PermLog = FALSE and the button “start” is disabled).
● Operation authorization levels
Via WinCC User Administration Operation authorization levels are defined. Each user gets
the permission to operate certain levels in certain areas.
The currently logged in user can carry out any operation belonging to this level.
● The Operation authorization level for each type of operation is defined at the block
parameters in the CFC and can be modified. This allows modular (instance specific)
adjustments for individual operator commands.
If additional authorization levels are defined in WinCC, operation can be permitted to
restricted personnel only.
The following table shows the Operator commands for C_STORAG and the required settings:

OS Commands Feature Bit

Block Param‐
Mode Switch to automatic mode 5 AutModOn
Change Force to Out of Service mode 23 OoSModOn
Simulation 15 24 SimPV
Locked 0 24 StoLocked
Analog val‐ Value HH limit 20 19 HH_Lim
ues Value H limit 21 18 H_Lim
Value L limit 26 18 L_Lim
Value LL limit 27 19 LL_Lim

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 49
Operator Commands

OS Commands Feature Bit

Block Param‐
Process Pa‐ Time delay live zero 31 22 LZDelTi
rameter Delay for Dedusting 31 22 DedDelTi
Material Quantity charge 31 22 MQ_IN
Material Quantity discharge 31 22 MQ_Out
Height 31 22 Height
Width 31 22 StoWidth
Length 31 22 Length
StoDiam 31 22 StoDiam
Capacity 31 22 Capacity
Assigned Storage Material 31 22 Material
Actual charge Material 31 22 ChargMat
Material quality 31 22 MQ_Out
Batch name 31 22 Batchname
Batch ID 31 22 BatchID

Storage Module C_STORAG

50 Function Manual, 07/2016
Feature Bits 7
Via Feature bits certain functions of the CEMAT block can be enabled and disabled and the
behavior of the block can be configured.
The bits in structure Feature and FeatureOut are used as follows:

BitNr. Function/Features Default value

0 Storage locked TRUE
22 Write quality code ST_Worst to module output FALSE
24 Local authorization active (OP Station perm. needed) FALSE
26 GR_LINK Interface used for mode feedback from C_STORAG FALSE

A detailed description of the individual Feature bits can be found in the chapters above.

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 51
Feature Bits

Feature bits of block C_STORAG can be modified at any time, but we recommend switching
the block to Out of Service mode.

Do not connect any logic to input Feature

Storage Module C_STORAG

52 Function Manual, 07/2016
OS Permissions 8
Via OS Permissions operator actions can be enabled or disabled.
The bits in OS_Perm, OS_PermOut and OS_PermLog are used as follows:

BitNr. Function/OS Permission Default value

4 1 = Operator can change to Storage locked TRUE
15 1 = Operator can change to simulation TRUE
20 1 = Operator can enter HH Limit TRUE
21 1 = Operator can enter H Limit TRUE
26 1 = Operator can enter L Limit TRUE
27 1 = Operator can enter LL Limit TRUE
31 1 = Operator can modify process parameters TRUE

A detailed description of the individual OS Permission bits can be found in the chapters above.

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 53
OS Permissions

OS Permissions of block C_STORAG can be modified at any time, but we recommend

switching the block to Out of Service mode.

Do not connect any logic to input OS_Perm.

Storage Module C_STORAG

54 Function Manual, 07/2016
I/O-bar of C_STORAG 9

Name Description Format Default Type Attr. HMI

StoType 1=normal, 2=multi, 3=stock pile, 4=tank INT 1 I +
APF_ACT APF data structure in use BOOL 0 I
GroupON group is completely running BOOL 0 I
StoLocked Storage locked BOOL 0 I +
Interlock Storage interlock BOOL 1 I
ChargOn charging is running BOOL 0 I
DisChaOn discharging is running BOOL 0 I
HomogOn homogenizing is running BOOL 0 I
StoEmpty Storage external empty signal BOOL 1 I
StoFull Storage external full signal BOOL 1 I
DedustOn dedusting is running BOOL 0 I
DiffMat different material BOOL 0 I
DynFltEn 1 = Enable dynamic Fault BOOL 1 I
AutModOn 1 = switch to automatic mode BOOL 0 I U +
OoSModOn 0 = force to out of Service mode BOOL 1 I U +
MsgEn 1 = enable messages BOOL 1 I
GrFltLck 1 = don't include in group summarizing indica‐ BOOL 0 I U
GrStaLck 1 = don't include in group summarizing ind. + BOOL 0 I U
status call
Ack 1 = Acknowledge (additional) BOOL 0 I U
PV Process value STRUCT I
PV.Value Value REAL 0.0 I U +
PV.ST Signal Status BYTE 16#FF I U
SimPV PV simulation value from OS REAL 0.0 I +
HH_Lim Value HH limit REAL 100.0 I +
H_Lim Value H limit REAL 100.0 I +
L_Lim Value L limit REAL 0.0 I +
LL_Lim Value LL limit REAL 0.0 I +
LZDelTi Time delay Live Zero INT 3 I +
Hysteres Hysteresis REAL 0.0 I +
Height storage height REAL 0.0 I +
StoWidth storage width REAL 0.0 I +
Length storage length REAL 0.0 I +
StoDiam storage diameter REAL 0.0 I +

Storage Module C_STORAG

Function Manual, 07/2016 55
I/O-bar of C_STORAG

Name Description Format Default Type Attr. HMI

Capacity Storage capacity REAL 0.0 I +
StoHour Storage hours to full or empty REAL 0.0 I +
ScaleLo Start of scale REAL 0.0 I +
DedDelTi time delay dedusting INT 10 I +
ChambNo chamber number (only for StoType = 2) INT 0 I +
MatQuali material quality INT 1 I +
MQ_IN charging material quantity STRUCT I
MQ_IN.Value Value REAL 0.0 I U +
MQ_IN.ST Signal Status BYTE 16#FF I U
MQ_OUT discharging material quantity STRUCT I
MQ_OUT.Value Value REAL 0.0 I U +
MQ_OUT.ST Signal Status BYTE 16#FF I U
MQ_UNIT unit STRING '%' I +
Material assigned material STRING ' ' I +
ChargMat charging material STRING ' ' I +
ASMatCl Material class storage INT -1 I U +
ASMatTy Material type storage INT -1 I U +
ASMat Material storage INT -1 I U +
ASStoCl Storage class INT -1 I U +
ASStora Storage INT -1 I U +
SelFp1 Call User Faceplate ANY I U
BatchEn Enable Remote Operation of Controller by Batch BOOL 0 I U
BatchID Current Batch ID (number) DWORD 16#0000000 I U +
BatchName Current Batch Name STRING '' I U +
MSG8_EVID1 Message-ID 1 DWORD 16#000000A I U
MSG8_EVID2 Message-ID 2 DWORD 16#000000A I U
COMMAND Commando Word WORD 16#0000 I U +
OS_Perm Operator Permissions STRUCT I U
OS_Perm.Bit0 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit1 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit2 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit3 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit4 1 = Operator can change to Storage locked BOOL 1 I U
OS_Perm.Bit5 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit6 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit7 Spare BOOL 0 I U

Storage Module C_STORAG

56 Function Manual, 07/2016
I/O-bar of C_STORAG

Name Description Format Default Type Attr. HMI

OS_Perm.Bit8 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit9 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit10 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit11 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit12 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit13 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit14 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit15 1 = Operator can change to simulation BOOL 1 I U
OS_Perm.Bit16 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit17 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit18 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit19 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit20 1 = Operator can enter HH_Lim BOOL 1 I U
OS_Perm.Bit21 1 = Operator can enter H_Lim BOOL 1 I U
OS_Perm.Bit22 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit23 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit24 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit25 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit26 1 = Operator can enter L_Lim BOOL 1 I U
OS_Perm.Bit27 1 = Operator can enter LL_Lim BOOL 1 I U
OS_Perm.Bit28 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit29 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit30 Spare BOOL 0 I U
OS_Perm.Bit31 1 = Operator can modify process parameters BOOL 1 I U
OpSt_In Enabled operator station DWORD 16#00 I U
Feature Status of various features STRUCT I U
Feature.Bit0 Storage locked BOOL 1 I U
Feature.Bit1 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit2 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit3 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit4 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit5 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit6 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit7 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit8 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit9 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit10 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit11 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit12 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit13 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit14 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit15 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit16 Spare BOOL 0 I U

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I/O-bar of C_STORAG

Name Description Format Default Type Attr. HMI

Feature.Bit17 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit18 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit19 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit20 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit21 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit22 Write quality code ST_Worst to module output BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit23 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit24 Local authorization active (OP Station perm. BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit25 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit26 GR_LINK interface used for mode feedback BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit27 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit28 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit29 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit30 Spare BOOL 0 I U
Feature.Bit31 Spare BOOL 0 I U
GR_LINK1 Link to group or route STRUCT I
GR_LINK1.Link Link INT 0 I U
GR_LINK1.Com Group/ route command WORD 16#00 I U
GR_LINK2 Link to group or route STRUCT I
GR_LINK2.Link Link INT 0 I U
GR_LINK2.Com Group/ route command WORD 16#00 I U
MUX_LINK.Poin Pointer INT 0 I U
MUX_LINK.Com Group/ route command WORD 16#00 I U
CHA_OUT.STA‐ STATUS Interface to OS DWORD 16#0000000 O U
CHA_OUT.PV_ Process Value (Analog Output) REAL 0.0 O U
CHA_OUT.PV_ Process Value Signal Status BYTE 16#80 O U
CHA_OUT.PV_ Process Value Unit STRING '%' O U
Stat_UNIT [8]
CHA_OUT.PV_ Process Value Status DWORD 16#0000000 O U
CHA_OUT.V_H Value HH limit REAL 0.0 O U
CHA_OUT.V_H_ Value H limit REAL 0.0 O U
CHA_OUT.V_L_ Value L limit REAL 0.0 O U

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I/O-bar of C_STORAG

Name Description Format Default Type Attr. HMI

CHA_OUT.V_LL Value LL limit REAL 0.0 O U
CHA_OUT.HEIG storage height REAL 0.0 O U
CHA_OUT.WID storage width REAL 0.0 O U
CHA_OUT.LEN storage length REAL 0.0 O U
CHA_OUT.DI‐ storage diameter REAL 0.0 O U
CHA_OUT.CA‐ Storage capacity REAL 0.0 O U
CHA_OUT.STO Storage hours to full or empty REAL 0.0 O U
CHA_OUT.SCB Start of scale REAL 0.0 O U
CHA_OUT.DD_ time delay dedusting INT 10 O U
CHA_OUT.S_C chamber number (only for StoType = 2) INT 0 O U
CHA_OUT.Q_M material quality INT 1 O U
CHA_OUT.MQ_I Material quantity IN Value (Analog Output) REAL 0.0 O U
CHA_OUT.MQ_I Material quantity IN Status BYTE 16#80 O U
CHA_OUT.MQ_ Material quantity OUT Value (Analog Output) REAL 0.0 O U
CHA_OUT.MQ_ Material quantity OUT Status BYTE 16#80 O U
CHA_OUT.MQ_ Material quantity Unit STRING '%' O U
UNIT [8]
CHA_OUT.MA‐ assigned material STRING '' O U
CHA_OUT.CA_ charging material STRING '' O U
MAT [32]
STATUS Interface to OS DWORD 16#0000000 O U +
PV_Out Process Value (Analog Output) STRUCT O
PV_Out.Value Value REAL 0.0 O U +
PV_Out.ST Signal Status BYTE 16#80 O U +
PV_Stat Analog Output Status + Unit STRUCT O
PV_Stat.UNIT Unit STRING '%' O U +
PV_Stat.STA‐ Status DWORD 16#0000000 O U +
HH_LimQ Value HH limit Out REAL 0.0 O U
H_LimQ Value H limit Out REAL 0.0 O U

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I/O-bar of C_STORAG

Name Description Format Default Type Attr. HMI

L_LimQ Value L limit Out REAL 0.0 O U
LL_LimQ Value LL limit Out REAL 0.0 O U
MV_I Measured Value Input STRUCT O U
MV_I.Value Value REAL 0.0 O U +
MV_I.ST Signal Status BYTE 16#80 O U +
ALARM For test WORD 16#00 O U
DelayCon Delay Counter INT 0 O U +
FeatureOut Feature word to OS DWORD 16#00 O U +
OS_PermOut Operator Permissions to OS DWORD 16#00 O U +
OS_PermLog Operator Permissions: Output for OS DWORD 16#FFFFFFF O U +
OpSt_Out Enabled Operator Stations DWORD 16#00 O U +
Ready Storage ready to fill BOOL 0 O
PV_HH Overshoot limit HH BOOL 0 O
PV_H Overshoot limit H BOOL 0 O
PV_L Undershoot limit L BOOL 0 O
PV_LL Undershoot limit LL BOOL 0 O
LZ Live zero BOOL 0 O
DedFlt dedusting fault BOOL 0 O
DynFlt dynamic fault (not acknowledged) BOOL 0 O
Fault Fault BOOL 0 O
SimActQ 1 = Simulation activated BOOL 0 O U
ReadAPF Read APF Input Values BOOL 0 O
ST_Worst Worst Signal Status BYTE 16#80 O U +
ErrorNum Error Number INT -1 O +

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OS-Variable table 10

OS Variable Description PLC Data Type OS Data Type

StoType 1=normal, 2=multi, 3=stock pile, INT Signed 16-bit value
StoLocked Storage locked BOOL Binary variable
AutModOn 1 = switch to automatic mode BOOL Binary variable
OoSModOn 0 = force to out of Service mode BOOL Binary variable
PV#Value Value REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
SimPV PV simulation value from OS REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
HH_Lim Value HH limit REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
H_Lim Value H limit REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
L_Lim Value L limit REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
LL_Lim Value LL limit REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
LZDelTi Time delay Live Zero INT Signed 16-bit value
Hysteres Hysteresis REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
Height storage height REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
StoWidth storage width REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
Length storage length REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
StoDiam storage diameter REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
Capacity Storage capacity REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
StoHour Storage hours to full or empty REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
ScaleLo Start of scale REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
DedDelTi time delay dedusting INT Signed 16-bit value
ChambNo chamber number (only for StoType INT Signed 16-bit value
= 2)
MatQuali material quality INT Signed 16-bit value
MQ_IN#Value Value REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
MQ_OUT#Value Value REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
MQ_UNIT unit STRING [8] Text variable 8-bit character set
Material assigned material STRING [32] Text variable 8-bit character set
ChargMat Charging material STRING [32] Text variable 8-bit character set
ASMatCl Material class storage INT Signed 16-bit value
ASMatTy Material type storage INT Signed 16-bit value
ASMat Material storage INT Signed 16-bit value
ASStoCl Storage class INT Signed 16-bit value
ASStora Storage INT Signed 16-bit value
BatchID Current Batch ID (number) DWORD Unsigned 32-bit value
BatchName Current Batch Name STRING [32] Text variable 8-bit character set
COMMAND Command word INT Unsigned 16-bit value

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OS-Variable table

OS Variable Description PLC Data Type OS Data Type

STATUS Interface to OS DWORD Unsigned 32-bit value
PV_Out#Value Value REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
PV_Out#ST Signal Status BYTE Unsigned 8-bit value
PV_Stat#UNIT Unit STRING [8] Text variable 8-bit character set
PV_Stat#STATUS Status DWORD Unsigned 32-bit value
MV_I#Value Value REAL 32-bit floating-point number IEEE 754
MV_I#ST Signal Status BYTE Unsigned 8-bit value
DelayCon Delay Counter INT Signed 16-bit value
FeatureOut Status of various features DWORD Unsigned 32-bit value
OS_PermOut Operator Permissions DWORD Unsigned 32-bit value
OS_PermLog Operator Permissions: DWORD Unsigned 32-bit value
Output for OS
OpSt_Out Enabled operator stations DWORD Unsigned 32-bit value
ST_Worst Worst Signal Status BYTE Unsigned 8-bit value
ErrorNum Error Number INT Signed 16-bit value

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62 Function Manual, 07/2016
Variable details 11
11.1 Variable details COMMAND
Internal structure of the Commands, Alarms and Visualization status:

Parameter Function OS-Addr. Designation Msg Class Fault Class

COMMAND Commandword
COM_B20 SimOn 0 Simulation ON/OFF Op. Inp.
COM_B21 1
COM_B22 2
COM_B23 3
COM_B24 4
COM_B25 5
COM_B26 Auto_On 6 Automatic ON Op. Inp
COM_B27 7
COM_B10 Ackn 8 single acknowledge
COM_B11 9
COM_B12 10
COM_B13 11
COM_B14 Lock 12 Lock Storage Op. Inp
COM_B15 AFP 13 Read APFData Value Op. Inp
COM_B16 OoS_On 14 Out of Service Op. Inp
COM_B17 15

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Variable details
11.2 Variable details MSG8_EVID

11.2 Variable details MSG8_EVID

Internal structure of the Commands, Alarms and Visualization status:

Parameter Function OS-Addr. Designation Msg Class Fault Class

MSG8_EVID1 Alarm
ALA_HH SIG1 0 HH Limit @1%-1.2f@ @5%s@ AL_H P
ALA_H SIG2 1 H Limit @2%-1.2f@ @5%s@ WA_H P
ALA_L SIG3 2 L Limit @3%-1.2f@ @5%s@ WA_L P
ALA_LL SIG4 3 LL Limit @4%-1.2f@ @5%s@ AL_L P
ALA_LZ SIG5 4 Bad Quality AL_H E
ALA_SL SIG6 5 Storage locked AL_H P
ALA_SF SIG7 6 Storage full AL_H P
ALA_SE SIG8 7 Storage empty AL_H P
MSG8_EVID2 Alarm
ALA_MA SIG1 0 Different Material WA_H P
ALA_DW SIG2 1 No dedusting warning WA_H P
ALA_DA SIG3 2 No dedusting switch off AL_H P
ALA_HOMO SIG4 3 Homogenization on OP P
ALA_CAS SIG5 4 Storage charging start OP P
ALA_CAO SIG6 5 Storage charging stop OP P
ALA_DISS SIG7 6 Storage discharge start OP P
ALA_DISO SIG8 7 Storage discharge stop OP P

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Variable details
11.3 Variable details STATUS

11.3 Variable details STATUS

Internal structure of the Commands, Alarms and Visualization status:

Parameter Function OS-Addr. Designation Msg Class Fault Class

STA_B40 Diff. Material 0 Different Material
STA_B41 No dedusting 1 No dedusting
STA_B43 H 3 H
STA_B44 L 4 L
STA_B46 LINK 6 GR_LINK1 connected
STA_B47 STRC 7 PV connected
STA_B30 RELAPF 8 Enable APF Faceplate
STA_B31 Ready 9 Storage ready to fill up
STA_B32 MultiChamb 10 Multi Chamber enable
STA_B33 LZ 11
STA_B34 DynFltEn 12 Enable dynamic fault
STA_B35 MsgEn 13 Enable messages
STA_B36 GrFltLck 14 Fault interlock to the group
STA_B37 GrStaLck 15 Group fault / status off
STA_B20 locked 16 Storage locked
STA_B21 interlocked 17 Storage interlocked
STA_B22 Fill 18 Fill
STA_B23 Discharge 19 Discharge
STA_B24 Full 20 Storage full
STA_B25 empty 21 Storage empty
STA_B26 HOMO aktiv 22 Homogenisierung aktiv
STA_B27 SIMUL 23 Simulation
STA_B10 MARK 24 Highlight object (group command)
STA_B11 Fault n. Ackn. 25 Storage Fault acknow.
STA_B12 Fault acknow. 26 Storage Fault n. Ackn.
STA_B13 LW 27 Last valid value
STA_B14 SUB 28 Substitution value
STA_B15 SQIT 29 Acknowledge (additional)
STA_B16 DDTR 30 Dedusting time is running
STA_B17 FTIMN 31 Fill up time negative

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Variable details
11.4 Variable details PV_STAT#STATUS

11.4 Variable details PV_STAT#STATUS

Internal structure of the Commands, Alarms and Visualization status:

Parameter Function OS-Addr. Designation Msg Class Fault Class

PV_STAT# Status
STA2_B40 HH 0 MV > upper limit 2
STA2_B41 H 1 MV > upper limit 1
STA2_B42 L 2 MV < lower limit 1
STA2_B43 LL 3 MV < lower limit 2
STA2_B44 ULZ 4 Live Zero
STA2_B45 5
STA2_B46 6
STA2_B47 7
STA2_B30 8
STA2_B31 9
STA2_B32 10 Automatic enabled
STA2_B33 11 Out of service enabled
STA2_B34 OOS 12 Out of Service mode
STA2_B35 Auto 13 Automatic mode
STA2_B36 Locked 14 Storage locked
STA2_B37 15
STA2_B20 DRV 16 Connected to a driver
STA2_B21 LVV 17 Last valid value
STA2_B22 SUB 18 Substitution value
STA2_B23 SIM 19 Simulation ON
STA2_B24 20
STA2_B25 21
STA2_B26 22
STA2_B27 STRC 23 PV connected
STA2_B10 24
STA2_B11 25
STA2_B12 UST 26 Fault not acknowledged
STA2_B13 27
STA2_B14 28
STA2_B15 29
STA2_B16 IfAuto 30 Automatic mode
STA2_B17 IfOOS 31 Out of Service mode

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