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Contents i

Machine Tool Design and

Numerical Control
Third Edition
ii Contents

About the Author

Dr. N. K. Mehta retired as Professor from IIT Roorkee (former University of
Roorkee) in 2010 after serving in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering for almost 40 years. He also served as Counselor (Science and
Technology) at the Embassy of India in Moscow from 1995 to 1998.
Dr. Mehta has done extensive research in the areas of Machine Tool Design,
Machining Science and Computer aided Manufacturing. He has more than 120
research papers to his credit and has supervised 12 PhD Thesis and over 50
M Tech dissertations. In addition, Dr. Mehta was Translation Editor of the Soviet
Journal of Structural Mechanics and Design of Structures for four years and has
translated nine text books and monographs in English. He was also the Conve-
nor of the First International and Twenty second AIMTDR Conference in 2006.
Dr. Mehta’s contribution to teaching and research has been widely acknowledged and he has been the recipi-
ent of numerous awards and honours such as G. C. Sen Memorial Prize for Best Research Paper at the Tenth
AIMTDR conference in 1982, the A. N. Khosla Research Prize and silver medal in 1984, Member Program
Advisory Committee of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics of the Department of Science and Technol-
ogy, Govt. of India and Member Core Advisory Group of R&D in Machine Tool sector constituted by the
Contents iii

Machine Tool Design and

Numerical Control
Third Edition

N K Mehta
Formerly Professor
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited


New Delhi New York St Louis San Francisco Auckland Bogotá Caracas
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San Juan Santiago Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto
iv Contents

Tata McGraw-Hill
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Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control (3e)

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Contents v

In Memory
My Parents
Contents vii


About the Author ii

Preface xi


1.1 Working and Auxiliary Motions in Machine Tools 1
1.3 Machine Tool Drives 19
1.4 Hydraulic Transmission and Its Elements 23
1.5 Mechanical Transmission and Its Elements 34
1.6 Technico-economical Prerequisites for Undertaking the Design of a New Machine Tool 52
1.7 General Requirements of Machine Tool Design 54
1.8 Engineering Design Process Applied to Machine Tools 57
1.9 Layout of Machine Tool 60
Review Questions 65
References 67


2.1 Aim of Speed and Feed Rate Regulation 68
2.2 Stepped Regulation of Speed: Design of Speed Box 69
2.3 Design of Feed Box 90
2.4 Machine Tool Drives Using Multiple-speed Motors 95
2.5 Special Cases of Gear Box Design 98
2.6 General Recommendaitions for Developing the Gearing Diagram 105
2.7 Determining the Number of Teeth of Gears 108
2.9 Stepless Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 124
2.10 Kinematics of Machine Tools 140
Review Questions 163
References 166


3.1 Functions of Machine Tool Structures and their Requirements 167
3.2 Design Criteria for Machine Tool Structures 167
viii Contents

3.3 Materials of Machine Tool Structures 170

3.4 Static and Dynamic Stiffness 175
3.6 Basic Design Procedure of Machine Tool Structures 188
3.7 Design of Beds 197
3.8 Design of Columns 213
3.9 Design of Housings 216
3.10 Design of Bases and Tables 219
3.11 Design of Cross Rails, Arms, Saddles and Carriages 221
3.12 Design of Rams 222
3.13 Model Technique in Design of Machine Tool Structures 224
Review Questions 228
References 231


4.1 Functions and Types of Guideways 233
4.2 Design of Slideways 234
4.3 Design Criteria and Calculations for Slideways 243
4.4 Guideways Operating under Liquid Friction Conditions 251
4.5 Design of Aerostatic Slideways 265
4.6 Design of Anti-friction Guideways 267
4.7 Combination Guideways 273
4.8 Protecting Devices for Slideways 274
4.9 Design of Power Screws 276
Review Questions 285
References 287


5.1 Functions of Spindle Unit and Requirements 288
5.2 Materials of Spindles 289
5.3 Effect of Machine Tool Compliance on Machining Accuracy 290
5.4 Design Calculations of Spindles 294
5.5 Anti-friction Bearings 303
5.6 Sliding Bearings 310
Review Questions 332
References 333
Contents ix


6.1 Machine Tool Elastic System-cutting Process Closed-loop System 335
6.2 General Procedure for Assessing Dynamic Stability
of Ees—Cutting Process Closed-Loop System 336
6.3 Dynamic Characteristics of Elements and Systems 339
6.4 Dynamic Characteristic of the Equivalent Elastic System 340
6.5 Dynamic Characteristic of the Cutting Process 352
6.6 Stability Analysis 366
6.7 Forced Vibrations of Machine Tools 378
Review Questions 383
References 385


7.2 Control Systems for Changing Speeds and Feeds 386
7.3 Control Systems for Executing Forming and Auxiliary Motions 396
7.4 Manual Control Systems 397
7.5 Automatic Control Systems 410
7.6 Adaptive Control Systems 415
References 418


8.2 Manual Part Programming 440
8.3 Computer Aided Part Programming 465
Review Questions 486
References 493


9.1 Distributive Numerical Control (DNC-1) 495
9.2 Computer Numerical Control (CNC) 495
9.3 Machining Centres 498
9.4 Direct Numerical Control (DNC-2) 501
9.5 CNC Programming 504
Review Questions 538

Index 543
Contents xi


About the Book

The first edition of the book was published in 1984 under the title, Machine Tool Design, when the subject
was gaining popularity as a specialised course in engineering institutions in the country. The motivation for
writing the book was to provide a basic text for undergraduate students that would also serve as a useful
reference for postgraduate students and practicing engineers.
The revision of the book for the second edition published in 1996 was undertaken with the limited objec-
tive of incorporating the advances in numerical control in the intervening years. Therefore, the chapter on
‘Numerical Control of Machine Tools’ was substantially modified and a new chapter on Extensions of Nu-
merical Control – CNC, DNC, Machining Centers’ was added. To adequately, reflect the updated content, the
title of the book was changed to Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control.
In today’s ‘user-friendly age’, the revision for the third edition has been undertaken primarily to make the
book more reader friendly and the changes are mostly based on the feedback from the reviewers and a survey
carried out by the publisher.
The important new features of this edition are summarised below:
• A subsection on ‛Calculation of Machining Time’ has been added in Chapter 1. The highlight of this
section is the inclusion of calculation of machining time of grinding operations which is usually not
covered in text books.
• A major section on ‛Kinematics of Machines Tools’ has been added in Chapter 2, wherein the gearing
diagrams of lathe, drilling machine and milling machine have been discussed to give the reader a better
understanding of the finer practical aspects of gear box design. A new attractive feature of this section
is the discussion on thread cutting operation on lathe and operations using indexing head on milling
machine based on fundamental principles, as distinct from the usual thumb rule type approach in
most of the existing books. It is felt that this section will serve as useful base material for formulating
design projects and independent assignments for final year students of mechanical and production
engineering disciplines
• In the second edition the design procedure of machine tool gear boxes was terminating with the
calculation of gear teeth. This has been extended in the present edition, to its logical conclusion by
adding a subsection on ‛Determination of Shaft and Gear Dimensions’ in Chapter 2.
• A subsection on ‛Design of Lathe Bed’ has been added in Chapter 3 giving the detailed procedure
supported with a solved example to provide practical illustration of the theoretical aspects for one
specific case. This material will be helpful in formulating design projects and assignments not only for
beds of various machine tools but also for other structural elements of machine tools such as bases,
columns, tables etc.
• A large number of solved examples have been added, especially in Chapters 1–3 in support of the
elaboration of the new topics added in these chapters. In addition, new review questions have also
been added in almost all the chapters.
xii Contents

• A major curtailment has been undertaken in Chapter 8 on ‛Numerical Control of Machine Tools’.
Previous edition contained a detailed description of the hardware of NC technology spread over seven
subsections. Most of this technology has now become obsolete. It has, therefore, been thoroughly
condensed and retained in one subsection only to the extent necessary for understanding the
functioning/operation of NC machine tools.
• Enhanced pedagogy includes
Solved Examples: 25
Review Questions: 130
Computer Programs for NC, CNC and DNC: 12

Structure of the Book

The book is organised into 9 chapters. Chapter 1 is an introductory chapter that provides a review of the
concepts of working and auxiliary motions in machine tools and calculation of machining time of various
operations. It also gives an overview of the elements of hydraulic and mechanical transmissions employed
in machine tools. A section on layout of machine tools is unique to this book and is extremely relevant in the
context of increasing emphasis on modularity and reconfigurability in CNC machines.
Chapter 2 deals with the description of the laws of stepped regulation of speed and feed in machine tools
and goes on to provide in rigorous detail the procedures for the design of gear boxes for stepped control of
speed and feed, covering the whole gamut of issues from selecting the optimum structural diagram and speed
chart to the finalisation of gearing diagram and determination of shaft and gear dimensions. A separate sec-
tion is devoted to design of gear boxes with multiple speed motors and special gear boxes with overlapping
speeds, broken geometric progression, etc., which have been supported with multiple diagrams. Stepless
regulation of speed and feed rates by electrical, hydraulic and mechanical methods is discussed in great
detail. To strengthen the understanding of kinematics of machining operations, thread cutting on lathe and
operations using indexing head on milling machine are described from first principles, as distinct from the
thumb rule approach presented in most of the existing books.
In Chapter 3, the functions and requirements of the machine tool structures are discussed along with the
design criteria and their application to individual structural elements such as beds, bases, columns etc. As-
pects of design related to selection of the shape of structural elements and their strengthening with ribs and
stiffeners are discussed in detail with lot of supporting data. In view of the complexity of their configuration
and force system, it is seldom possible to analytically arrive at an exact design solution for structural elements
of machine tools. Model techniques are therefore an essential part of the validation of their design and the
fundamentals of these techniques are discussed at the end of the chapter.
The description of the functions and classification of guide ways are dealt in Chapter 4. The design cri-
teria of slideways are discussed and the detailed procedure of slideways design for stiffness and wear resis-
tance based on average and maximum pressure is presented. Selection of slideway profiles and techniques of
clearance adjustment and protection are presented and explained with the help of simple sketches. The design
of hydrodynamic guideways, hydrostatic guideways, aerostatic guideways and anti-friction guideways is
described in detail, supported with analysis as well as the relevant design data and curves. Design of sliding
friction and rolling friction power screws is also included in this chapter.
Chapter 5 discusses the functions and requirements of machine tool spindles and analyses the effect of the
compliance of spindles and their supports on machining accuracy. A major portion of this chapter is devoted
to the design of sliding bearings, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic journal bearings and aerodynamic and aero-
Preface xiii

static bearings, supported with analysis and the relevant design data and curves. Issues specific to machine
tools such as functional requirements, appropriate combinations of bearings for different machine tools and
pre loading of bearing are discussed in detail.
The thrust of Chapter 6 is to study the dynamic behaviour of a machine system for which the latter can
be looked upon as a closed loop system in which the machine tool elastic system (MTES) and cutting process
(CP) are the interacting elements. The dynamic cutting force models of Tlusty, Tobias and Kudinov are dis-
cussed and compared. Stability analysis of single and multiple degree of freedom systems with and without
mode coupling is described. Regenerative chatter and the response of MTES-CP system under forced vibra-
tions are also discussed. Dynamics of machine tools is a difficult topic, but by adopting a logical approach
based on fundamental principles of control theory, it has been made easy to understand.
Chapter 7 discusses the functions, requirements and classification of machine tool controls and goes on
to describe the speed and feed changing mechanisms with simple centralised control, preselective control
and selective control. For manual control systems, anthropometric and functional anatomy data has been sys-
tematically compiled for ergonomic design of control members such as push buttons, knobs, toggles, cranks,
levers, hand wheels, etc., and also for the location of displays and control members. The highlight of this
chapter is the detailed compilation of data for ergonomic design of control members which is not only unique
to this book but also sets it apart from any other text book on machine tool design.
Chapter 8 elaborates on the fundamental concepts of numerical control and classification of numerically
controlled machine tools. It provides an overview of the NC hardware technology to the extent necessary for
understanding the functioning and operation of NC machine tools. A major portion of this chapter is devoted
to manual part programming for point-to-point, positioning- cum-straight cut and continuous path systems.
The concept of computer aided part programming has been discussed and the APT programming system has
been covered in reasonable detail. Both the manual and APT part programming systems have been illustrated
with sample problems with step-by-step explanation of the part programs.
The concluding chapter, i.e., Chapter 9 deals with the extensions of numerical control, namely computer
numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools, machining centres and direct numerical control (DNC). A
major portion of this chapter is devoted to CNC part programming for machining centres as well as turning
centres. The programming concepts of tool diameter compensation, tool length off set, etc., are taken one at-
a-time and illustrated with suitable programming examples. Advanced programming features such as mirror
imaging and canned cycles are discussed and illustrated with complete programs for sample parts.
In addition, the present edition also contains new and improved solved examples, computer programs and
chapter-end review questions to help students understand the concepts in a better way.

I would like to thank my M.Tech student Ganesh Jagdale and Ph.D. student Vikas Upadhyay for their as-
sistance in collecting and collating the reference material and for agreeing to be the sounding boards who
helped me to fine tune the new material for this edition from the viewpoint of a student. I would like to take
this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to Shri Rajesh Kumar for typing the text and drawing the tech-
nical figures for the new material of this edition and for always being by my side and providing technical
and secretarial assistance to me over the years much beyond the call of duty. I would also like to thank the
following reviewers for reviewing this book:
xiv Contents

Dinesh Khanduja L. Bhaskara Rao

National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra Vellore Institute of Technology University,
Haryana Vellore Tamil Nadu

A. P. Harsha A. Venugopal
Institute of Technology, National Institute of Technology, Warangal
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi Andhra Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh

Ashish Banerjee T. Rangaswamy

Jadavpur University, Kolkata Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan
West Bengal Karnataka

I am especially thankful to the editorial team of Tata McGraw Hill for their sincere help and guidance during
the development of this book. I would like to personally thank Ms Harsha Singh, Ms Preyoshi Kundu and Mr

In the end, I must confess that the response received from the readers for the earlier editions is both hum-
bling and gratifying. I am grateful to them for their continuous support of my modest contribution to the
teaching and practise of machine tool design and numerical control. I sincerely hope that the changes incor-
porated in the current edition will add more value to the book and will continue to provide useful service to
students, teachers and practising engineers for many more years to come.

Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 1


The machine tool is a machine that imparts the required shape to a workpiece with the desired accuracy by
removing metal from the workpiece in the form of chips. In view of the extremely vast range of shapes that
are in practise imparted to various industrial components, there exists a very large nomenclature of machine

1. By the degree of automation into

(i) machine tools with manual control,
(ii) semi-automatic machine tools, and
(iii) automatic machine tools.
2. By weight into
(i) light-duty machine tools weighing up to 1 t,
(ii) medium-duty machine tools weighing up to 10 t, and
(iii) heavy-duty machine tools weighing greater than 10 t.
3. By the degree of specialisation into
(i) general-purpose machine tools—which can perform various operations on workpieces of differ-
ent shapes and sizes,
(ii) single-purpose machine tools—which can perform a single operation on workpieces of a par-
ticular shape and different sizes, and
(iii) special machine tools—which can perform a single operation on workpieces of a particular
shape and size.


For obtaining the required shape on the workpiece, it is necessary that the cutting edge of the cutting tool
should move in a particular manner with respect to the workpiece. The relative movement between the
workpiece and cutting edge can be obtained either by the motion of the workpiece, the cutting tool, or by a
combination of the motions of the workpiece and cutting tool. These motions which are essential to impart
the required shape to the workpiece are known as working motions
into two categories:
1. Drive motion or primary cutting motion
2. Feed motion
2 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Working motions in machine tools are generally of two types: rotary and translatory. Working motions of
some important groups of machine tools are shown in Fig. 1.1.

Fig. 1.1 Working motions for some machine tools

1. For lathes and boring machines

drive motion—rotary motion of workpiece
feed motion—translatory motion of cutting tool in the axial or radial direction
2. For drilling machines
drive motion—rotary motion of drill
feed motion—translatory motion of drill
3. For milling machines
drive motion—rotary motion of the cutter
feed motion—translatory motion of the workpiece
4. For shaping, planing, and slotting machines
drive motion—reciprocating motion of cutting tool
feed motion—intermittent translatory motion of workpiece
5. For grinding machines
drive motion—rotary motion of the grinding wheel
feed motion—rotary as well as translatory motion of the workpiece.

Besides the working motions, a machine tool also has provision for auxiliary motions. The auxiliary mo-
tions do not participate in the process of formation of the required surface but are nonetheless necessary to

clamping and unclamping of the workpiece, idle travel of the cutting tool to the position from where cutting is
to proceed, changing the speed of drive and feed motions, engaging and disengaging of working motions, etc.
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 3

In machine tools, the working motions are powered by an external source of energy (electrical or hydraulic
motor). The auxiliary motions may be carried out manually or may also be power-operated depending upon
the degree of automation of the machine tool. In general-purpose machine tools, most of the auxiliary mo-
tions are executed manually. On the other hand, in automatic machines, all auxiliary motions are automated
and performed by the machine tool itself. In between these two extremes, there are machine tools in which the
auxiliary motions are automated to various degrees, i.e., some auxiliary motions are automated while others
are performed manually.


mary cutting motion or drive motion is known as cutting speed, while the velocity of feed motion is known
as feed.
The cutting speed is denoted by v and measured in the units m/min. Feed is denoted by s and measured in
the following units:
1. mm/rev in machine tools with rotary-drive motion, e.g., lathes, boring machines, etc.,
2. mm/tooth in machine tools using multiple-tooth cutters, e.g., milling machines,
3. mm/stroke in machine tools with reciprocating-drive motion, e.g., shaping and planing machines, and
4. mm/min in machine tools which have a separate power source for feed motion, e.g., milling machines.

In machine tools with rotary primary cutting motion, the cutting speed is determined by the relationship,
p dn
v= m/min (1.1)
where d = diameter of workpiece (as in lathes) or cutter (as in milling machines), mm
n = revolutions per minute (rpm) of the workpiece or cutter
In machine tools with reciprocating primary cutting motion, the cutting speed is determined as
v= m/min (1.2)
where L = length of stroke, mm
Tc = time of cutting stroke, min
If the time of the idle stroke in minutes is denoted by Ti, the number of strokes per minute can be deter-
mined as
Tc + Ti
Generally, the time of idle stroke Ti is less than the time of cutting stroke; if the ratio Tc /Ti is denoted by
K, the expression for number of strokes per minute may be rewritten as
1 K
n= = (1.3)
Tc (1 + Ti /Tc ) Tc (1 + K )
4 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

minute may be written as follows:

n ◊ L ( K + 1)
v= (1.4)
The feed per revolution and feed per stroke are related to the feed per minute by the relationship,
sm = s ◊ n (1.5)
where sm = feed per minute
s = feed per revolution or feed per stroke
n = number of revolutions or strokes per minute
The feed per tooth in multiple-tooth cutters is related to the feed per revolution as follows:
s = sz ◊ Z (1.6)
where s = feed per revolution
sz = feed per tooth of the cutter
Z = number of teeth on the cutter
The machining time of any operation can be determined from the following basic expression:
Tm = min (1.7)
where Tm = machining time, min
L = length of machined surface, mm
sm = feed per minute

1.2.1 Calculation of Machining Time

sm is

l of a workpiece,
the actual tool travel is greater on account of the need to provide an approach of D1 for safe entry of tool (on
commencement of machining) and over travel of D2 for safe exit of tool (on completion of the machining
cut). Generally, D1 and D2 are taken equal to 2–3 mm. The difference in the formulae of machining time

corresponding tool travel. Hence, the calculation of tool travel for various operations is described below. In

II at the end of cut.

Operations on Lathe
(a) Turning operation on workpiece held between centres (Fig. 1.2)
length of tool travel L = l + D1 + D2 + D3
where l = length of workpiece
D1 = approach; generally equal to 2–3 mm
D2 = over travel; generally equal to 2–3 mm
D3 = t cot f; where t is depth of cut and f is principal or side cutting edge angle; for straight
edged tools f = 90°, hence D3 = 0
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 5



t f I
II s

D2 D1 D3

Fig. 1.2 Turning operation on workpiece supported between centres

(b) Turning operation on workpiece clamped in chuck (Fig. 1.3)

length of tool travel L = l + D1 + D3
where l = length of machined surface
D1 and D3 are the same as in turning of workpiece held between centres

l t



f I

D1 D3

Fig. 1.3 Turning operation on workpiece clamped in chuck

6 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

(c) Facing operation (Fig. 1.4)

length of tool travel L = D/2 + D1 + D2 + D3
where D = diameter of workpiece
D1 = approach; generally equal to 2–3 mm
D2 = over travel; generally equal to 1–2 mm is essential to ensure that a protruding stem is
not left attached to the face of the machined workpiece
D3 = t cot f; where t is depth of cut and f is principal or side cutting edge angle; for straight
edged tools f = 90°, hence D3 = 0
The length of tool travel for parting and grooving operations is determined in a similar manner.



n f L

D D3


Fig. 1.4 Facing operation

(d) Boring operation in partial length of workpiece; hole fd to be enlarged to fD (Fig. 1.5)
length of tool travel L = l + D1 + D3
where l = length of bore
D1 = approach; generally equal to 2–3 mm
D3 = t cot f; where t is depth of cut and f is principal or side cutting edge angle; for straight
edged tools f = 90°, hence D3 = 0
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 7



II s


D1 D3

Fig. 1.5 Boring operation in partial length of workpiece

(e) Boring operation in full length of workpiece; hole fd to be enlarged to fD (Fig. 1.6)
length of tool travel L = l + D1 + D2 + D3
where l = length of bore
D2 = over travel; generally equal to 2–3 mm
D1 and D3 are the same as in boring operation in partial length of workpiece


fd fD


D2 D1 D3

Fig. 1.6 Boring operation in full length of workpiece

8 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Example 1.1

Determine the machining time for turning a shaft from f 70 mm to f 64 mm over a length of 200 mm at
n = 600 rpm and s = 0.4 mm/rev. The turning tool has principal cutting edge angle f = 45°.
70 - 64
Depth of cut = = 3 mm
Length of travel L = 200 + t cot f + D1 + D2
Assuming D1 and D2 = 2 mm each
L = 200 + 3 ¥ 1 + 2 + 2 = 207 mm
Machining Time = = 0.8625 mm.
600 ¥ 0.4

Example 1.2

A ring has to be cut out from a pipe of outside diameter D = 100 mm and inside diameter d = 84 mm at
250 rpm and feed 0.14 mm/rev. Calculate the machining time.
Length of travel in a pipe cutting operation is

L= + D1 + D2
Assuming D1 = D2 = 2 mm
100 - 84
L= + 2 + 2 = 12
L 12
Machining time Tm = = = 0.342 mm.
n ◊ s0 250 ¥ 0.14

Operations on Drilling Machine Drilling operation (Fig. 1.7)

length of tool travel L = l + D1 + D2 + D3
where l = height of the workpiece
D1 = approach; generally equal to 2–3 mm
D2 = over travel; generally equal to 2–3 mm
D3 = (d/2) cot f, where d is drill diameter and 2f is the lip angle of the drill
The length of tool travel for counter boring and reaming operations can be determined in a similar manner.
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 9





l L



Fig. 1.7 Drilling operation

Example 1.3

Calculate the machining time for drilling a f 30 through hole in a 30 mm thick plate at a speed of 30 m/min
and feed 0.1 mm/tooth.
Length travel L = 30 + D1 + D2 + cot f
Assuming D1 = D2 = 2 mm and f = 60° (half of lip angle)
L = 30 + 2 + 2 + cot 60° = 42.66 mm
The rpm of the drill is
1000v 1000 ¥ 30 1000
n= = =
pd p ¥ 30 p
Feed per revolution of drill = 2 ¥ feed per tooth because a drill has two cutting teeth
Therefore, so = 2 ¥ 0.1 = 0.2 mm/rev
1000 200
Hence, feed per minute sm = ¥ 0.2 = , mm/min
p p
L 42.66
Machining time Tm = = = 0.67 min.
sm 200/p
10 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Operations on Milling Machine In all the milling operations described below.

D1 = approach; generally equal to 2–3 mm

D2 = over travel; generally equal to 2–3 mm
(a) Horizontal milling machine: Plain milling operation (Fig. 1.8)
length of cutter travel L = l + D1 + D2 + D3
where l = length of the workpiece

D3 = BC = OC 2 - OB 2 = R 2 - OB 2 = R 2 - ( R - t )2 = R 2 - ( R 2 + t 2 - 2 Rt )

= 2 Rt - t 2 = t (D - t)


O n


D2 l D1 D3

Fig. 1.8 Plain milling operation

(b) Vertical milling machine: Symmetrical face milling operation (Fig. 1.9)
length of cutter travel L = l + D1 + D2 + D3
where l = length of the workpiece
Ê Bˆ
D3 = AB = OA – OB = R – OC 2 - BC 2 = R – R 2 - Á ˜ = 0.5(D – D2 - B2 )
Ë 2¯
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 11

fD I

sz R


D2 l D3

Fig. 1.9 Symmetrical face milling operation

(c) Vertical milling machine: Asymmetrical face milling operation B > (Fig. 1.10)
length of cutter travel L = l + D1 + D2 + D3
where l = length of the workpiece
D3 = AB = OA2 - OB 2 = R 2 - ( B - R)2 = R 2 - R 2 - B 2 + 2 BR = B ( D - B)

l D3

D1 I

FD n

Fig. 1.10 Asymmetrical face milling operation, B >
(d) Vertical milling machine: Asymmetrical face milling operation B < (Fig. 1.11)
length of cutter travel L = l + D1 + D2 + D3
12 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

where l = length of the workpiece

D3 = AB = OA2 - OB 2 = R 2 - ( R - B)2 = R 2 - R 2 - B 2 + 2 BR = B ( D - B)


fD O

DZ l D3

Fig. 1.11 Asymmetrical face milling operation, B <

Example 1.4

A 200 mm long job is to be machined by a plain milling cutter of diameter D = 40 mm and 10 teeth. If the
cutting speed is 30 m/min and feed is 0.08 mm/tooth, calculate the machining time for a depth of cut of 4 mm.
Assume suitable approach and over travel.
Length of travel L = 200 + t ( D - t ) + D1 + D2
Assuming D1 = D2 = 2 mm each
L = 200 + 4(40 - 4) + 2 + 2 = 216 mm
The rpm of the milling cutter is
1000v 1000 ¥ 30
n= =
pD p ¥ 40
Feed per minute sm = sz ¥ z ¥ n
1000 ¥ 30
= 0.08 ¥ 10 ¥ = 191.0 mm/min
p ¥ 40
L 216
Machining time Tm = = = 1.13 min.
sm 191
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 13

Operations on Shaping Machine (Fig. 1.12)



n s

t f

B2 B3
D2 l D1 B

Fig. 1.12 Shaping operation

Machining time =
where B¢ = B + B1 + B2 + B3
B = width of workpiece
B1 = approach, generally equal to 2–3 mm
B2 = over travel, generally equal to 2–3 mm
B3 = t cot f; where t is depth of cut and f is principal or side cutting edge angle; for straight edged
tools f = 90°, hence D3 = 0
s = feed per stroke
The machining time of planing and slotting operations can be determined in a similar manner.

Example 1.5

A 100 mm wide and 200 mm long surface is to be machined on a shaper, using feed per stroke of 0.3 mm. If
the cutting speed is 20 m/min and the ratio of return time to cutting time is 1 : 1.25, calculate the time required
to machine the job. Assume suitable approach and over travel.
Strokes per minute of the shaper is
L ( K + 1)
14 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

For a job of length 200 mm, the typical stroke length will be approximately 20% greater. Hence,
L = 1.2 ¥ 200 = 240 mm
1000 ¥ 20 ¥ 1.25
Therefore, n = = 46.29 strokes/min.
240(1.25 + 1)
Correcting this value to the nearest available value available on the shaper, say 50 strokes/min and assum-
ing that the operation is carried out with a straight edged tool and that B1 = B2 = 2 mm each
100 + 2 + 2
Machining time Tm = B + B1 + B2 = = 6.934 min.
0.3 ¥ 50
Operations on Grinding Machine
(a) Cylindrical Grinding: External-Traverse cut (Fig. 1.13)
Grinding time T = K, min
nwp kBt
where L = length of workpiece
sl = kB mm/rev of workpiece is the longitudinal feed of the reciprocating motion of the
workpiece; k = 0.3 – 0.5 for rough grinding and Dwp < 20 mm, k = 0.7 – 0.85 for
rough grinding and Dwp ≥ 20 mm; k
h = allowance, mm;
t = sr = radial feed/stroke, mm is akin to depth of cut and is given intermittently
at the end of stroke, i.e., on traversing the length of the workpiece; typically
t = 0.01– 0.025 mm
nwp = rpm of the workpiece
B = width of the grinding wheel

Sr = t


h t



Fig. 1.13 External cylindrical grinding—traverse cut

Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 15

(b) Cylindrical grinding: external: Plunge cut (Fig. 1.14)

Grinding time T = K,
st nwp
where st = 0.0025 – 0.20 mm per revolution of workpiece is the transverse feed
h, nwp and K are the same as in traverse cut external grinding.



Fig. 1.14 External cylindrical grinding—plunge cut

(c) Cylindrical Grinding: Internal (Fig. 1.15)

Internal cylindrical grinding is carried out in two ways; with a rotating workpiece or a stationary
workpiece. In the latter case, the grinding wheel not only rotates about its own axis, but also executes
a planetary motion such that its centre moves along the planetary motion circle (PMC). This method
is employed for large workpieces.
Grinding time T = K, min for internal grinding with rotating workpiece
nwp kBt
Grinding time T = K, min for internal grinding with stationary workpiece
nPMC kBt
where L = length of workpiece
sl = kB mm/rev of workpiece is longitudinal feed; k = 0.4–0.8 for rough grinding and

sr = t = radial feed/double stroke, mm; typically t = 0.005–0.03 mm for rough grinding and

(double stroke), which explains the presence of 2L in the formula of machining time
16 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

nwp = rpm of the workpiece

nPMC = rpm of planetary motion of the grinding wheel
B = width of the grinding wheel
h = allowance, mm;

sr = t

h t




sr = t

h t




Fig. 1.15 Internal cylindrical grinding

(a) with rotating workpiece
(b) with stationary workpiece
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 17

(d) Surface grinding: Peripheral–Planer feed (Fig. 1.16)

Grinding time T = K, min;
sm kBt
where L = length of stroke; L = l + 10 mm, where l is length of workpiece
st = kB, mm/stroke is the transverse feed which is given at the end of stroke, i.e., on
traversing the length of the workpiece; k = 0.4–0.7 for rough grinding and 0.25–0.35

depth of cut and is given intermittently at the end of stroke, i.e., on traversing the
length of the workpiece
H = Bwp + B + 5 mm;
sm = feed of table, mm/min
h = allowance, mm


h t


l Bwp

Fig. 1.16 Peripheral surface grinding

(e) Surface grinding: Face–Planer feed (Fig. 1.17)

Surface grinding with the face of grinding wheel is generally carried out with grinding wheels having
diameter D greater than the width of the workpiece B. Therefore, the transverse feed st is not required
(see Fig. 1.17a).
If the feed in depth is given at the end of stroke, i.e., on traversing the length of the workpiece, then
grinding time is determined from the expression,
T= K; min
where L = l + D1 + D2 + D (see Fig. 1.17c)
If the feed in depth is given at the end of one complete to-and-fro stroke (double stroke), then
grinding time is determined from the expression,
18 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

T= K; min
where L = l + D1 + D2 + D3;
l = length of workpiece
D1 = approach; generally equal to 2–3 mm
D2 = over travel; generally equal to 2–3 mm

D3 = 0.5 (D – D 2 - B 2 ) as in symmetrical face milling (see Fig. 1.17b)

sm, t and h are the same as in peripheral surface grinding


h t




D3 D1 D2

l lI

D1 D2


Fig. 1.17 Face surface grinding

Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 19

Example 1.6

A f 40 and 210 mm long step is to be machined on a cylindrical grinding machine. Grinding wheel diameter
is 600 mm and its width 63 mm. Allowance is 0.2 mm and radial feed 0.005 mm per stroke. Transverse feed
(mm per revolution of work) sl = kB, where k = 0.3. If peripheral speed of the grinding wheel and workpiece
is 30 m/s and 35 m/min, respectively, determine the machining time.
Length of stroke of the table = 210 mm
1000vwp 1000 ¥ 35 875
rpm of the workpiece nwp = = =
p Dwp p ¥ 40 p
Allowance h = 0.2 mm
Longitudinal feed of reciprocating motion of workpiece sl = k ◊ B = 0.3 ¥ 63 = 18.9 mm/rev
Radial feed t = 0.005 mm/stroke
K = 1.4
Lh 210 ¥ 0.2
Machining time Tm = K= ¥ 1.4 = 2.22 min.
nwp sl t 875
¥ 18.9 ¥ 0.005


The machine tool drive is an aggregate of mechanisms that transmits motion from an external source to the
operative elements of the machine tool.
The external source of energy is generally a three-phase ac motor which has a rotary motion at its output
shaft. The rotary motion of the output shaft of the motor is transmitted to the operative element to provide
an appropriate working or auxiliary motion. When the required motion is rotary, the transmission takes place
through mechanisms that transfer rotary motion from one shaft to another. However, if a translatory motion
is required, the transmission invariably includes a mechanism for transforming rotary motion into translatory.
It is a general requirement for machine tool drives that they should have provision for regulating the speed
of travel of the operative elements. The regulation may be available in discrete steps or it may be stepless,
i.e., continuous. The former are known as stepped drives and the latter stepless.
Transmission of motion from the external source to the operative element can take place through mechani-
cal elements, such as gears, chains, belts, etc., or by means of hydraulic and electrical circuits. The drives
are correspondingly known as mechanical, hydraulic and electrical. Mechanical drives may be of stepped or
stepless type, but hydraulic and electrical drives are invariably stepless in nature.
It may be thus seen that a machine tool drive consists basically of
1. an electric motor, and
2. a transmission arrangement.
The procedure of selecting the electric motor will now be explained followed by a brief description of
the elements that constitute the transmission arrangement in mechanical and hydraulic drives. The detailed
design of the transmission arrangement will be discussed in Chap. 2.
20 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

1.3.1 Selection of Electrical Motor

As stated above, three-phase asynchronous ac motors (also known as induction motors) are generally used
as the source of power in machine tools. The power rating of the electric motor in general-purpose machine
tools is calculated by the formula
Nm = c kW (1.8)

where Nm = power rating of the electric motor, kW

Nc = total power required for removing metal, kW
The power spent on a cutting operation consists of the power required to overcome each component of
the cutting force. In general, the cutting force can be resolved into three mutually perpendicular components
Px, Py, and Pz. In a simple turning operation let Pz be the component of the cutting force coinciding with
the velocity vector, Px—the component coinciding with the direction of axial feed and Py—the component
coinciding with the direction of radial feed. Let the corresponding velocities be v, sx and sy, where v is the
cutting speed, sx the feed in the axial direction and sy the feed in the radial direction. The power required for
the cutting operation will be

Pz ◊ v Py ◊ s y ◊ n Px ◊ s x ◊ n
Nc = + + kW
60 ¥ 75 ¥ 1.36 60 ¥ 75 ¥ 1.36 ¥ 1000 60 ¥ 75 ¥ 1.36 ¥ 1000

the second
and third factors represent the power required for the feed motion in radial and axial directions, respectively.
In a cylindrical turning operation sy = 0, hence the second factor becomes zero. Also, the third factor is gener-

rating can be written as

Pz ◊ v
Nc = kW (1.9)
The value of Nc
requirements of the feed motion.
The value of h may be expressed as
h = h1 ◊ h2 ◊ h3 ◊ … ◊ hi
where h1, h2, h3, … hi -
ting motion from the motor to the operative element. These values for different transmissions and supports
are given in Table 1.1.
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 21

Table 1.1

Type of Transmission or Support

Belt drive with V-belt 0.96
Spur gear drive 0.98
Helical gear drive 0.97

Bevel gear drive 0.96

Ball or roller bearing 0.995

Crank and slider mechanism 0.90

Jaw clutch 0.95
Multiple-disc friction clutch operating in oil 0.90

h = 0.8–0.85 for machine tools with rotary

primary cutting motion and h = 0.6–0.7 for machine tools with reciprocating primary cutting motion.
The value of Nc for various cutting operations (for different cutting tool and workpiece materials) can be
determined from empirical formulae that are available in textbooks on the theory of metal cutting. The power
required for cutting should be calculated for the following conditions: rough machining of a soft material with
cemented carbide tool using maximum workpiece diameter (in lathes and boring machines), maximum cutter
diameter (in milling and drilling machines) and maximum stroke length (in shaping and planing machines).
On the basis of the calculated Nm value, a standard induction motor is selected having the nearest available
power rating that is equal to or slightly greater than the calculated value.
The selection of electric motors that work under conditions of variable loading is done by a different pro-
cedure2 which is explained below. This procedure is expedient for single purpose and special machine tools
that machine identical parts according to a set sequence of operations which is continuously repeated. An
example of such a loading is shown in Fig. 1.18.
The power rating of the motor is determined from considerations of permissible overloading and heating,
and the higher of the two values is taken for selecting the motor.

From Consideration of Overloading

N max
Nm = (1.10)
where Nmax = maximum power required in the whole cycle (N1, in the example of Fig. 1.18)
22 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control


t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t


Fig. 1.18 Variable loading cycle in which the motor temperature comes down to the ambient temperature

From Consideration of Heating The calculation of power rating from the consideration of heating
consists in determining an equivalent average load of constant value such that heating of the motor due to this
load is equal to the sum of heat due to individual load components of the variable loading cycle. The power
rating is determined by the expression
Ni2 ti
Neq = (1.11)
h i =1

where Neq = equivalent power rating

Ni = power required for ith sequence of the variable loading cycle
ti = duration of the ith sequence of the variable loading cycle
tc = cycle time
n = total number of sequences in the cycle
h =
In the variable loading cycle of Fig. 1.18, the time ratio of cutting and idle sequences of the cycle was
such that at the end of the cycle, the motor temperature came down to the temperature of the surrounding
atmosphere. However, the variable loading cycle may be such that the motor temperature tends to acquire a
more or less stable value higher than that of the surrounding atmosphere (Fig. 1.19). In such cases, it is pos-
sible to select a motor used for continuous loading based upon the equivalent power rating calculated from

on and off, and are characterised by the ratio,

e= ¥ 100
ton + toff
where ton = time during which motor remains switched on
toff = time during which motor remains switched off
Generally, standard motors are manufactured for e values of 15, 25, 40, and 60%.
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 23

The value of e according to the time of cutting and idle sequences in the variable loading cycle is deter-
mined as
ea = ¥ 100
tc + ti
In general, the ea value for a cycle differs from the standard value provided on the motor. Therefore, the
nearest standard value of est is selected and the power rating is determined from the expression,

1 e
Nm = Na a (1.12)
h e st

where Na = Neq / e a ; Neq being the equivalent power rating calculated for the given cycle from the consid-
eration of heating as discussed above.
In machine tools, electric motors are selected by this method for ea < 60%. For higher values of ea, the
motor is selected on the basis of the equivalent power rating from the consideration of heating.

N, q

ton toff

Fig. 1.19 Variable loading cycle in which the motor temperature acquires a stable value greater than the
ambient temperature


Hydraulic transmission is used in machine tools for providing rotary as well as translatory motion, although
the latter application is more common. Hydraulic transmission, as a rule, provides stepless regulation of the
speed and feed rate.
The functioning of a rotary hydraulic drive can be explained with the help of Fig. 1.20. The electric mo-
tor rotates the rotor of vane pump through gear pair Z1/Z2. During rotation, the pump sucks in oil from the
reservoir and delivers it under pressure to the hydraulic motor. The hydraulic motor is, in principle, another
vane pump mounted in the reverse manner, so that oil delivered under pressure rotates its vanes and hence the
rotor. From the output shaft of the hydraulic motor, rotary motion is transmitted to the machine-tool spindle
through a belt drive. A pressure value in the delivery line limits the maximum pressure at which oil is deliv-
ered to the hydraulic motor. The actual pressure can be read on the pressure gauge.
24 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Pressure Pressure
valve gauge
Pump Hydraulic

Motor drive

Fig. 1.20 Schematic diagram of a rotary hydraulic drive

The principle of operation of a translatory hydraulic drive is discussed below. The drive (Fig. 1.21) con-
sists of a gear pump which sucks oil from the reservoir and delivers it to the direction control value through
a throttle. The function of the throttle is to enable regulation of the speed of travel of the operative element.

hydraulic cylinder, moving the piston towards the left. The machine-tool table which is rigidly attached to
the piston is also moved leftwards. Oil from the left-hand chamber of the hydraulic cylinder returns to the
reservoir through the direction-control valve. It can be seen from Fig. 1.21 that the control-valve piston
is coupled to the operative element by means of a rocking lever. Therefore, the leftward movement of the
machine-tool table is accompanied by a movement of the control-valve piston in the same direction. The
leftward movement of the table stops when the control-valve piston comes to occupy the position shown by

piston rightwards, thus reversing the direction of translatory motion of the table. The hydraulic circuit has a
pressure valve to drain off excessive oil which does not pass through the throttle aperture.


control valve

Gear pump

Fig. 1.21 Schematic diagram of a translatory hydraulic drive

Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 25

From the description of simple rotary and translatory motion hydraulic drives, it may be concluded that
these drives are made up of individual elements and units which are appropriately joined into a circuit by
means of pipe lines. The important elements of a hydraulic transmission are:
1. Pumps
2. Hydraulic cylinders
3. Direction-control valves
4. Pressure valves
5. Throttles
These elements will now be dealt with to the extent necessary for a proper appreciation of their application
in machine tools. Besides these elements, the hydraulic circuits of machine tools include auxiliary elements,
Students are advised to consult a basic text on
hydraulics and hydraulic machines for a detailed insight into the functioning of the hydraulic equipment.
1. Pumps The pumps primarily serve the purpose of sucking oil and delivering it under pressure to various

and variable delivery pumps.

The constant delivery pumps generally employed in machine tools are gear pumps and vane pumps. The
working principle of a gear pump can be explained with the help of Fig. 1.22. The pump consists of a pair of
meshing gears of which the driving gear is directly coupled to an electric motor. The oil is sucked into the gap
between the meshing teeth on the suction side and squeezed out under pressure on the delivery side.

Fig. 1.22 Schematic diagram of a gear pump

The volume of oil delivered by a gear pump is given by the expression,

p d 0 (d e - d 0 )
Q= ◊ b ◊ n m3/min (1.13)
where d0 = pitch circle diameter of the gears, mm
de = addendum circle diameter of the gears, mm
26 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

b = width of gears, mm
n = rpm of the driving gear
The power rating of the motor required to run a pump is determined from the expression,

P ◊Q
N= kW (1.14)
6 ¥ 104hm ◊ hv
where p = pressure developed by the pump, N/m2
Q = volume of oil delivered by the pump, m3/min
hm hm = 0.7–0.9
hv = 0.7–0.8
The schematic diagram of a constant delivery vane pump is shown in Fig. 1.23. The rotor mounted on

reciprocate radially and complete two complete cycles of suction and delivery in one revolution of the rotor.
Pockets 1 and 2 serve for suction, and 3 and 4 for delivery.



a = 13°
S = 2.25

3 4

Fig. 1.23 Schematic diagram of a constant-delivery vane pump

The volume of oil delivered by a constant delivery vane pump is given by the expression,

2 Bn È ( r - r )t ◊ z ˘ 3
Q= p (r22 - r12 ) - 2 1 m /min (1.15)
9 Í cos a ˙˚
10 Î
where B = width of rotor, mm
n = rpm of rotor
r2 =
r1 =
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 27

t = thickness of vanes, mm
z = number of vanes
a = angle which the vane makes with the radius; generally a = 13°



Archimedian arc

Fig. 1.24 Profile of the stator of a constant-delivery vane pump

The variable delivery pumps commonly used in machine-tool hydraulic drives are vane pumps and radial
piston pumps.
The schematic diagram of a variable delivery vane pump is shown in Fig. 1.25. The vanes reciprocate in
radial slots of the rotor which is eccentrically mounted with respect to the stator. The rotor axis is generally

radial reciprocation of vanes is controlled by means of rollers, attached to the vanes, that move in an annular
guiding ring concentric with the stator. The volume of oil delivered by a variable delivery vane pump is given
by the expression,
Q = 9 [B(pD – tz) + 4pbd] m3/min (1.16)
where B = width of rotor, mm
n = rpm of rotor
e = eccentricity, mm
D = stator bore, mm
d = diameter of rollers, mm
b = width of annular guiding ring, mm
t = thickness of vanes, mm
z = number of vanes
28 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 1.25 Schematic diagram of a variable-delivery vane pump

The working principle of the radial piston pump is similar to that of the variable delivery vane pump. The
only difference is that the vanes are replaced by mini pistons, each of which reciprocates in its cylinder. The
manufacture of cylindrical sliding surfaces of pistons and cylinders is easier than that of rectangular vanes.

The volume of oil delivered by a radial piston pump may be determined by the expression,

p d 2ezn
Q= m3/min (1.17)
2 ¥ 109
where d = diameter of pistons, mm
e = eccentricity, mm
z = number of pistons
n = rpm of rotor
Gear pumps are used for pressures up to 100 kgf/cm2, vane pumps for pressures up to 25 kgf/cm2 and
piston pumps for pressures up to 140 kgf/cm2.
All pumps described above can in principle be used as hydraulic motors by reversing their operation.
However, in practice, only variable delivery vane pumps and radial piston pumps are used because they

2. Hydraulic Cylinders Hydraulic cylinders are used in hydraulic drives where translatory motion of the
operative element (generally of the machine-tool table) is required. A simple cylinder with the piston rod only
on one side (Fig. 1.26a) provides different piston velocities in two directions, while a double-end rod cylinder
(Fig. 1.26b) provides identical piston velocity in both directions.

Q=A◊v (1.18)
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 29

where Q = amount of oil fed to the cylinder per unit time, m3/min
A = effective area of cross section of the piston, m2
v = velocity of piston, m/min
The minimum pressure required to move the piston can be determined from the expression,
p= kg f/cm2
where P = resisting force, kgf
A = effective area of cross section of the piston, cm2



Fig. 1.26 Cylinders: (a) Single-piston rod type (b) Double-end rod type

3. Direction-control Valves
control valves are generally available in two design versions—with a rotary spool and with a sliding piston.
The working of a rotary, spool-type direction-control valve can be explained with the help of its schematic
diagram shown in Fig. 1.27. The valve is divided into two halves by a partition. The valve has four ports 1, 2,

1 4

3 2

Fig. 1.27 Schematic diagram of rotary, spool-type direction-control valve

30 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

3, 4, of which ports 1 and 2 are connected to the two chambers of the hydraulic cylinder, while ports 3 and 4

port 1 is connected to the pump and oil is delivered to the left-hand chamber of the cylinder; at the same time
the oil in the right-hand chamber of the cylinder is discharged into the reservoir through ports 2 and 4. When
the partition occupies the position, depicted in Fig. 1.27 by dotted lines, the port connections get reversed,
i.e., the pump gets connected to the right-hand chamber of the cylinder through port 2, while the oil in the
left-hand chamber is discharged into the reservoir through ports 1 and 4. The direction of travel of the piston
is thus reversed by shifting the partition from one position to the other.
The working of a four-way, two-position, piston-type direction-control valve was explained while discuss-

connected to the left- and right-hand chambers of the hydraulic cylinder, respectively. Port 3 is connected
to the pump line, while ports 4 and 5 are interconnected and serve for draining oil into the reservoir. In the

and the oil from the right-hand chamber is drained into the reservoir through ports 2 and 5. When the piston
occupies the position shown by dotted lines, port 2 gets connected to the pump line, thus delivering oil to the
right-hand chamber of the cylinder, while the oil in the left-hand chamber is drained back to the reservoir
through ports 1 and 4.

1 2

4 3 5

Fig. 1.28 Schematic diagram of a four-way, two-position, piston-type direction-control valve

A four-way, three-position, piston-type direction-control valve is schematically shown in Fig. 1.29. This

valve. When the valve piston is in the central position, all the ports are connected to each other and the oil
which is pumped into the valve returns to the reservoir without affecting any change in the position of the
hydraulic cylinder. When the valve piston occupies the extreme left position, oil is fed into the right-hand
chamber of the cylinder through port 2, as the draining port 5 is closed. Oil in the left-hand chamber is
drained back to the reservoir through ports 1 and 4. When the valve piston is shifted to the extreme right
position, draining port 4 gets closed and oil is delivered to the left-hand chamber of the cylinder through port
1; in this position oil from the right-hand chamber is drained through ports 2 and 5. In machine-tool hydraulic
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 31

systems, the sliding piston direction-control valves are used more extensively than rotary spool valves.
Two-position valves are used in machine tools in which machining operation is done in several passes, e.g.,
grinding machines. The three-position valves are used in single-pass machine tools, such as drilling and

in which machining of the workpiece is completed in one pass.

1 3 2

4 5

Fig. 1.29 Schematic diagram of a four-way, three-position, piston-type direction-control valve

4. Pressure Valves The function of pressure valves is to limit the pressure in a particular line of the hydrau-
lic circuit. Pressure valves are used as safety valves (as in Fig. 1.20) to protect the system against excessive
pressure and as bypass valves (as in Fig. 1.21) to drain off the excessive amount of oil. The basic design of
safety and bypass pressure valves is identical; however, design details differ on account of different func-
tional requirements of the two. Safety valves are not operated frequently, and therefore, they are designed
to be oil-tight when closed. On the other hand, bypass valves operate almost continuously, and therefore,
the design requirement for these valves is not oil tightness of joints but higher wear resistance of seals and
The simplest type of pressure valve is the ball or poppet valve which is shown in Fig. 1.30. The ball (or
poppet) is pressed against the opening by a spring, whose force can be regulated by means of a threaded
sleeve. When the pressure of oil coming through port 1 exceeds the spring pressure, the ball is raised and the
oil is drained back into the reservoir through ports 2 and 3. The ball or poppet valve is generally used only
as a safety valve. Its application as a bypass valve is not recommended as it suffers from serious drawbacks,
such as pressure pulsations and vibrations.
A spool-type pressure valve which has better performance characteristics is shown in Fig. 1.31. Ports 1
and 2 of the valve are connected to the pressure line, the former directly and the latter through a constricted
passage. Port 3 is connected to the reservoir. In the condition of equilibrium,
P + F = Ps + W
where P = force acting at the head end of the valve
F = friction force
Ps = spring force
W = weight of the spool
32 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control




Fig. 1.30 Schematic diagram of a ball-type pressure valve

When due to increase in the pressure, force P + F exceeds Ps + W, the spool gets displaced upwards and
port 1 gets directly connected to port 3, thus allowing excessive oil to be drained back to the reservoir and
resulting in a fall of pressure.

Ps F

3 1


Fig. 1.31 Schematic diagram of a spool-type pressure valve

A still better design of pressure valves is shown in Fig. 1.32. This valve is known as a piston-type pressure
valve or a compound relief valve. The pressure line is connected directly to the pilot end and the lower face
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 33

of piston by ports 1 and 2, respectively; it is also connected to the piston end by port 3 through a constricted
passage. Port 5 is connected to the reservoir. In the condition of equilibrium,
P0 + P1 + F = P2 + Ps1 + W
where P0 = force acting at the pilot-valve end
P1 = force acting on the lower face of the piston
F = friction force
P2 = force acting on the piston end
Ps1 = force of spring 1
W = weight of the piston and pilot
When the pressure in the line increases, the equilibrium gets disturbed and a resultant force begins to act
in the upward direction. As long as this resultant force Pr, is less than spring force Ps2 of the ball valve, the
piston remains stationary. However, when Pr > Ps2, the ball valve opens, pressure at the piston end drops, the

drained back to the reservoir and the line pressure drops.

Spool and piston-type pressure valves are used mostly as bypass valves. The piston-type pressure valve
has the ability to absorb minor pressure variations and is, therefore, the best from the point of view of pres-
sure pulsations and dynamic behaviour.

Pr P2
3 F


2 P1


Fig. 1.32 Schematic diagram of a compound-relief valve

5. Throttles

Flow-control valves or throttles which have provision for changing the area of the constricted passage are
34 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

schematic diagrams of a few of the simplest throttle valves are given in Fig. 1.33.

Disc Needle

(a) (b)

Fig. 1.33 Throttle valves: (a) Globe valve (b) Needle valve

In all these valves, the area of the constricted passage is varied by displacing a movable member; for
instance, the moving member in the globe valve (Fig. 1.33a) is a disc, and in the needle valve (Fig. 1.33b) a
needle. In simple valves of this type, changes in oil temperature and pressure go uncompensated. Therefore,

of the constricted passage. The chief aim of compensating for variations of oil pressure and temperature is to
provide uniform travel of the machine-tool operative element. This aspect has been dealt with in Sec. 2.9.1 in
which stabilisation of the motion velocity with the help of reducing valves has been discussed.


Mechanical transmission is employed for transmitting rotary as well as translatory motion to the operative
element. This transmission can provide both stepped and stepless regulation of speed and feed rates. Stepless
regulation is achieved through special devices called variators, which will be discussed in Sec. 2.9.3. A me-
chanical transmission that provides for stepped regulation of speed and feed rates is made up of elementary

into the following groups:

1. lementary transmissions that transfer rotation
2. lementary transmissions that transform rotary motion into translatory motion
3. Devices for intermittent motion
4. Reversing and differential mechanisms
5. Special mechanisms and devices
6. Couplings and clutches

1.5.1 Elementary Transmissions for Transmitting Rotary Motion

The important elementary transmissions which are used for transmitting rotary motion from one shaft to
another are described below.
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 35

Gear Transmission In a gear transmission, the rpm of the driven shaft is determined as
n2 = n1 ◊
where n2 = rpm of the driven shaft
n1 = rpm of the driving shaft
Z1 = number of teeth of the driving gear
Z2 = number of teeth of the driven gear
The ratio Z1/Z2 is known as the transmission ratio of the gear drive and is constant for a particular gear

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 1.34 Gears: (a) Spur (b) Helical (c) Herringbone

Rotation is transmitted between parallel shafts by means of spur, helical and herringbone gears (Fig. 1.34).
Spur gears have teeth parallel to the axis of rotation, while in helical gears the teeth are inclined with respect
to the axis of rotation at an angle known as the helix angle. The herringbone gear is essentially a pair of heli-
cal gears in which the helix angle is oppositely directed. Spur gears are used in sliding gear blocks, while
helical gears are preferred when the gear pairs are permanently in meshing.
Transmission of rotation between inclined intersecting axes is done with the help of bevel gears. A bevel
gear is shown in Fig. 1.35a. The angle between the inclined axes is generally 90° and the bevel-gear transmis-
sion (Fig. 1.35b) is commonly employed for transmitting rotation between perpendicular shafts.
Transfer of rotation between skewed axes, i.e., axes that are inclined to each other but do not intersect, is
achieved by means of a spiral gear transmission (Fig. 1.36a) or a worm-worm gear transmission (Fig. 1.36b).
The spiral gear transmission is characterised by point contact between the meshing gears, and therefore,
it cannot be employed for transmitting large torques. In machine tools, the worm-worm gear transmission
is commonly employed to achieve heavy speed reduction. Also, since the contact between the worm and
worm gear is along a line, this pair can transmit large torques. It should be noted that the worm-worm gear
36 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

transmission is irreversible and rotation may be transmitted from the worm to the worm gear, but not vice
versa. The worm is, in principle, a helical screw and the rpm of the worm gear can be determined by the

(a) (b)

Fig. 1.35 (a) Bevel gear (b) Bevel gear pair

(a) (b)

Fig. 1.36 (a) Spiral gear pair (b) Worm-worm gear pair
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 37

n2 = n1 ◊
where n2 = rpm of the worm gear
n1 = rpm of the worm
Z = number of teeth of the worm gear
k = number of passes of the worm
For a single pass worm, k = 1, for a double pass worm, k = 2.
If a transmission chain consists of a number of elementary gear transmissions connected in series, the
overall transmission ratio of the chain is obtained as the product of transmission ratios of the elementary
transmissions. In general, the transmission ratio of a gear drive may be > 1 (speed increase) or < 1 (speed
reduction), except the worm-worm gear transmission which always has a transmission ratio < 1.

Belt Transmission The belt transmission is used for transmitting rotation between shafts that are located
at a considerable distance from each other. It is distinguished by smooth and jerk-free rotation which enables
its application in high-speed machine tools, e.g., grinding machines. Belt transmission can be employed for
transmitting rotation between parallel and skewed shafts. The most commonly used arrangements are shown
in Fig. 1.37.

Fig. 1.37 Belt drives: (a) Open-belt arrangement (b) Cross-belt arrangement (c) Quarter-turned arrangement
38 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The open-belt arrangement (Fig. 1.37a) is employed for transmitting motion between parallel shafts
rotating in the same direction. The cross-belt arrangement (Fig. 1.37b) is used when rotation is transmitted
between parallel shafts rotating in opposite directions and the quarter-turned arrangement (Fig. 1.37c) is used
for transmitting rotation between skewed shafts.

machine tools in which torques are of small magnitude. Flat belts are the most versatile as they can be em-

a number of V-belts (generally two to four) are used for varying the load-carrying capacity in order to avoid
large bending stresses in one V-belt, which would otherwise be of unduly large dimensions. V-belts are usu-
ally employed only in the open-belt arrangement.
For proper functioning of the belt drive, it is essential to provide some mechanism which keeps the belt
tight during operation; this increases their cost. Other major drawbacks of the belt transmission are its rela-
tively large dimensions and inability to guarantee constant transmission ratio due to unavoidable slip between
the belt and pulleys.
The rpm of the driven shaft in the belt drive may be determined by the relationship,
D1(1 - x )
n 2 = n1
where n2 = rpm of the driven shaft
n1 = rpm of the driving shaft
D1 = diameter of the driving pulley
D2 = diameter of the driven pulley
x = relative slip between belt and pulley
The value of x varies between 0.01–0.02 depending upon the belt material.
The belt transmission can be employed to provide transmission ratios > 1 as well as < 1.

Chain Transmission The chain transmission (Fig. 1.38) is employed for transmitting rotation only
between parallel shafts that are located at a considerable distance. The chain transmission consists of a
driving sprocket, driven sprocket and chain. Chain transmission is used in machine tools when it is essential
to keep the dimension of the drive within reasonable limits and also ensure transmission without slip. The
rpm of the driven shaft is determined as,
n2 = n1

where n1 = rpm of the driving shaft

n2 = rpm of the driven shaft
Z1 = number of teeth on the driving sprocket
Z2 = number of teeth on the driven sprocket
The chain transmission is also capable of providing transmission ratios < 1 and > 1.
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 39

Fig. 1.38 Chain transmission

Elementary Transmission for Transforming Rotary

1.5.2 Motion into Translatory
These elementary transmissions are employed in feed mechanisms of most of the machine tools and also in
the drives of machine tools having a reciprocating primary cutting motion.
The important elementary transmissions that are used in machine tools for transforming rotary motion into

Slider Crank Mechanism The schematic diagram Crank

of a slider crank mechanism is shown in Fig. 1.39. The Connecting
mechanism consists of a crank, connecting rod and slider.
The forward and reverse strokes each take place during
half a revolution of the crank. Therefore, the speeds of
forward and reverse speeds in the slider crank mechanism
are identical. Since metal removal occurs during one
Fig. 1.39 Slider crank mechanism
stroke (generally the forward stroke), it is desirable from
the point of view of productivity to have a higher speed of
the other stroke (the reverse stroke). Due to this property,
the slider crank mechanism is used only in machine tools
with small strokes (< 300 mm), where an increase of the
reverse-stroke speed does not result in an appreciable
increase of productivity, e.g., in the drive of the primary
cutting motion of gear shaping machines. The length of
stroke may be changed by adjusting the crank radius and
is equal to L = 2R, where R is the crank radius.
Crank-and-Rocker Mechanism The crank-and-
rocker mechanism (Fig. 1.40) consists of a rotating crank
which makes the rocker arm oscillate by means of a block
sliding along the groove in the rocker arm. The forward
cutting stroke takes place during the clockwise rotation
of the crank through angle a, and the reverse (idle) stroke
during rotation of the crank through angle b. Since a > b
and the crank rotates with uniform speed, the idle stroke Fig. 1.40 Crank-and-rocker mechanism
40 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

is completed faster than the cutting stroke. The length of stroke can be varied by adjusting the crank radius.
With a decrease in the crank radius, the ratio of angles a/b decreases and the speeds of cutting and reverse
strokes tend to become equal. The crank-and-rocker mechanism is, therefore, preferred in machine tools with
large strokes (up to 1000 mm) where it can be effectively employed, e.g., in the drive of the primary cutting
motion of shaping and slotting machines. The length of stroke can be calculated from the expression,
Ê Lˆ
L = 2 Á ˜ R mm
Ë e¯
where L = length of the rocker arm, mm
e = off-set distance between the centres of rotation of the rocker arm and crank, mm
R = radius of the crank, mm
Cam Mechanism The cam mechanism (Fig. 1.41) consists of a cam and a follower. The cam mechanism

1. on the periphery of a disc—disc type cam mechanism (Fig. 1.41a),

2. on the face of a disc—face type cam mechanism (Fig. 1.41b), and
3. on a cylindrical surface—drum type cam mechanism (Fig. 1.41c).

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 1.41 Cam mechanism: (a) Disc type (b) Face type (c) Drum type

The main advantage of cam mechanisms is that the velocity of the operative element is independent of the

radius changes from R1 to R2 (Fig. 1.42a) along an Archimedes’ spiral while the cam rotates through angle a,
the velocity of the follower can be determined from the expression:
R2 - R1 n
v= ◊ 360 ◊ m/min
a 1000
where n = rpm of the cam
R1, R2 = radii, mm
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 41

R1 R2

a b c

(a) (b)

Fig. 1.42 (a) Profile of a disc-type cam (b) Development of the profile of a drum-type cam

Similarly, in face- or drum-type cam mechanisms, the speed of the follower depends upon the steepness

a depicts the steep rise of the follower corresponding to the rapid advance, segment b depicts the slow rise
corresponding to the working stroke and segment c the steep fall corresponding to the rapid withdrawal of
the cutting tool. The speed during, say, the working stroke, can be determined by the following relationship:
h pD
v= ◊ ◊ n m/min
b 1000
where h = rise during the working stroke, mm
b = length of the working stroke, mm
D = diameter of the drum, mm
n = rpm of the drum
It should be kept in mind that cam mechanisms are costly and a new set is required whenever any change
in working conditions is sought to be incorporated. Cam mechanisms are, therefore, generally used in auto-
matic machine tools for mass production of components.

Nut-and-Screw Transmission A nut-and-screw

mechanism is schematically depicted in Fig. 1.43. The
screw and nut have a trapezoidal thread. When the screw,

axis. The direction of movement can be reversed by

reversing the rotation of the screw. The nut-and-screw
transmission is compact, but has a high load-carrying ca-
pacity. Its other advantages are simplicity, ease of manu-
Fig. 1.43 Schematic diagram of a nut-and-screw
facture, and possibility of achieving slow and uniform transmission
movement of the operative member. The speed of the
operative member can be found from the relationship,
sm = t ◊ K ◊ n mm/min
42 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

where sm = feed per minute of the operative member

t = pitch of the thread, mm
K = number of starts of the thread
n = rpm of the screw

frictional losses. This restricts its application in machine tools to feed and auxiliary motion drives.

In this transmission, the sliding friction between the nut and screw is replaced by rolling friction by introduc-
ing intermediate members, such as balls and rollers. An anti-friction nut-and-screw transmission with balls
as rolling members is shown in Fig. 1.44. The balls run along the thread between the screw and the nut and
there is provision for their continuous recirculation. For instance, in the transmissions shown on Fig. 1.44,
the balls return through an axial channel drilled in the nut (Fig. 1.44b) and through an external return chute
(Fig. 1.44a). The thread of the screw and nut in this case is usually half-round and the transmission has provi-

reaches 0.9– 0.95 as compared to 0.2–0.4 of the sliding-friction transmission. The anti-friction nut-and-screw
transmission is mainly used in the feed-motion drive of precision machine tools, such as grinding, jig-boring
machines, etc. It is used in numerically controlled machine tools in which backlash is extremely undesirable.

(a) (b)

Fig. 1.44 Schematic diagram of anti-friction nut-and-screw transmission

Rack-and-Pinion Transmission A rack-and-pinion

transmission is shown in Fig. 1.45. When the rotating gear
(pinion) meshes with a stationary rack, the centre of the gear
moves in a straight line. On the other hand, if the gear axis
is stationary, then the rack executes translatory motion. The
direction of motion can be reversed by reversing the rotation
of the pinion. The speed of the operative member in this
transmission can be found from the relationship,
sm = p m ◊ Z ◊ n mm/min

where sm = feed per minute of the operative member Fig. 1.45 Rack-and-pinion transmission
m = module of the pinion, mm
Z = number of teeth of the pinion
n = rpm of the pinion
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 43

Rack-and-pinion transmission is the simplest and cheapest among all types of transmissions used in re-

use it in the feed as well as main drive motions of machine tools. Lack of uniformity in movement due to un-
avoidable meshing errors between rack-and-pinion teeth preclude its application in precision machine tools.
Also, due to absence of self-locking, rack-and-pinion transmission cannot be applied for vertical movement
of the operative element.

1.5.3 Devices for Intermittent Motion

In some machine tools, it is required that the relative position between the cutting tool and workpiece should
change periodically. This requirement is generally essential in
1. machine tools with a reciprocating primary cutting motion, e.g., shaping machines in which the
workpiece must be fed intermittently upon completion of one full stroke of the cutting tool, and
2. machine tools with reciprocating feed motion, e.g., grinding machines, in which the workpiece must
be infed intermittently after each half or full stroke of the reciprocating table.
In machine tools, intermittent motion of the operative element is generally obtained with the help of the
mechanisms discussed as follows.

Ratchet-Gear Mechanism The ratchet-gear mechanism is schematically shown in Fig. 1.46. It

consists of a pawl mounted on an oscillating pin. During each oscillation in the anti-clockwise direction,
the pawl turns the ratchet wheel through a particular angle.
During the clockwise oscillation in the opposite direction, the
pawl simply slides over the ratchet teeth and the latter remains
stationary. The ratchet wheel is linked to the machine-tool table
through a nut-and-screw transmission. Therefore, the periodic
rotation of the ratchet wheel is transformed into the intermittent
translatory motion of the table. For a particular nut-and-screw
pair of some constant transmission ratio, the feed of the table
during each oscillation depends upon the swing of the oscillating
pawl. Generally, the rotation of the ratchet wheel in one stroke
of the pawl should not exceed 45°. The ratchet-gear mechanism
is most suitable in cases when the periodic displacement must be
completed in a short time, e.g., in feed mechanisms of shaping,
planing and grinding machines in which the intermittent feed Fig. 1.46 Pawl-and-ratchet mechanism
motion takes place during the over travel of the cutting tool or
during the reverse stroke.
Geneva Mechanism The schematic diagram of the Geneva mechanism is shown in Fig. 1.47. It consists
of a driving disc which rotates continuously and a wheel with four radial slots. The arcs on the driving
disc and wheel provide a locking effect against rotation of the slotted wheel, e.g., in the position shown in
Fig. 1.47a, the wheel cannot rotate. As the disc continues to rotate, point A of the disc comes out of contact
with the arc and immediately thereafter pin P mounted at the end of the driving arm enters the radial slot. The
wheel now begins to rotate (Fig. 1.47b); when it has turned through an angle 90°, the pin comes out of the
44 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

radial slot and immediately thereafter point B comes in contact with the next arc of the wheel preventing its
further rotation. Thus the wheel makes 1/K revolutions, where K is the number of radial slots.

Fig. 1.47 Geneva mechanism

In the Geneva mechanism, the angle of rotation of the wheel cannot be varied. Therefore, this mechanism
is mainly used in turrets and single-spindle automatic machines for indexing cutting tools and in multiple-
spindle automatic machines for indexing spindles through a constant angle.

1.5.4 Reversing and Differential Mechanisms

Reversing Mechanism Reversing mechanisms are used for changing the direction of motion of the
operative member. Reversing is accomplished generally through spur and helical gears or bevel gears. A few
reversing arrangements using spur and helical gears are shown in Fig. 1.48. In the arrangement of Fig. 1.48a
the gears on the driving shaft are mounted rigidly, while the idle gear and the gears on driven shaft III are
mounted freely. The jaw clutch is mounted on a key. Rotation may be transmitted to the driven shaft either
through gears (A/B) ◊ (B/C) or through D/E depending upon whether the jaw clutch is shifted to the left to
mesh with gear C or to the right to mesh with gear E. In the transmission (A/B) ◊ (B/C) the direction of rotation
of the driving and driven shafts will coincide, whereas in the transmission D/E the direction of rotation of
the driven shaft will be opposite to that of the driving shaft. In this arrangement, use of helical gears should
be preferred.
In the second arrangement shown in Fig. 1.48b, the gears on the driving shaft are again rigidly mounted,
and the idle gear is free. On the driven shaft, a double cluster gear is mounted on a spline. By sliding the clus-
ter gear, transmission to the driven shaft may again be achieved either through gears (A/B), (B/C) or through
gear pair D/E. Only spur gears may be used in this reversal mechanism.
In the arrangement of Fig. 1.48c gear A on the driving shaft and gear D on the driven shaft are both rigidly
mounted. A quadrant with constantly meshing gears B and C can be swivelled about the axis of the driven
shaft. By swivelling the quadrant with the help of a lever, transmission to the driven shaft may be achieved
through (A/C) ◊ (C/D) or through (A/B) ◊ (B/C) ◊ (C/D).
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 45

and driven shafts will coincide while in the second it will be opposite. In this mechanism also only spur gears
can be used.


¥ ¥ ¥ ¥


Jaw clutch E E
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 1.48 Reversing mechanisms: (a) using spur gears (b) using helical gears

It should be noted that in the reversing mechanisms of Fig. 1.48a and b the ratio of direct and reversal
speeds will depend upon the transmission ratio of gear pairs A/C and D/E. By selecting A/C = D/E we can
ensure identical speeds in both directions. However, if desired, a faster reversal speed can be achieved by
selecting a larger transmission ratio for the gear pair used in the reversal train (gear pair A/C, as the transmis-
sion with the idler gear is usually employed for reversal).

driving shaft and shaft II the driven shaft. In the arrangement of Fig. 1.49a, the double-cluster bevel gear is
mounted on a splined shaft, and by shifting it the direction of rotation of shaft II can be changed by getting
either gear B or gear C to mesh with bevel gear A which is rigidly mounted on the driving shaft.
In the arrangement of Fig. 1.49b, gears B and C are freely mounted on the driven shaft, while the jaw
clutch is mounted on splines. By shifting the clutch to the left or right, rotation to shaft II can be transmitted
either through bevel gear pair A/B or A/C and thus the direction of rotation of the driven shaft can be reversed.


A x x

(a) (b)

Fig. 1.49 Reversing mechanisms using bevel gears

46 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Differential Mechanism Differential mechanisms are used for summing up two motions in machine
tools, in which the operative member gets input from two separate kinematic trains. They are generally
employed in thread-and-gear cutting machines where the machined surface is obtained as a result of the
summation of two or more forming motions.
A simple differential mechanism using spur or helical gears is shown in Fig. 1.50. The mechanism is es-
sentially a planetary gear mechanism consisting of sun gear A, planetary gear B and arm C. The planetary
gear is mounted on the arm which can rotate about the axis of gear A. Suppose gear A makes nA and arm
C, nC revolutions per minute in the clockwise direction. The relative motion between the elements of the
mechanism will remain unaffected if the whole mechanism is rotated in the anti-clockwise direction with
nC revolutions per minute. Then the arm becomes stationary and the mechanism is reduced to a simple gear
transmission with gear A making nA – nC revolutions per minute and gear B making nB – nC revolutions per
minute. The transmission ratio of the mechanism may be written as:
n A - nC Z
=– B (the minus sign denotes the external gear pair)
nB - nC ZA




Fig. 1.50 Differential mechanism using spur or helical gears

where ZA and ZB are the number of teeth of gear A and B, respectively. The above expression may be rewritten
as follows:
Ê Z ˆ Z
nB = nC Á1 + A ˜ – nA ◊ A
i.e., the rpm of any one element of the differential mechanism is a function of independent motions of the
remaining two elements.
Differential mechanisms using a double-cluster planetary gear are shown in Fig. 1.51. The mechanisms
consist of gear A, cluster gear block B–B¢ mounted on arm C and gear D. If nA, nC and nD are the rpm’s of
gear A, arm C and gear D, respectively, then the transmission ratio of the kinematic train between gears A and
D may be expressed as
nD - nC Z Z¢
= A ◊ B (for Fig. 1.51a)
n A - nC ZB ZD
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 47

Fig. 1.51 Differential mechanisms using double-cluster planetary gears

Differential mechanisms consisting of bevel gears are shown in Fig. 1.52. These mechanisms are widely
used in automobiles to provide different rotational speeds to the wheels powered by a single source. This is
essential for the functioning of an automobile because, while tackling a turn, the outer wheel of the automo-
bile must rotate faster than the inner wheel. This mechanism is also widely used in machine tools on account
of its compactness.
The mechanism consists of bevel gears A and D and planetary bevel gears B and C. Planetary gears can be
rotated about the common axes of gears A and D
1. by means of a ring gear (Fig. 1.52a)—this differential is used in automobiles, and
2. by means of a T-shaped shaft (Fig. 1.52b)—this differential is used in machine tools.

Fig. 1.52 Differential mechanisms: (a) used in automobiles (b) used in machine tools
48 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

If gears A, B and D make nA, nB and nD revolutions per minute, respectively, then the transmission ratio of
the kinematic train between gears A and D can be written as
n A - nB Z Z
=– A ◊ B
nD - nB ZB ZD
where ZA, ZB and ZD are the number of teeth of gears A, B and D, respectively. The minus sign indicates that
gears A and D rotate in opposite directions if the rotation of the arm is stopped, i.e., nB = 0.
If ZA = ZD, the expression becomes
n A - nB
= –1
nD - nB
nA + nD = 2nB
In the automobile differential, the constancy of the sum nA + nD indicates that when the vehicle is taking
a turn a reduction in the rpm of one wheel is accompanied by an increase in the rpm of the other. If the auto-
mobile is travelling on a straight line, nA = nD = nB, but if on a bend nA = 0, wheel D begins to rotate at twice
the speed of the ring gear, i.e., nD = 2nB.

1.5.5 Special Mechanisms and Devices

Special mechanisms and devices are employed in machine tool feed boxes. These mechanisms are:
1. Gear cone with sliding key
2. Norton gear mechanism
3. Meander’s mechanism
They are discussed in Sec. 2.8.2.

1.5.6 Couplings and Clutches

Couplings and clutches are devices used for connecting one rotating shaft to another. If two shafts are per-
manently connected so that they can be disengaged only by disassembling the connecting device, the latter
is known as a coupling. Devices that can readily engage shafts to transmit power and disengage them when
desired are known as clutches.

Couplings Couplings are of two types:

1. Rigid
2. Flexible
Rigid couplings require that axial alignment between the connected shafts be maintained strictly. In
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 49


Fig. 1.53 (a) Rigid coupling (b) Flexible coupling

and B with diametrical slots and an intermediate plate C with
A and B.
Slight misalignment between the connected shafts is compen-

If there is considerable misalignment between the shafts to

used. In this coupling, the shafts are connected through a Car-

dan or Hooke’s joint, which consists of yokes that are mounted
Fig. 1.54 Elastic coupling
on the ends of the shafts and a cross that provides a pivot joint
between the yokes.
50 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

or feed box.

1. Positive-action clutches
2. Friction clutches
A positive-action clutch is incapable of slipping. It can be engaged only when the shafts to be connected
are stationary or are rotating at identical speed. The most commonly used positive-action clutch is the jaw

shafts and is stationary, while the other is mounted on the second shaft on a key or splines and is moved into
engagement. The faces of both the halves have projections, or so-called jaws and recesses such that the jaws

Fig. 1.55 Jaw clutch

A friction clutch, as the name implies, transmits torque by virtue of friction between the two halves. It can
engage shafts rotating with different speeds or a rotating shaft with a stationary shaft. Friction clutches are
generally not capable of transmitting large torques on account of slip. The commonly used friction clutches
are discussed below.
A disc-type friction clutch consists of one or more discs which are pressed against each other between the

with external splines, outer discs 3 with splines on their periphery and inner discs 4 with slines on their bore
hole. The housing is rigidly mounted on one of the shafts and the sleeve on the other. Now, the discs are as-
sembled by slipping them alternately along the splines of the housing and the hub. Thus, the outer discs rotate
with the housing but are free to slide axially along its internal splines. Similarly, the inner discs rotate with the
hub but can slide along its external splines. If the discs are to operate in oil, they are made of hardened steel.
Since oil greatly reduces friction between discs, most clutches are operated dry. In such a case, the metal discs
experience extensive wear, and therefore, one group of discs (generally outer one) is made of solid asbestos
or a layer of asbestos is bonded on the metal discs.
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 51


Fig. 1.56 Multiple-disc friction clutch

When the engaging sleeve 5 is moved towards the left, it exerts an axial force which is multiplied by the
lever arrangement and applied on the friction discs. The discs get pressed against each other and the clutch
gets engaged to transmit rotation between the two shafts. The lever system is so designed that it holds the
clutch in engagement so that it is not necessary to continuously apply a force on the operating handle.
Disc-type friction clutches have large load-carrying capacity with small overall dimensions. They are
distinguished by smooth engagement and their capacity can be easily varied by increasing or decreasing the
number of discs according to the requirement. Generally, the number of discs does not exceed 10–12 because
otherwise there is wear between rotating discs even when the clutch is disengaged.

clutch is essentially a multiple-disc friction clutch in which friction discs are pressed by an electromagnet.
These clutches are particularly suitable for automatic control and are, therefore, being widely used in numeri-
cally controlled machine tools.
A cone-type friction clutch is shown in Fig. 1.57. It
consists of two halves: one with an internal tapered surface a
is mounted on one shaft, while the other with an identical
external taper is mounted on the other. One half is mounted
rigidly, while the other is mounted on splines to permit axial
displacement. The tapered surfaces are made of materials

engaged by pressing the two halves against each other. If the

contacting surfaces are made of hardened steel, half-taper
angle a = 8–10°, while if the surfaces have an asbestos lining
a = 12–15°. Because of the taper of the friction surfaces, a
relatively small axial pressing force provides a large force
normal to the contacting surfaces which holds them together
once the clutch is engaged. Therefore, in cone-type friction Fig. 1.57 Cone-type friction clutch
52 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

clutches, an elaborate linkage system is not required. This gives the cone clutch the advantage of simplicity.
The major drawbacks that restrict the application of cone clutches in machine tools are their large dimensions
and strict requirement of coaxiality between the connected shafts.


general index of economic effectiveness. The economic effectiveness of a machine tool, and for that matter
of any equipment, can be quantitatively expressed through the total annual cost which is represented as
Ct = C + k ◊ CI
where Ct = total annual cost
C = annual production cost
CI = capital investment
k = factor of capital recovery along with interest, generally k = 0.15–0.2
The design and manufacture of a new machine tool can be considered economically feasible if
Ctn < Cte
i.e., Cn + kn (CI)n < Ce + ke (CI)e (1.19)
where subscript n stands for the new machine tool and e for the existing machine tool that is sought to be
replaced or updated.
If the period of recovery of the capital investment is assumed to be the same in both the cases, i.e.,
kn = ke = k,
(CI) n - (CI)e 1
< (1.20)
Ce - Cn k
Keeping in mind the relationship T = 1/k, where T is the period of recovery of the capital investment,

(CI) n - (CI)e
<T (1.21)
Ce - Cn
The total annual cost is a convenient criterion not only for assessing the viability of new equipment, but
also for comparing different design versions and methods of implementing these designs.

missed while doing the total cost estimation.

Capital Investment (CI) The capital investment consists of

En = aEp
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 53

where En
a = factor that takes into account extra expenditure on transportation and installation of
a = 1.1 for machine tools and 1.18 for transfer lines.

equipment are being compared (e.g., general-purpose machine tools with special-purpose machine
tool, machine tools having manual controls with numerically controlled machine tools, etc.).

Ef = ÂE mf ◊q
i =1
where Ef
n = number of different parts to be machined on the equipment in the course of one year

Ebp = Ebpm Ap ◊ g
where Ebp = expenditure on building the production premises
Ebpm = mean expenditure on building 1 m2 of production premises
Ap = total area under equipment
g = factor that takes into account the additional area necessary for proper functioning and
layout of premises; g = 1.5–5 depending upon area A. As area A increases, the value
of g decreases; for A > 75 m2, g = 1.5

Ebs = Ebsm ◊ As
where Ebs = expenditure on building the servicing premises
Ebsm = mean expenditure on building 1 m2 of servicing premises
As = total area of servicing premises
CI = En + Ebp + Ebs

Annual Cost of Production (C) The annual cost of production of the designed machine tool is
C=N◊ ÂC i
i =1

where C = annual cost of production

N = annual output
Ci = cost of the ith part of machine tool
n = number of parts in the machine tool
54 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The production cost of a part includes

versions are being compared,

2. wages paid to labour,
3. overheads; these cover the recurring expenditure on cutting tools, expenditure on the maintenance and

expenditure on operating the equipment, etc.

All cost factors need not necessarily be taken into account when two versions are being compared; it gen-

The design and manufacture and subsequent industrial application of new models of machine tools is
one of the major factors in increasing productivity. Periodic renovation of production capacities is essential

some initial investment; this must be recovered during the pay-back period, and for the remaining period of

The search for new design and production solutions must, therefore, be based upon a thorough economic
analysis on the lines discussed above.

Any machine tool should satisfy the following requirements:
1. High productivity
2. A
3. Simplicity of design
4. Safety and convenience of controls
5. Good appearance
6. Low cost of manufacturing and operation
We shall discuss how these requirements are met in the design of machine tools.
1. Productivity Productivity of a metal cutting machine tool is given by the expression,

Q= ◊h (1.22)
tc + tno
where tc = machining time
tno = non-productive time that includes job handling time, tool handling time, time of idle travel
prior to commencement of cut, time of idle travel for guiding the tool to home position after
completion of cut, set up time, inspection time and time spent on unscheduled delays,
h = factor that accounts for stoppages for maintenance as well as unscheduled stoppages on ac-
count of breakdowns.
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 55

(i) Cutting down machining time: This is possible if high cutting speeds and feed rates are available on
the machine tool in accordance with the latest developments in cutting tool materials and design.
At the design stage itself, the machine tool must be provided with a margin to accommodate future
developments so that it does not become obsolete in a short period of time.
The application of stepless mechanical, hydraulic and electrical drives also helps in reducing
machining time as the optimum cutting speed can be accurately set without reducing its value to the
nearest available rpm on the machine tool with a stepped drive. Machining time can also be reduced
by making provision for simultaneous multiple cuts and use of coolants.
(ii) Cutting down non-productive time:
clamping and unclamping time, and mechanising and automating machine tool controls. During the
last few decades, developments in machine tool design have been largely directed at reducing the non-
productive time through automation. Hard automation in the form of automatic machines, mechanised

industrialised nations, the consumers became more discerning and since the 70s the demand pattern
has changed from mass produced goods to batch produced and custom built goods. This triggered
a change in the manufacturing philosophy from one of hard automation to soft automation that is
manifested today in the increasing proliferation of numerically controlled and computer numerically

(iii) Machining with more than one tool simultaneously: This principle is employed in multiple-spindle
lathes, drilling machines, etc.
(iv) Improving the reliability of the machine tools to avoid break downs and adopt proper maintenance
policy to prevent unscheduled stoppages and delays.
2. Accuracy The accuracy of a machine tool depends upon its geometrical and kinematic accuracy and
its ability to retain this accuracy during operation. Accordingly, the ability of a machine tool to consistently

(i) Improving the geometrical accuracy of the machine tool: This is mainly determined by the accuracy
of guiding elements, such as guideways, power screws, etc. It is also essential to ensure uniform, jerk-
free movement of the traversing member of the machine tool.
(ii) Improving the kinematic accuracy of the machine tool: The kinematic accuracy determines the
relationship between velocities of two or more forming motions and it depends upon the length
of kinematic trains and the accuracy of manufacture and assembly of components. Obviously, the
kinematic accuracy of a machine tool can be improved by using as short kinematic trains as possible,
and manufacturing and assembling the components with a high degree of accuracy.
(iii) Increasing the static and dynamic stiffness of machine-tool structures: The greater is the static stiffness
of the machine-tool structure, the smaller will be its deformation due to the cutting forces and hence
the higher will be the accuracy of machining. A high dynamic stiffness reduces the vibrations during

(iv) Providing accurate devices for measuring distance of travel: This concerns the accuracy of manufacture
of dials, scales, verniers, optical systems, etc. The accuracy of measuring instruments is of paramount
56 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

importance in machine tools with automatic size control during machining, e.g., automatic machines,
machine tools with adaptive controls, etc.
(v) Arranging the machine tool units in such a manner that the thermal deformations during the machining
operation result in the least possible change in the relative position between the tool and the workpiece.

3. Simplicity of Design Simplicity of design of machine tools determines the ease of its manufacture and

possible. The complexity of design of a machine tool depends to a large extent upon the degree of its ‘univer-
sality’. Thus a general-purpose machine tool is, as a rule, more complex than a special-purpose machine tool

on its range of application, e.g., on the type of different operations that may be carried out, or on the size of
parts which may be machined, etc.
4. Safety and Convenience of Controls
requirements of safety and convenience of operation. Safety of controls is achieved by taking, among others,
the following measures:
(i)Shielding the rotating and moving parts of the machine tool with hoods.
(ii)Protecting the worker from chips, abrasive dust and coolant by means of screens, shields, etc.
(iii)Providing reliable clamping for the tool and workpiece.
(iv) Precluding the possibility of accidental pressing of push buttons and handles.
(v) Providing reliable earthing of the machine.
(vi) Providing devices for safe handling of heavy workpieces.
(vii) P
(viii) Providing travel limiting devices for traversing machine tool members and also devices for overload
The convenience of machine-tool controls is intimately linked with their safety. Convenient controls will
protect the worker from excessive fatigue and thus contribute towards safety. The convenience of controls
also determines to a large extent the quality of the workers’ performance. Machine tool controls should be

1. The control system should be rationally selected and should be automated to as large an extent as
2. The control system should be designed by giving due consideration to ergonomic principles.
5. Appearance
thus facilitates better operation. It is generally conceded that a machine tool that is simple in design and safe

contribute to the overall aesthetic quality of the machine tool. For instance, painting of machine tools in
grey-green or green-blue colours impart a bright and pleasing appearance to the shop. Nowadays, painting of
machines in different colours according to the production purpose is becoming popular, e.g., transportation
facilities within the shop are painted yellow with black stripes, etc.
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 57

6. Low Cost of Manufacturing and Operation The cost of manufacturing a machine tool is determined
by the complexity of its design. Therefore, factors that help in simplifying the machine tool design also con-
tribute towards lowering its manufacturing cost. The cost can also be brought down by reducing the amount
of metal required in manufacturing the machine tool. This is achieved by using stronger materials and more
precise design calculations pertaining to the strength and rigidity of parts to keep the safety margins as low as
possible. For instance, considerable saving of metal can be achieved by using welded steel structures instead
of cast iron for heavy parts, such as beds, columns, bases, etc. It should also be noted that a reduction of the
weight and dimensions of the machine tool also makes transportation and installation of the machine tool
easier and cheaper, thus indirectly contributing to a further reduction of the overall cost.



a man with a logical decision-making ability by which he explores all possible solutions to a given problem
and arrives at an optimum after carefully analysing all the alternatives.
Until a decade or so ago, any design which was technically feasible, i.e., capable of being manufactured,

principally new design solutions to keep ensuring higher productivity has in recent times greatly increased
the expenditure on design. Design is progressively becoming a team activity as optimum solutions can be
found only by considering a large number of factors of diverse nature with which the designer may not
always be well conversant.
The block diagram of Fig. 1.58 shows how design is related to different engineering, economic, natural
and social sciences.

Social economy

Economics Manufacturing
Engineering sciences like
Physics Science like welding, forging
and material science, Design machining, etc.
mathematics theory of machines
Engineering aesthetics

Fig. 1.58 Block diagram depicting the influence of various sciences on design

In view of the heavy responsibilities on the designer and the large expenditure involved in designing a
new machine, it is necessary to streamline the design process so that a sound design solution is achieved with
minimum expenditure.
58 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Fig. 1.59 Block diagram of the design process in respect of machine tools

The design process for designing a new machine tool is presented in the form of a block diagram in
Fig. 1.59. It is evident from Fig. 1.43 that the design process is carried out in three important stages:
1. Design proposal
2. Preliminary design
3. Detailed design
At the end of each stage, the design must be subjected to a critical feasibility analysis, and a technical re-
port prepared and submitted to the customer. The steps involved in the design process will now be elaborated
one by one.
1. Requirement The customer outlines the requirement by furnishing information about the parts for ma-
chining of which he wants the machine tool to be designed. The information should include the nomenclature
of parts and their annual output, the dimensions and shapes of surfaces to be machined, materials of the parts,
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 59

lecting appropriate machining methods and cutting tools.

product does not already exist. A consideration in undertaking a new design, in the presence of available
solutions, may be the need to make the product economically viable by reducing its cost. The designer must,
therefore, make a preliminary assessment of the requirement to see whether it is economically feasible. If
necessary, he may, in consultation with the customer, modify or expand the requirement to increase the mar-
ket potential of the designed machine tool.

design. The information furnished by the customer about the parts forms the basis of determining important

rate regulation, degree of mechanisation and automation to be employed on the machine tool, appearance of

Fig. 1.603
and prevents him from deviating from the basic goal.
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Cost Cost

Reliability Reliability

Weight Weight

Appearance Appearance

Ease of inspection Ease of inspection

(a) (b)

Fig. 1.60 Importance of specification items for: (a) Vacuum cleaner (b) Aircraft

3. Selection of Proper Kinematic Solution and Layout

down, the designer explores the combinations of relative motions that can ensure machining of surfaces of
required shapes and dimensions. The different possibilities are evaluated and those found technically feasible
are selected. Kinematic solutions on the basis of basic motion combinations are now developed. All these so-
lutions are analysed for their technical feasibility and infeasible solutions are screened. A kinematic solution
correlates the motions of the workpiece and cutting tool and can be realised in a number of layouts of major
machine tool units. A technical feasibility analysis, keeping in mind the constraints of the requirements and

in Sec. 1.9.
60 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

4. Design Calculations Design calculations cover the design of the major units of the machine tools, such
as the speed box, feed box, bed, spindle, etc. These calculations are done in accordance with design proce-

version is selected by comparing the economic feasibility of implementation of alternatives.

5. Drawings of Components and Assemblies

(including the manufacturing method to be employed). Special care should be taken during the stages of
design calculations and detailed drawing to make use of standard components and assemblies as far as
It should be appreciated that design is essentially an iterative process. The feedback that is received after
prototype fabrication and testing, and particularly after marketing the product must be carefully analysed to

and even the requirements, if these are conducive to more sound and/or economic design. These aspects are
indicated in the design process (Fig. 1.59) by feedback loops.


The layout of the machine tool must provide the required combination of forming and setting motions that
are necessary for the given machining process. The required relative motions between the cutting tool and
workpiece are generally realised by means of a set of translatory and rotary motions. The layout of the ma-
chine tool will typically consist of one stationary block and a number of moving blocks divided by linear or
circular guideways, the number of guideways being equal to the number of elementary motions provided on
the machine tool. A particular layout is obtained by placing the stationary and moving blocks in a particular
order. Different layouts are obtained by changing the order of these blocks. It is the task of the designer to
analyse the various layout alternatives and select the best possible version, consistent with the constraints of
the particular machine tool.
The selection of a suitable layout can best be carried out by structural analysis using the Boolean-algebra
technique. In this method, the machine tool structure of any complexity can be represented in the form of a
combination of symbols. Let us introduce a set of symbols for this purpose.
Let X, Y, Z represent the basic reciprocating displacements along the corresponding co-ordinate axes and
U, V, W the additional displacements in the same directions.
A, B, C represent rotary motions about axes X, Y, Z while D and E represent the additional rotary motions.
sponding coordinate axes, e.g., x represents auxiliary setting motion in the x-direction, while a represents an
auxiliary rotary motion about the same axis.
Boolean algebra permits the consecutive linking of blocks which is represented as a conjunction (AND)
and parallel linking which is represented as a disjunction (OR). The consecutive linkage of blocks may not be
indicated by anything or may be indicated by a full stop (◊). Parallel blocks are written in brackets and parallel
linking is indicated by a plus sign (+). The layout formula begins with the block carrying the workpiece and
ends with the block carrying the cutting tool.
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 61

Some examples of machine tool layouts and their layout formulae are given in Fig. 1.61.4 Figure 1.61a
shows the layout of a knee-type vertical milling machine with consecutive linking of blocks. In the layout
formula XYZOCv,
X represents table travel
Y represents cross-slide travel
Z represents knee travel
O represents the stationary block (column)
C represents rotation of spindle about the Z-axis
subscript v indicates that the spindle is vertical.
The lathe layout shown in Fig. 1.61b also consists of blocks linked in series. In the layout formula
A represents rotation of the workpiece clamped in the spindle about the X-axis
O represents the stationary block (bed)
X represents carriage travel along bed guideways
Y represents cross-slide travel
c represents rotary setting motion of the compound slide
w represents setting motion of the tool post
d represents rotary setting motion of the tool post
The layout of the gear-shaping machine is shown in Fig. 1.61c. In the formula DuOx(CZ)v,
D represents rotation of workpiece about the vertical axis
u represents setting motion of the table
O represents the stationary block (columns)
x represents tool head travel along cross-rail guideways
(CZ) indicates that the cutting tool experiences two simultaneous cutting motions—translatory
motion along the Z-axis and rotation about the same axis
v indicates that the spindle is vertical
The unit built drilling machine shown in Fig. 1.61d consists of blocks linked in parallels. In the layout
formula ydO(X4A + Y 4B h + Z5Cv),
y represents setting motion of the workpiece
d represents rotary setting motion of the workpiece
X4A indicates that there are four spindles rotating about the X-axis in the spindle head which itself
travels in the direction of the X-axis
Y4Bh indicates that there are four spindles rotating about the Y-axis in the spindle head which itself
travels in the direction of the Y-axis; subscript h indicates that the spindles are horizontal
Z5Cv Z axis; subscript v indicates that these
spindles are vertical
62 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Fig. 1.61 Layout and layout formulae for: (a) Knee-type vertical milling machine (b) Lathe (c) Gear-shaping
machine (d) Unit-built drilling machine

The examples give a fair idea that an appropriate layout formula can be written for a machine tool of any
complexity. The formal representation of the machine tool layout in the form of a layout formula enables us
to obtain all possible layout versions by a mere readjustment of the symbols. The best layout is selected by a
comparative analysis of all the versions.
Consider a milling machine which is a triple co-ordinate machine consisting of four blocks—one station-
ary which is denoted by O and three moving denoted by X, Y and Z. The spindle rotation is not a forming
motion and, therefore, does not affect the layout. The different layout versions are obtained by the permuta-
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 63

tion of symbols XYZO. The total number of possible versions is = 4! = 24. These versions are tabulated in
the matrix shown in Fig. 1.62a. The columns of this matrix differ in terms of location of the stationary block,
while the lines (in pairs) differ by the location of the vertically moving block Z. We can, for instance, isolate
a subgroup of layouts with a moving column. These versions correspond to the matrix elements of Fig. 1.62a
enclosed within the thick line and are shown in Fig. 1.63.

Fig. 1.62 Matrices of layout versions: (a) Complete matrix for layout formula XYZO (b) Submatrix for layouts
in which vertical displacement is absent (c) Submatrix for layouts in which the workpiece receives
only horizontal displacement (d) Submatrix for layouts in which the horizontal displacement occurs
in the immediate vicinity of stationary block

The selection of the best layout from among the possible alternatives is done by successive elimination of
those versions which do not satisfy the requirements (constraints) necessary for optimum functioning of the
designed machine tool. The constraints are also formulated in the form of generalised structural formulae. For
this purpose, the following new notations need to be introduced:

O represents a moving block pertaining to cutting tool displacement

Z represents horizontal moving block

Let us write a few requirement (constraint) statements with the help of these symbols.
64 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Fig. 1.63 Layouts of vertical milling machine with a moving column

Statement 1 The machine tool is meant for machining heavy parts. Therefore, it is not desirable that the
machine tool table be given vertical displacement.
The requirement may be stated as


In this statement the ‘+’ sign represents the OR function; the statement can be interpreted as indicating

stationary block and then one (obviously vertical) motion to the cutter
imparting one horizontal motion to the work piece followed by the stationary block and then two motions
(one horizontal and one vertical) to the cutting tool
rigidly attaching the workpiece to the stationary block and imparting all three motions (two horizontal and
one vertical) to the cutting tool.
Statement 2 The heavy parts must be machined with a high degree of accuracy. Therefore, to prevent the
weight of the part from affecting the accuracy, the workpiece should be stationary or have only one horizontal
The requirement may be stated as

Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 65

Statement 3 To prevent the weight of the moving assembly with the workpiece from affecting the machin-
ing accuracy, the horizontal moving block must be adjacent to the stationary block.
The requirement may be stated as

by the triple coordinate milling machine for which the best layout has to be selected.
The layout versions which satisfy requirement 1 are shown in Fig. 1.62b, while those satisfying require-
ments 2 and 3 are shown in Fig. 1.62c and Fig. 1.62d, respectively.
To locate the versions that simultaneously satisfy all the requirements, the requirement statements are
written in the matrix form so that the stationary blocks occupy identical positions.

1 2 3 4
R1 – + +
R2 – – +
R3 – Z ZOZ + Z OZ Z
f f XOYZ f

The columns in which there is no formula or which contain contradictory statements are rejected (f).
Thus for the given machine tool, the optimum layout lies in column 3. A comparison of this conclusion with
Fig. 1.62b, c and d immediately provides the answer that the best layouts are XOYZ and YOXZ. These layouts
are shown in Fig. 1.64. From among these two versions, which are equal in all respects from the point of view

of the two structures, ease of control, cost of manufacture, etc.

Fig. 1.64 Layout versions which satisfy all constraints

1.1 Determine the rpm of a lathe spindle if a workpiece of diameter 100 mm is to be turned at a cutting
speed of 88 m/min.
66 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

1.2 A 175 mm long workpiece is to be machined on a shaper which has a cutting stroke to idle stroke
velocity ratio of 0.84. Calculate the strokes/min of the shaping tool if the cutting speed is 30 m min.
Assume an approach and overshoot of 5 mm.
1.3 A 40 mm hole is drilled at a speed of 30 m/min and feed of 0.1 mm/tooth. Calculate the feed per minute
of the operation.
1.4 L = 200 mm and
width B = 100 mm at a speed of 80 m/min and feed of 0.15 mm/tooth. Calculate the machining time,
assuming an approach and overshoot of 5 mm.

(Hint: Travel = L + 0.5 (D – D 2 - B 2 ) + 10)

1.5 A 120 mm diameter workpiece is being turned on a lathe at 400 rpm and a feed of 0.3 mm/rev. The
tangential, radial and axial components of the cutting force were measured on a dynamometer and
found to be 325, 120 and 130 kgf, respectively. Calculate the power rating of the motor assuming a

1.6 A gear pump has a delivery rate of 150 1/min at 1400 rpm. The pitch circle diameter of the gears is
120 mm and they are 50 mm wide. Calculate their module. What is the maximum pressure that the

leakage losses as 0.8 each.

1.7 A piston pump, powered by a 7.0 kW motor, delivers oil at a pressure of 75 kgf/cm2. The pump rotor
is mounted with an eccentricity of 15 mm and rotates at 300 rpm. It has six pistons of diameter 30 mm

1.8 In a simple internal differential mechanism the sun gear rotates at 50 rpm and the planetary gear at
500 rpm. If the number of teeth of the sun and planetary gears are 120 and 20, respectively, calculate
the rpm of the arm.
1.9 In a differential mechanism consisting of two external gear pairs (Fig. 1.51a), ZA = 20, ZB = 22,
Z B¢ = 20, ZD = 18. Find the rpm of the arm if gear A rotates at 6 rpm.
1.10 Write the layout formulae for shaping, planing, drilling and broaching machines.
1.11 A f 40 shaft is machined at a speed of 80 m/min and feed of 0.1 mm/rev. Calculate machining time.
Given shaft length = 100 mm. Assume suitable approach and over travel and sketch the operation.
1.12 A f 72 workpiece is faced at a speed of 40 m/min and feed of 0.15 mm/rev. Sketch the operation and
calculate the machine time.
1.13 A f 20 blind hole is to be drilled to a depth of 30 mm at a speed of 30 m/min and feed of 0.1 mm/teeth.
Calculate the machine time, assuming a suitable approach.
1.14 A f 40 hole is to be enlarged to f 50 in a boring operation. The cutting speed and feed is 40 m/min and
0.1 mm/rev, respectively and the job diameter is f 70. Calculate the machining time if the permissible
depth of cut is 2 mm. Assume a suitable approach and make a neat sketch of the operation. Job
length = 70 mm.
1.15 Single pass slab milling operation is carried out on a 500 mm long job by a f 70 plain milling cutter
at n = 300 rpm and feed of 200 mm/min. If the cutter has 12 teeth, determine the feed per tooth and
machining time. Assume suitable approach and over travel.
1.16 A f 80 face milling cutter is used for facing a 60 mm wide and 300 mm long job. The speed is
40 m/min and the feed is 40 mm/min. Calculate the machining time if the allowance is 10 mm and the
permissible depth of cut is 5 mm. Assume a suitable feed rate of accelerated travel and time for manual
vertical setting of the table.
Introduction to Machine Tool Drives and Mechanisms 67

1.17 A shaping operation is carried out at 20 m/min. if the length of stroke is 250 mm and the ration of

1.18 A f 60 hole is to be ground by a f 50 grinding wheel of width 50 mm. The length of the hole is 65 mm,
allowance is 0.2 mm and radial feed 0.005 mm per stroke. Transverse feed (mm per revolution of
work) sl = kB, where k = 0.3. If peripheral speed of the grinding wheel and workpiece is 30 m/s and
35 m/min respectively, determine the machining time.
the periphery of a grinding wheel of diameter 450 mm and width 63 mm. Six plates are ground in one
setting, placed 3 along length. Assume approach of 5 mm in width and 15 mm in length. The speed of
reciprocation of the table is 15 m/min. The rest of the data is the same as in Q1.18.
1.20 A slab of 50 mm width and 200 mm length is rough machined in a symmetrical face milling operation.
If the cutter diameter is 75 mm, what will be the length of travel of the cutter?
1.21 In a slab milling operation the diameter of cutter is 50 mm and number of teeth of cutter is 12. If the
cutter spindle speed is 300 rpm, depth of cut is 2 mm, length of job is 500 mm and table longitudinal
feed is 200 m/min what will be the feed per tooth during the milling operation? If the cutter over travel
is 2 mm what is the machining time for the single pass milling operation?

Developing the Kinematic Diagrams of Machine Tool
Speed Boxes, published by Peoples’ Friendship University, Moscow, 1978, p. 59.
2. Vershinin, VD, Electrical Control Circuits of Machine Tools, published by Peoples’ Friendship
University, Moscow, 1969, p. 27.
3. Pitts, G, Techniques in Engineering Design, Butterworths, London, 1973, p. 9.
4. Vragov, Yu D, “Structural analysis of machine tool layouts”, Machines and Tooling, 1972, No. 8.
68 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control




A machining operation should be conducted at such values of cutting parameters (speed, feed, depth of cut,
etc.) that ensure the minimum cost price of the machined component. The machining cost can be expressed
by the equation
C = Cmt + Cnpt + Ctc + Ct (2.1)

where Cmt = (W+ E)tm represents the cost of machining time; W is the wage rate, E is cost of operating the
machine tool per unit time and tm the machining time.
Cnpt = (W + E)tnpt represents the cost of non-productive time; tnpt is the total time of non-productive
operations, such as loading and unloading, idle travel of cutting tool to provide for approach
and over travel, etc.
Ctc = (W + E)ttc/Q represents the tool changing cost per component; ttc is the time required for
replacing (regrinding) a blunt tool and setting the new (reground) one and Q the number of
components machined during the period of tool life.
Ct = T/Q represents the cost of the tool per component; T is the cost of the tool for a period equal
to the tool life and can be determined as the tool cost divided by the number of permissible
If the machining cost of Eq. (2.1) is optimised, it yields a particular value of tool life which corresponds
to minimum machining cost. From the generalised tool life equation T = C/vasbtc, it follows that the optimum
tool life can be achieved on a particular operation only by working at optimum values of cutting speed v, feed
s and depth of cut t.
In order to machine a part of arbitrary diameter, the spindle rpm must be set as n = 1000 , i.e., there
must be a stepless regulation of v so that any desired value of the spindle rpm may be set corresponding to the
optimum cutting speed. By a similar logic, the machine tool should have provision for stepless variation of
the feed rate. Economically, viable systems of stepless speed and feed rate regulation have, however, not yet

in recent years mainly due to the development of numerically controlled machine tools, most of the machine
tools are still designed for stepped regulation of speed and feed rate. On such machine tools only certain
discrete values of the spindle rpm and feed rate are available.
It may be concluded from the preceding discussion that provision of regulating the spindle rpm and feed
rate is an essential requirement of machine tools to ensure economic machining of workpieces of different
materials and sizes by cutting tools of different shapes and compositions.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 69


In this section, the principles of designing speed boxes, i.e., gear boxes that are employed for stepped regula-
tion of the rpm of the main drive are dealt with. Most of what is discussed in connection with speed boxes
is also relevant to the design of feed boxes, but the latter have some special design features that have been
discussed separately in Sec. 2.3.

2.2.1 Various Laws of Stepped Regulation

It was stated above that in stepped regulation of speed only certain discrete values of the spindle rpm are
available on the machine tool. A pertinent question that arises is what should be the criterion for choosing
these discrete steps? Between two extreme available values n1 and nz of the spindle rpm, the same number
of z intermediate steps may be placed in a number of ways. The various series of rpm values will have dif-
ferent operational characteristics. Let us analyse four cases and select the most suitable law of speed range

The rpm Values Constitute an Arithmetic Progression The realisation of arithmetic progression
is based upon the idea that the difference between adjacent rpm values is constant.
n1 = n
n2 = n 1 + a
n3 = n2 + a = n1 + 2a

nz = n1 + (z – 1)a
where a is the common difference of the arithmetic progression.
For a particular cutting speed which is the maximum permissible under the selected cutting conditions, the
diameter range of workpieces that can be machined by a particular spindle rpm value nx can be determined
as follows:
Upper limit of the range,
dx =
p nx
Lower limit of the range,
dx + 1 =
p nx +1
Hence, the diameter range served by this particular rpm is

1000v Ê 1 1 ˆ
Ddx = -
p ÁË nx nx +1 ˜¯
70 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Let us calculate the rpm values and diameter range served by each rpm for the following conditions:
n1 = 30 rpm, nz = 375 rpm, number of speed steps z = 12, v = 20 m/min. These values are tabulated below in
Table 2.1.

Table 2.1

nx fx dx mm Ddx mm
n1 = 30 2.04 212 108.3

n2 = 61.4 1.51 103.7 35.1

n3 = 92.8 1.33 68.6 17.3

n4 = 124.2 1.25 51.3 10.4

n5 = 155.6 1.20 40.9 6.9

n6 = 187 1.17 34.0 4.84

n7 = 218.4 1.14 29.16 3.66

n8 = 249.8 1.12 25.5 2.90

n9 = 281.2 1.11 22.6 2.20

n10 = 312.6 1.10 20.4 1.9

n11 = 344 1.09 18.5 1.6

n12 = 375 16.9

Suppose we start machining a workpiece of diameter 212 mm. For a cutting speed of v = 20 m/min, the
value n1 = 30 rpm will correspond to optimum cutting. Before we can change over to the next higher rpm
value of n2 = 61.4, we must remove 108.3 mm of metal from the workpiece diameter. Assuming a permissible
ing uneconomically as the actual cutting speed would be less than the permissible value. On the other hand,
in changing over from an rpm value of n11 = 344 to nl2 = 375, we have to reduce the workpiece diameter only
by 1.6 mm. We could actually remove more than this allowance in one pass.
It follows from the above analysis that in the high rpm range some values of speed steps are redundant,
whereas in the low rpm range there is clearly a need to add more steps between the calculated values.

The rpm Values Constitute a Geometric Progression

n1 = n
n2 = n 1 f
n3 = n2 f = n1f2

nz = n z–1 f = n1f z– 1
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 71

where f is the geometric progression ratio. For the data used in the example above,
1/( z -1)
Ên ˆ
f= Á z˜ = 1.26
Ë n1 ¯
Let us calculate the rpm values and diameter range served by each rpm for the same conditions as given
in the arithmetic progression problem. The tabulated values are given in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2

nx f dx mm Ddx mm
n1 = 30 1.26 212 42
n2 = 37.5 1.26 170 36
n3 = 47.5 1.26 134 28
n4 = 60 1.26 106 21
n5 = 75 1.26 85 18

n6 = 95 1.26 67 13
n7 = 118 1.26 54 11.5
n8 = 150 1.26 42.5 9
n9 = 190 1.26 33.5 6.5
n10 = 235 1.26 27.0 5.8
n11 = 300 1.26 21.2 4.2
n12 = 375 1.26 17.0 4.2

Before we change over from a speed n1 = 30 rpm to n2 = 37.5 rpm an allowance of 42 mm must be ma-
chined from the workpiece diameter. Again, providing for a maximum depth of cut of t = 5 mm, this allow-
n11 = 300 rpm to n12 = 375 rpm, we have
to take a depth of cut of 2.1 mm which can be easily accomplished in one pass. We thus see that in order to
make the machine tool performance equally feasible in the whole rpm range, the low rpm values should be
brought still closer while the high rpm values can be widened a little.

The rpm Values Constitute a Harmonic Progression The harmonic progression is developed
from the basic idea that the diameter range served by each rpm of the progression is equal, i.e.,

1000v Ê 1 1 ˆ
Ddx = dx – d x+ 1 = - = const
p ÁË nx nx +1 ˜¯
1 1
– = const = C
nx nx +1
72 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

nx+1 =
1 - Cnx
The harmonic progression can be written as follows:
n1 = n
n2 =
1 - Cn1
n2 n1
n3 = =
1 - Cn2 1 - 2Cn1

nz -1 n1
n2 = =
1 - Cnz -1 1 - ( z - 1)Cn1
The values of rpm and diameter range for the same data used in the previous examples are tabulated in
Table 2.3.

Table 2.3

nx fx dx mm x mm
n1 = 30 1.09 212 18
n2 = 32.7 1.11 194 18

n3 = 36.2 1.11 176 18

n4 = 40.0 1.13 158 18
n5 = 45.1 1.13 140 18
n6 = 51 1.18 122 17
n7 = 60.1 1.205 105 16
n8 = 72.4 1.25 89 18
n9 = 90.6 1.34 71 18
n10 = 121.2 1.51 53 18

n11 = 183 2.1 35 18

n12 = 375 — 17 —

It may be seen that in order to change from n11 = 183 rpm to n12 = 375 rpm, the workpiece diameter must
be reduced from 35 mm to 17 mm. On a slender workpiece of 35 mm, a large depth of cut cannot be taken
as this would lead to the deformation of the workpiece. Assuming a permissible depth of cut of t = 2 mm on
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 73

in harmonic progression the rpm values in the high range are too wide apart, making this range uneconomical
for exploitation.

The rpm Values Constitute a Logarithmic Progression In this progression, the diameter range
is a function of the diameter.

D dx = 2Mdxp
where M p = 0.5.
dx – dx+1 = 2M ◊ d xp
Ê 2M ˆ
d x+1 = dx 1 - 1- p
ÁË d x ˜¯
1- p ˘
1000v 1000v È Ê p nx ˆ
Í1 - 2 M Á ˙
Ë 1000v ˜¯
p nx +1 p nx Î ˚
1- p
nx 1 Ê p nx ˆ
= 1 – 2M Á
Ë 1000v ˜¯
nx +1 f x

The progression can be written as follows:

n1 = n 1- p
1 Ê p n1 ˆ
n2 = n1f1; = 1 – 2M Á
f1 Ë 1000v ˜¯
1- p
1 Ê p n2 ˆ
n3 = n2 f2; = 1 – 2M Á
f2 Ë 1000v ˜¯

1- p
1 Ê p nz -1 ˆ
nz = nz – 1 ◊ f z–1; = 1 – 2M Á
f z -1 Ë 1000v ˜¯

For given values of n1, nz and z

be done by successive trials with different values of M.
For instance d2 = d1 – 2M d1 . Assuming M = 1, d2 = d1 – 2 d1 . Knowing d2, the next diameter is found
as d3 = d2 – 2 d 2 and so on. In this manner, dl2 can be found for two values of M, say M = 1.0 and 0.5. As
it is known that d12 = 17 mm, the correct value of M is found by linear interpolation.
The logarithmic progression for the data of previous examples is given in Table 2.4. It has been developed
for a value of M ª 0.88.
A comparison of the rpm values of Tables 2.2–2.4 reveals that in the low as well as high rpm range the
values of Table 2.4 lie between the values of Table 2.2 and 2.3.
74 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Table 2.4

nx fx dx mm Ddx mm
n1 = 30 1.14 212 26
n2 = 34.2 1.15 186 24
n3 = 39.4 1.16 162 22
n4 = 45.8 1.18 140 21
n5 = 54.1 1.20 119 19
n6 = 64 1.22 100 18
n7 = 78.1 1.25 82 17
n8 = 97.5 1.28 65 15
n9 = 125 1.34 50 12
n10 = 167.5 1.41 38 10
n11 = 236 1.55 28 9

n12 = 361 17

range, whereas that of the harmonic progression is poorer in the high rpm range.
Despite the major shortcomings discussed above, geometrical progression is commonly used in machine
tool drives owing to the following advantages:
1. Constant Loss of Economic Cutting Speed in the Whole rpm Range Suppose the spindle rpm values
constitute the following series:
n1, n2, n3,…, nj, n j+1
Consider that the optimum cutting speed vopt is such that it lies between the rpm values nj and nj+1, i.e.,
p dn j p dn j +1
< vopt <
1000 1000
Obviously, of the two rpm values, nj and nj+1, we select the one which gives a cutting speed closer to vopt.
The difference between the actual cutting speed and the optimum cutting speed is known as the -
. The difference between the actual cutting speed and vopt, and hence the loss of economic
cutting speed is maximum when the optimum cutting speed lies at the middle of two speeds provided by nj
and nj + 1, i.e., when
p d Ê n j + n j +1 ˆ
vopt = Á ˜¯ (2.2)
1000 Ë 2
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 75

The maximum loss of economic cutting speed is then

p d Ê n j +1 - n j ˆ
(Dvj)max = Á ˜¯ (2.3)
1000 Ë 2
Substituting the value of pd/1000 from Eq. 2.2 in Eq. 2.3, we obtain
n j +1 - n j
(Dvj)max = ◊ vopt
n j +1 + n j
n j +1
Denoting = fj, we get
nj fj -1
(Dvj)max = ◊ vopt (2.4)
fj +1

It may be concluded from Eq. (2.4) that in order that (Dvj)max may be constant in the whole range of ex-
ploitation of the machine tool, the ratio fj must be constant. This means that the spindle rpm values must lie
in a geometric progression.
2. Constant Loss of Productivity in the Whole rpm Range The productivity of a machining operation
can be expressed as the surface area of metal removed in unit time, i.e., by the quantity
p dn ◊ s = 1000sv mm2/min
where v is the cutting speed, m/min
s is the feed, mm/rev
For a constant value of feed s and depth of cut t, the productivity of a machining operation is constant in
the whole rpm range.
3. Better Design Features When all the rpm values of a spindle are obtained from a single transmission,
i.e., by changing gears only between two shafts, then any of the series discussed above can be utilised for
designing the speed box; the desired rpm values are obtained by using appropriate transmission ratios of
various gear pairs. If the rpm values are changed by mounting a new pair of gears on the shaft every time,
then changing of speeds becomes time consuming, inconvenient and economically infeasible, especially if
speeds have to be changed frequently as in general-purpose machine tools. If the rpm values are obtained by
mounting gear pairs of the appropriate transmission ratio on the shafts permanently, then the axial dimensions
of such a speed box become too large. These considerations underline the fact that speed steps in a speed box
should be obtained not through a single transmission between two shafts but through a group of transmissions
between a number of shafts. This feature can be realised in an actual speed box design only if the rpm values
lie in a geometric progression and may be explained by the following properties of a geometric progression:
(i) If from a geometric progression having progression ratio f, members are so removed that only every
xth member remains, then the resulting series is a geometric progression having progression ratio fx.
(ii) If a geometric progression having progression ratio f is multiplied by a constant A, the resulting series
is a geometric progression having the same progression ratio, but whose members are A times greater.
(iii) If a geometric progression having progression ratio f is multiplied by a factor fx, the resulting series
is a geometric progression which is shifted by x members.
76 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Initial Information Required for Designing a Speed Box:

2.2.2 Selection of Range Ratio
The following information is essentially required before we can start designing a stepped drive:
1. The highest output rpm, nmax
2. The lowest output rpm, nmin
3. The number of steps z into which the range between nmax and nmin is divided.
4. The number of stages in which the required number of speed steps are to be achieved.
An important parameter in designing speed boxes is the range ratio Rn given by
nmax vmax ◊ d max
Rn = = = Rv ◊ Rd
nmin vmin ◊ d min
Here Rv represents the range of cutting speeds employed on the machine tool and Rd the range of work-
piece diameters machined.
There is a tendency of assigning higher cutting speeds for
machining operations as new tool materials permitting higher
cutting speeds are developed. While selecting the lowest and
Probability density
highest speed limits for a new machine tool, we must take
into account its exploitation in actual production conditions.
Figure 2.11 shows the probability distribution of using the
various available rpm values for a high-speed milling machine
for machining of aluminium and non-ferrous alloys. The speeds
falling in the hatched portion can be ignored. A decision about
the speed limits for the machine tool to be designed should
be taken only after plotting such a probability-distribution x103
curve on the basis of statistical data collected by observing
0 2 4 6 8 10 rpm
the performance of machine tools doing similar operations.
The rpm range which is rarely used is rejected. Both the upper Fig. 2.1 Probability distribution of utilising
and lower speed limits are selected from these considerations. different rpm values of a high-
However, in the case of the lower limit, exceptions are made speed milling machine
in those cases in which the low cutting speeds, though rarely
used, are essential for certain machining operations, e.g., thread cutting on a lathe. The lower cutting speed
limit is often determined by the consideration that below a certain cutting speed, tool life begins to decrease,
necessitating frequent regrinding of the cutting tool and resulting in lower productivity.

which a higher cutting speed is permissible, but the corresponding rpm value is not available on the machine
tool. However, a very wide speed range is generally neither practicable nor economically feasible. The value
of Rv should, therefore, be kept within reasonable limits.
The range of diameters should also be selected on the basis of the statistical study of the working of simi-
lar machine tools. Investigations conducted by ENIMS (Machine Tool Research Institute, Moscow, Russia)
reveal that a ratio of Rd = dmax/dmin = 4 covers more than 85% of the workpieces, while Rd = 6 covers 92%
of the workpieces.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 77

After selecting the proper values of Rv and Rd, the range ratio Rn is determined. Typical values of Rn for
some groups of machine tools are given in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5

Centre lathe 40–60
Boring machine 40–60
Milling machine 30–50
Shaping machine 10
Drilling machine 15–30
Automatic lathe 8–10
Semi-automatics 16–24
Grinding machines 1–10

A variety of cutting tools of different shapes and compositions are used on general-purpose machine tools,
and therefore, Rn values are relatively large. On the other hand, in grinding machines the grinding wheel di-
ameter generally varies in the range Rd < 2 and the wheel material being the same, Rn values are small. Low
Rn values in the range of Rn = 5–10 are also characteristic of special-purpose machine tools.
The Rn value calculated on the basis of considerations discussed above should be increased by about 25%
to provide for future progress in machining techniques, cutting tool materials and design.
The number of speed steps in which the total range of rpm values available on the machine tool is divided
is determined as follows: Suppose the rpm values n1, n2, …, nz constitute a geometric progression. Then
Rn = = fz– 1 (2.5)
where n1 = nmin
nz = nmax
Equation (2.5) can be represented as
f = (Rn)1/(z–1)
log Rn ◊f
z= (2.6)
log f
The value of z can be determined provided Rn and f are known. The factors that must be kept in mind in
selecting a proper value of Rn
an appropriate value of f are now explained as follows.
78 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Standard Values of Geometric Progression Ratio and

2.2.3 Guidelines for Selecting a Proper Value
The standard values of f are established from the following two main considerations:
1. In machine tool drives, two speed motors are often used; the ratio of the two speeds is generally equal
to 2 (e.g., motors have rpm values of 3000 and 1500, or 1500 and 750, etc.). If the spindle rpm values
constitute a geometric progression for the lower rpm of the motor, then according to the property of
geometric progression, the spindle speeds should increase two times when the motor speed is switched
to the higher one. This means that if there is a spindle rpm value = nx, then after a certain number of
steps S1 there must occur a spindle rpm value = 2nx, i.e.,
nx ◊ f s1 = 2n x (2.7)
2. The geometric progression should be developed by keeping the standards of preferred numbers and
preferred series in mind. The geometric progression should then satisfy the condition
nx ◊ f s2 = 10nx (2.8)

The standard values of f are obtained from the condition that they must simultaneously satisfy Eqs (2.7)
and (2.8).
(2)1/s1 = (10)1/s2
S2 log 10 1 10 S ¢
= = = (2.9)
S1 log 2 0.3 3S ¢
where S ¢ is an arbitrary whole number.
From Eq. (2.9), we get
S2 = 10 S ¢ and S1 = 3S ¢
The standard values of S2 from the series of preferred numbers are 40, 20, 10 and 5. Correspondingly,
S ¢= S2/10 = 4, 2, 1 and 0.5 and S1 = 3S ¢ = 12, 6, 3 and 1.5.
The corresponding standard values of f are:
f40 = 10 = 12 2 = 1.06
f20 = 10 = 6 2 = 1.12

f10 = 10 10 = 3 2 = 1.26
f5 = 5 10 = 1.5 2 = 1.58
In machine tool design practise, the four values of f
following values are added:
f20/3 = 10 = 2 = 1.41

f4 = 4 10 (2)1/1.2 = 1.78
f20/6 = 10 = 2 = 2.0
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 79

The standard values of f

from Eq. (2.4) are given in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6 f

f 1.06 1.12 1.26 1.41 1.58 1.78 2.0

S1 = 12 6 3 2 1.5 1.2 1.0
S2 = 40 20 10 20/3 5 4 20/6
f -1
¥ 100 = 3 5 12 17 22 28 33
f +1

For a particular value of the range ratio, the number of speed steps increases with a reduction in the value
of f. On the one hand, it is desirable to select a small value of f so that the loss of economic cutting speed and,
hence, productivity loss is low. On the other hand, a large number of speed steps make the drive complicated
and expensive. The proper value of f must be selected by weighing these contradictory factors and striking a
judicial balance. In this regard, the recommendations tabulated below in Table 2.7 can be useful.

Table 2.7 f

Heavy-duty machine tools and automats 1.12
Large-to medium-size general-purpose machine tools and automats 1.26
Medium-size general-purpose machine tools 1.41
Medium- to small-size general-purpose machine tools 1.58

The most commonly used values of f are 1.26, 1.41 and 1.58. Smaller values of f (f = 1.12 and 1.06)
complicate the drive to an extent where it cannot normally compete with stepless regulation. Large values of
f (f = 1.78 and 2.0) result in very rough regulation leading to large productivity losses. They are rarely used
and that too only in special-purpose machine tools.
It is evident from Table 2.7 that large values of f are used on small-sized machine tools whereas small
values of f are used on large-sized machine tools. This can be explained in the following manner:
The diameter range which can be accommodated at a constant cutting speed by two adjacent values of the
spindle rpm is given by
1000v 1000v
Ddj = d j– 1 – dj = –
p n j -1 p nj

1000v Ê n j -1 ˆ
= 1-
p n j -1 ÁË n j ˜¯

Ê 1ˆ
= dj–1 Á1 - ˜
Ë f¯
80 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Rolled bars are often used as blanks for manufacturing various components. The bars are marketed in a
range of diameters. Let the diameter interval of bar stock be Ddb.

Ê 1ˆ
D dj = dj–1 Á1 - ˜ ≥ Ddb
Ë f¯
Ddb ◊ f
d j –1 ≥ = A ◊ Ddb
(f - 1)
The variation of quantity f/(f – 1) = A for various values of f is given below in Table 2.8.

Table 2.8 f /(f f

f 1.06 1.12 1.26 1.41 1.58 1.78 2.0

A = f/(f – 1) 17.66 9.33 4.85 3.44 2.72 2.28 2.0

For a small-sized bar stock the diameter interval is naturally small, i.e., b is a small quantity. Therefore,
in order to keep the value of dj–1 reasonably small we must use a small value of multiplication factor A =
f (f – 1). As is evident from Table 2.8 a small value of A is obtained by using a large value of f. Since a
small-sized bar stock is generally machined on small-sized machine tools, this explains why large values of
f are recommended for small-sized machine tools. By a similar logic, we can explain the recommendation
of small values of f for large-sized machine tools. Standard spindle speeds are given in Table 2.9 for various
values of f.

2.2.4 Break up of Speed Steps

The value of the number of speed steps z found from formula (2.6) is rounded off to the nearest whole num-
ber, preference being given to the number which can be broken into multiples of 2 and 3. For example,
Numbers between 5 and 7 are rounded off to z = 6
Numbers between 7 and 8.5 are rounded off to z = 8
Numbers between 8.5 and 10 are rounded off to z = 9
Numbers between 10 and 11 are rounded off to z = 10
Numbers between 11 and 13 are rounded off to z = 12
Numbers between 13 and 15 are rounded off to z = 14
and so on.
Suppose the z number of speed steps are obtained in number of transmissions. If p1 is the number of
p2 the number of speed steps in the second transmission group,
then after the second stage we have p1 ¥ p2 speed steps. Similarly, after the third stage we have p1 ¥ p2 ¥ p3
z speed steps after number of transmissions, i.e.,
z = p1 ¥ p2 ¥ p3 ¥ … ¥ p
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 81

Table 2.9 f

f = 1.12 f = 1.26 f = 1.41 f = 1.58 f = 1.78 f=2

(R 20) (R 10) (R 20/3) (R 5) (R 4) (R 10/3)
10 10 10 10
11.2 11.2
12.5 12.5
16 16 16 16 16
18 18
20 20
22.4 22.4
25 25 25
31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5
40 40 40
45 45
50 50
56 56
63 63 63 63 63
80 80
90 90
100 100 100 100
125 125 125 125
160 160 160
180 180 180
200 200
250 250 250 250 250
315 315 315
355 355
400 400 400
( )
82 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Table 2.9
500 500 500 500
560 560
630 630 630
710 710
800 800
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

For obtaining a particular number of speed steps using minimum number of gears, it is necessary that
p1 = p2 = p3 = … = p
Hence, the number of speed steps in each transmission group can be found from the expression p = (z)1/
For example, if z = 27 speed steps are to be obtained in three stages, then at each stage we must have
p = (z)1/3 = 3 transmissions. However, if the quantity (z)1/ is not a whole number, e.g., (12)1/3 = 2.3, then the
number of speed steps should be divided in such a manner that
z = 2 E1 ◊ 3E2 (2.10)
where E1 and E2 are whole numbers, e.g.,
12 = 22 ◊ 31
z = 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 27, 32, 36, etc., and while
rounding off the z values calculated by Eq. (2.6), preference should be given to the nearest number of above
Equation (2.10) actually corresponds to stepped regulation of speed in transmission groups containing two
or three pairs of gears which are kinematically located in succession to one another.

Structural Diagrams and Their Analysis to Select the

2.2.5 Best Possible Version
Suppose a speed on one shaft yields two speed values on the next shaft, i.e., the number of speed steps of
the particular transmission group is p = 2. If the transmission is through gears, the transmission ratios that
provide the two new speed values must lie in the following range:
max =2 min =
The maximum reduction of speed is limited to four times to keep the radial dimensions of the speed box
within reasonable limits, while the maximum increase of speed is restricted to two times due to limitations of
the pitch line velocity. The transmission range of the group is given by
= =8 (2.11)
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 83

Suppose there are z speed steps n1, n2, n3, …, nz in a particular transmission group such that
n2 n3 n
= =…= z =K
n1 n2 nz -1
Since the speeds on the last shaft of the speed box must constitute a geometric progression, the following

K = fX
Here X is known as the and it denotes the number of steps of the
spindle rpm geometric progression by which two adjacent rpm values of the particular group are separated.
A transmission group may thus be conveniently denoted as p(X), where p is the number of speed steps in the
transmission group and X its characteristic. The transmission range of the mth group can be calculated from
the expression:
m =f (2.12)
where pm is the number of speed steps in the mth group and Xm its characteristic.
As earlier explained in Sec. 2.2.4, the number of speed steps is represented in the form,
z = p 1 ¥ p2 ¥ p3 ¥ … ¥ p
This expression can be written in a number of ways by arranging p1, p2, p3, …, p in different positions.
The total number of possible combinations = !/q!, where q is the number of groups with identical transmis-
sions. For example if z = p1, p2, p3, there are no identical transmissions and the number of ways of represent-
ing z = 3! = 6. However, if any two transmissions are identical, i.e., p1 = p2 or p1 = p3 or p2 = p3 then q = 2
and z = 3!/2! = 3.
Since the rpm values of the output shaft of the speed box ought to be in a geometric progression, there
must be one transmission group that has a characteristic X1 = 1; this group is known as the
and it has a progression ratio = f1 = f. The next transmission group has a characteristic X2 = p1 and
a progression ratio = f X 2 = f p1 where p1
transmission group has a characteristic X3 = p1 p2 and a progression ratio = f p1 p2, etc.
Thus, a more elaborate expression for z may be written as follows:
z = p1(X1)p2 (X2) p3(X3)… p (X ) (2.13)
where X1 = 1, X2 = p1, X3 = p1p2,…, X = p1 ◊ p2 ◊ p3 … p –1.
Equation (2.13) is known as the .
By rearranging X1, X2, X3,…, X we can obtain ! combinations for the same combination of p1, p2, p3,…,
p . Hence, a speed box in which the speed steps are obtained in stages can have a total of ( !)2 structural
Let us consider an example. Suppose the number of speed steps z = 12 of a speed box are to be realised in
three stages, i.e., = 3. The number 12 may be written as a multiplication of 2 and 3 in three different ways.
Let us consider one such combination,
84 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

For this particular arrangement, we may write six structural formulae as follows:
(a) z = p1(X1)px(X2)p3(X3); X1 = 1, X2 = 2, X3 = p1 p2 = 6
z = 2(1)3(2)2(6)
(b) z = p1(X1)p2(X3)p3(X2); X1 = 1, X2 = p1 = 2, X3 = p1p3 = 4
z = 2(1)3(4)2(2)
(c) z = p1(X2)p2(X1)p3(X3); X1 = 1, X2 = p2 = 3, X3 = p2 p 1 = 6
z = 2(3)3(1)2(6)
(d) z = p1(X3)p2(X1)p3(X2); X1 = 1, X2 = p2 = 3, X3 = p2 p3 = 6
z = 2(6)3(1)2(3)
(e) z = p1 (X2) p2(X3)p3(X1); X1 = 1, X2 = p3 = 2, X3 = p3p1 = 4
z = 2(2)3(4)2(1)
(f) z = p1(X3)p2(X2)p3(X1); X1 = 1, X2 = P3 = 2, X3 = p3 p2 = 6
z = 2(6)3(2)(2)2(1)
In an identical manner 12 more structural formulae can be written for the remaining two combinations
p1 p2 p3.
The structural formulae are represented in the form of special graphs known as . For
plotting the structural diagram, we draw
vertical line represents the transmission from the motor shaft and the rest represent the transmission groups
of the speed box. We now draw an array of horizontal lines intersecting the vertical lines at a distance of log
f from each other. The number of horizontal lines is equal to the number of speed steps z of the speed box.

of spindle steps is n1, n2 = n1f, n3 = n2f,…, nz = nz–1f. If we take the log of functions on both sides of the
equality sign, we get
log n2 = log n1 + log f, log n3 = log n2 + log f, etc.
Thus, if the values of geometric progression members are marked on a vertical line, the interval between
the spindle speeds will be constant and equal to log f. In practise, it is not necessary to consider the log of the
progression ratio and the spacing between adjacent speed steps can be just taken equal to f.
The structural diagrams for the six structural formulae are shown in Fig. 2.2.
The structural diagram gives information about
1. the number of shafts in the speed box.
2. the number of gears on each shaft.
3. the order of changing transmissions in individual groups to get the desired spindle speed.
4. the transmission range and characteristic of each group.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 85


(a) 2(1) 3(2) 2(6) (b) 2(1) 3(4) 2(2) (c) 2(3) 3(1) 2(6)


(d) 2(6) 3(1) 2(3) (e) 2(2) 3(4) 2(1) (f) 2(6) 3(2) 2(1)

Fig. 2.2 Structural diagrams for different structural formulae

From among all the possible structural diagrams, the selection of the best version is guided by the follow-
ing two factors:
(a) Transmission ratio restriction This requirement has already been discussed and it need only be em-
phasised that the maximum value of the transmission range of a group is £ 8.

Ê u +1 ˆ
(b) Minimum total shaft size Á
ÁË i =1 Â
d = min ˜
The torque transmitted by a shaft is given by the expression

Mt = K Kgf ◊ m (2.14)
86 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

where N = power of the drive motor

K = 716.2 when N is given in horse power and 973.6 when N is given in kW.
n = rpm of the rotating shaft
If the rpm values of a shaft lie in a geometric progression, then the torque values at which rotation is trans-
mitted must also constitute a geometrical progression, provided the horsepower is constant.
From ‘Strength of Materials’, we know that
M t [t ]
= (2.15)
where Mt = maximum possible value of torque
= radius of the shaft
[t] = permissible shearing strength of the shaft material
Polar moment of inertia of the shaft section, Ip = .
Equation (2.15) may be represented as
p [t ]
Mt = ª 0.2d 3[t] (2.16)
where d = shaft diameter
Combining Eqs (2.14) and (2.16), we may write
Ê 716.2 hp 1 ˆ
d1 = Á
Ë 0.2 n1 [t ] ˜¯
Ê 716.2 hp 1 ˆ
d2 = Á
Ë 0.2 n2 [t ] ˜¯
d1 Ê n2 ˆ
= = (f)1/3
d 2 ÁË n1 ˜¯

It is evident from Eq. (2.16) that since Mt values form a geometric progression, the shaft diameters also
constitute a geometrical progression having progression ratio = f1/3.
The dimensions of a shaft are determined for the lowest rpm at which it rotates, because the lower the
rpm of the shaft, the higher is the torque that the shaft has to transmit and hence the larger its diameter. The
required accuracy of machining of a shaft depends upon the highest rpm at which it rotates; the higher the

In a speed box the nmax and nmin values on the last shaft (spindle) must necessarily be the same in all the
versions of structural diagrams. However, the nmin and nmax values for the intermediate shafts will differ for
each version. The best version which ensures
u +1

 d = min
i =1
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 87

will be the one in which the nmin values of the intermediate shafts are maximum and the nmax values of the

X1 < X2 < X3 < …< X –1 <X

where X1 X2, X3, X4, ...,
X are the characteristics of the second, third, fourth and th transmission groups, respectively.
Besides factors (a) and (b) discussed above the following guidelines, which stem from rationality of the
speed box design and its exploitation can also be helpful in selecting the best diagram:
1. The number of gears on the last shaft (spindle) should be the minimum possible.
2. The transmission ratio between the spindle and the shaft preceding it should be the maximum possible,
i.e., speed reduction should be the maximum possible.
3. The number of gears on the shafts should not generally be more than three, though in exceptional cases
it may be four.
4. max ¥ min = 1 favours the least radial dimensions of the gear box ( Fig. 2.20).
Let us now analyse structural diagrams a and that we have drawn.

Between shafts I and II, max

= f(p1 – 1) X1 = f (2 – 1)1 = f

Between shafts II and III, max

= f(p2 – 1) X2 = f (3 – 1)2 = f4

Between shafts III and IV, max

= f(p3– 1) X3 = f (2 – 1)6 = f6

Hence, maximum transmission range in the speed box is f X max = f 6.

Between shafts I and II, max

= f(p1 – 1) X2 = f (2 – 1)2 = f2

Between shafts II and III, max

= f(p2 – 1) X3 = f (3 – 1)4 = f8

Between shafts III and IV, max

= f(p3– 1) X1 = f (2 – 1)1 = f

Hence, the maximum transmission range in the speed box is f Xmax = f8

For diagrams a, c, d and , max

= f Xmax = f6
For diagrams b and , max
= f X max = f8
Since £ 8,
For diagrams a, c, d and f 6 < 8, i.e., f < 1.41
For diagrams b and , f 8 < 8, i.e., f < 1.3
88 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Hence, if the selected value of the progression ratio is f = 1.26, then all the six structural diagrams qualify
for selection as far as consideration of factor (a) is concerned.
If f = 1.41, then diagrams b and are ruled out.
If f > 1.41, then none of the structural diagrams is suitable for designing the speed box and an attempt
must be made with a different arrangement of the speed step distribution, e.g., z = 3 ¥ 2 ¥ 2.
Finally, if all such attempts fail, then it becomes necessary to design the gear box with special structure
( Sec. 2.5).
ysed keeping factor (b) and the additional guidelines in mind. A comparison of the six structural diagrams
of Fig. 2.2 reveals that diagrams a and c are better than the rest because nmin values of shaft III in both these
diagrams are maximum while nmax values of shaft II are minimum. However, diagram a scores over diagram
c when shaft II is compared; the nmin value of shaft II in diagram a is higher and the nmax value lower as
compared to the corresponding values of diagram c. It may be thus seen that structural diagram a is the best
among all the considered versions. A glance at the structural formula of this diagram z = 2(1) 3(2) 2(6) reveals
X 1 < X2 < X 3

2.2.6 Speed Chart

The structural diagram only depicts the range ratio of transmission groups but gives no information about
transmission ratios. In order to determine the transmission ratios of all transmissions and the rpm values of
speed-box shafts, it is necessary to plot the speed chart.
The lines joining points of adjacent shafts in a speed chart depict the transmission ratios. If
1. the line is horizontal, it corresponds to transmission ratio = 1, i.e., no speed change.
2. the line is inclined upward, it depicts 1, i.e., speed increase.
3. the line is inclined downward, it depicts 1, i.e., speed reduction.
While plotting the speed chart it is desirable to have the minimum transmission ratio, i.e., maximum speed
reduction in the last transmission group. In this case, the remaining shafts of the speed box run at a relatively
higher rpm and are, therefore, loaded less.
Keeping in mind the restrictions,
max = £ 2 and min ≥
the maximum number of intervals between the ends of lines joining points on two adjacent shafts is also
restricted; the limiting values are given in Table 2.10.

Table 2.10 f

1.06 1.12 1.26 1.41 1.58 1.78 2.0
Speed reduction, <1 24 12 6 4 3 2 2
Speed increase, 1 12 6 3 2 1 1 1
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 89

Let us illustrate the procedure of plotting the speed chart by considering structural diagram of Fig. 2.2a as
an example. Suppose the initial data for plotting the speed chart is nmin = 30 rpm, nmax = 1500 rpm; z = 12,
f = 1.41, rpm of the motor nm = 1440. The procedure may be laid down stepwise as follows:

the standard spindle speed for f = 1.41 which is closest to nmin = 30 rpm; it will be found that this
value is n1 = 31.5 rpm. Beginning with n1 = 31.5 rpm, mark the successive spindle speed values on
the horizontal lines for the geometric progression ratio f = 1.41. The number of horizontal lines is
determined in the following manner:
If nz m, draw z number of horizontal lines; if nz < nm, draw as many additional horizontal lines as
are necessary so that nm can be located on the speed chart. In our example nm = 1440 rpm and nz =
n12 = 1410 rpm. Therefore, we draw 13 horizontal lines. On the 13th line, n13 = 2000 rpm which is
greater than nm.
3. Draw the rays depicting transmission between the last shaft and the shaft preceding it. The rays are
drawn for the lowest rpm of the last shaft keeping in mind the transmission ratio constraints of max £ 2
and min f6, which for f = 1.41 can
be divided only in one possible manner
max = 2 = f2
1 1
min = = 4
4 f
the rays depicting these transmissions are depicted in Fig. 2.3a for the lowest speed.

2000 2000
1410 1410
1000 1000
710 710
500 500
355 355
250 250
180 180
125 125
90 90
63 63
45 45
31.5 31.5
(a) (b)

Fig. 2.3 (a) Ray diagram, (b) Speed chart

4. In the transmission between shafts III and IV, the transmission range as per Eq. (2.12) is f4. The
transmissions between shafts III and IV may be arranged in three different ways as shown in Fig. 2.4a,
b and c.
90 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

In version I of Fig. 2.4a, the nmin value on shaft III is higher but the nmax value is also higher. If the
increased cost of machining the shaft exceeds the saving of material, then version II of Fig. 2.4b
should be preferred. However, if a high nmax value does not entail changes in the production process of
shaft III and the machining cost remains the same, then version I should be accepted. Suppose, in our
problem after analysis it is found that version I is more economical. The corresponding rays depicting
transmission between shafts III and IV are then drawn in Fig. 2.3a.




(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2.4 Possible speeds for a particular transmission group

5. The rpm of the motor generally does not coincide with the standard spindle speeds of Table 2.9.
Therefore, the motor rpm of shaft I is reduced to a standard spindle speed on shaft II by selecting an
appropriate transmission ratio. While selecting the transmission ratio between shafts I and II, it should
also be kept in mind that the maximum speed reduction between shafts II and III does not violate the
condition m
6. Having plotted the ray diagram, the rays of the remaining transmissions are also drawn keeping in
mind the characteristic of each group. The completed speed chart is shown in Fig. 2.3b.


In machine tools, the feed motion is generally obtained through the following kinematic train:
1. The driving member; it may be driven by the spindle through a gear, belt or chain transmission as in
lathes and drilling machines, or it may be powered by an independent motor as in milling machines.
2. The device for engaging and reversing the feed mechanism.
3. The feed box.
4. The single-gear transmission which provides heavy speed reduction; this transmission is placed at the
end of the kinematic train to ensure low torque values on the feed box shafts.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 91

5. The traction device which is generally a screw-and-nut or rack-and-pinion transmission.

6. A rapid traverse mechanism which is generally powered by a separate motor and is kinematically
linked to the feed mechanism immediately after the single-gear transmission.
The accuracy of the kinematic train of the feed box is determined by its function. If the feed rate deter-
erations, etc., the accuracy requirements are not high. However, if the feed motion is one of the essential

then the feed motion is kinematically linked to the main drive motion through an indexing train and a precise
transmission ratio between the main drive motion and feed motion must be maintained.
In a majority of machine tools, stepped feed regulation is employed because economically viable stepless
methods of feed regulation are not available.
The machining time of an operation is in general calculated from the expression
T= min (2.17)
where L = length of machined surface, mm
n = rpm of machine tool spindle
s = feed, mm/rev
Productivity of the machine tool, which may be described as the length of machined surface per unit time,
may be determined from Eq. (2.17) as
Q = = ns
Let Qopt be the optimum productivity of the machine tool corresponding to the optimum rpm value nopt
and optimum feed s , which lie between spindle speeds nj and nj+1 and feed rates sj and sj+1. Obviously,
(n, s) j < (n, s)opt < (n, s) j + 1
The maximum loss of productivity occurs when (n, s)opt tends to (n, s)j+1, -
ity loss may be written as
Ê DQ ˆ Q j +1 - Q j (n, s ) j
ÁË Q ˜¯ = =1–
Q j +1 (n, s ) j +1

For (DQ/Q)max to be constant in the whole range of exploitation of the machine tool, (n, s)j/(n, s) should
be constant. This means that the product ns must form a geometrical progression. Since the spindle speeds of
machine tools lie in a geometrical progression, it is essential that for constant productivity loss the feed rates
should also constitute a geometrical progression.
The advantages of using geometrical progression in spindle speeds are also relevant to feed boxes, and
therefore, machine tool feed boxes generally have feed rate values in a geometric progression. The excep-
tions are:
1. Screw-cutting lathes, because standard thread pitches form an arithmetic progression.
2. Feed boxes in which the feed is executed through a ratchet mechanism. In these feed boxes, the
feed rate changes in direct proportion to the number of teeth by which the ratchet rotates during
each working stroke. Such feed boxes are generally used in shaping, planing, slotting and grinding
machines in which the feed motion is intermittent in nature and must take place in a limited time
period, say during over travel or the idle return stroke of the cutting tool.
92 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Gear boxes in which feed rates lie in a geometric progression have the following limiting transmission
ratio values:
max £ 2.8, min ≥ 1/5
The group transmission range may, therefore, have a maximum value
= 14 =
The general guidelines for writing the structural formulae, plotting the structural diagrams and feed charts
are the same as discussed in speed box design. Let us illustrate the procedure of designing a feed box through
the following example:
Design a feed box for feed range s = 0.1–1.11 mm/rev in 2 stages; f = 1.41. The procedure may be
laid down stepwise as follows:
1. Determine the feed range as
smax 1.11
R = = = 11.1
smin 0.1

2. Determine the number of feed steps from Eq. (2.6)

log Rnf ◊ f log 11.1
z = = + 1 = 7.98
log f log 1.41
Let us assume z = 8.
3. Write the structural formulae. In a two-stage feed box having z = 8, the following four structural
formulae may be written:
(a) z = 2(1)4(2)
(b) z = 2(4)4(1)
(c) z = 4(1)2(4)
(d) z = 4(2)2(1)
4. Draw the structural diagrams. The structural diagrams for the formula written in step 3 above are
shown in Fig. 2.5.

(a) 2(1) 4(2) (b) 2(4) 4(1) (c) 4(1) 2(4) (d) 4(2) 2(1)

Fig. 2.5 Structural diagrams for different structural formulae

Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 93

5. Analyse the structural diagrams.

Between shafts I and II, max

= f(2 – 1)1 = f

Between shafts II and III, max

= f (4– 1)1 = f6
Hence maximum transmission range of the feed box = f6.

Between shafts I and II, max

= f(2 – 1)4 = f4

Between shafts II and III, max

= f(4– 1)1 = f3
Hence maximum transmission range of the feed box = f4.

Between shafts I and II, max

= f(4– 1)1 = f3

Between shafts II and III, max

= f(2 – 1)4 = f4
Hence maximum transmission range of the feed box = f4.

Between shafts I and II, max

= f(4– 1)2 = f6

Between shafts II and III, max

= f(2 – 1)1 = f
Hence maximum transmission range of the feed box = f6.
It may be recalled that the group transmission range constraint in feed boxes = 14. Therefore,
For diagram (a), f6 £ 14, i.e., f £ 1.55
For diagram (b), f4 £ 14, i.e., f £ 2.41
For diagram (c), f4 £ 14, i.e., f £ 2.41
For diagram (d), f6 £ 14, i.e., f £ 1.41
Since the selected value of f = 1.41, all the structural diagrams satisfy the transmission range constraint
min, i.e., X1 < X2.
because the minimum rpm value on shaft II is higher and the maximum rpm value on the same shaft
lower than the corresponding values of diagram (c).
6. Determine the rpm values of the output shaft of the gear box per revolution of the spindle which ensure
the desired feed rates.
94 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

For determining the rpm of shaft III (nIII), it is necessary to have a knowledge of the kinematic train of
the feed box. The kinematic diagram of a transmission based upon structural diagram (a) is shown in
Fig. 2.6.

25 62

40 ¥ ¥

¥ ¥ ¥

60 32 42



12 ¥ 4 Single-start worm


Fig. 2.6 Kinematic diagram of transmission based upon the structural formula 2(1)4(2)

It is assumed that the kinematic train between the spindle and shaft I of the gear box is already designed
and this transmission takes place through gears whose number of teeth is known. The transmissions
between shafts I to III have to be designed and this is the aim of the present exercise.
On shaft III a worm is mounted. This rotates a worm gear and with it a pinion which is integral
with the worm gear and is mounted on the same axis. This pinion meshes with the rack attached to the
carriage (of a lathe) or sleeve (of a drilling machine).
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 95

The following equation can now be written from considerations of kinematic balance:
nIII◊ ◊ p mZ = s (2.18)
where = transmission ratio of the worm-worm gear pair; let = 1/50
m = module of pinion, let m = 4
Z = number of teeth of pinion; let Z = 12
s = feed per rev, i.e., displacement of the rack per revolution of the spindle
Upon substituting the numerical values in Eq. (2.18) above, we obtain

nIII = s ◊ = 0.33 s
¥ 3.14 ¥ 4 ¥ 12
For the given value of f = 1.41, the feed-rate values are s = 0.1, 0.141, 0.2, 0.282, 0.4, 0.56, 0.79, 1.11.
Revolutions nIII of shaft III per revolution of the spindle which ensure these feed rates are:
n1 = 0.33 s1 = 0.33 ¥ 0.1 = 0.033
n2 = 0.33 s2 = 0.33 ¥ 0.141 = 0.045
n3 = 0.33 s3 = 0.33 ¥ 0.2 = 0.066
n4 = 0.33 s4 = 0.33 ¥ 0.282 = 0.094
n5 = 0.33 s5 = 0.33 ¥ 0.4 = 0.132
n6 = 0.33 s6 = 0.33 ¥ 0.56 = 0.181
n7 = 0.33 s7 = 0.33 ¥ 0.79 = 0.261
n8 = 0.33 s8 = 0.33 ¥ 1.11 = 0.367 0.367
7. Determine the rpm of the input shaft of the gear box per revolution of
0.203 0.181
the spindle.
Suppose rotation from the spindle is transmitted to shaft I through 0.132
gear pairs 40–60, 25–62, and 32–42. Then in one revolution of the 0.094

40 25 32 0.066
spindle, shaft I makes n1 = 1 ¥ ¥ ¥ = 0.203 revolutions
60 62 42 0.045

8. Knowing the rpm values of shafts I and III, the feed chart may be 0.033
plotted in accordance with Fig. 2.5a, keeping in mind the transmission Fig. 2.7 Feed chart for the
ratio constraints of max £ 2.8 and min structural formula
given example is shown in Fig. 2.7. 2(1) 4(2)

Machine tool drives are often powered by asynchronous ac motors with two (750/1500, 15000/3000) or three
(750/1500/3000) synchronous speeds. The rpm of these motors can be changed while they are running, and
therefore, such motors are preferably employed in small-sized machine tools in conjunction with geared
drives in which the speeds are changed by electromagnetic or friction clutches. The use of a multiple-speed
electric motor makes for a simpler geared drive.
96 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

In a speed-box, a multiple-speed motor may be looked upon as a transmission group with group transmis-
sion range = 2 and speed steps:
p = 2 for a two-speed motor
P = 3 for a three-speed motor
The characteristic X of this transmission group depends upon the geometric progression ratio f of the
spindle speeds. The values of X are given in Table 2.11.

Table 2.11 f

f 1.06 1.12 1.26 1.41 2.0

Xem 12 6 3 2 1

In speed boxes having f = 1.58, 1.78 and 2.0, multiple-speed electric motors cannot be employed. The
structural formula for a drive using multiple-speed motor is
z = p (X )p1(X1)p2(X2) … p (X )

= 2,
this puts a constraint on the structural formula, namely that only that transmission group can be made the
main group (having characteristic X1 = 1) which has p = X number of speed steps.
Suppose z = 12, f = 1.41 and p = 2. Let z = p ◊ p1 · p2 = 2 ¥ 3 ¥ -
sisting of the two-speed motor must have a characteristic X = 2, and therefore, only the third transmission
group having p2 = 2 can be the main group with characteristic X1 = 1. The structural formula can be written as
z = 2(X = X2 = 2)3(X3)2(X1)
X1 = 1, X2 = p2 = 2, X3 = p1◊ p =2¥2=4
i.e., z = 2(2)3(4) ◊ 2(1)
Here, the transmission range of group 3(4) = f (3– 1) = f8; for f = 1.41 this violates the constraint on group
transmission range. Hence, a gear box with multiple-speed motor is not possible in the given case.
Let us consider another example. Suppose z = 12, f = 1.26 and p = 2. Let z = pem ◊ p1 ◊ p2 = 2 ¥ 3 ¥ 2.
X = 3 ( Table
2.11). Therefore, only the second transmission group having p1 = 3 can be the main group with characteristic
X1 = 1. The structural formula in this case can be written as
Z = 2(X = X2 = 3) ◊ 3(X1)2(X3)
X1 = 1, X2 = p1 = 3, X3 = p1 ◊ p =3¥2=6
i.e., Z = 2(3)3(1)2(6)
The structural diagrams for these two examples are plotted in Fig. 2.8.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 97

Motor Motor




(a) 2(2) 3(4) 2(1) (b) 2(3) 3(1) 2(6)

Fig. 2.8 Structural diagrams of speed boxes with multiple speed motors: (a) two-speed motor, f = 1.41,
(b) two-speed motor, f = 1.26

Let us illustrate the plotting of the speed chart for a 12 speed gear box using a two speed motor. The struc-
tural formula is 12 = 2(2) 3(4) 2(1) and f = 1.41, i.e., X = 2.
RPM n12 will be obtained at the higher of the two motor speeds. Let us mark it with a circle (Fig. 2.9a). If
the motor speed is now changed (without shifting the gears), the output rpm obtained on the gear box will be
nl0. As this rpm is obtained at the lower of the two motor speeds, it is marked with a cross. By similar logic,
n11 will be obtained at the higher speed of the motor and n9 at the lower, they are, therefore, marked by circle
and cross, respectively (Fig. 2.9b). In this manner, all the output rpm values of the gear box are marked by
circles and crosses corresponding to the two settings of the motor (Fig. 2.9c).
n12 n12 n12 n12

n11 n11 n12

n10 n10 n11
n9 n9 n10
n8 n8 n9
n7 n7 n8
n6 n6 n7

n5 n5 n6
n4 n4 n5
n3 n3 n4
n2 n2 n3
n1 n1 n1 n1 n2
2(2) 3(4) 2(1) 2(2) 2(1) 3(4) n1
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2(3) 3(1) 2(6) 2(3) 2(6) 3(1)

Fig. 2.9 Steps in developing speed chart of a speed Fig. 2.10 Speed charts of 12-speed gear box
box with two speed motor ith two speed motor
98 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The speed chart plotted on the basis of the foregoing exercise is shown in Fig. 2.9d. Here it can be seen that
the second group has transmission range = f8, which violates the group transmission range constraint for
f = 1.41. Hence, this structural diagram is rejected. The speed chart for the structural formula 12 = 2(2)2(1)3(4)
is shown in Fig. 2.9e. This speed chart also violates the group transmission range constraint in the last group.
Moreover, having three speeds in the last group is not desirable.
Let us now consider the speed charts for a 12-speed gear box having f = 1.26. Two speed charts for the
structural formulae 12 = 2(3)3(1)2(6) and 12 = 2(3)2(6)3(1) are shown in Fig. 2.10.
It is seen from the above examples that the 12-speed gear box with two speed motor is basically designed
for six speeds and the total 12 output rpm’s are achieved by shifting the motor speed.


If the structural formula of a speed box is represented in the form of Eq. (2.13),
z = p1(X1)p2(X2)p3(X3) … p (X )
the characteristic X of the th group is expressed as X = p1 ◊ p2 ◊ p3 ◊…◊ p –1.
As the product p1 ◊ p2 ◊ p3 ◊…◊ p –1 represents the number of speed steps z –1 obtained from – 1 transmis-
sion groups, we can write
Z =X ◊p
The value of X is limited by constraints on transmission ratios. From the relationship f X max £ 8, the limit-
ing values of characteristic X may be calculated for different values of f.
If it is assumed that the number of speed steps in the last th transmission group is p = 2 (as is generally
the case), the maximum number of speed steps in a speed box can be determined for different values of f as
z max =X max ◊ p = 2 ◊X max

The transmission range of the last ( th) transmission group is

= f X = f Z /2
Keeping the transmission-ratio constraints in mind,
f Z /2 £ 8
f z –1 £
However, f z –1 represents the range ratio Rn. Therefore, the limiting value of the range ratio can be deter-
mined from the relationship
R n lin = f z –1 £
The limiting values of X , z and Rn, for various values of f are given in Table 2.12.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 99

Table 2.12 , z and Rn f


1.06 1.12 1.26 1.41 1.58 1.78 2.0

X 36 18 9 6 4 3 3

Z 72 36 18 12 8 6 6

Rn 60 57 51 45 40 36 32

In general-purpose machine tools, the range ratio often exceeds the limiting values given in Table 2.12
because a large variety of materials ranging from aluminium alloys to alloyed steels have to be machined by
cutting tools of different shapes and compostions. In such cases, we have to select a structure which deviates
from the normal uniform structure. These come under special cases which are discussed below.

2.5.1 Speed Box with Overlapping Speed Steps

In these speed boxes some of the speed steps overlap, i.e., these speeds can be obtained through two different
kinematic trains. Such drives are employed either when the range Rn exceeds the limiting value given in Table
2.12 or when the speed steps cannot be broken into multiples of 2 and 3.
The structural formula of a drive with overlapping speed steps is written as follows:
= p1(X1)p2(X2)p3(X3) … p (X ¢)
where X ¢ is the characteristic of the last group and it is less than the normal characteristic X . The number of
non-coinciding speed steps is given by the formula
znc = z – (X – X ¢) (p – 1) (2.19)
Let us write the structural formula of a drive with overlapping speed steps for the following two cases:
Case 1 The calculated value of range ratio Rn does not exceed the limiting value given in Table 2.12, but
the number of speed steps cannot be broken into multiples of 2 and 3. The procedure for writing the structural
formula can be outlined as follows:
1. Find the nearest value zn of the speed steps z which can be broken into multiples of 2 and 3.
2. Write the normal structural formula for the assumed zn number of speed steps
zn = p1(X1)p2(X2)p3(X3) … p (X )
3. Reduce characteristic X to X ¢, where
zn - z
X¢=X –
pu - 1
4. Write the corrected structural formula.
100 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

For example, given Rn = 15, f = 1.26; from Eq. (2.6),

log Rn
z=1+ = 12.7 = 13
log f
1. We select the nearest value zn = 16 which can be broken into multiples of 2 as 16 = 2 ¥ 2 ¥ 2 ¥ 2 ¥ 2.
2. Write the normal structural formula,
z = 2(1)2(2)2(4)2(8)
3. Reduce the characteristic X to
zn - z 16 - 13
X¢=X – =8– =5
pu - 1 2 -1
4. Write the corrected structural formula as
z = 2(1)2(2)2(4)2(5)
The structural diagram corresponding to this formula is given in Fig. 2.11.


3 Overlapping steps

2 (1) 2 (2) 2 (4) 2 (5)

Fig. 2.11 Structural diagram of a speed box with overlapping speed steps

Case 2 The calculated value of range ratio Rn exceeds the limiting value given in Table 2.12. The procedure
for writing the structural formula is as follows:
1. Determine the number of speed steps and round off the number to the nearest number which can be
broken into multiples of 2 and 3.
2. Write the normal structural formula for the assumed number of speed steps,
zn = p1(X1) p2(X2)p3(X3) … p (X )
3. Reduce the characteristic X of the last group to the limiting value given in Table 2.12.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 101

4. Calculate the number of non-coinciding speed steps I II III IV V

from Eq. 2.19.
5. If znc exceeds the number of required speed steps
by more than one step, then the limiting value of X
should be reduced by 1, i.e., the transmission range
of the group should be increased by f and the whole
procedure repeated from step (2),
6. Write the corrected structural formula.
For example, given Rn = 80, f = 1.26:

3 Overlapping steps
1. From Eq. (2.6),
log Rn
z=1+ – 20.04
log f
we assume z = 24, which may be written as
z = 3 ¥ 2 ¥ 2 ¥ 2,
2. Write the normal structural formula
z = 24 = 3(1)2(3)2(6)2(12)
3. Reduce the characteristic X from 12 to 9 which is the
limiting value of X given in Table 2.12.
4. Calculate
znc = z – (X – X ¢)(p – 1)
= 24 – (12 – 9)(2 – 1) = 21 3 (1) 2 (3) 2 (6) 2 (9)
5. znc differs from z = 20.04 by less than unity, and Fig. 2.12 Structural diagram of a speed box
therefore, the structural formula is accepted. The with overlapping speed steps
corresponding structural diagram is given in Fig. 2.12.
The major drawback of drives with overlapping speed steps is that a complicated transmission is employed
to obtain less number of spindle speeds than what the transmission is capable of providing. If the number of
overlapping speed steps is more than 3, it is better to employ a drive with broken geometrical progression or
with a combined structure which are discussed below.

2.5.2 Speed Box with Broken Geometrical Progression

In drives using a broken geometrical progression, the progression ratio is equal to f in the middle and f2 in
the lowest and highest extreme speed steps. This reduces the number of speed steps and transmissions but
increases the range ratio without complicating the drive.
A speed box with broken geometrical progression can be employed if z – 2 is equal to or less than the
limiting value of z given in Table 2.11.
The structural formula of a drive with a broken geometrical progression is written as follows:
z = p1(X 1¢ ) p2 (X2)p3(X3) … p (X ) (2.20)
where X 1¢ = (5 – p1)
102 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The number of speed steps is calculated from the formula I II III IV

log Rn ◊ f Missing
z = –2 (2.21) step
log f
The structural formula of a drive with broken geometrical progres-
sion may be written as per the following procedure:
1. Calculate from Eq. (2.21)
log Rn ◊ f
z= –2
log f
2. Round off the calculated value to the nearest whole number zn
which is a multiple of 2 and 3, and
3. Write the structural formula as
zn = p1(X 1¢ )p2 (X2)p3(X3) … p (X )
For example, give Rn = 80, f = 1.26,

log 80 ¥ 1.26
z= – 2 = 18.04
log 1.26
2. Assume
zn = 18 = 3 ¥ 3 ¥ 2 step
3. Write the structural formula as per Eq. (2.20) 3 (2) 3 (3) 2 (9)

z = 3(5 – 3) ◊ 3(3) ◊ 2(9) Fig. 2.13 Structural diagram of a

= 3(2) ◊ 3(3) ◊ 2(9) speed box with broken
geometrical progression
The structural diagram formula is shown in Fig. 2.13.

2.5.3 Speed Box with a Combined Structure

In speed boxes with a combined structure, beyond a certain stage, transmission to the spindle can be accom-
plished through two independent kinematic trains. When transmission is being done through one train, the
other remains disengaged. Usually one of the kinematic trains is employed for obtaining higher speed steps
and the other train for lower speed steps.
Let zc be the speed steps till the transmission is common, z the speed steps developed in the high-velocity
transmission train and z the speed steps developed in the low-velocity transmission train. The total speed
steps available from such a combined drive are given by
z = z c (z + z ) (2.22)

The point may be further elaborated by means of the block diagram depicted in Fig. 2.14.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 103

It is evident from Eq. (2.22) that the combined structure is a sum of two simple structures, and therefore,
each of the products zcz , and zcz must satisfy all the requirements earlier laid down for simple structures.
The structural formula for a drive with combined structure can be written as follows:
Z = p1c(X1c)p2c(X2c) … pnc(Xnc)[p1 (X1 ) ◊ p2 (X2 ) … p (X ) + p1 (X1 ) ◊ p2 (X2 ) … p (X )] (2.23)
In writing the above formula it has been assumed that there are n transmission groups in the common ki-
nematic train, m groups in the high-velocity kinematic train and k groups in the low-velocity kinematic train.


Motor zc zh


Fig. 2.14 Block diagram of a speed box with a combined structure

It may be noted that in Eq. (2.23)

X1 = X1 = p1c ◊ p2c ◊ p3c ◊ … ◊ pnc
X2 = X1 ◊ p1
X = X1 ◊ p1 p2 ◊ … ◊ p(m – 1)
X2 = X1 ◊ p1
X = X1 ◊ p1 ◊ p2 ◊ … ◊ p(k – 1)
It should also be kept in mind that in none of the transmission groups should the characteristic exceed its

The examples of structural formulae for a drive with a combined structure are:
z = 2(1)2(2)[2(4) + 2(4) ◊ 2(8)] = 24
z = 3(1)2(3)[3(6) + 2(6) ◊ 2(12)] = 42
Very often Z = 1, i.e., there are no group transmissions in the high-velocity kinematic train. For such
trains, the structural formula becomes
z = z c (1 + z )
In spindle drives wide application has been found by combined structures having z = 1 and z = 1, i.e.,
having the structural formula z = zc (1 + 1). The gearing diagram of a drive of this structural formula is
depicted in Fig. 2.15.
104 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

From motor

Fig. 2.15 Gearing diagram of a speed box with a combined structure of the type z = zc(1 + 1)

The structural formula of a drive with a combined structure may be written by following the procedure:
1. Determine from Eq. (2.6), I II III IV V

log Rn
z= +1 zczn
log f
and round it off to the nearest whole number.
2. Break up this number in multiples of 2 and 3 but
separate one number which is greater than 3 and can
be expressed as a sum of multiples of 2 and 3, e.g.,
4 = 2 + 2, 5 = 2 + 3, 6 = 2 + 2 ¥ 2, 7 = 3 + 2 ¥ 2,
etc. However, if no such number greater than 3 is
available, than take 3 = 1 + 2 or even 2 = 1 + 1.
3. Write structural Eq. (2.23).
For example, given Rn = 80, f = 1.26.
1. From Eq. (2.6), zc zl
log 80
z= + 1 = 20.04
log 1.26
assume z = 20.
2. Break up of 20 = 2 ¥ 2 ¥ 5 and separate 5 = 2 + 3 or
5 = 1 + 2 ¥ 2; the second break up of 5 is preferred
because in this case the high-velocity kinematic
train of the drive has less number of shafts. Write
the structural formula
z = 2(1)2(2)[1 + 2(4)2(8)] 2 (1) 2 (2) [1 + 2 (4) 2 (8)]

3. We see that Xmax = 8; from Table 2.12 for f = 1.26 Fig. 2.16 Structural diagram of a speed box
the limiting value is X = 9. Hence the formula is with a combined structure
valid. The structural diagram for the formula is
shown in Fig. 2.16 and the gearing diagram in Fig. 2.17.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 105

zc =
M 2(1) 2(2)

2 (4)

2 (8)

Fig. 2.17 Gearing diagram of a speed box with combined structure having structural formula z = 2(l) 2(2)
[1 + 2(4) 2(8)]


While developing the gearing diagram on the basis of a given structural diagram, attention must be paid to
the following two aspects:

and gear-box dimensions kept minimum. These essential requirements for proper functioning of a gear
transmission may be summed up as:
(i) The number of teeth on the smallest gear of a transmission should be such that there is no un-

Zmin 17.
(ii) If gear pairs on parallel shafts have the same module, the sum of the number of teeth of mating
gear pairs must be the same.
(iii) The spacing between adjacent gears on a shaft should be such that one gear pair gets completely
disengaged before the next begins to mesh (Fig. 2.18).
(iv) The number of teeth of adjacent gears must differ by at least four. This point may be proved by
considering the following example (Fig. 2.19). The sliding block mounted on shaft I provides
three speeds on shaft II depending upon which of the gear pairs is used for transmission. The
centre distance between the shafts is
A = (Z3 + Z4)
106 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

where m is the module of all the gears. The sum of the addendum radii of gears Z5 and Z4 is
1 1
R5a + R4a = m(Z5 + 2) + m(Z4 + 2)
2 2

b b b b


x x x x
II x x x II

l l z4
(a) (b) z2

Fig. 2.18 Minimum spacing between gears: Fig. 2.19 Minimum difference between
(a) / < 2b—not permissible number of teeth of adjacent
(b) / > 2b—correct gears

When the sliding gear is moved rightward to make gear Z1 mesh with Z2, gear Z5 will pass over
Z4 without interference only if
R5a + R4a £ A
m m m
i.e., (Z5 + 2) + (Z4 + 2) £ (Z3 + Z4)
2 2 2
or Z3 – Z5 ≥ 4
Besides the four essential requirements discussed above, a major consideration in developing
a rational gearing diagram is how to achieve minimum possible dimensions of the gear box.
The radial dimensions can be reduced by making coincident the axes of shafts of adjacent
transmission groups, e.g., shafts I and III in Fig. 2.20 have been made coincident. This factor
should also be kept in mind while developing the speed chart and it is helpful to remember that
the radial dimensions of a gear box are minimum when

max ¥ min =1
i.e., when the maximum speed reduction and maximum speed increase in a transmission group
are equal. However, it may be emphasised that if this factor favours the selection of a structural
diagram that contradicts the choice made on the basis of the minimum total shaft size ( Sec.
son of the relative economics of both the versions.

with a traversing spindle head because small axial dimensions of the traversing unit are critical
from the point of view of stability. Axial dimensions are generally reduced by arranging single
transmissions between groups (gear Z9 in Fig. 2.20) and by using link gears which act as driving
elements in one transmission and driven members in another (Fig. 2.21).
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 107

z2 z7
z4 z5


I x x I III x x x III

z1 z8
z3 z6


Fig. 2.20 Schematic diagram depicting methods of reducing radial dimensions of speed boxes


x x x x x


x x x x x

(b) (c)

Fig. 2.21 Schematic diagram depicting methods of reducing axial dimensions of speed boxes: (a) with one
link gear, (b) with two link gears, (c) with three link gears
108 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

designed should be taken into account.

Some of these features are discussed below.
(i) In machine tools with large inertia of the driven member, such as vertical turret lathes, planers,
etc., a friction clutch and brake should be provided on the input shaft.
(ii) Reversing devices with friction clutches should be provided on turret lathes, thread-cutting
lathes, radial drilling machines, etc., so that after cutting the thread, the tool can be returned to
its initial position. The reversal speed should be 1.3–1.5 times greater than the cutting speed.
Reversal of the direction of rotation of the spindle is generally achieved by using a parasite gear

up to N = 3.5 kW, spindle rotation may be reversed by applying an opposing current, e.g., by
reversing two connections of the stator winding.
(iii) If the spindle head traverses during the working operation, the electric motor should be mounted
on the speed box and the transmission from motor shaft to the input shaft of the speed box
obtained through a clutch or gear pair. Examples of such an arrangement are radial drilling ma-
chines and plano-milling machines.
If the spindle head is stationary, the electric motor is placed outside the speed-box housing
and the transmission from the motor shaft to the input shaft of the speed box is accomplished
generally through a belt drive.
(iv) If the spindle is kinematically linked to the feed mechanism, the transmission from the spindle
to the feed train must be shown on the gearing diagram.
(v) Gear transmissions that do not slide during speed changing should be made helical to provide
smooth running of the spindle; this is especially desirable of gears mounted on the spindle. The
largest of the gears on the spindle should be mounted closest to the front spindle bearing.
The gearing diagram of the speed box of a thread-cutting lathe based upon the structural for-
mula z = 12 = 2(1) ·3(2) · 2(6) and speed chart of Fig. 2.3b is shown in Fig. 2.22.
Here, attention is drawn to the following points:
1. Z5 and Z15 have been placed between group transmissions to reduce axial dimensions of the gear box.
2. Z9 has been used as a link gear.
3. Helical gears have been used in the last group in conjunction with jaw clutch.
4. Friction clutch has been used on shaft I for reversal of the direction of rotation through ideal gear Z2.
5. Brake has been used on shaft III for quick stoppage of the spindle


The number of teeth of gears are determined after plotting the speed chart and sketching the gearing diagram
of the speed box. Before explaining the procedure of determining the number of gear teeth, it is necessary to
discuss the constraints in selecting the minimum number of teeth on the smallest gear.
The number of teeth on the smallest gear should be as small as possible because an increase in the size of
this gear leads to an increase in the overall dimensions of the speed box. The limiting constraint on the mini-
mum number of teeth stems from the fact that if the number of teeth of a gear are less than a certain value,
then the teeth are undercut and weak.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 109

Z1 Z4

I x I
IV Z2 Z5

II x x II
Z3 Z11

III x x x x III

Z9 Z7
Z13 Z17

Z12 V
V x x

M x Z16 Z18

Transmission to feed train

Fig. 2.22 Gearing diagram of a lathe based upon the structural formula 2(1)3(2)2(6) and the speed chart of
Fig. 2.3b

In general, it is recommended that Zmin

value of the number of teeth has to be assigned due to space limitations, then Zmin should be calculated from
the following relationship which precludes undercutting:

1 + 1 ± (2 ± ) sin 2a
Zmin = 2k (2.24)
(2 ± ) sin 2a

where K
transmission ratio
a = pressure angle

It is evident from Eq. (2.24) that Zmin can be reduced by decreasing the value of K and increasing a. The
Zmin values for different values of a, K and are given in Table 2.13.
110 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Table 2.13 a

a = 15° a = 20° a = 20° a = 25°

K=1 K=1 K = 0.8 K=1
1:1 21 13 10 9
1 : 1.5 24 14 11 9
1:2 25 15 12 10
1:3 26 15 12 10
1:4 27 16 13 11
1:5 28 16 13 11
1 : 10 30 17 14 12

transmission ratio is minimum, i.e., speed reduction is maximum. For a selected value of Zmin, the number
of teeth of the mating gear (Zmg) can be easily calculated because the transmission ratio is known. If the
computed value is a fraction, it must be rounded off to the nearest whole number. Suppose the sum of the
number of teeth of these two gears is Zmin + Zmg = C, then the number of teeth of the remaining gears of the
transmission group can be determined by solving the following set of equations:
Z1 + Z2 = C
If the calculated values of the number of teeth are fractions, they must also be rounded off to whole num-
The number of gear teeth for all transmissions and transmission groups are determined in an identical
The adjustments in selecting the number of teeth may sometimes lead to substantial difference between
the actual and intended rpm values. The deviation must not exceed ± 10(f – 1)%. To keep the deviation at
minimum possible, the gear teeth ratios corresponding to various transmission ratios of the group are written
in a number of combinations and the sum of the number of teeth calculated for each of them. Finally, that
value of C is selected for which the adjustments are minimum.
The method of determining the number of teeth of gears is illustrated for the gearing diagram shown
in Fig. 2.22. It may be recalled that this gearing diagram was developed on the basis of structural diagram
shown in Fig. 2.2a and speed chart shown in Fig. 2.3b.
1. Single transmission (Z4/Z5):

1000 Z 4 17 18 19 20 21
= = = = = = =
1440 Z 5 24.48 25.92 27.36 28.8 30.24

Least adjustment is required for the gear pair enveloped in square, and therefore, we select
Z4 = 18, Z5 = 26
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 111

2. Single transmission with parasite gear (Z1, Z2, Z3): As earlier explained, this transmission is required
for reversal of the direction of spindle rotation. Suppose the reversal speed is 1.5 times the direct
speed, then the transmission ratio during reversal is

= 1.5 ◊ = 1.04 ª 1
To preclude the possibility of direct meshing of gears Z1 and Z3 when gears Z4 and Z5, are being used
for transmission, let
Z1 + Z3 = 0.8(Z4 + Z5)
then Z1 = Z3 = 0.8(18 + 26)
Z1 = Z3 = 18
The number of teeth of gear Z2 are selected arbitrarily, but they should not be less than Zmin.
3. Main transmission group 2(1) having characteristic X1 = 1. Least adjustment is required for C = 60,
and hence, we select
Z6 = 20, Z7 = 40, Z8 = 25, Z9 = 35

500 Z 6 17 18 19 20 21 22
min = = 34 36 38 40 42 44
1000 Z 7

C = Z6 + Z7 = 51 54 57 60 63 66

710 Z8 22 23 24 25 26 27
max = = 31 32.4 33.8 35.2 36.6 38
1000 Z 9

C = Z8 + Z9 = 53 55.4 57.8 60.2 62.6 65

4. First multiplier group 3(2): Gear Z9 of this group has been selected as a link gear to elaborate the
method of determining gear teeth when a link gear is involved in the transmission group. The number
Z9 = 35, and therefore, the number of teeth of gear
Z10 of shaft IV which meshes with Z9 can be easily determined from the condition

Z9 250 1
middle = = =
Z10 500 2
Z10 = 70
It may be noted that generally the link gear is made to mesh with that gear of the sliding block
which provides the middle value of the required three transmission ratios. The number of teeth of the
remaining two gear pairs of this transmission group may now be determined by solving the following
pairs of equations:
Z11 125
= , Z11 + Z12 = 35 + 70 = 105
Z12 500
112 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Z13 500
= , Z13 + Z14 = 35 + 70 = 105
Z14 500
The solution of these equations yields
Z11 = 21, Z12 = 84, Z13 = 53, Z14 = 52
5. Second multiplier group 2(6):

31.5 Z17 18 19 20 21 22
min = = 71.4 75.4 79.4 83.3 87.3
125 Z18

C = Z17 + Z18 = 89.4 94.4 99.4 104.3 109.3

250 Z15 60 62 64 66 68
max = = 30 31 32 33 34
125 Z16

C = Z15 = Z16 = 90 93 96 99 102

Of the two values C = 90 and C = 99 which require almost equal adjustment, C = 90 is preferred as it
is lesser. Thus, the following values of the gear teeth are obtained:
Z15 = 60, Z16 = 30, Z17 = 18, Z18 = 72
The values of the number of teeth should be marked on the gearing diagram.

2.7.1 Determination of shaft and gear dimensions

Shaft dimensions For a given power to be transmitted, the torque Mt ( Kgf.m) for the various shafts of
the gear box is calculated from Eq. (2.14) at the minimum rpm of the corresponding shaft as per the speed
The design torque is found as
Mtd = Mt K

where K
of K is taken from the following table:

Motor connected to gear box through Motor connected directly to the gear
Machine Tool friction clutch or belt drive box

Lathe and drilling machine 1.2 1.3

Milling and shaping machine 1.4 1.5

Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 113

The maximum shear stress in the shaft occurs at the surface and is given by the expression,
M td ◊ r
tmax =
where = radius of the shaft and
Ip = polar moment of inertia of the shaft =
2 M td 16 M td
Hence, tmax = =
p r3 pd3
The shaft dimensions are found from the condition tmax = [t] where [t] is the permissible shear strength
of the shaft material. Consequently,
16M td M
d3 = 5 td
p [t ] [t ]
Gear Dimensions Before describing the procedure of determining the gear dimensions, it is pertinent to

of the gears to obtain their dimensions.

A simple method of determining the module based on beam strength of gear teeth provides the following
2M td
m3 = , mm (2.25)
l CZ
where Mtd = design torque,
l = b/m, wherein b is width of gear; l lies between 8–12 for spur gears and 10–20 for helical
Z = number of teeth of the gear
C = material constant
The value of C is taken from the following table:

Material Cast iron Mild steel 0.6% C steel 16MnCr05 steel High alloyed steel

C 1 2 4 5 10

In gear boxes, the main criterion of the durability of gear teeth is contact strength. Based on this criterion,
the module is determined from the following formula3:

10 ◊ Cm ( Z d + Z p ) imin cos 2 b
m = 3 Mtd, mm (2.26)
Zp l[s c ]2

where Mtd = design torque; kgf. cm

min = minimum transmission ratio in a given transmission group
114 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Zp = number of teeth of the pinion (drive gear)

Zd = number of teeth of the driven gear
l = b/m
b = helix angle of the gear; for spur gears b = 0; for helical gears used in machine tool gear boxes
generally b
Cm = 167 (kgf/cm2) and for steel helical gears Cm = 144 (kgf/cm2)
[sc] = permissible contact strength
The permissible contact strength is found from the expression,
s clim
[sc] = , kgf/cm2
where sclim is the limiting contact strength of the gear material and h is a factor of safety.
The values of sclim and h of various steels used for making gears are given in the table below:

Steel Heat treatment Hardness sclimkgf/cm2 h

40Cr1 Normalising BHN220 20.BHN + 700 1.1

40Cr1 Hardening HRC50 180.HRC + 1500 1.1

40Cr1 Surface hardening HRC50 170.HRC + 2000 1.2

20Cr1 Cementation HRC 56–60 230.HRC 1.2

40Cr1 Nitriding HV550 15.HV 1.2

Based on the calculated value of m, the module is selected as the nearest higher value from the following
standard series:
1, 1.25, 1.375, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0
Having determined the module of the gears of all the transmissions, the diameter of the individual gears
is found from the expression
= mZ
and the width of the gears from the expression
b = lm
Example: For the gear box of a lathe designed according to the speed chart of Fig. 2.3b and gearing diagram
of Fig. 2.22, determine the shaft and gear dimensions using gear teeth values from Sec. 2.7. The gears are
made from hardened steel of hardness HRC = 50 and the shafts from mild steel of permissible shear strength
120 kgf/cm2. The gear box is powered by a 7.5 kW electric motor.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 115

nmin = 1000 (from Fig. 2.3b).

As N = 7.5 kW, from Eq. (2.14)
973.6 ¥ 7.5
MtII = = 7.302 Kgf.m
MtdII = MtII K
As the motor is connected to the gear box through a belt drive K = 1.2, therefore,
MtdII = 1.2 ¥ 7.302 = 8.7624 Kgf.m = 876.24 Kgf. cm
Applying the relation
M td
d3 = 5
È 5 ¥ 876.24 ˘ 3 1
dII = Í ˙ = (36.51) 3 = 3.32 cm.
Î 120 ˚
To simplify the calculations it is assumed that the power losses in subsequent transmissions between
shafts II–III, III–IV and IV–V are negligible (in fact the losses can be considered, if desired, by referring to
Table 1.1)
For nmin
973.6 ¥ 7.5
MtIII = = 14.604 kgf.m
MtdIII = 1.2 ¥ 14.604 = 17.5248 kgf.m
Ê 5 ¥ 1752.48 ˆ 3 1
dIII =Á ˜¯ = (73.02) 3 = 4.18 cm
Ë 120
973.6 ¥ 7.5
MtIV = = 58.416 kgf.m
MtdIV = 1.2 ¥ 58.416 = 70.0992 kgf.m
Ê 5 ¥ 7009.92 ˆ 3 1
dIV = Á ˜¯ = (292.08) 3 = 6.63 cm
Ë 120
973.6 ¥ 7.5
MtV = = 231.809 kgf.m
MtdV = 1.2 ¥ 231.809 = 278.1714 kgf.m
Ê 5 ¥ 27817.14 ˆ 3 1
dV = Á ˜¯ = (1159.04) 3 = 10.50 cm
Ë 120
116 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

In a particular transmission group, the module is determined for the transmission with minimum transmission
ratio. This module is then adopted for the rest of the transmissions in the group.

Z6 1
with the minimum transmission ratio is min = = and the gears have teeth Z6 = 20 and Z7 = 40.
Z7 2

3 2 M tdII
m II–III = , mm
l CZ 6
Taking C = 4 and assuming l
Ê 2 ¥ 8762.4 ˆ 3 1
mII–III = Á = (21.906) 3 = 2.798 mm
Ë 10 ¥ 4 ¥ 20 ˜¯
From the preferred series we select mII–III = 3.0 mm
For the sake of comparison, let us also determine the module of the gears in the same transmission group
based on the contact strength. For this transmission group = 0 (spur gears), Cm = 167, pinion or drive gear
Z6 = 20, driven gear Z7 = 40, min = 1/2,

180 ¥ HRC + 1500 180 ¥ 50 + 1500

[sc] = = = 9545 Kgf/cm2
1.1 1.1
Again, assuming l
È 1 ˘3
(20 + 40) ¥
10 ¥ 167 Í 2 ¥ 876.24˙ , mm
mII–III = Í ˙
20 ÍÎ 10(9545) 2 ˙˚
10 ¥ 167 È 60 ¥ 0.5 ¥ 876.24 ˘ 3 10 ¥ 167
mII–III = = ¥ 0.0306 = 2.56
20 ÍÎ 10 ¥ (9545) 2 ˙˚ 20

We see that the value calculated by this method is quite close to the value mII–III = 2.798 found by the
simpler method based on beam strength of the gear teeth. Finally, we select m = 3 for transmission group 2(1)
Z 20 Z 25
consisting of gear pairs 6 = and 8 = .
Z 7 40 Z 9 35
Having demonstrated the calculation of gear module by both the methods and concluding that the values
found by the two methods are quiet close, the calculation of module for the remaining transmission groups
will be restricted to the simpler method based on beam strength of the gear teeth.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 117

As gear Z9 of the previous transmission group 2(1) is serving as a link gear, the module of gear Z10 meshing
with Z9 will also be the same as that of Z9 , i.e m = 3. Hence, all the gears of the transmission group 3(2) con-
Z9 35 Z 21 Z 53
sisting of gear pairs = , 11 = and 13 = should have the module mIII–IV = 3. It may be noted
Z10 70 Z12 84 Z14 52
here, that in view of the use of a link gear, the modules of the gears in the transmission group 3(2) have not

been determined on the basis of the transmission with the minimum transmission ratio ÊÁ 11 = ˆ˜ . However,
Z 1
Ë Z12 4 ¯
it is necessary to check whether this module can ensure adequate strength for the gear of the transmission
having min =
Z 1
For the transmission group 3(2), the transmission with minimum transmission ratio is min = 11 = and
Z12 4
the gears have teeth Z11 = 21 and Z12 = 84.

2 M tdIII
m 3III–IV = , mm
l CZ11
As before, taking l = 10 and C
Ê 2 ¥ 17524.8 ˆ 3 1
mIII–IV = Á ˜ = (41.7257) 3 = 3.468 mm
Ë 10 ¥ 4 ¥ 21 ¯
We select mIII–IV = 3.5 from the standard series. Based on this check we decide that mIII–IV = 3.5 be taken
as module for all gears of the transmission group 3(2). Also since gear Z10 of the transmission group 3(2)
meshes with gear Z9 of the previous transmission group 2(1), the module of the gears of transmission group
mII–III = 3.5

Z17 1
The transmission with the minimum transmission ratio in this group is min = = and the gears have
teeth Z17 = 18 and Z18 = 72. Z18 4

2 M tdIV
m 3IV–V = , mm
l CZ17
As before, taking l = 10 and C
Ê 2 ¥ 70099.2 ˆ 3 1
mIV–V = Á ˜ = (194.72) 3 = 5.796
Ë 10 ¥ 4 ¥ 18 ¯
We select mIV–V = 6.0 from the standard series.

Based on the preceding calculations, the diameter and width of all the gears are summarised below, using the
formula = mZ and b = l m
118 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Transmission Module l Gear Number of teeth Diameter, mm Width, mm


Z6 20 70 35

Z7 40 140 35
2(1) 3.5 10
Z8 25 87.5 35

Z9 35 122.5 35

Z10 70 245 35

Z11 21 73.5 35

3(2) 3.5 10 Z12 84 294 35

Z13 53 185.5 35

Z14 52 182 35

Z15 60 360 60

Z16 30 180 60
2(6) 6.0 10
Z17 18 108 60

Z18 72 432 60


Speed and feed boxes are used for stepped regulation of spindle rotation and feed rates in a majority of ma-
mously large number of speed and feed boxes which differ from each other in some detail or the other. It is,

2.8.1 Classification of Speed Boxes

On Basis of General Layout The general layout of the speed boxes may be of the following two
1. Speed Boxes Built into the Spindle Head These speed boxes are employed in a majority of general-
purpose machine tools of medium and large size on account of their compactness, concentration of controls
and also because they require fewer housing type parts. Their major drawbacks are that they are liable to heat
the spindle and transmit vibrations to it.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 119

2. Speed Boxes Designed as Separate Unit In this layout (Fig. 2.23), the speed box and spindle head are
designed as separate units that are connected by a belt drive. This layout is devoid of the shortcomings of
the previous one and provides smooth spindle rotation at high speeds. These speed boxes generally employ
a combined structure, discussed earlier in Sec. 2.5.3, so that independent kinematic trains participate in

additional rear bearing is provided to take up the radial load and vibrations of the belt transmission.

x x x

x Speed

Fig. 2.23 Speed box designed as a separate unit

By Method of Changing Speed The selection of the method of changing speed in a stepped speed
box is determined by the purpose of the machine tool and depends primarily upon the frequency of speed
changing and the ratio of the speed-changing time to the cutting time. In general-purpose machine tools in
which speeds are changed frequently, the speed changing process should not take long. The same requirement
is essential for machine tools in which the cutting times are characteristically low.

1. Speed Boxes with Change Gears These speed boxes are a

employed in automatics and semi-automats, and in special purpose
Change gears
machine tools for large lot and mass-scale production. Transmission I
x x
from shaft I to shaft III (Fig. 2.24) takes place through a pair of Z1
change gears a/b Z1/Z2. The spindle rpm
can be calculated as II x
a Z
n s = nr ◊ ◊ 1 b
b Z2
nr., we can get any desired rpm
of the spindle by selecting an appropriate transmission ratio a/b of Z2
the change gears.
Fig. 2.24 Speed box with change
(i) Simple design
(ii) Small axial dimensions
120 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

(iii) Cutting speed can be set precisely with least deviation between actual and desired rpm values.
(iv) No interlocking devices are required as it is impossible to make faulty engagements.

(i) Relatively large time is required for changing speed.

(ii) Relatively large oil-leakage losses because the speed-box cover cannot be sealed.
2. Speed Boxes with Sliding Gears The method of changing speeds with the help of sliding gear blocks is
most widely used in machine tools, especially general-purpose ones. Their wide use is due to the following

(i) Relatively small radial dimensions and ability to transmit large torques and power.
(ii) Relatively low wear because gears that do not participate in a particular transmission remain

(i) The speed can be changed only after braking or stopping the machine tool, otherwise the
gear teeth may break.

(iii) Relatively large axial dimensions.

(iv) Only spur gears can be employed in sliding gear blocks.
(v) A large force is required to shift the gear blocks, and therefore, manual speed changing by this method
cannot be used in heavy-duty machine tools.
3. Speed Boxes with Jaw Clutches Jaw clutches require small axial movement for engagement and dis-
engagement. They can be shifted with less physical effort and also permit the use of helical and herringbone
gears in the drive. However, this method of speed changing has limited application due to the following

(i) The machine tool must be disengaged from the drive before changing the speed because if braking
is applied on one shaft of the coupling without disengaging the other from the drive, it may lead
to breaking of the clutch jaws; sometimes a synchronising device is employed to reduce the speed
difference between the shafts.
(ii) Gears in idle rotation are continuously meshing, thus leading to unnecessary wear.
Speed boxes with jaw clutches are employed in machine tools with a combined structure (Fig. 2.15) to
engage the countershaft transmission. They are also employed in heavy-duty machine tools where manual
speed changing using sliding gears is not possible.
4. Speed Boxes with Friction Clutches Friction clutches permit changing of speed on a running machine,
and therefore, the speed-changing time is lower than in any other method. They also permit the use of helical
and herringbone gears. Speed changing by means of friction clutches is not widely used due to the following

(i) Frictional losses and wear due to continuous meshing of idle rotating gears.
(ii) Limitations on the value of the transmitted torque as otherwise the clutch faces begin to slip resulting
in non-uniform transmission.
(iii) Increased heating of the speed box.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 121

(iv) Large axial and radial dimensions of the clutch elements, which restrict the use of more than two
transmissions in a group.

friction clutches. A recent development are electromagnetic clutches in which ferromagnetic powder (carbo-
nil iron with 0.7–0.8% carbon) is used instead of friction discs.
Speed changing by friction clutches is employed in small- and medium-sized machine tools in which the
cutting time is characteristically low, e.g., capstan and turret lathes. Electromagnetic clutches are used in
programme controlled machine tools as they are easily adaptable to remote and automatic control. Friction
and electromagnetic clutches are often used in combination with sliding gear blocks.

2.8.2 Classification of Feed Boxes

As a rule, feed boxes work at low velocities and do not pose serious vibration problems. The reduction ratios
and number of feed steps in feed boxes are generally larger than in speed boxes. There exist a large number of
feed boxes, consistent with the vast range of their functional requirements (rotary or translatory feed motion,

changing the feed-rate value.

1. Feed Boxes with Change Gears This method of changing feed rates is employed in the following two

(i) When feed rates have to be changed rarely as in automatic and semi-automatic machine tools; in this
case a single pair of change gears is used; and
(ii) When it is necessary to obtain a precise transmission ratio for the required generating motion as in gear
hobbing, thread-cutting machines, etc., in this case change gear quadrants are generally used.

the slot of the quadrant (Fig. 2.25). The quadrant can be swivelled about axis III. The change gears mounted
on shaft II transmit rotation from driving shaft I to driven shaft III. The sets of change gears can be so chosen
that practically all transmission ratios can be obtained. In the majority of cases, one or two pairs of change

The main drawback of this method of changing the feed rate is that a lot of time is wasted in calculating
and setting the required change gears.
2. Feed Boxes with Sliding Gears From the point of view of design these feed boxes are similar to speed
boxes with sliding gears and have the same inherent advantages and disadvantages.
They are widely used in heavy-duty milling machines, drilling machines, lathes, etc., in which the feed
mechanism is powered by an independent electric motor and large torques have to be transmitted. The meth-
od of changing feed rates by means of sliding gears is also employed in high-speed machine tools in which
ing gears provide feed-rate values in a geometric progression.
3. Feed Boxes with Gear Cone and Sliding Key This method of changing feed rates is depicted in
Fig. 2.26. The design consists of continuously meshing gear pairs. The gears on driving shaft I are all rigidly

keyway of shaft II. The transmission from shaft I to shaft II can be achieved through any of the gear pairs
122 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

I (Driving shaft)

II (Change-gear axle)

III (Driven shaft)

Fig. 2.25 Feed box with change-gear quadrant

by shifting the sliding key with the help of pulling rod 2 from
one gear to another. Thus, at a time only one gear of shaft II
transmits torque while the others rotate freely.
This method of changing feed rates has the following
(i) Compact design which enables 8–10 transmission in a
single group. 2
(ii) Simple control as all transmissions are engaged by a
single lever.
(iii) Helical gears may be used.

(i) The key may get stuck due to cocking.

(ii) Low rigidity of the driven shaft due to long keyway.
(iii) Poor location of gears on the shafts as they are thin.
(iv) Inability to transmit large torques. Fig. 2.26 Feed box with gear cone and
sliding key

transmission group of the feed box in which the least rpm of the shaft is fairly high, and therefore, large
torques do not have to be transmitted. Feed boxes with a gear cone and sliding key are used in small- and
medium-sized lathes and drilling machines.
4. Feed Boxes with Tumbler Gear (Norton’s Gear) This method of changing feed rates is illustrated in
Fig. 2.27. The number of gears, equal to the number of transmissions is rigidly mounted on driving shaft I.
To engage the required transmission between driving shaft I and driven shaft III, the tumbler gear mounted
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 123

on pin II in the arm is disengaged by swivelling the arm about its axis and moved axially along the splined
shaft III. When the tumbler gear comes against the required gear of the gear cone, the arm is swivelled back
to mesh the tumbler gear and it is then locked.

x x x x x x x x



Fig. 2.27 Feed box with tumbler (Norton’s) gear

(i) Compact design; 10–12 transmissions may be obtained in one group.

(ii) Small dimensions as only u + 2 gears are required to obtain u feed-rate values.
(iii) Simple control as all transmissions are engaged by a single lever.

(ii) Possibility of dirt penetrating into the gear box through slots in the housing.
(iii) Poor lubrication.
Z1 Z1 Z1
Gear boxes with Norton’s gear are employed in thread-cut- Z2 Z2 Z2
ting lathes as they enable precise setting of the required trans-
mission ratios. I I
x x
1. Feed Box with Meander’s Mechanism The Meander’s
mechanism is depicted in Fig. 2.28. It consists of identical
double cluster gears mounted on driving shaft I and interme-

rigidly mounted, the rest of the gear blocks on shafts I and II

are mounted freely. Transmission to the driven shaft III takes Z2 Z2 Z1 Z2 Z2
place through a tumbler gear Zt (shown in disengaged posi- Z1 Z1 Z1
tion) which is mounted on a pin in the arm. The arm can rotate III III
about shaft III and can also slide axially along its splines as
in Norton’s mechanism. The feed rates obtained at the output Zd
shaft form a geometric progression. This may be illustrated as
Fig. 2.28 Meander’s mechanism
124 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Beginning with the extreme left gear of shaft II, the transmission ratios which are obtained by successively

Z1 Z1 Z t Z Z ÊZ ˆ ÊZ ˆ
i1 = ◊ ◊ = 1 ◊ 1 = C Á 1 ˜ = CÁ 2 ˜
Z 2 Zt Z d Z2 Zd Ë Z2 ¯ Ë Z1 ¯
Z1 Z 2 Z t Z Z Z
i2 = ◊ ◊ = 1 ◊ 2 = 1 =C
Z 2 Zt Z d Z 2 Z d Z d
Z 2 Z1 Z t Z Z ÊZ ˆ
i3 = ◊ ◊ = 2 ◊ 1 = CÁ 2 ˜
Z1 Z t Z d Z1 Z d Ë Z1 ¯
Z 2 Z 2 Zt Z Z Z Z Z ÊZ ˆ
i4 = ◊ ◊ = 2 ◊ 2 = 2 ◊ 2 ◊ 1 = CÁ 2 ˜
Z1 Z t Z d Z1 Z d Z1 Z1 Z d Ë Z1 ¯
Z 2 Z 2 Z 2 Z1 Z t ÊZ ˆ
i5 = ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ = CÁ 2 ˜
Z1 Z1 Z1 Z t Z d Ë Z1 ¯
Z 2 Z 2 Z 2 Z 2 Zt Z Z Z Z Z ÊZ ˆ
i6 = ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ = 2 ◊ 2 ◊ 2 ◊ 2 ◊ 1 = CÁ 2 ˜
Z1 Z1 Z1 Z t Z d Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z d Ë Z1 ¯
Z 2 Z 2 Z 2 Z 2 Z 2 Z1 Z t ÊZ ˆ
i7 = ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ = CÁ 2 ˜
Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z t Z d Ë Z1 ¯

Meander’s mechanism depicted in Fig. 2.25 suffers from the same shortcomings as Norton’s mechanism

boxes by making gear Zd to mesh directly with the larger gears of shaft II. This, however, reduces by half the
number of transmission ratios available at the output shaft.
Feed boxes with Meander’s mechanism are generally employed in thread-cutting lathes.


Stepless devices of speed and feed-rate regulation are generally more expensive than the devices providing
stepped regulation. They, however, possess certain features which make their application economically

1. Possibility of carrying out machining operations at optimum cutting speed. This not only improves
productivity, but also increases the tool life. This factor is particularly important in high-speed
machining with carbide tools, because at cutting speeds exceeding the optimum value, the increased
productivity is often off-set by sharp decrease in tool life; on the other hand, machining at speeds less
than the optimum reduces productivity as well as tool life.
2. Ease of changing the speed or feed rate without stopping the machine tool. This helps in increasing
productivity as it cuts down the non-productive time.
3. Noiseless and more smooth rotation and absence of jerks which are characteristic of geared drives.
These features explain why stepless devices are generally employed in high-speed machine tools.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 125

(f = 1.06 and f = 1.12), it is economically more feasible to combine a stepped geared drive with a stepless

continuous adjustment is provided by means of the stepless regulation device. Thus, stepless regulation is
achieved in the entire range.
Stepless regulation of speed and feed rates can be achieved through hydraulic, electrical and mechanical
devices. These will be discussed below.

2.9.1 Hydraulic Stepless Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates

Hydraulic drives are notable for great complexity and large dimensions. Despite the fact that hydraulic
drives for rotary motion were designed almost 50 years ago, they have not found wide application. However,
hydraulic drives for translatory motion have been extensively employed in machine tools for stepless

1. They have a wide velocity range (Rv = 50–60).

2. They run smoothly and reverse fast and without jerks, which makes them useful in feed mechanisms
of reciprocating tables of grinding machines.
3. They can be easily equipped with overload protection devices which stop the machine tool when the
pressure attains a particular pre-set value. This property is important for fragile and expensive cutting
tools such as broaches. This explains why broaching machines usually have a hydraulic drive.
4. They are self-lubricating.
The main trouble with hydraulic devices is leakage of oil and change in its properties (mainly viscosity)
due to heating. The oil used in hydraulic drives of machine tools must have a high viscosity to keep down
leakage losses. Oils having a viscosity of 0.35–0.65 cm2/s are recommended when the working pressure
is less than 70 kgf/cm2, while viscosity values of 1.0–2.0 cm2/s are recommended for working pressures
exceeding 175 kgf/cm2 -
erally employed in translatory motion drives operating at an average pressure of 30 kgf/cm2. Machine and
turbine oils that have a higher viscosity are generally employed in rotary motion drives.
The compressibility of oil used in hydraulic systems of machine tool drives should be as low as possible
because it affects the dynamic rigidity and vibration behaviour of the machine tool. The compressibility of
oil is given by the relationship,
V2 - V1
= b(p2 – p1) (2.27)

where V1 = initial volume of oil, cm3

V2 = compressed volume of oil, cm3
p1 = initial pressure of oil, kgf/cm2
b /kgf
b depends upon oil pressure and temperature. However, the effect of both
pressure and temperature on b is negligible as compared to that of air inclusions in the oil. Air inclusions in
126 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

the oil are extremely harmful as they violate uniform motion of travel. It is, therefore, necessary that besides

in hydraulic drives of machine tools. The effect of air inclusions on b reduces with increase in oil pressure.
However, hydraulic systems operating under high oil pressure are expensive as the components of the system

leakage. Hydraulic drives of machine tools generally function with oil pressures of about 70–200 kgf/cm2.
b = 5.8 ¥ 10–5
cm /kgf.
The chemical stability of the oil is also very important. If the oil gets oxidised at high temperature or when
it is exposed to the catalytic effect of metals, it results in the formation of a resinous substance which clogs

1. Drives with Fluid Delivery Control In these hydraulic drives the speed of the traversing unit is regu-
lated by controlling pump delivery. In these drives, a variable delivery pump (vane or piston pump) is em-
ployed (Fig. 1.4).
If the hydraulic drive is for translatory motion and consists of a variable delivery pump and cylinder, the
piston speed is given by the relationship,
v= m/min (2.28)
where Q = pump delivery, m3/min
A = working area of the piston, m2
The piston speed is regulated by controlling the pump delivery which can be varied by changing the ec-
centricity of the vane or piston pump.
In machine tool hydraulic systems, asymmetrical cylinders (Fig. 2.29a) are generally used. The piston has

v1 = when oil is delivered into the left-hand chamber
p D2
v2 = when oil is delivered into the right-hand chamber
p (D2 - d 2 )
where D and d are the piston and rod diameters, respectively.
If it is necessary that the traversing member should have identi-
cal velocity in both directions, then a symmetrical cylinder (Fig.
2.29b) is employed. The forward and reverse velocities can be
made equal even with an asymmetrical cylinder. In this case, the
piston rod area is made equal to half the piston area, i.e.,

pd2 1 pd2
4 2 4 (b)
Fig. 2.29 Cylinders: (a) Asymmetrical
(b) Symmetrical
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 127

so that
d =
Now, when the piston travels to the right, both chambers of the cylinder are connected to the pump,
whereas when it travels to the left, oil is fed only into the right-hand chamber.
If the hydraulic drive is for rotary motion and consists of a pump and hydraulic motor, the output rpm of
the motor is given by the relationship,
c1e1n1 - Ql
n2 = rev/min (2.29)
c2 e2
where Ql = leakage losses
e1 = eccentricity of the pump
e2 = eccentricity of the hydraulic motor
n1 = rpm of the pump
C1 and C2
If it is assumed that leakage losses depend only upon the oil pressure, then, as is evident from Eq. (2.29),
the output rpm depends entirely upon eccentricities e1 and e2, being directly proportional to e1 and inversely
proportional to e2. In these systems, the speed range is fairly wide (Rv = 30–
regulated by varying the pump eccentricity; this variation is characterised by constant torque and increase of
power with speed. In the next range, speed regulation is affected by varying motor eccentricity; in this range
power remains constant and torque falls with increase of speed.

values of motor eccentricity e2, the torque becomes too small to overcome even the frictional resistance of
the system and the motor gets stalled. Under these circumstances, the motor fails to absorb the oil delivered
by the pump and there is danger of damage to the system. The minimum eccentricity of the motor should,
therefore, be limited. In general, speed regulation through variation of pump eccentricity should be preferred

2. Drives with Flow-control Valves

of the piping and its hydraulic resistance.

The use of throttles in the hydraulic system enables us to change the delivery, and hence the speed, at
constant pressure. The throttle permits only a small percentage of the oil sucked by the pump to be delivered

1/ 2
Ê gˆ
Cth ◊ Ath Á ˜ 2( p1 - p2 )
Ëg ¯ k0 2( p1 - p2 )
V= = m/s (2.30)
where Cth Cth £ 1
Ath = area of the throttle, m2
128 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

g = gravitational acceleration, m/s2

p1, p2 = oil pressure before and after the throttle respectively, kgf/m2
A = working area of the piston, m2
The value of k0 depends upon the shape of the throttling device, sharpness of its edges, etc. The hydraulic
resistance of the throttle should be greater than that of the release valve and piping.
In hydraulic systems for rotary motion, the variation of the output rpm may be considered proportional to
the oil delivery through the throttle which is given by the relationship,

Q = k0 2( p1 - p2 )

the notations being the same as in Eq. (2.30).

on a straight-line segment of the piping in two ways as shown in Fig. 2.30.

If the throttle is installed in the forward pressure line, it is known as a metreing-in circuit (Fig. 2.30a),
while a circuit in which the throttle is installed in the back pressure line is known as a metreing-out circuit
(Fig. 2.30b).


p2 p3 p2


(a) (b)

Fig. 2.30 (a) Metreing-in circuit; (b) Metreing-out circuit

In the metreing-in circuit, at a given setting of the throttle the piston speed is not constant and depends
upon the load. As the load decreases, pressure p2 also decreases and hence the speed increases (see Eq.
(2.30)). Therefore, the metreing-in circuit is used only when the loading is constant as in lathes and drilling
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 129

In the metreing-in circuit counter pressure p3 in the right-hand chamber of the cylinder is equal to zero.
Therefore, if load P suddenly drops, the piston jerks forward. This shows that the metreing-in circuit can-
not be employed in machine tools in which the machining process is intermittent in nature, e.g., milling
machines. In such machine tools the metreing-out circuit (Fig. 2.30b) must be employed because in this
arrangemert, the counter pressure p3 is not equal to zero. As the load decreases, counter pressure p3 increases,
and therefore, the piston speed is again not independent of the load.
Hydraulic circuits with parallel installation of the throttle
are extremely sensitive to leakage losses and load varia-
tions. They are, therefore, rarely used in machine tools and
their application is limited mainly to servo-mechanisms.
As explained above, non-uniformity of motion is inher- Fsp
ent in both metreing-in and metreing-out hydraulic systems
Ap Ar A3
tion of pressure drop due to variation of load. The motion
of traversing unit can be stabilised by means of reducing
valves which are capable of maintaining an approximate-
p1 p2
ly constant pressure drop (constant-Dp-type valves) when
Fig. 2.31 Constant-DP-type reducing valve
Dp-type valve is shown in Fig. 2.31. The balance equation

p1(Ap – Ar) + p2 ◊ A3 = p1(A3 – Ar) + p2 ◊ Ap + Fsp

p1(Ap – Ar) = (Ap – A3)p2 + p1(A3 – Ar) + Fsp
If it is assumed that Ar A3, then Ap – Ar = Ap – A3 = Ae is the effective piston area and the balance equa-
tion can be rewritten as
(p1 – p2) Ae = Fsp
p1 – p2 = Dp = = const
In metreing-in circuits the reducing valve is connected in parallel with the throttle, while in metreing-out

pensate for the difference.
Rv = 70–100) and a faster
response. They are commonly used in systems with low power consumption up to 3–5 kW.

closed hydraulic circuits which are generally applied in rotary drives.

130 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

2.9.2 Electrical Stepless Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates

In machine tools, generally three-phase asynchronous ac motors are used for the main drive. The rpm of the
rotor of a three-phase ac motor is given by the formula,
n= (1 – s) rev/min (2.31)

where f = frequency of the alternating current, Hz

p = number of poles in the stator
s= s = 0.02–0.08
It is evident from Eq. (2.31) that the rotor rpm may be regulated by
1. changing frequency f,
2. changing the number of poles of stator p, and
3. changing slip s.
For regulating the rotor speed by varying frequency f, it is necessary to have special ac generators and

By changing the number of poles p, the rotor rpm can only be changed in steps. This is done in multiple-
speed ac asynchronous motors. For stepless speed regulation in machine tools, multiple-speed motors are
used in conjunction with a mechanical stepless variation device (variator). However, the range of such an
arrangement is generally narrow, and strictly speaking it is a mechanical stepless regulation system rather
than an electrical one.
For stepless speed regulation by changing the slip, a variable active resistance is introduced in the ro-
tor winding. As the resistance is increased, slip also increases leading to a reduction in the rotor rpm. This
method of speed regulation is simple but not economical because a major portion of energy is lost due to the
current passing through the active resistance. Moreover, if a large active resistance is switched in the rotor
winding, the mechanical (rpm- vs- moment) characteristic of the motor sharply slopes downwards which is
impermissible in machine tools.

are rarely assembled from permanent magnets. The poles generally have a winding through which an electric
current is passed to make the poles electromagnets. These stator windings may be excited from an indepen-
dent source or by an excitation circuit which is connected either in series with the rotor winding or in parallel
with it or in a combination arrangement which is partially in series and partially in parallel. In machine tool
drives requiring stepless regulation, dc motors with the excitation circuit in parallel with the stator winding
(shunt-wound dc motors) are employed because they have a rigid mechanical characteristic. Shunt-wound
dc motors have a much larger resistance in the excitation circuit than dc motors with series excitation, and
therefore, heat losses in shunt-wound dc motors are less.
The armature current in a dc motor is given by the expression,
V - Ea
Ia = A (2.32)
where Ra = armature winding resistance = 2 W
Ea = armature emf, V
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 131

The armature emf is determined from the relationship,

Ea = CE ◊ F ◊ n
p ◊ Na
where CE =
in which F Wb
2p = number of poles
Na = number of coils in the armature winding
2a = number of parallel segments into which the armature winding is divided
n = rotor rpm
Substituting Ea = CE ◊ F ◊ n in Eq. (2.31), we get
V - I a Ra
n = (2.33)
CE ◊ F
It is clear from Eq. (2.32) that the rotor rpm may be varied by
1. Inserting a variable resistance Rv in series with the armature winding Equation (2.32) becomes,
V - I a (Ra + Rv )
CE ◊ F
This method is not economical because the armature current passes through the variable resistance result-
ing in large heat losses. This control is utilised only in small dc motors.
2. Inserting a variable resistance in the shunt circuit (Fig. 2.32) As the shunt resistance Rsh is increased,
the shunt current Ish decreases. Consequently, F which is directly proportional to the shunt current also de-
creases, thus resulting in an increase of rotor rpm. It should be noted that reduction of F implies reduction
of armature emf Ea, which results in an increase of the armature current [see Eq. (2.31)]. Hence, for constant
F) results in some overload-
ing of the armature winding.
In case of constant power requirement at the rotor (N = KF ◊ Ia ◊ + la
n= F will lead to an increase
of rotor rpm n and reduction of torque, but Ia will remain constant.
Therefore, speed regulation by varying the shunt current is most suit-
ed when the power at the rotor is constant. As the shunt current is only
2–3% of the armature current, heat losses in this method of speed

R sh
not be employed for speed increases exceeding 20% because of the
danger of overloading due to high value of armature current, and also
because standard dc motors are not designed to withstand large cen-

trifugal forces. A wider range of speed variation by this method is pos-
sible if dc motors are specially manufactured with relevant changes Fig. 2.32 Schematic diagram of a
in design features. With improved dc motors, a speed variation range shunt-wound dc motor
up to 3 is possible.
132 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

3. Changing Value of Input Voltage V In this case, the dc motor must be connected to a source of electrical
energy whose voltage can be varied. This is achieved in practise in a generator-motor system or Ward-
Leonard system as it is commonly known.
The system shown in Fig. 2.33 consists of four electrical machines. A three-phase asynchronous ac mo-
tor drives a dc generator and an exciter which in essence is also a small dc generator. The exciter serves as
a source of electric energy to provide independent excitation circuits to the dc motor and dc generator. The
speed of the dc motor is regulated by adjusting the variable resistances in the excitation circuits. The output
voltage of the dc generator is changed by means of a variable resistance Rg. This rheostat has two sliding con-
tacts and is switched in the excitation circuit as a potentiometer. The direction of excitation current in the gen-
erator and hence the direction of rotation of the motor can be reversed by interchanging the sliding contacts.


Motor Generator Motor


Fig. 2.33 Motor-generator (Ward-Leonard) system of stepless speed regulation

Adjustment of variable resistance Rg provides speed variation of up to 8. Speed regulation through vari-
able Rg is expedient for conditions of constant torque at the rotor. The mechanical characteristic of the drive
in this range is quite rigid, though less than that of a dc motor.
The speed-variation range of the Ward L_eonard system can be extended with the help of a variable resis-
tance Rm in the motor-excitation circuit. Speed regulation through variable Rm is economically feasible when
constant power conditions prevail at the rotor. A speed variation range of up to 2 can be achieved through the
adjustment of Rm. Thus a total speed-variation range of up to 16 can be obtained through the generator-motor
The major drawbacks of the generator-motor system of speed regulation are its large dimensions, high cost

generally applied in stepless regulation of feed rates of heavy-duty machine tools, such as vertical boring and
turning mills, planing machines, etc.
The mechanical characteristic of the motor-generator system can be improved and its range of speed varia-
tion considerably expanded (up to 400 and more) if the exciter in the system is replaced by an amplidyne
with a voltage feedback. Amplidyne dc motor systems employing synchro transmitters and selsyn receivers
can provide a speed variation range of up to 4000. These systems are extremely expensive and are used only
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 133

when a high quality of stepless regulation in a wide range is required. They permit slow setting movements,
feed motion and also rapid traverse motion. In machine tools, these systems are used mainly in feed mecha-

industry. The main advantage of these systems over the generator-motor and amplidyne-motor systems is

are used mainly in feed mechanisms of milling and grinding machines.

A recent advance in stepless regulation of speed and feed rates in machine tools is the development of
speed control systems of dc motors by means of thyristors and ionic devices such as thyratron, ignitron and

application in machine tools in the future. The speed range of these systems is up to 200 and the power trans-
mitted up to 10 kW.

1. High cost
2. Not readily available
3. Frequent replacement of carbon brushes
4. Less rugged
In view of the above, ac variable speed drives with variable frequency and variable voltage control hold

1. Rv = 50, W = l–75 hp
2. Operation in constant torque mode at speeds below 3000 rpm and constant power mode above
3,000 rpm.
The block diagram of a variable frequency, variable voltage control ac drive is shown in Fig. 2.34. Three

Three–Phase Transister AC
mains Filter
rectifier inverter Motor

Switch Base
mode drives
control devices
Signal from

Interface Waveform
and control Regulator

Fig. 2.34 Block diagram of variable frequency, variable voltage control ac drive
134 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

switched to produce sine weighted, three-phase ac pulse width modulated (PWM) waveform for driving ac
motors. The frequency and output of the voltage is controlled by an electronic regulator and waveform gen-

waveform generator logic signals and the power transistors. Separate isolated supplies for the electronics and
base drive units are provided by a switched mode power supply (SMPS) which is also fed with the smooth-
ened dc voltage. Signals from external control devices are processed by the interface and control logic and
then by the regulator to form an input to the wavefrom generator.

2.9.3 Mechanical Stepless Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates

Mechanical devices of stepless speed and feed regulation are more commonly used in small-and medium-
sized machine tools than hydraulic and electrical devices. Mechanical stepless regulation devices which are
also known as variators are mostly friction type, and therefore, their application is restricted to power trans-
mission of up to 15 kW because for large torques the pressing forces required are also large and the variator
dimensions become unwieldy.
Like electrical and hydraulic stepless regulation devices, variators also permit speed adjustment on the
running machine. However, they suffer from a major drawback in that it is usually impossible or extremely

1. Faceplate variators
2. Cone variators without intermediate member
3. Spheroidal and cone variators with intermediate member
4. Variators with axially displaceable cones and intermediate member of the type belt, ring or chain.
1. Faceplate Variators A simple faceplate variator is shown in Fig. 2.35. By axially moving the roller, the
ratio d/D can be changed. The instantaneous transmission ratio of this variator is determined as
n2 d
i= =
n1 D Roller

In view of the relatively small area over which the friction force is
transmitted, a certain amount of slip cannot be avoided. The actual trans-
mission ratio can, therefore, be expressed as
i= ◊y
Generally, y = 0.97–0.98
It has a maximum speed variation range Rvmax = 4, maximum permis-
sible value of transmitted power Nmax = 4 kW, maximum speed vmax = 10 Fig. 2.35 Faceplate variator
h = 0.8–0.85.
The speed-regulation range of the faceplate variator shown in Fig. 2.36 is wider. The instantaneous trans-
mission ratio of this variator is given by the relationship,

Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 135

and if the slip between the roller and discs is taken into ac-
count, the actual transmission ratio is found as
i = ◊ y2
The roller and discs are pressed against each other by D1
means of springs. The pressing force required to ensure
contact between the roller and discs is determined from the
Q≥ ◊b d
Fig. 2.36 Faceplate variator with two friction
where P = peripheral force between roller and disc, kgf
and disc materials
b = factor of safety to guarantee contact, generally b = 1.2–1.5
The discs are made of steel or cast iron while the roller is made of cast iron and covered with a leather or
plastic band.
This variator has Rvmax = 16, Nmax, = 4 kW, vmax = 10 m/s and h = 0.8.
Faceplate variators are simple in design and cheap. They are used in the spindle drive of cutting-off
machines and in the cam-shaft drive of multiple-spindle automats. In some cases, faceplate variators are
indispensable as they are probably the only frictional drive that provides transmission between perpendicular
2. Cone Variators without Intermediate Member These variators have the same speed-variation range
as faceplate variators but have better velocity distribution over the area of contact. The cone variators are
generally employed in four arrangements which are discussed below.
Arrangement I: Cone variator for transmission between non-
parallel axes (Fig. 2.37). In this arrangement, the cone is mount-
ed on the driving shaft and pressed against the friction disc
mounted on the driven shaft by means of a spring. The cone is
generally coupled directly to the motor shaft and the speed is
adjusted by sliding the cone in the direction shown by arrows.
Since the diameter of the friction disc is constant, the transmis-

sion ratio depends upon the radius of the friction cone at the
point of contact and is given by the expression,
= rc /R
The cone is made of steel or cast iron and the friction disc of
tekstolite. This variator is compact in design and has the follow-
Fig. 2.37 Cone variator for transmission
between non-parallel axes
Rv max = 4, Nmax = 2.5 kW, vmax = 15 m/s
h = 0.9
136 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Arrangement II: Cone variator for transmission between parallel

shafts. The schematic diagram of the variator is depicted in Fig.
2.38. The working of this variator and its characteristics are
identical to that of the preceding one. The only difference is
that the transmission ratio is varied by moving the cone in an

Arrangement III: Cone variator in which the friction disc is

mounted on the lever of a planetary mechanism (Fig. 2.39).
The planetary mechanism consisting of gears Z1, Z2 and the
friction disc can rotate about the axis of the output shaft. This
creates a self-tightening action that increases with the increase
of torque. The transmission ratio in this type of variator can
be changed either by the axial movement of the cone mounted
on the motor or by the axial movement of the friction disc, in Fig. 2.38 Cone variator for transmission
which case the variator between parallel axes

R v max = 5, Nmax = 7.5 kW

It may be noted that in this arrangement the transmitted power is much higher than in the previous arrange-
ments due to the self-tightening effect which ensures contact between the cone and friction disc even for large
torques. In arrangements I and II also the use of the pressing spring can be avoided if the output is taken from

the cone and friction disc.


z2 a

Fig. 2.39 Cone variator in which the friction disc is Fig. 2.40 Cone variator with a swivelling
mounted on the lever of the planetary spherical friction disc

Arrangement IV: Cone variator with a swivelling spherical friction disc (Fig. 2.40). The disc is mounted on
the driving shaft which is directly coupled to the electric motor. The cone is mounted on the driven shaft. The
transmission ratio is varied by swivelling the cone about a hinge, thus changing the radii of the cone and disc
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 137

at the point of contact. A constant pressing force is built up due to the weight of the electric motor, disc and

R v max = 8, Nmax = 3 kW
vmax = 15 m/s and ◊ h = 0.85
All types of cone variators are widely used in the spindle drive of small- and medium-sized vertical and
radial drilling machines.

3. Spheroidal and Cone Variators with Intermediate Member In these variators, one disc having a

Transmission between the shafts takes place through an intermediate member. In this category of variators

(i) Spheroid with Swivelling Discs: This variator (Fig. 2.41) was developed in Russia and is known as
the Svetozarov variator. The transmission ratio is changed by tilting the discs about their axes, and the
instantaneous value is given by the relationship,
i= ◊y

I r1 r2 II I r1 r2 II I r1 r2 II

n2 < n1 n2 = n1 n2 > n1

Fig. 2.41 Svetozarov variator: (a) Driving shaft (b) Driven shaft

The spheroids are made of hardened steel (HRC = 60–65) and the discs of tekstolite. This variator has

R v max = 8, Nmax = 25 kW
vmax = 20 m/s and h = 0.85
(ii) Cone Variator with Spheres Supported on Shafts: This variator (Fig. 2.42) is also known as the Wulfel-
Kopp tourator. The transmission ratio is varied by changing the angular positions of the shafts, which
leads to a change in the effective driving radii of the spheres acting as the intermediate members. The
instantaneous transmission ratio may be determined as
d1 2r2
i= ¥
2r1 d 2
138 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

if d1 = d2, then
This variator has a speed variation range R v max = 9.

r2 r1
r1 r1 r2 r2


r1 r2
r1 r2
r2 r1

n2 > n1 n2 = n1 n2 < n1

Fig. 2.42 Wulfel-Kopp tourator: (a) Driving shaft (b) Driven shaft

4. Variators with Axially Displaceable Cones and Intermediate Members of the Belt, Ring or Chain
Type The working of this type of variator may be explained through Fig. 2.43.



n2 > n1 n2 = n1 n2 < n1

Fig. 2.43 Variator with axially displaceable cones and belt-type intermediate member: (a) Driving shaft (b)
Driven shaft
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 139

A pair of conical pulleys is mounted both on driving shaft I as well as driven shaft II. The conical pulleys
can slide axially on splines or key. A belt, chain or ring transmits rotation from shaft I to shaft II. When one
pair of pulleys is moved closer, the other pair automatically moves apart. This type of variator can provide
transmission ratios less than zero (speed reduction) as well as greater than zero (speed increase) as shown in
Fig. 2.43. The instantaneous transmission ratio is determined as
i= ◊y
where r1 and r2 are the effective radii of the conical pulleys on shafts I and II, respectively.
The characteristics of this type of variator depend to a large extent upon the intermediate member. The
commonly used intermediate members for such variators are discussed below.
(i) V-belt: Both narrow and wide V-belts may be used. The narrow V-belt is used in spindle drives of

R v max = 9, Nmax = 2.5 kW

vmax = 18 m/s and h = 0.92
The wide V-belt is used in drives of small- and medium-sized lathes and drilling machines and
in the cam-shaft drive of single-spindle automats. Variator with a wide V-belt has the following

R v max = 12, Nmax = 15 kW

vmax = 15 m/s and h = 0.92
The cone pulleys for variators with V-belts are made of steel or cast iron. The major shortcoming of
these variators is their large size.
(ii) Steel Ring: A rigid steel ring made of hardened ball bearing steel can also act as an intermediate
member. In this case cone pulleys are also made of hardened ball bearing steel. This type of variator

R v max = 16, Nmax = 10 kW and h = 0.85 – 0.9

The variator with a steel ring is used in the drive of small- and medium-sized drilling machines,
grinding machines, single-spindle automats and also in the feed drive of lathes, turrets, and drilling
and milling machines. This variator is simple and easily adaptable for mounting in speed boxes of
machine tools. However, it suffers from unfavourable velocity distribution over the area of contact.
It is also expensive because the ring and conical pulleys must be hardened to improve their wear
resistance and must be manufactured very accurately to ensure proper assembly.
(iii) Nylon Belt:
simple nylon belt, the so-called cogged belt is now widely used in the USA. The cogged belt combines
the positive features of both toothed and belt transmissions. The cogs (teeth) provide positive drive
between the driving and driven shafts, i.e., the belt does not slip although the assembly is simple
because of the belt elasticity. The cone pulleys for these variators are made of aluminium.
(iv) Chain:
drive or to provide a positive drive.
140 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

If the chain is used as a friction-type drive between the driving and driven shafts, then the variator design
is identical to that of a variator with a V-belt. The chain has rollers on the inside (contacting) surface to reduce

R v max = 7, Nmax = 15 kW
vmax = 10 m/s and h = 0.9
The cone pulleys of this variator are made of low carbon steel which is case-hardened.
Figure 2.44 shows the cone pulleys and chain used in a variator with positive drive between driving and

the chain teeth are formed by different number of laminas. The cone pulleys are made of low carbon steel
which is case hardened. The chain laminas are made of high strength alloy steel.

R v max = 10, Nmax = 14 kW and h = 0.9

Fig. 2.44 Cone pulley and chain used in a PIV drive

Variators with a chain are used in spindle drives of lathes, turrets, drilling and milling machines and also
in feed drives of lathes and drilling machines.


In this section, the gearing diagrams of existing lathe, drilling machine and milling machine have been anal-
ysed to demonstrate the validity of the basic principles of gear box design in application to industrial machine

strength of the approach of seamless integration of the structural diagram, speed chart and gearing diagram
as the sequential steps in design of machine tool gear boxes.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 141

Thread cutting operation on lathe and operations involving the use of indexing head on milling machine
have been included in this Section as illustrative cases of complex kinematics in machining operations.

2.10.1 Gearing Diagram of Speed Box of a Thread Cutting Lathe

The structural diagram and speed chart of the speed box are shown in Fig. 2.45 and the gearing diagram in
Fig. 2.46. The structural formula of the 23-speed gear box is
Z = 23 = 2(1) 3(2) [1 + 2(6) 2(6)].
It is a combination of combined structure and overlapping structure. As the characteristic of the last trans-
mission group is 2(6), instead of 2(12), it indicates that there are six overlapping speed steps in the low speed
kinematic train. We shall later see that one of the speed steps of the high speed kinematic train coincides with
that of the low speed kinematic train. Hence, though the structural formula is capable of generating 30 speed
steps, it actually produces only 23 speed steps. The various kinematic trains are described below.
Motor to shaft: belt drive 142–254
Common kinematic train 1450 ¥ ¥ 0.985 = 789.47 ª 800 rpm; here the multiplication factor 0.985
accounts for belt slip
Shaft I–II
È 51 ˘ È 56 ˘
800 Í ˙ Í ˙ = 1046,1315 adjusted to 1000, 1250 with an error of 4.6 and 5.2%, respectively
Î 39 ˚ Î 34 ˚
Thus, 2 speeds are obtained on shaft II
Shaft II–III
È 38 ˘ È 29 ˘ È 21 ˘ È 38 ˘ È 29 ˘ È 21 ˘
1000 Í ˙ Í ˙ Í ˙ = 1000, 630, 400 and 1250 Í ˙ Í ˙ Í ˙ = 1250, 800, 500
Î 38 ˚ Î 47 ˚ Î 55 ˚ Î 38 ˚ Î 47 ˚ Î 55 ˚
Total 6 speeds are obtained on shaft III
Low speed kinematic train
Shaft III–IV
È 45 ˘ È 22 ˘ È 45 ˘ È 22 ˘
(100, 630, 400) Í ˙ Í ˙ (1250, 800, 500) Í ˙ Í ˙
Î 45 ˚ Î 88 ˚ Î 45 ˚ Î 88 ˚
1000, 630, 400 1250, 800, 500
250, 160, 100 315, 200, 125
Total 12 speeds are obtained on shaft IV
Shaft IV–V
È 45 ˘ È 22 ˘
(100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630, 800, 1000, 1250) Í ˙ Í ˙
Î 45 ˚ Î 88 ˚
142 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630, 800, 1000, 1250
25, 31.5, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 315
The six underlined speeds are overlapping. Therefore, effectively only 18 speeds are obtained on shaft V.
The overlapping speeds are highlighted by dots in shaft V in Fig. 2.45.

45–45 1600
2(1) 3(2) 2(6) 2(6) 2(1) 3(2) 2(6) 2(6)

Fig. 2.45 Structural diagram and speed chart of lathe speed box

Shaft V–VI
È 27 ˘
(25, 31.5, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630, 800, 1000, 1250) Í ˙
Î 54 ˚
12.5, 16, 20, 25, 31.5, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630
Total 18 speeds given above are obtained on shaft VI (spindle) through low speed kinematic train.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 143

High Speed kinematic train

of gear pair and transmitted directly to shaft VI (spindle).
(1250, 1000, 800, 630, 500, 400) = 1890, 1511, 1209, 952, 755, 604
These speeds are adjusted to 2000, 1600, 1250, 1000, 800, 630 with an error of 4.8%. The speed 630
obtained through the high speed kinematic train coincides with the same speed obtained through the low
speed kinematic train. This overlapping speed is highlighted by a dot on shaft VI. Hence, effectively only 5
speeds are obtained through the high speed kinematic train. Thus, the total speeds obtained on the spindle is
18 + 5 = 23.
Reversal of spindle rotation is implemented through the gear pair 50–24 and the transmission 36-idle
50 36
gear-38. Consequently, the reversal speeds are ¥ = 1.97 times higher. Gear 60 on shaft VI is meant for
24 38
engaging the feed box.

d2 = 254 24 36 Idle gear

56 51 50
M1 88
x I
38 IV
x x x II
34 39 29 65 27

x x x x x V
38 60 45
55 VI
43 54

N = 10 kW,
d1 = 142
n = 1450 rpm

Fig. 2.46 Gearing diagram of lathe speed box

2.10.2 Gearing Diagram of Speed Box of a Lathe with Mechanical Variator

using electrical motors described in Sec. 2.9.2. At the other end, small lathes are generally equipped with
mechanical variators described in Sec. 2.9.3 without a stepped type gear box. Medium sized lathes are best
served by a combination of stepped gear box in conjunction with a mechanical variator shown in Fig. 2.47.
144 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Z = 49 Z = 69 Z = 88 Z = 60 Z = 22 Z = 49

f 192 B1
M3 B2
Z = 72 Z = 88
Z = 19
x x
Idle gear
Z = 27
x x x x x x

Z = 38 Z = 44 Z = 22 Z = 60 Z = 49


Z = 36 Z = 54

i = 1/2 – 2

f 200

N = 14 kW
n = 1450 rpm

Triple start

f 125 Z = 51 Z = 28
x Z = 19

Triple start x
f 125
x x N = 1 kW
Z = 31 n = 1410 rpm

Fig. 2.47 Gearing diagram of lathe speed box with a mechanical variator
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 145

1. Stepped gear box

2. Mechanical variator
3. Control of the mechanical variator
The stepped gear box has electromagnets clutches M1, M2 and M3 which are used for engaging, revers-
ing and stopping the spindle, respectively. The Svetozarov mechanical variator has a speed variation range
2 1
between and (Rn = 4). Stepped speed variation in the gear box is achieved by varying the position of
1 2
double cluster gear blocks B1(88–60) and B2 (22–49) to obtain four speed steps The block B3 is shown as a

reduction of the speeds in the single kinematic train of Range 1 and the gear pair (27–54) for increase of the
speeds in the three kinematic trains that provide Ranges 2, 3 and 4 described below.
From the motor (N = 14 kW, n = 1450 rpm), the rotation to the spindle is provided through the mechanical
variator, belt drive (200–192) and stepped gear box by the following four kinematic trains, each allowing the

B1 and engaging B
Ê 2 1 ˆ 200 È 19 ˘ È 72 ˘
1450 Á to ˜ = 3000 – 750 rpm
Ë1 2 ¯ 192 ÍÎ 38 ˙˚ ÍÎ 36 ˙˚
B1 to the right, engaging B B3 to the right.

Ê 2 1 ˆ 200 È 19 ˘ È 60 ˘ È 49 ˘ È 27 ˘
1450 Á to ˜ = 750 – 190 rpm
Ë1 2 ¯ 192 ÍÎ 38 ˙˚ ÍÎ 60 ˙˚ ÍÎ 49 ˙˚ ÍÎ 54 ˙˚
B1 to the right B2 to the left and B3 to the right.

Ê2 1 ˆ 200 È 19 ˘ È 60 ˘ È 22 ˘ È 27 ˘
1450 Á to ˜ = 190 – 47 rpm
Ë1 2 ¯ 192 ÍÎ 38 ˙˚ ÍÎ 60 ˙˚ ÍÎ 88 ˙˚ ÍÎ 54 ˙˚
B B2 to the left and B3 to the right.

Ê2 1 ˆ 200 È 19 ˘ È 22 ˘ È 22 ˘ È 27 ˘
1450 Á to ˜ = 47 – 12 rpm
Ë1 2 ¯ 192 ÍÎ 38 ˙˚ ÍÎ 88 ˙˚ ÍÎ 88 ˙˚ ÍÎ 54 ˙˚
Thus, this gear box provides continuous variation of spindle rotation between 12 and 3000 rev./ min.
For reversal of spindle rotation, single sliding gear 49 is made to mesh with gear 19, electromagnetic clus-
ter M1 is disengaged and M2 is engaged. The transmission now occurs through the gear pair (19–49) and the
gear train (69-idle gear-44). Henceforth, the transmission occurs through the four kinematic trains described
È 19 ˘ È 69 ˘ È 19 ˘
above. The additional reversal path has a transmission ratio Í ˙ Í ˙ = 0.60 as compared to Í ˙ = 0.5 of
Î 49 ˚ Î 44 ˚ Î 38 ˚
the direct path. Thus, the reversal speeds of the spindle are 20% higher than the direct speeds.
The control of the mechanical variator is executed through an independent kinematic train. From the 1 kw
electric motor rotation is transmitted to the drum cam through belt drive 125–125 and two, triple start worm
146 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

gear pairs 28–3 and 51–3. The drum cam converts the rotational movement into translatory motion of the
rod carrying block B, which through the system of levers implements the tilting of the Svetozarov variator
Thus, overall speed variation in the range 12–3000 rpm is achieved by this very compact speed box design.

2.10.3 Kinematics of Thread Cutting on Lathe

Lathes are used primarily for machining axisymmetrical parts on which a wide variety of operations can be
carried out, such as simple turning, taper turning, facing, grooving, parting off, boring, drilling, forming,
thread cutting and many more. In all these operations, rotation of the spindle is the primary cutting motion or
working motion and translatory motion of the tool the auxiliary motion. In all the operations, except thread
cutting, the working and auxiliary motions are independent of each other and their values are set on the speed
box and feed box, respectively.
Thread cutting operation requires a particular kinematic relation between the spindle rotation and tool

move by a distance equal to the pitch of the thread. In thread cutting lathes, satisfying this kinematic relation-

pitch of the thread to be cut.

However, in ordinary lathe machines, the required feed rate has to be calculated and set with the help of
change gears. The kinematic train in this case is very simple as shown in Fig. 2.48, but the calculations de-
mand considerable ingenuity as will become evident from the discussion below.

x x

a ic
x x



Fig. 2.48 Kinematics of thread cutting operation

s = tp = 1 spindle rev. ic ◊ ix ◊ tx (2.34)

where s = feed per rev. of the threading tool;

tp = pitch of the thread to be cut,
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 147

ic = transmission ratio of gear pairs in constant mesh; generally ic = 1

ix = transmission ratio of change gears a, b, c, d
tx = pitch of the lead screw of the lathe

After calculating transmission ratio ix of the change gears from formula (2.34), the next step is to deter-
mine the number of teeth of the change gears. For a single pair of change gears,
ix =
whereas for two pairs of change gear
a c
ix = x
b d

20, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120

20, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80,

Besides, the change gear sets are also provided with gears having 47, 97, 127 and 157 teeth.
This necessity of having gears 47, 97, 127 and 157 in the change gear set deserves special mention. While

1. The pitch of thread and lead screw are expressed in identical units.
2. The units in which tp and tx are expressed are different; i.e., cutting metric thread when the lead screw
has BSW thread and vice versa.

transmission in which the pitch of the worm is expressed as tp = pm, m being the module of the worm
In case (1), the setting calculations are done in accordance with formula (2.34)
In case (2), the pitch of lead screw and thread to be cut must be expressed in identical units. For instance,
if BSW thread it to be cut on a lathe having lead screw with metric thread, the pitch of the thread to be cut

25.4 127 1
tp = = ¥
To meet this situation, it is essential to have a gear with 127 teeth in the change gear set.
In case (3) the transmission ratio of the change gears is determined in accordance with expression (2.34) as
ix =
ic ◊ t x
keeping in mind that ic = 1 and tp= pm , the transmission ratio may be expressed as
ix = , if the lead screw has metric threads (2.35)
148 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

p mTPI 5p mTPI
and ix = = if the lead screw has BSW threads (2.36)
25.4 127
The quantities p and p may be expressed through different combinations of whole numbers. Each
combination entails a certain error and depending upon the accuracy required any of the combinations may
be selected. These combinations dictate the necessity of having gears with 47, 97 and 157 teeth in the change
gear set.
For formula (2.35)
p= , error = 0.04, no special gear required.
p= , error = 0.05, gear 157 required
For formula (2.36)
47 127
p= , error = –0.005, gear 47 required
380 5
12 127
p= , error = 0.021, gear 97 required
97 5
19 ¥ 21
p= , error = +0.004, gear 127 required

a and b must be greater than the radius of gear c.

c and d must be greater than the radius of gear b.
If constraints 1 is violated, gear c cannot be mounted on shaft II, whereas if constraint 2 is violated, gear
b cannot be mounted on shaft II.
The radius of a gear of module m and number of teeth z is = . If gears a, b, c and d are assumed to have
a, b, c, and d teeth, respectively, then co
m mc
(a + b) >
2 2
m mb
(c + d) >
2 2
Wherefrom, we get the condition
Ê a + b > cˆ (2.37)
ÁË c + d > b˜¯

Suppose that for a particular operation, we get

(a) ix =
By multiplying the numerator and denominator by 5,
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 149

a 5 5 25
ix = = ¥ =
b 9 5 45
gears 25 and 45 are available in series 1
120 40 ¥ 3
(b) ix = =
127 127

a c 40 60
(i) ix = = ¥
b d 127 20
not acceptable because c + d = 60 + 20 = 80, whereas b = 127, i.e., constraint 2 is violated as c + d < b.
60 40
(ii) ix = ¥
20 127
acceptable because a + b = 60 + 20 = 80, c = 40, hence a + b > c
c + d = 40 + 127 = 167, b = 20, hence c + d > b

For cutting multiple start threads, the lathe is set for the pitch value
tm = tp k (2.38)
where tm = distance between adjacent threads of a particular start
tp = distance between adjacent peaks
k = number of starts of the thread
After cutting one start, the kinematic linkage between the spindle and lead screw is disconnected and the
spindle with work piece is rotated precisely through an angle = 360/k. The kinematic train is again connected

2 40

Fig. 2.49 Special chuck for cutting multiple start threads

150 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

ber of starts of the thread, then accurate rotation of the work piece through 360/k can be achieved with the
help of gear a; for this purpose a chalk mark is made on gear a after disconnecting the spindle from the lead
screw, the gear is rotated through a/k teeth and the kinematic train is again engaged. Multiple-start threads are
also cut in a spindle chuck which can be indexed through any desired angle. This chuck ( Fig. 2.49) consists
of two halves 1 and 2. During the threading operation, the halves are tightened by bolts. When one start has
been cut, the two halves are unfastened. Half 1 remains attached to the spindle while half 2 along with the
work piece is indexed through the desired angle which can be easily read on the graduated scale.

Example 2.1

It is required to cut screw thread of pitch 3 mm on a lathe with lead screw of pitch 10 mm. Determine the
required change gears.
t 3 3 1 30 20
Transmission ratio of the change gears ix = p = = ¥ = ¥
t x 10 5 2 50 40
a + b > c, i.e., 30 + 50 > 20
c + d > b, i.e., 20 + 40 > 50

Example 2.2

It is required to cut screw thread of pitch 1.5 mm on a lathe with lead screw having BSW thread of 27TPI.
Determine the required change gears.
1 25.4 127
Pitch of the lead screw = inch = = mm
2 2 5¥2
tp 1.5 ¥ 5 ¥ 2 15
Transmission ratio of the change gears ix = = =
tx 127 127
As no gear of 15 teeth is available in the set of change gears, ix is represented as
1 30 20 30
1x = ¥ = ¥
2 127 40 127
a + b > c, i.e., 20 + 40 > 30
c + d > b, i.e., 30 + 127 > 40

Example 2.3

It is required to cut double start thread of pitch 4 mm on a lathe with lead screw of pitch 6 mm. Determine the
required change gears.
Lead of the thread to be cut = pitch of the thread x number of starts = 4 ¥ 2 = 8 mm
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 151

Lead of thread to be cut

Transmission ratio of the change gears =
Pitch of lead screw
8 4 4 40 20
= = = ¥1= ¥
6 3 3 30 20
a + b > c; 40 + 30 > 20
c + d > b; 20 + 20 > 30

Example 2.4

It is required to cut modular thread on the worm of a worm-worm gear pair of module 4 mm on a lathe with
lead screw of pitch 6 mm. Determine the required change gears.
Pitch of the worm thread = pm = 4p
Transmission ratio of change gears ix =
22 157
Representing p = 3.14 = =
7 50
157 2 157 40
1x = ¥ = ¥
50 3 50 60
a + b > c; 157 + 50 > 40
c + d > b; 60 + 40 > 50

2.10.4 Gearing Diagram of Drilling Machine

The complete gearing diagram of a single spindle drilling machine is described below separately for the
speed box and feed box.

Speed Box The structural diagram and speed chart of the speed box are shown in Fig. 2.50 and the gearing
diagram in Fig. 2.51. The structural formula of the 12-speed gear box is z = 4(1)2(4)2(4), which should
actually yield 16 speed steps, but one of the transmissions in the last stage is not utilised as it provides only
overlapping speed steps. Thus, effectively only 12 speeds are realised in the speed box.
The spindle is powered by an electric motor (N = 7.0 kW, n = 1450 rpm), through belt drive 173–173 and
provides 4 speeds on shaft II. Between this shaft and shaft V (spindle), three more transmissions are gener-
ated thus providing a total of 12 speeds on the spindle.

Motor shaft to shaft 1: Belt drive 173–173

È173 ˘
1450 ¥ Í ¥ 0.985 = 1428, adjusted to 1410 rpm
Î173 ˙˚
152 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

4(1) — 2(4) 2(4)

1450 61–47 2000
30–53 355
4(1) — 2(4) 2(4)

Fig. 2.50 Structural diagram and speed chart of drilling machine speed box

f 173 f 173

z = 61 x I
z = 21 z = 40 z = 47
x x z = 36
z = 20
z = 43
z = 47 z = 53 z = 30
z = 72 z = 23
z = 60
z = 61 x x
z = 29 z = 24 z = 48
x x
z = 43 z = 50 x x N = 7 kW
n = 1450 rpm

Fig. 2.51 Gearing diagram of drilling machine speed box

Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 153

Shaft I–II (four gear block 23–60, 30–53, 43–40 and 36–47)
È 23 ˘ È 30 ˘ È 36 ˘ È 43 ˘
1410 Í ˙ Í ˙ Í ˙ Í ˙ = 540, 798, 1080, 1515
Î 60 ˚ Î 53 ˚ Î 47 ˚ Î 40 ˚
Adjusted to 500, 710, 1000, 1410 with an error of 8%
Shaft II–III (through gear pair 29–50)
È 29 ˘
(500, 710, 1000, 1410) Í ˙ = 290, 412, 580, 818.
Î 50 ˚
Adjusted to 355, 500, 710, 1000,
Shaft III–IV ( double gear pair 21–72 and 50–43)
È 21 ˘ È 50 ˘
355, 500, 710, 1000 Í ˙ Í ˙ = 103, 146, 207, 291, 413, 581, 825, 1162
Î 72 ˚ Î 43 ˚
Adjusted to 90, 125, 180, 250, 355, 500, 710, 1000
Shaft IV–V (double gear pair 20–61 and 61–47)
È 20 ˘ È 61 ˘
(i) 90, 125, 180, 250 Í ˙ Í ˙ = 29.5, 41, 59, 82, 117, 162, 234, 324
Î 61 ˚ Î 47 ˚

È 61 ˘
(ii) 355, 500, 710, 100, Í ˙ = 460, 649, 921, 1297
Î 47 ˚

Total speeds on shaft V (spindle) 29.5, 41, 59, 82, 117, 162, 234, 324, 460, 649, 921, 1297 (12 speeds)
Adjusted to
31.5, 45, 63, 90, 125, 180, 250, 355, 500, 710, 1000, 1410 of the standard series of Table 2.9.
È 20 ˘
It is noteworthy that the transmission ratio Í ˙ has not been utilised in (ii) above with the speeds 355,
Î 61 ˚
500, 710 and 1000 as this would only have provided the speeds overlapping with the existing rpm values of
125, 180, 250 and 355 obtained in (i).

Feed Box The input to the feed box comes from the last shaft (shaft V) of the speed box. The nine steps of
feed rate are obtained by means of two triple gear blocks. The structural diagram and feed ‘chart’ are shown
in Fig. 2.52 and the gearing diagram in Fig. 2.53. From shaft V of the feed chart, the rotation is converted to
translatory feed motion through gear pair 36–53, worm-worm gear pair of transmission ratio Í ˙ and rack
and pinion transmission spindle of module 4 and number of teeth of pinion = 12. Î 60 ˚

The structural formula of the feed box is z =3(1) 2(3) 2(3), which should actually yield 12 steps but one of
the transmission in the last stage is not utilised as it provides only overlapping steps. Thus, effectively only
nine steps are realised in the feed box.
154 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

I II III IV 35–26 V
1.0 51–18
29–47 ¥ 30–34 35–26
29–46 0.4496
18–46 34–35
3(1) 2(3) 2(3) 3(1) 2(3) 2(3)

Fig. 2.52 Structural diagram and feed chart of drilling machine feed box

z = 29 z = 46

x IV V z = 53
z = 29 z = 47
z = 46 z = 18 z = 36
z = 18 x x x
z = 24 z = 40
z = 30 z = 34 x
Z = 43
x Z = 35
Z= 51
x Z = 18 Z = 26

z = 22 x
60 12–m–4 z = 64


Fig. 2.53 Gearing diagram of drilling machine feed box

The kinematic trains are described below.

Spindle-shaft I-shaft II
29 29
1¥ ¥ = 0.3890
47 46
Shaft II–III (triple gear block 18–46, 24–40 and 30–34)
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 155

È 18 ˘ È 24 ˘ È 30 ˘
0.3890 Í ˙ Í ˙ Í ˙ = 0.1522, 0.2334, 0.3432
Î 46 ˚ Î 40 ˚ Î 34 ˚
Shaft III–IV (double gear pair 34–35 and 51–18)
È 34 ˘ È 51 ˘
0.1522, 0.2334, 0.3432 Í ˙ Í ˙ = 0.1478, 0.2267, 0.3334, 0.4312, 0.6613, 0.9724
Î 35 ˚ Î18 ˚
Shaft IV–V (double gear pair 18–43 and 35–26)
È 18 ˘ È 35 ˘
(i) 0.1478, 0.2267, 0.3334 Í ˙ Í ˙ = 0.0618, 0.0949, 0.1395, 0.1989, 0.3052, 0.4496
Î 43 ˚ Î 26 ˚
È 35 ˘
(ii) 0.4312, 0.6613, 0.9724 Í ˙ = 0.5804, 0.8902, 1.3090
Î 26 ˚
Total speeds on shaft IV 0.0618, 0.0949, 0.1395,0.1989,0.3052,0.4496,0.5804,0.8902,1.3090 (9 speeds)
Shaft V–VI (gear pair 36–53, worm-worm gear Í ˙ and pinion rack of module 4 and 12 teeth
Î 60 ˚
È 36 ˘ È 1 ˘
0.0618, 0.0949, 0.1395, 0.1989, 0.3052, 0.4496 , 0.5804, 0.8902,1.3090 Í ˙ Í ˙ p ¥ 4 ¥ 12
Î 53 ˚ Î 60 ˚
= 0.106, 0.162, 0.24, 0.34, 0.52, 0.765, 1.0,1.52, 2.24, mm/rev
È 18 ˘
It is note worthy that the transmission ration Í ˙ has not been utilised in the last stage as this would
Î 43 ˚
only have provided steps overlapping with the existing values of 0.1989, 0.3052 and 0.4496 obtained in (i).

2.10.5 Gearing Diagram of the Speed Box of a Horizontal Milling Machine

The structural diagram and speed chart of the speed box of a horizontal milling machine are shown in Fig. 2.54.
and the gearing diagram in Fig. 2.55. The structural formula of the speed box is z = 18 = 3(1)3(3)2(9). The
spindle is powered by an electric motor (N = 7 kW, n = 1450 rpm). The 18 speed steps are obtained with the
help of two triple gear blocks and one double gear block. The kinematic trains are described below.
Motor Shaft (I) to shaft II (gear pair 26–54)
È 26 ˘
1450 Í ˙ = 698, adjusted to 710
Î 54 ˚
Shaft II–III (triple gear block 16–39, 19–36, 22–33)
È 16 ˘ È 19 ˘ È 22 ˘
710 Í ˙ Í ˙ Í ˙ = 291, 374, 474, adjusted to 315, 400, 500
Î 39 ˚ Î 36 ˚ Î 33 ˚
Total 3 speeds are obtained on shaft III
Shaft III–IV (through gear pairs 18–47, 28–37 and 39–26)
È 18 ˘ È 28 ˘ È 39 ˘
315, 400, 500 Í ˙ Í ˙ Í ˙ = 120, 153, 191, 238, 302, 378, 472, 600, 750
Î 47 ˚ Î 37 ˚ Î 26 ˚
Adjusted to 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630, 800
Total 9 speed are obtained on shaft IV
156 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

1450 82–38
3(1) 3(3) 2(9) 31.5
3(1) 3(3) 2(9)

Fig. 2.54 Structural diagram and speed chart of milling machine speed box

z = 38 z = 71

x x

z = 47
z = 26 z = 37


z = 39 z = 18
z = 19
z = 82
x x x x x III

z = 36
z = 28 z = 33
x II
z = 54
z = 26 z = 16 z = 22 z = 19
x I

N = 7 kW
n = 1450 rpm

Fig. 2.55 Gearing diagram of milling machine speed box

Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 157

Shaft IV–V (double gear pair 19–71 and 82–38)

È19 ˘ È 82 ˘
125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630, 800 Í ˙ Í ˙
Î 71 ˚ Î 38 ˚
= 33, 43, 53, 67, 84, 107, 134, 169, 214, 270, 345, 432, 540, 680, 863, 1078, 1360, 1726
Adjusted to 31.5, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600 of
the standard series of Table 2.9
Total 18 speeds are obtained on the spindle.

2.10.6 Indexing Head and Kinematics of Indexing Operations

Milling machines are used for carrying out a wide range of operations such as machining of plane surfaces,

are more suitable for operations such as gear cutting and machining of multiple grooves with the help of a
ported between the indexing head centre and tail stock and clamped in a chuck or with the help of dog and
face plate mounted on the indexing head spindle. The spindle is rotated manually by means of a crank wheel

Worm and
worm wheel Spindle



Index plate



Fig. 2.56 Schematic of indexing head

158 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

1. Periodic rotation of the workpiece through a certain angle.

2. Continuous rotation of the workpiece which is related to the longitudinal feed of the machine table.
The construction of the indexing head is shown in Fig. 2.56. It consists of two pairs of spur gear of trans-
mission ratio 1, one pair of bevel gears of transmission ratio 1 and a worm-worm gear transmission. If the
number of starts of the worm is k and the number of teeth of the worm gear is zw, then the ratio N = zw/k is
called the indexing head characteristic.
Generally the transmission ration of the worm-worm gear transmission and hence the index head char-
acteristic is equal to 40. The worm gear and the spindle of the indexing head have a common axis. Indexing
of the spindle is achieved by rotating the crank wheel. Rotation from the crank is transmitted to the spindle
through spur gears C–D and the worm-worm gear pair. Accurate indexing through a given angle is carried out
with the help of an index plate (Fig. 2.57.) The index plate has several concentric circles with different num-
ber of holes on each side. There is an adjustable sector that can be opened to cover the required number of
holes of a particular circle of the index plate. Generally, two index plates are supplied with an indexing head.


Fig. 2.57 Index plate

Plate No. 1 has 20, 23, 33 and 43 holes on one side and 18, 21, 31 and 41 on the other. Plate No. 2 has 16,
19, 29, 39 and 49 holes on one side and 15, 17, 27, 37 and 47 on the other. However, index plates with other
hole combinations are also available. The index plate is mounted on a hollow shaft that is concentric with the
crank wheel axis and can freely rotate about it.

Indexing Based on Periodic Rotation There are three distinct types of indexing operations based
on periodic rotation of the workpiece, namely plain indexing, differential indexing and angular indexing. The
kinematics of each of these three modes of indexing is described below.
1. Plain indexing for periodic rotation is employed when the number of crank rotations is
(i) a whole number
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 159

(ii) a fraction in which the denominator matches the number of holes in one of the circles of the
index plate
(iii) a whole number-cum fraction as described in (ii) above
Suppose we have to index for n divisions on an indexing head of characteristic N = 40. Then the
turns through which the crank must be moved, i.e., the crank rotation R =
(a) If n is say 8, than R = = 5, i.e., the crank will be rotated through 5 full turns.
40 1 10
(b) If n is say 80, than R = = = , i.e., the crank will be rotated through 10 holes of the circle
80 2 20
with 20 holes on plate No. 1. After each indexing the adjustable sector is moved forward by 10
40 4 2 22
(c) If n is say 6, then R = =6 =6 =6 , i.e., the crank will be rotated through 6 full turns
6 6 3 33
plus 22 holes of the circle with 33 holes on plate No. 1. After each indexing the adjustable sector
will be moved through 22 holes and the crank will be rotated through 6 full turns and 22 holes.
2. Differential indexing for periodic rotation is resorted to when the indexing for the required number of
divisions n involves a fraction whose denominator does not match with the number of holes in any of
the circles of plates 1 and 2. In this case, indexing is carried out for nx such that nx is close to n and
involves a fraction whose denominator matches with the number of holes in one of the circle of plates
1 or 2.
When indexing is carried out for nx divisions, the error in rotation of the crank per indexing
= – . Therefore, the error in one rotation of the indexing head spindle is
n nx
ÊN Nˆ N ( nx - n )
x = Á - ˜n =
Ë n nx ¯ nx

The above error must be compensated by imparting a corresponding additional rotation to the
indexing plate in the proper direction. While rotating the crank through the requisite turn for nx
divisions, the crank pin is withdrawn from the index plate which can now receive additional rotation
a c
through the kinematic train starting from the indexing head spindle via change gears ¥ , bevel gear
pair E–F and spur gear pair A–B ( Fig. 2.58) b d
The change gear ratio
a c N ( nx - n )
x= ¥ =
b d nx
If nx > n, then the index plate should rotate in the same direction as the crank. However if nx < n, the
index plate should rotate in a direction opposite to that of the crank for which an idle gear is inserted
between the change gears c and d. Here, it is pertinent to remember that the spur gear pairs A–B and
C–D and the bevel gear pair E–F all have transmission ratio equal to unity
160 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Worm and
worm wheel Spindle



Index plate



Fig. 2.58 Schematic of differential indexing

Example 1:
It is required to make a gear of 109 teeth using an indexing head with which the following change
n = 109 and no circle of
109 holes or its its multiple is available on plates 1 and 2, we will have to take recourse to differential
indexing for which we select nx = 110. Therefore, indexing will involve
40 4 12
(i) rotation of crank through R = = = , i.e., through 12 holes of the circle with 33 holes on
plate No. 1. 110 11 33
(ii) selection of appropriate change gears of transmission ratio
a c 40(110 - 109) 4 4 1 40 25
x= ¥ = = = ¥ = ¥
b d 110 11 5.5 2 55 50
As nx > n, the index plate and crank rotate in the same direction and there is no need of an idle
gear to be inserted between change gears c and d.
4 4 4 ¥ 109 + 4 436 + 4 440 40
(iii) check + = = = =
11 11 ¥ 109 11 ¥ 109 11 ¥ 109 11 ¥ 109 109
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 161

3. Angular indexing is employed when the job has to be indexed through a given angle. Since 40 turns of
the crank turn the job through one complete revolution (i.e., 360°), one turn of the crank evidently turns
it through = 9 = 540¢ = 32400≤. To determine the required crank rotation for angular indexing, the
given angle is divided by 9, 540 or 32400, depending upon whether the angle is expressed in degrees,
minutes and seconds, respectively. The quantity thus obtained is then treated as a whole number or a
fraction or a whole number-cum-fraction and tackled as a problem of plain or differential indexing, as
the case may be
Example 2:
(a) The job has to be indexed through 50°. The required crank rotation will be
50 5
= 5 i.e., 5 full turns and 10 holes of the circle with 18 holes on plate no. 1.
9 9

The required crank rotation will be

31 ¥ 60 + 20 1860 + 20 1880 18 1 6
= = =3 =3 =3 ,
540 540 540 54 3 18
i.e., 3 full turns and 6 holes of the circle of 18 holes on plate no. 1.
(c) The job has to be indexed through 4°56¢1≤
The required crank rotation will be
4 ¥ 60 ¥ 60 + 56 ¥ 6 + 1 17761
32400 32400
The above value can be interpreted in terms of number divisions of the jobs as
No. of divisions = = 72.968 ª 73
is equivalent to indexing of a job for 73 divisions. As no circle of 73
holes or its multiple is available on any of the index plates, this becomes a problem of differential indexing
for which we select nx = 75. Hence, indexing will involve
40 8
(i) rotation of crank through R = = , i.e., through eight holes of the circle of 15 holes on plate no. 2.
75 15
(ii) selection of appropriate change gears of transmission ratio
a c 40(75 - 73) 16 4 4 40 40
x= ¥ = = = ¥ = ¥
b d 75 15 3 5 30 50
As nx > n, the index plate and crank rotate in the same direction and there is no need of an idle gear to
be inserted between change gears c and
8 16 8 ¥ 73 + 16 584 + 16 600 40
(iii) check + = = = =
15 15 ¥ 73 15 ¥ 73 15 ¥ 73 15 ¥ 73 73
162 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Indexing Based on Continuous Rotation This type of indexing is used for machining of helical

head spindle completes one rotation, the milling machining table should travel a distance equal to the pitch of
the helix. First, the table of the milling machine is rotated and set at an angle equal to the helix angle. Next,
rotation of the index head spindle and the longitudinal feed of the table are co-ordinated by using change
gears a1, b1, c1, d1 between the lead screw of the milling machine responsible for longitudinal travel of the
table and the output shaft of the bevel gear pair E–F (Fig. 2.59) such that they satisfy the relation.
Ê d bˆ
1 spindle rotation ¥ N Á ◊ ˜ ¥ tx = tp
Ë c a¯

Worm and
worm wheel Spindle

d1 E

x F



Index plate
a1 Lead screw of
milling machine Crank


Fig. 2.59 Schematic of machining of a helical flute

where N is the index head characteristic

tx is the pitch of the lead screw of the milling machine
tp is the pitch of the helix to be machined
tp =
tan b
where b is helix angle and D is diameter of the job on which the helical groove is to be machined.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 163

Again, it must be kept in mind that the above relation implies that the spur gear pairs A–B and C–D and
the level gear pair E–F all have transmission ratio equal to unity.
a c
If the transmission ratio of the change gears is represented by x = 1 ¥ 1 , then the above relation may
be written as b1 d1
N tx = tp
wherefrom x = x .
It may be interesting to note here that as the bevel gear pair E–F is engaged in machining of the helix, it
is not available for differential indexing. Hence, only such helical grooves can be machined that require only
plain indexing. Further, since the table of the milling machine has to be rotated through an angle equal to the
helix angle, the groove milling operation can only be carried out on a universal milling machine.
Example 3:
It is required to make a helical gear of teeth z =35 module m = 5 and helix angle = 22.5°. The milling ma-
chine on which the gear is machined has lead screw of pitch 6 mm and is provided with a change gear set 20,
25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.
Diameter of the gear D = mz = 5 ¥ 35 = 175 mm
pD p175 3.14 ¥ 175
tp = = = = 1302.1 ª 1300 mm
tan b tan 22.5∞ 0.422
Nt x 40 ¥ 6 24 6¥4 30 20
x = = = = = ¥
tp 1300 130 10 ¥ 13 50 65

Before cutting the gear the table of the milling machine is rotated and set at an angle of 22.5°. After mill-
40 5 1 7
ing one tooth, the gear blank is index for 35 division for which the crank is rotated by =1 =1 =1
35 35 7 49
turns, i.e., one full turn plus rotation through 7 holes of the circle with 49 holes on plate no. 2.

Review Questions
2.1 Find the speed steps arranged in geometric, harmonic and logarithmic progressions for the following
nmin = 12 rpm, nmax = 510 rpm, z = 8.
2.2 A lathe is to be designed for machining aluminium work pieces of up to 500 mm diameter and mild
steel workpieces of up to 300 mm diameter. Both HSS and cemented carbide tools are used. Determine
the diameter of the smallest workpiece which may be machined on this lathe if the permissible cutting
speed of the HSS-mild steel pair = 50 m/min, that of the carbide-aluminium pair = 1500 m/min and
Rn = 75.
2.3 Draw the structural diagrams of a machine tool speed box for nmin = 16 rpm, nmax = 770 rpm, and
f = 1.26. Which layout is best and why?
2.4 Sketch the possible speed charts for the layout selected in the previous questions if the motor runs at
1440 rpm and the input shaft has rpm 630. Select the best speed chart and justify your choice.
2.5 Sketch the gearing diagram for the optimum speed chart selected in the previous question. Determine
the number of teeth of the gears assuming Zmin = 17.
164 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

2.6 Design the feed box of a lathe machine for the feed range 0.05–4.0 mm/rev. Given f = 1.41. Assume a
suitable kinematic train between the spindle and the input shaft of the feed box, and between the output
shaft of the feed box and the rack, attached to the underside of the lathe bed.
2.7 A three-stage, 18-step, speed box with nmin = 16 and f = 1.26 is powered by a 7.5 kW motor running
at 1440 rpm. Calculate the dimensions of the gear-box shafts.
2.8 A four-stage, 16-step, speed box with nmin = 32 and f =1.41 is powered by a two-speed (1500/750) ac
motor. Draw the structural diagram and speed chart of the speed box.
2.9 A speed box having nmin = 20 rpm, nmin = 2000 rpm and f = 1.26 is to be designed. Draw the best
possible structural diagram and speed chart if the speed box has
(i) a structure with overlapping steps,
(ii) a structure with broken geometrical progression, and
(iii) a combined structure.
2.10 Calculate the piston and pull-rod diameters to provide a maximum pull of 700 kgf at a speed of 500
mm/min. Also, determine the required pump delivery and motor rating, if the oil is to be delivered at
a pressure of 40 kgf/cm2. The permissible stress of the pull-rod material is 1400 kgf/cm2. Assume the

2.11 BSW thread of 12 TPI is to be cut on a lathe with lead screw of 8 TPI. Determine the required change
2.12 BSW thread of 27 TPI is to be cut on a lathe with lead screw of 6 TPI. Determine the required change
2.13 Screw thread of pitch 0.25 inch is to be cut on a lathe with lead screw of pitch 8 mm. Determine the
required change gears.
2.14 A double start thread of pitch 0.5 inch is to be cut on a lathe with lead screw of 6 TPI. Determine the
required change gears.
2.15 Modular thread of module 3 mm is to be cut on a lathe with lead screw of 2 TPI. Determine the
required change gears.
2.16 Determine the required crank rotation of the indexing head to index for
(i) 33 divisions
(ii) 24 divisions
(iii) 5 divisions
2.17 Determine the required crank rotation and change gears for differential indexing for
(i) 83 divisions
(ii) 73 divisions
(iii) 55 divisions
2.18 Determine the required crank rotation for indexing through
(i) 3° 30¢
(ii) 42° 40¢
(iii) 34° 12¢
machine with a lead screw of pitch 6.35 mm. Determine the required crank rotation, table setting angle
and change gears.
2.20 Find the rpm values of eight-speed gear box having nmin = 12 and nmax = 509 if the steps are placed in
arithmetic, geometric, harmonic and logarithmic progressions. Derive the relationship between vmax
and vmin as a function of diameter for the arithmetic and geometric series.
Regulation of Speed and Feed Rates 165

2.21 Given nmin = 10, nmax = 500 and Z = 18. Write the speed steps if they lie in arithmetic, geometric,
harmonic and logarithmic progressions and compare them from the standpoint of suitability for
machine tool gear box.
2.22 In a machine tool gear box, the smallest and largest spindle speeds are 100 rpm and 1120 rpm,
respectively. If there are 8 speeds in all, what will be the fourth speed?
nmin = 31.5,
nmotor = 1440 and = 1.41. Draw the structural diagram, speed chart and gearing diagram.
2.24 Design a nine-speed gear box having nmin=100 and nmax = 630. Assume motor rpm = 1400. The design
should include structural diagram, speed chart, gearing diagram and number of teeth of the gears.
2.25 Design a 12-speed gear box of a lathe having nmin = 14 and = 1.26. The motor has 16 HP at 1400
rpm. The design should include structural diagram, speed chart, gearing diagram, number of gear teeth
and gear dimensions.
2.26 A 2 ¥ 3 ¥ 3 gear box is to be designed for a milling machine with 1450 rpm, 5 HP motor. The speed
varies from 10 rpm with F =1.41. The design should include structural diagram, speed chart, gearing
diagram, number of gear teeth and gear dimensions.
2.27 The speed chart of a 12 speed gear box is given below. Write the structural formula and draw the
structural diagram of the gear box. If the gear box is powered by a 16 HP motor running at 1410 rpm,
sketch the gearing diagram (without link gears) and determine the gear dimensions. Neglect power
loss in transmission. Gear width is 10 times the module and Zmin = 17.











Fig. 2.60

2.28 Select an appropriate structural diagram and speed chart for a machine tool gear box with overlapping
speed steps. Given nmin = 20, nmax = 1200, F = 1.41.
2.29 Draw the structural diagram, speed chart and gearing diagram for a machine tool gear box with
combined structure having nmin = 16, nmax = 1400 and F = 1.41.
166 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

2.30 In a hydraulic circuit, the supply pressure in the cylinder is 14 kgf.cm2 and the piston area is 40 cm2
on both sides. The maximum load to be moved is 200 kgf at 150 cm/min. Calculate the hydraulic

80%. Neglect friction losses.

1. Vragov, Yu. D, “Probability method of determining the speed characteristics of high speed milling
machines”, Stanki I Instrument, 1963, No. 6.
2. Rabinovich, A, Speed Boxes of Machine Tools, Lvov University Press, Lvov, 1968, p. 14.
3. Shvartz,VV, Elyashev, AV and Gudimenko, NN ‘Developing the Kinematic Diagrams of Machine
Tool Speed Boxes’ published by Peoples’ Friendship University, Moscow, 1978, p. 39.
Design of Machine Tool Structures 167




Machine tool parts such as beds, bases, columns, box-type housings, overarms, carriages, tables, etc., are
known as structures. The structures, depending upon their function, may be broadly divided into the follow-
ing three groups:
Group 1: Beds and bases, upon which the various subassemblies are mounted.
Group 2: Box-type housings in which individual units are assembled, e.g., speed box housing,
spindle head, etc.
Group 3: Parts that serve for supporting and moving the workpiece and cutting tool, e.g., table,
carriage, knee, tail stock, etc.
Machine tool structures must satisfy the following requirements:
1. All important mating surfaces of the structures should be machined with a high degree of accuracy to
provide the desired geometrical accuracy.
2. The initial geometrical accuracy of the structures should be maintained during the whole service life
of the machine tool.
3. The shapes and sizes of the structures should not only provide safe operation and maintenance of the

should be noted that the stresses and deformations are due to mechanical as well as thermal loading.
The design features that provide for ease of manufacture, maintenance, etc., are peculiar to each structure
and will, therefore, be discussed separately for different structures. However, there are two common features

1. Proper selection of material.

2. High static and dynamic stiffness.
These two factors will be discussed in detail in Sections 3.3 and 3.4 after the basic criteria for designing
machine tool structures are laid down in Section 3.2.


Consider a simple machine tool bed with two side walls, which may be represented as a simply supported
beam loaded by a concentrated force P acting at its centre (Fig. 3.1).1 The maximum normal stress acting on
the beam is given by the expression:
168 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

M max ◊ zmax
smax = (3.1)



Fig. 3.1 Schematic diagram of simply supported beam

where Mmax = Pl/4 = maximum bending moment

zmax = h/2
Iy = bh3/12 = moment of inertia of the beam section about the neutral axis
Upon substituting these values in Eq. (3.1), we get

Pl h

3 Pl
smax = 4 32 =
bh 2 bh 2

s], then
3 Pl
s] = ◊
2 bh 2
3 P Ê l2 ˆ
or Vs = b ◊ h ◊ l = ◊Á ˜ (3.2)
2 [s ] Ë h ¯

where Vs

on Strength of Materials):
Pl 3
dmax = (3.3)
48 EI y
where E = modulus of elasticity of the beam material.
d], then
Pl 3 Pl 3
d] = =
48 EI y 48 E ◊ bh3 /12
Design of Machine Tool Structures 169

P Ê l2 ˆ
or Vd = bhl = Á ˜ (3.4)
4 E [d ] Ë h ¯

where V

The condition of optimum design is

Vs = Vd
3 P Ê l2 ˆ P Ê l2 ˆ
i.e., ÁË ˜¯ = Á ˜
2 [s ] h 4 E [d ] Ë h ¯
l2 6E [d ]
= (3.5)
h [s ]
Equation (3.5) indicates that for every structure, there exists an optimum ratio l2/h depending upon:
d], and
s] and E.
Consider, for instance, two beams of mild steel and cast iron with mechanical properties: for mild steel,
E = 2.0 ¥ 104 kgf/mm2 s] = 14 kgf/mm2 d ] = 0.002 mm; for cast iron, E = 1.2 ¥ 104 kgf/mm2 s] =
3 kgf/mm2 d ] = 0.002 mm.
For the steel beam
Ê l2 ˆ 6 ¥ 2 ¥ 104 ¥ 0.002
ÁË ˜¯ = = 17.14
h opt 14
For the cast iron beam
Ê l2 ˆ 6 ¥ 1.2 ¥ 104 ¥ 0.002
ÁË ˜¯ = = 48
h opt 3

The volumes of the two beams with optimum l/h values will be in the ratio

3 P P
◊ ◊ 48 ¥ (48) 2
VCI 2 3 4 ¥ 1.2 ¥ 104 ¥ 0.002
= = = 13.07
◊ ◊ 17.14 ¥ (17. 14) 2
2 14 4 ¥ 2 ¥ 104 ¥ 0.002

i.e., if the failure of the beams is determined by the normal stresses under tensile loading, the volume of the
steel beam required to withstand the same load is 13.07 times less than that of the cast iron beam.
The variation of Vs and Vd for mild steel and cast iron beams with change of l 2/h is shown in Fig. 3.2. For
identical beam length, the height of the steel section must be 48/17.14 = 2.80 times greater. Since the volume
of the steel beam is 13.07 times less and height 2.80 times greater than that of the cast iron beam, the thick-
ness of the mild steel beam will be 36.5 times less.
170 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

l2/h values less than V

the optimum (corresponding to the point of intersection
of Vs and Vd curves), the structure should be designed 12 13.07
from consideration of strength, while for l2/h values
exceeding the optimum value, the design should be Vs
l2/h for CI
ratio for a majority of machine tools lies to the right
of the point of intersection, i.e., l2/h is greater than the
optimum value. Consequently, the stiffness and not the
load-carrying capacity of a structure is the decisive 4
factor which determines its dimensions in most of the 1.0 Vd
for MS
machine tools. Vs
17.14 2
That the steel structure is lighter, deeper and thin- I
ner than a cast iron structure of equivalent strength is 0 10 20 30 40 48 h
obvious. However, since structures are mostly designed 2
Fig. 3.2 Variation of Vs and Vd with l /h ratio for
from stiffness considerations, the actual economy of
cast iron and mild steel sections
metal consumption by using steel instead of cast iron
may be much less than 13.07 times, because the steel structure must be provided with stiffening ribs. This not
only increases the weight of the steel structure but also adds to the labour cost.
Some of the machine tool structures are stationary while there are others which travel during operation
to impart the necessary forming and auxiliary motions. The moving parts generally travel along guideways.
For satisfying the requirement that the structures maintain their initial accuracy, it is essential that the mating
surfaces should have a high wear resistance. Thus, the criteria for the design of machine tool structures can
be summed up as
1. high static and dynamic stiffness, and
2. high wear resistance of guiding and guided surfaces.


The elongation of a bar subjected to simple tension is given by the expression:
Dl =
where P = tensile force acting on the bar
l = length of the bar
A = area of cross section of the bar
E = modulus of elasticity of the bar material
The quantity P/Dl represents the stiffness of the bar and may be written as
Dl l
for two bars of equal stiffness,
E1 A1 E2 A2
l1 l2
Design of Machine Tool Structures 171

if the bars are of equal length, i.e., l1 = l2 = l,

E1 A1 = E2 A2
The weights of the bars will be g 1 A1 l and g 2 A2l, where g 1 and g 2
respectively. The ratio of the weights will be
W1 g 1 A1 Eg E /g
= = 2 1= 2 2
W2 g 2 A2 E1g 2 E1 /g 1

i.e., the weight of the bar is inversely proportional to the quantity E/g , which is known as unit stiffness of
the material in tension. The larger the unit stiffness of a material, the smaller is the weight of the structure

The unit stiffness values of some engineering materials are given in Table 3.1.

therefore, rarely used in industry. A comparison of the unit rigidity values of various steels shows that these

alloyed steels and a structural steel which is cheaper in comparison will be just as good.
Comparative evaluation of various engineering materials can also be carried out on the basis of strength.
This is illustrated below for three different types of loading.
1. Bar Subjected to Tension Consider a bar of length L subjected to a tensile load P. Let s ut be the ultimate
strength of the bar material and g n, the area of cross section of the
bar will be A = n ◊ ut. V = A ◊ L and W = A ◊ L ◊ g, respectively.

Table 3.1 Unit rigidity in tension of some engineering materials

Material E, kgf/cm2 g, kgf/cm3 E/g

Low carbon steel 2.0 ¥ 106 7.8 ¥ 10–3 2.56 ¥ 108

Medium carbon steel 2.1 ¥ 106 7.8 ¥ 10–3 2.69 ¥ 108

Alloyed steel 2.1 ¥ 106 7.8 ¥ 10–3 2.69 ¥ 108

Grey cast iron 1.2 ¥ 106 7.2 ¥ 10–3 1.66 ¥ 108

Duraluminium 0.75 ¥ 106 2.8 ¥ 10–3 2.68 ¥ 108

P, it follows that
W1 nPL(g 1s ut1 ) (s /g )
= = ut2 2
W2 nPL(g 2 /s ut 2 ) (s ut1/g 1 )

Here, the greater is the quantity s ut/g of a given material, the smaller will be the required weight of the
bar to withstand a given load. Quantity s ut/g, is known as unit strength under tension.
172 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

2. Bar Subjected to Torsion The shear stress in a bar of radius r, length L and polar moment of inertia Ip
subjected to torque Mt is given by the following relation:
M t ◊ r M t ◊ r 2M t
t= = 4 =
IP p r /2 p r 3
tu, then for a factor of safety n, the radius of the bar
subjected to torque Mt is found from the relation,
2M t ◊ n
r3 =
pt u
wherefrom, 1/3
Ê 2M t n ˆ
r= Á ◊ (1/tu)1/3
Ë p ˜¯
The area of cross section of the bar,
A = p r 2 = p (2M t n/p)2/3(1/t u)2/3
and its weight, W = ALg = p 1/3 (2M t n) 2/3(1/t u)2/3 Lg.
where g bar material.
Mt, it follows that

W1 (1/t u1 ) 2/3 g 1 t u22/3 /g 2

= =
W2 (1/t u 2 ) 2/3 g 2 t u21/3 /g 1
The quantity t u2/3/g is an index of the ability of a material to resist torsion and is known as unit strength
under torsion.
3. Bar Subjected to Bending The normal stress in a bar of radius r, length L and moment of inertia about

M ◊ r M ◊ r 4M
s= = 4 = 3
I p r /4 p r
where M is bending moment in the given section.
sb, then for a factor of safety n, the radius of the bar sub-
jected to bending moment M is found from the relation,
4M ◊ n
r3 =
ps b
Ê 4mn ˆ
r= Á (1/sb)2/3
Ë p ˜¯
The area of cross section of the bar,
Ê 4 Mn ˆ
A = p r2 = p Á (1/sb)2/3
Ë p ˜¯
and its weight, W = ALg = p 1/3 (4Mn)2/3(1/s b)2/3 L◊ g
where g
Design of Machine Tool Structures 173

M, it follows that
W1 (1/s b1 ) 2/3 ◊ g 1 s b 2 /g 2
= =
W2 (1/s b 2 )2/3 ◊ g 2 s b21/3/g1

The quantity sb2/3/g is an index of the ability of a material to resist bending and is known as the unit
strength under bending.
The commonly used materials for machine tool structures are cast iron and steel. Cast iron structures were

wider application due to advances in welding technology. The choice of whether the structure should be made
from cast iron or steel depends upon a number of factors which are discussed below.
1. Material Properties The material properties of relevance are:
(i) Steel has higher strength under static and dynamic loading.
(ii) The unit rigidity of steel under tensile, torsional and bending loads is higher.
(iii) Cast iron has higher inherent damping properties; damping in steel structures occurs mainly in welds;
if welded joints are properly designed, the damping of steel structure may approach that of cast iron.
(iv) Cast iron has better sliding properties.
2. Manufacturing Problems Another important factor for deciding the choice of material concerns the
problems of manufacturing that are associated with the use of steel or cast iron structures:
(i) Wall thickness: For a given weight of the structure, high strength and stiffness can be achieved by
using large overall dimensions and small wall thickness. Thus, walls of minimum possible thickness
should be employed. Generally, reduction of wall thickness in cast iron structures is restricted by
process capability and depends upon the size of the casting. These values are given in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Recommended minimum wall thickness for cast iron structures

Size factor N, m Thickness of external Thickness of internal walls

walls, mm and ribs, mm
0.4 6 5

0.75 8 7

1.0 10 8

1.5 12 10

1.8 14 12

2.0 16 14

2.5 18 16

3.0 20 16

3.5 22 18

4.5 25 20
174 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Size factor N is determined from the relationship,

2L + B + H
N= (3.6)
where L, B and H are length, breadth and height of the structure, respectively in metres.
The wall thickness may also be determined from the following relationship:
2L + B + H
d = 10 mm (3.7)
where L, B and H have the same meaning and units as in Eq. (3.6).

thickness equal to 0.8 that of external walls is permitted.

Welded structures made of steel can have much thinner walls as compared to cast structures as the
technological constraints are much less. Steel structures in which the wall thickness is less than that
of the cast structure by up to 50% are known as thick-walled structures. They are made of 10–12 mm
thick plates and are easy to manufacture, but they are not particularly effective from the point of view
of economy of metal. Thin-walled steel structures have 3–6 mm thick walls, which are thinner than
the walls of the cast structure by 1.5–2 times. These structures offer greater economy of metal but are

(ii) Walls of different thicknesses can be welded more easily than cast
one thickness to another (if t1/t2 <

Ê 1 1ˆ
r = Á to ˜ t1
Ë 6 3¯
where t1 t1/t2 > 1.75, then the transition is realised

(iii) Machining allowances for cast structures are generally larger than for weld steel structures; this is
essential to remove the hardened skin of casting and also to account for casting defects, such as
inclusions, scales, drops, etc., that result due to falling of sand into the mould cavity.
(iv) A welded structure can, if required, be easily repaired and improved. Any corrections in a cast structure

t1 t1
t1 If t1 > 1.75
If t < 1.5 2
2 I = 4c for CI
r = 1 – 1 t1
( ( = 5c for MS t + t
6 3 1 1 1 2
r + R = t1 (
r + r= 6 – 3 ( 2
R = r + c + t2

t2 t2

(a) (b)

Fig. 3.3 Transitions between adjoining walls of castings

Design of Machine Tool Structures 175

3. Economy
which of them provides for a lower cost of the structure. Correct selection can be made only on the basis of
a comprehensive analysis of various factors, some of which are listed below.
(i) Economy of metal
structure may be low, the actual metal consumption may be high. This is due to the fact that whereas
holes in castings are obtained with the help of cores, those in welded structures have to be machined.
This results not only in scrap but also in additional labour cost.

(iii) Cost of machining.

On the basis of all the considerations discussed above, the application of cast iron and steel may be speci-

1. Steel should be preferred for simple, heavily loaded structures which are to be manufactured in small
numbers; this is due to the fact that in lightly loaded structures the higher mechanical properties of
steel cannot be fully exploited.
2. Cast iron should be preferred for complex structures subjected to normal loading, when these structures
are to be made in large numbers.
3. Lately, combined welded and cast structures are becoming popular. They are generally used where a

portions; these complex portions are separately cast and welded to the main structure. An example is
that of cast-bearing housings that are welded into the feed box.


The machine tool is an element of a closed-loop system in f(t)
which it interacts with the cutting process. The machine tool
and cutting process can be represented by their respective Machine tool y
transfer functions and the closed-loop system shown as in function
Fig. 3.4a. The behaviour of any of the elements of the system
can be studied by disconnecting the loops and considering
the individual element. Such a system for studying the P Cutting process
behaviour of the machine tool is shown in Fig. 3.4b. The transfer
element is characterised by the ratio of output and input
(a) y(t)

force), the ratio dY/dP represents the static characteristic

of the machine tool, whereas if the input is a time-variable P Machine
quantity (dynamic force), the same ratio of dY/dP represents tool y
the dynamic characteristic of the machine tool and is known
f(t) = const, y(t) = const
as its transfer function.
For a designer, it is necessary to examine the cumulative
static and dynamic characteristics of the machine tool as Fig. 3.4 Block diagram representation of
well as the corresponding characteristics of individual ele- (a) machine tool-cutting process
ments of which the machine tool is made. closed-loop system (b) machine tool
176 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

3.4.1 Static Stiffness

The behaviour of an individual element under static loading can be examined from the force-displacement
relationship. This relationship will in general be non-linear as shown in Fig. 3.5a. The quantity dP/dY =
tan a = kP1 is known as the static stiffness of the element at force P1. Y is
measured in the same direction in which force P is applied.


a P1
Y1 Y2
DP = P2 –P1
DY = Y2–Y1

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3.5 Force-displacement relationships: (a) Non-linear (b) Linear in a particular range (c) Linear

P = f (Y ) is linear in a range of force between P1 and P2 (Fig. 3.5(b)), then the stiffness
in this range is constant and can be determined as
KP1 – P2 =
P = f (Y ) is linear in the whole range of variation of force (Fig. 3.5(c)), as is generally
the case, then the static stiffness of the element can be expressed as
K= (3.8)
The quantity which is the inverse of stiffness is known as compliance (C) and is also often employed for
analyzing the behaviour of structures under static loading.

application of the force, then the ratio P/Y is known as the cross stiffness of the element.
The machine tool consists of a large number of elements and its behaviour is of interest in as much as it
affects the parameters of machining and the quality of the machined surface. This can be assessed by means
of the following two quantities:
1. Static Stiffness with Respect to the Workpiece Accuracy This is a cross stiffness which is represented
by the ratio K ¢ = P/Y ¢ (see Fig. 3.6a), where P is the resultant cutting force acting between the cutting tool
and workpiece, and Y ¢ is the relative displacement normal to the machined surface. Obviously, the higher the
value of K ¢, the less will be the relative cutter-workpiece displacement perpendicular to the machind surface,
and consequently the higher will be the accuracy of machining.
2. Static Stiffness with Respect to Dynamic Stability This is also a cross stiffness which is represented
by the ratio K = P/Y (see Fig. 3.6b), where P is again the resultant cutting force between the cutter and the
Design of Machine Tool Structures 177



(a) (b)

Fig.3.6 Schematic diagram depicting the cross stiffnesses (a) influencing workpiece accuracy, (b) influencing
dynamic stability

workpiece, and Y is the relative displacement normal to the surface of cut. This displacement determines the

chatter vibrations (for details see Chap. 6).

As already stated, a machine tool consists of a number of elements. These elements experience deforma-
tion during operation of the machine tool, and therefore, can be looked upon as elastic bodies (springs) with
a certain stiffness (spring constant). The machine tool is thus reduced to a system of springs which are joined
in series or parallels. Some important conclusions about the cumulative stiffness of the machine tool system
may be drawn from a study of simple spring systems connected in series and parallels.
Consider a set of springs of stiffness K1, K2, K3, joined in series (Fig. 3.7a). The springs are acted upon by
a common force and the resultant deformation is obtained as the sum of deformations of individual springs,
Y = Y 1 + Y2 + Y3 = + +
K1 K 2 K3

K, then
= + +
K K1 K 2 K3
1 1 1 1
or = + +
K K1 K 2 K3
or C = C1 + C2 + C3 (3.9)

(elements) is obtained by adding reduced stiffnesses. Consider a set of shafts which transmit rotation from
the motor to the output shaft (Fig. 3.7b). Let the torsional compliances of the shafts be C1, C2, C3, C4 and
the transmission ratio i1,2, i2,3, i3,4. Here, torsional compliance represents the angle of twist between the shaft
178 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

K1 I i12

II i23
K2 K1 K2 K3
III i34

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3.7 Connection of elastic elements: (a) Springs connected in series (b) Series connections of shafts by
gear transmissions (c) Springs connected in parallel

ends if it is loaded by a unit torque and i1,2, i2,3, i3,4 represent transmission ratios between shafts 1 and 2, 2
and 3, and 3 and 4, respectively. The resultant compliance of the system is determined as
2 2 2
C = C1 ◊ i 1,2 i 2,3i 3,4 + C2 ◊ i 22,3i 23,4 + C3 ◊ i3,4
+ C4 (3.10)
Here it is assumed that the transmission ratios are less than 1, i.e., speed is being reduced in transmitting

compliances, the contribution of shaft 4 to the overall compliance is maximum, while the contributions of
shaft 3, 2 and 1 go on decreasing in that order. Therefore, for reducing the overall compliance of the system,
it is best to increase the dimensions of shaft 4, i.e., improve the stiffness of that element which contributes
maximum to the overall compliance and is, therefore, the weakest link in the chain.
ment, the springs undergo equal deformation and the force is distributed between them.
Y = Y1 = Y2 = Y3
P = P1 + P2 + P3
KY = K1Y + K2Y + K3Y (3.11)
K = K1 + K2 + K3
The important corollary that ensues from Eq. (3.11) is that for a system of springs joined in parallel, the
overall stiffness of the system can be improved best by strengthening the strongest element of the chain. Let
us elaborate the point by an example. Suppose in a system of two sprigs one spring contributes 90% and the
other 10% to the total stiffness. Now, if the stiffness of the weaker member is increased two times, it will
increase the overall stiffness in the ratio 110 : 100, whereas if the stiffness of the stronger member is increased
two times, the overall stiffness will increase in the ratio 190 : 100.

3.4.2 Dynamic Stiffness

system is linear, a simple harmonic force will result in harmonic displacement of the element. However, for
Design of Machine Tool Structures 179

a constant value of the applied dynamic force, the displacement will vary with a change in frequency of the
force. Therefore, the ratio
Kdyn =

which is known as dynamic stiffness of the element will depend upon the frequency of the applied force.
Cdyn = Ydyn/Pdyn is known as dynamic compliance or simply,
receptance. Again, as in the case of static loading, we have direct receptance and cross receptance.
Suppose a static force Pst is applied to an element resulting in static deformation Yst, where K is the static
Pdyn equivalent to the static force is applied, the deformation
will increase by, say, A times, i.e.,
Ydyn = Yst ◊ A
the quantity A = Ydyn/Yst represents the ratio of dynamic displacement to static displacement and is known
as the . The dynamic and static stiffnesses of an element are related by the expression,
Kdyn = (3.12)

1. damping factor r, and

2. ratio h = w /w n, where is the frequency of excitation and wn the natural frequency of the element.

tion factor is given by the relationship,
A1 = (3.13)
(1 - h ) + (2rh) 2
2 2

changes with the rotational speed, i.e., the

Ydyn h2
A2 = = (3.14)
m0 ◊ e/m (1 - h 2 ) 2 + (2 rh) 2
where m0 = disbalanced mass
m = total mass of rotating body
e = distance between centre of gravity of disbalanced mass m0 and axis of rotation
A1 and A2 are plotted as functions of h for various values of damping
factor r
be reduced, and hence a high dynamic stiffness can be obtained by increasing the damping and keeping
the excitation frequency as far away from the natural frequency of the element as possible. Practically, for
h < 0.4 and h > 2.5, the displacement under dynamic loading can be considered equal to the displacement
under static loading, irrespective of the damping factor.
180 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

A1 A2

4 4

3 3
r = 0.125
r = 0.125
2 2 r = 0.25
r = 0.25
r = 0.5
r = 0.5
1 r = 1.0 1
r = 1.0
r = 2.0
r = 2.0
0 h 0 h
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

Fig. 3.8 Variation of dynamic amplification factor as a function of h for various values of r (a) when the
amplitude of the exciting force is independent of the frequency of excitation, (b) when the amplitude
of the exciting force depends upon the exciting frequency

From the point of view of vibration behaviour, a machine tool may be considered a multiple degree of

machine tool, the masses are connected in a particular manner, each having its natural frequency and a cor-
n degrees of freedom can be represented by n normal
modes in the form of second-order differential equations of the type

d2y dy
mi = + ri + k i y = ri P (3.15)
dt 2 dt
then the dynamic compliance of the machine tool can be determined by solving n independent equations
mi, ri, ki and ri represent the mass, damping factor, stiffness and
normalising force factor respectively for the ith mode of vibration.
The resultant displacement is determined as
y = y1 + y2 + y3 +�+ yn
and the dynamic compliance is found as the ratio y/P.
The dynamic compliance of the machine tool can also be determined experimentally by applying a har-
monic force on the workpiece in the direction coinciding with that of the resultant force during cutting, mea-
suring the relative cutter-workpiece displacement in a direction perpendicular to the surface of the cut and
plotting the ratio y/P in the form of a polar plot.

reader from making serious omissions during the design of machine tool structures.

static and dynamic stiffnesses in different ways. Therefore, the best course would be to analyse the static and
dynamic stiffnesses of the machine tool separately. The study of the dynamic behaviour of a machine tool
Design of Machine Tool Structures 181

requires sophisticated equipment and expertise, which, unfortunately, every design organisation or laboratory
may not have. On the other hand, the behaviour of a machine tool structure under static loading can be easily

links of the system determined from static and dynamic considerations generally differ only in the higher
ments in the overall corresponding stiffnesses of the machine tools are approximately the same. Thus, it may
be safely presumed that in a majority of cases, improvement in the stiffness of elements leading to a higher
overall static stiffness will also result in a higher overall dynamic stiffness.
The reader will do well to recall an important conclusion derived earlier from the results shown in Fig. 3.8,
regarding judicial selection of the natural frequency of the element vis-a-vis the frequency of excitation. The
natural frequency of an undamped spring-mass system is given by the expression,
f = K /m (3.16)

By varying K and m, the natural frequency of a particular mode of vibration can be controlled. The fre-
quencies of the modes of vibration correspond to natural frequencies of the elements of the machine tool.
Therefore, while designing the elements of machine tools, their natural frequencies should be checked at the
design stage and it should be ensured as far as possible that
1. the lowest among the natural frequencies should desirably be 2.5 times greater than the highest
excitation frequency
2. the highest among the natural frequencies should desirably be 2.5 times less than the lowest excitation

They are relatively low in most of the machine tools, e.g., if a lathe spindle rotates with a maximum speed of
nmax = 1200 rpm, it would produce a maximum excitation frequency of fe = 1200/60 = 20 Hz. Correspond-
ingly, the heaviest lathe unit should have a natural frequency of f
the stiffness of an element which is the same as increasing its natural frequency, will improve the dynamic

variations of static and dynamic stiffnesses holds.

large if small-sized grinding wheels are used and relatively small if grinding wheels of large diameters are
used. Keeping in mind that the average cutting speed of grinding operations is 1800 m/min, the excitation
frequency will be
1000 ¥ 1800
fe = Hz
p ◊ D ◊ 60
where D = diameter of the grinding wheel in mm.
fe = 19.1 Hz; if the grinding
wheel diameter is D = 50 mm, the excitation frequency will be fe = 191 Hz. Grinding machines of two fun-
damentally different designs are manufactured keeping this point in mind. These are:
1. Light-weight construction grinding machines using large-size grinding wheels in which the frequencies
of modes of vibrations are kept high by using stiff but light structures; high natural frequency at the
cost of stiffness is not desirable as it results in poorer accuracy.
182 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

2. Heavy-weight construction grinding machines using small size grinding wheels, in which the
frequencies of the modes of vibration are kept low by using heavy structures.
namic behaviour. Consider, for example, a vertical milling machine on which machining is done by a face
milling cutter having Z = 10 teeth. Depending upon the workpiece and cutter material, machining may be
done in a wide range of spindle rpm, say between nmin = 240 and nmax = 1200. The excitation frequencies
corresponding to these rpm values will be
240 ¥ 10 1200 ¥ 10
f e min = = 40 and fe max = = 200
60 60
Designing the milling machine such that the natural frequency of none of its elements lies between
40/2.5 = 16 Hz and 200 ¥

coincides with the natural frequency of the spindle or arbor to cause resonance, a heavy mass is mounted on
the spindle or arbor to reduce its natural frequency and move it out of resonance.


During the operation of the machine tool, a majority of its structures are subjected to compound loading and
their resultant deformation consists of torsion, bending and tension or compression. Under simple tensile or
compressive loading, the strength and stiffness of an element depend only upon the area of cross section.
However, the deformation and stresses in elements subjected to torsion and bending depend, additionally,
upon the shape of the cross section. A certain volume of metal can be distributed in different ways to give dif-
ferent values of the moment of inertia and sectional modulus. The shape that provides the maximum moment
of inertia and sectional modulus will be considered best as it will ensure minimum values of stresses and
deformation. The stiffness of four different sections of equal cross-sectional area is compared in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Comparison of stiffness of different sections having equal cross-sectional area

Relative value of permissible

Section Area Weight Bending moment Torque
mm2 kgf/m
Stress Stress Angle of

29.0 22 1 1 1 1


Design of Machine Tool Structures 183

Table 3.3 Contd.

28.3 22 1.12 1.15 43 8.8



29.5 22 14 1.6 38.5 31.4



10 100 29.5 22 1.8 1.8 4.5 1.9


assessment seems best suited both in terms of strength and stiffness. The additional advantage that goes in
its favour is the ease of proper mating with other surfaces. All considerations combined point towards the

structure have an adverse effect upon its strength and stiffness. Factors that reduce the stiffness of machine
tool structures and methods of improving it will now be discussed.

Factors Affecting Stiffness of Machine Tool Structure and

3.5.1 Methods of Improving It
The effect of aperture on the torsional stiffness of a box-type structure is shown in Fig. 3.9.2
that a circular hole of diameter d affects a length of approximately twice the diameter, i.e., affected length
184 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

l1 = 2d. An elongated aperture affects the stiffness

even more and the length of the disturbed range is ap-
proximately l2 = l + d, where l is the length of the aper-
ture. The reduction in the static and dynamic stiffness
of a structure can be partially compensated by using
–2 I
plate designs is compared in Table 3.4. f ¥ 10
the bending stiffness due to apertures can be com- 10
pensated to a large extent by using suitable cover
plates. However, the effect on the torsional stiffness
- 5

torsional stiffness must be examined theoretically or

experimentally in each particular case and appropri- 0
ately taken into account. However, for symmetrically
l1 = 2d
placed apertures, the effects can be taken into account
by multiplying the torsional stiffness with a reduction l2 = l + d
k, which is determined from the curves
given in Fig. 3.10, while accounting for the affect of Fig. 3.9 Variation of angle of twist as a function
apertures on the torsional stiffness of structures. of aperture shape and size

1.0 L0 L0
= 0 0.05 0.1 L0
L L = 0 0.05 0.1 L = 0 0.05 0.1



0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2
L L0
h =.5 0.3 0.2
= 0.5 L
0.4 h = 05 0.3 0.2
= 2.0 L
0.2 L0L L0L L
h L b0 L b0 L
0.1 B =2 =3 =4
B h B h B B

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 b0
Fig. 3.10 Design curves to account for the effect of aperture size on the torsional stiffness through reduction
coefficient k
Design of Machine Tool Structures 185

The following guidelines can be of help:

1. Bending stiffness is affected most by apertures in walls, perpendicular to the plane of bending.

Table 3.4 Effect of aperture and cover plate design on static and dynamic stiffness of box section3

Relative stiffness about Relative natural Relative damping of

frequency of vibrations vibrations about

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

85 85 28 90 87 68 75 89 95

89 89 35 95 91 90 112 95 165

91 91 41 97 92 92 112 95 185

2. Apertures of equal dimensions have less effect on the torsional stiffness of a structure with wider
3. From among the aperture dimensions, its width has maximum effect on stiffness.

smaller than the dominant one can be neglected.

k k ¢ = 0.7 – 0.95; the larger value of k ¢ = 0.95 being

used for apertures in wide walls when b0 = 0.5B and t0 = (0.3 – 0.5)L.
186 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The stiffness of structures can be improved by using ribs and stiffeners. However, it should be noted that
the effect of ribs and stiffeners depends to a large extent upon how they are arranged. A relative assessment
of different stiffening arrangements in box-type structures is given in Table 3.5.

Table 3.5 Effect of stiffener arrangement on the bending and torsional stiffness of box-type structures

Stiffener arrangement Relative stiffness under Relative Relative stiffness per unit
weight weight under

Bending Torsion Bending Torsion

1. 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

2. 1.10 1.63 1.1 1.0 1.48

3. 1.08 2.04 1.14 0.95 1.79

4. 1.17 2.16 1.38 0.85 1.56

5. 1.78 3.69 1.49 1.20 3.07

6. 1.55 2.94 1.26 1.23 2.39

provement in the bending and torsional stiffness of box-type structures.
The stiffness of open structures, such as lathe beds, which consist of vertical shears connected by ribs also
depends to a great extent upon the arrangement of stiffeners. The torsional rigidity of open structures has
been compared under different stiffener arrangements and the results are shown in Table 3.6.
The results of Table 3.6 indicate that only arrangements 4 and 5 are effective in terms of stiffness-to-
weight ratio of the structure. Arrangement 4 consisting of two parallel shears which are connected by diago-
nal ribs is commonly used in machine tool beds and is known as the Warren beam.
Design of Machine Tool Structures 187

The stiffness of structures can also be improved by providing a proper arrangement of fastening bolts. The
effect of bolt arrangement and stiffening ribs on the bending and torsional stiffness of a vertical column is
depicted in Fig. 3.115 -

increased by almost 50%. Rigidity of the machine tool as a whole depends upon the rigidity with which vari-

between the head stock and tail stock of a lathe with the bed, the base plate of a drilling machine with its
column, etc., should be made as rigid as possible.

Table 3.6 Effect of stiffener arrangement on torsional stiffness of open structure4

Stiffener arrangement Relative torsional Relative weight Relative torsional

stiffness stiffness per unit

1. 1.0 1.0 1.0

2. 1.34 1.34 1.0

3. 1.43 1.34 1.07

4. 2.48 1.38 1.80

5. 3.73 1.66 2.25

188 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

++ ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + Flange
+ + + +
++ ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +







Torsional Bending stiffness Bending stiffness

stiffness x-direction y-direction

Fig. 3.11 Effect of bolt arrangement and stiffening ribs on bending and torsional stiffnesses of columns


the structure are marked. The following forces must be taken into account.
1. Cutting Force Cutting force depends upon the workpiece material, machining parameters, wear of cut-
ting tool, etc. To a designer, a knowledge about the nature and direction of the force and the point where it acts
on the structure is often more important than a very precise knowledge of its magnitude. The cutting force is
Design of Machine Tool Structures 189

for design calculation purposes with the help of empirical formulae:

Pz = k(a + 0.4c)b kgf (3.17)
PN = Px2 + Py2 = kb(0.4a + c) (3.18)

where Px = force component in the direction of longitudinal feed

Py = force component in the direction of cross feed
Pz = force component in the direction of the cutting speed vector
k = unit cutting force, kgf/mm2; for structural steels, k = 120–180 kgf/mm2 depending upon the
hardness of steel, and for cast iron k = 90–110 kgf/mm2
b = width of undeformed chip, mm
a = thickness of undeformed chip, mm
2. Friction Force
the frictional force is considered proportional to the normal force acting on the contacting surfaces. The

general guidelines:
Under dry friction conditions, f = 0.2 – 0.3
Under conditions of semi-liquid friction, f = 0.03 – 0.2
Under conditions of liquid friction, f = 0.002 – 0.05
Under conditions of rolling friction, f = 0.001 for steel and f = 0.0025 for cast iron.
3. Forces of Reaction
is statically indeterminate, then additional deformation equations are written, as required in the general solu-

acting at the centre of the supporting surface.

The effect of the dynamic nature of forces during vibrations is taken into account by means of the am-

tion factors for single-mass systems acted upon by two types of harmonic forces were given in Eqs (3.13)
from the general expression,
A =1–
P(t ) Ú
P(t)cos wn (t0 – t)dt (3.19)

where t0
190 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

A = 1 – coswn ◊ t0 (3.20)
Amax = 2.
The inertial forces in the machine tool drive during speeding up and braking depend upon the stiffness of

the peak torque at the time of switching on the motor can be determined from the relationship,

I1 Ê 1 ˆ
Mmax = Mst A 1+ (3.21)
I1 + I 2 ÁË cosf ˜¯

where Mst = starting torque under static loading

I1 = moment of inertia of the rotor and related masses
I2 = reduced moment of inertia of the spindle
A A=1–2
cos f f = 0.5 – 0.7
sient processes must be determined by using analog computation techniques.

ing of two walls connected by parallel and diagonal stiffeners may be analysed as statically
indeterminate thin-walled bars.
Group 2 : Closed box type structures like housings of speed and feed boxes are designed for forces

Group 3 : Supporting structures like tables, knees, etc., which are generally loaded normal to their base
plane are analysed as plates.
For each particular case of loading, the design calculations are done by applying the general principles
of strength of materials and theory of elasticity. Under general conditions of compound loading, most of the
machine tool structures are analysed as elements subjected to bending in two perpendicular planes and tor-

common design strategy for machine tool structures can, therefore, be summed up as
1. designing for bending stiffness,
2. designing for torsional stiffness, and

should be selected.
The general procedure of designing thin-walled structures for stiffness and strength will now be discussed.
Design of Machine Tool Structures 191

3.6.1 Design for Strength

the basis of principal stress. The principal stress may be determined if the normal stresses due to bending and
shear stresses due to torsion are known.
Consider a box of arbitrary section (Fig. 3.12a) in which the principal axes of inertia are known.
The maximum normal stresses in the section due to bending forces acting in xz- and xy-planes may be
determined by the formulae,
M z max ◊ zmax
s z max = (3.22)
I yy
M y max ◊ ymax
s y max = (3.23)
I zz
where My max and Mz max = maximum bending moment due to forces acting in the xy- and xz-planes,
Iyy, Izz = moment of inertia of the section about y-y and z-z axes, respectively
ymax, zmax z-z and y-y axes, respec-
The maximum normal stress occurs at that point Z
where the algebraic sum of the two normal stresses is
maximum, i.e., s max = s z max + s y max; for instance, in a
rectangular section the maximum normal stress occurs
at one of the corners (Fig. 3.12b). a
The shearing stress in a circular section may be de-
termined from the formula
M t max ◊ r ymax
t= (3.24)
IP (a) (b)

where Mt max = maximum twisting moment,

r = distance of the point where stress is
being determined from the centre of
the section, mm
IP = polar moment of inertia of the sec-
tion, mm4 a A A

The shearing stress is maximum at the periphery of

the section where rmax = r = the radius of the circular
section. Consequently, B
M t max ◊ r
t max = (3.25) Fig. 3.12 (a) An arbitrary section (b) Rectangular
box section (c) Solid rectangular section
192 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Generally, machine tool structures are not round in section and Eqs (3.24) and (3.25) are not applicable to

arm (point A). The shearing stress at point A can be determined from the formula,
M t max
tA = tmax = (3.26)
a ◊ ab 2
and the stress at point B can be found as
tB = ht max (3.27)
a and h depend upon the ratio of the arms of the rectangle and their values are given in
Table 3.7.

Table 3.7 a and h for different value of a/b ratio

a/b 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.00 6.0 8.0 10.0

a 0.208 0.231 0.246 0.258 0.267 0.282 0.299 0.307 0.313 0.333

h 1.000 0.859 0.795 0.766 0.753 0.745 0.743 0.742 0.742 0.742

For instance, for a narrow rectangular section (a/b > 10), it may be found from Table 3.7 that a = 0.333 =
1/3. Consequently, the maximum shear stress is
3M t
tmax = (3.28)
ab 2
The shearing stress due to torsion of a bar of an arbitrary section can be determined from the following
general relationship:
M ◊d
t= t (3.29)
where d = width of the section where stress is being determined
It = torsional moment of inertia of a non-circular section.
The maximum stress occurs where the section has maximum width, i.e., where d = dmax and it is given by
the relationship,
M t max d max M t max
tmax = = (3.30)
It Wt
where dmax = maximum width of the section
Wt = torsional section modulus
Design of Machine Tool Structures 193

mined from the expression,
It = b Sab3 (3.31)
where b b are given below in
Table 3.8.
For instance, for a narrow rectangular section b = 1.0, therefore, from Eq. (3.31),
1 3
It = ab

Table 3.8 b for various sections

Shape of section b
rectangle 1.00

angle 1.00

channel 1.12

T 1.15

I 1.20

Keeping in mind that for a rectangular section b = dmax = constant, the maximum shearing stress is found
from Eq. (3.30) as
M ◊ b 3M t
tmax = t =
1 3
ab ab 2
i.e., the same as derived earlier in Eq. (3.28).
For the section consisting of a number of narrow rectangles, dmax represents the width of that rectangle
which has the maximum width amongst all rectangles.
lated from the relationship,
t= kgf/min2 (3.32)
2 A0d
where A0 = area of the solid section enclosed within the centreline of the wall, mm2
d = thickness of the wall, mm
For instance, for a rectangular section (Fig. 3.12b),
A0 = (a – d)(b – d)
and the shearing stress is found from Eq. (3.32) as
2(a - d ) (b - d )d
194 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Having determined the normal stresses due to bending forces and the shearing stresses due to the twisting
moment at a point of the section, the principal stresses at the same point may be determined from the expres-
sp = s/2 + (s /2) 2 + t 2

xy- and xz-planes occur in one section and the twisting moment
is also maximum in the same section, then there can be no doubt that the principal stress determined in this

should be determined in a selected number of potentially critical sections in which failure can occur.
The design condition is
s P max £ s] (3.33)
where s Pmax = maximum principal stress
s] = permissible stress for the structure material under tension; generally,
s] = 150 – 200 kgf/cm2
s] = 80 – 120 kgf/cm2

3.6.2 Design for Stiffness

The design criterion for bending stiffness is
d z max £ d z]
d y max £ d y] (3.34)
where d y max, d z max = xy- and xz-planes, respectively
dy dz xy- and xz-planes, respectively.

method, moment-area method, etc., may be applied for determining d y max and d z max of the structure in ac-
cordance with the accepted design diagram.
The design criterion for torsional stiffness is
fmax [f ]
£ (3.35)
l l
i.e., the maximum angle of twist per unit length of the structure fmax/l should not exceed a permissible value
f]/l f] for normal accuracy machine tools is 0.5 degrees per metre length of the
The angle of twist of a circular section is given by the expression,
f Mt
= (3.36)
l G ◊ Ip
Design of Machine Tool Structures 195

where f/l = angle of twist per unit length

G = shearing modulus of the structure material
Ip = polar moment of inertia of the circular section
For a rectangular section, the angle of twist is determined from the relationship,
f Mt
= (3.37)
l g Gab3
where a and b = larger and smaller arm of the rectangle
g a/b
g are given in Table 3.9.

Table 3.9 g for different values of a/b ratio

a/b 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0

g 0.141 0.196 0.229 0.249 0.263 0.281 0.299 0.307 0.313 0.333

The angle of twist for a thin rectangular section or for a section made up of thin rectangles can be calcu-
lated from the expressions,
GI t
f M
or = t (3.38)
l GI t

where It = torsional moment of inertia of the structure section.

The value of It is determined with the help of Eq. (3.31). The maximum value of f occurs in that section
in which the twisting moment is maximum, i.e., Mt = Mtmax.
The angle of twist of a thin-walled closed section is determined by the following formula:
f = Mt
l 4GA02 i =1 i

where A0 = area of the solid section enclosed within the centreline of the wall
si = perimeter of the ith segment of the section
di = thickness of the ith segment of the section
n = number of segments of different wall thicknesses into which the section may be divided
For instance, for the rectangular box-type section of Fig. 3.12b,

S ds = 2(a - dd+ b - d ) = 2(a + db - 2d )

196 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Substituting this value in Eq. (3.36) and keeping in mind that A0 = (a – d)(b – d), we can write the follow-
ing expression for the rectangular box section:
f M t (a + b - 2d )
= (3.40)
l 2G (a - d ) 2 (b - d ) 2 ◊ d

f/l will again occur in that section in which the twisting moment
is maximum.

Example 3.1
An angle section is welded to a channel section as shown in
Fig. 3.13. Calculate by how many times this will reduce the
shear stress and increase the torsional stiffness of the compound
structure as compared to that of channel section. d d
1 a
It = b Sab3
For channel section b = 1.12, therefore,
It = 1.12 (2bd 3 + ad 3 )
1 3 b b
It = 1.12 d (2b + a)
For compound section Fig. 3.13
It = 1.12 bd 3 + a(2d)3]
It = 1.12 d 3 b + 8a]
Maximum shear stress
M ◊d
tmax = t max
For the channel section d max = d, therefore,
3M t ◊ d 3M t
t max = 3
1.12d (2b + a) 1.12d 2 (2b + a )
For the compound section d max = 2d , therefore,

3M t ◊ 2d 6M t
tmax = 3
= 2
1.12d (3b + 8a ) 1.12d (3b + 8a )
Hence, reduction in shear stress is
6M t 1.12d 2 (2b + a ) 2(2b + a )
= ¥ =
1.12d (3b + 8a ) 3M t (3b + 8a )
Design of Machine Tool Structures 197

Angle of twist per unit length

f M
= t
l GI t
For the channel section
f 3M t
l 1.12Gd 3 (2b + a )
For the compound section
f 3M t
l 1.12Gd 3 (3b + 8a )
Hence, improvement in torsional stiffness is

3M t 1.12Gd 3 (2b + a ) (2b + a )

¥ =
1.12Gd 3 (3b + 8a ) 3M t (3b + 8a )


EIn and its angle of twist de-
pends upon the product GIt , Modulus of elasticity E and shearing modulus G signify the role of bar material
In and torsional moment
of inertia It
EIn and GIt, EIn and GIt are
analogous to the bending and torsional stiffness of the bar. These quantities will henceforth be referred to as
the reduced bending rigidity and reduced torsional rigidity. The modulus of elasticity and shearing modulus
are generally constant for a particular material and their values can be found from an appropriate handbook.
The bending and torsional moments of inertia of sections can be determined by the general methods known
to the reader from the basic course in strength of materials.
Machine tool beds are generally complicated structures of partially or fully closed box sections with
stiffeners, ribs, partitions, etc. Beds are usually employed in machine tools with wall arrangements shown in
Table 3.10 and are analysed as bars subjected to bending and torsion.

bending in the horizontal plane, the reduced bending rigidity of a bed consisting of two walls and perpendicu-
lar stiffeners is given by the expression,
EIbr = s1 ◊ EI w sin (3.41)
The reduced bending rigidity of the bed with diagonal stiffeners is given by the relationship,
EIbr = s2EL2 ◊ Aw (3.42)

E = modulus of elasticity of the bed material, kgf/cm2

E ◊ Ibr = reduced bending rigidity of the bed, kgf.cm2
L = length of the bed that undergoes deformation, cm
Aw = area of cross section of the wall, cm2
198 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Iw min = moment of inertia of the wall cross section in the plane of minimum rigidity in bending, cm4
s1, s2 =
The values of s1 and s2
h1 = 1 +
3 + 4x 36y È 9v m ˘
h2 = + 2 Í1 + ˙
3+x v Î (3 + x )2 ˚

1 È I w min ˘
x= Í + 36ym ˙
v ÍÎ I s min ˙˚

Table 3.10 Commonly used bed sections and wall arrangements and their applications

Wall Arrangement Application

1. Beds on legs or shears

(a) without stiffening diagonal wall; used in
lathes, turrets, etc.
(b) without stiffening diagonal wall; has 30–40%
higher stiffness than arrangement (a); used in
multiple-tool and high production lathes.
(c) with stiffening wall and provision of chip
disposal through opening in rear wall; used in
large-sized lathes and turrets.
(d) with stiffening wall; also used in large-sized
lathes and turrets.

(c) (d)

milling, slotting and boring machines

bed is also required to serve as an oil reservoir;

commonly employed in grinding machines
Design of Machine Tool Structures 199

Table 3.11 1 and s2 for different stiffener arrangements

Beds with vertical stiffeners Beds with diagonal stiffeners

Stiffener n s1 Stiffener n s2
arrangements arrangements

1 8/h1 2 sin a ◊ cos 2 a

12[ m + sin 3 a ]

2 4(h2 + 4h1 ) 4 sin a ◊ cos 2 a

h1h1 12[ m + 3 sin 3 a ]

32 sin a ◊ cos 2 a
3 6
h2 12[ m + 6.3 sin 3 a ]

v =
B(n + 1)
I w min
Aw ◊ B 2
a = half of the angle between diagonal stiffeners
s2 is determined as the arith-
metic mean of values of s2, corresponding to the nearest available larger and smaller values of n available in
Table 3.11. The number of stiffeners is selected from the following considerations:

equal to the width of the bed, i.e., the distance between the parallel walls.
An increase in the number of stiffeners over the value obtained from the above guidelines is not rational,

For bending in the vertical plane, the reduced rigidity of the bed is only determined by the walls; stiffen-

vertical bending of short beds, the reduced rigidity is obtained by multiplying the analytical rigidity with
s3, which is given by the relationship,
s3 = (3.43)
30lw max
L2 Aw¢
200 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

where Iw max = moment of inertia of the cross section in the plane of maximum rigidity against bending,
A w¢ = area of the vertical portions of the wall, cm2
The reduced torsional rigidity of a bed with perpendicular stiffeners is given by the expression,

B 2 EI w max
GIt = (3.44)
EI w max
a1kL2 + a 2
where B = width of bed, cm
k depends upon the number of stiffeners
a1, a2
For a bed consisting of two parallel walls and perpendicular stiffeners
a1 = and a2 = 2
Consequently, the reduced torsional rigidity of such a bed can be expressed as
B 2 EI w max
GIt = (3.45)
kL2 2 EI w max
6 GAw¢

For a bed consisting of two vertical and one horizontal walls with perpendicular stiffeners,
e +6
a1 =
12(2e + 3)
3(3e 3 + 16e 2 + 42e + 36)
a2 = (3.46)
5(2e + 3) 2
where e = B/hw, hw being the height of the vertical walls
For a bed consisting of two vertical walls and an inclined wall with perpendicular stiffeners,
e1 + 2
a1 =
12(2e1 + 1)
3(5e13 + 16e12 + 14e1 + 4)
a2 = (3.47)
5(2e1 + 1) 2

where e1 = 1 +
h w2

more partition (perpendicular stiffener), i.e., n > 1, the value of k is determined from Fig. 3.146 as a function
of e or e1, n and l/b b is determined from the relationship,
Design of Machine Tool Structures 201

1 L ◊ G ◊ I st
= (3.48)
b (n + 1) BEI w max
where Ist represents the torsional moment of inertia of the stiffener.

e = 2 e1 = 2
e = 1 e1 = 1

e1= 2 e=2
0.9 e = 1 e1= 1



n = 23

e1= 2 e=2
e = 1 e1= 1



e1= 2

e1 = 1e = 1


0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Bed consisting of two parallel walls
Bed consisting of two parallel walls and an inclined wall
Bed consisting of two parallel walls and a horizontal wall

Fig. 3.14 Design curves to account for the effect of the number of stiffeners on the torsional rigidity of beds
through coefficient k
202 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

For beds having T-shaped walls (see 1(a), Table 3.10) Ist is determined from the expression,
Ist = d 3s (bs + hs) (3.49)
where bs = width of stiffener, cm
hs = height of stiffener, cm
ds = thickness of stiffener, cm
p shaped section (see 1(b), Table 3.10), then Ist is calculated from the following relation-
0.21d s hs3
Ist = (3.50)
B 2 (e s + 6) 3e 3 + 16e s2 + 42e s + 36
+ s
12bs (2e s + 3) 8e s2 (2e s + 3) 2
where es =

The reduced torsional rigidity of beds with diagonal stiffeners can be determined from the expression,
GIt = k1EI w max (3.51)

where k1
following expression:

1 1 È
= Í2 + 3d1 + 6g 1
k1 12n 2 Î
- (6g 1 - 3d1 - 1) 2 [(2n - 1)(n - 1) + n(6g 1 + 6g 2 + 2d1 - 1) - (6g 1 + 3d1 - 1)] ˘
- ˙
n(2n - 1)(n - 1)(6g 1 + 6g 2 + 2d1 + 2) + (6g 1 + 3d1 - 1 + 3n)[n(6g 1 + 6g 2 + 2d1 - 1) - (6g 1 + 3d1 - 1)] ˚
n3 a 3 EI w max
where d1 =
L3 EI s max
n 2 EI w max
g1 = (3.53)
L2 ◊ G ◊ Aw¢
an3 EI w max
g2 =
L3 ◊ G ◊ As¢
Ismax = moment of inertia of the stiffener in the plane of maximum rigidity against bending, cm4
a = length of the diagonal stiffener, cm
A s¢ = area of the vertical projection of the stiffener, cm2
The reduced torsional rigidity of a rectangular box-type section is given by the relationship,
GIt = G ◊ 4A 02 Âs i
i =1
Design of Machine Tool Structures 203

d and
the perimeter of the box section is s,

4 A02 ◊ d
GIt = G ◊ (3.55)

3.7.1 Design of Lathe Bed

The design of lathe bed is discussed for the case of a workpiece of diameter d supported between the centres.
The force diagram is shown in Fig. 3.15. The forces considered in the analysis are:
1. Cutting force components Px, Py and Pz representing the axial, radial and cutting force, respectively
acting on the work piece at the given location of the cutting tool.
2. Reactions in the vertical direction R¢AZ and R¢BZ at the head stock centre A and tail stock centre B,
3. Reactions in the horizontal direction R¢AY and R¢BY acting at the headstock centre A and tailstock centre
B, respectively
4. Weight of the work piece G.
5. Reactive force each acting at A and B.
6. Pressing force K acting on the workpiece at the tailstock B.
7. Tightening force Px + K acting on the work piece at the headstock A.

L1 L2

Px +K PX
A fd B
2 2

Fig. 3.15 Schematic showing the forces acting on lathe bed

204 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Considering the forces in the horizontal plane and taking the moment of forces about A under conditions

SMA = 0; Py L1 – RBYL – Px =0
1Ê dˆ
RBY = Á Py L1 - Px ˜¯
LË 2
Similarly, taking the moment of forces about B under conditions of equilibrium
SMB = 0; Py L2 – R AY L + Px =0
1Ê dˆ
RAY = ÁË Py L2 + Px ˜¯
L 2

Considering the force Pz and G acting in the vertical plane, it may be noted that reactions R¢AZ and R¢BZ vary
with the location of the cutting tool, i.e., L1 and L2, but the reaction at each of the supports is constant and
independent of the location of the cutting tool. Under the conditions of equilibrium,
SMA = 0; Pz L1 – R¢BZ L + L-G =0
2 2
Pz L1
R¢BZ =

Hence, net reaction at the tail stock is

G Pz L1 G
RBZ = R¢BZ – = -
2 L 2
SMB = 0; Pz L2 – R¢AZ L – L+G =0
2 2
Pz L2
R¢AZ =
Hence, net reaction at the headstock is
L2 G
RAZ = Pz -
L 2
The forces are transmitted to the bed through the
1. head stock at a distance a, where a is the distance from the head stock centre to the front bearing of the
Design of Machine Tool Structures 205

2. saddle directly underneath the middle of the saddle, and

3. tail stock at a distance b, where b is the distance from the tail stock centre to the point where the tail
stock is bolted to the bed.

Design for Strength The design for strength takes into account the shear stresses due to torsion and the
bending stresses due to bending.

Shear Stresses due to Torsion The torque distribution at the point of transmission of load to the lathe
bed is shown in Fig. 3.16 assuming that the saddle is positioned at the middle point between the centres. This

of the bed. Therefore, at L1 = L2 = ,
Pz G Pz G
RAZ = - ; RBZ = -
2 2 2 2
Py Px d Py Px d
RAY = + ; RBY = -
2 2L 2 2L
At the head stock the torque transmitted to the bed is

d d Ê Py Px d ˆ
MTHS = Pz + RAY h = Pz + Á + ˜ h,
2 2 Ë 2 2L ¯

Under the saddle the torque transmitted to the bed is MTS = Pz + Py h and
Ê Py Px d ˆ
At the tail stock the torque transmitted to the bed is MTTS = RBY h = Á - ˜h
Ë 2 2L ¯

RAZ =R ¢AZ – – RBZ =R ¢AY – G

2 2

h fd


Fig. 3.16 Schematic of torque distribution in lathe bed

206 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

MTS = MTHS + MTTS. Therefore, the design for tensional strength and stiffness is based
on the maximum value of MTS which occurs while machining a job of diameter d = 2h; hence,
MTSmax = 2h + P y h = (Pz + Py)h
Hence, maximum shear stress
MTs max ◊ max[ ymax , zmax ]
t max =
where It is the torsional moment of inertia of the bed section.
ymax and zmax represent the distance of the outermost edge of the bed section from the neutral axis along the
Y- and Z-axis, respectively.
Normal Stresses due to Bending in Vertical Direction The force diagram of the system and the
bending moment diagrams due to forces acting in the Z and X directions are shown in Fig. 3.17.
¢ – –
¢ –G
RBZ = R BZ –
PZ b








Fig. 3.17 Forces acting on lathe bed in vertical direction and the corresponding bending moment diagrams
Design of Machine Tool Structures 207

The bending moments produced by the forces are:

MAZ = RAZ ¥ a, under the head stock,
MBZ = RBZ ¥ b, under the tail stock and
MSZ = (Pz – G) , under the saddle
The feed force component Px on the tool post, the pressing force K on the tail stock and the tightening
force Px + K on the head stock, all acting at the height of centre h are held in equilibrium by equal and oppo-
site forces in the feed pinion at the pitch line of the rack at a distance hf p below the bed surface. This results
in tilting moments
MAX = (Px + K) (h + hfp) = (Px + K) c under the head stock,
MBX = K (h + h fp) = Kc under the tail stock and
MSmax = MAX = (Px + K) c under the saddle
The maximum bending moment occurs at the middle of the bed. Therefore, the maximum normal stress in
the vertical direction is given by the expression,
( M s z + M s max ) Z max
s z max =
I yy
Substituting the expressions of MSZ and MSmax

Ê L ˆ
ÁË ( Pz - G ) + ( Px + K )c˜¯ zmax
s z max = 4
I yy

where Iyy is the moment of inertia of the bed section about the Y-axis.
Normal Stresses due to Bending in Horizontal Direction The force diagram of the system and
the bending moment diagram due to forces acting in the Y-direction are shown in Fig. 3.18.
The bending moments produced by the forces are:
MAY = ¥ a,
MBY = ¥ b,
MSY = Py
The maximum bending moment acts at the middle of the bed. Therefore, the maximum normal stress in
the horizontal direction is given by the expression,
Py ymax
s y max = 4
I zz
208 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

R¢AY = –Y R¢BY = –Y
2 b 2





Fig. 3.18 Forces acting on lathe bed is horizontal direction and the corresponding bending moment diagram

where Izz is the moment of inertia of the bed section about the Z-axis.

Principal Stress and Design Criterion Having found szmax, s ymax and tmax, the maximum principal
stress is found from the expression,
s z max + s y max 1
spmax = + (s z max - s y max ) 2 + 4t max
2 2
The design for strength is carried out with the help of Eq. (3.33).

Design for Stiffness Z and Y directions is found by the well-known

As regards the maximum angle of twist, it is determined by using the value of maximum torque MTSnax. As
already discussed in Sec. 3.6.2, the design for bending stiffness is based on Eq. (3.34) and that for torsional
stiffness on Eqs (3.35) and (3.36).

Moment of Inertia of Lathe Bed Section

procedure discussed above, it is necessary to know the moments of inertia of the bed section about the Y-Y
and Z-Z axes for determining s z max and s y max Z and Y directions and the torsional
moment of inertia for determining t max and the maximum angle of twist.
Design of Machine Tool Structures 209

A common lathe bed usually consists of two girders connected by webs at regular interval. For ease of

derivation of the expressions of moment of inertia of such a composite section is described below with the
assumption that the contribution of the connecting webs to the moment of inertia of the composite section is
1. Moment of inertia about the Y-Y axis As the composite section is symmetrical about the Z-Z axis, the
IYY of the


3 3¢

b2 Z2



1 1¢


Fig. 3.19 Composite I-section of lathe bed

For segment 1

b1 ( z1 - a1 )3 È (z - a ) ˘
I1 = + b1 ( z1 - a1 ) Í 1 1 + a1 ˙
12 Î 2 ˚
È ( z - a )2 ( z + a )2 ˘
= b1(z1 – a1) Í 1 1 + 1 1 ˙
Î 12 4 ˚
b1 ( z1 - a1 ) 2
= z 1 + a 12 – 2a1z1 + 3z 21 + 3a 21 + 6a1 z1]
210 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

b1 ( z1 - a1 )
= 4z 21 + 4a 12 + 4a1z1]
= 1 (z1 – a1)(z 21 + z1a1 + a12)
b1 3
= (z 1 – a 13)
Hence, for both segments 1 and 1¢
2b1 3
I1 + I 1¢ = (z 1 – a13) (3.56)
For segment 2
Segment 2 consists of two subsegments a1 b2 and a2 b2 . Applying the parallel axis theorem to both these

È b a3 Ê a ˆ ˘ Èb a
2 3
Êa ˆ ˘
I2 = Í 2 1 + b2 a1 Á 1 ˜ ˙ + Í 2 2 + b2 a2 Á 2 ˜ ˙
Î 12 Ë 2 ¯ ˚ Î 12 Ë 2¯ ˚

Ê b a 3 b a 3 ˆ Ê b a3 b a3 ˆ
= Á 2 1 + 2 1˜ +Á 2 2 + 2 2˜
Ë 12 4 ¯ Ë 12 4 ¯
Ê b a 3 + 3b2 a13 ˆ Ê b2 a23 + 3b2 a23 ˆ
=Á 2 1 ˜¯ + ÁË ˜¯
Ë 12 12
4(b2 a13 + b2 a 23 ) b2 (a13 + a 23 )
= =
12 3
Hence, for both segments 2 and 2¢
2b2 3
I2 + I 2¢ = (a 1 + a 23) (3.57)
For segment 3
Segment 3 is similar to segment 1 as regards its moment of inertia about the Y-Y axis. Therefore, based on

2b3 3
I3 + I 3¢ = (z 2 – a 23) (3.58)
and (3.58)
2b1 3 2b 2b
Iyy = (z 1 – a 31) + 2 (a 31 + a 23) + 3 (z 32 – a 23)
3 3 3
I yy = b1(z 31 – a 13) + b2(a 13 + a 23) + b3(z 23 – a 32)] (3.59)
2. Moment of Inertia about the Z-Z axis
1-1¢ Q¢R¢S¢T¢ U¢V¢W¢X¢, i.e.,
Design of Machine Tool Structures 211

1 1 d
I 1–1¢ = d1 A3 – d1 B 3 = 1 (A3 – B3)
12 12 12
¢ IJKL minus
MNOP, i.e.,
(a1 + a2 ) 3
I 2– 2 ¢ = (C – D3) and
the rectangle UVWX, i.e.,
d3 3
I 3– 3¢ = (E – F3)
Iz–z = I1–1¢ + I2–2 ¢ + I3–3¢
Izz = d1(A3 – B3) + (a1 + a2) (C3 – D3) + d3(E3 – F3)] (3.60)


d3 3 3¢

2 Y

Q¢ J N U¢ X¢ O K T¢

d1 1¢
V¢ W¢


Fig. 3.20 Composite I-section of lathe bed

212 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

3. Torsional Moment of Inertia Applying the perpendicular axis theorem, the torsional moment of inertia
of the lathe bed section is found as
It = IY–Y + IZ–Z (3.61)
A part of diameter 200 mm and length 1500 mm is supported between centres with a tightening load of 5000
N and machined on a lathe. The cutting force components were recorded with a dynamometer as Px = 2500 N,
Py = 5000 N and Pz =10000 N
with cross beams. The dimensions of the bed section (refer to Figs 3.19 and 3.20) are as follows: b1 = 110
mm, b2 = 20 mm, b3 = 115 mm, d1 = 30 mm, d2= 315 mm, d3 = 25 mm, A = 365 mm, B = 145 mm, C = 275
mm, D = 235 mm, E = 370 mm, F = 140 mm. The data related to the machine tool is as follows: Height of
centres h = 300 mm, distance of the feed pinion from the bed surface hfp
workpiece, check the strength of the bed if the allowable stress of the bed material is 12 N/mm2.

Ê 315 ˆ Ê 25 ˆ
30 x 110 x 15 + 315 x 20 x Á + 30˜ + 115 x 25 x Á 345 + ˜
Ë 2 ¯ Ë 2 ¯ = 181.05 mm
30 x 110 + 315 x 20 + 25 x 115

Hence, z1 = 181.05 mm and z2 = d1 + d2 + d3 – z1 = 188.95 mm

a1 = z1 – d1 = 151.05 mm and a2 = z2 – d3 = 163.95 mm

Iyy = 466508061.6 mm4, Izz = 419005416.7 mm4 and I t = 885513478.3 mm4.

We now determine the maximum normal and shear stresses in the bed section

Ê L ˆ
ÁË ( Pz - G ) + ( Px + K )c˜¯ zmax
s z max = 4
I yy

For the composite bed section, Zmax z1, z2 zmax = 188.95 mm.
s zmax = 2.58 N/mm2
Py ymax
s ymax = 4

For the composite bed section ymax A/2, E ymax = 185.0 mm

s ymax = 0.207 � 0.21 N/mm2
Design of Machine Tool Structures 213

Ê d ˆ
MTs ◊ max[ ymax , zmax ] ÁË Pz + Py h˜¯ ◊ max[ ymax , zmax ]
tmax = = 2
It It

ymax, zmax ymax, zmax] =

tmax = 0.53 N/mm2
Knowing s ymax, s zmax and tmax we determine the principal stress from the expression,
s z max + s y max 1
s pmax = + (s z max - s y max ) 2 + 4t max
2 2
s pmax = 2.79 N/mm2
As s pmax is less than the allowable stress it may be concluded that the bed design is safe in terms of


only in the plane of symmetry, e.g., drilling machines or by forces acting arbitrarily in space (e.g., vertical
lathe, milling and boring machine, etc.). The principal design requirements of columns are the same as those
of beds, i.e., high static and dynamic stiffness. These properties are achieved, as in the case of beds, by proper
selection of the column material and its cross section.
Based upon considerations discussed in Sec. 3.5, the columns are made with thin-walled circular or box
sections. The number and size of holes and openings is kept as small as possible and the section is strength-
ened by means of stiffeners. Commonly used sections of machine tool columns and their application are
shown in Table 3.12.

only marginally.
Generally, the area of the column section gradually increases as we move from the top towards the base
where the bending moment is maximum. From the point of view of torsional stiffness, it is desirable that,
as we move away from the base, the section should progressively change from a thin-walled rectangle to a
thin-walled square.

1. bending in two perpendicular planes,

2. shearing in two perpendicular planes, and
3. torsion.

at the base, and plotting the bending moment diagram in both the directions.
214 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Table 3.12 Commonly used column sections and their applications

Section Application

1. Circular section with vertical stiffeners; used when the load

is small and it is necessary to provide for rotation of the
column, e.g., in bench and radial drilling machines.

2. Rectangular box-type section; used when the forces act only

in the plane of symmetry; chief application is in vertical
drilling and unit-built machine tools. Optimum a/b = 2–3

3. Square box-type section with vertical ribs and spaced

horizontal stiffeners; used for columns subjected to three-
dimensional loading; chief application is in boring and
milling machines. Optimum a/b = 1

4. Rectangular box-type section with vertical ribs and spaced

horizontal stiffeners; is used in gantry type machine tools.
The recommended a/b ratios are:
for vertical lathe a/b = 3 –4
for planing machine a/b =2 – 3
for plano-milling machine a/b = 2 – 3

D =l (3.62)
where Q = shearing force
l = distance from the base of the section in which shearing deformation is being determined
A = area of cross-section
G = shearing modulus of column material
Design of Machine Tool Structures 215

l may be determined from the curves (A to B and B to C) given in Fig. 3.21.7

The angle of twist f of the column is found, as in the case of beds, from Eq. (3.39). The displacement of
the guideway (point A) of a rectangular box-type section (Fig. 3.22) due to torsion may be determined from
the following expressions:
n direction X-X DX = y ◊ f
n direction Y-Y DY = ◊f
l1¢ P(l1¢ )
l 2¢
P(l2¢ )

4 h l2¢ Y y

3 b/2


2 B
l1¢ b/2

1 h A
0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 b Y

Fig. 3.21 Variation of the coefficient of distribution of Fig. 3.22 Cross section of a milling machine
shearing displacement as a function of h/b column

ation. For this purpose, the base is treated as a hollow box section simply supported at the ends. The analysis

the guideway at the top of the column does not exceed 3–5 microns per metre length in the Y-Y direction and
10–25 microns per metre length in the X-X direction.
The effect of holes and apertures on the torsional stiffness of the column can be taken into account with
tion in the torsional stiffness due to the openings can be neglected provided each bolt is tightened by a force
M t (b0 + l0 )
P≥ kgf (3.63)
Ab fn
where P = tightening force of each bolt, kgf
Mt = torque acting on the column,
216 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

b0, l0 = width and height of aperture, cm

n = number of bolts
Ab = area of cross section of one bolt
The effect of ribs and stiffeners on the bending stiffness of columns is small and can be neglected. The
vertical ribs also do not have any appreciable effect on the torsional stiffness.


Housings are structures in which the three limiting dimensions are 2a
more or less equal. Examples of housings in machine tools are the
speed-box housing, feed-box housing, etc.
Housings may be split or solid. Solid housings are widely used
in small and medium-sized machine tools. Split housings are easier
to assemble but are less stiff. Split housings that have to be opened
frequently for regulating some mechanism (e.g., the speed box of
engine lathes with a cone pulley drive) are provided with a hinged
cover. The stiffness of such a housing is on an average 50% less than
that of a solid housing.
Housing-type structures (Fig. 3.23) are designed for stiffness, Fig. 3.23 Schematic diagram of a
A due to a housing-type structure
force acting normal to the wall at the same point. This displacement
can be found from the relationship,
P ◊ a 2 (1 - m )
y = k 0 k 1 k 2 k3 ◊ cm (3.64)

where k0 =
k2 =
h = thickness of the loaded wall without bossing, cm
2a = the larger dimension of the rectangular loaded wall, cm
m = Poisson’s ratio of the housing material
E = Modulus of elasticity of the housing material, kgf/cm2
P = force acting normal to the loaded wall, kgf
k0 depends upon the ratio 2a : 2b : 2c of the housing dimensions and also upon the point of
k0 for housings are given in Table 3.13 for various ratios of
a : b : c when force P is acting at the centre of the loaded wall.
Design of Machine Tool Structures 217

Table 3.13 0 for housings8

Ratio a : b : c All four edges of loaded wall 2a ¥ 2b Three edges of loaded wall 2a ¥ 2b
connected to adjoining walls connected to adjoining walls, one
edge free
1:1:1 0.35 0.48

1 : 1 : 0.75 0.44 —

1 : 1 : 0.5 0.5 —

1 : 0.75 : 1 — 0.45

1 : 0.75 : 0.75 0.3 0.42

1 : 0.75 : 0.5 0.33 —

1 : 0.5 : 1 — 0.28

1 : 0.5 : 0.75 — 0.27

Tables 3.13–3.15 have been adopted from Ref. 8.

k0 is maximum for the

k0 reduces as the
k0 at the two constrained corners may
be up to three times less. However, if the point of application of the force is moved towards the free corners,
k0 occurs at the middle of the free edge and may be about 2.5–3 times
greater than the tabulated values for load acting at the centre.
Bosses are made to increase the wall thickness locally where the stiffness has suffered due to a hole or
aperture. They are generally located on the inside surface of the wall (Fig. 3.24). Bossing dimensions are
generally limited to D = (1.4–1.6) d and H = (2.5–3)h because any further increase does not contribute ap-
k1 in Eq. (3.63) depends upon the ratios D/d, H/h and r/a.
H/h, although the ratio D/d has little effect for values of
D/d > k1 are given in Table 3.14.

P Ha
h 1.8
Ha H =0
R r

2a 1.0 H
1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 h
Fig. 3.24 A typical bossing in a housing type structure and design curves for determining Ha/h as a function
of H/h
218 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Table 3.14 1 for housings; r/a = 1.0, D/d = 1.6

Ha/h D2/2a ◊ 2b
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14

1.2 1 0.95 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.87 0.85

1.4 1 0.88 0.83 0.78 0.75 0.72 0.69 0.67

1.6 1 0.82 0.75 0.68 0.63 0.6 0.57 0.55

2.0 1 0.75 0.65 0.58 0.53 0.48 0.45 0.41

3.0 1 0.7 0.58 0.5 0.44 0.38 0.35 0.3

Ha represents the active height of the bossing. Ratio Ha/h is determined from known H/h
ratios with the help of Fig. 3.24.
The effect of D/d and r/a k1 D/d = 1.2, the values of co-
k1 are higher than that tabulated by 5–10%. The effect of r/a is not uniform. For average values of
D2/2a ◊ 2b and Ha/h (D2/2a ◊ 2b = 0.8 and Ha/h = 1.5), the reduction of ratio r/a to 0.6 has no effect on the
value of k1. At high values of D2/2a ◊ 2b and Ha/h -
creases by 2–5% as compared to the tabulated values.
k2 = 1 + SDyi /y, where Dyi i
value depends upon the ratios D/d, Ha/h and R/a¢ (see Fig. 3.24).
k2 are given in Table 3.15.
Reduction of D/d k2 by 5–10%. The effect of R/a¢ on the value
of k2 depends greatly upon D2/2a ◊ 2b and Ha /h. For average values of these ratios (D2/2a ◊ 2b = 0.5 and
Ha/h = 1.5) an increase of R/a¢ to 0.7 results in an increase of k2 by about 15%. A decrease of R/a¢ to 0.3
reduces the k2 value about 15–20%. At high values of D2/2a ◊ 2b and Ha /h, the corresponding increase and
decrease are approximately 25–30%. On the other hand, for combination of low values of D2/2a ◊ 2b and Ha
/h, the effect of R/a¢ on k2 is virtually negligible.

Table 3.15 2; R/a, = 0.5, D/d = 1.6

Ha D2
h 2a ◊ 2b

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10

1.2 1.0 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.98

1.4 1.0 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.84

1.6 1.0 0.93 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.84

2.0 1.0 0.92 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.80

3.0 1.0 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.76 0.74

Design of Machine Tool Structures 219

k3 = 0.8–0.9 if the stiffening ribs are cast in the immediate vicinity of the loaded hole to
ness, then k3 = 0.75–0.85. The smaller values are for intersecting ribs, which form a network while the larger
values are for ribs that are not interconnected.

total deformation y. This is the reason why bossing of the hole is the single most vital step towards providing
ers in housing-type structures is of secondary importance.


Machine tools bases are analysed as plates on an elastic founda-
tion. The dimensions are determined from the consideration that

Fig. 3.25. The total angle of slope in a section is

q = q q1 + q q2 + qM (3.65)
where q q1 = angle of slope due to distributed force q1 M
q q2 = angle of slope due to distributed force q2
q M = angle of slope due to bending moment M

q1m ◊ b
q q1 = k q1 b2 b1
q 2m ◊ b Fig. 3.25 Loading diagram of a machine
q q2 = k q2 (3.66) tool base
M ◊ m3
qM = ◊ kM

b = width of the base, cm

k = k = 125b, kgf/cm2
m = (k/4EI)1/4 E being the modulus of elasticity
of plate material and I the moment of inertia of plate cross section, cm–1
Kq1, Kq2, KM = -
mined from the curves of Fig. 3.269.
The machine tool table supports the workpiece. From a purely functional point of view, the base may be
considered a stationary table. The tables that not only support the workpiece but also provide motion to it are
generally of two types:
1. Rectangular
2. Circular
220 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

b2 b1
KM M Kq1
q1 Kq2
4 0.6

b2/2 b1/2 0.4

3 a2 0.2
f1= a1m,B1 = b1 m 1 2 3 4 B1, B2
f2= a2m,B2 = b2 m ≥6
2 –0.2 f or f2
f1= 2
= 1.15
=3 =2
=4 –0.4 =3
=5 =4 =5
1 B1 –0.6
0 1 2 3

Fig. 3.26 Design curves for determining Kq1, Kq2 and Km

The rectangular tables of small- and medium-size (up to 1000 mm long) are made solid with T-slots on
the top surface. Large-sized rectangular tables consist of two parallel walls connected by ribs. The ribs are
generally perpendicular to each other and are spaced 300 – 400 mm apart. The stiffness of a machine tool
table is determined primarily by its h/B ratio, where h is the height of the table and B its width. For instance, in
planing and plano-milling machines the h/B ratio varies between 0.1–0.18, the larger value being applicable
to tables of small width. A ratio of h/B = 0.14–0.16 can in general be considered optimum.
For design purposes, rectangular tables are treated as rectangular plates of constant thickness. The reduced
stiffness of a rectangular table may be determined from the expression,
Sr = , kgf ◊ cm (3.67)
L(1 + y )
12(1 + m ) I X
where y=
B2 ◊ A
IX = moment of inertia of the longitudinal section of the table about the horizontal axis passing
through the centre of gravity, cm4
A = total area of the ribs, cm2
B = width of the table, cm
L = length of the table, cm
E = modulus of elasticity of the table material, kgf/cm2, and
m = Poisson’s ratio of table material
Small circular tables (diameter D < 1000 mm) are made solid. Large circular tables (D > 1000 mm) con-
sist of two parallel plates which are connected by radial ribs. These tables generally have a vertical axis of
rotation and are provided with circular guideways. Exceptionally large tables having diameter D > 7–8 m are
provided with two guideways.
Design of Machine Tool Structures 221

The stiffness of circular tables depends upon the ratio h/D, where h and D are the height and diameter of
the table, respectively. The optimum number of radial ribs is 10–16, the larger number being applicable to
larger diameters. Circular stiffeners are often provided just below the circular guideways. They reduce the
maximum pressure on the guideway surface by 15–20%.
For design purposes, a circular table is treated as a solid circular plate of constant thickness mounted on an
elastic foundation. The reduced stiffness of a circular table may be found from the expression,
Sr = , kgf ◊ cm (3.68)
Eh 2 t1 ◊ t2
where S = , kgf ◊ cm
1 - m t1 + t2

8p S (1.2 + m )
y =
G ◊ A◊n◊ D
D = diameter of table, cm
t1, t2 = thickness of the top and bottom plates of the table, cm
h = height of the circular table (distance between centre lines of the top and bottom plates), cm
A = area of cross section of one radial rib, cm2
n = number of ribs
G = shearing modulus of the table material, kgf/cm2
E = modulus of elasticity of the table material, kgf/cm2
m = Poisson’s ratio of table material


Cross rails and arms have two sets of guideways for supporting the cutting tool and imparting to it movement
in two mutually perpendicular directions.
Cross rails of machine tools with a travelling tool post
b b
(vertical lathes, planing machines, plano-milling machines)
are supported by columns over a relatively small length
and can be treated as beams subjected to three-dimension-
al loading. They experience torsion and bending in two
planes. Cross rails have a hollow rectangular section. The
recommended height-to-width ratio of cross-rail sections h
(Fig 3.27) are:
1. For vertical milling machines h/b = 1.5–2.2; the
higher value being valid for heavy machine tools in
which the carriage weight is 3–4 times the vertical
component of the cutting force.
2. For planing machines, h/b = 1–1.5 Fig. 3.27 Typical cross-rail sections
3. For plano-milling machines, h/b =1.0
222 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Cross rails are, as a rule, provided with vertical ribs along the height and horizontal stiffeners spaced at
appropriate distances. The deformation of cross rails is determined in the same way as that of a bar of a closed
see Eq. (3.34)–(3.40)). The warping of the walls is small and can be
The arms or traverses of single-column machine tools
have a section that approaches that of a uniform strength
beam. They can be analysed as cantilevers subjected to
compound loading, experiencing torsion and bending in one
(radial-drilling machine) or two planes (single-column plan-
h h
ing machine). The arms have either a hollow rectangular or
hollow elliptical section (Fig. 3.28) with a ratio of h/b = 2–3.
For sections of equal weight, the stiffness of the elliptical
section is 15–20% higher than that of the rectangular. Arms
are also provided with ribs and stiffeners for imparting suf- b b

be determined with the help of formulae derived earlier for Fig. 3.28 Typical traverse sections
bars of thin-walled closed sections (Sec. 3.6.2) by treating

Structures such as saddles and carriages are meant for providing motion to the workpiece or cutting tool

largely upon the working conditions of the guideways. Generally, medium-size saddles are made solid,
while saddles of heavy machine tools have a closed box section. The length-to-width ratio of saddles is
l/b > 1.5 – 2, the smaller l/b ratio is applicable in the case of narrow guideways and the larger in the case of
the wide guideways.
Saddles and carriages are designed primarily for wear resistance and deformation of the guideways. This

on an elastic foundation.


Rams are used for supporting the cutting tool and imparting
motion to it in machine tools with a reciprocating primary
cutting motion (shaping, slotting, gear-grinding machines, A
etc.). The deformation of a ram depends upon its bending and
torsional stiffness as well as the deformation of the guide- Py
ways. Rams can be analysed as beams on an elastic foun-
dation subjected to three-dimensional loading so that they
experience torsion and bending in two planes. Pz L H

The design diagram of a ram is shown in Fig. 3.29. The

d xy and d xz of the Fig. 3.29 Loading diagram of a ram
ram in two directions, angle of slope q in planes xy and xz,
and angle of twist f at the tool tip and the normal pressure on the guideway surfaces.
Design of Machine Tool Structures 223

d xy and d xz may be determined by the following relationships:

Py L3 Px ◊ a y ◊ L2 Pz ◊ a y ◊ L ◊ az
d xy = d 0 y + q 0 yL + + + f0 ◊ az + (3.69)
3EI zz 2 EI zz G ◊ It
Pz ◊ L3 Pz ◊ a 2y ◊ L
d xz = d 0 z + q 0 z ◊ L + + f0 ◊ ay +
3EI yy G ◊ It
and f from the expression
Pz ◊ a y ◊ L
f = f0 + (3.70)
G ◊ It
where d 0y, d 0z = A) in xy- and xz-planes, respectively
Px, Py, Pz = components of cutting force
f0 = angle of twist of the ram at point A
ay, az = distance of tool tip from the centreline of the ram in xy- and xz-planes, respectively
Iyy, Izz = moment of inertia of the ram section about y-y and z-z axes, respectively
It = torsional moment of inertia of the ram section
E, G = modulus of elasticity and shearing modulus of the ram material, respectively
L = ram overhang
The values of d 0y, d 0 Z, q 0y, q 0z and f 0 can be determined from the following expressions:

2b y k
d 0y = Py ◊ u + (Py ◊ L + Px ◊ ay)b ◊ v] (3.71)
2b z k
d0z = pz ◊ u + Pz ◊ L ◊ b ◊ v] (3.72)
2b y2 k
q0y = Py ◊ v + 2(Py ◊ L + Px ◊ ay)b ◊ w] (3.73)
2b z2 k
q 0z = Pz ◊ v + 2Pz ◊ L ◊ b ◊ w] (3.74)
Pz ◊ a y
f0 = (3.75)
G ◊ I t ◊ bt ◊ tanh(bt ◊ H )
where H = length of guideways
B = Sbi cos2 a i = width of guideways (bi = width of the ith face of guideways and ai = angle be-
tween the ith face of guideways and the neutral axis)
k k = 1 ¥ 10–4 cm3/kgf
1/ 4
Ê B ˆ
by = Á cm –1
Ë 4 EI zz ◊ k ˜¯
224 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

1/ 4
bz = Ê B ˆ cm –1
ÁË 4 EI yy ◊ k ˜¯

bi (ri2 + bi2 /12)

bt = , cm–1,
G ◊ It ◊ k

ri being the distance between the centre of gravity of the section and the normal passing through the
middle of ith guideway
u, v, w = l = bH/2. For instance, for l
= 1.3; for l = 1, they are = 1.1; for l > 1.2, they are = 1.0. For most of the rams, l = bH/2 > 1.6, i.e., b t H >
2.5; therefore, u = v = w = 1 and tanh (bt H) = 1
The maximum normal stresses on the guideway surfaces are:
Due to bending, sbi = cosai (3.76)
f Ê bˆ
Due to torsion, s ti = 0 Á ri + i ˜ (3.77)
k Ë 2¯
The pressure on guideway surfaces is quite high and may acquire values of up to 130 kgf/cm2. Therefore,
this aspect must never be ignored during the design of ram-type structures.



Sections 3.7 to 3.12 for the analytical design of various machine tool structures have been derived on the
basis of simplifying assumptions and can easily give errors of up to 30–50%.

These models are then tested and the behaviour of the actual machine is predicted from the knowledge of
model behaviour.
The relationships between the actual parameter and its value determined on the model are derived on the
basis of the basic equations. Two derivations are discussed below.
1. Relationship for Bending Stiffness of Structure
structure that may be approximated as a beam is
EI yy = = Mx (3.78)
dx 2
where Iyy = moment of inertia of the beam cross section about the neutral axis
E = modulus of elasticity of the beam material
Mx = bending moment in any arbitrary section of the beam
Design of Machine Tool Structures 225

For the model, all the quantities will be represented by a subscript m and for the structure by a subscript s.
Accordingly, for the model
d 2 ym Mm
= (3.79)
dX m2 Em I yym
and for the structure
d 2 ys Ms
= (3.80)
dX s2 Es I yys
ys = ly m; xs = lxm
Ms = lfMm; Iyys = l 4 I yym
where l = scale of linear dimensions
f = scale of forces
Substituting the values in Eq. (3.80) yields,

1 d 2 ym fMm
l dX m 2 Es ◊ l 3 I yym
d 2 ym f Mm
or = ◊ (3.81)
dX m2 l 2 Es ◊ I yym

Upon equating the r.h.s. of Eqs (3.79) and (3.81), we get

1 f 1
= 2 ◊
Em l Es
f E
Stiffness factor = =l s
l Em
Stiffness of structure E
=l s (3.82)
Stiffness of model E
2. Relationship for Natural Frequency of Torsional Vibrations The basic relationship of torsional vibra-
tions of a bar is
∂2q r ∂2q
= (3.83)
∂X 2 G ∂t 2
where r = density of bar material
G = shearing modulus of the bar material
Again, if subscripts m and s are employed for the model and structure respectively, we can write
∂2q m rm ∂2q m
= (3.84)
∂ X m2 Gm ∂t m2
226 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

and for the structure

∂2q s rs ∂2q s
= (3.85)
∂ X s2 Gs ∂t s2
Xs = lX m; ts = tt m
where l = scale of linear dimensions
t = scale of time
Upon substituting the above values in Eq. (3.85), we get

1 ∂2q m rs 1 ∂2q m
l 2 ∂X m2 Gs t 2 ∂t m2

∂2q m l2 rs ∂2q m
or = ◊ (3.86)
∂X m2 t2 Gs ∂t m2

Upon equating the r.h.s of Eqs (3.84) and (3.86), we get

rm l 2 rs
= 2
Gm t Gs
1 1 Gs rm
Frequency factor = =
t l Gm rs

Torsional natural frequency of structure 1 Gs rm

= (3.87)
Torsional natural frequency of model l Gm rs

The expression for natural frequency of the bending vibrations of the structure can be similarly derived
as follows:

Bending natural frequency of structure 1 Es r m

= (3.88)
Bending natural frequuency of model l Em rs

The results of model investigations can be applied to an actual structure provided there is similarity in
1. geometrical proportions,
2. the loading pattern, and
3. the relative magnitude of material properties.
The similarity of geometrical proportions can be achieved simply by using a constant scale factor for all
linear dimensions. The similarity of loading can also be achieved by employing an appropriate force factor f.

of mechanical similitude upon which the whole approach of the model technique is based, the various scale
factors must satisfy the following relationship:
l rt –2 f–1 = 1 (3.89)
Design of Machine Tool Structures 227

where l = scale of linear dimensions

r = scale of masses
t = time scale
f = force scale
The relative magnitude of the material properties of the structure and model can be assessed through the
Poisson’s ratio. This means that the Poisson’s ratio of the structure and model materials should be the same.
Poisson’s ratio of a material is expressed as
m = –1 (3.90)
where E and G are the modulus of elasticity and shearing modulus of the material, respectively.
E/G ratio is
same. The material which is commonly used for making models is polymethyl methacrylate or Perspex as it
is popularly known. Perspex has a Poisson’s ratio of 0.35 as compared to 0.25 for cast iron and 0.29 for steel.
Consequently, the E/G ratio for Perspex is 8% greater than that of cast iron and 5% than that of steel.

of a steel structure and 8% for that of a cast iron structure. Generally, a pure shear-type of loading is rarely
encountered in practise. For a general compound loading to which the majority of machine tool structures are
subjected, the error may be assumed to be less than 5% for cast iron structures and 3% for steel structures.
One of the major limitations to the use of Perspex models is their undesirable creep strain characteristic.
For load stresses exceeding 68 kgf/cm2, the value of E reduces with time. This phenomenon raises the

2. The corresponding equivalent value of E should only be used in determining the scale factors.

4. The structure must be allowed to relax prior to further application of loading.
The problem caused by creep of the model material (Perspex) can be alleviated by adopting a special load-

material as the model (Fig. 3.30)10 and hence possessing similar creep characteristics. The applied force is
shared by the compensating ring and the model in inverse proportion to their stiffnesses. The model being
much more stiffer than the compensating ring, its deformation does not change with time. The stiffness of the
structure can be determined from the following relationship:
d mr
Ks = k sr (3.91)
where Ks = stiffness of structure
Ksr = stiffness of imaginary ring made of the same material as the structure
dmr =
228 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

steel ring

compensating Screw jack

Screw jack

Perspex model Steel machine

Fig. 3.30 Schematic diagram depicting the use of a compensating ring

The modulus of elasticity of Perspex depends E, kgf/cm

upon the frequency of the dynamic force. The vari- ¥ 0.0703069 ¥ 10
ation of the modulus of elasticity of Perspex with 0.75
loading frequency is shown in Fig. 3.31. While
calculating the natural frequency of a structure in
accordance with Eq. (3.88), the value of Em should 0.65
be found from Fig. 3.3111 for the particular mode curve
of vibration.
For conducting dynamic tests, the Perspex mod- 0.55
el should preferably be excited by a freely suspend-
ed electromagnetic exciter because clamping of the
exciter to the model can result in serious deviation 0.45
of the model behaviour. 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
f, Hz
For making a Perspex model, the sheets are cut
to the required size as per the model scale and are Fig. 3.31 Variation of the modulus of elasticity of
then joined either by welding or cementing. Weld- Perspex with frequency
ing is done by a hot-air torch using an unplasticised

screws. Cementing is done with a paste obtained by dissolving Perspex chips in chloroform. The cemented
model must be cured by heating it in an oven to compensate for the reduction of the modulus of elasticity at
the joints where the cementing paste attacks the Perspex. The holding clamps and screws are then removed.
Perspex models should be made in a room with controlled humidity because Perspex can absorb up to 2%
moisture which lowers its modulus of elasticity by about 10%.

Review Questions
3.1 Derive the expression of optimum l/h ratio for a solid rectangular structure of height h and width b
which is loaded as shown in Fig. 3.32.
Design of Machine Tool Structures 229



q1 q2 d

l l
4 4
l b

Fig. 3.32 Schematic diagram of simply Fig. 3.33 Sketch for Prob. 3.4
supported beam

3.2 A vertical milling machine is to be designed for HSS as

well as cemented carbide face milling cutters. Carbide
cutters have diameters between 50 to 250 mm and
number of teeth between 8 to 14. The corresponding 100
ranges for HSS cutters are 80 to 250 mm and 10–26,
respectively. The minimum cutting speed is 30 m/min

(HSS-mild steel pair) and the maximum is 500 m/min 100 kgf
(carbide-aluminium pair). Determine the frequency 100 kgf
range that must be avoided while designing the
elements of the machine.
3.3 A bed subjected to torsional loading is constructed
as a closed box-type structure, while a bed subjected

mathematical proof to support your conclusion.
3.4 A channel section is welded to a box section as shown
in Fig. 3.33. Calculate by how many times the torsional 200 kgf
stiffness of the structure will improve and the shearing

3.5 A 2 m long, 1m high and 0.5 m wide lathe bed consists

of two vertical walls strengthened by perpendicular or
diagonal stiffeners. The thickness of the walls is 50
mm, while that of the stiffeners is 25 mm. Calculate Fig. 3.34 Sketch for Prob. 3.6
the reduced bending rigidity of the beds having
perpendicular and diagonal stiffeners.
3.6 A rectangular, box-type cast iron column of height 2 m, section 30 cm ¥ 30 cm and wall thickness

230 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

3.7 The box structure of mild steel shown in Fig. 3.35 is acted on by a force P = 200 kgf acting at the
middle of the vertical wall of dimensions 400 mm ¥ 300 mm. The hole of the diameter 20 mm is
strengthened by a rib and an internal bossing of diameter 30 mm and height three times the wall

hole is 25 microns.

kgf 2 ¥10 kgf mm
2.0 kgf 1.5
f 20 mm


400 250

300 1500

Fig. 3.35 Sketch for Prob. 3.7 Fig. 3.36 Sketch for Prob. 3.8

3.8 A hollow rectangular steel base of height 200

mm, width 1000 mm and wall thickness 25 mm
is loaded as shown in Fig. 3.36. Calculate the
maximum angle of slope.
3.9 A hollow rectangular table is 2 m long, 60 cm
wide and 9 cm high. The 15 mm thick horizontal
walls of the table are joined by 10 mm thick
vertical stiffeners spaced at 400 mm. Calculate
the reduced stiffness of the table.

3.10 A steel structure is studied by making its Perspex

model on 1 : 10 scale. The natural frequency of
the model in bending was found to be 150 Hz.
Determine the natural frequency of the steel
structure, if density of Perspex = 1.2 g/m3.
3.11 Determine the limiting torque for the structure
show in Fig. 3.37. Given permissible strength of 60
the material in shear = 1000 kgf/cm2.
a twisting moment of 1000 Kgf-m, determine the Fig. 3.37
maximum shear stress and the angle of twist over
a length of 100 cm. Given G = 8 ¥ 105 kgf/cm2.
Design of Machine Tool Structures 231



Fig. 3.38

1. Koenigsberger, F, Design Principles of Metal Cutting Machine Tools, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1964,
p. 45.
2. Bielfeld, J, Modellversuche on Werkzeng Machine Elementen,
3. Acherkan, N, Handbook of Machine Design,
4. Bhattacharya, A, et al., “Static rigidity of lathe beds by model analysis”, J. Inst. of Engrs (India), Vol.
47, No. 11, Pt ME-1, 1967.
5. Kaminskaya, VV and Frantsuzov, FA, “Effect of mounting of single column jig boring machines on
their accuracy”, Stanki I Instrument, 1960, No. 5.
6. Acherkan, N, Handbook of Machine Design,

8. Kaminskaya, VV, et al., Beds and Housings of Machine Tools, Mashgiz Publishers, Moscow, 1960.
232 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

9. Push, VE, Design of Machine Tools, Mashinostroenie Publishers, Moscow, 1977, p. 118.

structures”; 6. MTDR. Conf., Birmingham, 1965.

Machine Tool Research, 1967.
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 233




The basic function of guideways is to ensure that the machine tool operative element carrying the workpiece
or cutting tool moves along a predetermined path, which is generally a straight line, as in lathe, drilling, bor-
ing machines, etc., or circular as in vertical turret lathes and boring mills. The major requirements that the
guideways must satisfy are:
1. H
2. High accuracy of travel, which is possible only when the deviation of the actual path of travel of the
operative element from the predetermined path is minimum.
3. Durability, which depends upon the ability of guideways to retain the initial accuracy of manufacturing
and travel.
4. Low value of frictional forces acting on the guideway surface to ensure less wear.
5. M
6. High rigidity.
7. Good damping properties.
Based upon the nature of friction between the contacting surfaces of the guideways and operative element,

1. Guideways with sliding friction—known as slideways.

2. Guideways with rolling friction—known as anti-friction ways.

4.1.1 Types of Slideways

Depending upon lubrication conditions at the interface of contacting surfaces, the friction between the slid-
ing surfaces may be described as dry, semi-liquid and liquid. Dry friction occurs when there is no lubricant
between the sliding surfaces. This is rarely if ever, encountered in machine tools.
Whenever a body slides with respect to another body and there
is a lubricant between the two, the sliding body tends to rise or

The hydrodynamic force Q may, in general, be represented by the V

expression, a
Q = kh ◊ v
where Kh = a constant that depends upon the geometry of the
sliding surfaces, wedge angle a, parameters of the
Fig. 4.1 Schematic diagram of a slider
234 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

v = sliding velocity
If the weight of the sliding body is G, the resultant normal force acting on it is
N =Q–G

As long as Q < G, the sliding body rests on the stationary body and the friction conditions are of semi-liquid
perience metal-to-metal contact. When Q > G, the resultant normal force on the sliding body begins to act

their interface experiences liquid friction. The slideways in which a permanent lubricant layer separating the
sliding surfaces is obtained due to the hydrodynamic action are known as hydrodynamic slideways. At low
sliding speeds, a permanent lubricant layer between the sliding surfaces can be obtained by pumping the
liquid into the interface under pressure, high enough to lift the sliding body. Such slideways are known as
hydrostatic slideways.
Henceforth, the term slideways unaccompanied by a qualifying description would imply slideways oper-
ating under conditions of semi-liquid friction.

4.1.2 Types of Anti-friction Ways

1. roller-type anti-friction ways using cylindrical rollers, and

2. ball-type anti-friction ways using spherical balls.
Both these types may or may not have provision for recirculation of the rolling elements.


Slideways are distinguished by a relatively high co-

results in considerable wear, reducing life as well as

er functioning of slideways it is, therefore, imperative
that the friction be kept as low as possible by ensuring
that a certain minimum amount of lubricant is always Cross
present between the sliding surfaces. This may be done groove

sliding surfaces from time to time. One of the popular groove
methods of increasing the share of liquid friction in
Fig. 4.2 Location of grooves in semi-liquid friction
slideways and thus reducing friction at the interface is
to provide lubricating grooves on the guiding surface.

the general ones explained in Sec. 4.1.

Design of Guideways and Power Screws 235

2. There must be provision for compensation of possible wear.

3. The material of the slideways should have high wear resistance.

4.2.1 Shapes of Slideways

to provide good retention of the lubricant in the interface. Closed slideways are employed when the sliding
velocity is not high but it is necessary to prevent chip accumulation and ensure its easy removal.

of the sliding part, less effect of wear on machining accuracy and greater accuracy of travel. It is however,

open and closed versions, is generally 90°. Sometimes, in heavily loaded slideways, the apex angle of the

on the slideway surfaces. However, this should not be made a general practise as it reduces the accuracy of

precision machine tools in which accuracy is of critical importance and the loads are relatively low.

Closed slideways

(b) (e)

Fig. 4.3 Slideway profiles: (a) Flat (b) Symmetrical V (c) Asymmetrical V (d) Dovetail (e) Cylindrical

2. where there are restrictions on height due to space limitations, e.g., in carriages, saddles, knees, etc.
236 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

to the following drawbacks:

1. Low rigidity because they are secured to the bed only at the ends.

3. If the operative element is guided by two cylindrical slideways, its movement is constrained unless
great care is taken at the time of assembly to ensure perfect parallelness between the two.
Cylindrical slideways are, however, widely used in machine tools in situations requiring small and not
too frequent movement, which is possible with only one cylindrical slideway, e.g., columns of radial drilling
machines, overarms of universal milling machines, lathe tailstock, sleeve, etc.
In machine tools a set of two slideways is generally employed. The application of various slideway pro-

4.2.2 Materials of Slideways

The most common slideway materials are cast iron and low carbon or low alloyed steels. If the slideway is
integral with the bed, it is almost exclusively made from grey cast iron. This material is cheap but does not
have good wear resistance when subjected to heavy loading. The wear resistance of gray iron slideways can
faces improves wear resistance by at least two times. If both sliding surfaces are hardened, the improvement
may be up to four times. If only one sliding surface has to be hardened, it should preferably be the guiding
surface of the stationary member.

Table 4.1

Sketch Application

For Beds

Planing machines

Precision lathes and turret lathes

Surface-grinding machines

General-purpose lathes and heavy-

duty boring machines

Design of Guideways and Power Screws 237

Table 4.1 Contd.

Heavy-duty lathes, broaching and

plano-milling machines

For Vertical Columns

Most commonly used for all types

of vertical columns

Knee-type milling machines,

small vertical drilling machines
closed dovetail and traverses of radial drilling

Same as above

For Cross Slides and

Compound Rests

Closed dovetail Cross slides and compound rests

Cross slides of heavy-duty

machine tools

238 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Table 4.1 Contd.

Surface-grinding machines and

small hobbing machines

Precision gear-hobbing machines

The wear resistance of spheroidal cast iron slideways is much better than that of slideways made from
ordinary grey iron. However, spheroidal cast iron is expensive and economically not feasible for casting the
complete bed. Therefore, even in an integral construction often only the slideway is cast from spheroidal cast
iron and connected to the grey iron bed through intermediate sections. The shape of the intermediate con-
slideway stiffness. The types of connecting sections and their applications are given in Table 4.2.
stance, chrome plating of the slideway with a 25–50 micron layer provides a hardness of RC = 70 and
considerably increases the life of slideways. The deposition of a molybdenum coating can improve the wear

Steel slideways are manufactured separately and then attached to the bed. If the bed is a welded steel

the slideway surface. To ensure uniform deformation of the slideway surface, the fastening screws should be
so spaced that they satisfy the condition,
t £ 2h
where t = distance between adjacent screws
h = height of slideway

Steel slideways have greater hardness and strength, and consequently, greater wear resistance and load-
carrying capacity. They are, therefore, used
heat treatment, and
2. when the welded bed is made of low carbon steel which cannot be hardened.
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 239

Table 4.2 Type of connecting sections and their applications

Type of connection Sketch Application

Through one wall:

Centre and turret lathes and small-size

This connection is least rigid
planing machines
Thick wall Thick wall
stiffening rib

Through two walls:

Used in beds of production and turret

lathes which have double wall closed
This connection is more rigid than
the above
disposal through opening in the rear

Used in beds with a covered top closed

slotting, and planing machines


Rarely used in horizontal beds, except

This connection has maximum when the table moves along the bed
stiffness through a rack-and-pinion mechanism
located on one side

Steel slideways are generally made from the following two groups:
1. L 60 Si27 Ni25
a hardness RC = 60–65, or nitrided to a depth of 0.5 mm and
preferred when the sliding velocity is high.
60 Si27 Ni25
240 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control


Fig. 4.4 Types of slideways: (a) Welded (b) Mechanically coupled

ever, very expensive and used only in some heavy-duty machine tools under exceptional circumstances.

vertical turret lathes and large planing machines due to

1. ease of manufacture,
2. less friction, and
3. good anti-scoring and anti-corrosive properties
Their use is, however, restricted by the following factors:
1. P
times greater than that of a cast iron-cast iron pair.
2. Poor structural stiffness due to lower modulus of elasticity.
3. Poor wear resistance when contaminated by abrasive dirt.
4. L
5. Tendency to swell by absorbing the lubricant.

4.2.3 Methods of Adjusting Clearances in Slideways

surfaces. The clearance can be considered optimum if it is neither too small to give rise to excessive frictional

clearance between the mating surfaces even with the best of manufacturing technology. Moreover, the initial
clearance alters in the course of slideway operation due to its wear. It is, therefore, necessary to provide de-
vices for periodic adjustment of clearances in the slideways.
Devices that are commonly used for adjustment of clearances are:
1. lat strips that are not clamped after clearance adjustment.
2. lat strips that are clamped after clearance adjustment.
3. Taper gibs.

devices. However, such -

Therefore, clearances in both directions can be adjusted by

dent of each other. Hence, separate devices are required for adjusting clearances in horizontal and vertical
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 241

Fig. 4.5 Clearance adjustment by taper gibs in (a) dovetail slideways (b) flat slideways

of the pressing force depends upon the degree of tightening of each screw and requires considerable skill and
experience on the part of the operator. The device has low rigidity and this coupled with lack of uniformity of
pressing force prevents its application in heavily loaded and high-accuracy machine tools.

Fig. 4.6 Clearance adjustment by flat strips in (a) flat slideways (b) dovetail slideways

Fig. 4.7 Devices for clamping flat strips in (a) flat slideways (b) dovetail slideways
242 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The taper gib is slightly more expensive, but combines the advantages of both good stiffness and uniform
pressure distribution. Taper gibs have a taper in the range of 1 : 40 to 1 : 100. The taper angle on longer gibs
is small and vice versa. The tightening of taper gibs requires great caution as over tightening can lead to con-
siderable lateral loading resulting in large pressures and fast wear of the sideways. The methods of tightening

weakening of the guided part at the thick end of the taper. In such cases, two taper gibs are provided as shown


(b) (c)

Fig. 4.8 Methods of tightening taper gibs

Fig. 4.9 Clearance adjustment in long slideways by means of two taper gibs

During the longitudinal travel, the tightening and adjusting screws may get loose under excessive loading.

side of the slideway, the stiffness is 1.5 times less than if the gib is placed on the unloaded side.
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 243


Slideways are designed for the following two parameters:
1. Wear resistance
2. Stiffness
The wear resistance of slideways is governed mainly by the maximum pressure acting on the mating sur-
faces. This condition may be written down as
pmax £ [p max
Here, pmax = maximum pressure acting on the mating surfaces
[pmax] = permissible value of the maximum pressure
It will be seen during the subsequent analysis that slideway design in terms of maximum pressure is quite
complicated. Sometimes, this design is replaced by a simpler procedure based upon the average pressure act-
ing on the mating surfaces. The condition is that
pav £ [pav
where pav = average pressure acting on the mating surfaces
[Pav] = permissible value of the average pressure

condition may be expressed as follows:

d i £ [d i
where di f th direction
[d i ith direction

4.3.1 Design of Slideways for Wear Resistance

1. pav and pmax be known, and

2. [pav] and [pmax] be known.
The values of [pav] and [pmax
pav and pmax

Forces Acting on the Mating Surfaces in a Combination of V and Flat Slideways The

The forces are:

1. Weight of carriage G.
244 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

2. Cutting force components Pz Z

3. Unknown forces A, B and C acting on the mating d Py
The unknown forces are determined from the following h Pz
equilibrium conditions:
C B b a A
Sum of projections of forces on the Y-axis = 0,
SY = 0; A sin a – b sin b Py G

Sum of projections of forces on the Z-axis = 0, b

SZ = 0; A cos a B cos b C – Pz – G Fig. 4.10 Schematic loading diagram for a

combination of V and flat slideways
Moment of all the force about the X-axis = 0, under orthogonal cutting conditions

SMx = 0; A cos a ◊ B cos b ◊ – Pz ◊ – Py ◊ h – C ◊
2 2 2 2

d 2h
C = A cos a B cos b – Pz – Py
b b
Substituting the value of C
d 2h
A cos a B cos b A cos a B cos b – Pz – Py ◊ – Pz – G = 0
b b
Ê dˆ 2h G
A cos a B cos b Pz Á1 + ˜ + Py +
Ë b¯ b 2
Pz (d + b) h G
A cos a B cos b = + Py +
2b b 2
b = 90 – a, the solution of simultaneous algebraic

Pz (d + b) h G
A= cos a Py cos a – Py sin a cos a
2b b 2
Pz (d + b) h G
B= sin a Py sin a Py cos a sin a
2b b 2
Substituting the values of A and B C:
Pz (b - d ) h G
C = - Py +
2b b 2
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 245

Forces Acting on the Mating Surfaces in a Combination of Two Flat Slideways The

of oblique cutting. The forces are:

1. Weight of carriage G.
2. Cutting force components—axial Px, radial Py and in the direction of velocity vector Pz.
3. Pulling force Q
4. Normal forces A, B and C
fA, fB and fC, where f

Z Z Px

h Pz Pz
C Yp A A

c¢ a¢ xA

b YQ

Fig. 4.11 Schematic loading diagram for a combination of two flat slideways under oblique cutting conditions

The unknown forces A, B, C and Q can be determined from the following equilibrium conditions:
SX = 0; Px f A B C Q
SY = 0; B – Py
SZ = 0; A C – Pz = G

SMx = 0; Pz ◊ yp G – – Py ◊ h

B = Py

Pz y p - Py h G
C= +
b 2
Substituting the value of C
G Pz y p - Py h
A = Pz -
2 b
246 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Pulling force Q A, B, and C:

Q = Px f Pz Py G

Determination of Average Pressure Having determined the forces acting on the mating surfaces, the
average pressure can be determined as
pA =
a¢ ◊ L
pB =
b¢ ◊ L
pC =
c¢ ◊ L
where L = length of the carriage
a¢, ¢, c¢ = respective widths of the slideway faces on which forces A, B and C are acting.

Determination of Maximum Pressure

establish the points of action of the resultant normal forces A, B and C
xA denotes the distance between the point of action of normal force A I and the centre of the

1. xB should be understood to denote the distance between force B

slideway II and the centre of the carriage, and
2. xC the distance between force C
xA, xB and xc, we have only two equilibrium conditions:
SMy = 0; Pz xp Pxh – AxA – CxC QzQ
and SMz = 0; Px yp Py xp – QyQ – BxB fB c¢
An additional equation may be written by assuming that the moment of reactive forces A and C about the
Y-axis is proportional to the width of the slideway face, i.e.,
Ax A a¢
CxC c¢
The values of xA, xB and xc can now be determined by

The ratio xA/L, xB L or xC/L determines the shape of the

pressure-distribution diagram and the maximum pressure
on a particular face of the slideway. Let us describe the

slideway I which is being subjected to the normal force A.

The most general case of pressure distribution along the L/2 xA yC
length of contact L corresponds to a trapezoid as shown in L
A acts at the centre of gravity of the trap- Fig. 4.12 Trapezoidal pressure distribution
ezoid. Distance yc of the centre of gravity from the larger along slideway length; XA /L < 1/6
arm of the trapezoid can be determined as
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 247

L Ê pmax - pmin ˆ L
pmin ◊ L ◊ +Á ˜¯ L ◊
2 Ë 2 3 = L pmax + 2 pmin
yc = ◊
Ê pmax - pmin ˆ 3 pmax + pmin
pmin ◊ L + Á ˜¯ L
Ë 2
L L pmax - pmin
xA = – yc =
2 6 pmax + pmin
Case I xA /L <
this conclusion can be illustrated by a simple example.
Suppose xA /L =
pmax – pmin = pmax pmin
pmin = pmax
It may be seen that pmin is a positive, non-zero quantity. Hence, the pressure-distribution diagram must

pav ◊ L = pmin ◊ L pmax – pmin L
wherefrom, if follows that
pmax pmin = 2pav

12x A
pmax – pmin = pav

Ê 6x ˆ
pmax = pav Á1 + A ˜
Ë L ¯
Case II xA/L xA/L
pmax – pmin pmax pmin

wherefrom, P

p x1
pmin = – max
3 xA
pmin is negative. This implies that the complete length of
Fig. 4.13 Pressure distribution
the guided part is not in contact with the slideway. The pressure-distri-
along slideway length
P, the mating when xA/L > 1/6
surfaces are relieved of load.
248 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

In this case,
pav . L = pmax ◊ x1
x1 ÊL ˆ
but = Á - x A ˜ and therefore,
3 Ë2 ¯
pmax ◊ 3 ÊÁ - x A ˆ˜
1 L
pav ◊ L =
2 Ë2 ¯
4 1
pmax = ◊ pav
3 xA
1- 2
Case III xA /L A
pmax – pmin = 0

Hence, pmax = pmin

In this case, L/2

pmax = pav Fig. 4.14 Pressure distribution along

slideway length when xA /L = 0
Case IV XA/L
pmax – pmin = pmax pmin A
pmin = 0

Therefore, pmin = 0

and the pressure-distribution diagram is a triangle (
In this case,
L/2 xA
pav ◊ L = pmax ◊ L Fig. 4.15 Pressure distribution along slide-
way length when xA /L = 1/6
Therefore, pmax = 2pav

Permissible Values of Maximum and Average Pressure The permissible values of maximum
pressure for cast iron slideways under various operating conditions are as follows:
1. When the sliding movement represents feed motion, e.g., in lathes, milling machines, etc.
2. When the sliding movement represents primary cutting motion, e.g., in planing, shaping,
slotting machines, etc.

[pmax at low sliding velocities
[pmax at high sliding velocities
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 249

pmax] value is
reduced by 25%.


The permissible values of maximum pressure for a combination of steel and cast iron are the same.
When both the guided and guiding surfaces are made of steel, the permissible values of maximum pressure
are taken to be 20–30% greater than those given above.
The permissible average pressure is taken as half the permissible maximum pressure for the appropriate
machine and its operating conditions.
Having determined pmax and pav, and knowing the values of [pmax] and [pav], the slideways can be designed
for wear resistance

The design procedure has been discussed above with special ref-
erence to the horizontal sliding surface on which force A is acting n
see a b
applied to the remaining sliding surfaces too.

c¢ of one of
Fig. 4.16 Schematic diagram of an
d = m cos2 a n cos2 b asymmetrical V profile

4.3.2 Design of Slideways for Stiffness

As explained earlier in Sec. 4.3, the design of slideways for

to contact deformation of the slideway should not exceed a

ations of required machining accuracy. In a lathe operation,
- dB Z
on the dimensional accuracy of the machined workpiece.
d in the radial b
direction results in a diametral error of 2d. The lathe slide-
ways are, therefore, designed for stiffness primarily with a Fig. 4.17 Schematic diagram for calculating
- the radial displacement of the
rection for stiffness design in various machine tools can be cutting edge in a combination of
selected in each particular case from the same underlying two flat slideways
250 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

1. contact deformation dB of the vertical face of the slideway, and

2. rotation of the saddle due to unequal contact deformations dA and dc of

d A - dC

d A - dC
dFF = dB ◊h


manifested in its lowering by dC.

suffer deformations dA and dB which results in
h dh
dC Z dB dv
dv = dB sin a dA cos a Y dA

by b

dh = dB cos a – dA sin a Fig. 4.18 Schematic diagram for calculating

the radial displacement of the
cutting edge in a combination of
dh, and flat and V slideways
2. rotation of the saddle due to unequal vertical lowering

dv - dC

dv - dC
dFv = ◊h
k is known as contact compliance
for each pair of slideway materials experimentally. However, for approximate calculations, an average value
of k = 1 micron ◊ cm2
p A - pC
d FF = kpB k ◊h
d Fv = k pB cos a – pA sin a pB sin a pA cos a – pC
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 251



of friction m. However, often, the major obstacle to the application of slideways in precision machine tools
arises not from the high value of m, but its variation. This variation occurs
1. with change of sliding speed, and
2. with passage of time.
The variation of m as a function of sliding speed v is depicted m,
It is evident that in the range v < v0 an increase of
v is accompanied by a decrease of m, while in the range v > v0, 0.15
an increase of v is accompanied by an increase of m. The value 0.10
of frictional resistance is thus not constant but depends upon the
sliding velocity. Of particular interest is the fact that the initiation 0.05
of a sliding movement is as a rule accompanied by a jerk due to 0
the slip-stick effect. This phenomenon can be explained in the 0 Vs 20 40 60 80
v, cm/min

Fig. 4.19 Variation of coefficient of

speed v0. At the start of a movement, the guided member must friction with speed
be strained to overcome frictional resistance corresponding to m
static. However, as soon as the guided member commences to slide, its frictional resistance drops due to a
decrease in m. The excessive force applied on the member when it was stationary is released giving rise to a

It was stated in Sec. 4.2 that slideways must be oiled from time to time to ensure their proper functioning.

sliding surfaces at a particular instant of time depends upon the time m,

period elapsed since the last oiling. The variation of m as a function
that the frictional resistance of the guided member does not remain
constant. 0.2
It may be thus seen that due to variation of m in slideways work-

altogether impossible to employ them on machine tools which re- 0

- 0 20 40 60 80 100
t, s
static slideways must be employed. Fig. 4.20 Variation of coefficient of
friction with time
252 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

4.4.1 Design of Hydrodynamic Slideways

In hydrodynamic slideways, liquid friction conditions between
sliding surfaces are achieved due to hydrodynamic action of the

capable of lifting the guided member is possible only at high slid-

ing speeds. Hydrodynamic slideways are, therefore, used mainly
where the sliding motion represents the primary cutting motion,
e.g., vertical boring and turning mills and planing machines.
Hydrodynamic action is possible between sliding bodies only
if they are inclined to each other, i.e., they form a wedge.

distribution follows a parabolic law and the hydrodynamic force xo L

over a unit width is given by the expression,
Fig. 4.21 Distribution of hydrodynamic
6 mvL2 pressure in a wedge of infinite
Q= 2
◊K width

5mv L2 b0
Q = ◊ ◊K
hmin 1 + (L /b0 )

kgf ◊ s
v m2
L = length of slideway, m
0 = width of slideway, m
hmin hmin = 0.01–0.02 mm,
for heavy-duty machine tools hmin = 0.06–0.1 mm,
its length, 0.03

Ê m +1 2 ˆ
K = m 2 Á ln -
Ë m 2m + 1˜¯ 0.02
wherein m = x0/L
The variation of K as a function of m
wherefrom it can be seen that the maximum value of Kmax = 0.0267 0.01
occurs at m = 0.7.
If the slideway is provided with a single long wedge along its
0 m
whole length, it will generally be found that 0 << L. In such a case, 0 1 2 3 4 5

L2 b0 L2b03 b03 3 Fig. 4.22 Design curve for computing

= = � 0
1 + (L/b0 ) 2 b02 + L2 1 + (b0 /L) 2 K as a function of m
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 253

Q= 2
Substituting Kmax = 0.0267, the expression for maximum load capacity can be written as

Q= 2

Lubricating Lubricating
groove groove

Fig. 4.23 Elementary wedge Fig. 4.24 Elementary wedge alternating

with a flat segment

Often, instead of a single long wedge, machine tool slide-

ways are provided with gently sloping elementary wedges on h1
4.23. Each pair of h2
oppositely inclined elementary wedges is located adjacent to a
lubricating groove. If the total number of elementary wedges in aL
the whole length of slideway is n, the total hydrodynamic force
acting on the slideways can be found as
Fig. 4.25 Elementary composite slider
SQ = nQ bearing

where Q Cp,
A major drawback of hydrodynamic slideways is that liquid a = 0.8
friction conditions are violated at starting and braking periods.
This results in excessive wear of wedge corners. To overcome 0.16
- 1.0

segment and single wedge is known as an elementary composite 0.5
expression, 0.08

5mvL2 b0
Q= Kc ¢ 0.04 0.1
6h12 (1 + (a 2 L2 /b02 ))
0 h2
Kc has been plotted as a function of 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 h1
ratio h2/h1 for different values of a Fig. 4.26 Design curve for computing Kc
as a function of h2/h1
254 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

If n be the number of elementary composite sliders in the slideway length, the total hydrodynamic force
can be found as
5mvL2 b0 ◊ n
SQ = nQ = 2 Kc
6h1 (1 + (a 2 L2 /b02 ))
and substituting Kc = 0.19 at a h2/h1 = 2.2, the load capacity of the slideway can be determined.

speed and geometrical parameters, depending upon the particular design problem. They constitute the basic
design equations for hydrodynamic slideways.
The experience of working with hydrodynamic slideways reveals that notwithstanding liquid-friction con-
ditions, the mating surfaces get damaged due to seizure resulting from thermal and elastic deformations and
also from accidental failures of the lubricating system. Hydrodynamic slideways are, therefore, made from
friction pairs that have high resistance to seizure, such as non-ferrous alloy-cast iron, plastic-cast iron, etc.

4.4.2 Design of Hydrostatic Slideways

In hydrostatic slideways liquid-friction conditions at the interface of mating surfaces are achieved by supply-
ing a lubricant under pressure, which is large enough to raise the sliding body and precludes metal-to-metal
contact. Hydrostatic slideways are distinguished by
1. high load capacity at all sliding speeds, including zero speed,
2. no starting friction, extremely low running friction and consequently almost negligible wear,
3. high stiffness,
4. good damping, and
5. high uniformity and accuracy of feed and setting motions.

position. However, the single major factor which goes against these slideways is their high cost on account of
an elaborate lubricating system. This restricts their application to sophisticated and expensive machine tools,
such as grinding machines, heavy-duty horizontal boring machines,
numerically controlled and copying machines, etc.
The principle of operation of hydrostatic slideways can be ex-

pressure from the pump to the pocket. The required pressure depends p0
upon load P acting on the pad. The greater the load P, the higher must
be the pocket pressure p0 to be able to lift the pad and thus provide an

and in the process its pressure falls from p0 to atmospheric pressure.

Consider now the case when a single pump is required to supply

loads P1 and P2 acting on pads I and II respectively are not equal,

and that P1 < P2. Obviously, the required pocket pressure p01 will be
less than p02. As the oil is supplied in the gaps of pads I and II, the
pressure inside the pockets begins to rise. When the pressure attains
Fig. 4.27 Schematic diagram of a
a value equal to p01, pad I gets lifted. It now becomes impossible
hydrostatic pad bearing
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 255

to build up the pressure to a value p02 required for raising pad II because all the excessive oil supplied by
the pump is simply discharged through pocket I. It is, therefore, obvious that in this type of arrangement, a
separate pump is required for each pad. Slideways normally have a large number of pockets, and therefore,
providing an individual pump for each pocket makes them highly uneconomical.

P1 P2
P1 P2

p01 p02
p01 p02

R1 R2


Fig. 4.28 Schematic diagram depicting Fig. 4.29 Schematic diagram depicting
supply of lubricant to two pad supply of lubricant to two pad
bearings from a single pump bearings through restrictors

The supply of oil to various pockets at different pressures from a single pump is possible if restrictors are

If restrictor R1 is set to provide a pocket pressure p01 in pad I, the excess

pump supply will not be discharged through pad I, but will be diverted to the supply line of pad II.
Restrictor R2 is preset to permit the passage of a larger volume of oil so that the pocket pressure in pad II
can build up to the required level of p02. The pressure in successive pads can thus be built up to the desired
level as the discharge pressure is dictated by the relief-valve setting only.

Hydrostatic Slideway without Restrictor The load

capacity of a single pad bearing which is directly connected to the
B b
P = p0A ◊ CL = p0Aeff I
where A = BL = pad area m2
CL = L
Aeff = CL ◊ A = effective pad area
Fig. 4.30 Rectangular pad bearing
p0 with a rectangular pocket
256 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control


CL = LB lB
Generally, CL = 0.33–0.5

where R0 represents the pocket resistance. It may be expressed as
R0 = CF
Here h represents bearing clearance or gap in m and m the absolute viscosity in kgf ◊ .
The quantity 1/CF is
a rectangular pad and pocket,
( B - b) ( L - l )
CF = 0.5 ¥ 10–9
l ( L - l ) + b( B - b)

Q ◊ m ◊ A ◊ CL ◊ CF Q◊m◊ A
P= =
h 3
C p h3
Cp = 1/CFCL
The stiffness K -
ance, i.e.,
K =
respect to h, the stiffness of a pad bearing for constant Q, m and A is ob-
tained as
dP 3Q m A 3P
= - 4
= -
dh Cph h

stiffness when dh = 0, i.e., when gap h

be reduced below a certain level as otherwise metal-to-metal contact occurs, thus violating one of the funda-

the range 0.0025 to 0.025 mm. The higher value is selected for a large pad bearing working at high sliding
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 257

the latter as a cube root. The hydrostatic slideway is, therefore, far more stiff than a hydrodynamic slideway.

Hydrostatic Slideway with a Restrictor The function of a restrictor in hydrostatic slideways has

the practical cases, the necessary slideway stiffness can be achieved by a simple capillary restrictor. This
lc ≥ 20 dc
through the restrictor and pocket, the following relationship can be written:
p0 p - p0
= p
R0 Rr
where pp = pump pressure
Rr = hydraulic resistance of the restrictor
The resistance of a capillary restrictor is given as
128 ◊ m ◊ lc
Rrc = = mcrc
p d c4

where lc and dc
Substituting R0 Rrc

p0 h3 p - p0
Qc = = p
m CF mCrc
where from gap
È C p p - p0 ˘
hc = Í F ˙
Î Crc p0 ˚

Ê h3 1 ˆ pp
p0 Á + ˜ =
Ë CF Crc ¯ Crc
p p CF
p0 =
CF + Crc h3
Substituting this value of p0
p p ACF CL
Pc =
CF + Crc h3
258 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The stiffness of the pad bearing is found as

dPc È 3Crc h 2 ˘ Ê h2 ˆ
Kc = = – pp ACFCL Í 3 2˙
= – 3PcCrc Á 3˜
dh ÍÎ (CF + Crc h ) ˙˚ Ë CF + Crc h ¯
Simplifying further
3Pc Ê h3 ˆ 3P Ê 1 ˆ
Kc = Á 3˜
=– c
h Ë F rc
(C /C ) + h ¯ h Á
Ë (CF /Crc )h + 1˜¯

CF p0
Crc h 3 p p - p0

3Pc Ê 1 ˆ 3P Ê p p - p0 ˆ 3P Ê p ˆ
Kc = - =- cÁ =- c 1- 0
h ÁË ( p0 / p p - p0 ) + 1˜¯ h Ë p p ˜¯ h ÁË p p ˜¯

d 2 Pc
The condition for maximum stiffness is = 0; consequently
dh 2

d 2 Pc È (C + Crc h3 ) 2 2h - h 2 ◊ 2(CF + Crc h3 )(3Crc h 2 ) ˘

= –3ppACFCLCrc Í F ˙ =0
dh 2 ÍÎ (CF + Crc h3 ) 4 ˙˚
CF Crch3 h – 3Crc h4 = 0
h3 =

CF h3 Ê p0 ˆ
2Crc 2 ÁË p p - p0 ˜¯

h3 Ê p0 ˆ
h3 =
2 ÁË p p - p0 ˜¯
pp – p0 p0, wherefrom

pc Ê p ˆ p Ê 2ˆ p
Kcmax = -3 1 - 0 = -3 c Á1 - ˜ = - c
h ÁË p p ˜¯ h Ë 3¯ h
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 259

1/2 1/2
È 2( p p - p0 ) ˘ 1 È p p - p0 ˘
Q0 = C0A0 Í ˙ = Í ˙
Î r ˚ Cr 0 Î r ˚

where C0
r =

p0 h3 1 È p p - p0 ˘
Q0 = = Í ˙ ¢
m CF Cr 0 Î r ˚

Ï È 1 Ê pp ˆ ˘ ¸Ô
Ô mC
h0 = Ì F Í Á - 1˜¯ ˙ ˝ ¢
ÔÓ Cr 0 ÍÎ r p0 Ë p0 ˚˙ Ô˛

p02 h6 p p - p0
2 2
m CF rC r20
h 6rC2r0 p 20 m2CF2p0 – m2C F2 pp = 0

m 2 CF2 ± m 2 CF4 + 4h6 r Cr20 m 2 CF2 p p

p0 = –
2h6 r Cr20

Neglecting the negative term under square root as infeasible, it is found that

m 2 CF2 + mCF m 2 CF2 + 4h6 r Cr20 p p

p0 = –
2 r Cr20 h6

Substituting this value of p0

compensated pad bearing:
È - m 2 C 2 + m C m 2 C 2 + 4h 6 r C 2 p ˘
P0 = Í ˙ A◊C
F F F r0 p
Í 2 6
2 r Cr 0 h ˙ L
Î ˚
260 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Let – m 2CF2 mCF m 2 CF2 + 4h6 rC r20 p p

2 6
rC r0 h

dP0 È d d ˘
= (Function (1)) ¥ Function (2) + ( Function (2)) ¥ Function (1) ˙ ACL
dh ÍÎ dh dh ˚

d mCF ¥ 12C r20 r h5 p p

dh m 2 CF2 + 4h6 r C r20 p p
d 2 7
rCr0 h

dP0 È 12 mCF C r20 r h5 p p 1 Ê -3 ˆ ˘

=Í ¥ + ¥ - m 2 CF2 + mCF m 2 CF2 + 4CF2 r h6 p p ˙ ACL
2 6 Á 2 7
Ë rC r 0 h ¯˜
dh Í m 2 CF2 + 4C r20 r h6 p p 2 r C r 0h ˙˚
È 6 m CF p p - m 2 C F2 + mCF m 2 CF2 + 4Cr20 r h6 p p ˘
= Í - ¥ ˙ AC
Í h m 2 C 2 + 4C 2 r h6 p rCr20 h7 ˙ L
ÍÎ F r0 p ˙˚

= ÍÍ
6 rCr20 mCF p p h6 - 3mCF - mCF + m 2 CF2 + 4Cr20 r h6 p p )( ) ˘
m 2 CF2 + 4Cr20 r h6 p p ˙
ÍÎ h7 rCr20 m 2 C F2 + 4C r20 r h6 p p ˙˚

r0 F p F F {
È 6 rC 2 mC p h6 - 3mC - mC m 2 C 2 + 4C 2 r h6 p + ( m 2 C 2 + 4C 2 r h6 p )
Í F r0 p F r0 p } ˘˙˙ AC L
7 2 2 2 2 6
ÍÎ h rCr 0 m C F + 4C r 0 r h p p ˙˚

È 6 rCr20 mCF p p h6 + 3m 2 CF2 ( m 2 CF2 + 4Cr20 r h6 p p )1/2 - 3m 3CF3 - 12Cr20 r h6 p p ˘

= Í ˙ ACL
Í h 7
r C 2
m 2 2
C + 4C 2
r h 6
p ˙
Î r 0 F r 0 p ˚

È - 6 rCr20 mCF p p h6 - 3m 3CF3 + 3m 2 CF2 ( m 2 CF2 + 4Cr20 r h6 p p )1/2 ˘

=Í ˙ ACL ¢
Í h7 rCr20 m 2 C F2 + 4C r20 r h6 p p ˙
Î ˚

It is clear from the foregoing analysis that gap h Q both decrease with pocket pressure p0 in
see ¢
¢ -
ings because under heavy loads the gap reduces to such an extent that the liquid friction conditions between
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 261

the pads are violated. The range of application of hydrostatic pad bearings may be expanded by using the

The spool displacement is controlled by a weak spring. The lubri-
cant coming out of the restrictor at pressure p0 is fed not only to the
pocket of the pad bearing but also to the back-pressure chamber of
the spool valve. Any increase in p0 pushes the spool rightwards and
increases p2 p2 – p0 across the restric-

p0 p2
p - p0
Q= 2
Fig. 4.31 Schematic diagram of pad
where Rr is the hydraulic resistance of the restrictor in kgf ◊ . bearing using constant flow

p0 h3 p - p0
Q= = 2
m CF Rr

Ê Q ◊ m ◊ CF ˆ
h =Á ˜¯
Ë p0


KC f =
i.e., the same as for the directly connected pad bearings.
A pad bearing using a constant-gap restrictor is shown in
A0 and A2 be the effective area of the opposite faces of P
the spool, such that A0 = gA2, the pressures acting on these faces pp
would be related by the expression p2 = g p0. This implies that an A2
increase of pocket pressure by D p0 will increase the input pressure
to the restrictor p2 by an amount D p2 which is g times greater than
Dp0. Since g > 1,
p2 Dp2 p0 Dp0 p2 – p1 p0 p2

the bearing clearance remains constant. In this case, Fig. 4.32 Schematic diagram of pad
3 bearing using constant-gap
p0 h p (g - 1)
Q= = 0 restrictor
m ◊ CF RC
262 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Ê (g - 1) ◊ m ◊ CF ˆ
h= Á ˜¯
Ë Rr

pressure reaches a value close to pump pressure pp. As p0 approaches pp

Q falls rapidly. Similarly, in case of the constant gap
restrictor, the bearing gap is maintained constant only till pocket pressure p0 reaches a value such that g p0
approaches pump pressure pp.
Q–p0 and h–p0 relationships for various restrictors are shown

the supply pressure from the pump or the hydraulic resistance of the restrictor, both of which change the
pp ¥ Q supply to the pad
The optimum viscosity of oil employed in hydrostatic slideways is determined from the condition of

These losses are assessed in terms of heat generation. The optimum absolute viscosity of oil can be deter-
mined from the following relationship:

1 2
2 3

p0=pp p0=pp

p0 p0
(a) (b)

Fig. 4.33 Effect of pocket pressure on (a) flow (b) bearing gap: 1. Capillary restrictor 2. Orifice restrictor
3. Constant-flow restrictor 4. Constant-gap restrictor

h2 p0 ◊ p p ◊ CL 2
mopt = kgf ◊
v CF ◊ A¢
where A¢ = .
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 263

The size and shape of pockets can be assigned as per the following recommendations:


B a1

L a


a2 a2
a1 a1

b B b B

a2 a2



Fig. 4.34 Pocket geometry for (a) narrow slideways (b) wide slideways

B < 50 mm:
a = 0.5a1
a1 = 0.1B
B > 50 mm: h1
a2 = 2a1 P
= B – 2a2
Closed Hydrostatic Slideways Hydrostatic lubrication is

employed only when

1. the tilting moment is not large,
2. the weight of the table and workpiece represents the main load,
3. the ratio of maximum load to minimum does not exceed 2, and

If any of the above conditions is violated, closed-type slideways,

Fig. 4.35 Schematic diagram of
must be used. In these slideways, it is possible to increase the stiffness closed hydrodynamic
by raising pressure without the apprehension of overturning the guided slideways
264 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The load capacity of a closed-type slideway with a capillary restrictor is determined from the expression,
P = pp ACLCp e, k
and its stiffness by
3 p p ACL
K =– Ck e, k

Cp(e,k) Ck(e,k)
0.9 0.8
1.35 1.0






0.4 0.60

0.3 0.45

0.2 0.30

0.1 0.15 k=1.0

–0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 4.36 Design curves for computing Cp(e, K) and Ck (e, K) as a function of e
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 265

Cp e, k Ck e, k
h0 - h1
1. e =
where h0 is the initial bearing clearance, and
A2 CL 2 CF 2 Crc 2
2. k = ◊ ◊
A1CL1 CF 1 Crc1
Cp e, k and Ck e, k


The operating principle of aerostatic slideways is similar to that of hydrostatic slideways, the basic difference
being that the lubricating medium in this case is compressed air instead of oil. The important positive features
of aerostatic slideways are:
1. It is not necessary to collect oil.
2. The moving member can be reliably clamped in the desired position after cutting off the supply of
compressed air.
3. Due to air pressure the mating surfaces are effectively protected from dust, abrasive particles and

negligibly small friction at all sliding velocities.

to hydrostatic slideways due to compressibility of air. They also have poorer damping properties because the
viscosity of air is much lower than that of oil. Owing to these
limitations, aerostatic slideways are not suitable for feed and pri-
in setting motion trains of precision machine tools, such as jig- h
boring and jig-drilling machines.
The compressed air can be supplied to the aerostatic slide-
way either from a central supply line or from an individual com-
pressor. In slideways of average width, air is supplied at the in- ps
terface of sliding surfaces by straight triangular microgrooves 60°

slideways of considerable width, closed rectangular grooves of A A


surfaces. Keeping this in view, the depth of the triangular groove

is determined from the expression

t£ 0.7 Bh Fig. 4.37 Schematic diagram of an

aerostatic pad bearing
266 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

where B = width of slideways, m

h = gap between sliding surfaces, m
curs only in the transverse direction. It may be found from the following relationship:
P = B ◊ l ◊ fp k
where fp k
l 3 h3
k = 17.3
Bt 4
fp k for different values of k and pocket pressure p0.
The stiffness of an open-type aerostatic slideway is given by the expression,
K= f k, ps
f k, ps depends upon k and supply pressure ps. Approximately,
f k, ps ps


=4 4.4

=3 3.4 h,
1 3.2 mkm
0.1 0.1
2.6 20
P0 = 2

0 0
0 0.1 0.5 1.0 1.5 2 2.5 10 k t, s

Fig. 4.38 Design curves for computing fp(k) as a Fig. 4.39 Transient process during raising and
function of k for different values of p0 lowering of aerostatic slideways

raising the supply pressure. The compressed air from a centralised supply line is supplied at a pressure of

switched on, the slideway clearance attains a stable uniform value only after the passage of a certain time
period. Similarly, when the air supply is shut off, the moving member takes some time before it settles on

into account at the time of starting a setting motion or clamping the moving member when it has reached a
desired position.
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 267


thus changing the nature of friction from sliding to rolling. They have the following positive features:
1. Low friction as compared to slideways.
2. Uniformity of motion even at slow speeds due to virtual absence of the stick-slip phenomenon.
3. High stiffness if the rolling members are preloaded.
4. Possibility of using high velocities of motion.
These properties explain the wide application of anti-friction guideways in both feed as well as primary
cutting motion trains of high-accuracy machine tools.
The contact of rolling elements with guideway surfaces occurs over a point or a line. It is, therefore, nec-
essary for the guideway material to have high contact strength to be able to transmit large loads through the

it on the machined surface. This necessitates that guideway surfaces be machined with a high degree of accu-
racy. Cast iron guideways are rarely used as they have poor contact strength; as compared to steel guideways
they permit 10 times less load when rollers are used, and 30 times less load when balls are used as rolling
elements. Materials that are commonly used for making anti-friction-guideways are:
1. Spindle steels hardened to RC = 60–62.
2. Low carbon structural steel 20Cr1Mn60
Anti-friction guideways employ the same shapes as slideways. These shapes can be obtained by an ap-

employed only when the dead weight of the moving member constitutes the major load that does not change
appreciably during the cutting operation.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 4.40 Open-type anti-friction ways

guideways are required to have high stiffness. Higher stiffness is achieved through preloading of rolling
members. As a matter of fact, horizontal rolling members automatically experience some preloading due to
268 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

the weight of the moving member. However, such preloading cannot be varied to yield optimum stiffness. A

the guideway which is loaded less in order to achieve higher stiffness. The recommended preloading is
1. 2–3 microns for precision machines using spherical balls,
2. 7–10 microns for general machines tools using spherical balls, and
3. 15–25 microns for general machines tools using rollers.

(a) (b)


Fig. 4.41 Closed-type anti-friction ways

One of the major practical problems associated with the

application of anti-friction guideways is that the rolling el- v

linear velocity of the centre of the rolling element is only

- v/2
sitates that
Fig. 4.42 Velocity distribution along the
1. either the travel of the moving member should be height of a rolling element
restricted, or
2. there should be provision for recirculating the balls I/2=lg–lc

members between the stationary surface and the

moving member.
A limited travel anti-friction guideway is shown in
The rolling elements are held in a cage of length I I
lc such that 4 4
1 Ig
lc = lg –
Fig. 4.43 Schematic diagram of a limited
where lc = length of the cage travel anti-friction way
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 269

lg = length of the stationary guideway

l = length of travel of the moving member

is at the middle of the guideway when the moving member is

in the centre position. The total travel of the moving member is
made up of l/2
The schematic diagram of an anti-friction guideway with
recirculation of rolling elements to provide unlimited travel is

in a cage. However, in some designs rolling elements alternate

with idle elements of a slightly smaller diameter which thus
serve as a separator. Fig. 4.44 Schematic diagram of an
unlimited travel way with
The important design parameters of anti-friction guideways recirculating rolling elements
are now discussed below.
The frictional force acting on the faces of an anti-friction guideway is given by the expression

F = nFc N

where Fc = constant component of the frictional force which is approximately equal to 0.4–0.5 kgf
n = number of faces of the guideway
fr f = 0.0025 cm and for general steel ways,
f = 0.001 cm
req = r/k = equivalent radius of the rolling element, where r is the radius of rolling element in cm
and k the k = 1.4–1.5, while for closed ways, k
N = Pz + Wt + Ww = normal load on the way, kgf, where Pz is the vertical component of the cutting
force, Wt the weight of the table and Ww the weight of the workpiece

determined the frictional force, the required pulling force can be found from the expression,

Q =F Px

where Px = axial component of the cutting force, kgf.

anti-friction roller ways it is given by the expression,

P =K◊ ◊d
and for anti-friction ball ways by the expression,

P = Kd2
270 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

= length of the roller, cm

d = diameter of the rolling member, cm
K represents a conditional stress with limiting values as given in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3

K, kgf/cm2
Ground steel ways Cast iron ways
Ball 6 0.2

Roller 150–200 13–20

1. calculating load P, if the dimensions of rolling members have been selected, or

2. for selecting proper dimensions of the rolling elements

P is calculated and checked to ensure that it is less than the load Pmax
on the maximum loaded rolling member
P = ◊ t ◊ pmax

where length of the roller or diameter of the ball, cm

t = pitch of rolling members, i.e. distance between the centres of two adjacent rolling members,
Pmax = maximum pressure acting on the guideway surface determined as per the procedure explained
in Sec. 4.3.1, assuming the rolling members to be replaced by a continuous elastic surface,

The number of rolling elements in a guideway using rollers is determined from the expression,
16 £ Z £
and in a guideway using spherical balls from
16 £ Z £
3 d
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 271

Z = number of rolling elements

P = load per ball, kgf
d = diameter of the spherical ball, cm
It has been observed from practise that if Z -
ing elements and transferred to the machined surface. On the other hand, if Z violates the other inequality
constraint, a large number of rolling elements remains partially under loaded and some are not loaded at all.
The design of anti-friction ways for stiffness involves calculation of the elastic displacement under the
working loads. They can be determined for anti-friction roller ways from the equation

d = Cr ◊ q
and for anti-friction ball ways from the equation
d =C ◊P

Cr and C depend upon the load, diameter of the rolling members, material of the

Cr, mm – cm Cb, mm
kgf kgf
1.6 8

d=5mm d=10mm
1.2 6

0.8 4
0.4 2
1 2

0 q 0 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 kgf/cm 0 1 2 3 4 5 kgf

Fig. 4.45 Design curves for computing the compliance coefficient for (a) roller anti-friction ways (b) ball anti-
friction ways. 1. Ground steel ways 2. Scraped cast iron ways

assumption that guideways and rolling members are ideally manufactured and assembled. In fact, manu-
, can often be almost as large as the
elastic displacement. An increase in the magnitude of the manufacturing error results in a reduction of the
guideway stiffness. The effect of the manufacturing error on the guideway stiffness can be accounted through
272 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

d Dd
x d1
d ma d mi


d a di D=aL


D2 = D¢2 + D≤2 D2 = D¢2 + D≤2

d dx



Fig. 4.46 Errors in anti-friction ways due to (a) difference in ball size (b) lack of parallelness (c) and (d) lack
of straightness

d, mm m
D 2 = 10
d, mm 8
6 6
Dd =
4 4
4 2 4

2 Ideal 2 Ideal

0 q 0 q
0 5 10 15 20 25 Kgf /cm 0 5 10 15 20 25 kgf/ cm

Fig. 4.47 Effect of manufacturing errors on stiffness of roller anti-friction ways: (a) Errors due to difference in
size of elements (b) Errors due to lack of straightness
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 273


mentioned that they are distinguished by a relatively m

heavy-duty machine tools. The performance and life of conventional slide-
improved and the scope of their application considerably expanded by combining
them with other guideways which provide relief from the normal load. The two commonly used types of
combination guides are discussed below.

4.7.1 Slideways with Hydraulic Relief

This slideway can be considered as intermediate between conventional slideways and hydrostatic slideways.
The normal load on contacting surfaces is partially relieved by supplying oil to the interface at a suitable
pressure. This pressure, however, is not large enough to lift the moving member as in hydrostatic slideways.
This type of combination guideway incorporates the positive features of

2. the conventional slideway characterised by high contact strength and reliable clamping of the moving
member in any desired position.
The oil is supplied into the clearance between the sliding surfaces through appropriately interspaced
pockets. The shape and geometry of the pockets, and the arrangement utilised for pumping oil is the same as

The frictional force in a slideway with hydraulic relief is given by the relationship,

Ê Hˆ
F = f ◊ N Á1 - ˜
Ë N¯
where f
N = normal load on the guideways
H = hydraulic relief

H = 0.7N. If the load on the slideway is not uniformly distributed along its length, the oil supply is regulated
by restrictors. However, the restrictors can be dispensed with when the load is uniform and more or less con-
stant, as is the case when the moving member is heavy and the cutting force is relatively small. Slideways
with hydraulic relief are particularly effective and feasible in the latter case which explains their increasing
application in tables of plano-milling, copy milling and grinding machines.

4.7.2 Slideways with Rolling Members

In this type of slideways, a part of the normal load is taken up by spring-loaded rollers thus reducing friction
between the sliding members. This results in
1. longer life of the slideways, and

274 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Schematic diagrams of combination guideways subjected to vertical load and compound load are shown

friction way. The share of the rolling members in the total load can be regulated by the tightening of the leaf

(a) (b)

Fig. 4.48 Schematic diagram of combination guideways using anti-friction rolling members for (a) vertical
loading (b) compound loading

The friction force in this type of combination guideway is given by the expression,
F = nFc f ◊ N1 ◊ N2

Here N1 and N2 represent the share of normal load taken up by the slideway and the anti-friction way,

relief. Their most widespread application is in rotary tables of gear-hobbing machines and vertical boring and
turret lathes, in which a part of the load is taken up by a central anti-friction thrust bearing. They may also be
encountered in heavy-duty horizontal-boring and jig-boring machines and medium-sized lathes.


Wear of slideway surfaces is seriously affected by dirt, abrasive particles and chips penetrating into the gap
between them. The life of slideways can be considerably improved by employing devices which protect the

1. Seals
2. Covers
3. Intermediate steel strips.
1. Seals stationary guideways by
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 275

Brass chip
Felt Ruber cleaner
seal seal

(a) (b) (c)


Fig. 4.49 Various types of protective seals

2. Covers If the stationary guideway is shorter than the moving member by an amount, equal to the maxi-
mum travel, then the slideway surfaces are always covered by the moving member. Generally, the situa-
tion is just the reverse, i.e., the moving member is shorter in length than the stationary guideway. In such

Such cover plates are employed on turret lathe carriages and grinding machine tables in which the stroke is

Telescopic covers are made of 1.5–3.0 mm thick sheets of steel. In heavy-duty machine tools, the telescopic
covers are also quite heavy and must be supported on rollers. In grinding machines where there is no chance

(a) (b) (C)

Fig. 4.50 Various types of protective covers

3. Intermediate Steel Strips Accurate thin steel strips of constant thickness may be inserted between the
sliding surfaces to avoid exposing the accurately ground slideway surfaces to dirt, chips, etc. The steel strip is
stretched tight by a tensile preload. Three methods of holding the protective strip are schematically depicted
276 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4.51 Various methods of holding the protective strip

It should be noted that in machine tools using covers or intermediate steel strips, seals are used as addi-
tional protection.


Power screws or translation screws utilise the helical translatory motion of a screw thread for transmitting
power and motion rather than for clamping parts. Power screws are widely used in machine tools for impart-
ing motion to the operative members due to their following distinguishing features:
1. Large reduction which makes it possible to obtain slow travel of the operative element in the feed
2. Simple design and compactness.
3. High load-carrying capacity.
4. Uniform and accurate movement of the operative member.

1. sliding-friction power screws.

2. rolling-friction power screws.

4.9.1 Design of Sliding-friction Power Screws

Sliding-friction power screws operate under conditions of semi-liquid friction, characterised by a relatively

extreme care in the selection of the power-screw material:

1. The material of the power screw must have a high surface hardness and should not undergo severe
deformation during machining, heat treatment and exploitation.
2. Normal accuracy power screws which are not subjected to heat treatment are made from structural

3. Precision power screws that are not subjected to heat treatment are made from high carbon steels
containing 1–1.2% carbon.
4. Precision power screws that are heat treated are made from alloyed steel 45CrlMn 70 Si 27 Ni25

The nuts of power screws are made of a softer material, the most commonly used being bronze. If ac-
curacy requirements are not high and the power screw is well protected against foreign matter, the nut may

bronze lining on the inside surface of a steel bush by centrifugal casting.

Design of Guideways and Power Screws 277

be easily machined without distortion and is, therefore, widely used in normal accuracy machines. However,
the acme thread cannot be employed on precision machine tools as the radial run out results in considerable
pitch error. The effect of radial run out on pitch reduces with the reduction of the included angle. Therefore,

2a = 29° 2a = 10°

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4.52 Thread profiles for sliding friction power screws

The nuts of power screws may be solid or split. Solid nuts are used when the power screw is the only
traction device in the kinematic train controlling the movement of the operative member. The split nut is
employed when the kinematic train includes another translatory motion transmission, e.g., rack and pinion.
In such cases, one half of the split nut is rigidly attached to the carriage, while the other half has provision for

2 1 3
1 (Wedge) 3 2 (Adjusting out)

(a) (b)

2 (Spring)
1 3

1. Axially movable half

2. Element for axial adjustament
3. Fixed half clamped to the carriage


Fig. 4.53 Methods of backlash adjustment in sliding friction power screws using (a) wedge (b) nut (c) spring
278 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Power screws can be supported on sliding or anti-friction bearings. Sliding bearings are preferred for jour-

mental effect of screw deformation due to its heating is reduced. Mounting of one thrust bearing at each end,

in long, heavily loaded power screws.

stiffness of the nut and screw transmission and is used generally in numerically controlled machine tools. The

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 4.54 Various methods of mounting thrust bearings in sliding friction power screws

Sliding-friction power screws are designed for the following factors:

1. Wear resistance
2. Strength
3. Stiffness
4. Buckling stability
1. Design for Wear Resistance The wear resistance of a power screw depends primarily upon the average
pressure on the working surfaces of the thread. The design condition is
Pav £ [pav
where pav = average pressure on the thread surface
[pav] = permissible average pressure on the thread surface
Average pressure pav is determined from the relationship,
Q◊t 2
pav =
p ◊d ◊H ◊L◊z
where Q = pulling force, kgf
t = pitch of thread, cm
d = pitch diameter of thread, cm
H = height of thread engagement, cm
L = length of nut, cm, and
z = number of starts of the thread
p d H represents the area of one face of thread and Lz/t
represents the number of thread faces participating in the transmission.
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 279

H = 0.5

2Q 2
pav =
p dL
The recommended values of permissible average pressure [pav] are:
[pav] for a steel screw-cast iron nut pair of normal accuracy feed mechanism.
[pav for a steel screw-bronze nut pair of normal accuracy feed mechanism used in
general-purpose machine tools.
2. Design for Strength Power screws are designed for strength in accordance with the theory of maximum
shearing stress. The design condition can be written as
tmax £ [t
where t max = maximum shearing stress in the screw, and
[t] = permissible shearing stress of the screw material
The minor diameter cross section of a power screw is subjected to biaxial stress consisting of a tensile or
compressive stress due to axial pulling force and shearing stress t due to torque. The maximum shearing
stress in a bi axially stressed member is given by the expression,
tmax = s 2 + 4t 2
Normal stress, s =
p d m2
where dm is the minor diameter of the thread in cm.
16 M t
Shearing stress, t =
p d m3
where Mt is the torque and pd m represents the torsional modulus of the screw section.
Torque Mt may be found from the following formula:

Q ◊ d p cos a tan l + m
Mt =
2 cos a - m tan l
where dp = pitch circle diameter of the thread
l = tan –1 = helix angle of the thread, and
280 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Substituting the expressions for s t

2 64 M t2
t max = + Q2
p d m2 d m2

The value of the permissible shearing stress is generally taken as

[t] =
where sy = yield stress of the screw material
k =
3. Design for Stiffness The design for stiffness is based upon the consideration that the elastic deformation
of the screw thread due to axial force and torque should not exceed a permissible value, i.e.,
Dt £ [Dt
where Dt = change in pitch of the screw thread
[Dt] = permissible value of the change in pitch of the screw thread
The change in pitch of the screw thread due to axial pulling force Q is
DtQ =
where E
p d m2
Am = = cross-sectional area of the screw thread at the minor diameter, cm2
The angle of twist of the screw over one thread pitch due to torque Mt is
Mt ◊ t
G ◊ I pm

Therefore, the change in pitch of the screw thread due to torque Mt is

Mt ◊ t t Mt ◊ t2
Dtt = ◊ =
G ◊ I pm 2p 2p G ◊ I pm

p d m4
Ipm = = polar moment of inertia of the screw at the minor diameter, cm4
Generally DtQ is much greater than Dtp, therefore, the total change in pitch of the screw thread can be
written as
Dt =
E ◊ Am
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 281

The permissible value of change in thread pitch [Dt] is taken as

[Dt] = 0.3 ¥ tolerance on difference of the pitch of adjacent threads.
4. Design for Buckling Stability If the length of the power screw is more than 7.5–10 times its minor
diameter, the screw must be designed for buckling stability. The design condition is
Q £ Qc
where Q = axial compressive force
The pulling force Q
p 2 EI
Qc =
(kl l ) 2

p d m4
where I= = axial moment of inertia of the screw section at the minor diameter, cm4
l = length of screw, cm
kl =
kl depends upon the type of constraints at the screw supports.
1. If both ends are hinged, kl = 1.
kl = 0.5.
kl = 0.7.
kl = 2.0.

4.9.2 Design of Rolling-friction Power Screws

In a rolling-friction power screw the load between the threads of the screw and nut is not transmitted by di-

grooves of the screw and nut in a manner akin to their function in ball bearings. An essential feature of almost


Fig. 4.55 Schematic diagram of a ball recirculating power-screw assembly

282 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The distinguishing features of ball-recirculating power screws are:

1. L
sliding-friction power screws.
2. H

3. riction force is virtually independent of the travel velocity and the friction at rest is very small;
consequently, the stick-slip phenomenon is practically absent, ensuring uniformity of motion.
4. By preloading the assembly, clearances can be eliminated and the axial stiffness can be improved to
achieve or even exceed the stiffness of a sliding friction power screw. It should, however, be noted that
the axial stiffness of un preloaded ball re circulating power screw is less than that of an ordinary one.
The materials of the screw and nut must satisfy the following two requirements:
1. Hardness of about RC = 60 of the working surfaces.
2. Minimum residual stresses so that the initial accuracy of transmission is maintained.
Both for screws and nuts, these requirements are met by
55Cr50 Mo25 25

The nuts may also be made from bearing steel, alloyed structural steel containing approximately 1% each
of Si and Cr, and case hardened steel 12Ni3Cr2Mn45 Si27
Anti-friction power screws are primarily employed in the feed mechanism of precision machine tools,
such as grinding, boring and jig-boring machines. During the last decade or so their application has consider-
ably increased, particularly in machine tools with numerical control.

load-carrying capacity and are rarely used in ball-recirculating power screws of machine tools. Commonly

relatively higher axial stiffness and a large load capacity.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 4.56 Various thread profiles used in ball-recirculating power screws: (a) Square (b) Trapezoidal
(c) Semi-circular (d) Ogive
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 283

= 0.95 – 0.97
tact of a = 45–60°. However, a large difference between the ball and thread radii becomes counterproductive
as friction losses increase due to large difference in the velocities of their contacting surfaces. The difference

screws are, therefore, of the split type so that preloading can be realised by relative axial displacement of the
half nuts.

loading can be achieved by merely using balls of a diameter slightly exceeding the nominal. The r /rt ratio
lies in the range of 0.9–0.95.
The most complicated part of a ball-recirculating power screw is the device for returning the rolling
bodies. Sometimes, it is possible to avoid this device in transmissions with short strokes by making the nut
so large that the balls do not fall out even when the screw occupies extreme positions. However, as earlier
stated, the device for recirculation of balls is almost an essential feature of all anti-friction power screws. The

Anti-friction power screws are designed for

1. strength under static
2. cyclic loading, and
3. stiffness.
1. Design for Strength under Static Loading6 This design is based upon the condition that the maximum
contact stress between the thread and ball should be less than a permissible value, i.e.,
s c max £ [sc

Ê PE 2 (rt - rb ) 2 ˆ 2
s c max = 1.4 Á ˜
Ë rt2 rb2 ¯

where P = static load acting on a single ball, kgf

rt =
r = radius of the ball, cm
2Et Eb
E = = reduced modulus of elasticity, Et and E
Et + Eb
and ball .
284 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

If the screw and nut are both assumed to be made of steel, then E = 2.l ¥ l06 2
. Also assuming
r /rt =
Ê Pˆ
s cmax = 4.3 ¥ 103 2
ÁË d 2 ¯˜
where d = diameter of the ball, cm
The permissible contact stress depends upon the hardness of contacting bodies and is given by the
4 RC 2
If the average hardness of the contacting bodies is assumed to be RC = 60, then the limiting load on each
ball can be found from the inequality
Ê Pˆ
4.3 ¥ 103 ◊ Á 2 ˜ £ ¥ 104
Ë db ¯

wherefrom, for the minimum value of [sc] ¥ 2.5 ¥ 104 2

we obtain
P £ 200d
The expression for the pulling force is
Q = P sin a cos lZr
where a=
l = helix angle of the thread
Zr = reduced number of balls that are actually loaded, i.e., total number of balls Zt minus the balls in
the return passage.
Assuming a = 45°, cos l Zr = 0.7Zt and substituting for P
the expression for the limiting pulling force may be written as
Q £ 200d 2 ◊ 1 ◊ 0.7Zt kgf
Q £ 100Z t d 2
2. Design for Strength under Cyclic Loading This design accounts for the failure of balls due to fatigue

60Tn ◊ f ˆ
k = kQ ÊÁ
Ë 107 ˜¯

where kQ kQ = 0.9
T = desired service life of the balls, hours
n = average rpm of the power screw, determined as the arithmetic mean of all available rpm
Design of Guideways and Power Screws 285

f = number of loading cycles during one revolution of the screw; it may be taken as half the
number of balls accommodated in a single thread
The limiting pulling force due to cyclic loading is determined as
Q 100 Z t db
QCL = =
k k
where Q
3. Design for Stiffness
axial force increment to the axial displacement increment, i.e.,
The axial displacement of the nut with respect to the screw occurs due to bending and shear deformation
of the threads and due to contact deformation. Assuming that the displacement is predominantly the outcome
of contact deformation, the expression for stiffness can be written as

K = 0.66 ¥ 106Zr db ◊ d 0
where d0 is the initial axial deformation, cm.
If the initial deformation is achieved by preloading with a force PPL, the expression for stiffness is

K = 104 ¥ d ◊ PPL ◊ Z 2r

However, such a straightforward conclusion is slightly misleading. An increase in preloading undoubtedly

value of the preloading force can be approximately determined from the expression,
PPL = 0.3 Qlim
where Qlim
Of course, the overall stiffness of the power screw-nut transmission can be improved by simply increasing
the screw diameter. In the end, it may be pointed out that the methods of applying preloading in anti-friction
power screws are essentially the same as in sliding-friction power screws.

Review Questions
4.1 see
ratio at which the saddle will lift from face A. Assume = 0.5, a = 50°.
The resultant cutting force makes an angle of 40° with the vertical.
100 mm diameter workpiece, the tangential, radial and axial components of the cutting force were
found to be Pz = 300 kgf, Py = 130 kgf and Px = 120 kgf, respectively. The lathe carriage weighs
150 kgf and is 30 cm long. Calculate the slideway width assuming suitable values for h, , YQ, ZQ and
XP see .
286 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control


3 2
ness = 0.02 mm. If the load is supported by six composite slider bearings of same width, determine the
length of each slider.
4.5 Derive the load-capacity expressions for a rectangular, hydrostatic pad bearing fed through capillary,

4.6 A rectangular, hydrostatic pad bearing of pad area 50 ¥ and pocket area 10 ¥ 60 mm2 supports
. Also, determine the length
and diameter of the required capillary restrictor if the l/d ratio of the restrictor = 20.
. Determine the load capacity of the bearing if the minimum

4.8 In a turning operation the cutting force components were Pz = 300 kgf, Py = 130 kgf, Px= 120 kgf. If the
carriage weighs 150 kgf, determine the pulling force for conventional slideways and ball recirculating

diameter of balls is 10 mm. Assume suitable data which is not given.

4.9 Calculate the average pressure, maximum shearing stress and pitch error in the lead screw of a lathe.

Screw material Structural steel

Outer diameter 70 mm
Pitch 10 mm
Effective diameter 65 mm
Length of nut 100 mm
Pz 150 kgf
Py 50 kgf
Px 45 kgf
Weight of the carriage 50 kgf

The lead screw has standard, single-start acme thread.

Design of Guideways and Power Screws 287

ball diameter = 10 mm and total number of balls = 120. Both the screw and nut are made of steel.
Determine the load on a single ball and the maximum pulling forces under static and dynamic loading.
The screw rotates at an average of 40 rpm and must have a guaranteed service life of 10000 h before
the balls can be changed. Data not given may be suitably assumed.

1. Sparks, CA, Design and Development of Machine Tools,
J Inst. of Prod.
Stanki I Instrument, 1964,
No. 6.
4. Steinberg CA, et al., Mashinostroenie Publishers, Moscow, 1969.
Stanki I Instrument,
1966, No. 10.
Design of Machine Tools, Mashinostroenie Publishers, Moscow 1977, p. 221.


Functions The spindle unit of a machine tool performs the following important functions:
1. Centreing the workpiece, e.g., in lathes, turrets, boring machines, etc., or the cutting tool, as in drilling
and milling machines.
2. Clamping the workpiece or cutting tool, as the case may be, such that the workpiece or cutting tool is
reliably held in position during the machining operation.
3. Imparting rotary motion (e.g., in lathes) or rotary cum translatory motion (e.g., in drilling machines)
to the cutting tool or workpiece.

determine the important design requirements to spindle units which are listed below.
1. The spindle should rotate with a high degree of accuracy. The accuracy of rotation is determined
by the radial and axial run out of the spindle nose, and these must not exceed certain permissible

the front end.

2. The spindle unit must have high static stiffness. The stiffness of the unit is made up of the stiffness of

as well as torsional stiffness.

3. The spindle unit must have high dynamic stiffness and damping. Poor dynamic stability of the spindle
unit adversely affects the dynamic behaviour of the machine tool as a whole, resulting in poor surface

4. The mating surfaces that are liable to wear restrict the life of the spindle unit. These surfaces, such as
journals, quills (in drilling machines), etc., must be hardened to improve their wear resistance. The
spindle bearings must also be selected or designed to retain the initial accuracy during the service life
of the machine tool.
5. The deformation of the spindle due to heat transmitted to it by the bearings, cutting tool, work piece,
etc., should not be large, as this has an adverse effect on the machining accuracy. In case of spindles
running at high rotational speeds, particular care should be taken in selecting or designing the front
bearing as it is the major source of heat transmitted to the spindle.

cutting tool or workpiece. The centreing is achieved by means of an external or internal taper at the
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 289

front end of the spindle. The spindle ends, including the taper have been standardised for the common
groups of machine tools and are shown in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Spindle ends

S. No. Figure Application Remark

7°7¢ 30¢¢
External taper 7°7¢30¢¢ is used
only in heavy-duty machine tools
Lathes, turrets, single spindle for centreing chuck or face plate.
1. automatic and semi-automatic Generally, chucks or face plates
lathes, etc. are centred by a cylindrical

Steep taper 7 : 24 is necessary so

that the milling arbor and cutter
2. Milling machines once located and clamped should
be able to hold their position
under the pulsating milling force.

Taper 7:24

Morse tapers come in 8 sizes

angle varies between 1°25¢27≤ and

3. Drilling and boring machines 1°30¢26≤. Small taper is essential
as rotation is transmitted from
Morse taper the spindle to the drill shank by

In grinding machines, the con-

centricity of location is extremely
important. Therefore, the grinding
4. Grinding machines
wheel is mounted on an adaptor

Taper 1:3 taper.


The blank for a machine tool spindle may be
1. rolled stock in the case of spindles having diameter < 150 mm, and
290 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

2. casting (preferably obtained by centrifugal casting method) in the case of spindles having diameter >
150 mm.
It should be borne in mind that if the spindle blank is cut from rolled stock, the cutting must be done by a
cutting tool (shears, rotary saw, parting tool, etc.) to avoid additional distortions of the material microstruc-
In machine tool spindle design, the critical design parameter is not strength but stiffness. If we compare

although the strength of alloyed steels can be considerably greater than that of mild steel. Since stiffness (the
main design parameter) is primarily determined by the modulus of elasticity of the material, it may be con-

In the light of the preceding discussion and the requirements laid down in Sec. 5.1, the following recom-
mendations for selecting the spindle material may be formulated
1. for normal accuracy spindles, plain carbon steels C45 and C59 (AiSi C1045 and C1050) hardened and
tempered to RC = 30.
2. for above normal accuracy spindles—low alloy steel 40 Cr 1 Mn 60 Si 27 Ni25 (AiSi 5140) induction
hardened to RC =
Cr 1 Mn 60 Si 27 Ni 25 (AiSi 5147) is used with hardening to
RC = 55–60.
3. for spindles of precision machine tools, particularly those with sliding bearings—low alloyed steel
20 Cr 1 Mn 60 Si 27 Ni 25 (AiSi 5120) case hardened to RC = 56–60 or 38 Cr 1 A1 90 Mn 45 Si 27
Ni 25 Mo 20 (EN 41) nitrided to RC = 63–68, and
4. for hollow, heavy-duty spindles—grey cast iron or, spheroidal graphite iron.


Consider a uniform shaft being machined between centres on a B≤
lathe (Fig. 5.1). Let KA be the stiffness of centre A and KB that of C≤
centre B. Due to radial component Py of the cutting force, centre A¢
A will be displaced by a distance C¢ B¢
yA = (5.1)
and centre B by
yB = (5.2) x
Here PA and PB are the forces of reaction at ends A and B,
Fig. 5.1 Schematic diagram of a simple
respectively. They can be determined from the following turning operation
equations of static equilibrium:
1. Moment of Forces about Point B = 0, i.e.,
PA l = Py (l – x)
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 291

Ê xˆ
PA = Py Á1- ˜ (5.3)
Ë l¯
2. Moment of Forces about Point A = 0, i.e.,
PB ◊ l = Py ◊ x
PB = Py (5.4)
Substituting the values of PA and PB in Eqs (5.1) and (5.2), respectively, we obtain

Ê xˆ 1
yA = Py Á1 - ˜ (5.5)
Ë l ¯ KA
x 1
yB = Py ◊ (5.6)
l KB
Owing to the compliance of centres A and B, the workpiece occupies position A¢ B¢¢ (assuming KA > KB)
and its displacement at the cutting point can be found as
yx = yA + C¢C¢¢
from similar triangles A¢C ¢C ¢¢ and A¢B¢B¢¢, we have
C ¢C ¢¢ x
B ¢B ¢¢ l
B¢B¢¢ = yB – yA
C ¢C¢¢ = (yB – yA)
yx = yA + (yB – yA) (5.7)
Substituting the values of yA and yB from Eqs (5.5) and (5.6), Eq. (5.7) yields

ÈÊ xˆ 1 x Ïx 1 Ê x ˆ 1 ¸˘
yx = Py ÍÁ1 - ˜ ◊ + Ì ◊ - Á1 - ˜ ˝˙
ÍÎË l ¯ K A l Ó l KB Ë l ¯ K A ˛˙˚

Py È Ê xˆ
Ê xˆ ˘
or yx = Í K B Á1 - ˜ + K A Á ˜ ˙ (5.8)
K A ◊ KB Î Ë l¯ Ël¯ ˚

If it is assumed that KA /KB = a,

Py ÈÊ xˆ
Ê xˆ ˘
yx = ÍÁ1 - ˜ + a Á ˜ ˙ (5.9)
K A ÎË l¯ Ël¯ ˚
292 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

wherefrom, keeping in mind that Py/KA = yA max, we get

2 2
yx Ê xˆ Ê xˆ
= Á1 - ˜ + a Á ˜ (5.10)
y A max Ë l¯ Ël¯

The variation of yx/yAmax plotted as a function of x/l for different values of a is depicted in Fig. 5.2. From
the curves it may be concluded that
1. when a < 1, i.e., stiffness of the headstock centre is less than the stiffness of the tailstock centre,
maximum displacement of the workpiece occurs at the headstock; and
2. when a > 1, i.e., the stiffness of the tailstock centre is less than that of the headstock, maximum
displacement of the workpiece occurs at the tailstock.
yx /yAmax




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 I

Fig. 5.2 Variation of yx /yAmax as a function of x/l

and minimum displacements of the workpiece axis. As already stated, maximum displacement occurs at the
headstock or tailstock depending upon the value of
yx/Py is minimum. Therefore, the location of the point of

d Ê yx ˆ
dx ÁË Py ˜¯
From Eq. (5.9),
d Ê yx ˆ 1 Ê 2x 2 ˆ 1 2x
= - ˜+
dx ÁË Py ˜¯ K A ÁË l 2 l ¯ KB l2
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 293

which, upon equating to zero yields

KB ◊ l
x0 = (5.11)
K A + KB

d 2 Ê yx ˆ 2Ê 1 1 ˆ
= Á + ˜ >0
dx 2 ÁË Py ˜¯ l 2 Ë K A K B ¯

Substituting the value of x0 in Eq. (5.10), we obtain

Ê KB ˆ ˘
ymin = ÍÁ1 - ˜ +aÁ ˜ ˙ y A max
ÍÎË K A + KB ¯ Ë K A + K B ¯ ˙˚
or ymin = y A max (5.12)
For a < 1: The maximum displacement occurs at the headstock centre, i.e., ymax = yAmax. Therefore,
ymax – ymin = yA max – ◊ y A max
ymax - ymin 1
= (5.13)
y A max 1+a

For a > 1: The maximum displacement occurs at the tailstock centre, i.e., ymax = yBmax. Therefore,
ymax – ymin = yB max – ◊ yA max = yA max È yB max - a ˘
1+a Íy ˙
Î A max 1 + a ˚
as yB max /yA max = KA/KB = a, we get
ymax - ymin a2
= (5.14)
y A max 1+a

(5.13) for a < 1 and by Eq. (5.14) for a > 1. The relationships rep-
resented by Eqs (5.13) and (5.14) have been plotted as functions of 3 ymax = yB(a >1)
ymax – ymin /yAmax

a and shown in Fig. 5.3. The dotted portions of the curve represent
the range in which the curves are not valid.
It is evident from Fig. 5.3 that the difference ymax – ymin is 2
minimum at a = 1 and is equal to half the headstock centre
displacement, i.e., 1
y ymax = yA(a < 1)
(ymax – ymin)min = A max (5.15)
2 0 a
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
achieved when the stiffness of headstock and tailstock centre are y max - y min
Fig. 5.3 Variation of as a
equal. y A max
function of a
294 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

If the stiffness of the saddle is given by Ks, the displacement of the cutting edge due to saddle compliance
can be found as
ys =

The total compliance of the machine tool can be found as the sum of compliances of the workpiece and
saddle, i.e.,
y y y
Cmt = mt = s + x
Py Py Py
2 2
1 1 Ê xˆ 1 Ê xˆ
or Cmt = + Á1 - ˜¯ + Á ˜ (5.16)
Ks K A Ë l KB Ë l ¯

the machine tool compliance as expressed through Eq. (5.16). The representative total compliance values for
some machine tools are given in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 Values of compliance Cmt for different machine tools

S. No. Machine tool Description Compliance

1. Lathe, workpiece clamped between centres Height of centres 200 mm 0.75
Height of centres 300 mm 0.52
Height of centres 400 mm 0.38

2. Lathe, workpiece clamped in chuck which is Height of centres 200 mm 1.5

screwed on spindle nose Height of centres 300 mm 1.2

3. Multiple-spindle vertical, semiautomatic lathes Height of centres 400 mm 0.5–0.7

4. Automatic bar lathes Screw type 0.2–0.3

Multiple-spindle type 0.3–0.4

5. Vertical milling machine Drive motor rating = 7 kW 0.4

Table size 320 ¥ 1250 mm

6. Plano-milling machine Table size 4.25 ¥ 1.5 m 0.4

7. Vertical turning and boring mill Table diameter 3 m 0.36

8. Centreless grinding machine 1.00


Figure 5.4 shows the schematic diagram of a spindle. As is evident from the diagram, the spindle represents
a shaft with
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 295

1. supported length l acted upon by driving force P2, and P2 P1

2. cantilever of length c acted upon by external force P1.
The spindle is basically designed for bending stiffness which

l c

ymax £ [y] (5.17) Fig. 5.4 Schematic diagram of a


y1 of the spindle axis due to bending forces P1 and P2, and

y2 of the spindle axis due to compliance of the spindle supports.

y3 of the centre or cutting tool due to compliance of the tapered joint.

5.4.1 Deflection of Spindle Axis due to Bending

diagram. In this context, the following guidelines may be employed with success:
1. If the spindle is supported on a single anti-friction bearing at each end, it may be represented as a
simply supported beam.
2. If the spindle is supported in a sleeve bearing, the supported journal is analysed as a beam on an elastic
foundation; for purposes of the design diagram the sleeve bearing is replaced by a simple hinged
support and a reactive moment Mr acting at the middle of the sleeve bearing.
The reactive moment is given as
P2 P1
Mr = k ◊ M
where M = bending moment at the support,
k k = 0 at small
a b c
loads to k = 0.3–0.35
Consider, for example, the spindle shown schematically in P2 P1
Fig. 5.5a. By replacing the rear ball bearing by a hinge, and Mr
the front sleeve bearing by a hinge and reactive moment Mr,
the spindle can be reduced to the design diagram of Fig. 5.5b. (b)

determined by Macaulay’s method and is found to be

1 È 2 Ê aˆ ˘
y1 = Í p1c (l + c) - 0.5 P2 abc ÁË1 - ˜¯ + M r lc ˙ (5.18) (c)
3EI Î l ˚
Fig. 5.5 (a) Schematic diagram of the
where E = modulus of elasticity of the spindle material
spindle (b) Design diagram of
I = average moment of inertia of the spindle section the spindle (c) Deflected axis of
the spindle
296 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

5.4.2 Deflection of Spindle Axis due to Compliance of Spindle Supports

Let dA and dB represent the displacement of the rear and
front supports, respectively. Owing to the compliance of

- dA O B
sign purposes we are considering the most unfavourable dB C
B¢ y2
case when bearing displacements are oppositely directed). C¢
From similar triangles OCC ¢ and OBB¢,
y2 d
= B Fig. 5.6 Deflection of spindle due to compliance
c+x x
wherefrom, of the supports

y2 = ÊÁ1 +

˜ dB (5.19)
Ë x¯

Again, from similar triangles OAA¢ and OBB¢,

dB d
= A
x l-x
l ◊ dB
x= (5.20)
d A + dB
Substituting this value of x in Eq. (5.19), we get
Ê Cˆ c
y2 = dB Á1 + ˜ + d A (5.21)
Ë l¯ l
It is evident from Eq. (5.21) that displacement dB
y2 of spindle nose than displacement dA of the rear bearing.
Displacements dA and dB can be determined from the following expressions:
dA = (5.22)
dB = B (5.23)
where RA and RB are reactions at supports A and B, respectively, while KA and KB is their respective stiffness.
Reactions RA and RB can be found from the following equilibrium conditions applied to the design dia-
gram of Fig. 5.5b:
1. Moment of All Forces about Point A = 0, i.e.,
SMA = 0 or RB ◊ l – P2 ◊ a + Mr – P1(c + l) = 0
P2 a - M r + P1 (l + c)
RB = (5.24)
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 297

2. Moment of All Forces about Point B = 0, i.e.,

SMB = 0 or RA ◊ l – P2 ◊ b – Mr + P1c = 0
P2 b + M r - P1c
RA = (5.25)
y2 may be written as follows:

P2 a - M r + P1 (l + c) Ê c ˆ P2 b + M r - P1c c
y2 = ÁË1 + ˜¯ + x (5.26)
l ◊ KB l l ◊ KA l

The total deflection of the spindle nose can be

determined as the sum of y1 (Eq. (5.18)) and y2 (Eq.
(5.26)), i.e.,
y = y1 + y2 (5.26a) y

Fig. 5.7.
Fig. 5.7 Total deflection of the spindle axis

5.4.3 Optimum Spacing between Spindle Supports

An important parameter in spindle design is the ratio l = l/c. The y1 y2,y
optimum value of this ratio is the one that ensures minimum total
y; it can be determined from the condition dy/dl = 0.
The qualitative variations of y1, y2 and y1 + y2, for constant
values of forces P1 and P2 are depicted in Fig. 5.8 as functions of y=y1 ,+y2
ratio l/c.
The point of minimum of the y1 + y2 curve yields the optimum
value of ratio l/c which generally lies between 3 and 5. The value y1
of lopt depends upon
1. ratio
a= y2
of the stiffness of the front and rear bearings, and
2. factor
F= B c
Kc It Fig. 5.8 Effect of l/c ratio on y1, y2 and
3EI c y1 + y2
where Kc = 3 = bending stiffness of the cantilever,
Ic = average moment of inertia of the spindle over the cantilever length, and
Il = average moment of inertia of the spindle over the supported length.
298 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The variation of l opt as a function of F is depicted in Fig. 5.9 l

for a = 1 and a = 10.
When the spindle is mounted on anti-friction bearings, an ad- 3
ditional check is necessary to ensure that the constraint lopt ≥ l min
= 2.5 is not violated because for l < 2.5 the bearing play leads to a =10
considerable radial run out of the spindle nose.
a =1
An opposite constraint on maximum span stems from the re-
quirement that for normal functioning of the spindle driving gear,
the stiffness of the span should not be less than 25–50 kgf/micron.
This constraint is expressed through the following relationship: 0 F
0 1 2 3
Dl4/3 Fig. 5.9 Effect of spindle and supports
l£ 1/3
k stiffness on lopt
where Dl = average diameter of the supported length of the spindle
k = 0.05 in the case of normal accuracy machine tools and 0.1 for precision machine tools

the span should satisfy the condition,

y lmax £ 10–4l (5.28)
and the maximum span length lmax should be limited by the above constraint. This constraint is based upon

of the bearing gap.

5.4.4 Deflection due to Compliance of the Tapered Joint

The spindle ends of most machine tools have a tapered hole for accommodating a centre (as in lathes) or
from the spindle axis (Fig. 5.10), where a force P is acting, may be represented as1
y3 = d + qd (5.29)


t d

Fig. 5.10 Schematic diagram of a tapered joint

Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 299

where d = displacement of the shank or centre at the edge of taper due to contact compliance and
q = angle of slope of the shank or centre at the edge of the taper
If the manufacturing errors of the taper are ignored, d and q can be determined from the following
4 Db C1
d= (bdC2 + C3) micron (5.30)
4 Pb 2 C1
q= (2bdC4 + C2) (5.31)
In these expressions,
C1 = C1 = 0.03–0.06, while for the 7 : 24 taper
C1 = 0.02 micron cm2/kgf
C2, C3, C4
tapers C2 = C3 = C4 = 1, while for the 7 : 24 taper C2 = C3 = 1.35 and C4 = 1
Ê 1 ˆ
b= cm–1
ÁË 2.3C D 4 ˜¯
D and d are expressed in cm
Generally, displacement d due to contact compliance can be ignored in comparison with the displacement
due to bending of the shank or centre. The expression for y3 can then be written as

4 Pb 2 C1
y3 = (2bdC4 + C2)d micron (5.32)
If it is assumed that 2bdC4 is much greater than C2 (which is true), the
for y3 is obtained:
Pd 2 3
y3 = 2.55 b C1C4 micron (5.33)

Keeping in mind the expression for b and substituting C4 = 1 and C1 = 0.02 micron◊cm2/kgf, the expres-
sion for displacement of a shank or centre mounted in a 7 : 24 taper can be written as follows:
Pd 2
y3 = micron (5.34)
Consequently, the stiffness of the 7 : 24 taper can be written as
P 2 D 4 kgf
K7 : 24 = = 2 (5.35)
y3 d micron
As the d/D ratio increases, the stiffness of the tapered joint decreases.
Equation (5.34) has been derived on the assumption that manufacturing errors of the taper are negligible.
As a matter of fact, any difference in the taper angle of the hole and shank severely affects the stiffness of
the tapered joint. A difference of 30–40¢ in taper angles can easily reduce the stiffness of a 7 : 24 taper by
10–15 times. The difference in taper angles should normally not exceed 1¢ and the shank should have the
larger taper angle.
300 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

raised by applying an axial tightening force on the centre or shank. The tightening force should be such as to
produce a pressure of p = 15–25 kgf/cm2 on the tapered surfaces. The required magnitude of the tightening
force can be determined from the expression,
P0 = p ◊ p(D – t tan a) ◊ t tan (a + r) (5.36)
where r = angle of friction, generally r = 12–14°
D and t are expressed in cm
In large machine tools mechanical tightening devices must be employed to

2. ensure that the larger tightening force is not transmitted to the thrust bearings of the spindle.
The principle of operation of such a device may be explained with the help of Fig. 5.11.2 The device con-
sists of bolt 2 screwed into tapered shank 1, spring-loaded levers 3, pulling rod 4, strong spring-loaded heli-
cal spring 5 and hydraulic cylinder 6 (Fig. 5.11a). When the hydraulic cylinder applies pressure, spring 5 is
compressed, rod 4 occupies the lowered position and levers 3 are tilted inwards due to the pressure of spring
7 (Fig. 5.11b). The cutting tool (e.g., face milling cutter) assembled on the adaptor with a tapered shank is

of springs 7 and open the levers, which engulf the bolt head. The shank now hangs freely, supported by the
For tightening the shank, the pressure of the hydraulic cylinder is released. Consequently, spring 5 begins
to expand; pulling rod 4 upwards. The tapered shank is also pulled upwards and tightened inside the tapered
hole. This position is shown in Fig. 5.11c.


(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 5.11 Schematic diagram of a quick acting mechanical tightening device

Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 301

For unloosening the shank, rod 3 is pushed downwards by means of the hydraulic cylinder. In their down-
ward movement the levers push at the face of the tapered shank and unloosen it. The downward movement
of rod 3 is stopped immediately as the shank becomes free. The shank along with the cutting tool now again
hangs freely, supported only by spring-loaded levers. It can be easily removed from the spindle by a slight
downward pull of the hand.
This mechanised device not only serves the two functions listed above but has the added advantage of be-

in numerically controlled milling machines with automatic tool change provision. In some designs, a collet is
used instead of spring-loaded levers and a packet of leaf springs in place of spring 5.

Permissible Deflection and Design for Stiffness:

5.4.5 Additional Check for Strength
y1, y2 and y3 from Eqs (5.18), (5.26) from (5.32), respectively, the

y] depends upon the

machining accuracy required of the machine tool being designed. In general, it should be less than one-third
of the maximum permissible tolerance on radial run out of the spindle nose.
Machining accuracy depends not only upon the radial stiffness of the spindle, but also upon its axial and
torsional stiffness.
The axial displacement of the spindle unit consists of the axial deformation of the spindle plus the defor-
mation of the spindle thrust bearings. For a majority of machine tools, the latter component is predominant.
Therefore, the axial run out of the spindle can be kept within reasonable limits only by a proper selection of
the thrust bearings.

removal operations, such as gear and thread cutting in which the feed and primary cutting motions are ki-
nematically linked. The torsional deformation of the spindle unit consists of the deformation of the spindle

design calculations.
As stated earlier in Sec. 5.4, spindles are designed for stiffness, primarily radial. However, in heavily
loaded spindles the stiffness design must be substantiated by a strength check against fatigue failure. The
strength check requires that
n ≥ nmin (5.37)
where n = factor of safety against fatigue failure
nmin = minimum value of safety factor, generally equal to 1.3 to 1.5
For spindles subjected to combined bending and torsion, the factor of safety n is calculated from the ex-
(1 - a 4 )d e3s -1
n = (5.38)
10 (aM b ) 2 + (bM t ) 2

where a = di /de = ratio of the internal diameter to the external; de is in cm

s–1 = endurance limit of the spindle material, kgf/cm2
302 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Mb = mean value of the bending moment acting on the spindle, kgf ◊ cm

Mt = mean value of the torque acting on the spindle, kgf ◊ cm
a can be determined from the following expression:
a = K s (1 + C) (5.39)
where Ks Ks = 1.7–2
C = Mba /Mb = ratio of amplitude of the bending moment to its average value
b can be calculated from the following formula:
s -1
b = + Kt Ct (5.40)

where sy = yield stress of the spindle material, kgf/cm2

kt = Kt = 1.7–2
Ct = Mta /Mt = ratio of amplitude of torque to its average value
The values of C and Ct in Eqs (5.39) and (5.40), respectively depend upon the machining conditions. For

Mba = Mta = 0, and therefore, C = Ct = 0. In simple turning and drilling operations, distinguished by forma-
tion of continuous chips, the characteristic values are C = Ct= 0.1 – 0.2. The variation of bending moment
and torque is greater in intermittent cutting operations such as milling; for such operations C = Ct= 0.3–0.5.
The most important parameter in spindle design is the diameter of the front bearing journal. Typical values
of this diameter are given in Table 5.3.3

Table 5.3 Diameter (in mm) of front bearing journal3

Machine Tool
Power rating kW
Lathe Milling Cylindrical Grinding
1.5–2.5 60–80 50–90 —

2.5–3.5 70–90 60–90 50–60

3.5–5.5 70–105 60–95 55–70

5.5–7.0 95–130 75–100 70–80

7.5–11.0 110–145 90–105 75–90

11.0–14.5 140–165 100–115 75–100

14.5–18.0 150–190 — 90–100

18.0–22.0 220 — 105

22.0–30.0 230 — 105

Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 303

1. Additional Supports The radial stiffness of a spindle can be improved by supporting it at more than
two points. If an intermediate support is provided, the spindle constraints change from free supports to
clamped supports, thereby increasing its stiffness. However, in multiple bearing spindles the support journals
should be machined in one setting, as otherwise skewing and jamming of the spindle can occur due to large
2. Location of Bearings and Drive Elements The bearings should be located as near as possible to the

between the spindle nose and the point where the drive element transmits torque is subjected to bending and
torsion. It is, therefore, desirable that the drive element transmitting maximum torque to the spindle should
be located as near as possible to the front bearing.
3. Balancing The satisfactory performance of high-speed spindles is possible only if the spindle unit (after
mounting the gears, clutches, etc.) is dynamically balanced before assembly in the spindle head or headstock.
For general-purpose machine tools the permissible value of disbalance is 25 g ◊ cm at 2000 rpm.


compliance of the front and rear spindle supports. The rotational accuracy, which is one of the basic func-

operating conditions of spindles, anti-friction, hydrodynamic, hydrostatic, and lately, air-lubricated bearings
are used as spindle supports in different machine tools. Irrespective of the type of bearing, the common re-

1. guiding accuracy,
2. ability to perform satisfactorily under various conditions of spindle operation,
3. high stiffness,
4. minimum heating, as this can lead to additional spindle deformation, and
5. vibration stability, which is governed mainly by the damping.
Anti-friction bearings are one of the most widely standardised elements in industry and are manufactured
on a mass scale throughout the world. The distinguishing features of anti-friction bearings as compared to
sliding bearings are:
1. Low frictional moments and heat generation.
2. Low starting resistance.
3. High load capacity per unit width of the bearing.
4. Easy maintenance and less consumption of lubricants.

bearings. Ball bearings are less prone to heating, and therefore, permit larger rotational speeds. They are
also cheaper than roller bearings and less sensitive to small alignment errors. However, roller bearings have
higher load capacity.
304 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

A machine tool spindle experiences both axial and radial loads. These loads can be balanced either by
bearings that take up radial and axial loads separately or by bearings that take up both. In this regard, it should
be recalled that
1. cylindrical roller bearings can take up only radial load,
2. simple radial ball bearings are basically meant for taking up radial loads, but are generally able to
support axial loads too,
3. angular contact ball bearings can take up radial loads as well as relatively large axial loads in one
4. taper roller bearings can take up large radial and axial loads with equal ease,
5. ball thrust bearings are useful for supporting purely axial loads only, their maximum rotational speed
is just about 60% of a radial ball bearing of equal size, and
6. cylindrical roller thrust bearings are not recommended for general use on account of sliding between
rollers and races.
The number of possible combinations of various anti-friction bearings that can be employed in machine
ever, the viability of each combination must be assessed vis-a-vis the following parameters:
1. Radial stiffness of the spindle unit.
2. Axial stiffness of the spindle unit.
3. Radial run out of the spindle.
4. Axial run out of the spindle.
5. Heat generation.
6. Maximum permissible rotational speed, restricted by bearing wear and its heating.
7. Thermal deformation of the spindle.
8. Ease of manufacture and assembly of the spindle unit.
The relative performance and technological indices for eight combinations are given in Table 5.4. 4 It
may be pointed that these combinations are typical of a majority of spindle units in small- and medium-size
machine tools.
Based upon Table 5.4, some important operational features of different types of bearings can be summed
up as under:
1. Use of taper roller bearings considerably increases both radial as well as axial run outs.
2. Use of only cylindrical roller bearings at the front support greatly enhances axial thermal deformation
of the spindle nose.
3. Use of angular contact ball bearings at the front support results in low heat generation. This coupled
with a fairly satisfactory axial stiffness permits high rotational speeds.
It is evident from Table 5.4 that no single combination of bearings is ideal for all performance indices. In

on the functional accuracy of the spindle unit. Table 5.55 contains this information for some of the major
groups of machine tools.
The procedure for bearing selection is not described here and the reader should refer to a standard text on
Machine Design or a manufacturer’s catalogue for this purpose. However, some important features related to
the performance of bearings are discussed as follows.
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 305

Table 5.4 Relative comparison of performance and technological indices of spindle supports

Heat general

S. Sketch Radial Axial Radial Axial Front Common Permissible Axial Ease of
No. stiffness stiffness run out run out bearing rpm thermal manufacture
deformation and

1. 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 A

2. 0.95 0.71 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.6 1.0 3.0 B

3. 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.15 0.75 1.0 A

4. 0.78 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.15 0.75 0.6 A

5. 1.0 2.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.75 0.8 3.0 B

6. 0.93 1.0 2.0 1.5 0.75 0.8 0.6 0.8 A

7. 1.05 1.0 2.0 1.5 1.4 1.4 0.6 0.8 A

8. 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.7 1.2 0.8 C

Notation: A—Very complicated Cylindrical roller bearing Angular contact ball bearing

B—Complicated Taper roller bearing Ball thrust bearing


Table 5.5

S. No. Machine tool Radial Axial Radial Axial Heat Permissible Thermal
stiffness stiffness run out run out generation rpm deformation
1. Lathes

(a) small-sized I I D D D D I

(b) medium-sized D I D D I I I

(c) single spindle D I D D I I D


306 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Table 5.5 Contd.

2. Work head spindle

of universal and
internal grinding

(a) small-sized D U D D U U U

(b) medium-sized D I D D U U U
and heavy-duty

3. Universal milling D D D D I I D

Notation: D—of decisive importance; I—of average importance; U—of relatively minor importance

5.5.1 Preloading of Anti-friction Bearings

as well as the stiffness (compliance) of the spindle supports. The discussion which follows will reveal the

The variation of spindle deformation d due to a radial force P is depicted in Fig. 5.12. If the bearing is
assembled with a clearance, a reversal of the direction of the applied force results in an abrupt change of
deformation (Fig. 5.12a). This is highly undesirable from the point of view of machining accuracy. Bearings
assembled with interference are free of this shortcoming and are distinguished by a smooth d-P curve (Fig
5.12b). It can be seen from Fig. 5.12 that the rate of deformation is initially high but later on decreases and
at large loads becomes virtually constant. This is due to the fact that as the load increases, its distribution
between the rolling members becomes more uniform. Since a larger number of rolling members support the

stiffness of the spindle unit.

d d


(a) (b)

Fig. 5.12 Effect of radial force on spindle deflection when (a) bearing is assembled with a clearance
(b) bearing is assembled with an interference
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 307

Table 5.6 Effect of bearing play on spindle unit stiffness6

S. No. Play of front bearing,

microns spindle nose, microns
bending, microns compliance of
support, microns

1. 15 (clearance) 14 16 30

2. – 5 (interference) 13 6 19

3. – 15 (interference) 11 5 16

It is evident from Table 5.6 that the assembly of a bearing with a small interference sharply reduces sup-

not so perceptibly. The reason for such behaviour is that as the interference increases, the end constraints
change from a simply supported beam to those of a clamped beam. This is equivalent to providing an addi-

A glance at Table 5.6 revels that increase of interference
from 5 to 15 microns barely yields a 1-micron reduction of
. However, a large inter-
ference is accompanied by excessive heating and also reduces
the bearing life on account of large contact deformation. Ob-
viously, optimum interference is one which precludes clear-
ance but does not result in excessive heating of the bearing.
Interference in the assembly of rolling elements is achieved by
preloading them.
Preloading of a bearing involves relative axial displacement
of the inner and outer races by a small amount (Fig. 5.13). The
methods of applying preloading in radial and angular contact
ball bearings that are generally mounted in pairs are shown in
Fig. 5.14. A constant preloading is achieved either by grinding Fig. 5.13 Schematic diagram depicting
off the faces of the inner races (Fig. 5.14a) or by inserting spac- preloading by relative axial
ing rings of different widths between the inner and outer races displacement of the bearing
(Fig. 5.14b). If the bearing rotates at high rpm, the initial pre- races
load has a tendency to weaken. In such cases, especially when
bearings are small, the preloading can be applied by means of springs which ensure a constant preload that
can be accurately adjusted (Fig. 5.14c). This method is adopted in precision bearings.
308 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

a a

a a

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5.14 Methods of preloading ball bearings

Cylindrical double roller bearings are generally mounted on tapered journals. The preloading is obtained
through axial displacement of the inner ring with an adjusting nut (Fig. 5.15). The utility of this arrangement
can be considerably improved by using a split nut. As the bearing wears, the preset value of preloading de-
creases. When this occurs, the split nut is removed, slightly ground and mounted again. The initial preloading
is then reinstated by additional axial displacement of the adjusting nut by a distance equal to the ground layer
removed from the split nut. However, this procedure should be discontinued after a few regrindings of the
split nut, because when the bearing wear becomes large, the roller length is partially in contact with the worn
surface of the race way and partially with the unworn surface. This results in excessive heat generation and
non uniform rotation. Axial displacement of the bearing race by the threaded nut does not provide uniform
contact of the face and can result in deformation of the spindle. The non-uniformity of face contact may be
somewhat reduced by inserting a sleeve between the nut and bearing as shown in Fig. 5.15b. The spherical

inner race is seriously impeded by large static friction between the inner race bore and the spindle. It requires
an axial force of 2000–3000 kg to shift the race of a small bearing about 100 mm in diameter. Application of
ness) of the bearing race, resulting in poor rotational accuracy of the spindle. To reduce friction at the time of
adjustment of bearing play, oil is force fed into the interface between the race bore and spindle.

Split nut Sleeve Split nut

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.15 Methods of preloading cylindrical, double roller bearings

Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 309

The oil is supplied by an injector through a small oil hole in the spindle and an annular groove (Fig. 5.16).
In this way, the required axial force for bearing adjustment can be reduced ten-fold. After completing the

Annular Oil hole



Fig. 5.16 Schematic diagram describing the oiling arrangement to reduce friction at the bearing-spindle
interface during bearing play adjustment

Taper roller bearings are preloaded by the methods shown in Fig. 5.17. In the method shown in Fig. 5.17a,
the inner and outer races are axially displaced with the help of nuts. This method is applied only in non-
precision bearings because the axes of inner and outer races get skewed. In the Gamet bearing arrangement
(Fig. 5.17b), the outer race is axially displaced by means of springs, whereas in the Timken bearing (Fig.
5.17c), this is achieved by supplying oil or air under controlled pressure.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5.17 Methods of preloading taper roller bearings

310 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control


by using needle roller bearings. However, wide application of needle bearings in machine tool spindles is

an eccentric load. When there is a constraint of space, generally sliding bearings are preferred. Sliding bear-
ings are used when
1. rotational speeds are so high that anti-friction bearings become uneconomical due to their short service
2. accuracy of spindle rotation is required to be very high, and
3. the bearings are subjected to shocks and vibrations; the inherent damping of sliding bearings is

Sliding bearing is a general term that covers all bearings that do not use rollers or balls. These bearings
operate under conditions of sliding friction between the bearing bore and spindle journal, which are separated

to-metal contact; friction conditions at the interface of mating surfaces are of semi-liquid type and
these bearings are known as sleeve bearings,

or hydrostatic journal bearings.

The Hersi–Shtribek diagram shown in Fig. 5.18 depicts f
f as a function of
the quantity
where m = absolute viscosity of the lubricant 3
w = angular velocity of rotation of the journal
p = average pressure per unit area of the support- fmin
ing surface mw
l= p
l1 l2 l3
At very low rotational speed when l < l 1, the lu-
bricant film is extremely thin—of the order of 0.1 Fig. 5.18 Hersi-Shtribek diagram

not change with l. This region which lies to the left of point

For higher values of l lying between l1 and l2, the friction conditions are of semi-liquid type and the
l > l2, liquid friction
conditions prevail and they represent the operating conditions of hydrodynamic bearings.
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 311

The sketch of a sliding journal bearing is shown in Fig. 5.19. Diameter d of the journal is always less than
diameter D of the bearing. At zero rotational speed, the journal rests on the bearing and metal-to-metal con-
tact takes place at point A (Fig. 5.19a). As the journal begins to rotate in the anti-clockwise direction, it tends
to roll up the bearing surface due to the friction force and moves to a position B
consists of two parts—a converging wedge above line BE and a diverging wedge below it. Owing to the hy-
drodynamic effect a positive pressure builds up in the converging wedge. This hydrodynamic force increases
with increase of rotational speed and overcomes the frictional force. As a result, the point of contact moves
to point C (Fig. 5.19c). As long as l < l2, the metal-to-metal contact at point C persists. However, when the
rotational speed is such that l > l 2, the hydrodynamic force becomes large enough to lift the journal and a
D (Fig. 5.19d).


x x


e B

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 5.19 Schematic diagram describing the working principle of a sliding journal bearing

bearings have less friction than a full journal bearing, but can be used only where the load always acts in one

+ + +
+ +

120° 120°
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5.20 Types of sliding journal bearings: (a) Full (b) 120° partial (c) 120° fitted

5.6.1 Sleeve Bearings

Sleeve bearings are designed for wear resistance. The design conditions are
p= £ [p] (5.41)
d ◊l
312 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

pv £ [pv] (5.42)
where p = bearing pressure
P = load on the journal
d = diameter of the journal
l = length of the bearing
v = peripheral speed
[p] = permissible value of bearing pressure
[pv] = permissible value of the product of bearing pressure and peripheral speed
The permissible values of [p] and [pv] vary in a wide range depending upon factors such as bearing ma-
terial, sliding velocity, cooling and lubrication conditions, etc. These are given for some important sliding
bearing materials in Table 5.7.

Table 5.7 Permissible values of [p] and [pv] for some bearing materials

S. No. Material v, m/s [p], kgf/cm2 [pv] kgf, m/cm2 ◊ s

1. Grey iron 0.5 40

1.0 20

2.0 1.0

2. Anti-friction cast iron 0.2 90 18

2.0 0.5 1.0

3. 1.0 120 120

5.0 5.0 25

4. Bronze 3 50 100

5. Aluminium bronze 4 150 150

6. Tin bronze 10 150 150

7. Graphite bronze (20–25% porosity) 0.2 60

0.4 10

8. White metal 12 250 300

9. Aluminium alloy 12 250 300

10. Zinc alloy 10 120 120

The selection of the sliding bearing material is based upon the following considerations:
1. High wear resistance.
2. High fatigue strength.
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 313

3. High compressive strength.

4. High thermal conductivity.
5. High conformability to accommodate spindle deformations and reduce edge pressures.
6. High corrosion resistance.
7. Low modulus of elasticity.
Typical values of p and v that occur in machine tool spindle units and the recommended sliding bearing
materials are given in Table 5.8.
A sliding bearing made from anti-friction cast iron has poor conformability, therefore, the spindle should
have high stiffness to avoid large pressures. Copper alloy compositions are used in the form of bimetallic
sleeves. A layer of approximately 1.0 mm thickness is deposited on a steel or cast iron sleeve by the centrifu-
gal casting method. Porous graphite bronze bearings are employed at low sliding speeds under conditions of
variable loading. Aluminium alloy is employed as a replacement for white metal and zinc alloy for babbits.

Table 5.8 Recommended compositions of sliding bearing materials

S. No. v, m/s p, kgf/m2 pv, kgf, m/cm2 ◊ s Recommended material

< <
1. 2 10 20 Anti-friction cast iron

2. 2.5 8–16 20–40 Zinc alloy (84.5–86.5% Zn,

9–11% Al, 4.5–5.5% Cu)

3. 5 8–12 40–60 Aluminium alloy (88–91% Al,

7.5–9.5% Cu, 1.5–2.5% Si)

4. (a) 5 12–16 60–80 Bronze (86% Cu, 6% Sn, 6%

Zn, 3% Pb)

(b) 5 12–16 60–80 Aluminium bronze (87% Cu,

9% Al, 4% Fe)

5. 10 8–10 80–100 White metal (68.5–71.5% Cu,

27.5–31.5% Pb)

6. 10 10–12 100–120 Tin bronze (89.5% Cu, 10%

Sn, 0.5%, Pb)

5.6.2 Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings

As already stated in Sec. 5.6.1, a sleeve bearing begins to operate as a hydrodynamic bearing when 2.
The angular velocity at which the transformation from semi-liquid friction to liquid friction occurs is given
by the expression,
p ◊ y 2 –1
w2 = ,s (5.43)
m ◊ S0
314 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

where p = average bearing pressure, kgf/m2

y= = relative diameteral clearance
m = absolute viscosity of lubricant, kgf ◊ s/m2
S0 = critical value of Sommerfeld number
Obviously, when w > w2, the conditions are those of liquid friction, whereas when w < w2, the conditions
are of semi-liquid type. The values of S0 are given in Table 5.9.
The theory of hydrodynamic lubrication has been successfully developed to yield design expressions for

parameters that must be determined are discussed below.

1. Length to Diameter (l/d) Ratio The optimum value of l/d ratio that is often recommended is l. A larger
l/d ratio can be taken when the rigidity and alignment conditions are favourable and cooling of the system is

Table 5.9 Critical values of the Sommerfeld number S0

Journal diameter d in mm
30 40 50 60 70 80 100 150 200
y = 0.001
0.6 0.28 0.35 0.42 0.53 0.65 0.8 1.0 2.0 3.0

0.8 0.44 0.54 0.64 0.80 0.95 1.2 1.5 2.7 4.0

1.0 0.58 0.72 0.85 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.9 3.3 4.5

1.2 0.70 0.80 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.7 2.2 3.7 5.0

y = 0.002
0.6 0.42 0.53 0.65 0.8 1.0 1.4 2.0 3.0 5.0

0.8 0.64 0.80 0.95 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.7 4.0 6.0

1.0 0.85 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.4 3.3 4.5 7.0

1.2 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.7 2.2 2.6 3.7 5.0 8.0

y = 0.003
0.6 0.65 0.8 1.0 1.4 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

0.8 0.96 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.7 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0

1.0 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.4 3.3 4.5 6.0 7.0 9.0

1.2 1.4 1.7 2.2 2.6 3.7 5.0 6.5 8.0 10.0
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 315

not a problem. A value of l/d

While selecting the l/d ratio, it should generally be borne in mind that a larger l/d ratio provides for a

Also, a bearing with a large l/d ratio is more susceptible to the metal-to-metal contact between the bearing
and journal surfaces.
2. Bearing Clearance
nal and bearing. This clearance, also known as critical clearance, can be found from the expression,
D - d yd
hcr = Rzb + Rzj + y0 = = (5.44)
2 2
where Rzb = height of micro irregularities on the bearing surface
Rzj = height of micro irregularities on the journal surface
y0 =
In design practise, the following approximate expression, which provides for a certain margin of safety,
can be used.
hcr = 2(Rzb + R zj) (5.45)

rate of the lubricant and hence brings down the operating temperature. The following values of y can be used
as a guide for preliminary selection for different bearing materials (Table 5.10).
In general, the greater the l/d ratio and w, and the lower the pressure p, the higher should be the bearing
clearance. The following two empirical relationships may be used for approximate calculation of the y value:

Table 5.10 Recommended value of y different bearing materials

Bearing materials y = (D – d) / d
Tin base babbit 0.0005

Cadmium silver 0.0008

Copper-lead 0.001

Silver-lead-indium 0.001

Aluminium 0.001
316 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

y = 0.001 + (5.45)
y = 0.8 ¥ 10–3v0.25 (5.46)
where v is the peripheral speed in m/s
d is the journal diameter in mm
The recommended values of diametral clearance D – d for various machine tools are given below:

High precision machines 0.004–0.010 mm

Grinding machines 0.010–0.015 mm

Normal accuracy lathes 0.015–0.025 mm

Automatic and production lathes 0.020–0.025 mm

Normal accuracy milling and drilling machines 0.02–0.03 mm

3. Viscosity of Lubricant After having found y, the required viscosity of the lubricant that ensures hydro-
dynamic lubrication can be determined from the expression,
py 2
m ≥ kgf ◊ s/m2 (5.47)
w S0
where S0 represents the critical Sommerfeld number. It is not desirable to select a lubricant with a viscosity
much greater than the minimum essential, because this leads to increase of frictional losses in the bearing.
4. The load capacity of a hydrodynamic bearing is given by the
P = ◊ l ◊ d ◊ CL (5.48)
here l and d are in m, and CL l/d ratio and
the eccentricity ratio e,
e= (5.49)
D - d dy
c= =
2 2
is known as the radial clearance.
CL is related to the Sommerfeld number S by the expression CL = 1/2pS. For different
values of d/l and e, CL can be determined from Table 5.11.
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 317

Table 5.11 L for hydrodynamic journal bearings

0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.975
360° Full bearing
0.25 0.0559 0.0887 0.1472 0.2697 0.5981 2.08 15.758

0.5 0.2023 0.3121 0.4972 0.8563 1.716 4.935 26.134

0.75 0.3905 0.5969 0.911 1.4846 2.7435 6.9167 —

1.00 0.6121 0.8896 1.315 2.0394 3.6171 8.272 33.576

1.25 0.8161 1.1617 1.6753 2.5182 4.1882 9.1468 —

1.5 1.0009 1.4011 1.9648 2.8754 4.6400 9.830 —

180° Partial bearing

0.5 0.209 0.317 0.655 0.819 1.572 4.261 25.62

0.7 0.361 0.538 0.816 1.312 2.399 6.029 31.88

1.00 0.589 0.853 1.263 1.929 3.372 7.772 37.00

1.20 0.723 1.033 1.489 2.247 3.787 8.533 39.04

1.5 0.891 1.248 1.763 2.60 4.266 9.304 41.07

120° Partial bearing

0.5 0.188 0.261 0.462 0.826 1.676 4.717 29.33

0.70 0.299 0.441 0.709 1.221 2.365 6.213 34.30

1.00 0.436 0.633 0.992 1.644 3.042 7.508 38.08

1.20 0.506 0.722 1.126 1.838 3.335 8.075 39.58

1.5 0.583 0.831 1.271 2.041 3.667 8.618 41.06

After having determined the l/d ratio, y and m, the designer will be faced with one of the two design prob-
lems which are discussed as follows.
Design Problem 1 The load on the bearing is known and it is required to check whether the bearing having
the l/d, y and m values as found above, will perform satisfactorily.
CL is determined from Eq. (5.48). Then for the known l/d ratio, the ec-
centricity ratio e is determined from Table 5.11. Now, knowing and radial clearance c
thickness is determined from the expression,
hmin = c(1 – e) (5.50)
318 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

If hmin > hcr, the bearing operates under liquid-friction conditions and the design may be accepted.
If, however, hmin < hcr, then corrective measures must be taken. These may be
1. reducing hcr
2. increasing hmin either by increasing c or by increasing the l/d ratio as this yields a smaller value of e.
Design Problem 2
having l/d, y and m values as found above will be able to take the operating load.
The recommended values of hmin for different conditions are given in Table 5.12. These values satisfy the
condition hmin > hcr.

Table 5.12 Recommended value of hmin for different conditions

S. No. Operating condition hmin, mm

1. In order to pass dirt particles and prevent scoring 0.0026

2. Finely bored bronze bearing 0.0026

3. 0.0026
and aircraft engines

4. Babbit bearings running at high speeds 0.02

5. General recommendation 0.0015–0.0002 mm per mm of

the bearing diameter

For the known value of c and the selected value of hmin, the eccentricity ratio is determined from Eq.
(5.50). Next, for the particular values of l/d ratio and , CL is found from Table 5.11.
ing capacity is less than the load acting on it, the former must be improved by taking appropriate corrective
measures, which include
1. reduction of y,

C L,
2. increase of m, i.e., application of a more viscous lubricant,

considerations, and therefore, only l may be increased, thus providing a greater l/d ratio. The l/d ratio

the l/d ratio.

Check for Thermal Equilibrium The rotation of a journal in a hydrodynamic bearing is resisted
by the lubricant. The viscous friction offered by the lubricant results in a frictional force which must be

check for hydrodynamic bearings is

tb £ [tb] (5.51)
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 319

where tb = temperature of the bearing

[tb] = permissible value of bearing temperature; generally [tb] = 60–75°C
The heat is dissipated through the housing, bearing body and journal. If the thermal equilibrium between
heat generated and heat dissipated is established such that the bearing temperature is less than the permissi-
ble, then the design is accepted. However, if the reverse takes place, then either the design parameters should

The heat generated can be determined from the expression,

wd ¸
W = f ◊P◊ kgf ◊ m/s ÔÔ
˝ (5.52)
3600 f ◊ P ◊ w d
= ◊ k cal/h Ô
427 2 Ô˛

where P = load on the bearing

w = rotational speed of the journal

p mw
f = (5.53)
y p

p mw
f= + 0.55 y h (5.54)
y p
l Êdˆ
for short bearing having < 1, h = Á ˜
d Ël¯
for bearings having > 1, h = 1
The heat dissipation through the body and shaft is assumed to be proportional to the free surface area of
the bearing assembly. It is given by the expression,
W1 = kA(tb – ta)kcal/h (5.55)
where k = ◊ h ◊ °C
A = free surface area of the bearing assembly, m2
ta = ambient temperature, °C
tb = bearing temperature, °C
k can be found from the following expression:

k = 6 + 10 v (5.56)
320 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

where v
rotational speed of the journal and has a minimum value of 1 m/s
Generally, k, lies between 25–35 kcal/m2 ◊ h ◊ °C
The free surface area of the bearing assembly depends upon the design and size of the bearing. On an
average, it may be taken equal to 25d2 or 20dl. However, for very simple assemblies, it may reduce to 12dl,
whereas for bearings mounted in high housings it may go up to 40dl. An additional area of (5–8)d2 per
journal should be added to the above to account for heat dissipation through the journal. The lower value of
5d2 is recommended for small bearings (d < 100 mm), while the higher value of 8d 2 is for large bearings
(d > 100 mm).
For thermal equilibrium, Eqs (5.52) and (5.55) are equated and the bearing temperature tb is calculated.
If tb is found to be less than the permissible value, there is no need for forced circulation of the lubricant.
However, if tb exceeds the permissible value, forced lubricant circulation is essential to carry away the extra

W2 = 60CQg (t0 – ti), kcal/h (5.57)
where C ◊ °C
g = density of the lubricant, g/cm3
to = oil temperature after circulation through the bearing, °C
ti = oil temperature when it enters the bearing, °C

is calculated from the following thermal equilibrium equation after substituting t b¢ = [tb] the expression for
W = W1 + W2 (5.58)
ticles more than 2–3 microns in size. The oil is supplied at a pressure of 0.1–0.2 kgf/cm2 which is enough to

Finite Bearing Design considerations have been discussed till now with reference to an idealized

leakage. In an actual bearing, there is always some leakage of the lubricant at the ends. This reduces the load

lubricant must be supplied to compensate the leakage loss. An important question that arises in this context
is where to introduce the lubricant. In Fig. 5.19d, the wedge below line DF is diverging, and therefore,

in this region.

np. l/d
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 321

ratio and e. It is plotted in Fig. 5.21 as a function of pd/l hP hF

e = 0.2
for different values of e. Also plotted on the same dia-
nF). 0.9 0.4 0.95
f can be
0.8 0.6 0.90
determined as
n 0.7
nf = p (5.59) 0.8 0.82
nF 0.6 0.80
Thus the load capacity of a finite hydrodynamic
journal bearing can be expressed as
mw 0.4
P = 2
l ◊ d ◊ CL ◊ nP kgf (5.60) e = 0.6
y 0.3 0.8

bearing to determine the bearing temperature, heat
generated in the lubricant can be determined as follows: 0.1 e = 0.2
wd 0
W = nf ◊ f ◊ P ◊ (5.61) 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 pd
2 l

nP Fig. 5.21 Leakage factors for load and friction

nF have been presented force in 120° partial journal bearings
in Fig. 5.21 only for a 120° partial bearing, these values
can be used with satisfactory approximation for journal bearings having different angles.

Multiple-wedge Bearings The hydrodynamic journal

bearing discussed till now has only one converging wedge and is
called single-wedge bearing. One of the major shortcomings of
these bearings is that the position of the journal inside the bearing
varies with the load and rotational speed. This positional change b
leads to unstable running of the journal, which is impermissible
in spindles of high accuracy and precision machine tools. These
requirements are met in bearings having several converging wedges
which uniformly surround the journal on all sides and ensure that
during rotation the position of the journal changes very little or
not at all. These bearings are known as multiple-wedge bearings.
Figure 5.22 shows a self-adjusting tilting-pad journal bearing in
which the wedges are formed due to tilt of the pads. These bearings
generally have three to eight wedges.
The recommended values and expressions for calculating the Fig. 5.22 Schematic diagram of a
design parameters of multiple-wedge bearings are discussed be- multiple-wedge bearing
1. Ratio of pad length l to journal diameter d
l = 0.75d for grinding machines
l = (0.85–0.9) for high precision lathes and boring machines
322 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

2. Pad width B The pad width should be such that it subtends an angle of b = 50–60° at the centre. It should
generally satisfy the condition
B = (0.6 – 0.8 )l
3. Radial clearance c The minimum clearance between the pad and journal depends upon their surface
Rz = 0.8–1.6 microns), then
For d = 30–50 mm, c = 3–5 micron
For d = 50–100 mm, c = 5–10 micron
For d = 100 mm, c = 10–15 micron
4. Viscosity of lubricant In multiple-wedge journal bearings, low viscosity oils are used. The recommend-
ed kinematic viscosity of the oil is 4–8 cS at 50°C, which corresponds to an absolute viscosity of 4–8 cP. It

because the resultant mixture has poor lubricating properties and gradually becomes more viscous due to

5. Bearing capacity The bearing capacity is calculated approximately, assuming each wedge to be a slider
bearing. The load capacity per wedge of an unloaded bearing is given by the expression,
mn dB 2 ◊ l
P0 = 10–2 ◊ CL2, kgf (5.62)
(2c) 2
where m = absolute viscosity of the lubricant, cP
n = rpm of the journal
CL2 =
1 + ( B/l ) 2
d, B, l are in cm; c is in microns
It is evident from Eq. (5.72) that considerable hydrodynamic force is developed in each wedge even
if there is no load on the bearing. These forces balance each other and tend to retain the rotating journal

eccentricity e. External load P and eccentricity e are related through the expression,

È 1 1 ˘
P = P0 Í
- ˙ (5.63)
Î (1 - 0.5e ) (1 + e ) 2 ˚
where e = e/c is the eccentricity ratio.
Equations (5.62) and (5.63) can be used for solving the two general design problems which have been
earlier discussed with reference to single-wedge bearings.
As a rule, multiple-wedge hydrodynamic journal bearings are provided with forced circulation of the
lubricant. Assuming that heat dissipation through the bearing assembly and housing is negligible as compared
to the heat carried away by the circulating lubricant, the increase in temperature of the lubricant can be
calculated from the expression,
860N F
Dt = °C (5.64)
Cg Q
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 323

where C = ◊ °C.
g = density of the lubricant, g/cm3
Q =
NF = power loss due to friction, kW
The frictional power loss can be found from the following relationship:
NF = 7.5 ¥ 10–10 m n2d3z kW (5.65)
where m = absolute viscosity of the lubricant, cP
z = number of wedges
d = diameter of the journal, cm

5.6.3 Hydrostatic Journal Bearings

of the order of 0.1–0.2 microns. Besides, the stiffness of hydrodynamic bearings changes with lubricant vis-
cosity, temperature and rotational speed of the journal. These shortcomings are absent in hydrostatic journal
bearings. The basic features and principle of operation of hydrostatic journal bearings are essentially similar
to those of hydrostatic pad bearings discussed in Sec. 4.4.1. Hydrostatic journal bearings may be single-pad
(Fig. 5.23a), multiple-pad (Fig. 5.23b) and multiple-recess (Fig. 5.23c) type.
Constant pressure

Pad domain
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5.23 Types of hydrostatic bearings: (a) Single-pad (b) Multiple-pad (c) Multiple-recess

The single-pad journal bearing has less than 180° included angle and normally supports only unidirec-
tional load akin to partial hydrodynamic bearings. Multiple-pad bearings are employed when the load to be
324 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

supported is not unidirectional and varies as much as ± 180°, e.g., an oscillating load, a reversing load, etc.
In multiple-pad bearings, the number and location of pads are dictated by the angular variation of the applied
radial load. For instance, a single-pad having the included angle > 60° is adequate to support a purely unidi-
rectional load. Two pads at an angle of 120° can be employed when the load varies within a maximum of 80°.
If a purely reversing radial load acts on the journal, a two-pad bearing having pads 180° apart can be used.
For the general case in which load variation can assume any arbitrary value, we can use multiple-pad bearings
having three or more pads distributed round the journal. Single-pad and multiple-pad bearings are rarely used
in machine tool spindles due to the fact that there is considerable variation in direction as well as the magni-
tude of the cutting force depending upon cutting conditions, type of machining operation and other factors.
Multiple-recess bearings are akin to full (360°) hydrodynamic journal bearings and they can support all
types of radial loads, including reversing and rotating loads. In common practise, the term hydrostatic journal
bearing is understood to stand for a multiple-recess journal bearing and, therefore, the simpler term will be
used in all subsequent discussion. The main difference between a multiple-pad and multiple-recess bearing
is the absence of pressure-relieving grooves between the pads in the latter. Due to this, the pressure between

Figure 5.23c shows a full hydrostatic journal bearing having four oil pockets located at 90° to each other.
The lubricant is supplied to each pocket through an individual restrictor. When there is no load on the journal,
the latter occupies a concentric position. The clearances between the journal and bearing are equal and so are
the pressures in the recesses. Now assume that an external load acts on the journal, moving it towards recess

p across the restrictor, resulting in higher recess pressure which tends to restore the journal to the initial

hydrostatic bearing pad when the journal is in a concentric position is known as pad preload force and it is
given by the expression,
Ppr = CL ◊ A ◊ p0 (5.66)
where CL =
A = pad area, m2
p0 = pocket pressure, kgf/m2
Flow through the pocket is
p0 h3 3
Qpr = m /s (5.67)
where h=
m = absolute viscosity of the lubricant, kgf ◊ s/m2
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 325


pads with rectangular pockets are of two types:

1. Pads with equal sill lengths.

2. Pads with sill lengths in axial and circumferential directions proportional to the pad length in the same

Strictly speaking, the multiple-recess hydrostatic journal bearings do not have individual pads. Pad coef-

circumferential direction. Thus, in Eq. (5.66), A is taken as the area of the domain of each pocket. When a ra-

the practical hydrostatic journal bearing

given in Figs 5.24–5.28 at supply pressure,
pp = 2p0 (5.68)

CL 1/CF¢
1.0 6.0

r CL 5.0

0.6 4.0

d 0.4 3.0
0.2 2.0

0.0 r
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 R

Fig. 5.24 Load and flow coefficients for a cylindrical pad with circular pocket
326 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

1/C¢F l/L
20.0 ⎫
⎬ 0.9

8.0 ⎫
⎬ 0.7
6.0 ⎭

4.0 ⎬ 0.5

⎬ 0.1
d ⎭

q2 2q2<60°
q1 1.0
0.6 dq2
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0

Fig. 5.25 Flow coefficient for a cylindrical pad with rectangular pocket having equal sill lengths (L – / =
2 1)

CL l
1.0 }0.9

0.7 ⎬

0.8 ⎫
0.5 ⎬

0.3 ⎬
0.6 ⎫⎭

⎬ 0.1




0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 dq2

Fig. 5.26 Load coefficient for a cylindrical pad with rectangular pocket having equal sill area
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 327

1/C¢F l/L

20.0 ⎫
⎬ 0.9


6.0 ⎬ 0.7

4.0 ⎬ 0.5

⎬ 0.1
d ⎪
2.0 ⎭

1.0 2q2<60°
0.8 2q2=180° L
0.6 dq2
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0

Fig. 5.27 Flow coefficient for a cylindrical pad with rectangular pocket having equally proportional sill lengths
1 2)

ý 0.9
ý 0.7
ý 0.5
ý 0.3
2q2=180° ý 0.1
2q2<60° L
0.10 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 dq2

Fig. 5.28 Load coefficient for a cylindrical pad with rectangular pocket having proportional sill area

The load capacity P of a hydrostatic journal is found as P = Ppr. It may be alternately determined by the
procedure discussed below.
p = pp ◊ A ◊ CL ◊ Cp(e, k) kgf (5.69)
Cp(e, k) depends
1. eccentricity ratio e = e/c, and
2. k,
328 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

In high accuracy and precision machine tools in which hydrostatic journal bearings are employed, the load
on the journal is small, and hence eccentricity e is also small. For e 0.4, the value of Cp(e, k) = (3/2)e can
l/d ratio of the bearing is taken equal
to unity, the effective area of all the pads (A ◊ CL) can be taken equal to 0.5d2. Upon substituting the above
values of A ◊ CL and Cp(e, k)
of a hydrostatic journal bearing:
P = 0.75 ◊ e ◊ d 2 ◊ pp = 0.75 ◊ d 2pp (5.70)
The stiffness k of a hydrostatic journal bearing is obtained from the expression K = dP/de. For small values
of eccentricity, we can assume dP/de ª P/e, and therefore, from Eq. (5.70),
P d 2 pp
K= = 0.75 (5.71)
e c

k ª (5.72)
The viscosity m of the lubricant is determined from consideration of minimum frictional loss and it is given
by the expression,
Ê c ˆ pp
m = 2.2 ¥ 108 Á ˜ cP (5.73)
Ë r¯ n

where c/r = ratio of radial clearance to the journal radius; both c and r are in cm
n = rpm of the journal
pp = supply pressure, kgf/cm2

( p p - p0 )
Qc = (5.74)

Q0 = k0 2( p p - p0 ) (5.75)

In Eqs (5.74) and (5.75), Rrc and k0

They depend upon the geometrical parameters of the restrictor and the density and absolute viscosity of the

Equations (5.66)–(5.75) are the basic design equations of hydrostatic journal bearings. They can be used
for determining pad geometry and dimensions, restrictor parameters, bearing load capacity, etc. depending
upon the particular design problem.

5.6.4 Air-lubricated Bearings

tion in the lubricant. Rotational speeds can be considerably raised by using a lubricant of lower viscosity. This
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 329

explains the recent development of using air-lubricated bearings in spindles of some high-speed precision
machines. Air has a viscosity which is approximately 100 times less man that of kerosene and more than 1000
times less than that of industrial oil. The main shortcomings that restrict the application of air lubricated bear-
ings are low load capacity and extreme sensitivity to overloading. The slightest over loading breaks the air

an accident. Air-lubricated bearings are made of babbit or other similar anti-friction materials, which permit
operation under dry friction conditions, though for an extremely short duration. Air-lubricated bearings can
be of two types:
1. Aerodynamic
2. Aerostatic
1. Aerodynamic Bearings -
ing on an air wedge at high rotational speed. They are used in light spindles which rotate at exceptionally high
speeds of the order of w = 103–104 rad/s, but are subjected to low pressures—p ª 1 kgf/cm2. The examples
of application of aerodynamic bearings are spindles of internal grinding machines, centrifuges, gyroscopes,
gas turbines, etc.
The load capacity of an aerodynamic bearing can be determined as
P = 0.5pa ◊ l ◊ d ◊ K1 ◊ K2 kgf (5.76)
2 4 2
where pa = air supply pressure, kgf/m ; generally pa = (2–5) 10 kgf/m
l = length of the bearing, m
d = diameter of the bearing, m
K1, K2 =
K1 is a function of the Sommerfeld number. It is plotted in Fig. 5.29 for different values of
eccentricity ratio e.





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 2 4 6 10 20

mwr 2
2 p s=
c 2 pa

Fig. 5.29 Design curves for computing K1 as a function of Sommerfeld number for different values of e
330 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

K2 depends upon the ratio l/hd, where h is, in K2

its turn, a function of the Sommerfeld number. The curves K2 0.9
= f(l/hd) and h = f (mw r2/c2pa) are given in Figs 5.30 and 5.31, 0.8
The heat generation in aerodynamic bearings is negligible,
and therefore, the check for bearing temperature is not nec- 0.6
essary. The air which is supplied to aerodynamic bearings is 0.5
dehydrated and mixed with a small quantity of oil to avoid cor- 0.4
rosion. Also, to avoid jamming of the journal and bearing sur-
faces at the time of starting or stopping the spindle (when the
aerodynamic effect is negligible), air is supplied at a pressure 0.2
of (2–5) 104 kgf/m2. 0.1

2. Aerostatic Bearings As has already been stated above, 0

1 1.2 1.4 1.7 2 2.5 3 4 6 10 20
aerodynamic bearings are used only in spindles rotating at ex- l
ceptionally high speeds. In the spindles of precision machine ηd
tools, aerostatic bearings have found wider application as they
can operate satisfactorily at relatively lower rotational speeds Fig. 5.30 Design curve for computing K2
also. as a function of l/hd

e =0.175

0.6 0.625



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.7 2 2.5 4 6 10 20
μω r 2
2π S = 2
c ρa

Fig. 5.31 Variation of h as a function of Sommerfeld number

The principle of operation of an aerostatic journal bearing is similar to that of a hydrostatic bearing. The
schematic diagram of an aerostatic bearing is shown in Fig. 5.32.
Air is supplied at a supply pressure of ps = 3–4 kgf/cm2. Generally, air is supplied at the ends as shown in
Fig. 5.32. However, in short bearings it can be supplied at the middle of the bearing. The air pockets should
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 331

be connected by an annular microgroove which is shown in Section A-A in Fig. 5.32. The size and shape of
the microgroove are selected from the same considerations which were discussed in Sec. 4.5 with reference
to aerostatic slideways. The air is fed into the clearance between the bearing and journal through 0.2–0.3 mm

Fig. 5.32 Schematic diagram of an aerostatic bearing

The radial clearance is found as

c = (0.001 – 0.002)d, m (5.77)
where d = diameter of the bearing, m
The number of holes through which air is supplied is tentatively found from the expression,
Z = 20 ◊ p ◊ d (5.78)
and then rounded off to the nearest higher whole number. Generally, Z 4.
332 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The load capacity of an aerostatic bearing can be determined from the following relationship:
P = 0.12ps ◊ d(l – l0) ◊ Cp(e) (5.79)
where ps = air supply pressure, kgf/m
l = length of the bearing, m
l0 = distance of the air supply hole from the bearing edge, m
Cp(e) =
Cp(e) is given by the following approximate relationship:
Cp(e) = [(1 – e2) –1/2 –1] (5.80)
Upon expanding the series,
1 2 3 4 5 6
(1 – e2)–1/2–1 = e + e + e +
2 8 16
e < 0.3), the following simple
expression for load capacity of aerostatic bearing can be obtained:
P = 0.2 ◊ e ◊ ps ◊ d(l – l0), kgf (5.81)
Stiffness K = dP/de of the aerostatic bearing can be obtained by substituting e = e/c in Eq. (5.81) and
differentiating it.
dP P 0.2 ps ◊ d (l - l0 ) kgf
K = ª = (5.82)
de e c m
The recommended l/d ratio is
l/d = 1 – 1.5 (5.83)
Distance l0 should be taken as
l0 = 0.1l (5.84)

Review Questions
5.1 While turning a 750 mm long workpiece of 100 mm diameter between centres, the radial cutting
force was found to be 150 kgf when the tool was 200 mm from the tailstock. Calculate the machine
tool and system compliances if the stiffness of the saddle, headstock and tailstock is 3000, 4000 and
2500 kgf/ mm, respectively.
5.2 During the turning operation on a workpiece held between centres, the tangential cutting force
component was 150 kgf and the radial – 80 kgf. If the workpiece is 500 mm long and has diameter

tailstock stiffness is 35,000 and 15,000 kgf/cm, respectively.

5.3 A solid steel spindle (see Fig. 5.5a) transmits a torque of 40 kgf ◊ m through a gear of module
3 mm and number of teeth 80. Ratio a/b = 2 and compliances of front and rear bearings are 0.1 and
0.15 micron/ kgf, respectively. Determine the optimum l/c
spindle nose if force P1 = 150 kgf.
Design of Spindles and Spindle Supports 333

5.4 Determine the outer and inner diameters of a hollow T2 T2

P2 P2
lathe spindle if their ratio = 2. The power on the spindle
is 4.5 kW and it is rotating at 700 rpm. The peripheral A B
and radial forces on the spindle are P2 = 215 kgf and
T2 = 78 kgf. A horizontal force P1 = 210 kgf and a 50 80
vertical force T1 = 60 kgf are acting on the spindle
nose. The spindle dimensions and loading are shown
in Fig. 5.33. Fig. 5.33 Schematic diagram of a lathe
5.5 The spindle of a high-speed precision lathe has a spindle
diameter 80 mm and can run at a speed up to 2500 rpm.
Select a suitable sleeve-bearing material for the above spindle if the maximum load on the bearing =
30 kgf and the length-to-diameter ratio of the journal = 1.
5.6 Select the design parameters of a full hydrodynamic journal bearing of copper-lead alloy for a journal
of 60 mm diameter to support a load of 150 kgf at 3000 rpm. Assume hcr = 10 microns and hmin / hcr >
5.7 Design a full hydrodynamic babbit bearing for a journal of diameter 80 mm rotating at 2000 rpm.
Determine its load capacity if the average bearing pressure is not to exceed 8 kgf/cm2. Check the
bearing against excessive heating if the maximum permissible bearing temperature is 70°C and the
maximum ambient temperature = 40°C.
5.8 Design a multiple-wedge hydrodynamic bearing for a grinding machine if the journal diameter =
60 mm and it rotates at 3000 rpm. What is the load capacity of the unloaded bearing? How much load

if the operating temperature of the lubricant is 85°C. The lubricant has a kinematic viscosity = 6 cS,
density = 0.86 g/cm3
5.9 A cylindrical pad hydrostatic bearing having r/R ratio = 0.7 (see Fig. 5.24) supports a load of 200

Determine the required restrictor opening if the pump pressure = 20 kgf/cm2

= 0.005 cm and absolute viscosity of the lubricant = 4 ¥ 10–7 2
5.10 Determine the length and diameter of an aerodynamic bearing to support a load of 15 kgf. Given l/d =
0.8, air supply pressure = 4 kgf/cm2, radial gap = 0.01 mm and absolute viscosity of air = 0.02 cP.
5.11 ¥
stock end at s = 0.23 mm/rev. Compliance of the head stock, saddle and tailstock is 0.25, 0.25 and 0.3
microns/kgf, respectively. Given Py = 88 t0.9s0.75 kgf. Calculate the true depth of cut.
5.12 A machine spindle is supported on two anti-friction bearings 20 cm apart and having radial clearances
of 4 and 6 microns, respectively. Determine the radial run out of the spindle nose if its overhang is
8 cm from the bearing having 6 micron clearance.

1. Levina, ZM, et al., “Investigation of the stiffness of tapered joints”, Stanki I Instrument, 1973, No. 10.
2. Kuvshinskii, VV, Milling Operation, Mashinostroenie Publishers, Moscow, 1977, p. 127
3. Mamet, OP, Concise Handbook of Machine Tool Design, Mashinostroenie Publishers, Moscow, 1964,
p. 186.
334 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

4. Elyashev, A, “Fundamentals of machine tool design”, Notes for UNIDO Course, Moscow, p. 80.
5. Ibid., p. 82.
6. Honrath, K, Werkzengmaschinenspindeln und Deren Langerungev, T.H. Aachen, Ind Anz, 1957,
7. Sokolov, Yu N, “Multiple-wedge hydrodynamic bearings of precision machine tool spindles”, Stanki
I Instrument, 1963, No. 8.
8. Rippel, HC, Cast Bronze Hydrostatic Bearing Design Manual, Cast Bronze Bearing Institute, Inc.,
Dynamics of Machine Tools 335



The aim of designing a machine tool is to carry out certain ma- f(t)
chining operations. Any cutting process can take place only if

energy for the desired operation, and system
2. the machine tool has provision for executing the relative
motions of the cutting tool and workpiece that are essential P y1
for the particular operation.
Cutting y1 (t)
It may be thus seen that any cutting operation must inevitably process
be accompanied by certain processes in motor and the friction
processes. The cutting force deflects the machine tool, and F y2
therefore, for the purpose of dynamic analysis the machine tool
Friction y2 (t)
can be looked upon as an elastic system. The cutting process, the Processes
processes in the motor and the friction processes are known as M y3
working processes. The working processes and the machine tool
elastic system (ES) constitute a closed-loop system as shown in
Processes y3 (t)
Fig. 6.1.1 The validity of interaction loops between the elastic in Motor

Fig. 6.1 Block diagram of closed-loop
machining system
changes the relative position between the cutting tool and
workpiece, resulting in a change of the undeformed chip thickness. The change in undeformed chip
thickness in its turn affects the value of the cutting force.
2. The friction force component which does not coincide with the axis of the lead screw of the machine
results in a tilting of the carriage. As the carriage tilts, the friction force on the side faces of the
slideways changes. In its turn, this change of the friction force on the side faces induces a change in
the deformation due to tilting of the carriage.
3. A change in speed affects the torque of the electric motor, especially in motors having a soft (dropping)
torque-rpm characteristic. The change in torque again results in a change of the speed of motion.
Besides the interactions between the elastic system and working processes, the closed-loop system is acted
upon by two types of perturbances—f(t) acting on the machine tool elastic system and y1(t), y2(t), y3(t) acting
336 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

with forced vibrations.

1. The interactions between the working processes and elastic system are simple, i.e., an action of one of
the working processes on the elastic system induces a reverse action of a nature which is completely

behaviour of the closed-loop system as the latter can be transformed into an open-loop system by
disconnecting one of the loops.
2. The working processes do not interact directly. A change in one of the working processes can affect the
other working processes only through the elastic system. This feature enables a multiple-loop system
to be transformed into a single-loop system by introducing the concept of equivalent elements.

f (t)
studying vibration problems connected with the cutting process, the
multiple-loop system of Fig. 6.1 can be replaced by a single-loop system Equivalent
(Fig. 6.2) by considering the elastic system, processes in the motor and elastic
friction processes as an equivalent elastic system (EES). This equivalent
elastic system represents a machine tool in which the motor is running P y
and the appropriate relative motions between the workpiece and cutting
tool are being executed without actual machining. In other words, it Cutting
represents an idle running machine.
A question of paramount interest is whether a chance variation of y (t)
undeformed chip thickness or cutting force will result in an ever increas-
ing level of vibrations of the machine tool leading to a vibratory state Fig. 6.2 Block diagram of sim-
known as chatter, or whether such a chance variation will gradually de- plified single-loop ma-
crease and ultimately die away. The answer is that it will depend upon chining system
the dynamic stability of the closed-loop system. A general procedure for
assessing the dynamic stability of this system is explained below.


the closed-loop system discussed above is, in general, non-linear, its stability can be studied through the
linearised system. A transient linear vibratory process can in general be represented by the characteristic
y = C1ez1t + C2e z2t + + Cneznt (6.1)
where Z1, Z2, …, Zn = roots of the frequency determinant
C1, C2, …, Cn = constants which depend upon the initial conditions
In general, the roots are complex numbers, i.e.,
Z = a ± ib (6.2)
Dynamics of Machine Tools 337

The vibratory process is stable if the real part of the root is negative, i.e., a is negative. Vice versa, if a

system is carried out with the help of stability criteria, such as the Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion, Nyquist
criterion, etc.
The Nyquist criterion is particularly suitable in studying the dynamic stability of the EES-cutting process
closed-loop system, as it provides information not only about the absolute system stability, but also on how
the system stability can be improved. An important point which must be kept in mind is that the Nyquist
criterion is applicable only when the elements comprising the system are individually stable. This implies
that the Nyquist criterion cannot be applied when the
cutting process is unstable, e.g., while machining cast iron,
machining with built-up edge formation, etc.
With the help of the Nyquist criterion the stability of the P
closed-loop system is assessed through the amplitude-phase-
frequency plot of the open-loop system, which is obtained y
by disconnecting one of the loops. For instance, when the
y loop of the system shown in Fig. 6.2 is disconnected,
the open-loop system of Fig. 6.3 is obtained. This system Fig. 6.3 Block diagram of open-loop system
consists of the EES and cutting process elements joined
in series. If we disconnect the second loop also, we can P y
separate the EES and cutting-process elements as shown EES
in Fig. 6.4.
The amplitude-phase-frequency plot or simply the polar
plot of the open-loop system is obtained as the vector prod- y p
uct of the polar plots of EES and cutting process elements. CP
The general procedure of obtaining the polar plot of an ele-
ment and the method of obtaining the vector product of two Fig. 6.4 Block diagram representation of
polar plots are explained below. equivalent elastic system (EES)
Consider an element (Fig. 6.5) in which the input param- and cutting process elements
eter is Xin and the output parameter is Xout. For obtaining
the polar plot of the element, Xin is varied in a frequency Xin Xout
range which is of practical interest for the given element.
At each frequency we record the output of the element. Let
the input and output records be as shown in Fig. 6.6a. From Fig. 6.5 Block-diagram representation of a
these records, we determine control-system element
1. ratio of the amplitudes
2. phase between the output and input
f= lf
338 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

A lm

A1 w=0
t, s Re
w f1
lf w1
w A1

f1 w1

t, s

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6.6 (a) Record of input and output parameters (b) Amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency plots for
an element (c) Polar plot of the element

After determining the values of A and f at a number of frequencies, we can draw amplitude-frequency
and phase-frequency plots as shown in Fig. 6.6b. A combination of the two plots in the complex plane
yields the polar plot of the element (Fig. 6.6c). It is worth recapitulating that at any point of the polar plot
(corresponding to frequency w), the radius vector represents the ratio of the amplitudes of Xout to Xin, and the
angle which the radius vector makes with the real (Re) axis represents the phase difference between the two.
Now suppose the polar plots of two elements are known. For a certain frequency w, let the amplitude ratio
and phase difference of plot 1 (Fig. 6.7a) be A1 and f1, while those of plot 2 (Fig. 6.7b) be A2 and f2. For the
corresponding point of frequency w of the resultant open-loop system, the radius vector is obtained as the
algebraic product of A1 and A2, and the phase difference is obtained as the algebraic sum of f1 and f2. The
graphic construction and the resultant polar plot is shown in Fig. 6.7c.

lm lm lm

Re Re Re
f1 f2 f =f1 +f2

w A2
A =A1 ◊A2

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6.7 Graphic method of obtaining the polar plot of the open-loop system from the polar plots of the
Dynamics of Machine Tools 339

Once the polar plot of the open-loop system is obtained, the stability of closed-loop system can be assessed
by applying Nyquist criterion which states
1. if the polar plot of the open-loop system intersects the negative side of the real axis (–Re) to the right
of point (–1, 0), the closed-loop system is stable,
2. if the polar plot of the open-loop system intersects the –Re axis to the left of point (–1, 0), the
closed-loop system is unstable, and
3. if the polar plot of the open-loop system passes through the point (–1, 0), the closed-loop system is on
the threshold of stability.

Consider the element shown in Fig. 6.5. The ratio Xout/Xin is a characteristic of the element. If the input
parameter Xin is a static quantity, then Xout is also static in nature and the ratio Xout/Xin represents the static
characteristic of the element.
If Xin and Xout are time-dependent variables, then the ratio represents the dynamic characteristic of element.
The dynamic characteristic of an element is a more comprehensive and accurate index of element response as
the latter can be studied not only as a function of the magnitude of the input parameter, but also its frequency.
If the differential operator d/dt is replaced by algebraic operator p in the dynamic characteristic, then the
ratio Xout/Xin is known as the transfer function of the element, i.e.,
X out ( p )
W(p) = (6.3)
X in ( p )
The units of the dynamic characteristic or transfer function of an element are determined by the units of
the input and output parameters. For instance, if EES is considered as an element, the units of its transfer
function (WEES) will be mm/kgf. Similarly, the units of the transfer function (WCP) of the cutting process will
be kgf/mm. The transfer function of the open-loop system shown in Fig. 6.3 is obtained as
WOL(p) = WEES(p) ¥ WCP(p) (6.4)
Obviously, WOL is dimensionless.
The closed-loop system of Fig. 6.2, when analysed with the help of the open-loop system of Fig. 6.3
(disconnection of the y loop), can have two transfer functions:
1. When perturbance f(t) is acting on the EES and y(f ) = 0 (Fig. 6.8a)
f f
y = [–P + f(t)] ◊ WEES(p) = [f(t) – yWcp(p)] ◊ WEES(p)
f f
y[1 + Wcp(p)WEES(p)] = f(t)WEES(p)
f y WEES ( p )
WCL(p) = = (6.5)
f (t ) 1 + WOL ( p )
Here (see Fig. 6.8b), WEES(p) is the transfer function of EES when P(t) = 0 and y(t) = 0, i.e.,
WEES(p) = y¢/f (t) (6.6)
340 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control



P=0 y¢


(a) (b)

Fig. 6.8 Block diagram of EES–CP system when perturbance f(t) is acting on EES and y(t) = 0

2. When perturbance y(t) is acting on the cutting process

and f(t) = 0 (Fig. 6.9). ESS

y = P ◊ WEES(p) = [y(t) – y]Wcp(p)WEES(p) P y

y[1 + Wcp(p) ◊ WEES(p)] = ytWcp(p)WEES(p)
Hence, CP
y y WOL ( p )
W CL(p) = = (6.7)
y (t ) 1 + WOL ( p ) y(t)

It is interesting to note that if p = iw is substituted in Eqs Fig. 6.9 Block diagram of EES–CP system
when perturbance y(t) is acting on
(6.3), (6.4), (6.5) and (6.7), they yield the corresponding
CP and f(t) = 0
dynamic characteristics (polar plots).
Having established a general procedure for assessing the
dynamic stability of closed-loop systems, we will now apply these principles to study the dynamics of ma-
chine tools. In line with the general procedure, we will discuss machine tool dynamics in the following steps:
1. Dynamic characteristic of the equivalent elastic system.
2. Dynamic characteristic of the cutting.
3. Dynamic characteristic of the open-loop system and stability analysis.
In addition to the above, the effect of forced vibrations due to perturbances f(t) and y(t) on the machining
accuracy will also be discussed.


The elastic system of a machine tool consists of a large number of parts and units. It is, therefore, in principle

elastic system is obtained by considering only the dominant degrees of freedom and neglecting the rest.
Dynamics of Machine Tools 341

As already explained in Sec. 6.2 above, for stability analysis of the elastic system-cutting process
closed-loop system using the Nyquist criterion, it is essential that the elastic system must be inherently stable.
The elastic system can be considered inherently unstable if its polar plot intersects the –Re axis to the left of
point (–1, 0). The inherent instability of the elastic system can be encountered in the following cases:
1. While machining the workpieces rotating at a speed close to the critical speed.
2. While machining slender workpieces.
3. While machining with slender cutting tools, e.g., twist drills, boring bars, etc.

stability analysis of the closed-loop system becomes meaningless. It is worth mentioning that, fortunately,
elastic systems of machine tools are inherently stable in an overwhelming majority of cases.
The static characteristic of the elastic system (see
(y/P) is nothing but its static compliance and will be denoted as CEES. The dynamic characteristic of the

substituting p = iw.

An elastic system simplified to a single degree of freedom vibratory system can be considered as
spring-mass-dashpot arrangement and represented by the following equation of motion:
m y + h y + ky = P (6.8)
where y = vibration coordinate
m = mass of the vibrating system
h =
k = stiffness of the system
By introducing operator p = d/dt,
(mp2 + hp + k)y = P
Êm 2 h ˆ P
or ÁË p + p + 1˜¯ y = (6.9)
k k k
Upon substituting (m/k) = T 12 and (h/k) = T2, Eq. (6.9) yields the following transfer function
W(p) =
T12 p 2 + T2 p + 1

W(p) = (6.10)
T12 p 2 + T2 p + 1
In the above equation, T1 = m/k = 1/w n represents the inertial time constant, wn being the circular
natural frequency of the vibratory system; it may be recalled that wn is related to natural frequency fn by the
expression wn = 2p f n,T2 = h/k = (l/p)T1 represents the time constant of damping, l being the logarithmic
decrement of free vibrations of the system.
342 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The polar plot (dynamic characteristic) of the system is

obtained by putting p = iw in Eq. (6.10) and varying w from
0 to . In actual practise, however, w is varied in a limited

polar plot of a single degree of freedom system is shown in

Fig. 6.10. The reader’s attention is drawn to the following
important features of this polar plot:
1. The intercept of the polar plot on the +Re axis is
equal to the static compliance of the system.
2. The variation of the output parameter (displacement)
lags behind the variation of the input parameter Fig. 6.10 Polar plot of a single-degree of
freedom vibratory system
frequency increases, successive points of the polar
plot are obtained by a clockwise movement from the +Re axis. It is noteworthy that the phase lag
increases in magnitude with increase of frequency.
3. At the natural frequency of the system, the phase difference between the input and output parameters
is 90°; therefore, the natural frequency of the system corresponds to the frequency of the point of
intersection of the polar plot with the negative imaginary axis (– Im axis).

may be noted that at no point does the polar plot intersect the –Re axis.

The normal coordinates of a complex, many degrees of freedom
P y1
vibratory system are such coordinates that vibration in one coor- EES1
dinate does not effect the vibrations of the others. Such a system
having n degrees of freedom can be represented by a set of n
independent equations of motions:
P P y2
m1y1 + h1y1 + k1y1 = r1P EES2 y
m2y2 + h2y2 + k2y2 = r2P (6.11)
P y3
mn yn + hn yn + kn yn = rn P EES3
where y1, y2, …, yn = normal coordinates
m1, m2, …, mn = masses of the elastic system along the Fig. 6.11 Block diagram of a many
normal coordinates degrees of freedom system
h1, h2, …, hn - in normal coordinates
tem along the normal coordinates
k1 , k2, …, kn = stiffness of the elastic system along the normal coordinates
P = generalised force
r1, r2, …, rn
The complex system described by n normal coordinates may be represented as a system of n parallel
elements (Fig. 6.11). The total displacement of such a system is
Dynamics of Machine Tools 343

y = y1 + y2 + + yn (6.12)
Since the set of Eq. (6.11) consists of n independent equations, each equation can be solved separately
to yield a total of n transfer functions and consequently n polar plots. The resultant transfer function of the
system is obtained as the sum of n transfer functions, i.e.,
W (p) = W1(p) + W2(p) + + Wn(p) (6.13) W1 (p) W (p)

and the resultant polar plot is obtained as the vector sum of n polar Re
plots. The method of vectorial graphic summation of polar plots is wo
illustrated in Fig. 6.12.
Incidentally, Fig. 6.12 represents the polar plot of a two degree of
freedom system. It is evident that the plot consists of two almost cir- W(p)
cular loops. The point at which the radius vector is maximum in each
of the loops gives the natural frequency of the corresponding normal wo

o w
that the polar plot of a system described by n normal coordinates
will consist of n loops. It may be emphasised again that if a complex
Fig. 6.12 Graphic method of vector
vibratory system can be described through normal coordinates, its
summation of two polar
polar plot does not intersect the –Re axis and it tends towards zero as plots

A complex n-degree of freedom system can be described not only through n normal coordinates, but by
any other set of n independent coordinates, known as generalised coordinates and denoted by q. Contrary
to the preceding case, in a system described by generalised coordinates, a change in displacement of one

coordinates are said to be coupled. The coupling between equations of motions of two generalised coordi-
nates may be

force component of the other,

force of the other, and

the other.
A set of equations in generalised coordinates can have one, two, or all the three types of couplings
described above. For an n-degree of freedom system, the equations of motions in the most general case of
static, velocity and inertial coupling can be written as follows:
a11q1 + a12q2 + + a1nqn + b11q1 + b12q2 + + b1nqn + k11q1 + k12q2 + + k1nqn = r1g P
a21q1 + a22q2 + + a2nqn + b21q1 + b22q2 + + b2nqn + k21q1 + k22q2 + + k2nq2 = r2g P (6.14)
an1q1 + an2q2 + + annqn + bn1q1 + bn2q2 + + bnnqn + kn1q1 + kn2q2 + + knnqn = rng P
where q1, q2, … , qn = generalised coordinates
344 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

axy, bxy, kxy (x = 1 to n; y = 1 to n) = constants of the equations of motion. When x π y, these constants
x = y, they represent
r1g, r2g, … ,
rng =
If the generalised force P is assumed to be simple harmonic, i.e.,
P = P0e iwt (6.15)
then the solutions of the generalised coordinates can be assumed as
q1 = C1e iwt
q2 = C2e iwt (6.16)
qn = Cne iwt
After substituting the above values and rearranging, the set of equations (6.14) yields the following
A11C1 + A12C2 + + A1nCn = r1g P
A21C1 + A22C2 + + A2nCn = r2gP
An1C1 + An2C2 + + AnnCn = rng P (6.17)
where Axy = kxy + bxyiw – axy w
The set of equations (6.17) can be written in the matrix form as

È A11 A12 A1n ˘ È C1 ˘ È r1g P ˘

ÍA A22 A2 n ˙˙ ÍÍC2 ˙˙ Ír P ˙
Í 21 =Í
2g ˙
Í ˙Í ˙ Í ˙
Í ˙Í ˙ Í ˙
Î An1 An 2 Ann ˚ ÎCn ˚ ÍÎ ng ˙˚
r P
C ◊ A = rgP
C = A–1 (rgP) (6.19)
The inverse matrix,
A–1 = (6.20)
where adj A = adjoint matrix
| A | = determinant of matrix A
Let it be recalled that the adjoint matrix is obtained as a transpose of the cofactor matrix. Thus, if the
cofactor matrix of A be
È D11 D12 D1n ˘
ÍD D 2 n ˙˙
21 D 22
AD = ÍÍ ˙ (6.21)
Í ˙
Î D n1 D n 2 D nn ˚
Dynamics of Machine Tools 345

the adjoint matrix will be

È D11 D 21 D n1 ˘
ÍD D 22 D n 2 ˙˙
adj A = Í
Í ˙
Í ˙
Î D1n D 2n D nn ˚

From Eqs (6.19) and (6.22), the steady-state amplitudes of vibrations expressed by Eq. (6.16) can be found
D11r1g + D 21r2 g + + D n1rng
C1 = P
D12 r1g + D 22 r2 g + + D n 2 rng
C2 = P (6.23)
D1n r1g + D 2 n r2 g + + D nn rng
Cn = P

The total displacement of the system,

q = q1 + q2 + + qn
n n

ÂÂD xy ◊ rxg
x =1 y =1
or q= P (6.24)

Consequently, the transfer function of the system may be written as

n n

ÂÂD xy ◊ rxg
x =1 y =1
W= = (6.25)
P |A|

The analytical determination of the polar plot of a system in generalised coordinates having three or more

concentrated masses which are joined by springs. The damping is assumed to be linear. The model is evolved
on the basis of prior knowledge of the vibration behaviour (especially mode forms) of the machine tool.
The model of a centre lathe is shown in Fig. 6.132. In many cases, the masses of the parts and units of
machine tools that vibrate as a single body are treated as concentrated masses of the model and the stiffnesses
of the joints are treated as spring constants.
346 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control


Fig. 6.13 Model of a centre lathe for studying its dynamic behaviour

Let us consider a simple two degrees of freedom system involving mode coupling and see how its polar
plot differs from that of two degrees of freedom system consisting of normal modes. Consider the two-
degree of freedom arrangement of Fig. 6.14 which represents the case of orthogonal turning. This case
has been selected on account of its simplicity as the
output parameter of the EES element (displacement) 1 Z
happens to be the same as the input parameter of the P 2
cutting process element (undeformed chip thickness).
In all other cases of machining, these two parameters
are not equal, and therefore, stability analysis of the
closed-loop system of Fig. 6.2 becomes complicated. y1
y2 y
For determining the transfer function of the system,
we would be interested in the ratio of change of d1
displacement y of the cutting edge in Y direction to
the change of resultant cutting force P. As shown
in Fig. 6.14, the system has two uncoupled degrees 2 d 1
of freedom in directions 1–1 and 2–2 of maximum
stiffness (k max ) and minimum stiffness (k min ),
respectively. The resultant deflection of the tool
tip can be found by considering the analogy of the Fig. 6.14 Schematic diagram of a two-degree
of freedom system with coordinate
above system with a rectangular beam subjected to
Dynamics of Machine Tools 347

in the direction of the normal to the tangent at the point
of intersection of the rigidity ellipse with the resultant Re
d has projections
d1 and d2 on the 1–1 and 2–2 axis, respectively. These
y1 and y2 in
the Y-axis. Depending upon the ratio of kmax to kmin and
the values of angles a and b, the resultant displacement
y = y1 – y2 may be either greater than zero or less than zero.
(a) (b)
If y > 0, the static characteristic of the EES is
positive and the polar plot of EES is as shown in Fig. Fig. 6.15 Polar plot of EES having (a) positive
6.15a. However, if y < 0, the static characteristic of static characteristic (b) negative static
EES is negative. A negative static characteristic has the characteristic

from the workpiece, has a tendency to dig into the latter. A typical polar plot for such a case is shown in
Fig. 6.15b.
Now, consider that a machine tool elastic system having two lm
degrees of freedom consists of one mode with a positive static
characteristic coupled with another mode with a negative static
characteristic. The resultant polar plot of the system is obtained w2 (p)
as the vector sum of the two polar plots, as illustrated in Fig. w0
6.16. The reader’s attention is drawn to the fact that the polar
plot of EES can, in this case, intersect the –Re axis. This is a

discussing the stability analysis of the closed-loop system. w0

When a complex machine tool structure vibrates in one of
its normal modes, the elastic system can be treated as a single
degree of freedom system consisting of an equivalent mass m, w1 (p)
h and equivalent spring constant
k of that particular mode. Thus, from the viewpoint of vibration Fig. 6.16 Graphic method of vector
analysis, a complex machine tool system in which natural summation of two polar plots
frequencies of various units and structures are comparatively far with positive and negative
apart can be represented by a series of single degree of freedom static characteristics
systems, each described by its particular m, h and k values. In all
such cases, the vibration amplitudes are aligned in a constant direction as only one mode gets excited at a
If the natural frequencies of the system are close to each other, then more than one mode of vibrations
can get excited simultaneously. This is what actually happens in vibratory systems with coupled modes.
In the simple coupled system of Fig. 6.14, the vibratory components in directions 1–1 and 2–2 are out of
phase, and therefore, the tool tip describes an approximately elliptical curve of motion. Figure 6.17a shows
positions of the tool tip at different points during this elliptical motion. As the tool tip follows the elliptical
trajectory, it changes the undeformed chip thickness. As shown in Fig. 6.17a, the undeformed chip thickness
increases while the tool tip descends (positions 1, 2 and 3) and decreases when the tool ascends (positions 4,
5 and 6). Force component Pz in the direction of the velocity vector therefore increases during the downward
movement of the tool tip and decreases during the upward motion. This is shown in Fig. 6.17b. The hysteresis
348 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

loop is indicative of the energy generated by the cutting process itself. This energy can either aggravate a
random vibration or dampen it depending upon the direction of tip motion along the elliptical path. For the
direction of tip motion shown in Fig. 6.17a, the undeformed chip thickness is greater when the vibratory
motion coincides with the direction of the cutting force, and vice versa the undeformed chip thickness is less
when the vibratory motion is opposing the cutting force.

II 11 6

z z
1 Y
Py 6
2 2 Pz


3 4



z y
1 6 2 5 3 4 6 5 1 2 4 3

Fig. 6.17 (a) Trajectory of cutting-tool tip in a system with coupled modes (b) Variation of cutting force
component due to elliptical trajectory of the cutting-tool tip

Obviously, the energy in this case aggravates the vibrations of the system and the system may be
considered dynamically unstable. The amplitudes of self-excited vibrations, known as chatter vibrations go
on increasing till they get stabilised at a certain level. This level is achieved when the self-exciting force is
fully compensated by an increasing non-linear damping force. The frequency of chatter vibrations depends
upon the properties of the vibratory system. In general, it is close to one of the natural frequencies of the
elastic system of the machine tool.
Evidently, chatter will not occur if the direction of motion of the tool tip along the elliptical trajectory is
opposite to the one shown in Fig. 6.17a. Thus, if the phase difference between vibrations along 1–1 and 2–2
Dynamics of Machine Tools 349

is such that the resultant motion of the tool tip is opposite to that shown in Fig. 6.17a, the elastic system can
be considered dynamically stable.

The dynamic characteristic of the equivalent elastic system of a machine tool is obtained by applying a
dynamic force, which simulates the dynamic cutting force, and measuring the displacement in the direction of
normal to the surface of cut. The force should consist of a static component and a dynamic (generally simple
harmonic) component which are equal in magnitude to the static and dynamic cutting force components
respectively. It should be applied in the same direction in which the resultant cutting force acts during the
actual machining on the particular machine tool and simulates the reaction of the workpiece on the cutting
edge. The dynamic characteristic should be plotted preferably on an idle running machine, i.e., with the
spindle running and feed motion engaged.
In most cases, it is not possible to carry out dynamic measurements with the feed motion engaged.
However, the requirement of a rotating spindle should be adhered to as far as possible.
The instrumentation necessary for obtaining the dynamic characteristic of the machine tool elastic system
consists of three major groups:
1. Instrumentation required for applying and measuring the exciting force.
2. Instrumentation required for registering the displacement and suitably amplifying the signal which is
generally weak.
3. Instrumentation required for comparing the exciting force (input) and displacement (output) signals in
order to obtain their amplitude ratio and phase difference.
A typical block diagram of the instrumentation is shown in Fig. 6.18. However, it may be mentioned that
alternate instrumentation can be employed for each of the above mentioned functions with equal success.

Dynamic force

Static force

Vibration Amplifier


Integrator Vector

Frequency Two-beam
meter CRO

Fig. 6.18 Block diagram of instrumentation for experimental determination of EES polar plot
350 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The exciting force may be obtained from mechanical, electrodynamic, electrohydraulic, electromagnetic
and piezoelectric exciters. The choice of a particular exciter depends upon the frequency range and amplitude
of the exciting force required for a particular machine tool. Mechanical exciters are rarely used as they have a
very low frequency range. Electrohydraulic exciters are particularly suitable for heavy machine tools as they
are capable of developing considerable force up to a frequency of 100 Hz. Piezoelectric exciters are unsuitable
for determining the dynamic characteristic of the elastic system as they cannot develop an exciting force of

of individual units and subsystems which need to be excited at relatively high frequencies (generally above
1000 Hz). For most machine tool structures, the required range of exciting frequency lies between 10–1000
Hz. This range of excitation can be best realised with electrodynamic and electromagnetic exciters, which
explains the wide use of these exciters in the study of machine tool dynamics. Among these, electromagnetic
exciters are preferred if the upper limit of the desired frequency range does not exceed 500 Hz.
Irrespective of the type of exciter selected, an important consideration, never to be ignored, is that the

should not distort the actual elastic system. Also, the force should be as purely harmonic as possible to avoid
resonance of elastic system elements with higher harmonic components of the exciting force. In respect of
the last requirement, contactless electromagnetic exciters are most suitable. In the last mentioned type of
exciters, the exciting force is measured by means of a special measuring coil which is wound on the core of
the exciter itself. As the induced emf in the measuring coil is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic
p/2 phase
The exciting force as well as displacement can be measured by a properly selected force transducer and
vibration pick-up, which are available in a wide range and variety. Each force transducer and vibration
pick-up must, of course, be used in combination with an appropriate amplifying and measuring bridge.
The simplest device for comparing the force and displacement signals is a cathode-ray oscillograph
(CRO). However, this procedure is very tedious and time consuming. An oscillograph with provision for
storage is more suitable and convenient. Another possible method is for the amplitudes of the two quantities
to be read on their respective amplifying and measuring bridges, and the phase difference measured by
means of a phase-angle meter. However, the instrument which is most convenient for comparing force and
displacement signals is the vector resolver. It straightaway gives the real and imaginary coordinates of the
polar plot in complex coordinates, thus obviating the need of calculations.

is set to a particular frequency, and the force and displacement signals are compared to obtain one point of the
plot. The procedure is repeated at different frequencies (within the range of interest) to obtain the polar plot.

the displacement in the direction of normal to the surface of cut. Determining the dynamic characteristic in

and normal to the surface of cut are coplanar.

We select any two mutually perpendicular directions which are convenient in respect of applying the
exciting force and measuring the displacement. Let us assume that these directions are U and V.
obtain the following plots using the instrumentation discussed above:
1. Direct receptance u/Pu, by applying harmonic exciting force Pu in the direction of the U-axis and
measuring displacement u in the same direction.
Dynamics of Machine Tools 351

2. Direct receptance v/Pv, by applying a harmonic exciting force Pv in the direction of the V-axis and
measuring displacement v in the same direction.
3. Cross receptance v/Pu, by applying harmonic exciting force Pu in the direction of the U-axis and
measuring displacement v in the direction of the y-axis.
Knowing the directions of the resultant cutting force and the normal to the surface of cut with respect to
the U- and V-axes, the resultant polar plot can be obtained from the three receptances described above. Let us
elaborate the procedure by considering the example of plain milling. The resultant cutting force, the normal
to the surface of cut, and the U- and V-axes are shown in Fig. 6.19a. The dynamic component of force P is a
source of torsional as well as translatory vibrations. If the effect of torsional vibrations is neglected, the force
and normal to the surface of cut can be transferred to the cutter centre as shown in Fig. 6.19b. For a particular
excitation frequency w, let the direct receptances be auu + ibuu and avv + ibvv, and the cross receptance
auv + ibuv.

n n

P q

(a) (b)

Fig. 6.19 Schematic representation of horizontal milling operation

The resultant receptance in the U direction is

(auu cos a + auv sin a) + i(buu cos a + buu sin a)
while the resultant receptance in the V direction is
(avv sin a + auv cos a) + i(bvv sin a + buv cos a)
The real component of the resultant polar plot (resultant receptance in the n direction) can be
determined as
apn = (auu cos a + auv sin a) cos(q + a) + (avv cos a + auv cos a) sin(q + a)
or apn = auu cos a cos(q + 2a) + avv sin a sin(q + 2a) + auv sin(q + 2a) (6.26)
Similarly, the imaginary component of the resultant polar plot is
bpn = buu cos a cos(q + a) + bvv sin a sin(q + a) + buv sin(q + 2a) (6.27)
Thus, the resultant polar plot can be obtained with the help of Eqs (6.26) and (6.27). In the plain milling
problem discussed above, the cutting force has been assumed to act in the same radial plane as the normal to
the cut surface. If the cutting force were to have an axial component, such an assumption would no longer
be permissible. For obtaining the dynamic characteristic of the machine tool elastic system, we must, in this
case, select three mutually perpendicular axes U, V, Z and determine the following receptances:
352 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

1. Direct receptance, auu + ibuu

2. Direct receptance, avv + ibvv
3. Direct receptance, azz + ibzz
4. Cross receptance, auv + ibuv
5. Cross receptance, auz + ibuz
6. Cross receptance, avz + ibvz
The resultant total receptance can be obtained from the above receptances using the same principles as
discussed above. Due to the large number of receptances involved, this exercise is much more labourious.
However, it may be mentioned that in most of the cases, the assumption regarding cutting force and normal
to the surface of cut being coplanar is valid, and the above exacting exercise is not necessary.

It is well known that the cutting force depends upon the cutting speed, feed, depth of cut, rake and clearance
angles, plan approach angle, etc. Under steady-state cutting conditions, these parameters are constant, and
therefore, the cutting force also remains constant. However, when there is relative motion between the cutting
edge and workpiece due to vibrations, the values of the above parameters are affected. An absolutely steady
cutting operation is, at best, a Utopia, which can never be realised in actual practise. A hard spot in the work
material or a minute surface irregularity is enough to set up relative vibrations between the cutting tool and
workpiece. These vibrations change the effective machining parameters and tool geometry, thus introducing
a dynamic force component which is either added to or subtracted from the steady-state force value.
In general, the relative displacement between the workpiece and cutting edge can be considered to consist
of three translatory displacements along the axes X ¢, Y ¢ and Z ¢, and three torsional displacements a ¢, b ¢,
and g ¢ about these axes, respectively (Fig. 6.20). The effect of these displacements on the various parameters
affecting the dynamic cutting force is shown in Table 6.1.


X¢ Y¢

Fig. 6.20 Schematic representation of the geometrical parameters of undeformed chip

It is evident from Table 6.1 that torsional displacements affect only the effective geometry (kinematic
values of various angles). Torsional displacements can be neglected in view of the fact that changes in angles
due to torsional vibrations are small as compared to absolute values of the angles, and moreover changes in
Dynamics of Machine Tools 353

1° changes the dynamic cutting force hardly by 1–2%.

Table 6.1 Effect of relative cutting tool—workpiece displacement on parameters

affecting dynamic cutting force

S.No Parameter Displacement

X¢ Y¢ Z¢ a¢ b¢ g¢
1. Undeformed chip thickeness, y – + – – – –

2. Undeformed chip width, b + – – – – –

3. Cutting speed, v – – + – – –

4. Clearance angle, a – + – + – –

5. Rake angle, g – + – + – –

6. Plan approach angel, f – – – – – +

7. Cutting edge inclination agnel, l – – – – + –

Remarks: + denotes effect

– denotes absence of effect

The displacement along the tangent to the surface of cut in the Z¢direction affects only the cutting speed.

The displacement along the tangent to the surface of cut in the X ¢ direction affects the undeformed chip
width. Again, vibrations in the X ¢ direction have a negligible effect on the cutting force as the change in the
undeformed chip width is considerably less than its absolute value.
The displacement along the normal to the surface of cut in the Y ¢ direction affects the undeformed chip
thickness. The absolute value of the undeformed chip thickness being roughly of the same order as vibration

cutting force.
In the light of the above discussion, it may be concluded that the dynamic characteristic of the cutting
process is essentially the relationship between the dynamic cutting force and change of undeformed chip
thickness, measured in the direction of normal to the surface of cut. Therefore, the transfer function of the
cutting process can, in most of the cases, be obtained as the ratio of the dynamic cutting force to variation of
the undeformed chip thickness. For small variations of these quantities, the transfer function of the cutting

undeformed chip thickness. Consequently, the relationship between the two can be written as
P = ks y (6.28)
where P = dynamic cutting force
y = change in undeformed chip chickness
354 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

ks = k ◊ b = b being the undeformed chip width and k

upon all cutting conditions except b
From a mathematical point of view, k can, in general, be considered a complex number, i.e., k = r + is.

complex method of representing harmonic vibrations.

It may be recalled that if a vector V is represented as a complex number V = a + ib, then q = tan–1 b/a is
the angle between the vector and reference axis (X-axis). It may also be recalled from the fundamentals of
mechanical vibrations that multiplication of a vector by i is equivalent to its differentiation and represents a

When these properties are applied to Eq. (6.28), the fact of k being a complex number can be interpreted
in the following ways:
1. There is a phase difference between the variation of undeformed chip thickness and the resulting
change of the dynamic cutting force.
2. T
differential, i.e., of the rate of variation of the undeformed chip thickness.
The experimental determination of the dynamic characteristic of the process is rather involved and

various authors. Some of these expressions are simple, others complicated, depending upon which of the
factors of Table 6.1 have been taken into consideration and which ignored. Three expressions are dealt with
in the subsequent sections, although there are many more with which the reader may get acquainted through
special literature. Some of these expressions are extremely complicated, but in the maze of details, the reader
is advised not to lose sight of the general perspective of the problem as discussed above. Before taking up
individual expressions, the following features common to all the expressions described below need to be
singled out:
1. Dynamic cutting force expressions are valid only for a stable cutting process, distinguished by the
formation of a continuous chip.
2. These expressions do not account for the case of machining of a vibratory wave formed by a previous
cut. This aspect will be dealt with separately in Sec. 6.5.4 and in Sec. 6.6 while discussing stability

Among all dynamic cutting force relationships, the one proposed by Tlusty3 is the simplest. The simplifying
assumptions made by Tlusty are:
1. Direction of the dynamic component of the cutting force is constant and coincides with the direction
of cutting force in a steady-state cutting process.
2. The change in the dynamic component of the cutting force depends only upon the vibration in the
direction of normal to the surface of cut.
3. The dynamic cutting force varies proportionately and instantaneously with the vibration displacement
in the direction of normal to the surface of cut (undeformed chip thickness).
Dynamics of Machine Tools 355

The assumption of the instantaneous change of the dynamic cutting force implies that there is no phase
difference between the two; this is tantamount to saying that the imaginary part of the complex number k is
zero, and hence k is a real number equal to r. Equation (6.28) may, therefore, be written as
P = ks y = rby (6.29)
wherefrom, the transfer function of the cutting process may be found as
Wcp = = r ◊ b = ks (6.30)
It may be pointed out that r can be found analytically from available steady-state cutting force
relationships as well as experimentally from steady-state machining tests. Transfer function ks is often referred
to as the static characteristic of the cutting process as it does not depend upon the frequency of vibrations.

It is a well-known fact that, in general, the cutting force consists of forces acting on the tool face and on the
derives his dynamic cutting force expressions for two cases:
1. The cutting force is determined only by forces acting on the tool face; this occurs, for instance, during
machining of non-hardened steels with a sharp cutting tool.
2. T
is a more general case which one may often come across while machining with a worn tool (i.e., a tool

Case I Figure 6.21 shows successive positions of the tool, work- Tool
piece and chip, and the corresponding variation of force acting on the n front
tool face when the undeformed chip thickness undergoes a stepped
change. It is evident from Fig. 6.21 that the change in dynamic force
is not instantaneous with the change of the undeformed chip thick-
ness as assumed by Tlusty. There is a certain time lapse before the
cutting force achieves a stable value corresponding to the changed
undeformed chip thickness. Kudinov has given a method of obtain-
ing the transfer function of the cutting process based upon the theory
of metal cutting, but it is too involved for presentation in this text.
A simpler approach is based upon the observation that for a stepped
change of undeformed chip thickness, the P = f (t) curve resembles
the characteristic transient curve of an exponential function. The re-
lationship between the dynamic force and variation of undeformed
chip thickness can in this case, be expressed as5
È Ê t - t0 ˆ ˘ Fig. 6.21 Successive tool positions
P = ksa Í1 - exp Á ˙ (6.31)
Î Ë Tc ˜¯ ˚ during chip formation and
at t < t0, y = 0 the variation of cutting
at t > t0, y = a
356 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

where a = sudden change in the undeformed chip thickness

Tc = time constant of chip formation
The dynamic cutting force characteristic can, in general, be expressed as
P + Tc P = ks y (6.32)
wherefrom, we get the following expressions of the transfer function:
P ks
WF = = (6.33)
y Tc p + 1
The time constant of chip formation is given by the expression,
m ya ◊ x
Tc = (6.34)
n v
where ya = average (mean) value of the undeformed chip thickness
x = a1/a
v = cutting speed
m l /l
= x l -
n C x /Cl
l P
tions of chip formation; under dynamic cutting conditions l
l x
b a1
The exact interpretation of m, n and x is clear from Fig.
Tc can also be determined graphically from
curves showing variation of the dynamic cutting force due
to a sudden change in the undeformed chip thickness. The Cl
relevant graphic constructions are depicted in Fig. 6.23 for
two different cases.
The cutting process dynamic characteristic is obtained Fig. 6.22 Schematic diagram of the chip
from Eq. (6.33) by substituting p = iw. formation process

WF (iw) = (6.35)
Tc ◊ iw + 1

P Tc

t,s t,s
(a) (b)

Fig. 6.23 Variation of cutting force with time when (a) undeformed chip thickness suddenly increases
(b) undeformed chip thickness suddenly decreases
Dynamics of Machine Tools 357

It is evident from Eq. (6.35) that the dynamic cutting force char-
l m , kgf
acteristic is a function of the frequency of vibration. The polar plot mm ks
corresponding to Eq. (6.35) is shown in Fig. 6.24. It may be noted
fc Re,
that at w = 0, the intercept on the +Re axis is equal to ks, i.e., the kgf
static cutting force characteristic proposed by Tlusty. It should also Ac mm
be noted that the dynamic cutting force lags behind the variation of
undeformed chip thickness. In this sense, the dynamic cutting pro-
cess at the tool face contributes to the aggravation of any random wc=
variation that may occur during the machining operation.
Case II Consider the situation when a wear band of height h has Fig. 6.24 Polar plot of cutting process
at the tool face
diagram the change in the mean value of contact deformation is
h h 1 dy
dm = da = (6.36)
2 2 v dt
portional to dm, it can be expressed as
h 1 dy
PFL = KFL (6.37) h
2 v dt d

where KFL is a constant which depends upon the hardness of the

work material, depth of cut, tool geometry and feed. By substituting
hFL = KFL ◊ (h/2v), Eq. (6.37) can be written as n da

PFL = hFL ◊ y (6.38) Fig. 6.25 Schematic diagram depicting

contact deformation of the
tool flank due to vibrations
hFL is thus akin to the

WFL(p) = hFL ◊ p (6.38a)

and the corresponding dynamic characteristic can be determined from the expression,

WFL(iw) = hFL ◊ iw (6.39)

(Fig. 6.26a). For a particular frequency range, the height of this line, all other factors remaining constant,

cutting force leads the displacement by p/2.

358 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

lm, lm, lm, Im,

kgf kgf kgf kgf
mm mm mm mm
w h=h1 h=h2>h1 h=h3 >h2 >h1

kgf kgf kgf kgf

Re, Re, Re, Re,
mm mm mm mm
(a) (b)

Fig. 6.26 Polar plot of cutting process at the tool flank

the resulting transfer function is obtained as

WCP(p) = WF (p) + WFL(p) (6.40)
The resulting dynamic characteristic of the cutting process is obtained as the vector sum of the two
characteristics represented by Eqs (6.35) and (6.39). The polar plots of the cutting process in accordance with

In the frequency range 0–w 01, (curve h1), 0–w 02

lm, h1 h2 h3 h4
(curve h2) and 0–w 03 (curve h3) the force lags behind kgf
the displacement whereas, beyond frequencies w 01, w 02 mm h=h1<h2<h3<h4
and w 03 of the respective curves, the force leads the
displacement. Let us again reiterate that a phase lag is ks
conducive to aggravation of vibrations, whereas a phase kgf
lead depicts damping, which in effect suppresses the w01 mm
vibrations. It is evident from Fig. 6.27 that at small values w02
is almost similar to that of the cutting process at the tool
face (Eq. (6.35)). This characteristic is distinguished Fig. 6.27 Polar plot of the cutting process due to
by phase lag in a rather wide frequency range, thus the combined effect of forces acting at
indicating that cutting with a sharp-edge tool can result the tool face and flank

h3 = 1.0 mm, w 03 ª 1000, which indicates that for all vibrations having a frequency 150 Hz, the cutting
process provides a damping effect, i.e., vibration levels during cutting are less than vibration levels during

wear land of h = 0.1–0.2 mm on sharp tools, thus exploiting, though unwittingly, the damping effect of the

The dynamic cutting force expression proposed by Tobias6 is more comprehensive than the previous two,
as it includes the effect of vibration along the tangent to surface of cut in the Z ¢ direction (see Fig. 6.19). A
look at Table 6.1 reveals that this vibration affects the cutting force through the change of effective cutting
speed. Tobias considers the dynamic cutting force to be a function of undeformed chip thickness variation,
penetration rate variation and cutting speed variation, and proposes the following expression,
Dynamics of Machine Tools 359

dP = k1dy + k2dr + k3d W (6.41)

where dy = undeformed chip thickness variation
dr = penetration rate variation
d W = rotational speed variation
Penetration rate r
r = =s◊n (6.42)
and rotational speed W as
W = 2pn (6.43)
In the above equations, s represents the feed per revolution of the workpiece and n the rpm of the
workpiece (for turning operation). Considering the fact that for orthogonal cutting the feed per revolution is
equal to the undeformed chip thickness, i.e., s = y, Eq. (6.41) can be rewritten as
dP = k1ds + k2dr + k3d W (6.44)
k1, k2 and k3 can be expressed as
Ê ∂P ˆ
k1 = Á ˜ dr = d W = 0
Ë ∂s ¯
k2 = ÊÁ ˆ˜ ds = dW = 0
Ë ∂r ¯
Ê ∂P ˆ
k3 = Á ds = dr = 0
Ë ∂W ˜¯

For experimental determination of k1, undeformed chip thickness s must be altered by ds keeping r and
W k2 and k3 too may be determined by similar experiments. It is obvious that these
s is varied statically by changing
the feed per revolution, it will automatically result in a change of r, thus violating the fundamental condition
for determining k1. k2 and k3
ks and k W
ks and kW are obtained from the static force variation curves shown in Fig. 6.28a and b, respectively. Under

dP = ksds0 + kW d W (6.45)

P P dP

kW = = R tan en

ZC b ks = ZC b ZC bdΩ
ZC bds0
= tan es en
es dP/zc .b

ds0 dW.R

s0,mm m
n= Wr,
rev min

Fig. 6.28 Curves for determining (a) coefficient ks (b) coefficient kW

360 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

k2 and k3 ks and k W
assuming as a general case that the cutting operation is being done by a tool having z number of teeth of
which zc are simultaneously in contact with the workpiece. This is done with the help of two experiments:
Experiment 1 The steps are:
1. Rotational speed n = W/2p = const, i.e., dW = 0.
2. Feed is varied by ds0 from an average value of s0.
s0 W
r= (6.46)
W ◊ ds0 dW
dr = + s0
2p 2p
However, as dW = 0,
dr =
and the dynamic component of the cutting force due to variation of the penetration rate is
k2W ds0
As the change in feed per tooth = ds0/z, the dynamic component of the cutting force due to variation of the
undeformed chip thickness for zc cutting edges is
k1 ◊ zc 0
Finally as dW = 0, the dynamic force component due to change of rotational speed = 0.
As the undeformed chip thickness changes by ds0, the static cutting force variation for zc cutting edges is
dP = zc ◊ ks (see Eq. (6.45))
In the light of Eq. (6.41), we can write
ds0 ds ds
k1zc + k2 W 0 = zc ◊ ks 0
z 2p z
zc 2p
k2 = (ks – k1) (6.47)
z W
Experiment 2 The steps in this experiment are:
1. s0 = const, i.e., ds0 = 0.
2. Rotational speed is varied about the mean value W.
In this case, substituting ds0 = 0 in Eq. (6.46), we obtain dr = s0 d W /2p, which yields the dynamic
component of the cutting force due to the penetration rate variation as
k2 s0 d W
k3 d W
Dynamics of Machine Tools 361

The dynamic component of the cutting force due to variation of the rotational speed is

= 0 as ds0 = 0.
As the rotational speed changes by dW, the static cutting force changes in accordance with Eq. (6.45) by
zc k W dW
and as per Eq. (6.41), we can write
s0 d W
k2 + k3d W = zc k W dW
k3 = zc k W – k2 (6.48)
Substituting the value of k2
k 3 = zc k W – (ks – k1) s0 (6.49)
z W
k2 and k3
dynamic cutting force as
zc z 2p È z s ˘
dP = k1ds + c (k s - k1 ) dr + Í zc kW - c (k s - k1 ) 0 ˙ W (6.50)
z z W Î z W˚
If the cutting operation is carried out by a single point tool, z = zc= 1, and Eq. (6.50) becomes
2p È s ˘
dP = k1ds + (ks – k1) dr + ÍkW - (k s - k1 ) 0 ˙ W (6.51)
W Î W˚
as the chip , ks – k1 = K is known as the and k W – (ks – k1) s0/W is
known as the .
Coefficient k1 can be approximately found from a
drilling experiment. In this experiment, a hole predrilled to
k1=tan e0
Feed force, kgf

diameter. The feed force is measured as a function of the

feed per revolution. The slope of the curve in the vicinity of
s0 = k1 (Fig. 6.29). e0
Tobias asserts that the dynamic component due to
variation of the rotational speed is much less as compared mm
s0 ,
to the components due to variation of the undeformed chip
thickness and penetration rate. Consequently, the third Fig. 6.29 Curve for determining coefficient kl
term in Eq. (6.51) may be neglected. This assumption is
tantamount to stating that vibrations in the Z ¢ direction (Fig. 6.20) may be ignored as they are of little
consequence. On the strength of this assumption, we can conclude that the change of the penetration rate is
362 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

only a function of the rate of change of feed per tooth (undeformed chip thickness), and therefore, dr = dy/dt
= ds/dt.
2p dy
dP = k1 dy + K ◊ (6.52)
W dt
Let us take a close took at Eq. (6.52). The right-hand side of this equation consists of two factors:
1. Factor k1 dy k1
ks. However, it should be noted that k1 is a constant which does not
change with the frequency of vibration.

2p dy K dy dy
2. Factor K = = K¢ A comparison of this factor with the right-hand side of Eq. (6.37)
W dt n dt dt
reveals the basic similarity between the two.
By dropping the differential operator d from Eq. (6.52) to bring it in line with the expressions of Tlusty
and Kudinov, we obtain the dynamic cutting force expression as
P = k1y + K ¢ y (6.53)
The transfer function of the cutting process can be written as

P Ê K¢ ˆ
WCP = = k1 + K ¢p = k1 Á1 + p
y Ë k1 ˜¯

The dynamic characteristic of the cutting process is obtained by lm ,

putting p = iw in Eq. (6.54). kgf
mm w
Ê K¢ ˆ
WCP (iw) = k1 Á1 + iw (6.54)
Ë k1 ˜¯
Re, kgf
The polar plot corresponding to Eq. (6.54) is shown in Fig. 6.30. k1
The dynamic cutting force expression is similar to the characteristic
equation of a differentiating element, which explains the phase lead
Fig. 6.30 Polar plot of cutting process
between the cutting force and undeformed chip thickness as shown
as per the dynamic cutting
in Fig. 6.30. force expression of Tobias

As mentioned earlier in Sec. 6.5.2, the dynamic cutting force consists of the dynamic cutting force component

The DCFC at the tool face, in general, depends on

(a) variation of undeformed clip thickness due to relative displacement in a direction normal to the surface
of cut, and
(b) variation of effective rake angle
Dynamics of Machine Tools 363

(b) variation of clearance angle

the dynamic cutting force may be treated as a two degree of freedom system in normal coordinates. Hence,
the transfer function of the cutting process may be written as
WCP (p) = WF(p) + WFL(p)
The dynamic characteristic of the cutting process is, therefore, found as the vector sum of the individual

The basic approach outlined above was employed by Kudinov to derive the transfer function of the cutting
process. However, while deriving the transfer function of the DCFC at the tool face, Kudinov did not take
into account the effect of the change in effective rake angle. From Fig. 6.25, it is seen that
dg = y/v,
Hence, Pg = Kg ◊ y/v
where Ky represents the slope of P = f (g ) curve linearised in the range of variation of g and may be described

Applying Eq. (6.32), the characteristic transient response equation of DCFC at the tool face can be written
P + Tc P = ks y + Kg ( y/v) (6.55)
wherefrom the transfer function is found as
P k s + ( Kg /v) ◊ p
WF (p) = = (6.56)
y 1 + Tc ◊ p

function of the cutting process in the form,

k s + ( Kg ◊ p )/v
WCP(p) = + hFL ◊ p (6.57)
1 + Tc ◊ p

The transfer function relations of cutting process derived by Kudinov and Eq. (6.56) derived above are all
valid for machining of a smooth surface without any vibratory waves from previous cutting and assuming
that no vibrations are produced during the cut under consideration. In actual machining, this situation would
zth part of a
revolution while machining with a multiple-teeth cutter having z teeth.
In fact, machining under all conditions is accompanied by vibrations, therefore, actual metal removal may

1. Wave removal
2. Wave cutting
3. Wave removal over wave cutting
364 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

1. Wave Removal Wave removing refers to machining in which vibratory wave from a previous cut is re-
moved, but no vibratory wave is produced by the current cut (Fig. 6.31). In this case, there is no change in the
rake angle due to geometry of the cut. Assuming the vibratory wave from the previous cut to be sinusoidal,
the variation of undeformed chip thickness on account of this wave is given by the relation,
y0 = A0 sin w 0t (6.58)


t a


Fig. 6.31 Schematic representation of wave removing operation

This variation is superimposed over the stepped change of the undeformed chip thickness y, therefore, the
characteristic transient response equation of the DCFC at the tool face may be written as
(1 + Tc p) P = ks(y + y0) + Kg ( y/v) (6.59)
Assuming A0 = hy, the transfer function of the DCFC at the tool face may be written as

P k s (1 + h sin w 0 t ) + Kg ◊ p/v
WF (p) = = (6.60)
y (1 + Tc ◊ p )

the cutting process in wave removal as

k s (1 + h sin w 0 t ) + Kg p/v
WCP (p) = + hFL p (6.61)
1 + Tc p

2. Wave Cutting Wave cutting refers to machining in which the surface from the previous cut is smooth,
but a vibratory wave is produced by the current cut (Fig. 6.32). In this case, the DCFC at the tool face and

angle dg = y/v due to vibration of the tool (Fig. 6.25), the changes of rake and clearance angles now under
consideration are exclusively governed by the geometry of the cut.
Dynamics of Machine Tools 365


t a

Fig. 6.32 Schematic representation of wave cutting operation

The DCFC at the tool face in this case depends on the stepped change of undeformed chip thickness,
change of rake angle due to vibrations, change of undeformed chip thickness due to the vibratory wave

Regarding the fourth factor, for the sinusoidal wave described by Eq. (6.58), the change of rake angle can be
found as
y A w cos w 0 t
dg 0 = = 0 0 (6.62)
v v
Consequently, the characteristic transient response equation of DCFC at the tool face can be written as
(1 + Tc p)P = ks (y + y0) + Kg ( y/v + A0w 0 cos w 0 t/v) (6.63)
Again assuming A0 = h y, the transfer function of DCFC at the tool face is found as
P k s (1 + h sin w 0 t ) + ( Kg /v)( p + hw 0 cos w 0 t )
WF (p) = = (6.64)
y (1 + Tc ◊ p )
The change of clearance angle due to geometry of cut is equal to the change of rake angle and may,
therefore, be written as
y A w cos w 0 t
da 0 = = 0 0 (6.65)
v v
see Eq. (6.36)).

PFL = KFL ◊ (h/2)( y/v + A0w 0 cos w 0 t/v) (6.66)

As A0 = h y,
WFL(p) = = (p + hw 0 cos w 0t) (6.67)
y 2v

WFL(p) = hFL(p + hw 0 cos w 0t) (6.68)

By combining Eqs (6.64) and (6.68), the transfer function of the cutting process can be written as follows:
k s (1 + h sin w 0 t ) + ( Kg /v)( p + hw 0 cos w 0 t )
WCP (p) = + hFL(p + hw0 cos w 0t) (6.69)
1 + Tc p
366 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

3. Wave Removal over Wave Cutting This refers to machining in which vibratory wave produced by a
previous cut is removed, but a new vibratory wave is produced by the current cut (Fig. 6.33). This condi-
tion is described as regenerative chatter which is discussed in greater detail in Sec. 6.6.6. Factor affecting

transfer function of the cutting force in wave removal over wave cutting is also expressed by Eq. (6.69). The
undeformed chip thickness variation due to the wave left behind by previous machining is expressed through
overlap factor which is discussed in Sec. 6.6.6. The effect of this factor is taken into account at the time of
stability analysis by means of a time delay element in the feed loop (see Fig. 6.41).


t a

Fig. 6.33 Schematic representation of wave removal over wave cutting (regenerative chatter)

The basic procedure of stability analysis has already been explained in Sec. 6.2. Now, with the knowledge
of the transfer functions and dynamic characteristics of the machine tool elastic system and cutting process,
we will take up stability analysis of EES-cutting process closed-loop systems involving different models
of EES under various cutting conditions. It was explained in Sec. 6.4.3 (see Fig. 6.17) that instability of
ks is
directly proportional to the undeformed chip width b (see Eq. (6.29)), the chances of chatter vibrations in a
system increase with an increase of b. In actual practise, therefore, the problem of stability analysis is often
reduced to determining the maximum limiting undeformed chip width b lim at which chatter will not occur.
The reader is cautioned that in the subsequent discussion cutting is supposed to be associated with machining
of a smooth surface with a single point tool, unless otherwise mentioned.

The polar plot of a single-degree of freedom system is shown in Fig. 6.10 and the static characteristic of the

multiplication of the polar plots of the EES and cutting process will, in this case, be nothing but the EES
Dynamics of Machine Tools 367

ks. If an arbitrary point of frequency w of the EES polar plot is

A and phase angle f, the corresponding point of frequency w on the open-loop system
A ◊ ks and phase angle f (Fig. 6.34). It is evident from Fig. 6.30 that
the polar plot of the open loop system cannot intersect the –Re axis. Thus, if the EES of the machine tool can
be represented as a single degree of freedom vibratory system and the cutting conditions are such that they
can be represented by a static characteristic, the closed-loop system is always stable.
lm, lm
kgf mm
fEES Re, Re
kgf fOL=f EES


(a) (b)

Fig. 6.34 (a) Polar plot of single degree of freedom EES (b) Polar plot of open-loop system

The polar plot of the EES represented as a many degrees of freedom system in normal coordinates is shown in
Fig. 6.35a and the polar plot of the open-loop system using the static cutting process characteristic is shown
in Fig. 6.35b. It is evident from Fig. 6.35b that this closed-loop system is also always stable.

lm, lm
kgf CEES CEES ks
Re, Re
fEES kgf fOL=fEES


AOL=ks ◊AEES w

(a) (b)

Fig. 6.35 (a) Polar plot of many degrees of freedom EES in normal coordinates (b) Polar plot of open-loop
368 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

There is no denying the fact that the stability of the closed-loop system should be assessed under the most
adverse conditions.
Among the transfer functions of the cutting process discussed in Sec. 6.5, the one represented by
Eq. (6.33) is one of the most unfavourable as it is devoid of the damping term. At the same time, it is perhaps
the simplest among all the transfer function relations. This characteristic will, therefore, be used for stability
analysis in this as well as future sections. The polar plot of EES, the cutting process and open-loop system are
shown in Fig. 6.36a, b and c, respectively. The dynamic stability of the closed-loop system can be assessed
by applying the Nyquist criterio (see Sec. 6.2). Let us derive an expression for the limiting undeformed chip
width (blim) in the given case.

lm , lm ,
mm kgf
kgf mm
Re, mm fC Re, kgf
kgf AC mm

AEES w (b)

CEES ◊ks

(a) Re,
fOL=fEES +fC



Fig. 6.36 (a) Polar plot of single-degree of freedom EES (b) Polar plot of cutting process (c) Polar plot of
open-loop system

The transfer function of EES represented as a single degree of freedom vibratory system is
WEES(p) = (see Eq. (6.10))
T12 p 2 + T2 p + 1

By substituting p = iw, we get the dynamic characteristic as

WEES(iw) =
- T12w 2 + T2 iw + 1
Dynamics of Machine Tools 369

CEES (1 - T12w 2 - T2 iw )
(1 - T1 w + T2 iw ) (1 - T12w 2 + T2 iw )
2 2

CEES (1 - T12w 2 ) - CEESiT2w

(1 - T12w 2 ) 2 - (iT2w ) 2

Upon separating the real and imaginary parts of the above expression, we get
CEES (1 - T12w 2 )
(1 - T12w 2 ) 2 + T22w 2
- CEES T2w
(1 - T12w 2 ) 2 + T22w 2

Bearing in mind that amplitude A = Re 2 + Im 2 and phase angle f = tan–1 (Im/Re), we obtain
AEES = (6.70)
(1 - T12w 2 ) 2 + T22 w 2
and f EES = tan–1 (6.71)
1 - T12w 2

Let us now consider the cutting process. Its transfer function is

ks k s (1 - Tc iw )
WF (iw) = =
(Tc iw + 1) k s (1 + Tc iw ) (1 - Tc iw )
wherefrom, we get
Rec =
(1 + Tc2w 2 )
- k sTcw
Imc =
(1 + Tc2w 2 )
and subsequently,
Ac = (6.72)
1 + Tc2w 2
f c = tan–1 Tc w (6.73)
The blim value corresponds to the threshold of stability when the polar plot of the open-loop system passes

intercept. Bearing in mind the general method of construction of the open-loop polar plot (see Fig. 6.7), it
OL) is equal to the
product AEES ◊ Ac when the phase angle fOL = 180°.
We know that
T w + Tcw (1 - T12w 2 )
fOL = fEES + fc = fOL = tan–1 2 (6.74)
(1 - T12w 2 ) - T2Tcw 2
370 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

CEES ◊ k s
and AOL = (6.75)
( ) ˘
( )
2 2
ÍÎ 1 - T1 w + T22w 2 ˙˚ 1 + Tc2w 2

By putting fOL = 180°, Eq. (6.74) yields the condition

T2 + Tc
w2 =
Now, by substituting this value of w 2 in Eq. (6.75), we get

k s CEEST12 ◊ Tc /T2
ReOL = (6.76)
T12 + Tc2 + T2Tc
Putting ReOL = 1, and bearing in mind that ks = r ◊ b, we get the following expression for the limiting
undeformed chip width
1 T2
blim = (T 12 + T c2 + TcT2) (6.77)
CEES ◊ r TcT12

The limiting undeformed chip width has a minimum value when dReoL/dTc = 0, which yields the condition
Tc = T1. On substituting this value in Eq. (6.62), we obtain
1 T2
b lim min = (2T1 + T2) (6.78)
CEES ◊ r T12

The time constant of the cutting process can be expressed as

Tc = (6.79)
where lc = length of the path travelled by the cutting tool before the cutting force attains a stable value
v = cutting speed
If the value of Tc = lc/v is substituted in Eq. (6.77), the expression for blim is obtained in the form.

1 T2 Ê 2 lc2 ˆ blim
b lim = Á T v + + lc ◊ T2 ˜ (6.80)
r ◊ CEES T1 lc
2 Ë 1
v ¯
b b = f (T 2ν )
lim 1
The graphic plot of Eq. (6.80) is shown in Fig. 6.37.
If machining is done in such a manner that b <
blim min, the system is stable at all cutting speeds. Howev- Stable
er, if b > blim min, then from Eq. (6.65) we can determine blim = f (l c2 /ν )
two cutting speed values v1 and v2 such that the system
is stable for v < v1 and v > v2, but unstable in the cutting n,m/min
n1 n2
speed range between v1 and v2. The values v1 and v2 may
be found from Eq. (6.65) for a particular value of b from Fig. 6.37 Effect or cutting speed on limiting
the condition, width of cut
Dynamics of Machine Tools 371

1 T2 Ê 2 lc2 ˆ
b = Á T v + + lcT2 ˜ (6.80a)
r ◊ CEES T12 lc Ë ¯
Since, b ◊ r = ks
ks ◊ T 21lc v = (T 12 v2 + l 2c + lcT2v)
T 12T2v2 – vlc(ksCEEST 21 – T 22) + l 2c T2 = 0 (6.81)

Solving the quadratic algebraic Eq. (6.81), we obtain

lc È(k C T 2 - T 2 ) ± (k C T 2 - T 2 ) 2 - 4T 2T 2 ˘
v1,2 = Î s EES 1 2 s EES 1 2 1 2 ˚ (6.82)

The polar plot of a vibratory system with coupled coordinates is shown in Fig. 6.38a (see also Fig. 6.16). The
ks on account of static
cutting process characteristic, the open-loop system plot shown in Fig. 6.38b is obtained. Obviously,
Re EES ◊ ks = REOL (6.83)

mm lm

Re, Re
fEES kgf fOL=fEES


(a) (b)

Fig. 6.38 (a) Polar plot of a two-degree of freedom EES in coupled coordinates (b) Polar plot of open-loop

The dynamic stability of the closed-loop system can be assessed through ReOL by applying the Nyquist
criterion. The limiting undeformed chip width blim may be determined from Eq. (6.68) by putting ReQL = 1
and substituting ks = r ◊ blim.
blim = (6.84)
r ◊ Re EES
372 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The polar plots of the EES, cutting process and open-loop system are depicted in Fig. 6.39a, b and c,
respectively. The dynamic stability of the system is assessed by applying the Nyquist criterion as explained
in Sec. 6.2.
lm, lm,
CEES kgf/mm KS

Re,mm fc Re,kgf Re,

fEES kgf mm fOL=fEES
AC w
A +fC

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6.39 (a) Polar plot of many degree of freedom EES in coupled coordinates (b) Polar plot of cutting
process (c) Polar plot of open-loop system

In principle, analytical expressions for ReOL can be obtained for coupled systems with static or dynamic
cutting process characteristics on the same lines as for a single degree of freedom system. For this, it is
essential to obtain the transfer function of the system by the method described in Sec. 6.4.3. However, it may
be pointed out that these analytical expressions are extremely complicated and it is probably easier to carry
out the stability analysis through graphic construction.
In conclusion, it may be worthwhile to note that though the dynamic characteristic of the cutting process is
the major cause of chatter vibrations in EES with weak coupling (systems in normal coordinates), in systems
with coupled coordinates the phase shift due to dynamic characteristic is often of relatively little importance.
The practical implication of this phenomenon is that in systems with coupled coordinates there is little that
can be achieved by manipulating machining parameters, such as feed, cutting speed, etc., and it is necessary

The cases of stability analysis discussed till now are valid only for machining of a smooth surface without
any vibratory waves from previous cutting. In actual metal cutting practise, such cases of machining are rare
but the exercise was necessary for a proper appreciation of the fundamentals of chatter.
Dynamics of Machine Tools 373

Consider Fig. 6.40 which shows the tip of the cutting tool
at time t. If the number of cutting edges on the tool is z and its Curve 1 Tool
rpm = n, then the time between machining of a surface by two
successive cutting edges is t = 60/nz s. Hence, the preceding
tooth must have machined the surface at time t – t. Suppose as s0 /z
a result of vibration y(t) the surface formed by the preceding
Curve 2
tooth (curve 1) was wavy. Now from time t = 0 onwards, the
cutting edge moves along curve 2. The instantaneous value of Fig. 6.40 Schematic diagram depicting
the undeformed chip thickness variation is therefore given by wave over wave removing
the expression,
ds = y(t) – m(t – t) (6.85)
where m = overlap factor

operations, m zth part of the rotation of the tool or workpiece, provided no waviness is
left behind by the previous cut. It is also equal to zero in thread-cutting operations as the previously machined
surface does not affect the undeformed chip thickness of the present cut. For multiple tooth operations, such
as drilling, milling, etc., m = 1.0. For simple turning and grinding operations, m <

provides for maximum regenerative effect or the effect of undeformed chip thickness variation. Therefore,
m = 1 will be utilised in the subsequent discussion.
The regenerative effect can best be accounted for with the help of a time-delay element. The
closed-loop system including this element is shown in Fig. 6.41. It may be seen that this closed-loop system
now has two feedback loops—a primary feedback loop which is an integral characteristic of the system and a
time-delay loop which accounts for the regenerative effect due to perturbance y(t) acting on the cutting process. If
m = 0, the second loop is absent and the chatter occurring is known as primary chatter; this has been dealt with
m = 1, the chatter occurring is known as regenerative chatter.
The system of Fig. 6.41 can be treated as consisting of the closed-loop system within dotted lines and the
time-delay element. The response of the enclosed closed-loop system to perturbance y(t) acting on the cutting
process is given by the transfer function of Eq. (6.7), i.e.,
y y WOL ( p )
W CL(p) = =
Y (t ) 1 + WOL ( p )


WCLy ( p )
–τ p
μ e

me –tp

Fig. 6.41 Block diagram of machining system for Fig. 6.42 Block diagram of equivalent open-loop
analysing regenerative chatter system for analysing regenerative chatter
374 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The effect of the time delay element is to rotate the radius vector of the W CL(p) characteristic by an
angle f = tw in the clockwise direction. Thus for the stability analysis of the system shown in Fig. 6.41,
we must determine the polar plot of the equivalent open-loop system shown in Fig. 6.42. The method of
plotting the W CL(p) characteristic from the known WOL
open-loop characteristic of the system W CL shown in Fig. 6.42 is obtained by rotating each point on the
W CL(p) characteristic through an angle tw, where w represents the circular frequency at the particular point
y t y
of the W CL(p) plot. The method of obtaining the W CL plot from the W CL plot is illustrated in Fig. 6.44. The
dynamic stability of the system of Fig. 6.41 is now assessed by applying the Nyquist criterion.

lm, lm,
CEES ⋅ks
CEES ◊kS 1 + CEES ⋅ks
Re, Re
fd fOL

fCL = fOL - fd
w Ad
Ad =1+AOL

(a) (b)
Fig. 6.43 (a) Polar plot of open-loop transfer function WOL (b) Polar plot of transfer function W CL

lm, CEES ◊ kS
1 + CEES ◊ kS
1 + CEES ◊ kS

y Re Re
fCL t
fCL = fCL
+ tw

w t

(a) (b)
y t
Fig. 6.44 (a) Polar plot of transfer function W CL (b) Polar plot of transfer function W CL

Let us analyse three possible situations of stability in such systems.

Situation 1 The W CL characteristic completely lies within a circle of radius unity as shown in Fig. 6.45a.
In terms of the WOL characteristic (Fig. 6.45b) this would mean that the WOL characteristic lies completely to
Dynamics of Machine Tools 375

the right of the vertical line passing through the point (–0.5, 0) (this line will henceforth be designated Im5)
Such a conclusion stems from the graphic construction of Fig. 6.43, as at any point to the left of the Im5 line,
amplitude Ad will be less than AOL, and therefore, A CL will become greater than unity.
Now, we see that irrespective of the angle t w through which any arbitrary point of the plot shown in
Fig. 6.45a may be rotated, the characteristic does not go beyond point (–1, 0), and therefore, the system is
unconditionally stable.

lm, CEES ◊ks CEES ◊ks
1+CEEs ◊ks

Re (–5.5,io) Re

(a) (b)
Fig. 6.45 (a) Polar plot of transfer function W CL (b) Polar plot of open-loop system WOL

Situation 2 The W CL characteristic intersects the –Re axis to the left of point (–1, 0). Correspondingly, the
WOL characteristic intersects the –Re axis to the left of point (–0.5, 0) (Fig. 6.46). In this case, the system is
unconditionally unstable.

lm5 lm
CEES ◊ks
w1 1+CEEs ◊ks
(–0.5,io) CEES ◊ks

Re Re



(a) (b)
Fig. 6.46 (a) Polar plot of transfer function W CL (b) Polar plot of open-loop system WQL
376 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Situation 3 The W CL characteristic lies partially outside the circle of radius unity, but intersects the –Re
axis at a point to the right of point (–1, 0) (Fig. 6.47a). The corresponding WOL characteristic which is shown
in Fig. 6.47b intersects the Im5 line, but does not engulf point (–0.5, 0). Let the time-delay periods correspond-
ing to the points of intersection of W CL characteristic with unity radius circle be
t 01 = 1
t 02 = 2
f + 2p
t 12 = 1

lm, lm5 lm,

CEEs ◊ks
CEES ◊ks
1+CEEs ◊ks
(–1, io)
Re (–0.5, io) Re
f2 w1

(a) (b)
Fig. 6.47 (a) Polar plot of transfer function W CL (b) Polar plot of open-loop system WOL

For t < t 01, the system is stable but between t 01 < t < t 02, the system is unstable. Subsequently, when
t > t 02, the system remains stable till the rotation of point w by 2p brings it back to the starting position and
the time-delay period becomes equal to t l2, i.e., for t 02 < t < t12, the system is stable.
It may be thus seen that this is a case of conditional stability which means that for some values of t,
i.e., nz, the system is dynamically stable, while for others it is unstable. The situation is similar to the one
involving machining with b > blim min which was discussed in Sec. 6.6.3 with reference to primary chatter
(see Fig. 6.37). The difference between conditional stability in primary and regenerative chatter is that in the
latter case there is a succession of lobes such that the rpm ranges of relatively high dynamic stability alternate
with those of low dynamic stability (Fig. 6.48). The width of the rpm range in which the system is stable can
be determined approximately from the expression,
Dnz = (w 1 – w 2) (6.86)
where w 1, w 2 = circular frequencies at points where the W CL characteristic intersects the circle of radius
q = whole number, i.e., 0, 1, 2, …
Dynamics of Machine Tools 377

Unstable zones

Stable zones

n, rpm

Fig. 6.48 Variation of limiting width of cut with rpm in case of regenerative chatter

It is evident from Eq. (6.86) that as nz decreases, i.e., q increases, the width of the stable rpm range is
reduced. This is also obvious from Fig. 6.48. It may be pointed out that the asymptote to the lobes represents
the boundary of unconditional stability.
It should be interesting to compare the dynamic stability of the EES-cutting process system under
conditions of regenerative and primary chatter. For unconditional stability against primary chatter, the WOL
characteristic should intersect the –Re axis to the right of (–1, 0). However, for unconditional stability against
regenerative chatter, the WOL characteristic must pass to the right of point (– 0.5, 0) (Fig. 6.45b). It may,
therefore be concluded that all other factors remaining the same, the blim min in regenerative chatter is at least
two times less than blim min in primary chatter.
From the procedure of constructing the W CL characteristic, it is obvious that chatter occurs only when
the time-delay period is such that the point of the maximum radius vector lying close to frequency w n after
rotation through f = tw n passes through point (–1, 0). In other words, this implies that the chatter frequency is
the frequency of that point of the W CL characteristic where it intersects the –Re axis. As the W tCL characteristic
can cut the –Re axis a number of times for successive values of q = 0, 1, 2, …, the system is prone to chatter
at a number of frequencies. The variation of the chatter frequency with the change of rpm can be established

30 Unstable zones
nz = wn w
pq sec–1
wherefrom, w2
w n = nz ◊ (6.87)
It is evident that in each unstable zone
the chatter frequency increases with increase w1
of rpm. This result is depicted in Fig. 6.49. Stable zones n,rpm
It may be added in conclusion that chatter
amplitudes also change with rpm and are Fig. 6.49 Variation of chatter frequency with rpm
378 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

maximum when the chatter frequency lies at the middle of its range of variation. The magnitude of the chatter
amplitudes is determined by the non-linearity of EES.

Forced vibrations are caused by perturbances acting on EES and the cutting process (Fig. 6.2). These
vibrations affect the machining accuracy, productivity and life of the cutting tool. The effect on productivity
is dictated by the interaction of forced vibrations with chatter and the resulting change in the value of blim. In
this section, we will mainly deal with this interaction as it is essential for proper assessment of the dynamic
stability of the EES-cutting process system. The effect of forced vibrations on machining accuracy will also
be discussed.
The effect of forced vibrations on tool life is basically important to the production engineer and cutting
tool designer. As such, it does not fall in the purview of this book. However, some light will be thrown on
this aspect to help the machine tool designer get a better insight into the problem of forced vibrations in its
The forced vibrations affect the tool life through a change of the effective cutting speed. Let the amplitude
of the vibratory displacement be A. The amplitude of the velocity of vibration will, therefore, be A ◊ w, where
w is the circular frequency of vibrations. If the nominal cutting speed is v, the effective cutting speed will vary
between v – Aw and v + Aw during each half cycle of vibration. It is obvious from the preceding discussion
that high-frequency vibrations will have greater effect on tool life than low-frequency vibrations.
It is often held, though somewhat erroneously in respect of machine tools, that frequencies of forced
vibrations are equal to excitation frequencies and their harmonics. This is not really true. The complex nature
of various perturbances in a running machine tool and their distribution over a fairly wide frequency range
results in a wide-band type of excitation. The vibration spectrum, therefore, includes not only vibrations of
the dominant excitation frequency and its harmonics, but also vibrations occurring with natural frequencies
of the elements of EES. Thus, although the dominant excitation frequency may be quite low, the forced

frequencies are determined from the vibration-spectrum record of the particular machine tool in operation.
For instance, Fig 6.507 shows the vibration record of a face-milling operation. It may be pointed out that the
frequencies 400 Hz, 10 kHz, and 15 kHz are natural frequencies of the spindle unit, milling cutter blade and
cutting bit, respectively.

0 f,
0.4 6.0 10 11.4 15.5 kHz

Fig. 6.50 Vibration spectrum of the face-milling operation

Dynamics of Machine Tools 379

The sources of perturbance acting on the cutting process include the following:
1. Variable undeformed chip thickness due to inherent characteristics of certain machining operations,
such as milling and broaching.
2. Variable undeformed chip thickness due to machining of a wave formed during a preceding pass or
3. Periodic variation of the undeformed chip thickness while machining an eccentric workpiece.
4. Variable undeformed chip thickness at the time when the cutting tool enters the workpiece or comes
out of it.
5. Change in the cutting speed during operations such as facing.
6. Change in kinematic cutting angles with change in the direction of feed.
Most of the sources of perturbance of the cutting force are an unavoidable corollary of machining
processes and cannot be eliminated. Their effect must, therefore, be taken into account. Of the large number
of perturbances of the cutting process, the following two cases are of particular interest:
1. The dynamic perturbances are absent, i.e.,
y(t) = const, f (t) = const
2. The perturbance on EES is absent, i.e.,
f (t) = const
but a dynamic perturbance y(t) involving periodic variation of the undeformed chip thickness is acting on the
cutting process.
Case I y(t) = const, f (t) = const
Consider a parting operation on a lathe machine (Fig. 6.51). a0
Suppose the machine is set for removing constant undeformed y
chip thickness a0, y of EES. In
accordance with the objectives described above, let us analyse
the machining accuracy in this case. The question of interaction
between the static change y and blim does not arise in this
particular case because a static change of the cutting force is
incapable of causing chatter vibrations. From Eq. (6.7),

y y WOL ( p )
W CL (p) = =
y (t ) 1 + WOL ( p )
Fig. 6.51 Schematic diagram of a parting
at p = iw = 0, WOL = CEES ◊ ks, and the above expression may be operation

y y CEES ◊ k s
W CL = = (6.88)
a0 1 + CEES ◊ k s
380 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The ratio y/a0 is an index of machining accuracy y/a0

as it shows to what extent an error of the workpiece 3
surface is reproduced on the machined surface. The
relationship between yla0 and CEES ◊ ks is shown in
Fig. 6.52. The curve consists of two distinct portions:


1. When CEES > 0; in this region any increase of

CEES leads to an increase of deformation of the 1
system resulting in poorer machining accuracy.
2. When CEES < 0–; in this case the deformation
changes sign and the cutting tool has a tendency CEES◊ks
to dig into the workpiece, thus removing –1 0 1
an undeformed chip thickness greater than Fig. 6.52 Variation of static machining accuracy as
intended. Qualitatively, the surface accuracy a function of ks ◊ CEES
worsens as CEES increases.
If CEES ◊ ks = –1, i.e., the curve approaches the asymptote passing through point (–1, 0) and the system can
be considered statically unstable. In such a system, a random disturbance leads to a continuous penetration
of the cutting tool into the workpiece until the tool breaks. This phenomenon is known as undercutting.
The stability of a statically unstable system can be improved either by reducing CEES, i.e., improving the
stiffness of EES, or by reducing ks, i.e., by reducing the undeformed chip width. The lathe operator often
takes recourse to the latter measure in parting and grooving operations. For instance, in making a wide groove
(of say 8 mm), undercutting can be avoided by using a thin tool (of say 4 mm) and completing the operation
in two passes instead of doing the same operation in a single pass using an 8-mm wide tool.
Case II f (t) = const, y(t) π const
Let us assume that the dynamic perturbance on the cutting process is of the type
y(t) = Ay sin wt (6.89)
Such an expression is characteristic of the perturbance while machining an eccentric workpiece or a
workpiece on which a vibratory wave has been left by the preceding cut.

written as
A yy = Ay (6.90)
1 + AOL
where AOL = radius vector of the WOL characteristic
Ay = amplitude of the harmonic perturbance acting on the cutting process
Once again, we would be interested in the ratio A yy /Ay which is an index of the machining accuracy. By
substituting 1 + AOL = Ad, Eq. (6.90) can be written as
A yy = (6.91)
Ad / AOL

Let us analyse the machining accuracy under forced vibrations of this type. Three distinct situations are
Dynamics of Machine Tools 381

1. Ad /AOL < 1: This occurs when the point of frequency w of lm5 lm

the WOL characteristic lies to the left of line Im5 (see Fig.
6.53). In this situation, the amplitude of forced vibrations
is greater than the amplitude of the vibratory wave being Re
removed. Hence, the accuracy of the machined workpiece A
worsens with each successive pass. If the undeformed chip
width is increased, the WOL characteristic will expand, the
Ad /AOL value will further decrease, and the machining w
accuracy will worsen.
2. Ad /AOL > 1: This occurs when the point of frequency w wi
of the WOL characteristic lies to the right of Im5 line. In
this case, the amplitude of the vibratory wave reduces with Fig. 6.53 Polar plot of open-loop system
each pass. When the undeformed chip width b is increased, transfer function WOL
the ratio Ad /AOL increases, thus contributing to a reduction
of the amplitude of the vibratory wave. It may be thus seen that in case of forced vibrations due to a
low-frequency perturbance (w < w i
3. Ad /AOL = 1: This occurs at the point of intersection of the WOL characteristic with the Im5 line. In this
situation, the amplitude of the vibratory wave on the machined surface remains unchanged.
If the above results are interpreted in terms of the dynamic stability of the EES-cutting process system, it
may be concluded that
1. the system is unstable when Ad/AOL < 1,
2. the system is stable when Ad /AOL > 1, and
3. the system is on the threshold of stability when Ad /AOL = 1.
It may be seen that the stability of the system is governed by the Im5, line as was the case with regenerative
chatter. This is not surprising as the effect of harmonic perturbance is the same as that of machining a
vibratory wave. However, the fact that identical conclusions have been drawn from two separate analysis
points to the soundness of the approach.
The reader by now would be able to fully appreciate that an increase in stability of the open-loop system
will result in a contraction of the WOL characteristic. In the ultimate limit, the WOL characteristic can be reduced
to a point, in which case the ratio Ad /AOL . The implication of this conclusion is that forced vibrations
due to perturbance of the cutting process can be reduced to any desired extent and virtually eliminated by
improving the dynamic stability of the EES-cutting process system. Thus, if a system is dynamically sound,
the machine continues to run smoothly even in the case of resonance, e.g., with the impacting frequency in
milling operations.

The sources of perturbance acting on EES include the following:
1. Periodic forces due to errors in gears, splines and keys, belt joints, inaccuracy of bearing racings, etc.,
in short, these perturbances arise due to deviation of the geometry and kinematic motion from the

2. Periodic forces due to disbalanced rotating parts.

382 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

3. Pulsating forces from the hydraulic circuit and coolant pumps.

4. Periodic forces and shocks transmitted to the machine tool through the foundation.
5. Variable inertial force at the time of reversal of the cutting tool or workpiece in machine tools with a
translatory primary cutting motion.
All the above mentioned perturbances have a harmful effect on the quality of machining and the life of the
cutting tool. The designer should therefore constantly strive to suppress, and if possible, completely eliminate
these perturbances.
In this case,
y(t) = const, f(t) π const
Let the perturbance f(t) be of the type
f (t) = Af sin wt
Such a perturbance is a typical source for forced vibrations caused by manufacturing defects of the
machine tool, vibrations transmitted through the foundation, etc.
The response of the closed-loop system to perturbance f (t)
f y WEES
WCL = =
f (t ) 1 + WOL
where WEES represents the transfer function of EES when P = 0 (Fig. 6.8). The above equation yields the fol-
lowing relationship between amplitudes
f f Xin
f AEES A ◊ Af Afsinwt
Ay = Af = EES (6.92)
1 + AOL Ad
where A y = amplitude of the wave formed on the machined
surface Xout
The perturbance and EES can be considered as on open-loop
system representing the machine tool during its idle run (Fig.
6.54). Consequently, Fig. 6.54 Block diagram of machining
f system during idle run
Af ◊ A EES = A ir (6.93)
where Air is the relative amplitude of forced vibrations be- lm
tween the workpiece and cutting tool during idle run,
measured in the direction of the normal to the surface CEES ◊ks
of cut.
(–1, io)
Equation (6.92) can now be written as follows: Re
A yf = ir (6.94)
In analysing the machining accuracy under forced vibrations w
of this type we may come across the following three situations:
1. Ad < 1: This occurs when the point of frequency w of wi
the WOL characteristic lies inside the circle of unit radius
drawn with its centre at point (–1, 0) (Fig. 6.55). In this Fig. 6.55 Polar plot of open-loop system
case, the amplitude of the vibratory wave formed during transfer function WOL
Dynamics of Machine Tools 383

cutting is greater than Air. An increase in the undeformed chip width b, thus not only reduces the
dynamic stability of the system, but also adversely affects the machining accuracy.
2. Ad > 1: This occurs when the point of frequency w of the WOL characteristic lies outside the circle.
In this case, the amplitude of the vibratory wave formed during cutting is less than Air and the cutting
process provides a damping effect. An increase of b in this case leads to a higher value of Ad. Thus in
the case of forced vibrations due to force perturbance of frequency w < w i, an increase of b leads to
better machining accuracy, although the stability of the system is reduced.
3. Ad = 1: This occurs at the point of intersection of the WOL characteristic with the circle of radius unity.
Obviously, the amplitude of the vibratory wave during cutting is, in this case, the same as the relative
amplitude of machine vibration during its idle run.
A glance at Case 2 (Ad /AOL > 1 when the y(t) perturbance is considered) provides a useful, though
somewhat paradoxical conclusion that machining accuracy can be improved by increasing b, i.e., the depth
of cut in the case of forced vibrations occurring with a low frequency, provided, of course, that the increased
value b is less than blim and does not result in chatter.
As already explained, the increase in stability of the open-loop system of Fig. 6.3 reduces the size of the
WOL characteristic, which in the limit reduces to a point. In this extreme situation
Ad = =1
1 + AOL
Consequently from Eq. (6.79),
A fy = A ir (6.95)
A narrow WOL characteristic is typical of the working of precision machine tools as the depth of cut in
precision operations is, as a rule, very small. It, therefore, transpires that in precision machine tool operation,
forced vibrations cannot be eliminated completely even if the depth of cut is reduced to zero because even in
this limiting case (Ad = 1), idle-run vibrations will be faithfully transferred onto the machined surface. The
only possible method of improving the machining accuracy of precision machine tools is to reduce the level
of idle-run vibrations by improving the quality of manufacture and assembly of components, such as gears,
splines, keys, etc.

6.1 Determine the natural frequency of the system shown in Fig. 6.56.
Given: K1 = 10 kgf/cm, K2 = 8 kgf/cm, K3 = K4 = 15 kgf/cm and
m K1

introduced under mass m?

6.2 Write the equations of motion and determine the natural frequencies K2
of the two-degree of freedom vibration system shown in Fig. 6.57.
(Hint: See the chapter on the free vibration of two-degree of
freedom system in Refs 8 and 9.)
6.3 Figure 6.58 represents a two-degree of freedom system in normal
coordinates. Draw the polar plot of the system in the frequency K3 K4
range 5–150 Hz, assuming that the resultant transfer function of
the system is the vector sum of the transfer functions in normal
coordinates. Given: Fig. 6.56 Spring-mass system
384 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

K = 100 kgf/cm, m = 20 kg, l = 5 cm, l0 = 2 cm, d = 5 cm, P = 5 kgf.

(Hint: See the section on coordinate coupling in Refs 8 and 9.)

Fig. 6.57 Two-degree of freedom system Fig. 6.58 Two-degree of freedom sys-
tem in normal coordinates

6.4 For the system shown in Fig. 6.57, transform the equations of motion into equations in principal or
normal coordinates. If an exciting force P1 acts on mass m1, determine the transfer function of the
(Hint: See the chapter on many degrees of freedom systems in Refs 8 and 9.)
6.5 Determine the transfer function of the system shown in Fig. 6.57 without decoupling the equations of
motion. Assume that mass m1 is being acted upon by a force P1.
6.6 An orthogonal turning operation is being carried out by a sharp tool under the following conditions.

m/n r = 180 kgf/mm.

6.7 For the data given in the previous problem, draw the polar plot of the cutting process in the frequency

KFL = 100 kgf/mm (see Eq. (6.37).)

6.8 A machine tool elastic system can be represented as a single degree of freedom system having stiffness
= 9 ¥ 104 ◊ s/cm and mass = 20 ¥ 103 kgf ◊ s2/cm. The cutting
above. Determine blim for the case
of primary chatter. If the machining is done with an undeformed chip width b which exceeds blim by
25%, determine the range of cutting speed in which the cutting process will become unstable.
6.9 For the data of problem 6.8, plot the stability chart (i.e., chart showing variation of blim as a function
of rpm) for the case of regenerative chatter during a single point turning operation.
(Hint: 1. Select a value of b.
2. Obtain the W CL plot as in Fig. 5.47a.
3. Determine the range of f = tw in which the system is unstable; from this determine the
corresponding range of t and n = 60t.
4. Repeat step 3 for tw + p, 2w + 2p, etc.
5. Repeat steps 1 and 4 for another value of b.)
Dynamics of Machine Tools 385

1. Kudinov, VA, Theory of Chatter During Cutting (Friction). Peredovaya Tekhnologiya Mashinostroe-
niya, Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1955.
2. Kudinov, VA, et al., Vibration Behaviour Calculation of a Centre Lathe on Computer, ONTI, Moscow
3. Tlusty, J and M Polacek, “The stability of the machine tool against self-excited vibration machining,”
Proceedings Int. Res. in Prod. Engg., Pittsburg, 1963.
4. Kudinov, VA, Dynamics of Machine Tools, Mashinostroenie Publishers, Moscow, 1967.
5. Raven, FH Automatic Control Engineering, McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Tokyo, 1968, p. 57.
6. Tobias, FA and W Fishwick, “Theory of regenerative machine tool chatter”, The Engineer, Vol. 205,
London, 1958, p. 199.
7. Mehta, NK, et al., “An investigation of tool wear and the vibration spectrum in milling”, Wear, Vol.
91, 1983, p. 219.
8. Grover, GK, Mechanical Vibrations, Nem Chand Bros., Roorkee, 1977.
9. Thomson, WT, Theory of Vibration, Prentice-Hall, New Delhi, 1975.


The control systems of a machine tool are meant to generate controlling movements which are essential for

A control system, in general, consists of

is generally a set of elements and mechanisms which appropriately modify the initial controlling

The two main functions of machine tool control systems are:


The critical importance of control systems in the overall machine tool performance dictates the following
requirements in their design:


Mechanical devices for stepped regulation of speeds and feeds in machine tools were discussed in Secs
Control Systems in Machine Tools 387


Speed and Feed Changing Systems with Simple

7.2.1 Centralised Control

a and
388 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

5 6

4 7



Fig. 7.1 Speed-changing mechanism of a jig boring machine

a and b, c
Control Systems in Machine Tools 389

1 3

(z=75) (z=25) 12 13
6 7 8 9 10 11
20 b


c 45 31.5


.4 10

19 z14
z14 z14


18 17 16



Fig. 7.2 Feed-changing mechanism of a horizontal milling machine

a, b, c and d.

x, y and z are
390 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control





View facing arrow A

(a) (b) 1

(c) (d)
2 4

Fig. 7.3(a) Single-lever control system of a milling machine speed box

Control Systems in Machine Tools 391

Development of drum grooves

Cluster gear position
controlling the cluster gears
a b c d a b c d

L.H. 0 R.H. R.H.

R.H. 0 ’’ ’’

0 L.H. ’’ ’’

0 R.H. ’’ ’’

L.H. 0 L.H. ’’

R.H. 0 ’’ ’’

0 L.H. ’’ ’’

0 R.H. ’’ ’’

L.H. 0 R.H. L.H.

R.H. 0 ’’ ’’

0 L.H. ’’ ’’

0 R.H. ’’ ’’ z

L.H. 0 L.H. ’’

R.H. 0 ’’ ’’

0 L.H. ’’ ’’

0 R.H. ’’ ’’

Fig. 7.3(b) Development of groove profiles on drum cams 1 and 2

392 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

5 4

1 2


Fig. 7.4 Four-step joystick lever for changing speeds

7.2.2 Speed and Feed Changing Systems with Preselective Control

a preselective control system of speed and feed regulation on the machine

Then when the operation is over,

Control Systems in Machine Tools 393

F1 and F2


Lines for



Speed selector R1


F4 F1

Fig. 7.5 Schematic diagram of hydraulic preselective control system

F1 and F2
F3 and F occupy
394 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Stop valve
control valve

Discharge line

Fig. 7.6 Schematic diagram of a two-position shifting device

F3 and F which
Control Systems in Machine Tools 395

1 2


Fig. 7.7 Schematic diagram of a three-position shifting device

and through valve V2

M1, M2


7.2.3 Speed and Feed Changing Systems with Selective Control


systems which permit changing of feed and speed from one value to another without having to pass through
selective control systems.
396 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

2 3

Fig. 7.8 Single-lever selective speed-changing mechanism for four-speed horizontal boring machine


Control Systems in Machine Tools 397


Fig. 7.9 Schematic diagram depicting

the closed-loop nature of man-
machine interaction
main functions:
398 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

ergos nomos

divided into the following two categories:

functional anatomy or more
popularly, biomechanics

7.4.1 Anthropometric and Functional Anatomy Data

Control Systems in Machine Tools 399

M - 144.8 cm
H/ 5.9

F - 131.9 cm
M - 169.6 m
F - 158.8 m

M 102.6 cm
Hip Height F 100.1 cm
H/ 7

H/ 9.8
Shoulder height
Body Height


H/ 3.92
H/ 4.63
Fig. 7.10 (a) Body dimensions of an average male and female (b) Dimensions of human limbs in proportion
to body height

2 600



Zone of working
1500 without excessive
Zone of maximum
comfort during

Fig. 7.11 Work-area data for an average-size operator

400 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control




Fig. 7.12 Maximum pushing and pulling

force as a fraction of body
weight at different positions of
the forearm
The electric motor of the main drive of machine tools is

Table 7.1 Maximum safe lifting force, kgf

Adults Youths
Men Women Boys Girls


Ergonomic Considerations Applied to the

7.4.2 Design of Control Members
The anthropometric and functional anatomy data when considered along with factors such as ease and
Control Systems in Machine Tools 401

Design of Push Buttons

mm and

Design of Toggles The toggle is a miniature lever which is used as

a > 40°



Fig. 7.13 Toggle switch

Design of Knobs

motor of the main drive and other step switching
operations requiring a relatively large switching

Fig. 7.14 Bar knob

402 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Table 7.2 Design parameters of continuous function knobs

S. No. Type of knob Sketch Diameter Depth


Design of Cranks
in which the handle is offset from and parallel to the


mechanism for manual feeding and rapid manual

Fig. 7.15 Crank

Control Systems in Machine Tools 403

Table 7.3 Recommended values of crank size

S. No. Load, kgf rpm Crank lever arm length, mm


25 ª

Design of Levers
404 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Design of Hand Wheels A

Table 7.4 Recommended diameters of hand wheels

S. No. Torque resistance, kgf ◊ cm Wheel diameter, mm

should have a wavy inside surface of the rim to ensure a good

Design of Rotary Levers and Star Wheels A rotary lever

position varies during rotation and they frequently pass through Fig. 7.16 Hand wheels
Control Systems in Machine Tools 405

that it provides the operator the choice of using a lever which is most convenient

Fig. 7.17 Star wheel

Ergonomic Considerations Applied to the Location of

7.4.3 Displays and Control Members

Quantitative Displays

Analogue Digital

Fixed pointer and Fixed scale or dial

moving scale or dial and a moving pinter 1 4 7 3

406 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

0 5 10 15 20 25

and are preferred when precise readings at regular intervals Poor

0 5 10 15 20 25

Fig. 7.18 Example of scale subdivisions
corresponding to 1

0 4 8 12 16 20
greater accuracy than required hinders rapid and
0 5 10 15 20

T Fig. 7.19 Example showing markings that

should be numbered
does not have to mentally carry out conversions and


T A/50 A = Expected maximum

reading distance

Fig. 7.20 Recommended dimensions of

T scale markings

30± 2.5°

H= 38± 2.1°
where H = height of letter, mm

Fig. 7.21 Recommended range of

location of displays
Control Systems in Machine Tools 407


Height of letter or
numeral, mm
1 10

and functional anatomy considerations discussed in 0 2 4 6
Distance between display
and operator’s eye, m
see also Fig. 7.22 Nomogram for determining height of
letters or numerals depending upon the
are vertical rotary levers and star wheels which are distance of display:
— for instruments with moving scale and
illumination intensity = 100 lx
of vertically outstretched forearm with the upper - - - for instruments with fixed scale and
illumination intensity = 100–200 lx
– - – for instruments with fixed scale and
illumination intensity = 300 lx

Table 7.5 Range of location of control members

S. No. Operator position Vertical distance from Horizontal distance

mm between extreme control
members, mm

160 cm
135 cm
137 cm

133 cm
110 cm

95 cm

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 7.23 Location of various control members while (a) operating a lever (b) grinding a tool (c) working on
a bench
408 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

7.4.4 Compatibility in the Design of Control Members

population stereotypes

Fig. 7.24 Compatibility considerations in push-button control for rectilinear movement





Fig. 7.25 Compatibility considerations in on-off Fig. 7.26 Compatibility considerations applied to
type push button and lever controls continuous-function type levers
Control Systems in Machine Tools 409

wheels is that when an operator facing the wheel turns it in the

Fig. 7.27 Compatibility considerations

applied to hand wheels

Table 7.6 Function symbols for use on control panels

S. No. Symbol Function S. No. Symbol Function

Limited rotation


Stepless regulation of
rpm or cutting speed) speed or feed

of rpm or cutting speed) rotation

Accelerated travel Manual Control

Cross feed Local illumination

410 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Table 7.6 Contd.

Electric motor rpm

(red in colour)

Coolant sump
! Attention: Be cautious
(yellow in colour)


7.5.1 Mechanical Automatic Control Systems

Control Systems in Machine Tools 411

Cam-controlled Systems

s or

1 2 4

10 8 6

11 9

Fig. 7.28 Three-dimensional diagram of a cam-controlled automatic lathe

412 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Template-controlled Systems tracer controlled systems, the program

Z1, Z2 and Z3

4 5 6

Z1 Z2 Z3

2 7

Fig. 7.29 Working principle of a direct action, template controlled copy milling machine
Control Systems in Machine Tools 413

3 5

Fig. 7.30 Working principle of an indirect action, template controlled copy milling machine

7.5.2 Electrical Automatic Control Systems

414 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control



4 3


Fig. 7.31(a) An electrical automatic control vertical milling machine

Contact board

plug is inserted, a particular contact on the contact

to the drive or actuating mechanism of a particular


Fig. 7.31(b) Drum-type plug board

in Y and Z
Control Systems in Machine Tools 415

is initiated, it is necessary to actuate the limit switch which will determine the length of travel for the given

equipped with conventional machine tools does not presage radical changes in production planning and


dictates resetting of new values of cutting speed and feed whenever a change occurs in the dimensions, depth

Adaptive control provides automatic control of the operating parameters, so that cutting speed and feed

An adaptive control system carries out three functions:

416 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Monitoring involves on line measurement of one or more parameters of the cutting process to evaluate

and in case of a discrepancy uses an optimising algorithm to carry out on line optimisation and calculate

of the cutting conditions are:


Adaptive control systems are used in machine tools in the following two modes:

To achieve process optimisation from consideration of performance effectiveness criterion such as

Commensurate with the function of limit constraint or process optimisation, adaptive control systems may

(a) limit constraint adaptive control systems or adaptive control constraint (ACC) systems, and
Control Systems in Machine Tools 417

7.6.1 Limit Constraint Adaptive Control Systems

The torque and rpm of the machine spindle are measured and the actual consumed power (Nact) is compared
with the limiting power (N N Nact


Nmax Amplifier
and Feed drive Carriage

transducer Spindle drive

Fig. 7.32 Limit constraint adaptive control system

7.6.2 Process Optimisation Adaptive Control Systems

As already stated, the function of these systems is to control machining parameters in the course of an
operation in such a manner that the machining process is carried out under optimum conditions for the

which calculates the optimum values of the controlling parameters in accordance with the algorithm and

An adaptive control system designed from the viewpoint of minimum machining cost as the optimising
418 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control


transducer Spindle

Algorithm for
wear rate
Drive Carriage
rpm control

Algorithm for
opt. feed & speed Feed drive

Fig. 7.33 Process optimisation adaptive control system

Proc. II MTDR Conf.,
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 419



A machine tool is said to be numerically controlled if it operates in a semi-automatic or automatic cycle
as per instructions transmitted to it in a coded form. Strictly speaking, the term ‘numerical control’ is a
misnomer, because the coded instructions are expressed not only through numerals, but also through letters,
punctuation marks and other symbols. However, although ‘symbolic control’ would have, perhaps, been a
more appropriate name, the term ‘numerical control’ (NC) has come to be so closely associated with control
through symbols that it is now universally accepted and applied in the latter sense.
It is obvious that numbers by themselves cannot do any work, leave aside operating a machine. A
comprehensive electrical, electronic and mechanical processing and transmission system is required to affect
the movement of a slide or cutting tool from information coded on a program medium, such as a punch card,
punch tape, magnetic tape, etc.

fundamental to a proper understanding of the functioning of numerical control systems. It, therefore, appears
logical that this aspect should be dealt with in the very beginning. The elements of numerical control systems
and their operating principle will now be described, starting with the example of turning (Fig. 8.1).

20 5
Amplifier Program


Stepping Amplifier

Fig. 8.1 Schematic diagram of a numerical control system for simple turning operation
420 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The cylindrical workpiece clamped in the lathe chuck is to be machined to produce a stepped shaft by
removing the material which has been shown hatched. For the starting position of the tool as shown in the

1. Travel of the tool post in – X direction through 5 mm.

2. Travel of the tool post in – Z direction through 25 mm.
3. Travel of the tool post in + X direction through 5 mm.
4. Travel of the tool post in + Z direction through 25 mm.

1. Switching instructions, e.g., feed direction in the given example; other switching instructions may be
for spindle speeds, coolant on/off, tool change, etc.
2. Path magnitude instructions.
For the time being let us forget switching instructions and see how path magnitude instructions are
implemented. Also, for the sake of simplicity let us assume that the path magnitude is programmed in the
unit pulse code. In this code, as many holes are punched on the paper tape (which is the program medium)
as the number of impulses required. The number of impulses depends upon the least count of the system. For
instance, if the least count = 1.0 mm, i.e., one impulse produces 1.0 mm displacement of the tool post, then
25 holes must be punched for obtaining a tool post travel of 25 mm. If the least count of the system were 0.1
mm, 250 impulses and hence 250 punched holes would be required to achieve the same displacement.

hole and sends the corresponding information to the decoder. The decoder generates a pulse every time

the lead screw of the lathe. The input of an impulse to the stepping motor results in a turning of its rotor
through a particular angle. This rotary motion is transmitted to the lead screw and is converted through the
screw-and-nut mechanism into translatory displacement of the tool post by a distance equal to the least count
of the system. If we assume that the least count of the system shown in Fig. 8.1 is 1.0 mm, then the program
would appear as shown in Fig. 8.2. It may be emphasised again that the switching instructions are, in this
example, not coded. They may, as a hypothetical situation, be assumed to be initiated at the appropriate
moment manually or electrically (see Sec. 7.5.2).





–Z 25

+Z 25

Fig. 8.2 Program in unit pulse code for the component of Fig. 8.1

The punched tape would appear as shown in Fig. 8.2. The set of instructions between two stop commands
contains the necessary information for executing a particular motion. This is known as a sentence, e.g.,
STOP—Z 25STOP constitutes a sentence. The sentence consists of words (STOP), symbols (– sign), letters
(Z) and numerals (25). While machining instructions are being carried out in accordance with a particular
sentence, the information contained in the next sentence is read and stored temporarily in a memory device,
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 421

known as buffer storage. When the operation has been completed, the information from buffer storage is
instantaneously transferred to the active storage, thus ensuring continuous running of the program. In the
light of above discussions, the numerical control system of Fig. 8.1 may be represented in a general form by
the block diagram of Fig. 8.3.

Program Amplifier Drive in X

medium direction

Program Buffer Operative

storage Decoder
reader member

Amplifier Drive in Z

Fig. 8.3 Block diagram of an NC lathe for simple turning

Let us now consider the example of a taper-turning operation (Fig. 8.4). The motions involved in the

1. Travel of the tool post in the – X direction by 5 mm.

2. Travel of the tool post in the – Z direction by 5 mm.
3. Simultaneous travel of the tool post by 20 mm in the – Z direction and 4 mm in the + X direction.
4. Travel of the tool post in the + X direction by 1.0 mm.
5. Travel of the tool post in the + Z direction by 25 min.


4 reader
20 5
+ Amplifier Decoder


Stepping Amplifier

Fig. 8.4 Schematic diagram of a numerical control system for taper-turning operation
422 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

tapered surface. The generation of the tapered surface involves simultaneous movement of the tool in the – Z
and + X directions such that
1. The movements in both directions start simultaneously, and
2. The displacement through 4 mm in the + X direction takes exactly the same time as the displacement
through 20 mm in the – Z direction.
The second requirement presages that stepping motor pulse rates in the two directions (and they control

The task of calculating the feed rates of simultaneous movements and their coordination is done by a control
element known as the interpolator. The interpolator is basically a microprocessor and is an essential part of

tape for the machining cycle of the taper-turning operation is shown in Fig. 8.5 while the block diagram of
the NC system is shown in Fig. 8.6.





–Z 25

+Z 20

Fig. 8.5 Program in unit pulse code for me component of Fig. 8.4

Open-loop and Closed-loop Systems In the two systems-described above, the operative member
of the machine tool is directed to move to a certain position. However, whether it precisely arrives at the
desired position or not is not ascertained. In other words, there is no feedback on the accuracy of execution
of the path magnitude commands. Such systems are known as open-loop systems. The NC systems depicted
in Figs 8.3 and 8.6 are both open-loop systems. It may be useful to summarise at this stage that the elements

Program Drive in X
medium Amplifier

Program Operative
reader member

Amplifier Drive in Z

Fig. 8.6 Block diagram of an NC lathe for taper turning

1. Program medium
2. Program reader
3. Buffer storage
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 423

4. Decoder
5. A
6. Drive
Numerically controlled systems with a feedback device are known as closed-loop systems. The feedback
arrangement consists of a transducer which monitors the actual displacement of the operative member. The
actual displacement is compared with the programmed displacement and the difference signal is employed
to actuate the drive motor until the command signal and actual position coincide. It may be thus seen that

1. A displacement measuring device

2. A comparator.
The block diagram of closed-loop systems, based upon the open-loop systems of Figs 8.3 and 8.6 are
shown in Figs 8.7 and 8.8, respectively.

Tachometer ?1

Drive in X

Program Transducer
medium X-direction

Program Operative
?2 member

Drive in Z




Fig. 8.7 Block diagram of a closed-loop NC system for simple turning

Tachometer ?1

Drive in X



medium X-direction

Program Operative
reader member

Drive in Z




Fig. 8.8 Block diagram of a closed-loop NC system for taper turning

424 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The displacement measuring device (transducer) and the comparator may be analog or digital. For
compatibility between the transducer signal and comparator and between the transducer output and drive,
it is necessary to use appropriate analog-to-digital (AD) and digital-to-analog (DA) converters. These are
shown in Figs 8.7 and 8.8 by ? 1 and ? 2. In general, four combinations of the transducers and comparators

Combination Converter ? 1 Converter ? 2

Analog comparator and analog transducer Nil Nil

Analog comparator and digital transducer DA Nil

Digital comparator and digital transducer Nil DA

Digital comparator and analog transducer AD DA

It may be added that a deceleration circuit is an integral element of all NC machines and it is placed before
the motor control.
The input devices, reading circuits, decoding circuits, interpolator, comparator or controller, position
control circuit, velocity control circuit, deceleration circuit and auxiliary functions constitute the machine
control unit (MCU) of the numerically controlled machine tool. The MCU is housed in a separate cabinet and
together with the machine tool constitutes the NC machining system.
Closed-loop systems are more reliable but also more expensive. Numerically controlled machine tools have
traditionally been closed-loop systems, but in recent years, the concept of open-loop control is fast catching
up. The successful operation of open-loop systems is governed by the reliability of stepping motors, i.e., their
ability to respond reliably to a pulse command. If a stepping motor were to respond unfailingly to command
signals, but not respond to spurious signals, then there would be no need for the feedback arrangement and
the control systems would become considerably simpler and cheaper. At present, reliable stepping motors
are available in a low horsepower range only. Therefore, open-loop control is generally employed only in
positioning systems in which no material removal takes place during the movement controlled by the NC

Basic Length Unit (BLU) The accuracy of travel in an axis of motion depends on the position
resolution of the given axis and is called the basic length unit (BLU). It is also known as increment size
and bit weight. In open loop systems, the BLU is the tool travel corresponding to one pulse of the stepper
motor. For instance, if a stepper motor of 200 steps per revolution is moving the table through a lead screw
of pitch 5 mm, the BLU of the system will be 5/200 = 0.025 mm. In a closed-loop system, it is necessary
to distinguish between position resolution which is the smallest position increment in the part program and
control resolution which is the smallest change in position that the feedback device can sense. For instance,
if the optical encoder used as feed back transducer in a NC machine tool emits 1000 pulses per revolution of
the shaft attached directly to a 5 mm pitch lead screw, i.e., it emits one pulse for every 5/1000 = 0.005 mm of
linear displacement of the operative member, the control resolution of this system will be 0.005 mm. For best

the system resolution or BLU.

In both open loop as well as closed loop systems, the part dimensions are expressed as number of pulses
corresponding to the distance of move. For instance, for the operative member to move by 5 mm in a NC
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 425

machine tool with BLU = 0.001 mm, the number of pulses to be generated by the stepper motor or servo
motor = 5/0.001 = 5000. This quantity is entered as the reference value in the comparator. These pulses may
actuate a stepper motor in an open-loop system or a dc servo motor in a closed-loop system. The rate at which
these pulses are generated (pulses/min or pulses/sec) determines the feed rate at which the move is executed
in the given axis of motion.
Example: A 100 mm long workpiece is to be machined on a NC lathe at 500 rpm and feed rate of 0.1 mm/
rev. A stepper motor having step of 1.8° is used to provide the feed motion through a lead screw having a
pitch of 5 mm. Determine BLU and the required total number of pulses and pulse rate.
(i) As the step angle of the motor is 1.8°, 200 pulses will be required for one revolution of the lead screw.
Hence BLU = 5.0/200 = 0.025 mm
(ii) Pulses required to program for the move of 100 mm
= 100/0.025 = 4000
(iii) The move feed rate per minute = 0.1 ¥ 500 = 50 mm/min
For a feed rate of 50 mm/min the required pulse rate
= 50/0.025 = 2000 pulses/min.

Point-to-point (Positioning) and Continuous-path (Contouring) Systems Depending upon

1. Point-to-point or positioning control systems.

2. Positioning-cum-straight-cut systems.
3. Continuous-path or contouring systems.
In point-to-point systems, the table (or spindle) is moved by nu- Y

is being drilled at position A (Fig. 8.9). After this hole has been drilled
and the drill are tracked out of contact with the workpiece, it is nec- A
essary to move the table so that point B occupies the working posi- y
tion under the spindle presently occupied by point A. Since the aim is B
to position the table at the desired location, it is immaterial whether it
X-axis and then along the Y-axis or vice versa.
As a matter of fact, to minimise the positioning time, the two motions x
should preferably be executed simultaneously, with the constraint
that the displacement along each coordinate axis should cease when
the displacement equals the assigned value. It may be thus seen that 0 X
in point-to-point control systems, there need not be any coordination Fig. 8.9 Component drawing
between the movements in the two directions. The only requirement is
that the table should move to the desired location, irrespective of the path. An important feature of these systems
is that the cutting tool is not in contact with the workpiece when the positioning movement is being executed.
Point-to-point control is generally applied in drilling and boring machines.
Positioning-cum-straight-cut systems are basically positioning systems with the additional capability of
426 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

1. The table speed during the machining operation should be equal to the feed rate and not that of the
accelerated travel.
2. During the machining operation the simultaneous movements along the coordinate axes can not be
coordinated. However, in some machines, it is possible to use both feeds simultaneously, thereby mak-
ing it possible to take cuts at 45° to the coordinate axes.
3. The feed motor should have a higher capacity than the feed motor of a positioning system.
This type of control is generally applied in milling machines and simple lathes. It permits in the former
case machining of rectangular blocks and straight grooves, and in the latter case only cylindrical workpieces
with perpendicular shoulders. The NC system shown in Fig. 8.1 is representative of this group.
In the contouring systems the simultaneous movements of the tool and workpiece are coordinated to

segments of parabola to describe the locus of the tool cutting edge. This task is done by an appropriate
interpolator, which may correspondingly be linear, circular or parabolic. To ensure reliability in maintaining
the functional relationship between the movements, almost all contouring NC machine tools are equipped
with a feedback arrangement, i.e., they function as closed-loop systems. Contouring NC machine tools are
consequently more expensive than those operating on point-to-point control principle. Naturally, a contouring
NC machine tool can carry out all the functions of point-to-point and positioning-cum-straight-cut control
systems. Figures 8.6 and 8.8 represent contouring NC systems.

8.1.1 Coding System—Programming Mediums—Tape Format and Codes

Coding Systems
In the decimal system,
970 = 9 ¥ 102 + 7 ¥ 101 + 0 ¥ 100
and in the binary system,
970 = 1 ¥ 29 + 1 ¥ 28 + 1 ¥ 27 + 1 ¥ 26
0 ¥ 25 + 0 ¥ 24 + 1 ¥ 23 + 0 ¥ 22 + 1 ¥ 21 + 0 ¥ 20
which is represented as 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Now if 970 is encoded, it would appear in deci- 0
+ + + + + + + + +
mal and binary systems as depicted in Fig. 8.10a and
b, respectively. 10 + + + + + + + + +
It may be seen that for encoding any num- 10
+ + + + + + + + +
ber less than 1000 in the decimal system, we
need four rows, each containing 10 positions. In 10 + + + + + + + + + +
the binary system, we need only one row with an (a)
equal number of positions. Thus, the binary sys-
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
tem of coding is much more economical than the 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
decimal system. The biggest advantage of the bi- + + + +
nary system is that since any number is represent-
ed as a combination of 1 and 0, it can be easily (b)
realised in an on/off type electrical circuit – 1, i.e., Fig. 8.10 Decimal and binary encoding for 970
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 427

a punched hole corresponding to the on state of the circuit and 0, i.e., the absence of a punched hole corre-
sponding to the off state of the electrical circuit.

binary number 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 represents 970 in the decimal system. Therefore, in the numerical control
of machine tools the binary coded decimal (BCD) system is employed. The binary representation of numerals
1–9 being as given below.

1=0 0 0 1
2=0 0 1 0
3=0 0 1 1
4=0 1 0 0
5=0 1 0 1
6=0 1 1 0
7=0 1 1 1
8=1 0 0 0
9=1 0 0 1

the number 970 can be represented in BCD system as

9=1 0 0 1
7=0 1 1 1
0=0 0 0 0

i.e., the number is written in vertical columns, each row of the binary equivalent representing a number less
than nine. As compared to the pure binary system, the BCD system is slightly more expensive in terms of
consumption of the programming medium material, but it combines the advantages of binary representation
with the ease of reading and writing, characteristic of the decimal system.
Programming medium used in NC machine tools is punched tape. These tapes are available in 200 mm
diameter rolls, containing 300–600 m length of tape, depending upon its thickness, and are made of paper,
plastic or a plastic-aluminium sandwich. In early NC machine tools, punched cards and magnetic tape were
also used as programming mediums, but subsequently punched tape became widely accepted by industry

1. Low cost of perforator and program reader.

2. Low cost of the tape proper.
3. Ease of detecting damage to the tape.
4. Possibility of punching the program manually.
5. No hazard of accidental distortion of the coded information.
428 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Tape Format and Codes

tapes in use by various manufacturers of NC machine tools. In 1959, a standard format for tape size and

accepted. A standard 25.4 mm (1≤) tape is shown in Fig. 8.11.

When tape is edge

guided use this edge

Hole numbering tape feed
sequence “track”
+ –.009
error in 6” ¸
6 HolesÔPattern for
7 Holes ˝codes having
8 Holes Ô

12 Round code holes .072+0.001 Dia

3 –.002
To feed hole 45 Feed hole 0.46+.002
67 –.001
8 Thickness .004+–.0003
1,000+ –.003
Tape width .100+–.002
Spacing of all
hole centre lines

Fig. 8.11 A standard eight track punched tape

The tape has eight tracks or channels of coding holes and a row of smaller holes for feeding the tape. The
cross lines are known as rows. Each combination of holes in a row is regarded as a character. The switching
and path information required for an operation constitutes a block of characters. The lengths of blocks
obviously differ depending upon the quantum of information required for different operations. A block of
characters (or simply block), thus corresponds to a program sentence. In a tape having eight coding tracks
a total of 28 = 256 combinations are possible in each row. However, one of the tracks is reserved for the
purpose of checking, and therefore, the number of possible characters is only 27 = 128. If the combination of
‘no holes’ is ignored as being ambiguous, the actual number of available characters becomes 27 – 1 = 127. The
widely used EIA code effectively uses only six tracks of the tape for coding, because track No. 8 is used for
coding only one particular statement (The END OF BLOCK statement), while track No. 5 is used for parity
check (the purpose and method of parity check will be explained a little later). Thus, the number of available
characters in the EIA code is only 26 – 1 = 63. Till not so long ago it was considered that 63 characters were
adequate for controlling the operation of NC machine tools. However, with increasing sophistication of NC
systems and the larger number of machine tool functions that are numerically controlled, the need was felt
for a code that provided for more characters. This led to the development of a seven-bit code which has been
accepted by the ISO. Most manufacturers of NC machine tools are gradually changing over to this code. A
code similar to ISO is used in the USA where it is known as ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
Interchange). The ASCII code is increasingly being referred as ANSCII (American National Standards Code
for Information Interchange) since the name of the sponsoring organisation was changed from American
Standards Institute to American National Standards Institute. In the ISO code track No. 8 is utilised for
parity check, whereas the remaining seven tracks are used for coding. Thus, the ISO code has provision for
27 – 1 = 127 characters, which should be adequate for some considerable time to come, even if the current
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 429

The function of parity check is to keep a check on the mechanical condition of the punched tape. The
EIA code adopts the odd parity check. This means that every character on the punched tape should consist
of an odd number of holes. If the binary code requires an even number of holes for a particular numeral
(e.g., 3 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1) or symbol, then an extra hole is punched in track No. 5 to make the number of holes
odd. Thus, 3 = 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 is the correct equivalent in the EIA code. If the tape ever gets mechanically
damaged by means of a tear or rip, an extra hole will appear and the total number of holes in a row will become
even. As soon as the parity check monitoring circuit detects an even number of holes in a row, a command
is initiated to stop the tape reader and alert the operator. The ISO code employs an even parity check. The
number of holes in a character must be even. If the number of required holes for a symbol or numeral is odd
(e.g., 4 = 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0), an extra hole is punched in track No. 8 to make the total number of holes even. In
this case also, the tape is continuously monitored by the parity check circuit and the tape reader immediately
stopped whenever an odd number of holes are detected in a row. The coded representation of some of the
numerals and symbols in both EIA and ASCII codes is shown in Fig. 8.12.


8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Tape Punch EL X O CH 8 4 2 1
carr.ret. or end of block
back space
end of record

Fig. 8.12 EIA and ASCII codes for numerals, symbol and letters

1. Digit zero is punched as the decimal equivalent of 16. The code is obtained as the binary representation
of 16, i.e., 2, which implies a hole in track N05. However, since track N05 is reserved for odd parity
check, the hole is actually punched in track N06.
430 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

2. Alphabets a to z a–i (9 alphabets), j–r (9 alphabets) and s–z (8 alphabets).

Within each group, the alphabets are represented by their numerical equivalent, e.g., a = 1, b = 2, and
so on, j = 1, k = 20 and so on. The punch code is obtained as the binary representation of the numeral
(e.g. a = b = 2 = 20, and so on) and punching of additional holes in tracks 6 and 7 for alphabets
a–i, track 7 only for alphabets j–r and tack 6 only for alphabets s–z.

1. Digits 0–9 are represented by their binary equivalent with two extra holes punched in tracks 5 and 6.
2. Alphabets a–z are represented by their binary equivalents 1–26 with one extra hole punched in
track 7.
The program is punched on the tape on a perforator. The perforator is a keyboard instrument like a
typewriter or computer card punching machine. When a particular perforator key is pressed, the punch unit
automatically cuts the correct holes, including the hole required for parity check. The operator of such a
device need not have knowledge of the codes, etc., or any programming skill. As a matter of fact, the job can
be easily done by a typist with a little amount of practise.

8.1.2 N C Hardware

Program reader When the punched tape is passed through a punched tape reader, electrical connections
are made in accordance with the punched holes. Thus the coded instructions on the tape are transformed into
their electrical analogues which are utilised for controlling the various machine tool functions. Punched tape

1. Electromechanical
2. Photoelectric

passed. When there is no hole on the punched tape, the movable contact is aligned centrally inside the groove

character are read simultaneously by the eight sets of contacts. After a character has been read, the tape is
moved forward to bring the next character under the reading position. These readers have a reading speed of
20 to 120 characters per second, depending upon the mass of the movable contact.
The operation of a photoelectric tape reader is based upon the principle that if a beam of light falls on a
photodiode, the latter generates an electrical signal. Under the tape, nine photodiodes are placed in a row,
eight opposite the coded tracks and one opposite the feeding hole. If there is a hole on the tape, light escapes
through this hole and the corresponding photodiode generates an electrical signal. Photoelectric tape readers
do not have a drive sprocket, and, therefore, the signal from the photodiode placed opposite the feeding hole
is used as a timer to trigger the simultaneous reading of all the eight coded holes. Photoelectric readers are
capable of reading from 100 to 1000 characters per second.
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 431

speed of reading. The reading speed of electromechanical readers is adequate for positioning systems on
which they are frequently used. It is in general true that all electromechanical tape reading devices damage
the tape to some extent, especially at high-reading speeds. Therefore, from considerations of reliability, an
increasing number of positioning systems are equipped with the slower variety of photoelectric readers.
Almost without exception, continuous-path NC machine tools are equipped with high-speed photoelectric

Decoder The combination of holes read in a character must be changed into an unambiguous signal,
which is utilised for switching a particular machine tool function or is the physical equivalent of a numerical
quantity. This function is carried out by a decoder. A simple pyramid-type decoder is shown in Fig. 8.13.
The signal from each track of the tape is fed to the relays. If there is no hole on the punched tape, the
corresponding relay remains closed and occupies position 0 (dotted lines). In the case of a punched hole, the

is shown getting signals from four tracks. It, therefore, provides 24 = 16 electrical circuits. A larger decoder
having relays for receiving signals from seven coding tracks would obviously provide 27 = 128 circuits. Thus,
even after each of the coded symbol, letter and numeral of Fig. 8.12 is transformed by the decoder into a
unique electrical circuit, there still remain 128 – 50 = 78 unutilised electrical circuits. These extra circuits are
added to the redundancy to increase reliability.
Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Fig. 8.13 A decoder for 16 electrical circuits

While decoding the numerals, it is desirable from the point of view of controlling the feed motor that
the physical analogues of the numerals should be in the same proportion. For instance, the signal from

the simple arrangement shown in Fig. 8.18, this is achieved by resistances Ri(i = 0, 1, 2, …, 7), such that
R2 = 2R1 , R3 = 3R1, …, R7 = 7R1. Improved decoder designs employ logic elements or a diode matrix
instead of relays. However, these designs are too complex to be discussed in an elementary exposition of the
principles of numerical control.

Buffer Storage The buffer storage is a memory device which temporarily retains data received from the
decoder. The buffer storage is required in a NC system if the speed of tape reading is not adequate to ensure
uninterrupted execution of programmed movements. A delay in transmitting information from the decoder
432 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

due to inadequate reading speed will momentarily stop the operative member of the machine tool. Such
momentary stoppages are of little consequence in a point-to-point system because the workpiece is out of
contact with the cutting tool during the controlled movement. However, in positioning-cum-straight-cut and
continuous-path NC machine tools, the momentary stoppages will leave dwell marks on the machined
surface, which is unacceptable.
In positioning-cum-straight-cut NC machine tools, the length of programmed cutting movements

next command. Therefore, tape reading delay is not a serious handicap for both point-to-point and
positioning-cum-straight-cut NC machines tools. These machines are, therefore, seldom provided with buffer
In a

approximating lines or arcs, the greater is the accuracy. In order to achieve the accuracy generally required of

or arcs. Let us consider that a

rate of, say 300 mm/min the machining of this straight line segment will take
0.02 ¥ 60
= 0.004 s
An electromechanical reader with a reading speed of 100 characters per second will fail to provide
continuous movement as the reading time per character, which is 1/100 = 0.01 s is greater than the time
required for executing the elementary movement. It is, therefore, customary to equip continuous-path NC
machine tools with a photoelectric tape reader and buffer storage. The buffer unit enables the control system
to operate on an active storage while the data for the next movement is kept in the buffer storage. As soon as
the movement controlled by the active storage is completed, data from the buffer storage is transferred to the
active storage. The time required for data transfer from the buffer storage to the active storage is measured
in millionths of a second (i.e., it is virtually instantaneous), and therefore, the cutting process is continuous
for all practical purposes.

Interpolator In mathematics, interpolation is understood as the process of drawing as smooth a curve as

possible through a number of given points. In application to a numerically controlled machining system, the
aim of interpolation is to calculate the intermediate points of a curve, given its starting and end coordinates.

Interpolation can be done both by analog and digital interpolators. However, only digital interpolation will
be discussed here, as analog interpolation is seldom employed nowadays. A digital interpolator is basically
a microprocessor or microcomputer which calculates the intermediate coordinate points of a curve in

1. The digital differential analyser (DDA) method.

2. The direct function estimation (DFE) method.

for machining straight surfaces that are not parallel to either of the coordinate axes. Interpolation may be
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 433

straight lines, arcs of circles or segments of parabola. Interpolation of a higher order, e.g., by third-order

of the interpolator becomes prohibitive. For a similar reason, three-dimensional interpolation is rarely used.
Linear interpolator is primarily meant for straight lines but can be employed to approximate curved

required tolerances. It is obvious that the smaller the size of linear increments, the greater will be the degree

is generally 0.005 mm.

radius of curvature of the trajectory is denoted by R and the tolerance by t, the length l of the straight line
increment can be found from the expression,
l = 2.8 Rt (8.3)

l = 2.8 Rt
Inside Outside
tolerance (IN TOL) IN TOL
tolerance (OUT TOL)

Fig. 8.14 Different methods of approximating a curved profile by straight lines

The coordinates of the ends of each straight-line increment must be found. This can either be done
manually, or more practically, on a general-purpose computer. It must be appreciated that for machining a

involving vast lengths of punched tape.

reasonably small programs on machine tools that have provision of circular interpolation. For machining
an arc using circular interpolation, all that needs to be programmed are the coordinates of the starting and
end points of the arc, radius of the circle, coordinates of the centre and direction of movement. Thus, only

required for machining the same arc by using linear interpolation. From a purely mathematical viewpoint,
linear and circular interpolation techniques are basically similar because the circular interpolator also

interpolator which also generates the controlling signals that move the cutting tool along the programmed
arc. It may be mentioned that from considerations of design simplicity of the circular interpolator and hence
its cost, interpolation is sometimes restricted to one quadrant for a single set of commands. If a curve lies in
434 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

two or more quadrants, then a separate set of command statements must be prepared and punched for each
portion of the curve lying in a different quadrant.
Parabolic interpolation is particularly suitable for approximating complicated profiles which are

interpolation may be employed in two modes—tangent and three point. The tangent parabola is tangent
to the curve at the beginning and end of the span (Fig. 8.15a). The three-point parabola joins three
non-straight-line points on the curve in a trajectory which is either a complete parabola or a part of it

case, it occurs half way between the middle and starting or end points. For identical span lengths, the

and parabolic interpolations may be required simultaneously. In such cases, the transition from a line, arc
or parabola to another arc or parabola is smoothened by means of function routines which are provided as
software with circular and parabolic interpolators.





(a) (b)

Fig. 8.15 Approximation of a curve by (a) tangent parabola (b) three-point parabola

By parabolic interpolation a curve can be approximated with about 50 times less points than with linear
interpolation. However, widespread use of parabolic interpolators is restricted by their high cost and a
majority of continuous-path NC machine tools are equipped with linear and circular interpolators only.

Drives The main drives of NC machine tools for control of spindle rotation hardly differ from those used
on conventional machine tools. These may be simple stepped drives, stepped drives with electromagnetic
clutches and stepless drives. All these have been described in Chap. 2 and the reader may refer to Secs

are commonly used in spindle drive. However, with the advances in microprocessor controlled frequency
converters, AC motors are being preferred in the newer generation of CNC machine tools.
The feed motion drives are somewhat different. These drives will, therefore, be discussed here at some
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 435

1. Feed Motion Drives of Point-to-point Systems The feed drives of point-to-point NC machine
tools are generally powered by stepper motors. In most commercially available stepper motors, each
pulse turns the rotor of the stepper motor through 1.8°. It is thus obvious that it would take 200 pulses
to complete one revolution of the rotor. Motors generally handle pulse frequencies ranging from
80–1600 Hz. The corresponding minimum rpm of the motor is, therefore, 80 ¥ 60/200 = 24 rpm and the
maximum 1600 ¥ 60/200 = 480 rpm. Improved models of stepper motors can handle pulse frequencies of
up to 4.5 kHz, but these are rarely used in NC machine tools because the torque developed is extremely low.
Even normal frequency-range stepping motors can develop a torque of the magnitude of 200 kg ◊ cm. This is

which metal removal must take place during the control movement.
2. Feed Motion Drives of Continuous-path Systems Hydraulic and electrical stepless drives are
commonly used in continuous-path systems. These drives have been described in Sec. 2.9. The electrical
drive packages are economically viable in systems having relatively low power requirements, e.g., NC lathes.
For power requirements greater than 7 hp, hydraulic drives perform better. These drives are, therefore, more
commonly to be found on heavy-duty machine tools.

see Fig. 1.27)

and a hydraulic motor (generally radial-piston type; Sec. 1.4). The output of the stepping motor is utilised

Electric servo motors are now the most widely used drives for feed motion control. The motor is directly
coupled to the lead screw or connected to it through a toothed belt drive. The feed rate is changed by varying
the rpm of the servo motor, which is controlled electrically via the machine control unit. DC servomotors,
brushless DC servomotors, AC servomotors and linear motors are being increasingly used in the current
generation of CNC machine tools.

Displacement-measurement Devices A device for measuring the actual travel of a moving member
is an essential element of all closed-loop NC systems. Of course, it would be ideal to measure the workpiece

progress. It is, therefore, tacitly assumed that by measuring the travel of the moving member, we obtain fairly
accurate information about the correct workpiece dimension.
Before displacement-measuring devices are described, it is necessary to differentiate between two basic
modes of listing the coordinate positions. These are absolute and incremental. In the absolute measurement

while in the incremental system the position of a point is determined by its departure from the preceding point.
Figure 8.16a and b depict how the position of a point (point B)
systems. One apparent drawback of the incremental system is that, it being an additive system an error
during any stage of measurement will be carried over to all subsequent measurements, thus giving wrong
positional readings. On the other hand, the relative simplicity and lower cost of incremental-measurement
devices enjoins that they should be given serious consideration. In the early stage of development of NC
machine tools there existed a popular, though somewhat misplaced belief that the absolute dimensioning
system was inherently superior than the incremental. As a matter of fact, on any part drawing there are some
436 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

incremental-measuring systems have a place in NC machine tools. Some guidelines for selecting one or the

1. Incremental-measuring systems are viable for small and medium displacement positioning NC
machines and continuous-path machines with digital interpolators.
2. Absolute measuring systems are preferable for positioning, straight-line and continuous-path control
on large machine tools.

yBA increm
yB A A
yA xBA increm
yA xA

(a) (b)

Fig. 8.16 Methods of listing the coordinate positions: (a) Absolute (b) Incremental

1. Digital
2. Analogue
1. Digital Displacement-measuring Devices In digital displacement-measuring devices, the position
of the moving member is monitored by a feedback transducer which converts minimum increments of
the displacement into discrete numerical values. Digital-measuring devices are used both for absolute and
incremental systems.
A simple digital measuring system for incremental method is shown in Fig. 8.17. It consists of a transparent
calibrated scale and a scanning device. One of them is stationary while the other is mounted on the moving

generate a pulse every time a mark of the scale is passed. The pulses are added in the electronic counter
whose reading serves as an accurate indication of the distance travelled.
5 4 8 2

Scanning device

Transparent scale
Fig. 8.17 Schematic diagram of a digital displacement-measuring system
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 437

The cost of simple digital scales, such as the one shown in Fig. 8.17 becomes prohibitive if they are

two scales—a main scale and an auxiliary scale which is inclined at an angle d to the former. The optical
interaction of the gratings of the main and auxiliary scales produces a Moire pattern whose width depends
upon d
reducing the accuracy requirement for the graduation spacing.
The device for measuring linear displacement, described above, is based on direct measurement of the
distance travelled by the moving member. The linear displacement can however be measured indirectly in
terms of the lead-screw rotation. The reduction involved in converting rotary motion into translatory motion
offers the advantage of increasing the spacing of graduations. A simple graduated disc is mounted on the lead
screw and rotates with the latter. The discrete signals are generated again by a photoelectric scanning device.
If extremely small displacement increments have to be discretised, then an arrangement consisting of a main
scale and an auxiliary grating is employed. The rotary feedback devices are less expensive. However, they
are less accurate as mechanical factors such as inaccuracy of the screw, screw compression, backlash, etc.,
affect the readings. It may be thus seen that the accuracy and stiffness of the lead screw and nut improve
the machining accuracy directly as well as indirectly by contributing to the accuracy of the feedback device
Digital systems for absolute displacement measurement make use of coded binary scales or discs. The
coded binary scale consists of a number of parallel uncoded scales (Fig. 8.18). The top-most scale has the
least pitch, while the pitch of all successive scales increases by two times.

s1 s2


Fig. 8.18 Binary coded scale

Thus, the topmost scale gives the decimal readout of the 2° position of the binary coded number, while the
successive scales give the readouts of 21, 22, 23 … positions. The accuracy of measurement depends upon the
pitch of the topmost scale; the smaller the pitch the higher the accuracy. The total length that can be measured

scales, it can measure a maximum displacement of 24 + 23 + 22 + 21 + 20

scale has 12–20 parallel uncoded scales. Coded binary scales have very close resolution (about 2.5 microns).
438 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Table 8.1

Decimal Decimal
code code
0 0000 5 1110

1 0001 6 1010

2 0011 7 1011

3 0010 8 1001

4 0110 9 1000

In spite of their high accuracy and reliability,

NC machine tools due to their very high cost. The

system which is widely used in practice consists of
a series of coded discs, each with a separate scan-
ning device. The discs (Fig. 8.192) consisting of
four circular binary scales employ a special binary
. This code
is shown in Table 8.1 and enables the four scales to
represent digits between 0 and 9 only.
In comparison, four scales in the pure binary
code would represent digits between 0 and 15
(23 + 22 + 21 + 20 = 15). A number of such discs are
coupled in succession through a gearing having a

the readout of units, the next one gives the readout Fig. 8.19 Binary coded ring using modified Grey code
of tens, and so on.
2. Analogue Displacement-measuring Devices In these systems, the displacement is converted into an-
other physical analogue which can be easily measured. The possible physical analogues may be extremely
varied in nature, such as mechanical, magnetic, electrical, photo electrical, etc. Most of the devices work
with an electrical analogue, which may be monitored through voltage, frequency or phase. In actual practise,
cost, accuracy and reliability considerations overwhelmingly favour phase-sensitive transducers which, not

A typical transducer consists of a single-phase wound rotor and a two-phase wound stator, in which
windings are displaced by 90° with respect to each other. If an alternating voltage is applied to the rotor
winding, then the sine and cosine components of the amplitude can be tapped from the two stator coils. If
the rotor winding is coupled to the lead screw of the machine tool, the voltages tapped from the stator coils
will indicate the angle of rotation of the lead screw, and hence the displacement of the moving member
(slide, table, etc.). This type of measuring device is known as resolver, as it resolves the angle of rotation into
sine and cosine components. A device with three stator windings displaced through 120° is known as a selsyn
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 439

A system which is just the reverse of the one described above can also be employed for displacement
measurement. In this arrangement a symmetrical, two-phase voltage is applied to the two stator coils. The

the rotor winding. Besides the permanent factors like ratio of windings, the emf induced in the rotor winding
depends upon its relative position with respect to the stator coils. Hence, if the rotor winding is coupled to
the machine tool lead screw, the voltage induced in it is an indication of its angular position, and hence the
displacement of the moving member. This measuring device is known as synchro owing to the fact that it
is widely used in synchronising or follow-on control circuits. Synchro devices with a three-phase stator
winding are more common. Their working principle is the same as that of two-phase synchros.
In application to NC machine tools, synchros are used on a much wider scale than resolvers. A single
synchro can represent an angular rotation unambiguously in a very narrow range, corresponding to a
rectilinear displacement of about 4–6 mm. This is obviously not enough for most machine tools. Therefore,

switching system successively switches from one transducer to another as the actual and desired displacement

In a synchro- or resolver-based feedback system, the cost of precision gears, racks, pinions, etc., that are
free of backlash can be quite high. This restricts their application to small-sized NC machine tools in which
the displacements are small and can be measured by one or at the most, two synchros, and to machine tools
having not too stringent accuracy requirements (so that the accuracy requirements of the gearing system are
correspondingly low).
An analogue device which can measure large displacements is the linear inductosyn. The linear inductosyn
consists of a scale and a slider made of a nonmagnetic material. The scale carries a printed rectangular
winding, whereas the slider carries two windings which are 90° out of phase. The scale and slider windings
interact in the same manner as the stator and rotor windings of a rotary resolver. As the slider moves with
respect to the scale, the emf induced in its windings changes. From the emf values, the equivalent angle of
rotation may be determined and subsequently the displacement may be calculated.
Linear inductosyns are generally designed for a scale spacing of 2 mm. The scales, which have a standard
length of 200 mm, may be placed end to end for obtaining longer scales. Nowadays, linear inductosyns
often form part of a measuring system which includes rotary resolvers and an inductosyn. Resolvers do

measurement of the absolute displacement only. In comparison with digital displacement-measuring devices,
analogue devices are generally simpler, more robust and less expensive. However, the measuring process

displacement-measuring devices are suitable for small and medium size NC machine tools of positioning as
well as continuous path types.

Comparators Depending upon the type of feedback transducer employed for measuring displacement,
the comparator may be
1. discrete-function type, and
2. continuous-function type.
The discrete-function comparator operates in conjunction with digital feedback transducers. The
distinguishing feature of these comparators is that they produce an output signal only when the programmed
440 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

and actual displacement values coincide. On the other hand, a continuous function comparator emits a
signal all the time till the programmed and actual displacements are different. These comparators operate in
conjunction with analog feedback transducers.
1. Discrete-function Comparator The simplest discrete-function comparator is a preselection counter.
As the name implies, it consists of a preselector and a pulse counter. The counter is a standard electronic
instrument. The preselector is a set of decade switches which may be set at a desired value either manually
or through instructions generated by the control unit in accordance with the punched program. The setting
on the preselector depends upon the elementary displacement of the moving member realised from one pulse
(least count of the system). The output signal can be generated by the preselector in three different ways using
a subtraction circuit, addition circuit and detection circuit, which also determine the setting on the preselector.
2. Continuous-function Comparator Before describing a continuous-function comparator, it is necessary

to the programmed displacement is constant, while the other coming from the feedback transducer is

corresponding to the programmed displacement is fed to the primary winding of transformer I, while the
variable voltage (due to change of the relative phase angle) from the analog feedback transducer is supplied
to the primary winding of transformer II. If the rotors of the programmed transducer and feedback transducer
are perpendicular, the comparator output is zero. If the two are not perpendicular, the comparator output is
a dc signal whose polarity depends upon the sign of the phase difference. Continuous-function comparators
and analog transducers form a simple, robust, reliable and relatively inexpensive feedback system, which
explains their wider application.


The program for machining a particular workpiece depends not only upon the workpiece shape and dimensions
but also upon the NC machine tool on which it is machined. The program for machining a workpiece on one

machine tool. The cause of variation lies in the difference between formats of the machine tools. Machine
tool formats differ not only from one type of machine tool to another (say the lathe and milling machine),

formats of individual machine tools will be of little use to the reader of a general text of his nature. It is felt
that a general description of machine tool formats will serve a more useful purpose and equip the reader with

8.2.1 Machine Tool Formats

The information which the programmer must have about the concerned machine tool is as follows.
1. Does the machine tool have a positioning, positioning-cum-straight-cut or a continuous-path control
2. Does the machine tool have an absolute or incremental mode of listing the coordinate positions?
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 441

5. How many digits are used for specifying dimensions? Where is the decimal point located? Does the
machine tool control have the provision for suppressing leading zeros or trailing zeros or none?

Mode of Listing Coordinates The two modes of listing coordinate positions-absolute and incremental
were described in Sec. 8.1.2 (Fig. 8.16). Although both systems can be used with equal ease, there are
some points that need to be highlighted for better appreciation of the distinguishing features of the two.
One apparent drawback of the incremental system is that, it being additive, an error during any stage of

system is observed in case of interruptions that force stoppage of the machine, e.g., after tool breakage. In case
of a machine with absolute system, the operator changes the tool and rewinds the program to the beginning of
the block in which the interruption occured and takes the tool to the starting position by invoking the absolute
coordinates. In an incremental system, it is impossible to return the tool to the starting position of the segment
in which the interruption occured. Therefore, in an incremental system, every time an interruption occurs, the
part program has to be rewound fully and restarted from the very beginning.
Another advantage of the absolute system lies in the ease with which dimensional data in the program can

In the incremental system the part program would have to be corrected from that point onwards where the

In the incremental system, for the segment of part program between starting of tool from home position
and returning to it after completion of machining, the sum of increments of the individual motions is zero.

measuring devices used in incremental systems are simpler and cheaper. The recommendations for selec-
tion of the mode of listing of coordinates, based on these and other factors have already been discussed in
Sec. 8.1.2

Zero System
(i) Fixed
(ii) Full zero shift
(iii) F

(a) Zero point or machine zero is the point where the X, Y and Z axes of the machine tool intersect. It is a
datum point characteristic of the machine tool which may be a physical point on the machine tool or
an imaginary point programmed in the machine control unit.
(b) S
characteristic of the workpiece and must be located accurately with respect to the machine zero to
442 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

coordinates with respect to the machine zero are (Xsp, Ysp) as assigned by the part programmer. When the
coordinates of the set-up point are entered in the MCU console manually and the start button is pressed,
the spindle moves to the set-up point of the job (lower left-hand corner in the given case) so that it comes
exactly under the spindle and the sides of the job are strictly parallel to the X and Y axes. This setting calls for
considerable skill of the operator. In this zero system, the coordinates of the part are taken from the machine





Fig. 8.20 Fixed-zero system

In the system with full zero shift (Fig. 8.21) the operator clamps the workpiece in a convenient position on
the machine table. He then enters the set point coordinates in the MCU console and presses the start button.
As a result the centre of the spindle will move to the position (Xsp, Ysp) with respect to the machine zero.
However, this location of the spindle will not coincide with the set-up point of the workpiece. To make the
two coincident, the operator manipulates the zero shift dials of the machine tool to shift the machine zero
to the position from where the set-up point of the part will have the coordinates (Xsp, Ysp). In principle, the
machine zero can be shifted to any location by the procedure described above. However, for convenience,
it is generally shifted to the lower left-hand corner to obviate the necessity of recalculating the dimensions.

high skill.

select any point as the machine zero without any constraint on the sign of the programmed dimensions,
i.e., the dimensions in the part program may be positive as well as negative. Suppose for the part shown in
Fig. 8.22, it is desired to set the machine zero at the centre of the job. The set-up point is the lower left-
hand corner of the job having coordinates (– Xsp, – Ysp) with respect to the planned machine zero. To carry
out zero setting of the machine, the operator takes the spindle to the set-up point and enters the coordinates
(– Xsp, – Ysp). This will set the machine zero at the centre of the job.
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 443

Y +Y



Fig. 8.21 Full-zero shift system





Fig. 8.22 Full-floating zero system

Programming Formats
X dimension,
followed by Y dimension followed by end of block statement. The positions of direction words X and Y are
444 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

or full-zero shift as all the dimensions are positive. It should be kept in mind that even if X or Y location does
not change, it must be repeated in the next block.
In a machine tool that has a tab-sequential format, the tab character is utilised to separate the words in a

a repeated word (dimension) need not be punched and may be passed over by pressing the tab character,
because except the tool change function all other numbers are retained in the MCU memory.
In the word-address format, the words in a block
information is preceded by an identifying word (X or Y) which acts as the address. Thus the major distinguishing
feature of the word-address format is that X and Y characters must be punched. This makes the program

and M 50–59
(cam setting) commands remain in effect till they are replaced by a new one. However, commands M02 and
M06 are cancelled automatically after they are implemented once, and must, therefore, be programmed in
every block in which they are required.
The meaning of these commands will be explained shortly in Sec. 8.2.2.
The variable-block format combines word-address and tab-sequential formats for both flexibility

word-address pair is separated by a tab character. The repeated words need not be punched.

Specification of Dimensions

X 3.3, it
the X
remaining three digits represent numbers to the right of the decimal point. Thus, for instance, on a machine
having the format X 3.3 the dimension X
have provision for suppression of either leading zeros or trailing zeros. In the word 0 0 1 5 0 0, the two zeros
before 15 are leading zeros, while the two zeros after 15 are trailing zeros. If the control unit of the machine
tool reads from right to left, it is provided with leading zero suppression while if the words are read from left
to right the trailing zeros are suppressed. On a machine tool having leading zero suppression, the word 0 0 1
5 0 0 will be written as 1500, whereas on a machine tool with trailing zero suppression the same word will be
written as 0015. The provision of suppressing leading or trailing zeros considerably shortens the length of the
punched tape required for a program. It should, however, be noted that zero suppression is applicable only to

have an X 2.4, Y 2.4 dimension format, while those working in the metric system have an X 3.3, Y 3.3 format.
The machine tool format details discussed above will now be elaborated with the help of a few simple
programming problems for point-to-point NC systems. The workpiece is a rectangular block and the
numerical control is to be applied to position the spindle at points 1, 2 and 3 (see Fig. 8.23a). The dimensions

d, respectively. The X and Y coordinates of the points in the three systems are given in Table 8.2.
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 445

2 2

50 45 3 3
1 1
5 45
5 20
55 20 20
60 75
(a) (b)

2 2

25 20
1 1
5 25 25
(c) (d)

Fig. 8.23 (a) Component drawing (b) Programming dimensions in fixed-zero system (c) Programming
dimensions in full-zero shift system (d) Programming dimensions in full-floating zero system

Table 8.2 Coordinates of programmed points on machine tools with different zero systems

Point Fixed zero Full-zero shift F

1 25 25 5 5 – 25 –20

2 25 65 5 45 – 25 20

3 75 45 55 25 25 0

The possible formats are numerous, but the examples described below will, it is hoped, not only help the
reader to grasp differences between formats but also impress upon him that programming fundamentals are
basically similar and one can easily adapt to programming in any format.
X 3.3,
Y 3.3, and it has no provision for suppressing zeros.

format is X 2.4, Y 2.4 and it has provision for suppressing trailing zeros.

format is X 2.4, Y 3.3 and it has provision for suppressing trailing zeros.
446 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

X 3.3, Y 3.3 and it has provision for suppressing leading zeros.

The program manuscripts and characters punched on the tape are shown below for all the four programming
problems. It may be noted that every block starts with a sequence number and ends with an end of block
statement. An EOB statement is also required at the beginning to initiate the program.

Problem 1

Seq. X 3.3 Y 3.3

001 025000 025000 EOB
002 025000 065000 EOB
003 075000 045000 EOB

Program manuscript





Characters on tape

Problem 2

Seq. X 2.4 Y 2.4

001 TAB – 25 TAB – 20 EOB
002 TAB … TAB 20 EOB
003 TAB 25 TAB 0 EOB

Program manuscript














Characters on tape

Problem 3

Seq. X 2.4 Y 3.3

N 001 X 05 Y 005 EOB
N 002 — Y 045 EOB
N 003 X 55 Y 025 EOB
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 447

Program manuscript













Characters on tape

Problem 4

Seq. X 3.3 Y 3.3

N 001 TAB X 25000 TAB Y 20000 EOB
N 002 TAB … TAB Y 20000 EOB
N 003 TAB X 25000 TAB Y0 EOB

Program manuscript
















Characters on tape

8.2.2 Function Codes

Up to this point, we have discussed numerical control principles for programming of positioning movements
only. In addition to the control of machine table or spindle movements, there are a number of functions
which are essential to the process of material removal for making a part. Examples of these functions are tool
changing, switching the spindle on, turning the coolant on, setting the proper feed rate and rpm, etc. These
functions may be executed manually by the operator or may be numerically controlled. Depending upon the
complexity of the NC system, we may have, at one end, a machine tool on which none of the functions are
program-controlled and at the other extreme a machine tool on which all functions are program-controlled.
On most NC machine tools, a few functions such as loading and unloading are done manually while a
majority of the functions are programmed. The important functions and their codes are described as follows.

Sequence-number Function
represented by N plus three digits.

Tool-selection Function This function is coded on machine tools that have programmable turrets and
automatic tool changers. It is represented by T

Speed Function This function is coded on machine tools which have provision for automatic speed

machine tools have, in most of the cases, automatic control of both or none. The speed function is represented
by S plus three digits. On machine tools having stepped regulation of spindle revolutions, the speed steps may
be assigned three digit numbers. For instance, if a machine tool speed box has 24 speed steps, then numbers

then the three digits may directly represent the rpm or the magic-three code equivalent. The manner in which
448 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

number of digits before the decimal point. Consider, for instance, the rpm value 325. The second and third

digit of the code would be 3 + 3 = 6. Consequently, the magic three-code equivalent of 325 will be 632. A few
more converted code values are shown for illustration.

Speed, rpm Magic three-code quivalent

10 510
100 610
730 673
3250 732

Feed-rate Function The feed rate is expressed through F plus three digits. The digits may represent the
feed rate in mm/min, mm/rev, or the magic-three code equivalent. The manner in which the machine control

min or mm/rev values into the magic three-code equivalent is done in the same way as explained above. It

is obtained by subtracting from 3 the number of zeros immediately to the right of the decimal point. A few
converted code values are shown to illustrate the point.

Feed rate, mm/rev Magic three-code equivalent

0.195 319
0.0258 226
0.0079 179

Dimensional-data Functions The dimensional data is represented by a symbol plus 5–8 digits. The

X primary X dimension
Y primary Y dimension
Z primary Z dimension
A angular dimension about the X-axis
B angular dimension about the Y-axis
C angular dimension about the Z-axis
U secondary dimension parallel to the X-axis
V secondary dimension parallel to the Y-axis
W secondary dimension parallel to the Z-axis
I interpolation parameter parallel to the X-axis
J interpolation parameter parallel to the Y-axis
K interpolation parameter parallel to the Z-axis
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 449

ly controlled by them. For, instance a NC milling machine with control of X, Y and Z axis would be referred
as a 3-axis machine, while one with additional control of angular dimension A would be termed as 4-axis
machine. Some early NC machine tools had provision of 1/2 axis control, wherein the control of dimension
was implemented by means of preset cams and templates but their actuation was done through a command
in the part program. For instance, a drilling machine with X-Y control for positioning, but cam control of the
depth of hole would be referred as 2 axis machine.
Preparatory Functions The preparatory function instructs the machine tool to get prepared for the
operation to follow. In a block of the program manuscript, the preparatory function comes immediately after
the sequence number. Preparatory functions are represented by plus two digits. Thus there is provision for

to a function. However, most manufacturers of NC machine tool follow the standard codes that have come to
be accepted over the years. Some of the important preparatory function codes are given in Table 8.3.

Table 8.3 Codes of preparatory functions

Code Function

XY plane selection for interpolation

XZ plane selection for interpolation

YZ plane selection for interpolation

450 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Table 8.3 Contd.

Numerical Control of Machine Tools 451

Miscellaneous Functions Miscellaneous functions are used to describe instructions other than
dimensions. Miscellaneous functions are not a part of the cutting process but are nonetheless important from
the point of view of greater productivity. These functions are denoted by M plus two digits. The codes of
some miscellaneous functions are given in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4 Codes of Miscellaneous Functions

Code Function





















452 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

8.2.3 Complete Program—Point-to-point Problem

The complete program including the preparatory and miscellaneous function codes will be written for the
part shown in Fig. 8.24.

50 3



Fig. 8.24 Component drawing

1. Drilling a hole f 6 at point 1.

2. Drilling a hole f 6 at point 2.
3. Making a threaded hole M12 at point 3; machining hole M12 involves drilling a hole f 10.3 and then
tapping (the reader may be reminded that 12 mm taps come in sets of 2).
The machine tool format is

In this format ( . ) represents tab-sequential format, N3 represents sequence number, X 3.3, Y 3.3 represent

1. The part is to be machined on a machine tool which has provision for absolute and incremental
dimensioning, input of dimensions in mm or inches, and point-to-point control.
2. The machine tool has full-range zero shift.
3. The machine zero is shifted to the set-up point, which happens to be the lower left-hand corner of the
4. The machine control unit has provision for suppressing trailing zeros.
5. To avoid encumbrance in loading and unloading of the workpiece and tool changing, the table must be
positioned at point 4 (X = 100, Y = 100) during these operations.
The coordinates of the programmed points are shown in Table 8.5.
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 453

Table 8.5 Coordinates of programmed points of part shown in Fig. 8.48

Point On drawing On tape On drawing On tape
1 5 005 5 005

2 5 005 45 045

3 55 055 25 025

4 100 1 100 1

The complete program manuscript of the part is given in Table 8.6.

Table 8.6 Program manuscript of part shown in Fig. 8.48

N T/E T/E X T/E Y T/E M T/E Remarks

000 0 0 Set machine zero
EOR 005 T 90 E

010 T 71 E

015 T 00 E

020 T 80 T 1 T 1 T 06 E Clamp f6 drill

025 T 81 T 005 T 005 T 51 E

030 T T T T 03 E

035 T T T 045 T E

040 T T T T 05 E

045 T 80 T 1 T 1 T 06 E Clamp f10.3 drill

050 T 81 T 055 T 025 T 52 E

055 T T T T 03 E

060 T T T T 05 E

065 T 80 T 1 T 1 T 06 E

070 T 84 T 055 T 025 T 53 E Clamp Tap No. 1 of M12

075 T T T T 03 E

080 T T T T 05 E
454 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Table 8.6 Contd.

085 T 80 T 1 T 1 T 06 E Clamp tap No. 2 of M12

090 T 84 T 055 T 025 T 54 E

095 T T T T 03 E

100 T T T T 05 E

105 T 80 T 1 T 1 T 02 E

1. The T/E column may contain a TAB word (T) or End of Block word EOB (E)

command. In some older models of NC machines, the % symbol is used instead of EOR command.
3. N000 block instructs the operator to set the machine zero at the lower left-hand corner of the part.

the programmed position in X and Y coordinates, rapid quill movement to clearance

height (feed engagement point), feed to the required depth and retracting of the quill at
rapid rate. The depths of clearance plane and feed motion are controlled by the cams and
switches that are suitably preset. The appropriate set of cams and switches is activated
by the M51–59 command in the program.

at rapid rate to the programmed position in X and Y coordinates with the spindle in up

drilling cycle except that retracting of the quill to the clearance plane is carried out at
threading feed rate with the spindle rotation reversed. Further retracting is carried out
at rapid rate.

M03 Spindle start clockwise direction

M05 Spindle stop
M06 Tool change
M02 End of program, machine stop, tape rewind
M51–54 Cam and switch settings for drilling and tapping operations
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 455

8.2.4 Complete Program—Positioning-cum-straight-cut Problem

Consider the part shown in Fig. 8.25. The program is to be 10
prepared for drilling two 10-mm holes 1 and 2 and milling 2
10-mm wide slot.
The machine tool format is
3 4
7 7
format has two M2 statements. In this format, two mis- 30 1
cellaneous functions may be coded in a single block. The 10
program has to be written within the constraints of the fol- 10

1. The part is to be made on a point-to-point type Fig. 8.25 Component drawing

absolute dimensioning in mm only.

2. The machine zero is selected at the centre of the workpiece.
3. The groove is machined with a 10-mm diameter end mill cutter.
4. A
numerical information must be preceded by the proper sign.
5. During loading and unloading of the workpiece and tool changing, the spindle is stationed at point 5,
whose coordinates are given in Table 8.7.

Table 8.7 Coordinates of programmed points of part shown in Fig. 8.49

Point On drawing On tape On drawing On tape
1 – 25 – 025000 – 20 – 020000

2 + 25 + 025000 + 20 + 020000

3 – 42 – 042000 0 + 000000

4 + 42 + 042000 0 + 000000

5 + 65 + 065000 + 70 + 070000

For milling the groove, the cutter must start from point 3 (providing for an approach of 7 mm) and stop
at point 4. With the machine zero located at the workpiece centre, the coordinates of the programmed points
will be as shown in Table 8.7.
The complete program manuscript of the part is given in Table 8.8.
456 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Table 8.8 Program manuscript of part shown in Fig. 8.49

N X Y M M E Remarks
000 – 035000 – 030000 Set machine zero
EOR 005 80 + 065000 + 070000 06 06 E Clamp f10 drill

010 81 – 025000 – 020000 51 13 E

015 81 + 025000 + 020000 51 13 E

020 80 + 065000 + 070000 05 09 E

025 80 + 065000 + 070000 06 06 E Change f10 end mill

030 78 – 042000 + 000000 52 52 E Clamp quill, start

035 79 + 042000 + 000000 52 13 E

040 78 + 042000 + 000000 05 09 E Unclamp quill

045 81 + 042000 + 000000 05 09 E

050 80 + 065000 + 070000 02 02 E

1. The number of digits in each column is maintained constant even if this means giving the same
command twice in a single block, e.g., M06 is repeated twice in sequence number 005.
2. The set-up information in N000 instructs the operator to set machine zero at the centre of the part.

necessary to manually clamp and unclamp the quill. In this cycle, the ta-
ble or spindle moves at rapid rate to the programmed portion in X and Y
coordinates. The quill moves at rapid to the clearance plane and further
at cutting feed rate to the programmed depth. The machine then stops.
The operator clamps the quill and presses the start button to recommence
the program execution. The process is repeated in reverse after the mill-
ing operation.
tion to the programmed position in X and Y coordinates at cutting feed

table/spindle to the desired location with the spindle up.

Numerical Control of Machine Tools 457

8.2.5 Complete Program—Continuous-path (Contouring) Problem

It may be recalled that in continuous-path control, the resulting motion is obtained from two or more

a circle (or its part) and a straight line are particular cases. A free-formed surface can be approximated by
circular or parabolic arcs and straight lines. Thus, before taking up a continuous-path programming problem,

parabolic arcs is of relevance only to machine tools that have provision of parabolic interpolation. Since
such machine tools are very few, programming for a parabolic arc is not included in the discussion below.
We shall describe here the programming procedure to be adopted for straight lines and circular arcs and
some additional features like tool offset which are essential for continuous-path programming. Though
continuous-path programming is described below for a lathe, it is equally applicable to other machine

1. Most NC lathes follow the incremental system –X

of the position dimensioning.
2. The movement in the direction of axial feed +Z
is denoted by Z, while the movement in
the direction of radial feed is denoted by X.
Thus, the movement of the cutting edge takes
place in the XZ-plane. The notation of axial +X
movement by Z is on account of a universally
accepted convention which requires that the Fig. 8.26 Notation of coordinate axes of a lathe
axis of machine tool spindle be designated as
the Z direction (see Fig. 8.). It may be added that most continuous-path NC machine tools use the
word-address format.

Programming for a Straight Line Parallel to X- or Z-axis A straight-line motion parallel to

the X- or Z-axis is programmed on a machine tool with continuous path control through I and K characters.
For instance, a movement of 100 mm parallel to the X-axis will be programmed as X 100 I 99999. Here I
represents the sine function of the angle between the direction of motion and the Z-axis. For a motion parallel
to the X-axis, this angle is 90°, and therefore, sin 90° = 1 ª 0.99999. The number 99999 thus represents sin
90°. The decimal point is not written because the machine tool control knows that the value of a sine function
is always less than one. A 10 mm travel parallel to the Z-axis will be programmed Z10K 99999; the character
458 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

K represents the cosine function of the angle between the direction of motion and the Z-axis. This angle being
0°, the K value is cos 0° = 1 ª 0.99999.

Programming for a Straight Line Inclined to the X- and Z-axis An inclined straight line may

Case I The departures in the X and Z directions are known, as also the angle (Fig. 8.27). The I and K values
are determined as explained above. For the given case the I value will be sin 36.87° = 0.6, while the K value
will be cos 36.87° = 0.8. If the control has provision for suppression of trailing zeros, the complete statements
will be I 6 and K 8 respectively.
Case II The departures in the X and Z directions are known as also the length of the tool path, but the angle
is not known (Fig. 8.28). In this case, the I and K values are not provided in the program and the tool motion
along the desired path is achieved by specifying a feed-rate number (FRN). The FRN function code is F plus


10 ¥ desired feed rate in mm/min

length of tool path in mm

q = 36.37° 30
sin q = 0.6 40
cos q = 0.8

Fig. 8.27 Programming for a straight line Fig. 8.28 Programming for a straight
with given inclination angle line with given departures

When the machine control unit receives instructions for simultaneous X and Z motions but no accompany-
ing values of I and K characters, it knows that the F function is to be treated as the feed-rate number to control
the tool motion along the desired path.

Programming for a Circular Arc While programming for a circular arc, it is necessary to determine
1. The direction of the arc,
2. The X and Z incremental departures,
3. The arc centre offset, and
4. The feed-rate number.
The direction of motion along a circular arc (clockwise or anticlockwise) is determined by looking in the
direction of the Y-axis. The EIA standard recommends the – Y direction for this purpose, i.e., the arc motion
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 459

along the arc is given a clockwise or anticlockwise direction as seen from underneath the lathe looking up.
However, some machine tool manufacturers employ the + Y direction for this purpose. The programmer must

along the arc.

The arc centre offset is programmed through I and K characters. The I character represents the distance of
the starting point of the arc from its centre in the X direction, while the K character represents the corresponding
distance in the Z direction. The method of determining the incremental departures in X and Z directions as
also the values of I and K characters is illustrated in the examples shown in Fig. 8.29. While programming
for a circular arc which passes through more than one quadrant, a separate block of instructions must be
punched for each quadrant. The values of I and K characters are absolute (i.e., positive) and the provision
for suppression of trailing or leading zeros is applicable to them too. In the block of instructions for motion
along a circular arc the F function is represented through the feed-rate number (FRN) which is represented as

10 ¥ desired feed rate (mm/min)

Radius of arc (mm)

I = 0, K = R I = R, K = 0
X = R, Z = –R X = –R, Z = – R
Z Z –Z –Z

I = R, K = 0 I = R, K = 0
X = R, Z = R X = –R, Z = R

–X –X I = A, K = B I = 0, K = R– A,
Z=–B Z=R–A

–Z Z Z –Z
I = A, K = B I = R, K = 0
X = –(R– A) X=RA
Fig. 8.29 Method of determination of I and K values and the X and Z departures for programming circular

Tool Offset Suppose the part shown in Fig. 8.30 has to be produced on an NC lathe. If the lathe tool
were to have an absolutely sharp nose, the tool departures would be the same as those calculated from the
part drawing. However, if the tool nose radius is equal to r, then the tool departures refer to the movement of
460 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

the centre of the nose radius. Tool departures are thus offset as compared to the part dimensions. The offset
can be easily computed and the programmed departures determined beforehand by the programmer from the
known values of part dimensions and tool radius. This procedure for tool-radius compensation is applicable
to all machining processes in which material is removed by the periphery of the cutter of radius r, e.g., plain
milling. Described below are methods of calculating tool departures of a few typical cases.

Fig. 8.30 Component drawing and trajectory of a tool of nose radius r

Case I Rectangular bend (Fig. 8.31)

Dimension Tool departure

AB – A¢ B¢ = – (AB + r) 0
BC 0 B¢C¢ = BC
CD – C¢D¢ = – (CD – 2r) 0
DE 0 D¢E¢ = DE
EF – E¢F¢ = – (EF + r) 0


F E D¢ C¢ B A

F¢ E¢ B¢ A¢

Fig. 8.31 Calculation of tool offset for a rectangular bend

Numerical Control of Machine Tools 461

Case II Tapered bend (Fig. 8.32)

Dimension Tool departure

AB A¢B¢ = AB – DZ = AB – r tan q/2 0
BC FC¢ = – (BE + DZ – DZ ) = – BE FB¢ = EC + DX – DX = EC
CD C¢ D¢ = – (CD + DZ ) = – (CD + r tan q/2) 0


B¢ X R B¢ A¢
D C A¢ X

Z D¢ C¢ Z

Fig. 8.32 Calculation of tool offset for Fig. 8.33 Calculation of tool offset for an
a tapered bend anticlockwise circular bend

Case III (a) Circular bend, anticlockwise (Fig. 8.33)

Dimension Tool departures I K

AB – A¢ B¢ = – AB 0 — 99999

BC B¢C≤ – (R – r) R–r R–r 0

C≤C¢ 0 r 99999 —
CD – C ¢D¢ = (CD + r) 0 — 99999

Case III (b) Circular bend, clockwise (Fig. 8.34)

B¢¢¢ B A B
B¢ X A¢

D¢ C¢ Z

Fig. 8.34 Calculation of tool offset for a clockwise circular bend

462 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Before compiling the table of tool departures, it is necessary to highlight that departure A¢ B¢ is less than
the dimension AB by the radius of the tool r, but with additional departure D along the Z-axis corresponding
to the segment BB≤ of the circular arc. This departure can be found as

D = BB≤¢ = OB – OB≤¢ = R – R2 - r2

Dimension Tool departures I K

AB – (AB – r + D) 0 0 99999
BC – (R + r – D) R r (R + r – D)
CD – CD 0 0 99999

Complete Program Manuscript The program manuscript will be prepared for the part shown in

1. Machine tool has provision for absolute as well as incremental programming.

2. The machine control unit accepts the word-address format.
3. D


45° R5
f 10

f 20
f 40 P1
f 60
20 P2

L2 C1
L4 P3
L5 42
P6 P5
20 20 10 20

50 70
Cutter zero postion
(S P)

Fig. 8.35 Component drawing

Numerical Control of Machine Tools 463

N X Z I K F S T M M E Remarks
000 05 E Zero
of tools
EOR N005 E
N010 E
N015 E
N020 X002 F0004 S650 E
N025 X05 Z05 T01 M06 E Turning
N030 E
N035 Z07 K99999 E
N040 X-042 I99999 E
N045 X002 F00002 M03 M08 E
N050 Z-013 K99999 E
N055 X005 Z-007 I003 K007 E
N060 Z-018757 K99999 E
N065 X01 Z-01 I7071 K7071 E
N070 Z021242 K99999 E
N075 X007 Z-007 I007 K0 E
N080 X003 I99999 E
N085 Z-023 K99999 E
N090 X002 F0004 M09 E
N095 X017 I99999 M05 E
N100 Z027 K99999 T02 M06 E Parting
N110 Z-03 K99999 M03 E
N115 X-017 I99999 E
N120 X0002 F00002 M08 E
464 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

N125 X-034 I99999 E

N130 X0002 F0004 M09 E
N135 X05 I99999 E
N140 X05 K99999 M05 M02 E

4. Control unit has provision for suppression of trailing zeros.

5. Two miscellaneous functions may be programmed in a block, provided they are not contradictory.
6. The spindle should make 500 rev/min; the machine control unit accepts the S function in the
magic-three code; the code equivalent of 500 is 650.
7. The feed rate for cutting operations is 0.2 mm rev; the machine control unit accepts the F function as
mm/rev or mm/min; the F function is represented as F 4.1 (0000.0).
8. The feed rate for accelerated travel is 4 mm/rev; the F function representation and format is the same
as above.
9. An approach of 5 mm should be provided before the tool starts cutting.
10 A dwell of two seconds should be provided when the feed rate is changed; the dwell period in seconds
(two digits) is punched after the X character; for instance, a two-second dwell is written as X02.
11. Nose radius of the turning tool (designated as T01) is 3 mm.
12. Job of total length 90 mm is cut off using a 5 mm wide parting tool (designated as T02).
13. Format of I and K codes during circular interpolation is I 3.3 and K 3.3.

M03 Spindle on, clockwise direction

M08 Coolant on
M05 Spindle stop
M09 Coolant off
M02 End of program, machine stop, program is rewound
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 465

The program manuscript has been prepared keeping the tool-radius compensation in view. The reader
would do well to refer to the tool radius compensation problems discussed earlier. Special attention of the

1. N040 tool departure of the nose radius centre in the X direction is – 42 mm.
2. N050 tool departure in the Z direction is – (5 + 10 – 3 + 1) = – 13 mm (see Fig. 8.34).
3. N055 see Fig. 8.34.
4. N060 tool departure = 20 – r tan 22.5° = 18.7574 mm (see Fig. 8.32).
5. N070 tool departure = 20 + r tan 22.5° = 212426 mm (see Fig. 8.32).
6. N075 see Fig. 8.33.
7. N080 tool departure = – (20 + r) = – 23 mm (see Fig. 8.33).


8.3.1 Computer and the Numerical Control Programming Languages

The programs for machining simple parts are small and
do not require much calculation. Such programs may be X End point
prepared manually by the methods described in the preceding

formed surfaces, a lot of calculations have to be done and the

program also is often very long. Consider, for instance, that
a cutting tool of radius r L
straight lines. It is then required to determine the length of

the coordinates of the starting and end points of each line

and calculate the departures of the tool centre. This exercise
is quite cumbersome even for one line. Considering the fact
that the number of approximating lines can run into hundreds, Starting
one can easily imagine the volume of calculations involved
and the time required for manually punching the program Fig. 8.36 Diagram depicting the quantities
running into thousands of statements. Moreover, chances of required to be calculated for each
errors creeping in during such voluminous calculations are elementary line
considerable. A computer does calculations many times faster
and also commits no errors, provided the routines for calculations are correct. Thus, the use of a computer
in such cases not only helps save hundreds of hours of monotonous work, but also ensures an error-free

C and C++

with instructions having typical machine tool application, such as LINE, POINT, CIRCLE, RADIUS,
466 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

TOLERANCE, etc. A general processor endows the computer with the capability to understand terms
which a NC programmer would require to prepare machining instructions for a particular part.
2. A part program which the programmer writes for a particular workpiece. The script of this part program
differs from the manually prepared program manuscript in that control statements are expressed
through ‘words’ comprising the general processor.

program preparation procedure. At this stage, the programmer can only receive a computer listing of
coordinates and tool departures. For obtaining the part program, he must complete the control statements by

which machining of the part is contemplated. For this, the computer must be provided with another set of
compiler instructions through which format details of the machine tool control unit are taken into account.
This set of instructions, known as a POST PROCESSOR, adapts the general information about coordinates

Large general processors are of a universal nature and include programming and post-processing
instructions for almost any machine tool. Many machine tool manufacturers develop their own programs and
post processors for their equipment. In any case, it is the programmer’s responsibility to clearly understand
the programming and post processing instructions of the machine tool for which he undertakes to prepare
the program. Even by a conservative estimate, more than a hundred general processors have been developed
by now. However, most of them have gained limited application only because they were developed by

APT (Automatically Programmed Tools)

for production-engineering purposes and is still the most powerful of all existing general processors. A
brainchild of MIT (USA), the APT is continuously under development and over the years four versions of
APT have been produced. The APT-IV version contains approximately 400 words and can handle the most
complex of three-dimensional programming problems. In fact, the APT is rather too powerful for handling
the commonly encountered simple programming problems. Its versatility and volume which require a large
computer with high storage capacity thus become a disadvantage. Attempts have been made to develop
slimmed-down versions of APT that are simpler and can be handled by a medium- or small-size computer.
The important ones are ADAPT, AUTOMAP and EXAPT.
ADAPT is a subset of the APT language which consists of 160 words plus punctuation. It is particularly
suitable for two-dimensional programming problems and requires only a medium-size computer.
AUTOMAP is a still more limited version of APT which is suitable for two-dimensional programming of
lines and circles. This program consists of 50 words and punctuation and is quite easy to learn.
EXAPT (Extended subset of APT) consists of a group of APT-based processors developed in West

1. EXAPT I, which is applicable to positioning-type NC systems.

2. EXAPT II, which is applicable to lathe operations.
3. EXAPT III, which is applicable primarily to drilling and milling operations involving 2.5 dimension
control, i.e., continuous-path control in the XY-plane and control of depth only along the Z-axis.
A few general processors that are not compatible in syntax or vocabulary with APT have also found fairly
wide application either due to their simplicity or by virtue of their link to NC machine tools of certain popular
manufacturers. Examples of such general processors are SNAP, AUTOSPOT, SYMAP, etc.
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 467

computer. It does not require a postprocessor if used with Brown and Sharpe machines. This program is
effective mainly for point-to-point work.
AUTOSPOT (Automatic System for Positioning Tools) contains about 100 words plus punctuation and is
used mainly for point-to-point programming problems.

1. SYMAP (P) for positioning control systems.

2. SYMAP (S) for straight-line control systems.
3. SYMAP (B) for 2.5-dimension control systems.
4. SYMAP (PS) which is a combination of SYMAP (P) and SYMAP (S) and is applicable to drilling and
straight-line milling.
5. SYMAP (DB) for lathes with continuous-path control.
6. SYMAP (DS) for lathes with straight-line control.
The number of words in SYMAP languages is less than the corresponding EXAPT languages, and,
therefore, they can be used with medium-size computers.
UNIAPT provides a limited version of APT to be implemented on small computers, thus allowing many
small shops to possess computer assisted part programming. It was developed by United Computing Company
of Carson, California, USA.
SPLIT (Sunstrand Processing Language Internally Translated) is a proprietary system intended for
Sunstrand machine tools. It can handle upto 5-axis positioning and also has contouring ability. No separate
post-processor is required.

8.3.2 APT Programming System

The APT programming system has been selected for describing computer aided part programming because
it is, despite its complexity, the most popular among the general processors on account of its application to

1. Motion statements, which describe the path of the cutting tool.

cutting tool.
3. P particular machine tool.
4. Auxiliary statements that are not covered by the above three, e.g., cutter diameter, tolerances, etc.

APT Motion Statements for Point-to-point Programming It should be abundantly clear to

the reader by now that in a point-to-point control problem the cutter is directed to proceed from one point to
another, the path being of no consequence. The APT words to direct a cutting tool from point 1 (APT notation
P1) to point 2 (P2) and then on to point 3 (P3) would be
468 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

geometry statements for various surfaces, lines and coordinates will be described later.
If the coordinates of the starting points are not known, the program must be provided with X, Y and Z
incremental departures to the target point. Suppose the tool is stationed at a point A (coordinates unknown)
and has to be directed to move to a point B to which the incremental departures are X = 20, Y = 10, Z = 30.
The APT statement would be

If the points to which the cutting tool is successively directed P3

form a certain pattern, the programming is considerably

on which 300 holes have to be drilled (15 holes along the

X-axis and 20 holes along the Y-axis forming the grid of 300

20 holes

The word PATERN should not be misconstrued as wrong

the APT language to PATERN due to the restriction of a maxi- P1 P2

mum of six letters in a word. The motion statements for the 15 Holes

Fig. 8.37 Component drawing



n1, n2, n3 will omit points n1 n2 and n3.

APT Motion Statements for Continuous-path Programming In a continuous-path motion the

cutter may, in general, be considered to be guided in its path by three planes. One of the planes guides the
bottom surface of the tool and is known as the part surface (PS or PSURF). The plane guiding the side of the
cutting tool, i.e., the plane along which the tool side moves is known as the drive surface (DS or DSURF).
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 469

A third plane is used to stop the cutter or change its direction. This plane is known as the check surface (CS
or CSURF). These planes are shown in Fig. 8.38a for a tool moving on a straight line and in Fig. 8.38b for a

and may be real or imaginary.

Depending upon the machining problem, the cutter may be required to stop at the check surface in one of

check surface after the/sign.

CSURF Range of
DS command

(a) (b) (d)








Fig. 8.38 (a) Drive, part and check surfaces in straight line motion (b) Drive, part and check surfaces in
curvilinar motion (c) Stopping statements

left of the drive surface, to the right of the drive surface or on the drive surface. The positioning statements

The axis of the cutter is aligned with the help of the direction vector components, I, J and K. The motion
statement is TLAXIS/I, J, K. If the tool axis is to be aligned normal to the part surface, this is done by the
After the cutter has been brought TO, ON or PAST the check surface, its further motion can be controlled
by specifying the direction relative to the previous motion. The direction commands and their APT statements
are given below.
470 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

In all these statements, the/sign should be followed by the drive, part and check surfaces of the particular
operation in the given sequence. If the part surface is common for a number of motions, then it may be
programmed only once.
While assigning the direction at a turn, the programmer should imagine himself to be aligned with the drive
surface and looking in the direction of the previous motion. Let us apply the motion statements described
above to a simple programming problem shown in Fig. 8.39. The end mill cutter is stationed at set point
(SP or SETPT). From the set point it should proceed to point 1 which is formed by the intersection of planes
H and A. Then it should follow the path marked by points 1–2–3–4–5–6. The tool end should be guided by

known as the start-up statement. For the given example this statement is


3 E 4


1 2 5 6


Fig. 8.39 Example describing the directions of turns


used in point-to-point programming. Also, note that the three surfaces have been programmed in the sequence

that the part surface does not change during the whole path, APT statements for subsequent tool movements
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 471

The start-up statement, as given above, is programmed in its most general form. Simpler start-up
statements are possible with the help of two or even one surface. In the case of the statement with the help
of two surfaces

the cutter will move from the set point to the start-up point on the drive surface by the shortest path. If the
part surface happens to be the XY-plane itself (i.e., Z coordinate = 0), the start-up statement can be written as

The motion in the direction of a vector V is programmed through the statement

the values of the X, Y and Z components of the vector following the/sign.
The MACRO statement in the part program tells the APT system that the block of motion statement that
follows is to be stored for later, generally repeated execution. The end of the block of statements is signalled
by a TERMAC command. The MACRO statement is assigned a symbol, e.g.,
Later on when the block of motion statements bound between the MACRO and TERMAC words is

The MACRO command is a very powerful feature of APT and is similar to a subroutine in Fortran. The
MACRO command helps in reducing the total number of statements required in a given APT program.

APT Geometry Statements

the surface to be machined by the cutting tool. A typical geometry statement, as shown below, consists of

P1 = POINT/4.000, 2.000, 3.000

The second part gives a general description of the geometrical element (POINT in the given case) and

X, Y and Z
coordinates of the point.
The geometrical elements that constitute a trajectory may be obtained, and hence described in a number

upon as a geometrical element that passes through a given point and is tangent to a given circle. The various

described below.
472 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control


P1 = POINT/X, Y, Z

3. Points obtained as the intersection of a line L1 and a circle C1 (Fig. 8.40). When a line intersects a




L1 P5
P4 C1 C2




0 X 0 X

Fig. 8.40 Points obtained by the intersection of Fig. 8.41 Points obtained by the
a line and circle intersection of two circles

Here the words XSMALL and YSMALL indicate that P3 is that point of intersection which has smaller
values of the X and Y coordinates as compared to the other point of intersection P4.
4. Points, obtained by the intersection of two circles C1 and C2 (Fig. 8.41).

Point P6 may be described in an identical manner.

5. Point, which represents the centre of a circle C1.
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 473

1. Line, obtained by joining two points P1 and P2
L1 = LINE/P1, P2
2. Line, passing through a point P1 and making a particular angle (say 45°) with the X-axis

3. Line, passing through a given point P1 and making a particular angle (say 45°) with another line
(say L2)

4. Line passing through a given point P1 and parallel to another line (say L3)
5. Line, parallel to another line (say L3) and located at a given
distance from it (say 10 mm).
As is evident from Fig. 8.42, there may be two lines

satisfying the above description. For instance, line L5 may

be described as

Similarly, line L6 may be described as L3
0 X
6. Line passing through a given point (P1) and tangent to a
Fig. 8.42 Lines parallel to a given line
given circle (C1).
It is evident from Fig. 8.43 that two lines satisfy the above description. The APT statements of the two

indicates that line L7 lies to the left of the circle when C1
looking from that point towards the circle.

1. Plane, passing through three points P1, P2 and P3

which do not lie on a straight line
0 X
PL1 = PLANE/P1, P2, P3
Fig. 8.43 Two lines tangent to a given circle and
2. Plane, passing through a given point P1 and passing through a given point
parallel to a given plane PL1
474 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

3. Plane, parallel to a given plane PL1 and located at a particular distance (say 10 mm) from it.
There may be two planes satisfying the above description. For instance, the required plane may have


4. Plane, parallel to the XY-plane and located at a given distance (say 10 mm) from it. If the Z coordinate
of the required plane is positive, the APT statement would be
PL5 = PLANE/0, 0, 1, 10
If the Z coordinate of the required plane is negative, the APT statement would be
PL6 = PLANE/0, 0, 1,–10
X, Y and Z) of the centre and radius R
3. Circle, having centre P1 and tangent to another circle C1.
It is evident from Fig. 8.44, that there may be two such circles C3 and C4. Their respective APT


4. Circle of a given radius R and tangent to two lines L1 and L2.

It is clear from Fig. 8.45 that there are four circles satisfying the above description. The APT statement of
circle C5 is

Y C6
L1 L2



C4 C5

0 X 0 X

Fig. 8.44 Two circles having a given centre Fig. 8.45 Four circles tangent to two given lines
and tangent to a given circle
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 475

Y coordinate of a line parallel to L2 and passing through

the centre of circle C5 is greater than that of line L2. Also, XSMALL, L1 indicates that the X coordinate of a
line parallel to L1 and passing through the centre of circle C5 is less than the X coordinate of line L1.
The APT statements of circles, C6, C7 and C8 can be written in an identical manner,


APT Postprocessor Statements Postprocessor statements can differ depending upon the type of
machine tool. Even for a particular type of machine tool, they can vary depending upon the manufacturer. The
APT post processor statements should, therefore, be used in conformity with the “postprocessor listing” of
the particular machine tool. A few APT postprocessor statements that are more or less universally applicable
on all machine tools are described below.
1. COOLNT/ON directs the control unit to switch on the coolant. If the machine tool has provision

COOLNT/MIST or COOLNT/FLOOD, whichever is appropriate.

2. COOLNT/OFF directs the control unit to switch off the coolant.
3. SPINDL/is used for controlling the spindle speed. The spindle speed may be expressed in rpm
(SPINDL/600 RPM), surface speed in ft/min (SPINDL/150, SFM) and surface speed in m/min

tool has only stepped speed regulation, the computer automatically selects the nearest rpm available
on the speed box.
6. FEDRAT/is used for controlling the feed rate. If the feed rate is expressed in mm/min, then only the
numerical value need be indicated. For instance, the APT statement FEDRAT/150 would automatically
be interpreted as a feed rate of 150 mm/min. However, if the feed rate is expressed in mm/rev, then the
word MMPR should follow the numerical value, e.g., a feed rate of 0.2 mm/rev would be programmed
by the APT statement FEDRAT/0.2, MMPR.
7. RAPID directs the operative member of the machine tool to move at an accelerated feed rate. A RAPID
statement is valid only for a single execution. Therefore, it must be programmed before every motion
statement in which a rapid traverse is desired.
8. PITCH prepares a lathe machine for the threading mode. A thread of 8TPI would be programmed by
the statement PITCH/8.
9. THREAD/is used to start a threading cycle.

the postprocessor used on the Cincinnati milling machine with Bendix control unit. The APT statement
for the BXCIN post processor would be MACHIN/BXCIN.
11. TURRET/is used to select a particular turret position or tool from an automatic tool-changing device.
Supposing a machine tool has a front and a rear turret, then the APT statement for position No.1 of the
front turret would be TURRET/1, 0 FRONT.

the next tool change. LOADTL/is the command for loading of the selected tool.
476 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

12. CYCLE/is used to execute a particular cycle of operation, e.g., a drilling cycle, tapping cycle, etc. The
APT statement for a drilling cycle would be CYCLE/DRILL. This word is generally employed on
two-axis control systems, the depth being controlled by a cam. However, if the machine tool also has
Z-axis control, then information about the movements in the Z-axis direction may also be programmed.
For instance, the statement CYCLE/DRILL, RAPID, TO, – 10, FEDTO, – 15, MMPM, 150 would call
the drilling cycle, direct the tool to move rapidly to the Z coordinate – 10 mm, and then move further
at a feed rate of 150 mm/min to the Z coordinate – 15 mm.

14. STOP commands the machine tool, coolant and spindle to stop but does not shut off the MCU.

16. SEQ No/ is a command for giving instructions regarding the automatic allocation of sequence numbers,
SEQ No/ON, INCR, 5 instructs commencement of sequence numbering and their incrementing by 5.
SEQ No./l00, INCR, 1 instructs sequence number to begin from 100 and incrementing by 1.
SEQ No./OFF instructs termination of sequence numbering.
17. DELAY/T provides a dwell of T seconds.

APT Auxiliary Statements

2. CLPRNT directs the computer to print out a listing of the coordinates of the points that determine
various cutter motions in its trajectory.
3. REMARK statement enables the part programmer to make a note in the program. It does not affect the
part program and can be employed to direct the operator or simply to elaborate a particular statement.

between the words. Examples of the two types of REMARK statements are given below.
REMARK/T15 would direct the operator to clamp tool No. 15
REMARK/INTOL means that the curve is approximated by chord
4. CUTTER/is used to specify the diameter of the cutting tool. The dimension follows the/sign, e.g., the
APT statement for a 50 mm diameter cutter would be CUTTER/50. When this statement is given in the
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 477

program, the computer automatically calculates the tool centre offset and prepares tape instructions to
describe the movement of the centre of the cutter.

tolerance value follows the/sign, e.g., a tolerance of 0.005 mm would be expressed through the APT
statement INTOL/0.005.

For a tolerance of 0.05 mm, the APT statement would be OUTTOL/0.05. The concept of INTOL and

9. The $ symbol is used at the end of a line when the statement has to continue in the next line.
10. The $$ symbol is used to separate the APT statement to be punched on the tape from some additional
remarks regarding the statement which the programmer desires in the print out. For instance, in the

a part of the APT program, whereas the portion to the right of the $$ symbol is only printed out in the
part program listing.

APT Computation Statements The computation operators used in APT for algebraic and
trigonometric calculations are the same as those used in FORTRAN. A few of them are listed alongside.

surfaces required to describe the geometry of the part—the points as P1, P2, …, etc., the lines as L1, L2, …,
etc., the planes as PL1, PL2, …, etc., and the circles as C1, C2, …, etc.
There are no hard and fast rules concerning the sequence of various statements in an APT program.

Arithmetic operation or APT operator

trigonometric function
1. +, X + Y +, X + Y
2. –, X – Y – X–Y
3. x, XxY *, X*Y
4. ÷, X ÷ Y /, X/Y
5. X X**2
6. X
7. e EXPF(X)
8. sin X SINF(X)
9. cos X COSF(X)
10. In X
11. arc tan X ATANF(X)
12. tan X TANF(X)
13. log10 X
478 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

1. Identify the part and postprocessor required.

2. Write the auxiliary statements for coordinate listing (CLPRNT), tolerances (INTOL/OUTTOL/),
cutter diameter (CUTTER/), unit system (UNITS/MM), etc.
3. Write the postprocessor statements for feed rate (FEDRAT/) and spindle speed (SPINDL/).
4. W
5. Write the motion statements.
Often, auxiliary and postprocessors statements are interspersed with the motion statements for convenience.
This pertains particularly to the statements COOLNT/ON, COOLNT/OFF, SPINDL/ON and SPINDL/OFF.
Also, a few geometry statements may sometimes be given separate along with the motion statements. Thus,
the procedure given above should be taken as a general guideline, but, wherever necessary, the sequence of
statements can be changed if this provides for a program which is easier to understand. A word of caution is,

statement in which it is required.

8.3.3 APT Program—Point-to-point Problem

Problem 1

PD, 11. The holes are to be made with a 15 mm HSS drill in the plate of mild steel. The required machining

Z-axis control, but the feed and spindle rpm are set manually.
The APT program for the above part is given as follows.

4(25, 75) 3(50, 75) Z

(75, 50)
5(30, 50)

(75, 50)

1(25, 25) 2(50, 25)


0 X

Fig. 8.46 Component drawing demand special attention

Numerical Control of Machine Tools 479

SETPT = POINT/75, 50, 50
P1 = POINT/25, 25, 5
P2 = POINT/50, 25, 5
P3 = POINT/50, 75, 5
P4 = POINT/25, 75, 5
P5 = POINT/30, 50, 5



1. A 5-mm approach is provided, which explains the Z-coordinate value equal to 5 mm for points 1 to 5,
480 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

2. An over travel of 5 mm is provided, which explains the fact that the drill tip is directed to move to
Z = – 15 mm in all the CYCLE/statements, although the plate is only 10-mm thick,
3. T
plate thickness (10 mm) and approach (5 mm).
Problem 2
Write the APT program for drilling a grid of holes in the part shown in Fig. 8.37.

PD, 01. The diameter of

spindle speed = 5000 rpm. The feed and speed are programmed. Drilling cycle is used with control of depth
by a cam (say CAM 1). The coordinates of P1 are (50, 50) and the holes in the grid are spaced 10 mm apart.


SETPT = POINT/0, 0, 50
P1 = POINT/50, 50, 5
P2 = POINT/190, 50, 5
P3 = POINT/50, 240, 5





Numerical Control of Machine Tools 481

8.3.4 APT Program—Continuous-path Problem

Problem 1 (Milling Problem)
Write the APT program for machining the part shown in Fig. 8.47.

Let us additionally assume that the particular machine tool has numerical control of feed-rate regulation, but
the spindle speed is adjusted manually.

(150, 100)
(80, 100)
P4 (130, 50)
L3 P3 (150, 40)
(50, 25) L1 P2
SP (150,25)



Fig. 8.47 Component drawing

The APT program for the part is given below.

482 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control


P1 = POINT/50, 25, 0
P2 = POINT/150, 25, 0
P3 = POINT/150, 40, 0
P4 = POINT/130, 50, 0
P5 = POINT/50, 100, 0
L1 = LINE/P1, P2
L2 = LINE/P2, P3
L3 = LINE/P3, P4
C1 = CIRCLE/80, 100, 30

PL1 = PLANE/0, 0, 1, 0




Problem 2
Milling Problem Involving Repetitive Machining in a Particular Cycle. Write the APT program for milling a
pocket in the part shown in Fig. 8.48.

1. From set point to point P1.

2. Vertical feed to a particular depth (plunge cut).
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 483

3. Move to point P2 (start up statement).

4. Move to point P5.
5. Move along the path P5-P6-P7-P8 shown by arrows.
6. Move from point P8 to point P9.
7. Repeat the path followed in (5) above till the pocket milling is completed.
8. Repetition of the cycle from (2) to (7) above with a new depth of cut.

P3 (50, 120) P4 (120, 120)

P7 L5 P8
L4 L3 P5
L1 L2
P1 (50, 50) P2 (120, 50)


S.P. (0, 10) 5

0 X


Fig. 8.48 Component drawing

postprocessor. The feed rate and spindle speeds are set manually, but the machine has Z-axis control. Let us

rate = 0.1 mm/rev, spindle speed = 1000 rpm and maximum depth of cut = 5 mm. Obviously, the pocket of
depth 5 mm can be obtained in this case in one cycle. However, if the maximum allowable depth of cut were
to be less, the APT program would not have changed and all that would have been necessary is to repeat the
program statement with a different Z coordinate of the cutter tip.
484 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control


SETPT = POINT/0, 0, 10
P1 = POINT/50, 50, 0
P2 = POINT/120, 50, 0
P3 = POINT/50, 120, 0
P4 = POINT/120, 120, 0
P10 = POINT/50, 50, 10
L2 = LINE/P2, P4
L4 = LINE/P1, P3

L5 =
PL1 = PLANE/0, 0, 1, – 5






A = A + 20 $$ A IS NOW EQUAL TO 30
B = B + 20 $ B IS NOW EQUAL TO 40
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 485


A = A + 20 $$ A IS NOW EQUAL TO 50
B = B + 20 $$ B IS NOW EQUAL TO 60
………… ETC.


Problem 3 (Lathe Problem)
Write the APT program for the part shown in Fig. 8.35.

tool used for the machining operations has nose radius r =

rate = 0.3 mm/rev and spindle speed = 500 rpm. Both the speed and feed are regulated through numerical
The designation of lathe axes for APT programming is the same as that for milling machines, i.e., XY. The
XY coordinates are changed to ZX coordinates by the post processor when the control tape is punched. The
APT program for the part is given as follows.
SETPT = POINT/50, – 50
P1 = POINT/120, – 5
P2 = POINT/105, – 5
P3 = POINT/80, – 10
P4 = POINT/70, – 20
P5 = POINT/50, – 30
P6 = POINT/20, – 30
P7 = POINT/115, – 10
CI = CIRCLE/100, – 5, 5
, C1
L3 = LINE/P3, P4
C2 = CIRCLE/50, – 30, 10
486 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

L5 = LINE/P5, P6




Review Questions
8.1 In manual part programming and tape preparation for a NC drilling machine, the spindle speed was
coded as S684 in the magic 3 code. Determine the spindle rpm.
(ii) FEDRAT/4.0
8.3 The work table of a CNC machine is driven by a stepper motor having 200 steps in one rotation and a
lead screw of pitch 4 mm. Determine the BLU of the machine tool.
8.4 In a NC machine tool, a stepper motor with step angle of 1.8° drives the work table by means of a lead
screw of pitch 2 mm. Determine the basic length unit value of the machine tool.
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 487

8.5 The vertical travel of a CNC machine is powered by a DC motor by means of a lead screw of pitch

machine tool in the vertical direction is 0.005 mm, determine the pulses generated by the encoder for
a move of 9 mm in the vertical direction.


Zero in the
zero system
3 4
50 70


10 25 25

Fixed machine zero Zero in the full-zero

shift system

Fig. 8.49 Component drawing

8.7 For the part shown in Fig. 8.49, prepare the program manuscripts for positioning the machine tool

(ii) Full zero shift, tab sequential, X 2.4, Y 2.4, zeros not suppressed.

(iv) Fixed zero, variable-block format, X 3.3, Y 2.4, trailing zeros suppressed.
488 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

8.8 Depict the characters on the punched tape for the program manuscripts of the previous problem.
Compare the punched tapes and determine the most economical programming format.
8.9 Prepare the complete program manuscript, including the preparatory, miscellaneous and tool change
functions for drilling 10 mm holes at points 1 and 2, and 15 mm holes at points 3 and 4 in the 20-mm
thick steel plate shown in Fig. 8.49. The details of machine tool format and the programming and

(ii) Point-to-point control

(iii) Optional absolute or incremental dimensioning in mm or inches
(iv) Tool change position is (150, 150)
(v) Fixed-zero system with provision for suppression of trailing zeros
(vi) Z-axis control with the help of cams.
8.10 Prepare the complete program manuscript for the component shown in Fig. 8.35, except that all the
dimensions are increased two times. The cutter zero position is the same as in Fig. 8.35. The format

(i) Word address format and provision for suppression of trailing zeros
(ii) Optional absolute or incremental dimensioning
(iii) Dimensions only in mm
(iv) Spindle speed = 350 rpm
(v) Feed = 0.08 mm/rev
(vi) Feed for accelerated travel = 5 mm/rev
(vii) Feed and spindle speed values accepted in magic three code only
(viii) Tool nose radius = 5 mm
(ix) Interpolation codes are I 3.3, K 3.3.
8.11 Write the APT program for the hole drilling problem described in Q. 8.9 above. The set point and
tool-changing position is (150, 150). The format details and machining and programming instructions

(i) Three-axis control

(ii) Postprocessor DRIL 5X
(iii) Spindle speed and feed settings are numerically controlled
(iv) Cutting speed = 30 m/min
(v) Feed = 0.1 mm/rev
(vi) Through holes to be drilled in the 20-mm thick plate.
8.12 Write the APT program for making a grid of 625 (25 ¥ 25) holes of diameter 2 mm spaced at 5 mm
from each other in a 10-mm thick steel plate. The set point is (0, 0) and the nearest corner hole is
located at (40, 40). The required cutting speed = 40 m/min and the feed = 0.08 mm/rev. Both the
spindle speed and feed are set manually. The Z-axis movement is cam-controlled. No post processor is
8.13 Write the APT program for machining the periphery of the 20-mm thick steel plate shown in Fig.
8.49 by a 6-mm HSS end mill cutter. The required cutting speed and feed are 30 m/min and 0.1
mm/rev, respectively and both are set manually. The rapid travel feed is 3 mm/rev. Assume a suitable
set point and appropriate values of the tolerances for circular interpolation. The machine requires a
postprocessor MILL XYZ.
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 489

8.14 Write the APT program for machining the lathe component described in Q. 8.9 above. Both the speed
and feed settings are numerically controlled and a postprocessor LATHE 7 is required.

chining the holes among the following two on
a machine tool with absolute dimensioning, 3 4

tion (8,4) 2
5 0.5
(a) 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6

1 6
(b) 1 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 5
Fixed zero 1.5 4.0 1.5
points 1 and 2, assuming that the NC ma-
FIg. 8.50
X2.3,Y2.3 suppression of trailing zeros and
absolute dimensioning. The sequence of machining the holes is 3 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 1
(iii) Write a NC program for drilling of holes in the sequence 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6. The machine tool

machine using f
EOB, full zero shift, trailing zeros suppressed. Speed is 500 rpm (S3) and feed is 4.3 in/min (F2.4).
Tool proceeds from machine zero to A in absolute mode. Subsequent movements are incremental in
the direction of the arrow. Use M51 for Z-axis control.


1.0 R 1.0


A(3.0, 3.0)
+ M/c Zero All dimensions in inches

Fig. 8.51

8.17 Write the complete NC part program for contour milling and drilling of hole in the part shown in Fig.
8.52 on a 2.5 axis vertical milling machine. RPM = 2000 in magic- 3 code, feed = 50 mm/min in 4.1
format. Machine tool format is full range zero shift, absolute dimensions X3.3, Y3.3, tab sequential,
490 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

suppression of trailing zeros. Contour milling is done with f 20-mm end mill cutter and proceeds in
the direction of the arrow starting from point 0.




Fig. 8.52

8.18 Write the NC part program for making two f12 mm holes at 1 and 2 and milling a 10 mm wide and
5-mm deep slot in the 10-mm thick plate shown in Fig. 8.53 on a 2.5 axis machine. The machine tool

zeroes. Speed and feed are set manually and need not be programmed. Home position for tool change
is (150, 150). Milling is initiated at point 3.

15 1

10 2

50 10 2 Holes, M12


Fig. 8.53
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 491

8.19 Prepare a NC part program for the part shown in Fig. 8.54.

(i) Word address format

(iii) Absolute and incremental dimensioning

(iv) Fixed zero in Z and X
(v) Trailing zeroes suppressed

(i) Feed in mm/min; s = 0.2 mm/rev, accelerated feed = 3 mm/rev

(ii) Speed in magic-3 code, rpm = 500
(iii) Home position = (150, 40)
(iv) 6 mm groove is for parting off
(v) Tool nose radius = 2 mm
Machine Zero 2.5 ¥ 45°

f 20
f 40

f 40

f 35
f 50

6 20 5 25 30 15


Fig. 8.54
8.20 Write the APT part program for contour milling
of the component shown in Fig. 8.55 using f P5
P6 2.0
BRACKET, postprocessor – TRDL, RPM – 500, R1.0

feed = 4.0 in/min, inside tolerance = 0.001 inch, P4
outside tolerance = 0, set point is (–2,–2,0) and the
X-Y plane coincides with the top surface of the C1 L4

component. Contour cutting starts from P1 in the L7

direction of L1.
8.21 Write the complete APT program for contour L2
machining of 5 mm thick part shown in Fig. 8.56
on a 3-axis milling machine using f10-mm HSS P1 L1 P2
end mill cutter. The feed rate is 125 mm/min 3.0
and the cutting speed is 500 rev/min. Inside and SPe 6.0
outside tolerance for approximation of circular
All dimensions in inches
arc is 0.0125 and 0.0025 mm, respectively. The
Fig. 8.55
492 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

postprocessor is MACHINE/QRS and the part name is BRACKET. Machining should commence
from point A and proceed along the Y-axis. All the geometrical entities required to describe the part
are market with symbols on Fig. 8.56.

R15 L8 10
C1 P2
P5 P4 L1



P6 L4 15°
P7 L7 A
30 25
125 S.P.

Fig. 8.56

8.22 Write the APT part program for external turning, facing and boring operations on the given part ‘SHAFT’
n = 500 rpm, s =
0.1 mm/rev. Hole diameter 15 is predrilled. Tool No. 1 is used for turning and Tool No. 2 for facing and
boring. Facing is done from the centre outwards to the operator. Boring cut is taken on the generatix
closer to the operator.

f 80

15 20
f 20
f 30
f 50
f 15

M/C and
Zero Tool Home
Part 20 30 (80, – 40)

FIg. 8.57

8.23 Write the complete APT program for the part shown in Fig. 8.58. The f 0.75 holes have already been

outside and inside tolerances on circular interpolation are 0.001 inch. Speed and feed should be 400
rpm and 3.0 in/min, respectively. Part name is Plate and post processor is MACHIN/MILL.
Numerical Control of Machine Tools 493


Part thickness
= inch
f0 R 1.0



0.875 4.25
3.0 6.0

SP (0, 0)

Fig. 8.58

1. Simon, W, The Numerical Control of Machine Tools, Edward-Arnold London, 1973, p. 307.
2. Ibid., p. 101.
3. Ibid., p. 78.
4. Ibid., p. 139.
494 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control


It was explained in Sec. 8.1 that a NC machine tool system consists of the machine control unit (MCU) and
the machine tool itself. The MCU which is housed in a separate cabinet consists of the following elements:
1. Input device such as punch tape reader
2. Reading and parity logic check circuits
3. Decoders
4. Interpolators and comparators
5. Position control circuit
6. Velocity control circuit
7. Deceleration circuit
8. Auxiliary function controls such as spindle on/off, coolant on/off, etc.
Elements 1–4 receive, decode and process the input information to generate data in a format suitable for
the machine tool control. These elements thus constitute a data processing unit (DPU). On the other hand,
elements 5–8 use the data generated by the DPU to generate proper control signals for the machine and thus
constitute the control loop unit (CLU) of the MCU.
In the NC machine tools, both the DPU and CLU functions are implemented in hardware, i.e., by electronic
elements built into the control unit. As the data input from punched tape forms part of the control, the tape
has to be read every time for machining a component, moving block-by-block between execution of program
sentences. In view of the above features, NC machine tools suffer from the following drawbacks:

key followed by punching of the correct data on the tape. When the duplicate tape is prepared, the

on a separate length of tape which is then spliced into the original tape. It is thus seen that program

2. No provision for changing speed and feed during the cutting process. Hence, the part programmer
must assign the speed and feed for worst case conditions, thereby reducing productivity.
3. Punched tape, being made of paper or thin plastic sheet is susceptible to wear, tear and damage,
resulting in frequent stoppages of the machine tool.
4. Tape readers contain mechanical moving parts which are not suited for high frequency operations.
This makes the tape reader the least reliable hardware component of the NC machine system, resulting
in frequent stoppages of the machine tool and large down time.
5. No provision of feedback on operational performance to provide timely information to the management.
6. As the control is hardwired, the control features can not be easily altered or upgraded to keep pace with
the developments in electronics and computer science.
These drawbacks were the cause of widespread dissatisfaction among users of NC machines and held
back the wide acceptance of NC technology for at least two decades till the midsixties. By this time, it
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 495

became clear that despite the all too obvious advantages and tremendous potential, NC technology will not
be able to deliver the promised results unless solutions were found to the problems listed above. The various
developments towards achieving this goal constitute extensions of numerical control and form the subject
matter of the discussion that follows.

The development of large scale integration (LSI) in electronics in the sixties gave a massive thrust to
miniaturisation of electronics circuitry and saw the emergence of mainframe computers that packed much
greater computation power in relatively small physical size, compared with the existing computers of the
time that were built with SSI (Small Scale Integration) and MSI (Medium Scale Integration) circuits.
These developments in computer technology led to the logical attempt at using a computer to take over
the data processing functions of the MCU of the NC machine tools. The part programs were stored in the
bulk memory of the computer and down loaded to the NC machine tool through direct connection in real
time. This eliminated the punched tape and tape reader from the NC machining system, thus relieving it of
the components that were the cause of most of the drawbacks listed above.
As the mainframe computers were expensive, a single computer was used to store part programs for
several NC machine tools and distribute them on demand. This control came to be known as distributive
numerical control (DNC-1). As the computer was used mainly as a substitute of the tape reader, this mode of
control was also referred to as behind the tape reader (BTR) system, implying thereby that the computer was
directly linked to the NC controller, bypassing the tape reader.
The distributive numerical control had its own drawbacks. Firstly, breakdown of the computer meant shut
down of all NC machines connected to it. To meet this eventuality, a standby computer was kept in readiness.
Keeping in mind that mainframe computers were fairly expensive at that time, the cost of maintaining two
computers made the actual implementation of distributive numerical control prohibitively expensive. This


in the emergence of very large scale integration (VLSI) and microchips. This, together with advances in
computer technology led to the development and rapid growth of mini and later micro computers that
packed enormous computing power in small physical size. Furthermore, dramatic reductions in cost made it
attractive to equip each NC machine with a dedicated computer, to take over the functions of the DPU. This
came to be known as computer numerical control (CNC). Unlike the hard wired conventional NC controller,
the physical components of CNC units are virtually the same, irrespective of whether they control a lathe or a
milling machine. It is not the control unit elements, but the control (executive) program that makes a control
unit think as a lathe or a milling machine. The control program is loaded into the CNC computer memory by
the control manufacturer. Normally, the user does not tamper with the control program, but like all computer

in the early years of its existence CNC was often referred to as soft wired control and the machine tools as
496 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

soft wired numerically controlled machine tools. In the early CNC machine tools, some of the DPU functions
such as feed rate generation and interpolation were left to be performed by hard wired components as they
were more cost effective and allowed the use of smaller, less expensive computers. These machines are
known as hybrid CNC machines. Developments in computer technology and their continuous cost reduction
and easy availability have overtaken events at a pace that was hard to visualise even a decade ago and almost
all CNC machine tools manufactured today are fully computer controlled.
In CNC machine tools, the part program punched on tape is run only once and then stored in the computer
memory. The punched tape is retained only as a back up medium. This rids the CNC controller of the tape
reader during regular operation. In this sense, computer numerical control carries out the same functions as
the distributive numerical control described above, with the additional advantage that failure of the control
in this case affects only one machine. In recent CNC systems, the tape reader has been eliminated altogether
by incorporating manual data input (MDI) consoles as off line programming modules. The MDI consoles
are elaborate alphanumeric keyboards which allow writing of fairly complex part programs directly into
the computer memory. In off line programming, the part program is written on a personal computer (PC)
using the appropriate programming software and is then downloaded into the CNC system through a data
communication line.
We thus see that CNC was the next logical extension of the concept of numerical control which made
NC technology more reliable and cost effective. The promise held forth by the concept of numerical control

machine tools worldwide.

The availability of a dedicated computer with each CNC machine tool helped in equipping these machines
with advanced control and programming features, thereby further enhancing their utility. Some of these
features are:
1. Improved diagnostics The diagnostics system monitors one or several parameters and sends warning
signals in case of imminent breakdown. In case back-up components are incorporated in the CNC system,
the faulty component is automatically disconnected and the back-up component is activated. The diagnostic
system maintains a record of the downtime and of the reasons behind it.
2. In-process compensation This feature allows adjustments for errors sensed by in-process inspection
probes and gauges and offset compensations for tool length and radius.
3. Advanced operating features These features include ease of editing of part programs, graphic display

program storage facility.

4. Advanced programming facilities These include
(i) Provision of various interpolation schemes, viz. circular, parabolic, cubic, etc.
(ii) Use of macros: Under this facility frequently utilized subroutines such as bolt hole patterns, pocket
milling, drilling and tapping cycles can be permanently stored.
(iii) Axis inversion or mirror image: This facility allows a single program to be used for symmetrical left-
and right-hand parts by inverting the sign of the X or Y axis around the program zero. Symmetrical
machining in all four quadrants is possible by inversion of a quadrant about one axis and then the
inversion of two quadrants about the other axis.
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 497


Concepts of Sampling Rate and Motor Pulsing Rate With the emergence of multi axis,
multifunction CNC machine tools known as machining centres, the axis positioning requirements have
drastically increased, while tool management and other functions have become vastly more complex. In order
to implement the enhanced control and programming features, today’s CNC controllers must have far greater
power as regards their control and computational capabilities.
Closing the control loop is a function that a control system must repeat hundreds of times each second
as it executes motion commands. Essentially, this function is performed by software routines or algorithms

adjusting the servo signals until the commanded and actual positions match. The time it takes to actually
process and execute a motion determines the sampling rate of a CNC machine. The higher the accuracy of the
tool path and the density of points in a part program, the more important is the sampling rate. The sampling
rate is the interval at which the CNC controller receives position feedback from servo loops. The CNC
factors this information into both the position target and velocity of each new servo command. Usually, a more
complex part has a higher point density that requires more axis moves, thereby increasing the information
the control must process. If the control cannot process the information fast enough, then accuracy may be
compromised. Whether talking about processing of blocks of the part program or their execution (sampling),
the critical issue is for the CNC to perform these tasks as quickly as necessary to keep up with a programmed
feed rate.
Let us say that currently a given CNC machine processes 100 moves per second or 6000 moves per minute.
If a part with a high tolerance has an average move of 0.001 inch, then 6000 ¥ 0.001 = 6 inches/minute is the
maximum possible feed rate. Most materials can be machined at much higher rates. Therefore, to improve

second, otherwise, we would be machining at lower feed rates than permitted, thereby lowering productivity.
The highest priority for the CNC is managing the axis motors. The motors are driven as they receive
electrical pulses at a set rate. The larger the pulse, the faster the motor is driven. Two problems can occur due
to mismatch between motor response (motor pulsing rate) and updating of the moves (sampling rate of CNC
controller). Overshooting when the motor is quick to respond to changes in the distance to go, but the distance
to go is updated slowly. In other words, the motor has already reached the position it was commanded to
reach, but the distance to go has not been updated, so the motor keeps on going. Undershooting occurs when
the motor is slow to respond to the distance to go. In other words, the distance to go is updated before the
motor has a chance to move to position. The best system is one in which the motor pulsing rate matches the
sampling rate of the CNC controller. In case of mismatch between the two, the compromise will involve
either loss of production by (lower feed rate) or accuracy (large move size).
Early CNC machines were sluggish with the motor updated every 20 milliseconds (50 times a second).
Some new multiprocessor machines can update the motors every millisecond (1000 times per second).
CNC machines with slow update rate should be used only for machining of parts with low resolution (large
approximating segments and hence large INTOL and OUTTOL). If a part requiring high resolution is
machined on a CNC machine with slow update rate, several moves will be bunched in one update and details
will be lost, thus compromising the accuracy of the machined surfaces.

CNC Processing Efficiency Processing is the conversion of moves from the part program into a form
the CNC motor understands (axis motor commands). For example, even a simple move such as X10 may
498 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

these moves are processed. In general, the CNC must consider several factors when processing moves:
If processing requires too many calculations, it may become a bottleneck. The fewer calculations the
processor has to make to convert a move into motor pulses, the more moves can be processed in the same
time. Thus, inadequacy of processing speed of CNC controller can be compensated to some extent by
reducing the processing content of the CNC part program blocks. Cutter radius compensation requires the

radius compensation facility should be used sparingly, especially while running a program which requires

the machining moves at a faster rate.

values. Which mode should be used depends on how the control has been set up to make calculations.
Regardless of the mode adopted in the program, the CNC calculates in the mode for which it is set. For
example, if a given CNC is set for calculations in the absolute mode, then all the programmed incremental
moves will be converted to absolute values before the calculations begin. If the programmed motions were
in absolute mode, then this conversion would have been avoided. The same applies to inch and millimeter
modes. For a given CNC, all table moves are either in inch or millimeter units, regardless of the units adopted
in the program. If a given CNC performs table motions in inch units, then any program written in millimeters
will have to be converted into inch units. If the program had been written in inch units to begin with, then
the millimeter to inch conversion would have been avoided. It is easy to check whether a given CNC runs in
incremental/absolute mode by running two point-to-point part programs that machine the same part in both


It was explained in Sec. 1.7 that the impetus for development of numerical control largely came from the
need to implement automation in batch production with reduction of non-productive time as one of the
main objectives. As a consequence of this, the cutting tool spent a higher percentage of its time in actual
operation, unlike the manufacturing on conventional machine tools on which the time spent in actual cutting
often constituted as little as 5% of the total manufacturing time. The implication arising out of this factor
was that the drives, gears, guideways, etc., of NC machine tools experienced wear at a much faster rate than
the corresponding parts of conventional machine tools. For these reasons, NC machine tools soon got to be
equipped with special low friction elements such as ball recirculating lead screws, anti-friction guideways,
hydrodynamic and hydrostatic bearings, etc.

sure that the control members were ergonomically designed and placed at a convenient height within easy
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 499

reach. In NC machine tools, the role of the operator was drastically altered from one carrying out a machining
operation to one monitoring it. This called for a fresh look at some of the fundamental postulates of machine

Traditionally, machine tools were kept as simple as possible with emphasis on operator skill to accomplish
complex machining tasks. With wages of skilled workers rising faster than the cost of equipment, there
appeared objective conditions for taking measures to enhance equipment capability to reduce the reliance
on operator skill. One of the measures that found favour was to combine several operations on a single
machine. For example, if drilling, boring and milling operations could be accomplished on one machine by
one operator in a single set-up instead of on three machines by three operators in three separate set-ups, then
the savings in set-up time and total operator wages are too obvious to require special comments. Machining
in one set-up provides constancy of setting datum, which makes for higher accuracy of machining of complex
parts. Execution of several operations on a single machine tool required large number of tools. Consequently,
provision of automatic tool changers coupled with a facility for storing large number of tools right on the
machine became almost an obligatory feature for machine tools combining several operations.
CNC machine tools with the above features are known as machining centres. They usually have two
(or more) work tables so that while machining is being carried at one work table, the other one is in a

embodiment of the concept of taking the machine to the work, so that the work does not have to travel from
one machine tool to another for undergoing a succession of operations. In view of the features discussed
above, machining centres are best suited for machining of heavy jobs requiring complex machining, e.g.,
Machining centres are generally designed to carry out operations such as milling, drilling, reaming,

machining centre for producing simple parts that can be easily machined on CNC drilling or milling machines
is not cost effective.

top, whereas a horizontal machining centre is more suitable for box like, cubic and prismatic parts in which

moving column type, depending on whether the table with the workpiece travels longitudinally with respect
to the column or vice versa. Apart from longitudinal travel, complex machining centres are capable of other
programmable movements such as tilt and swivel of spindle head, etc.
Turning centres are analogous to machining centres and are essentially CNC lathes, in which the multiple
operation and automatic tool changing capabilities are incorporated. In turning centres, the tool post is
replaced by an indexable turret carrying usually up to 12 tools. Unlike lathes, the tools are generally placed
above the workpiece to make the chips fall directly down.
The type of tool changing mechanism employed in machining centres depends on the number of tools.

from those used in turning centres, because in the former, the turret actually represents multiple-spindle
indexable head, wherein only the tool in the machining position rotates, while the rest are stationary. Some
machining centres carry two turrets, of which the idle one is used for loading and presetting of tools, thereby
considerably reducing the machine down time.
Tool magazines are used when the number of tools is more than 12. Tool magazines are of two types:
1. Rotary drum type
2. Chain type
500 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

A drum-type tool magazine is shown in Fig. 9.1. These magazines are employed on machining centres
carrying between 12 to 50 tools. When the number of tools lies between 12–25, the magazine is mounted
on top of the spindle head. This arrangement minimises the distance between the spindle axis and the tool
changing position of the magazine, thereby providing for a simple tool loading mechanism. When the number
of tools lies between 25 and 50, the drum type tool magazine is mounted either on the column of the machining
centre or an independent column. In the latter case, the independent column possesses an additional linear
movement by which it is moved to the loading position for executing the tool change.



Fig. 9.1 Drum-type tool magazine

Chain type magazines (Fig. 9.2) are used when the number of tools on the machining centre is greater than
50. These magazines too are mounted overhead, on the side of the column of the machining centre and on an
independent column.

Fig. 9.2 Chain-type tool magazine

Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 501

In drum as well as chain type magazines, tool

transfer from the magazine to the spindle and vice
versa is executed by a changer arm (Fig. 9.3).
The arm 1 occupies vertical position when not in
operation. For executing tool change, it is shifted to 3
the horizontal position in which it simultaneously
grips two tools, one in the magazine 2 and the
other mounted in the spindle 3. Both the tools are
released by applying pneumatic pressure and the 1 2
arm is pulled outwards. It is now rotated through
180° for the tools to interchange their positions. By
pushing the arm inwards the new tool is inserted
in the spindle and the used tool is put back in the Fig. 9.3 Changer arm mechanism used with tool
magazine. The arm is now rotated through 90° to magazines
occupy the idle position.
It was mentioned earlier that machining centres are particularly well suited for machining of complex
heavy parts. These parts constitute the so called main parts of engineering equipments. They hardly comprise
10% of the total number of parts of equipment by number, but their share of the total value of the equipment
may be 50% and more. In view of the high penalty for producing a reject, the premium on accuracy of
machining of such parts is very high and this constitutes the major area of application of machining centres.


a central computer. In case the number of CNC machines is large the link may be two-stage, whereby groups
of CNC machines are controlled by satellite computers, which in turn, are linked to the central computer.
There are three components required for DNC—the CNC, a computer, a serial line connecting them, gener-
ally a standard RS-232-C communications cable and the necessary communications software. In fact one
external computer may be connected to several CNC machines. The MCU of each of the CNC machine tools
is under the control of the DNC computer, but the individual CNC machine is controlled by its MCU. All
modern CNC machines are provided with a serial port or a RS-232-C port so they can be directly connected
to the DNC computer. Older NC and CNC controllers that have little or no internal memory or communica-

special interface unit which is plugged into the tape reader port. Such systems are known as behind the tape
reader (BTR) systems. Once this system is installed, even these NC controls can be integrated in the DNC
network. They can then run long programs that would have otherwise required miles of paper tape.
The central computer stores the part programs required by all the CNC machines of the system. These
programs are downloaded to the computers of individual CNC machines on demand. Unlike distributive
numerical control discussed in Sec. 9.1, the central computer does not directly control the working of CNC
machines. The real time control rests with the computers of the individual CNC machines. Generally,
enough part programs are transferred from the central computer to the computers of CNC machines to
keep the machines busy for a shift or day, as the case may be. Thus, routine operation of CNC machine
tools is controlled by their individual dedicated computers, independent of the central computer. This has
two advantages. Firstly, the CNC machines can be kept running for several hours from programs stored
502 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

in their memory in case of malfunctions of the central computer, thereby preventing immediate shut down
of the CNC machine tools and at the same time providing valuable buffer period during which the fault of
the central computer can be looked into. Secondly, being free of real time control of individual machines
merely for the purpose of downloading of part program, the central computer can be gainfully employed for
data collection and supervisory functions. As each CNC machine tool has a dedicated computer, it becomes
possible to have a two-way communication between the central computer and the CNC machine tools. This
helps in collecting valuable data on crucial performance characteristics such as production piece count, tool
usage, machine utilisation and real time status and down time record of individual CNC machine tools.
The central computer prepares performance reports based on the collected data, thereby providing valuable
feedback to the shop and plant management.
With proper software support, the central computer of DNC-2 system can handle other manufacturing
planning and control functions such as process planning, materials requirement planning, scheduling, etc.
Decision regarding the additional functions to be handled depends on the capacity of the central computer.
Conversely, knowing the functions to be handled, the central computer could be selected accordingly. It is
thus seen that direct numerical control is a major step in the direction of closed-loop computer aided factory
operation and management and a forerunner of computer integrated manufacturing.
The functions of a DNC may thus be summed up as follows:
1. Numerical control without punched tape.
2. NC part program storage, including writing and editing of new programs.
3. Sending part programs to CNC machines in real time on demand, known as program downloading.
4. Receiving part programs from CNC machine tools, if such programs are prepared or edited on the
MCU, known as program uploading.
5. P
6. Collecting performance data and preparing performance reports.
7. Drip feeding of long part programs. Drip feeding is resorted to when long part programs cannot be
accomodated fully in the MCU of CNC machines. Recent CNCs have controllers that allow them to
load upto 16 megabytes of programs. However, huge memory options still have limitations. Being
new technology, they are expensive. They also require long download times. For instance, it may take
an hour to download a program with one million moves. On the other hand, it is not uncommon for
CAM systems to generate CNC programs with a million or so moves. Most CNC controllers can not
store such large programs, which therefore have to be split into parts. At each split, there is possibility
of discontinuity in machined surface or a burr which affects the quality of the product. In such cases,
the program is fed to the MCU from the central computer and the CNC must execute each move as it
is received. This process of sending a move at a time from the central computer to the CNC is known
as drip feeding

block of program already executed to vacate part program memory. The DNC computer sends the
next segment of the part program before the completion of the previous segment. The MCU is thus not

The use of DNC involves additional cost in terms of network, computer, terminals and the software.

1. when the interconnected CNC machines are large in number,

2. when drip feeding is essential for execution of long part programs,
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 503

3. when part program sizes are very large and can not be held in the part program memory of the MCU,
4. when part program variety is large and batch sizes are small. In such cases, each CNC machine has to
be fed a large number of part programs every day, thus justifying the use of DNC, and
engage the CNC machine for this purpose and keep it idle.

1. Eliminates local input device such as tape reader or MDI, thus helping in entry of error free programs.
2. Large storage capacity of DNC computer makes it possible to store several part programs.
3. If a part is to be machined on different machine tools, then separate program entry into the individual

4. Better management of part programs which allows the supervisor to organise the operators work and

9.4.1 DNC Efficiency

As mentioned before, there are three components in a DNC, namely the CNC, a computer and a serial line
connecting them. The program to be machined is sent by the computer a move at a time to the CNC via the
serial line. While the CNC is executing the current move and processing the next move, the serial line is
downloading the moves after that. The CNC is thus doing three things: loading moves, processing moves and

turn, implies increasing the speed at which the CNC loads, processes and executes moves. Further, there must
be compatibility between the speeds of loading, processing and execution. Any one of the three which is less

Loading a program for DNC involves transfer of part program from an external computer to the CNC a
move at a time over a serial line (RS – 232 line). The speed at which the moves are sent over a serial line
is called the baud rate. The baud rate corresponds to the number of bits per second that can be transferred
between the computer and CNC. In general, for each character (letter or number in a move), 10 bits are sent
over the serial line eight bit character plus one start bit and one stop bit. Typical industry baud rates are 9600,
19200 and 38400. So, at 9600 baud, 960 characters are transferred per second, while at 38400 baud rate, 3840
characters are transferred. If an average move is 10 characters long, then at 9600 baud we will be transferring
960 characters per second for a maximum of 96 moves per second. So, the obvious conclusion is that the

The communication (talk) between the computer and CNC over a serial line is governed by a protocol,
also known as hand shaking. The reason for a protocol is to make sure that the computer and the CNC are not
trying to send information to each other at the same time. When CNC is sending information, it is not listening
to the information that is being sent to it. This is how information is lost. To avoid losing information, the
computer and CNC follow a protocol to make sure that they do not communicate at the same time. There are
two protocols in use today X ON/X OFF and X Modem.
504 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

The X ON/X OFF is the faster of the two protocols. The DNC computer talks to the CNC as fast as it can,
but if it talks faster than the CNC can listen, the CNC sends an XOFF to the computer, telling the computer
to stop sending until it can catch up. When the CNC has caught up, it sends an XON to recommence the
communication. The most frustrating part of using XON/XOFF is that if the serial line has a failure, one
gets to know about it only after machining is over. Serial communications are not 100% reliable. When the
computer is sending 38400 bits per second, it is possible that a few bits may be lost in transition if there is lot
of electrical noise in the shop or the serial cable is very long. A cable is like a capacitor and its capacitance
increases with increasing length, thus increasing the possibility of corrupting the data being transferred.
Since the CNC has no way of detecting and preventing serials errors, the part is in most cases scrapped. It
is therefore recommended to position the computer near the CNC to reduce the cable length and also take
measures to minimise electrical noise in the shop from other electrical equipments.
The X modem protocol allows the CNC to detect and prevent errors by breaking up the program into small
packets. Each packet has a checksum, which is computed by totaling the bit value of every character in the
packet. The DNC computer computes this sum while sending the characters and the CNC while receiving
them. After an entire packet has been sent, the computer sends the checksum it computed to the CNC which
compares it with its own checksum. If the checksums match, the CNC sends an ACK (Acknowledge) signal
to the computer requesting to it send the next packet. If the checksum is bad, which means the packet has
an error, the CNC sends a NAK (Not acknowledged) signal and requests it to resend the packet. In this way,
most errors are detected and prevented thus protecting the part. With all the ACK and NAK communications,
the X modem is slightly slower than the XON/XOFF protocol, but is still recommended for DNC systems in
view of the greater reliability.

may employ preprocessing and compression of the part programs before sending them over the serial line.
Preprocessing means that the DNC computer does part of the processing job that the CNC normally does.
This saves CNC time and speeds up the DNC. Compressing means that the computer shrinks the program
before sending it over the serial line and the CNC then expands it once it has been received. Preprocessing
by itself can make the program bigger and take longer to send, but since the DNC computer processes faster
than the CNC, there is a net saving of time. Similarly, compressing makes the program smaller and takes less
time to send, but it takes longer to get processed in the CNC. The decision of which of the two to use is based
on the processing speed of the CNC.
In most CNCs, the moves are processed as soon as they are received and the CNC is generally waiting
for moves to arrive. In such cases, the CNC is said to be buffer starved. Compression is the best option in
this case, because although it will take a little longer with each move in order to decompress it, the CNC is
waiting anyway. The basic rule is that if the CNC is waiting and doing nothing part of the time then it should
be given more to do (compressing). On the other hand, if the CNC is overloaded and has too much to do, then
part of the burden should be passed on to the computer (prepreprocessing).


It was mentioned in Sec. 9.2 that CNC machine tools had advanced programming facilities such as macros,

that make programming simpler, viz.,

1. position data input in decimal system,
2. provision of programming more than one G code in a single block,
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 505

3. automatic tool diameter compensation (offset), and

4. automatic tool length compensation (offset).
The important programming features available on CNC machine tools will be initially described and later
illustrated in application to example programming problems.

Tool Diameter Offset (Compensation) for Milling

9.5.1 Operation (G41, G42, G40)
The concept of tool diameter compensation was explained in Sec. 8.2.5. As the part program refers to the
trajectory followed by the cutter centre, a different part program is obtained for each cutter size. In NC

cutter size and then writes the part program for the trajectory followed by the cutter centre with the help of
appropriate trigonometric calculations.
This has two disadvantages:
1. P
2. A new part program has to be written if the cutter size is changed.
CNC machines have the facility of automatic cutter diameter compensation, which allows the cutter size
to be ignored, i.e., allows the part program to be written as if the cutter diameter were zero. The size of the
cutter is entered by the operator in a tool offset register, usually designated as D-register. The diameter of
each cutter is entered under an independent sequence number as follows.

Tool diameter offset register (D-register)

Tool No. Register No. Diameter
01 01 15 mm
02 02 25 mm
… … …
… … …
08 11 12 mm

Though it is desirable, it is not necessary that the cutter of a particular No. should be entered under the
same sequence number in the D-register. For instance, cutter No. 8 (f 12 mm) has been entered in Register
D-11. In the part program, D11 is incorporated in the block pertaining to machining with tool No. 8. The part
program is written imagining the cutting diameter to be zero. By invoking register D11, the CNC computer
automatically calculates the offsets. If a different cutter is required at a later stage (say a cutter of diameter
506 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Tool No. Register No. Diameter

08 11 18 mm

It is thus seen that the cutter diameter offset facility in CNC machines is free of the aforementioned
drawbacks of NC machines tools.
Cutter diameter compensation can be to the left (G41) or right (G42). To determine which of the two is
applicable the programmer imagines himself to be positioned ahead of the cutter, facing the direction in which
the cutter is moving. Depending on whether the job lies to the left or right of the observer so positioned, the
cutter diameter compensation is designated as left (Fig. 9.4a) or right (Fig. 9.4b). Both left- and right-cutter
diameter offsets are cancelled by G40.


G41 G42
(Left) (Right)

Starting point of cutter Programmer

Starting point
(a) (b)

Fig. 9.4 Tool diameter compensation left (G41) and right (G42) on machining centres

Tool Length Offset (Compensation) for Milling and Drilling

9.5.2 Operations (G45, G46)
Tool length offset is a very useful CNC programming feature which controls the Z-axis motions in CNC
machine tools and machining centres. This facility has two types of applications in CNC programming:
1. It allows tools of different lengths to be used in CNC milling and drilling machines without making
any change in the part program.
2. It allows tools of different lengths to be used in various spindles of machining centers without presetting

The difference of tool length is entered as an offset value in H-register by the operator. The stored value
is then used as a positive or negative compensation with respect to the programmed motion in Z-axis, as the
case may be. Tool length offset is thus essentially an addition or subtraction operation carried out by the CNC
Tool length offset is programmed by G45 and G46 codes. When the G45 code is used, the offset value
entered in the H-register is added to the programmed motion in Z-axis, while in case of the G46 code it is
subtracted. Usually G45 is used for convenience.
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 507

Consider the example of CNC drilling shown in Fig. 9.5. The tip of the drill (see Tool No. 1) is positioned
at 50 mm from the surface of the job and the spindle has to be programmed to move rapid in Z-axis so that
the drill tip stops 5 mm short of the job surface. Consequently, the distance to be travelled by the drill is 45
mm in the minus Z direction. The programmer may choose to include 30 mm of this travel in the part program
and the rest of 15 mm as compensation in the tool length offset register (say H 01). The statement (say 050)
in the part program would read as:




Fig. 9.5 Tool length off set in drilling operation on a machining centre

N050 G00 G 45 Z – 30 H01

The entry in the H-register will be as follows:

Tool No. H-register No. Tool length offset

01 01 15

The offset value (+ 15) is added to the programmed Z axis motion (+ 30) and the net motion (30 + 15 =
45) occurs in the direction associated with the sign of the programmed motion (minus Z). Hence, the total
motion is 45 mm in the minus Z direction. To illustrate the foregoing, a few possible combinations of the
programmed motion and offset are given below for the example under consideration to yield a net motion of
45 mm in the minus Z direction:
508 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Programmed motion Tool length offset

–20 +25
–25 +20

Now, suppose that the given drill (Tool No. 1) is replaced by another drill (T02) which is 20 mm shorter.
In this case, the distance to be travelled by the tool tip to reach the plane 5 mm short of the job surface will
be 65 mm. Retaining the same statement in the program, viz.,
N050 G00 G45 Z – 30 H01

the entry in the H-register will be +35 to yield a net motion of – (30 + 35) = – 65 mm. The entry in the

Tool No. H-register No. Tool length offset

01 H01 35

Let us consider now that the given drill (Tool No. 1) is replaced by another tool (T03) which is 20 mm
longer. In this case, the distance from the tool tip to the plane 5 mm short of the job surface will be of 25 mm.
Hence, the entry in the H-register will be –05 to yield a net motion of – (30 – 05) = – 25. The entry in the H

Tool No. H-register No. Tool length offset

01 H01 – 05

The approach described above is also valid for milling cutters of different lengths on CNC milling
Let us now discuss the application of tool length offset facility in reference to machining centres on
which several cutting tools (milling cutters, drills) are mounted in the various spindles. Suppose the zero of
the machining centre in the Z-axis is set to lie in plane A which is 5 mm above the top surface of the part
(Fig. 9.6). The setting is done by making tool T04 (f 10 mm end mill cutter) touch the top of a 5 mm plate,
placed on the table and pressing a button to set the Z-axis read out to zero. In this position, the spindle face
occupies a position in plane B at a certain distance Zs from the zero. Henceforth, whenever the machining
centre is programmed to move to zero position in Z-axis, the spindle face will occupy the set position in
plane B. Now when tools T01 (face milling cutter f 30), T02 (drill f 10) and T03 (counter boring cutter f 12)

lengths. The offsets can be determined by moving the tools from their respective zero position to plane
A. The displacement from the zero position is noted on the Z-axis read out and provides the offset for the
corresponding tool. The length offsets of the various tools are entered in the H-register with the radii. Thus, in
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 509

machining centres both the tool diameter and tool length offsets are entered in a single register. For the tools
shown in Fig. 9.6, the entries in the H-register will be as follows:
Plane B
T02 T04 T01 T 03

Plane A


Fig. 9.6 Tool length offset on machining centres

Tool No. H-register No. Tool length offset mm Tool diameter mm

01 01 5.0 30.0
02 02 – 12.0 10.0
03 03 12.0 12.0
04 04 0.00 10.0

When the programmer writes a part program for operations in which these tools are used, he can ignore
the variations of tool length and assume that for all the tools the zero in Z-axis occurs when the tip of the
tool lies in plane A. The CNC controller automatically adds or subtracts the offsets given in the appropriate
For example, if the f 12-mm counter boring cutter is to be programmed to make a 10 mm deep slot and is
positioned at zero prior to this operation, then the statement (say N010) in the program for the Z-axis motion
will be
N010 G01 G45 Z – 15 H03
The net motion of tool T03 in the direction of Z-axis will be – (15 + 12) = – 27 mm. Note that the motion
will occur at feed rate (G01).
To illustrate again, let us assume that a 15-mm deep hole is to be drilled in the job using the f 15 drill
(T02). It is obvious that prior to these operations the tool must be positioned at a location of + Z7 or greater, so
that the drill is clear of the surface to be machined. Suppose the tool T02 is positioned at 15 mm in the plus Z
direction, such that its tip is at a distance of 3 mm from plane A. From this position, the statements (say N040

the job and then at feed rate to the desired depth will be as follows:
N040 G00 G45 Z –15 H02
N050 G01 Z –20
510 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

In the statement N040, the rapid net motion of the tool will be – (15 – 12) = – 03 mm. Subsequently, in
N050 the tool will move at feed rate by 20 mm (5 mm to the job surface from plane A and 15 mm further to
the required depth of hole).
As tool T02 is longer than the tool T04 that was used for zero setting of Z-axis, it becomes necessary to
take the precaution of positioning it properly before executing a Z-axis movement, as otherwise it can lead
to serious accident and damage to both tool and machine. This problem can be avoided by using the longest
tool for setting the zero of the Z-axis. In this case, all the offsets entered in the H-register will be positive. In
the example case shown in Fig. 9.6, it would be desirable to use tool T02 for zero setting of the Z-axis. In that
case, the offsets of the other three tools will be as follows:

Tool No. H-register No. Tool length offset mm Tool diameter mm

01 01 17 30
02 02 0 10.0
03 03 24 12.0
04 04 12 10

Tool length offset is cancelled by G49 command.

9.5.3 Zero Setting in CNC Machining Centres (G55)

The zero systems in NC machine tools and the manner in which they are set were discussed in Sec. 8.2.1. The

are different from those adopted for NC machine tools.

For a CNC machine tool with full zero shift, the machine zero Y
is shifted to the desired location by means of G55 command used
outside the program. Suppose the machine zero is to be shifted
from the absolute datum to a point A (Fig. 9.7) on the component V
where a drilled hole exists from a previous operation. A probe A
(or may be even a drill) of proper size that allows it to slide into B
the hole with minimum clearance is mounted in the machine H
tool spindle and the spindle/table is moved in jog mode so that Machine zero X
the probe is positioned exactly above point A. This is checked by
inserting the probe (drill) in the hole. The readings of the X and Y Fig. 9.7 Zero setting in machining
coordinates are noted on the digital read out (say Ax, Ay). The centres with full zero shift
operator now presses the following keys to shift the zero to
point A:
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 511

The bars under the commands indicate that they are entered manually by the operator on the MCU console.
If the zero were to be shifted to the lower left-hand corner of the part (Point B), then a round bar of known
radius R will be mounted in the spindle and the spindle/table moved in the jog mode so that the side of the
bar touches the edge V of the component. The digital read out of the X coordinate is noted (say Bx) and the
operator now presses the following keys to shift the Y-axis to point B:

Similarly, the bar of radius R is aligned with the edge H of the component. If the digital out of the Y
coordinate is By, then the X axis is shifted to point B by the operator bypressing the following keys in the
given order:

It is assumed that the edges of the component are aligned parallel to the coordinate axes and the component
is properly clamped before commencing the zero shift operation.

allocated for this function, therefore, an unallocated code G56 will be used for this purpose.
Suppose a segment of the part program has already been writ-

shift the zero to point C (Fig. 9.8) which has coordinates (Cx, CY)
(noted from the digital readout). The statement in the program for D
this purpose (say N080) will be,
N080 G00 XCX,YCY G56
In some CNC machining centres command G45 when used in X
conjuction with X, Y coordinates and D-register serves for setting Machine zero

Fig. 9.8 Zero setting in machining

same command when used in conjunction with the Z-direction centres with full floating zero
coordinate serves for tool length offset (Sec. 9.5.2). Suppose the

register (D01 for X-axis and D02 for Y-axis are zero) then the statements (say N040 and N050) for setting of

N040 G00 X50 G45 D01

N050 G00 Y55 G45 D02
Suppose the part programmer makes provision for a movement of 30 mm each in the X and Y directions.
The entries in the registers D01 and D02 will, in this case, be 50 – 30 = 20 mm and 55 – 30 = 25 mm,

N040 G00 X30 G45 D01

N050 G00 Y30 G45 D02

shifted to another location without making any change in the part program. Suppose due to some reasons
512 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

point C, but may also be necessitated by change in the size of the component or a new zero location after
the full zero shift. Suppose the coordinates of point D are XI00, Y115. The statements in the program will
remain unchanged, but the operator will be instructed to change the entries in registers D01 and D02 to
100 – 30 = 70 mm and 115 – 30 = 85 mm, respectively.

Special Programming Features in CNC Milling and

9.5.4 Drilling Operations

Tool Radius Vector Setting (G39) Consider Fig. 9.9a. At point A where a change of direction takes
place, the position of the cutter centre must be shifted from Ol to O2 without violating the contact at point A,
so that the tool is aligned tangent to the new surface before machining commences. This is done by rotating
the centre of the tool using G39 command, followed by the interpolation parameters I, J, K to indicate the
vector direction of the new motion. The interpolation parameters represent the signed values of the X, Y and
Z increments of the new motion. For the dimensions shown in Fig. 9.9a, the statement (say N 010) in the part
program for directing the tool from surface P to surface Q will be
N010 G39 I30 J-20

N040 G00 X50 G45 D01

N050 G00 Y55 G45 D02
Over travel

O1 +



(a) (b)

Fig. 9.9 Tool radius vector setting in machining centres (a) by rotation of tool centre (b) by overtravel of tool

In the recent models of CNC machine tools, the reorientation of the cutter is taken care of by the CNC
controller automatically and it is not required to use the G39 command for this purpose. In these CNC
systems, the cutter travels past the programmed point to a position where it becomes tangent to the new
surface. It then changes direction to commence machining of the new surface (Fig. 9.9b). The required over
travel is calculated by the CNC controller.
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 513

Do Loop (G51)
for points in which certain features are repeated. The general structure of a do loop statement is
N sequence number G51 number of repetitions
The operations to be repeated are placed between the above command and the do loop termination
command G50. The departures in the DO LOOP are given in the incremental dimension mode.

Subroutine Programming (M98) A subroutine is an independent program which is placed at the end

three digits). It is possible to use more than one sub routines in a program. Execution of the main program
is transferred to the subroutine by means of a M98 command. The general structure of this statement is as

Note that the subroutine commences with fresh sequence numbering (N010). The subsequent steps of
the subroutine are programmed with sequence numbers N020, N030 … and so on. The last statement of the
subroutine program returns the execution from the subroutine to the line of the main program immediately
succeeding the line where the diversion to the subroutine was executed. This is done by a M99 command and
the general structure of this statement is
N sequence number M99
The move to the starting point of the subroutine is in absolute dimensioning mode, whereas the departures
within the subroutine are given in incremental dimension mode.

Mirror Imaging (M21, M22) In a large number of engineering components, the features to be machined
are placed symmetrically about one axis or both. Hence, they represent mirror images. For example, in Fig.
9.10a, feature 1 is a mirror image of feature 2 about the X-axis and in Fig. 9.10b feature 3 is a mirror image


1 4 3 5


2 6

(a) (b) ©

Fig. 9.10 Mirror image (a) about X-axis (b) about Y-axis (c) about X- and Y-axes both
514 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

of feature 4 about the Y-axis. For the relative location of features shown in Fig. 9.10c, feature 6 can be treated

facility known as mirror imaging. It is a simple concept whereby the part program written for features lying
in one quadrant is copied for similar features in other quadrants (as explained in Fig. 9.10) by reversing the
sign of the coordinates or increments. To wit, the sign of X coordinate or X increment is reversed in mirror
imaging about the Y-axis and vice versa. The commands for minor imaging about the X and Y-axes are M21
and M22, respectively and the general structure of the statement is
N sequence number M21
N sequence number M22
The CNC program that is to be copied by mirror imaging is stored as a subroutine at the end of the main
program. The execution of the main program is shifted to the subroutine by means of the M98 command
as described above and this is followed by the command for mirror imaging (M21 or M22 as the case may
be). Both M21 and M22 are cancelled by M23. Before issuing a mirror image command a second time, it is
necessary to cancel the previous mirror image command. This may not be obligatory in some controllers, but
is desirable from the standpoint of safety.

Canned Cycles
memory with a particular G-code address. Several such cycles are by now standardised, e.g., G81-drilling
cycle, G84-tapping cycle, G85-boring cycle, etc.
Canned cycles are of two types:
1. Fixed
2. Variable

canned cycle is repeated at several locations in a program with the help of a Do Loop command, then it
is known as a repetitive canned cycle. Variable canned cycles are essentially subroutines that allow the

will be discussed here.

In almost all canned cycles, there are three levels of tool positions:
1. I
2. R
rapid feed rate. This level generally lies between 0.5–3.0 mm from the part surface. It is also referred
to as clearance plane when not used in the context of canned cycles.
3. Z-level represents the plane up to which the tool travels in the Z direction at feed rate.

The general structure of a canned cycle is

Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 515


No. of repetitions

Feed rate

R level
Z level

Coordinates of the location to be machined

98/99 depending on the desired plane of

Cycle code (e.g., 81 for drilling)

Sequence number

A canned cycle is cancelled by G80.

Programming Examples for CNC Milling and Drilling

9.5.5 Machines and Machining Centres

Example 9.1

Write the CNC program for contour milling of the given part (Fig. 9.11) on a vertical spindle CNC milling
machine. The machine has provision of full zero shift and cutter diameter compensation. The tool radius
vector must be reset whenever there is a change in the direction of cutter path. Contour milling is done by a
f 10 mm end mill cutter at a rpm of 1200 and feed of 50 mm/min.
The operator is instructed to normally carry out the following operations:
1. Shift the machine zero to the lower left-hand corner of the part with the help of a bar using G55
command as explained in Sec. 9.5.3. Assuming that a bar of f 20 mm is used for this purpose, the

G55 Enter X(50 + 10) ENTER EOB

G55 Enter Y(40 + 10) ENTER EOB
2. Enter the diameter of the end mill cutter in the D-register (say D01)
Before writing the program, it would be relevant to mention certain features that though not essential, are
desirable from the standpoint of safe programming, namely
(i) cancel all previous cycles (G80); tool diameter compensation (G40) and tool length compensation
(ii) identify a clearance plane at a certain distance (say 2 mm) from the top surface of the part so that the
tool may be programmed to move at rapid feed rate up to this plane.
516 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

(iii) provide a certain overlap (say 2 mm) for milling.

60 30 35






R 7.5 H P



f10 end mill


–Zm 10

Fig. 9.11 Sample part. Contour milling problem illustrating the cutter diameter compensation facility

The CNC program is given below with an explanation of the instructions side by side:

N010 G71 G40 G49 G80 : Metric data, cancel cutter dia compensation, cutter length
compensation and previously programmed cycles.
N020 G92 X0Y0Z0 : Initialise to synchronise program zero with the zero of the
digital display.
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 517

N030 G94 S1200 M03 : Set spindle rpm = 1200 and spindle on clockwise. Feed in
N040 G90 G17 G00 G4l X60 : Absolute dimensions, interpolation in X-Y plane, rapid
Y50 J50 D01 rate, cutter diameter compensation left, current movement
to point (60, 50), next movement in the vertical direction
of dimension 50 mm, cutter dia available in register D01.
N050 G19 G00 Z-18 : Interpolation in Y-Z plane to the clearance plane at rapid
feed rate.
N060 G91 G19 G01 Z-14 F50 : Incremental dimensions, move to overlap plane at feed rate
of 50 mm/min.
N070 G17 G01 Y50 M08 : Machine side AB, coolant on.
N080 G39 I30 J20 : Reset radius vector of the tool.
N090 G01 X30 Y20 : Machine side BC.
N100 G39 I35
N110 G01 X35 : Machine side CD.
N120 G39 J-40
N130 G01 Y-40 : Machine side DE.
N140 G39 I-15
N150 G01 X-15 : Machine EF.
N160 G03 Y-15 J7.5 : Note that G39 is not required as the circle is in smooth
continuation of the previous linear motion; semicircle FGH
is machined.
N170 G01 X15 : Machine HP.
N180 G39 J-15
N190 G01 Y-15 : Machine side PQ.
N200 G39 I-65
N210 G01 X-65 : Machine side QA.
N220 G19 G00 Z14 : Withdraw tool to clearance plane.
N230 G17 G40 X-10 Y-10 M09 : Cancel cutter diameter compensation at a safe distance
from the job (– 10, – 10) and switch coolant off.
N240 G28 Z0 : Return tool to zero in Z-axis.
518 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

N250 G28 X0 Y0 M05 : Return tool to zero in X-Y plane and switch off the spindle.
N260 M30 : End of program. Rewind.

The program could also have been written with tool diameter compensation right (G42). In this case, the
milling of the contour would have proceeded from point A in the direction AQ and the tool would have taken
the path AQPHGFEDCBA in completing the milling of the part contour.

Example 9.2

Write the CNC program for drilling three holes in the part shown (Fig. 9.12) on a CNC drilling machine. A
G45 command


Hole f 8
T01(f 10)
T02(f 8)

T03(f 6)
60 Hole f 10
Hole f 6

10 –Zm


40 50


Fig. 9.12 Sample part. Drilling problem illustrating the tool length offset facility

Drilling of the f 6, f 8, and f10 mm holes is carried out at 2200, 1600 and 1200 rpm, respectively and a
feed rate of 40 mm/min. Drills f10, f 8, and f 6 are designated as tools T01, T02 and T03 and their offsets are
recorded in registers H01, H02 and H03, respectively.
Certain additional points which deserve special mention are as follows:
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 519

1. A
2. For machining the through hole f10 mm, the drill must overshoot the lower face of the job by at least
R cot f, where R is radius of the drill and f the half lip angle. Assuming f = 60°, the over travel = 2.87
mm. Hence, a provision of 3 mm of over travel is made in the program.
3. The zero will be set at the centre of the job (centre of the hole f10). For the part clamped as shown in
show the coordinates of the centre of the job
as (95, 85).

Register No. Offset

D01 70 mm (X offset)
D02 70 mm (Y offset)

Similarly, the length offsets (Z-axis offsets) stored in the H-registers are as under:

Tool No. Register No. Tool length offset Tool diameter

T01 H01 10 mm 10 mm
T02 H02 20 mm 8 mm
T03 H03 30 mm 6 mm

It may be mentioned that the given offset values entered in the D and H registers were selected
arbitrarily. As explained earlier in Sec. 9.5.2 and 9.5.3, values other than the above may be used

5. Before changing the tools, the spindle of the drilling machine must be raised to the zero datum in the
The CNC program is given below with an explanation of the instructions side by side. The statements
which were explained earlier in example 1 have not been elaborated here.

N010 G71 G40 G49 G80

N020 G92 X0Y0Z0
N030 M06 T01 : Clamp f10 mm drill in the spindle.
N040 G94 S1200 M03
N050 G45 G00 X25 D01 : Actual travel = 25 + value in register D01 = 25 + 70 = 95 mm.
N060 G45 G00 Y15 D02 : Actual travel = 15 + value in register D02 = 15 + 70 = 85 mm.
Floating datum is set at job centre.
520 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

N070 G91 G19 G45 G00 Z-18 : Actual travel = – (18 + value in register H01) = – (18 + 10) = – 28 mm
H01 which is the desired travel at rapid rate to the clearance plane.
N080 G01 Z-25 F40 M08 : Z-axis motion at feed rate of 40 mm/min = – (2 + 20 + 3) = – 25 mm.
Coolant on.
N090 G00 Z25 M09 : Retrace drill f 10 to clearance plane at rapid feed rate.
Coolant off.
N100 G28 Z0 : Return tool to zero in Z-axis for tool change.
N110 G00 X20 Y20 M05 : Move to position above hole f8 at rapid feed rate. Stop the spindle.
N120 M06 T02 : Clamp f 8 mm drill.
N130 S1600 M03
N140 G19 G45 G00 Z-18 H02 : Actual travel = – (18 + value in register H02) = – (18 + 20) = – 38 mm.
N150 G01 Z-14 F40 M08 : Z-axis motion at feed rate of 40 mm/min = – (2 + 12) = – 14 mm.
N160 G00 Z14 M09 : Withdraw drill f 8 to clearance plane at rapid feed rate. Coolant off.
N170 G28 Z0
N180 G00 X-45 Y-45 M05 : Move to position above hole f 6 at rapid feed rate. Stop the spindle.
Note that the X and Y values show the increments with signs from hole
f 8 to f 6 (note G91 in Seq. No. N070).
N190 M06 T03 : Clamp f 6 mm drill.
N200 S2200 M03
N210 G19 G45 G00 Z-18 H03 : Actual travel = – (18 + value in register H03) = – (18 + 30) = – 48 mm.
N220 G01 Z-14 F40 M08 : See N150 for explanation.
N230 G00 Z14 M09 : See N160 for explanation.
N240 G28 Z0 M05
N250 G28 X0 Y0
N260 M30

Example 9.3

Write the CNC program for contour milling of the plate shown in Fig. 9.13 and drilling of 12 holes f6 on a
vertical machining centre. Contour milling is carried out by a f10 mm end mill cutter at 1200 rpm and feed
of 50 mm/min. The f6 mm holes are drilled at 2200 rpm. Drilling is carried out at a feed rate of 0.1 mm/rev.
Command G39 for resetting tool radius vector is not required.
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 521

12 holes f 6

10 10 10


T 02 Drill f 6

10 10 10
T 01 End mill f 10
10 30 40 30 10

–Z Xm


Fig. 9.13 Sample part. Problem illustrating mirror image and subroutine programming facilities

As far as the location of the holes is concerned, they constitute four identical patterns of 3 holes in each
quadrant (assuming the centre of the job as the centre of coordinates). The program for machining of the
holes will,
of the holes will be machined using the mirror imaging facility available in CNC programming.
The important points are explained below:
1. The end mill cutter is designated as Tool T01, while the f 6 mm drill is designated as T02. Their offsets
are recorded in registers H01 and H02, respectively. The values entered in the H registers are as under:

Tool No. Register No. Tool length offset Tool diameter

T01 H01 10 mm 10 mm
T02 H02 10 mm 6 mm

2. For contour milling of the plate, the machine zero will be shifted outside the program to the lower
left-hand corner of the part with the help of G55 command using the same procedure as described in
Example 9.1. Next, for machining of the holes, the zero will be shifted to the centre of the job. Having
522 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

shifted the machine zero to the lower left-hand corner of the job, the digital display of the CNC

at the centre of the job the operator is instructed to enter the following values in the D-registers:

Register No. Offset

D01 20 mm (X offset)
D02 30 mm (Y offset)

3. An approach of 2 mm (clearance plane) and an over travel of 2 mm (overlap plane) are assumed.
4. The spindle of the machining centre should be directed to the home position in X, Y and Z for effecting
the tool change.
The CNC program for machining of the part is given as follows with an explanation of the instructions

N010 G71 G40 G49 G80

N020 G92 X0 Y0 Z0
N030 M06 T01 : Clamp f10 mm end mill cutter.
N040 G94 S1200 M03
N050 G90 G17 G00 G42 X0 Y0 H01 : Note that cutter diameter.
compensation has been employed. Cutter diameter is to be
taken from register H01.
N060 G91 G45 G19 G00 Z-28 H01 : Actual travel to clearance plane = – (28 + length offset in
register H01).
= – (28 + 10) = – 38 mm. Incremental dimensions henceforth.
N070 G0l Z-24 F50
N080 G17 G0l X120 M08 : Machine AB.
N090 G0l Y90 : Machine BC.
N100 G0l X-120 : Machine CD.
N110 G0l Y-90 : Machine DA.
N120 G19 G00 Z24 : Withdraw tool to clearance plane.
N130 G17 G40 X-10 Y-10 M09 : Cancel cutter diameter compensation at a safe distance from
the job. Coolant off.
N140 G28 X0Y0Z0 M05 : Go to home.
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 523

N150 M06 T02 : Clamp f6 mm drill.

N160 G45 G00 X40 D01 : Actual travel = 40 + value in register D01 = 40 + 20 = 60 mm.
N170 G45 G00 Y15 D02 : Actual travel = 15 + value in register D02 =15 + 30 = 45 mm.
N180 G95 S2200 F0.l : RPM = 2200, feed rate 0.1 mm/rev.
N190 G91 G19 G45 G00 Z-10 H02 : Actual travel = – (10 + value in register H02) = – (10 + 10) =
– 20 mm.
Hence, initial plane of canned cycle is now 10 mm from part
N200 G81 G99 Z-12 R-8 M08 :
which is 8 mm from the initial plane and movement at feed rate

cycle will not be initiated as the X, Y coordinates are not given.

N210 G90
N220 P330 M98 : Call subroutine. Drill pattern I.
N230 M21 : Mirror image in X-axis.
N240 P330 M98 : Drill pattern II.
N250 M22 : Mirror image of pattern II in Y-axis.
N260 P330 M98 : Drill pattern III.
N270 M23 : Cancel mirror image.
M280 M22 : Mirror image of pattern I in Y-axis.
N290 P330 M98 : Drill pattern IV.
N300 G80 G49 M09
N310 G28 X0 Y0 Z0 M05
N320 M30
: 330 N010 X20 Y15 : Soil routine starts. Drill hole 1 of pattern I.
N020 G91 X0 Y20 : Drill hole 2 of pattern I.
N030 X30 Y-10 : Drill hole 3 of pattern I.
N040 M99 : Return to main program.
524 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Example 9.4

Write the CNC program for drilling 10 holes f 6 mm in the part shown in Fig. 9.14 using canned cycle
programming facility on a CNC vertical drilling machine. The machine has provision of full zero shift.
Drilling of the holes is to be carried out at rpm of 2000 and feed of 0.1 mm/rev.






‘I’ level
30 2 ‘R’ level

‘Z’ level

Fig. 9.14 Sample part. Problem illustrating the canned cycle programming facility

From the given dimensions, it is clear that the holes are spaced at 10 mm in the X-direction and 8 mm

the part following the procedure described in Example 9.1. The tool length offset (say 15 mm) is entered in
register H01.
The CNC program is given below with an explanation of the instructions side-by-side.

N010 G71 G40 G49 G80 G91

N020 G92 X0 Y0 Z0
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 525

N030 S2000 M03

N040 G95 F0.1 M08
N050 G19 G45 G00 Z-5 H01 : Actual travel = – (5 + value in register H01) =
– (5 + 15) = – 20 mm, i.e., 10 mm above the top

N060 G81 G99 X15 Y15 Z-19 R-8 F0.1 :

N070 G91 X10 Y8 L9 : Repeat drilling cycle for the remaining 9 holes
N080 G80 M09
N090 G28 X0 Y0 Z0 M05
N100 M30

9.5.6 Zero Setting in CNC Turning Centres

Turning centres have provision of two types of zero setting:
1. Full zero shift
2. F


0¢ Zm
Xp A


Fig. 9.15 Zero setting on turning centre with full zero shift

In CNC turning centres with full zero shift facility, the machine zero generally lies in the space to the right
of the head stock and above the spindle axis, but for convenience it is usually shifted to the centre on the
right-hand face of the workpiece in clamped position. (Fig. 9.15). The procedure adopted for this purpose is
as follows:
526 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

which the centre is desired to be shifted. This point A is referred to as program datum.
2. The coordinates of point A representing the centre of the tool tip (say – Z¢A – X A¢ ) in the coordinate
system of the machine zero are noted on the digital display of the CNC controller.
ZA, XA) are found
by moving the tool from point A to the centre of the job 0 and noting down the corresponding Z and X
increments. Alternately, the distance between 0 and A in the Z and X directions may be measured by
means of suitable end standards (end bars, slip gauges, etc).

N Seq. number G50 X0Z0

N Seq. number G00 – Z¢A – X¢A
N Seq. number G50 ZA XA

motions will be executed in the coordinate system with its centre at point 0. At the end of the program the
(machine zero) with the G50 command.

usually it is set at the centre of the right-hand face of the clamped workpiece for convenience. In these turning
centres, T00 is designated as the reference tool and is used only for setting the zero datum and is not used later
in the program. The procedure for setting the zero datum at point 0 (Fig. 9.16) is as follows:
1. Touch the centre of the face of the workpiece with the tool T00 moving the tool post in the jog made
(Fig. 9.l6a).

3. Move the tool post away from the workpiece and touch the job at a known diameter measured
accurately with a micrometer or Vernier callipers (Fig. 9.16b).
4. Key in the measured diameter as an X value and press the datum setting button.

0 0

(a) (b)

Fig. 9.16 Zero setting on turning centre with full floating zero: (a) Setting of zero in Z (b) Setting of zero in X
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 527

After these steps, the zero will be set at the point 0 for the reference tool T00.

N seq. No. G50 XA ZA

9.5.7 Tool Nose Radius and Tool Position Offsets in CNC Turning Centres
The tool nose radius (TNR) compensation in lathe tools is similar to what was discussed with reference to
milling cutters in Sec 9.5.1. The part program is written assuming the tool nose radius as zero and the actual
value of the TNR is entered in the appropriate register.
As in milling, the TNR offset may be left (G41) and right (G42). In right-hand coordinate system which
is commonly employed in turning centres, the + X axis points upwards or away from the operator, hence
the G41 command will be valid for facing from outer diameter towards the centre and the boring operations,
while the G42 command will be valid for external turning operation and facing from the centre towards the
outer diameter (Fig. 9.17). In this case, G02 will represent circular interpolation clockwise and G03 circular
interpolation counterclockwise.

G 41 G 42

Fig. 9.17 Tool nose radius (TNR) offset left (G41) and right (G42) in turning centres

However, in CNC lathes, the left-hand coordinate system is sometimes encountered. In this system, the
+ X axis points towards the operator, therefore, the meaning of the commands discussed above is reversed, i.e.,
G41 is used for TNR compensation for external turning and facing from the centre towards the outer diameter,
while G42 is used for TNR compensation for the boring operations and facing from the outer diameter
towards the centre. Similarly, the commands used for programming the clockwise and counterclockwise
circular arcs are also reversed.
528 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

making their tips touch the face and the known diameter of the workpiece and noting the corresponding Z
and X values on the digital display.
The tool nose radius and the Z and X offsets of each tool are entered in a register. For the tools shown in
Fig. 9.18 in the right-hand coordinate system, the values in the registers will be as shown in the table below.

Tool 01 Tool 02 Tool 03

Tool 00
Tool 00
Tool 00

X –5 8

10.0 –12 9

Tools 00 are identical in all THREE casses

Fig. 9.18 Tool length offset on turning centres

Tool No. Offset register X offset, mm Z offset mm TNR mm TNV No.


01 01 – 5.0 10.0 2.0 3

02 02 8.0 – 12.0 1.5 3

03 03 8.0 9.0 3.0 3

The TNR, though small, is similar to the radius of the cutter in milling, except that TNR compensation

direction in which the tool may be oriented, there are eight standardised TNV numbers. These are shown in
Fig. 9.19. The TNV number of the given tool is entered together with TNR and the X and Z offsets in the
appropriate register.
The tool offsets and tool nose radius are shown in the program as a T word followed by four digits, of

T0202 refers to tool number 02 for which the offsets are entered in register 02.
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 529

No.1 No.2 No.3

No.4 No.5 No.6

2 1

No.7 No.8

3 4

Fig. 9.19 Standard tool nose vector (TNV) numbers of tools used on turning centres. Arrows indicate the
suggested directions of cutting motions

9.5.8 Special Programming Features in CNC Lathe Programming

Spindle Speed

lathes with a geared head stock, there are two or more gear ranges. In such machines, the proper range in

with the help of an S command.

Diameter Programming In case of parts machined on lathes, one is generally used to referring to
the radial dimensions in terms of diameters. Keeping this in view, most CNC turning centres and lathes
have provision for what is known as diameter programming, whereby for every programmed movement in
the X-axis, the actual displacement is half. For instance, if the tool is programmed to make an incremental
movement in X-axis by 4 mm, the radial displacement of the tool is 2 mm which provides for a reduction of
the original diameter by 4 mm. However, before writing the CNC program for a given part, it is necessary to
check whether the particular machine on which the part is to be machined has radial or diametral programming.

Circular Interpolation Circular interpolation, as explained in Chapter 8 (Sec. 8.2.5) is carried out
by the X, Z, I and K characters. It is important to note that even in the CNC turning centres and lathes with
diameter programming for X-coordinate, the I value for circular interpolation is programmed in terms of
530 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

the radius. In some CNC turning centres and lathes, there is also provision for programming of circular arcs
by specifying the location of the end of the arc (through its X and Z coordinates) and its radius through R
followed by the particular value. The respective command for clock and anticlockwise circular interpolation
in this case appears as follows:

N – G02 X – Z – R –
N – G03 X – Z – R –

Canned Cycles
and drilling operations. For the same reasons, canned cycles are widely used in part programming for CNC

codes between G81 and G89 are utilised. As in milling and drilling, canned cycles for turning centres may be

motion started. Thus, on completion of canned cycle the tool returns to the point from where the cycle had
The commands for some of the simple canned cycles are given below:
1. Simple turning, boring and facing (Fig. 9.20)

N – G86 X – Z – F –

2. Taper turning (Fig. 9.21)

N – G87 X – Z – I – F –

with respect to point A. The sign of I is governed by whether the direction of taper with respect to point
A coincides with the positive or the negative direction of the X-axis.
3. Taper face turning (Fig. 9.22)

N – G88 X – Z – K – F –

with respect to point A. The sign of K is governed by whether the direction of taper with respect to
point A coincides with the positive or negative direction of the Z-axis.

In cases 2 and 3 above, the vectors I and K should be written with the proper sign, as indicated in the
see Sec. 9.5.7).
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 531

4 A
3 2
2 3 1

(a) (b)

1 A
2 4 2 4

A 3

(c) (d)

Fig. 9.20 Canned cycle for (a) turning (b) boring (c) facing (d) internal facing. Cross hatched portion
represents material to be removed

4 A
1 2
–I 2 1 +/ x
A 3

(a) (b)

Fig. 9.21 Taper turning canned cycle (a) external (b) internal. Cross hatched portion represents material to
be removed
532 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

–K +K

1 A

2 4 X
2 4



(a) (b)

Fig. 9.22 Taper face turning canned cycle: (a) External (b) Internal. Cross hatched portion represents
material to be removed

9.5.9 Programming Examples for CNC Turning Centres

A few problems are discussed below to illustrate the various features of programming on CNC turning

to record that the essential fundamentals will remain unchanged for CNC lathes and turning centres with
left-hand coordinate system, except that the application of TNR compensation left (G4l) and right (G42) and
circular interpolation clockwise (G02) and counterclockwise (G03) will be reversed, as explained earlier in
Sec. 9.5.7.

Example 9.5

Write the CNC part program for machining of the component shown in Fig. 9.23 on CNC turning centre with
full zero shift facility. The outer diameter turning and facing operations are carried out by tool T01 while the
ber are entered in Register 01, while for tool T02 the tool length offset is entered in register 02 (Note that for
parting tool there is no TNR compensation). The offsets of the two tools were determined by the procedure
explained in Sec. 9.5.7. The outer diameter turning and facing operations are carried out at an rpm of 1000
and feed of 0.2 mm/rev., while the parting operation is carried out at an rpm of 500 and feed of 0.1 mm/rev.
It is assumed that a centre hole has been premachined on the job face to allow T01 to be fed to the desired
depth for the facing operation.
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 533

70 100

O¢ Zm

7 6 T0101
45° R5
5 4
+ R5 A
3 2 30

+ 1
f 40

f 25

f 15
+ Zp

7.5 10 10
8 45

Fig. 9.23 Sample part. Problem illustrating TNR offset right (G42) and full zero shift facilities

The CNC program is given below with the explanation of the instructions side-by-side.

N010 G71 G40 G49 G80 :

N020 G50 X0 Z0 :
N030 G00 X-100 Z-100 : Rapid to point A.
N040 G50 X60 Z70 : Shift centre of coordinate system to point 0.
N050 G95 : Feed in mm/rev.
N060 T0101 M06
N070 G90 G00 X0 Z3 : Rapid to point B before commencement of facing operation.
N080 S1000 M03
N090 G0l G42 X0 Z0F0.2 : TNR compensation right at the centre of job
N100 X5 M08 : Machine 0–1
534 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

Nll0 G03 X15 Z-5 K5 I0 : Machine 1–2

N120 G0l Z-15 : Machine 2–3
N130 G02 X25 Z-20 I5 K0 : Machine 3–4
N140 G0l Z-30 : Machine 4–5
N150 X40 Z-37.5 : Machine 5–6
N160 Z-53 : Machine 6–7
N170 X45 : Move to safe point away from job surface
N180 G00G40 X60Z70 : Cancel TNR compensation. Move rapid to poet A
N190 G50 X-l00 Z-l00 :
N200 G28 X0Z0 M05 : Move tool to home; spindle stop
N210 M06 T0202
N220 G00 X-l00 Z-l00
N230 G50 X60 Z70
N240 S500 M03
N250 G00 X42 Z-53 : Move 8 mm wide parting tool to the position for commencement of
cutting off operation
N260 G0l X-2 F0.l M08 : Carry out cutting off operation
N270 G00 X60 Z70 M09
N280 G50 X-l00 Z-l00
N290 G28 X0Z0 M05
N300 M30

Example 9.6

Write the CNC part program for machining of the component shown in Fig. 9.24 on CNC turning centre
with full zero shift facility. The facing operation (from outer diameter towards the centre) and the boring
operation are both carried out by tool T01 for which the length offsets, TNR compensation and TNV number
are entered in register 01. Machining is earned out at constant peripheral speed of 100 m/min and feed of
0.1 mm/rev.
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 535


70 100

A 100


4 3 50
6 5
7 R5


0 C
10 7.5 10 Zp

Fig. 9.24 Sample part. Problem illustrating TNR offset left (G41)

The CNC program is given below together with the explanation of the instructions side-by-side.

N010 G71 G40 G49 G80 :

N020 G50 X0Z0
N030 G00 X-100 Z-100
N040 G50 X100 Z70 :
N050 T0101 M06
N060 G96 S100 M03 : Constant surface speed of 100 m/min. Spindle on.
N070 G95
N080 G90 G00 X75 Z3 : Rapid to point B.
N090 G0l G41 X75 Z0 F0.l : TNR compensation left.
N100 X50 M08 : Machine 1–2.
N110 G02 X40 Z-5 R5 : Machine 2–3.
N120 G0l Z-15 : Machine 3–4.
N130 X25 Z-22.5 : Machine 4–5.
536 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

N140 Z-32.5 : Machine 5–6.

N150 G03 X15 Z-37.5 R5 : Machine 6–7.
N160 G01 Z-53 : Machine 7–8.
N170 X10 Move to safe point away from job surface.
N180 G00 G40 Z30 M09 Cancel TNR compensation. Move rapid to point C.
N190 G00 X100 Z70 Move to point A.
N200 G50 X-100 Z-100
N210 G28 X0Z0 M05
N220 M30

Example 9.7

Making use of canned cycles write the CNC program for machining the part shown by dark lines in Fig. 9.25

from the blank:


2 1


B 3

f 40

f 30

f 10

f 20

f 32

f 45

15 5



Fig. 9.25 Sample part. Problem illustrating canned cycle programming facility

(a) Blocks A and B: by turning canned cycle (the allowance being large, it is removed in two cuts).
These cycles commence from point 1 having coordinates X48Z2.
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 537

(b) Block C: by taper turning canned cycle. This cycle commences from point 2 having coordinates

(c) Block D: by taper face turning canned cycle. This cycle commences from point 3 having
coordinates X22 Z2.
(d) Block E: by facing canned cycle. This cycle commences from point 4 having coordinates X12Z2.
The simple and taper turning operations are carried out by tool T01, while the taper face turning and facing

compensation and TNV numbers of the tools T01 and T02 are entered in registers 01 and 02, respectively.
The procedures to be followed for these operations are explained in Sec. 9.5.6 and 9.5.7, respectively. The
program datum is selected at X50 Z30. The CNC program is given below together with an explanation of the
instructions side-by-side.

N010 G71 G40 G49 G80 :

N020 G50 X50 Z20 :
N030 G95 :
N040 M06 T0101
N050 S1200 M03 :
N060 G00 G90 X48 Z5 : Move rapid to convenient point near point 1.
N070 G01 G42 X48 Z2 M08 : TNR compensation right at point 1.
N080 G86 X32 Z-25 F0.1 : Machine block A using turning canned cycle.
N090 X20 Z-25 : Machine block B.
N100 G80 G00 X48 Z-20 : Move rapid to a convenient point near point 2.
N110 G01 G42 X48 Z-22 : TNR compensation right at point 2.
N120 G87 X40 Z-40 I-6 F0.1 : Machine block C using taper turning canned cycle.
N130 G80 G00 X50 Z20 M09 : Move to program datum.
N140 M05 :
N150 M06 T0202 :
N160 G00 M03 X22 Z5 : Move rapid to convenient point near point 3.
N170 G01 G42X22Z2 M08 : TNR compensation right at point 3.
N180 G88 X10 Z-5 K-6 F0.1 : Machine block D using taper face turning canned cycle.
538 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

N190 G80 G00 X12 Z5 : Move rapid to a convenient point near point 4.
N200 G01 G42 X12 Z2 : TNR compensation right at point 4.
N210 G86 X-2 Z-5 F0.1 : Machine block E using facing canned cycle.
N220 G80 G00 X50 Z20 M09
N230 M05
N240 M30

Review Questions
9.1 Write the CNC part program for contour milling of the part shown in Fig. 8.71 on a vertical spindle
CNC milling, assuming the point SP to be concident with the machine zero. The 20-mm thick plate
is to be machined using a f10-mm end mill cutter at an rpm of 1200 and feed of 0.2 mm/rev. The
machine has provision of full zero shift and cutter diameter compensation and requires the use of G39
command for effecting change of direction of the cutter path.
9.2 For the part shown in Fig. 8.73, write the complete CNC part program for contour milling and drilling
on a CNC machining centre. Contour milling of the 20-mm thick plate is done by a f15-mm end
mill cutter at an rpm of 1000 and feed of 50 mm/min. Through holes f10 mm are made at positions
1, 2 and 4, while a 10 mm deep hole f15 mm is made at position 3. Drilling is done at a speed of
94.2 m/ min and feed of 0.1 mm/rev. The machining centre has provision for full zero shift, cutter
diameter compensation and tool length offset. Show the various tools at certain assumed length offsets
and describe the entries to be made in the H-registers.
9.3 Write the CNC part program for drilling a 12 ¥ 10 grid of f 4 mm holes 5 mm deep in a 100 ¥ 100 ¥
10 mm plate. The holes are arranged in 12 rows and 10 columns and are spaced 6 mm apart. The grid
is symmetrical about the centre of the plate. Drilling is to be carried out at an rpm of 2000 and feed of
0.1 mm/rev.
9.4 of the part shown in Fig. 8.59.

system at a distance of (100, 100) from the centre of the job face.
Facing and turning operations are carried out by Tool T01 at a constant peripheral speed of 120 m/min
and feed of 0.15 mm/rev. The parting off operation is carried out by tool T02 at rpm of 500 and feed of
0.08 mm/rev. Assume suitable length offsets and tool nose radius of the tools. Depict the tool positions
for the assumed offsets and describe the entries to be made in the tool registers.
9.5 Write the CNC program for machining of the part shown in Fig. 9.26. Turning of outer diameter is
done with a tool having TNV number 3, while facing and boring operations are carried out by a tool

carried out at cutting speed of 120 m/min and feed of 0.1 mm/rev. Assume suitable offsets of the tools
and describe the entries in the tool registers.
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 539

12 3



10 15 10

Fig. 9.26 Example part

9.6 Write the CNC part program for machining of the part shown in Fig. 9.26 from a stepped blank.
Machining is to be done on the 55 mm long step of f60. The blank has a through hole of f12. Write
the program illustrating the use of canned cycles for turning, taper turning, boring, taper boring and
taper face turning. Assume suitable values of offsets and machining parameters.
9.7 Write the CNC part program for external turning, facing and boring operations on the part shown in
Fig. 9.27. The rapid and cutting feed value are 4.0 and 0.1 mm/rev, respectively and spindle rotates
at 500 rpm. The turning operation is done with a turning tool (Tool No. 1) and the facing and boring
operations with a boring tool (Tool No. 2). Tool changing is done at machine zero. Hole dia. 15
has been drilled in a previous setting. Use the appropriate tool nose radius compensation commands
assuming tool nose radius of 2 mm for both the tools.
A- Point of commencement of the turning as well as the facing and boring operations.
B- Point employed for zero setting in the part coordinate system.


XP 300

A (5,30)
f 80

B (50, 50)
15 20 ZP
f 20
f 30
f 50
f 15

20 30

Fig. 9.27
540 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

9.8 Write the CNC part program for facing and external turning of the part and its parting as shown in
Fig. 9.28. Given n = 500 rpm; s = 0.1 mm/rev, tool nose radius = 3.0 mm for the turning tool. For the
parting operation s = 0.05 mm/rev and constant surface is 60 m/min.
A- approach point for start of facing and turning
B- point for tool setting
C- approach point for start of parting.


zero Zm

C (90, – 80)
B (90, 90)
5 20 60

10 30
R 10
f 80

f 60

f 40

A (15, 0)

Fig. 9.28

9.9 Write the CNC part program for contour milling of the part shown in Fig. 9.29 using cutter diameter
compensation left. All dimensions are in inches. Given n = 500 rpm, s = 0.1 mm/rev, diameter of end mill
cutter = 10 mm. Use G39 command at the points involving change of direction.

(overlap) 0.1 0.5 0.1 (approach) yp


R 1.5

y xp
4.5 1.5
M/c table
A = 5.9, B = 4.45

Fig. 9.29
Extensions of Numerical Control—CNC, DNC, Machining Centres 541

9.10 Write the CNC part program for the part shown in Fig. 9.30 using tool length compensation. Use the
tool length off set facility for zero setting the machine zero to point A. Hole f 0.6 is made in two cuts,
f 0.4, then f 0.6. Length of f 0.2 inch drill is 3.0 inch.


0.1 R-plane
1.5 3.0

1.0 A f 0.2



f 0.4
0.2 Xp
M/c table Xm

Drill f 0.6

Drill f 0.4
Drill f 0.2 All dimensions in inches

Fig. 9.30
Index 543


A Bearing Clearance 315

Bearing Materials 312
Absolute Dimensioning System 435
Bed Sections and Wall Arrangements 198
AC Variable Speed Drives 133
Behind the Tape Reader 501
Belt Transmission 37
Adaptive Control Systems 415
Bolt Arrangement for columns 187
Additional Check for Strength of spindle 301
Box-type Structure 183
Aerodynamic Bearings 329
BSW Thread 147, 150, 164
Aerostatic Bearings 330
Buffer Storage 431
Air-lubricated Bearings 328
Amplitude-frequency plot 338
Amplitude-phase-frequency Plot 337 C
Analogue Displacement-measuring Devices 438 Cam-controlled Systems 411
Analogue Displays 405 Cam Mechanism 40
Angular Indexing 161 Canned Cycles 514, 530
Anthropometric and Functional Anatomy Data 398 for simple turning 530
Anti-friction Bearings 303 for taper face turning 530
Anti-friction Guideway with Recirculation of Rolling for taper turning 530
Elements 269 Capillary Compensated Pad Bearing 257
Aperture in Box-type Structure 183 Capillary Restrictor 257
APT 466 Cast Iron Slideways 238
APT Auxiliary Statements 476 Chain Transmission 38
APT Computation Statements 477 Chatter Vibrations 348
APT Geometry Statements 471 Check Surface 469
APT Motion Statements 467 Chip Thickness C
APT Postprocessor Statements 475 Circular Interpolation 433
APT Program for Drilling Holes 478
APT Program for Milling a Pocket 482
APT Programming Language 466 Clearances in Slideways 240
ASCII Code 428 Closed Hydrostatic Slideways 263
Automap 466 Closed-type Anti-friction Ways 268
Automatic Control Systems 396, 410 Clutches 48, 50
Auxiliary motions 2, 3, 59 electromagnetic 51
friction 21, 31, 33, 42, 49, 50, 51
Average Sideway Pressure 246

B CNC Programming 504

Coding Systems 426
Basic Length Unit 424
Column Sections 214
Baud Rate 503
544 Index

Combination of Two Flat Slideways 245 Design for Strength 191

Combination of V and Flat Slideways 243 Design of Speed Box: Selection of Range Ratio 76
Combinations of Various Anti-friction Bearings 304 Design of Aerostatic Slideways 265
Comparators 439 Design of Anti-friction Guideways 267
continuous-function type 439 Design of Anti-friction Ways for Stiffness 271
discrete-function type 439 Design of Bases and Tables 219
Compatibility in the Design of Control Members 408 Design of Beds 197
Composite Slider Bearing 253 Design of Columns 213
Computer Aided Part Programming 465 Design of Cranks 402
Computer Numerical Control 495 Design of Cross Rails, Arms, Saddles and Carriages 221
Cone Variators without Intermediate Member 135 Design of Hand Wheels 404
Constant-DP-type Reducing Valve 129 Design of Housings 216
C Restrictor 261 Design of Hydrodynamic Slideways 252
Constant-gap Restrictor 261 Design of Hydrostatic Slideways 254
Continuous-function-type Levers 408 Design of Knobs 401
Continuous-path Systems 425 Design of Lathe Bed 203
Control Loop Unit (CLU) 494 Design of Levers 403
Control Systems 386 Design of Push Buttons 401
Control Systems for Changing Speeds and Feeds 386 Design of Rams 222
Control Systems for Forming and Design of Rolling-friction Power Screws 281
Auxiliary Motions 396
Design of Rotary Levers and Star Wheels 404
Control Systems with Centralised Control 387
Design of Slideways 234
Control Systems with Individual Control 387
Design of Slideways for Stiffness 249
Couplings 48, 50
Design of Slideways for Wear Resistance 243
Crank-and-Rocker Mechanism 39
Design of Sliding-friction Power Screws 276
Cross Receptance 351
Design of Toggles 401
Cutting Process Closed-Loop System 336
Design Procedure of Machine Tool Structures 188
Cutting Process Dynamic Characteristic 356
Design Process Applied to Machine Tools 57
Cutting Speed 3, 4, 12, 13, 20, 55, 65, 66
Design recommendations for Displays 406
Cutting Speed C
Design Requirements to Spindle Units 288
D Determination of Gear Dimensions 112, 117
Data Processing Unit (DPU) 494 Determination of Shaft and Gear Dimensions 112
Decoder 431 Determination of Shaft Dimensions 112, 115
Determining Number of Teeth of Gears 108
Diagonal Stiffeners 199
Differential Indexing 159
Supports 296
Differential Mechanism 46
Design Criteria for Machine Tool Structures 167
Digital Displacement-measuring Devices 436
Design Criteria for Slideways 243
Digital Displays 406
Design for Stiffness 194
Dimensional-data Functions 448
Design for Stiffness of Spindle 301
Index 545

D Format 444 Faceplate Variators 134

Direction-control Valves 29 Feed Box 90
Direct Numerical Control 501 design of 69, 90
Direct Receptance 350 Feed Boxes with Change Gears 121
Displacement-measurement Devices 435 Feed Boxes with Gear Cone and Sliding Key 121
Display 405 Feed Boxes with Sliding Gears 121
Distributive Numerical Control 495 Feed Boxes with Tumbler Gear (Norton’s Gear) 122
DNC E Feed Box with Meander’s Mechanism 123
Drip Feeding 502 Feed-changing Mechanism of a Horizontal Milling
Drive Motion 1, 2, 3 Machine 388
Drives of NC Machine Tools 434 Feed Motion 1, 2, 3, 20, 43
Drive Surface 468 Feed Motion Drives 435
Drives Using Multiple-speed Motors 95 Feed Per Minute 4, 9, 42, 66
Drives with Flow-control Valves 127 Feed Per Revolution 4
Drives with Fluid Delivery Control 126 Feed Per Tooth 4, 9, 66, 67
Dynamic A Factors 179 Feed-rate Function 448
Dynamic Characteristic of the Cutting Process 352 Finite Hydrodynamic Bearing 320
Dynamic Characteristic of the Equivalent Fixed Block Format 443
Elastic System 340 Forced Vibration due to Perturbance of the Cutting
Process 379
Dynamic C
Forced Vibrations due to Perturbance of EES 381
Dynamic Compliance 179
Forced Vibrations of Machine Tools 378
Dynamic Coupling 343
Force Required for Shifting a Toggle 400
Dynamic Stability of EES 336
Function Codes 447
Dynamic Stiffness 178
Functions of Control Systems 386
E Functions of Guideways 233
Functions of Machine Tool Structures 167
Economic Effectiveness of Machine Tool 52
Functions of Spindle Unit 288
EIA code 428
Function Symbols on Control Panels 409
Electrical Automatic Control Systems 413
Electric Motor 20
Selection of 20 G
Electrical Stepless Regulation 130 Gearing Diagram 105, 155
Electrodynamic Exciters 350 general recommendaitions 105
Electrohydraulic Exciters 350 Gearing Diagram of Drilling Machine 151
Electromagnetic Exciters 350 Gearing Diagram of Horizontal Milling Machine 155
Equivalent Elastic System 336 Gearing Diagram of Speed Box of a Lathe with
Ergonomics 398 Mechanical Variator 143
Errors in Anti-friction Ways 272 Gearing Diagram of Speed Box of a Thread
Cutting Lathe 141
Exapt 466
Gear Transmission 35
F Generalised Model of Dynamic Cutting Force 362
General Processor 465
Facing Operation 6
546 Index

Geneva Mechanism 43 Hydrodynamic

Bearing 316
H Load Capacity of a Hydrostatic ournal 327
Hand Wheels 409 Location of Control Members 407
Hersi-Shtribek Diagram 310
Hole Combinations in ASCII Code 430
Hole Combinations in EIA Code 429 Machine Control Unit 424, 494
Horizontal Milling Machine 155 Machine Tool Design 54
Hydraulic Cylinders 28 safety and convenience of controls 56
simplicity of design 56
Hydraulic Drive 23, 24, 30
rotary 2, 3, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 29, 31, 34, 39, 60, 61 Machine Tool Drives 19
translatory 2, 19, 23, 24, 25, 28, 30, 34, 39, 40, 42, Machine Tool Formats 440
43, 60, 61 Machine Tools 1, 52
Hydraulic Preselective Control System 393
Hydraulic Stepless Regulation 125
Hydraulic Transmission 23
Hydrodynamic Force 252 Machining Centres 498
Machining Cost 68, 90
Machining Time 4, 8
multiple-pad 323 turning operation 4
multiple-recess 323, 324
facing operation 6
single-pad 323, 324
boring operation 6
Hydrostatic Slideway with a Restrictor 257
drilling operation 8
Hydrostatic Slideway without Restrictor 255
plane milling operation 10
I symmetrical face milling operation 10
asymmetrical face milling operation 11
Incremental dimensioning system 435
shaping operation 13
Indexing 162
cylindrical grinding: external traverse cut 14
Indexing For Machining of Helical Grooves 162
cylindrical grinding: internal 15
Indexing Head 157
surface grinding 17
Interpolator 432
Magic-three Code 447
Male and Female Body Dimensions 398
Man-machine System 397
Kudinov’s Dynamic Cutting Force Expression 355
Manual Control System 396
Manual Data Input 496
Manual Part Programming 440
Layout of Machine Tool 60 Many Degrees of Freedom System in Generalised
Limit Constraint Adaptive Control System 417 Coordinates 343
Limited Travel Anti-friction Guideway 268 Many Degrees of Freedom System in Normal
Linear Inductosyn 439 Coordinates 342
Linear Interpolator 433 Materials of Machine Tool Structures 170
Load and Flow C Cylindrical Pad 325 Materials of Slideways 236
Index 547

Materials of Spindles 289 Parity Check 428

Maximum Force Required for Pressing a Button 400 Part Surface 468
Maximum Sideway Pressure 246 Penetration Rate 359
Maximum Turning Force for Operating Levers 400 Perpendicular Stiffeners 199
Mechanical Automatic Control Systems 410 Phase-frequency Plot 338
Mechanical Exciters 350 Piezoelectric Exciters 350
Mechanical Stepless Regulation 134 PIV Drive 140
Mechanical Transmission 34 Plain Indexing 158
Metering-in Circuit 128, 129 Point-to-point Systems 425
Metering-out Circuit 128, 129 Polar Plot 337
Milling Machine 389 Polar Plot of the Cutting Process 357
Mirror Imaging 513 Positioning-cum-straight-cut Systems 425
Miscellaneous Functions 451 POST PROCESSOR 466
Mode Coupling 346 Power Screws 276
Model Technique in Design of Structures 224 Preloading of Anti-friction Bearings 306
Modular Thread 147, 151 Preparatory Functions 449
Moment of Inertia of Lathe Bed Section 208 Preselective Centralised Control 387
Motor Pulsing Rate 497 Preselective Control System 392
Multiple Start Threads 149 hydraulic 392
Multiple-wedge Bearings 321 mechanical 392
Pressure Valves 31
N Process Optimisation Adaptive Control Systems 417

N C Hardware 430
Programming for a Circular Arc 458
NC Systems 422
closed-loop 423 Programming for a Straight Line 457
open-loop 422 Programming Formats 443
Numerical Control 419 Program Reader 430
fundamental Concepts 419 Protecting Devices for Slideways 274
Nut-and-Screw Transmission 41 Pumps 25
Nyquist Criterion 337 constant delivery 25
radial piston 27, 28
O variable delivery pumps 25, 27, 28
Push button 408
ON-OFF-type Push Buttons 408
Open-type Anti-friction Ways 267
Optimum Location of Displays 406
Quantitative Displays 405
Optimum Spacing Between Spindle Supports 297
Quick Acting Mechanical Tightening Device 300
O Compensated Pad Bearing 259
O Restrictor 259
Overlap Factor 373
Rack-and-Pinion Transmission 42
P Ratchet-Gear Mechanism 43
Reduction of Axial Dimensions of the Speed Box 106
Parabolic Interpolators 434
548 Index

Reduction of Radial Dimensions of Speed Boxes 107 Speed Box with Broken Geometrical Progression 101
Regenerative Chatter 372 Speed Box with Overlapping Speed Steps 99
Resolver 438 Speed-changing Mechanism of a ig-boring Machine 387
Resultant Receptance 351 Speed Chart 88
Reversing Mechanism 44 Speed Function 447
Ribs and Stiffeners 186 Speed Box using a Two-speed Motor 97
rpm Values Constitute 69, 70 Spheroidal and Cone Variators with Intermediate
Arithmetic progression 69 Member 137
geometric progression 70 Spheroidal Cast Iron Slideways 238
harmonic progression 71 Spindle Ends 289
logarithmic progression 73 Stability Analysis 366
Standard Spindle Speeds 81
S Static Coupling 343
Sampling Rate 497 Static Stiffness 176
Selective Centralised Control 387 Static Stiffness with Respect to Dynamic Stability 176
Selective Control Systems 395 Static Stiffness with Respect to the Workpiece
Accuracy 176
Self-excited Vibrations 348
Steel Slideways 238
Sequence-number Function 447
Stepless Regulation 124, 125, 130, 134
Set-up Point 441
Stepped Regulation of Speed 69
Shapes of Slideways 235
Stiffener Arrangement 186
Simple Centralised Control 387
multiple lever 387 Stiffness of Aerostatic Slideways 266
single lever 387 Stiffness of Hydrostatic ournal Bearing 328
Single Degree of Freedom Elastic System 341 Structural Diagrams 82
Single-lever Control System 389 Subroutine Programming 513
Sleeve Bearings 311 Symap 467
Slider Crank Mechanism 39 Synchro Devices 439
Slideways with Hydraulic Relief 273
Slideways with Rolling Members 273 T
Sliding Bearings 310 Tab-sequential Format 444
Sliding ournal Bearings 311 Tape Format and Codes 428
Special Programming Features in CNC 512 Template-controlled Systems 412
Speed and Feed Changing Systems with Simple Thermal Equilibrium in Hydrodynamic Bearing 318
Centralised Control 387 Thick Film Bearings 310
Speed Boxes Built into the Spindle Head 118 Thin Film Bearings 310
Speed Boxes Designed as Separate Unit 119 Thread Cutting on Lathe 146
Speed Boxes with Change Gears 119 Throttles 33
Speed Boxes with Friction Clutches 120 Time Constant of Chip Formation 356
Tlusty’s Dynamic Cutting Force Expression 354
Speed Boxes with Sliding Gears 120 Tobias’ Dynamic Cutting Force Expression 358
Speed Box with a Combined Structure 102 Tool Diameter Offset 505
Index 549

Tool Length Offset 506 Unit Strength under Torsion 172

Tool Magazines 499
chain type 499 V
rotary drum type 499
Variable-block Format 444
Tool Nose Radius (TNR) Compensation 527
Variators with Axially Displaceable Cones 138
Tool Nose Vector (TNV) 528
Velocity Coupling 343
Tool Offset 459
Tool-radius Compensation 460 W
circular bend, anticlockwise 461
circular bend, clockwise 461 Ward–Leonard System 132
rectangular bend 460 Wave Cutting 364
tapered bend 461 Wave Removal 364
Tool Radius Vector Setting 512 Wave Removal over Wave Cutting 366
Tool-selection Function 447 Word-address Format 444
Torsional Rigidity of Bed with Perpendicular Work-area for an Average-size Operator 399
Stiffeners 200 Working Motions 1, 2, 3
Torsional Rigidity of a Rectangular Box-type Section 202
Torsional Rigidity of Beds with Diagonal Stiffeners 202 X
Transfer Function 339 X Modem Protocol 504
Transfer Function of EES 339 X ON/X OFF Protocols 504
Transfer Function of the Cutting Process 355, 357
Turning Centres 499 Z
Turning Moment for Switching Knobs 400 Zero Film Bearings 310
Types of Anti-friction Ways 234 Zero Point 441
Types of Slideways 233 Zero Setting in CNC Machining Centres 510
Zero Setting in CNC Turning Centres 525
U Zero System 441
Unit Stiffness 171
Unit Stiffness Values of Engineering Materials 171
Unit Strength under Bending 173 full zero shift 441
Unit Strength under Tension 171

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