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Assignment 3

Name: Hamna Tahir

Roll no.:5131

Case study questions:

Question 1: Was the training effort that Mary went through was a success or a failure?
how do you know?
Answer: The training that Mary went through want an absolute failure because it did not
provide any sort of of advantage of to the organization. Training is successful when it useful
for the organization and it has new and improved ways to to solve problem or make
decision. Though Mary has tried to implement new strategies but her efforts did not
contribute to benefit the organization due to which Mary might had gone demotivated.

Question 2: Identify all the factors that contribute to the result (either success or
Answer: Failure took place because of Nick’s behaviour and attitude, he was the person who
has objection against when implementing new strategies when Mary was about to make
change using successful strategies, he devalued the training she had and stopped her to
implement the things she had learned from training. If she might use those strategies that
would have help the organization but Nick couldn’t stand it.

Question 3: What actions can be taken before, during, and after a training program, to
increase the chances of successful training program?
Answer: Nick and Mary should have communicated before, during and after the the
training. Before the training he should identity what objectives are to be met without
discussing anything with Mary he just straight away enrolled her in the training program
though she should have known the purpose before joining training program, during the
training he could have guide her that how she could implement the learning of the training
program in her real life, after the training he could guide her what learning are suitable for
the organization and what is the right way to apply those things which she had learned in the
train program.

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